Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 22, 1878, p. 1

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j- i 1 i i i i fe k i ti jh tir 1 lbs kg to aui pcrsoa acre i crttiiiicrtlnasluin k-tvtr- itwaeccs c elshi itue tlaniicr ji t far three urtlon bttiu4 card or eiftt uactc4 ttudfir per ludum au dvcrtiiiiaenu iuaire4 la a fccle ttteoitaultuaejriireticrdcj tcrkip uaat iticrteil till- fjjblrl xiul charea tecvtilncl it a pruaitvo tti tfaiitary- bercl til rxf toiiirjjaatrrffinijunr tub cns-iti- arextttiartiacaieuu ttakrcat ucuriieiatur la v pim frr thfaardcrj iul aivctitiiac accvuus waiired tiittery xoilt of lurrlat ifirrsc ted rlt a k i mo a ec j t licbiuaors jc lroprlcior bostxbss caws if t cj ej rf vtrttijit or erjtiijj rwteriec levt wrftvin the huu- take home to take home to take home his wife hiwife his wife ft cruet stand acruet stand- i cruet stand for hcsic- lulcat every nijlf and a dic tcasip kafev to tell me iicrtdij wut oclock tlicy herd you isliitt locate truttlrlj tea ut nihtijyou ktior jjat noktis very uto mt wssco ultil about so mlny things j loidotiottkiatltlgsto tvc i the uctf hlwra hearing ir will ttybar future fito weve bmt dfjciualnp tei i tj xou will ttot iim lha puc forthahit li u vory ixir i tiiiitw uieykctjid ttvt to ciavtu our if uatl wcuuny tlaat liia lliit gat at lujstnot nave buttir tad by vvuea io oizrlltitac t wriit- voar coping i thill ilriyi uka to tear you tlxra the itc mi i ia iraai iihv dl l4tifwa vfl jis 3 i rjtiiu i ttl ti jjieae vvcs- iijn r r dttexjjeasax ccucy- lic vwrtice co ivwf mr ce f it- prfprt j aiyrostilytfciij old 101 bbcxu ip lire i hi if ihc ttormy ricilfc sliuuu ractlo vbilc yua tii the irld higt- still viut tlicm tinrcly tuts hope ind ktwrjiy liy day filttr unt no icittr witiit tltcre in authmostoria ir cilm and ia every tiuitcd wexther hold yosr hexd up ute a nzc if x lcotbcrjelioutd deceive yoa v tjiuaid att tfiitora lrt ycrcrltt iztc trtia kve voiij jug lioug itli1ihume leirt tortutiiddoafnurk fjl3rnjd jixdducjj is the better ilwo lccjiiui fur i letter divniug hold yuiir jieid up like a nia yoirnff lady hit aid not tw onuio oijisitc side n cither or brother tint tttkli to hccatiiq iiuainl- cl ilh iis iuilinj itkring oti- joyed iicmty huih ojtr heroes lioalilrrcd their iiiiiii anil proceed ed on tliuir j jutrej tliijourh cho wood to thii i scotch mock tliy iud gone iliaut njfb rtid a half wheii their ktlcntioti w agiiiu ittticted by alioare scotch- uijitt who hml observed them iu liiodiiunce rokingouc siimie heres intther ana vnintafjaouie owir o yero pv soup tlie unccro- monious rustic as eimund lliuujbt fit to tcrffi hmi in a lotttiiue nuda his tpjicinince lie tocoiexl a little surprued lit crtt but soon catue smilins forrard wheu he offered the fullowiu ekilanatiou he and his tlvo britheni all bachelor bad it aprjwred jiist finished lisgtnj and jfeneiug a large fillii in canjeouenca of which as a lictio recreation thev had cesolred to go on a great par tndge hunt thera wut onu great difficulty h6reyftr7 viz- iktuty of pordef but pes xvould haiie ninda k rery food tubstitulo buttliey to iiuure anytlifnjj like t d 31 ltaziarf ittomer tj t ttfjr luellm ia rimrry 4 ihi- nect uaia uai clurcl 8rrsitqcr4toicn i t i i prtini2l liiadsqrejcr and cjtesrjieer gdeph priori bjr laail pronir hteid to s5ettss stqos ses stae stops at gea hyxlds latsealhynbs tltgeony tbtitescalvgcnatel mr e- c r- irtiliir tnn c tuiinll- li lc c citi- fcdtru rni ti hiiunr xat kireitie rijsier lo ltaaj d la tc hitrs irt t hi vllfce fcialikviorexor- hj 3 stirs kirtli vulu uit for tl cc fi ricli and nvtijiu le kjrtiea urjutf fcit tlc bold aid luutt fellijtt- p uv fl iif hid lid iliu ipiini tiit knave evcy urtiija r altt5s do vii icct ucli aiiiii uinter wlitt imir taioa lioliour feiid uii like aiasn elan revju ited an the had o ehot too light cho preci uijfniims a ftumteffs- ad- es prp3i attcadeiit tiieir rn if nrefcrrtti tcraf mjjeit ka reiiitace f t preferred tczai bijtsvrs tor ktextio ss qem illla secercs t3ciitlttu ciillolfvttsiadkanif iijiat c utriti of no citiil- sitf fir taritksftdtr-ictttic- ai inoptr- atoatareirc uevkv otjr jt urit catie if a2tiil e solicitor uf tu tntjxad drffachtnjan els ltjzter plirtcrcr iijau e-crj- lesrlpiinoc ft ctnhvttii5 dune on raaa tatlstac ii ix the oakaiiaa tsftilderacss tho- c6unties of halton and wallinjtbabqtweaa 1820 aadl840 nr trtti stiiasdccitcas nnibi andnos e lumnd ho time is to e luit i ha is if yuitaie iuinh to gd oa the ktlaiou vjiaring ei- kjition wbicb we uio ikik mg it is n5w alinoit iikj light arid as ct have a long jutuuey tvfore its tc nust bgin our prp jwrations imuifcdiikly i will iiuikh my story axiti j we will nc weary the reader fcitha description of tictr arrange- meuts and departure it ill bo iulhciiut we prtiumei to state fie oxitt rtocaje fit ileien rr cloietotae s a t eal vrr hixliun fortutrkvelr uxeiidtvraiiiraalv- iinlritytum casilselttproir d ll- r f catloway 3 s i 5 i 9is hotel acton i knvit fltflup ia jcrc3ats trfi wttft ac lariiiture cfltncicrcial tafeuerriiladcot teennimoltiloa llltlire ant c5cirs tioox stjlllg ood atfaurehofttcrf- j i tjctk ttehstfeeetj lioaased iittotlonear farttis coaauekbfelildetn3ttti rml- laa urdflra lft at the keeeipkeks 0aie or at xar refhence ia roefcxoiif vll i pvoapuy aiieiidei to tarnnreasoaaale 1 t i fr to te ubhir0 all sa- tloxs i ivjltrical oikeds a t tiwi a u trr k fenterttaiitft flit jbklacef 2 tootlce lot nnarstni mrjt leave to an nodnmtofannerracdothei4 rnppil i- ca a nt tney rji consult thjlrovatdk-reaibs- srlerffic roe ir sti mw tafcaejrdert lor isntdocrjttoa beat in th mtrfcet sttotrrerrltorrlokle ifjlautaclar edaikliotibr jircrjjmild ialstd confectioner itviieo mario saddle ex buy your harness at the pntirria sidfienruereybh get lha worth of your poney a splendid 10 of kewcpllaes on hand i kj all parties intending to pori chasehamess shouli da soatbbce before the rual eoramences la order to6ecurea gaod eet v i e ceeeclt tin t ists j r t trac furokir ova tiirn ssfialntfree orttfv lieikt- r if yoawanta bd-lufsal- whtcm ratiiof lner y t can rnfcc giafai ait tae time tuef wiilr irrltf wjatlc iiarn yj k liavr b piino or oreai1 ia which fdrffdotfr urnrco portland jiatae flift vfthxtf v eawyanlpf05jetlr ia which kdfdotjer p opratid modfptfdaiicef ey inn- 1 lei f bfattx wmairtnnirwjniy biflofuie brtt works of iu kiod eej in- vrodacdaad ihoald be io ttj handf of ill notrequlred fe wlitattrou i2 erary pianowidorganpiayerrtitpofil per day at borne jnade by lofiluda- gi4 to nr 3rt of tbe doitetf states or irlotv- meo women boji sad rliu lbftd i fori otdr hftr to ptea wamedeverjvlereowerfcfqrdjl ktw u cnnmfarinrnifiv fiuterftt vort for us than- at n jibing- cite oapfud i tteatryvrasulaetca ne uf imnlef yaddrcataceacoaiftuilaujuuc r scheme for obviating tlid difficulty had ut length howeeer bteu sug gejtad by- 0119 of thar niiinhej- iianijd sunie his plan had bceii to sbik the piis until ley nould w bcjaiy enofigli to aiiiwcr their putpjee to their -nitutificatiah- itowlier tuey had soon dtecavered tint their soft peis did jiltta luorc lliso frighifd thj gitua against ahtch they keri directed ileuco bur j oung scotch friend faeingi two hunters itcjdiatftiibe had sup- pased tbouitoba his brotherf andj embriced tho opportunity as favoj ably for twitting sxnuie about hisi akiiip sua for muting tjibwiij his pretence thui a4 h vuuld have expressed it j killing tira dougs vi anpj slane poor snuie said tap sebtchujiu ivei got auither rfgloli 1iiiij it us bdt the filler dayiurifc b ctst lotj to se4 aha tbcumiget e i urife jtliei blict buttou felf toliitn and he broke out int luud slid grievuus iaimntaiion declaring lhat the bad luck are ell 0 bis hick ill lie able to iiy him nob fotj puttiu the cifi thechttriijair furlpoiliu the sugar i wns niufcitilaitj 6iricg 1 afcr this auiuuiy tiitervieir out hunters cobtinuedltheir jour- ues and about q oetopk reacitm the credit at a point n uktle above khit is now ite village of glei viliams itiunj ueli iuforaii i thata leg fiouiei traj tjeing raised ing and agroeahle companion hu father a u e loyaluthtl fought valiantly iliiring the ieroln- liotutry war ami the son himself hud wou distinction in die border pintail of 1812- u several days had been spentlin listening tti tales of these win iind oilier strahgn iidvpntures when 1l diicihiuntl to give our meadi a further proof d nit hunting by wldch he with little oy no election jhui weured coiisider ablei pt-ofitj- lie inforjied ithoris ihatott a ctrtalu occasion having esuccceded by tneans of 1 frapiin capturing a lurgo female wi3f he had been on i tho poitit of kijlitij her whcutha thought occurred to bim that perhaps she might be preguaut- lie accordingly im- prisoncm her forsevend months in his cuilkhcuse and atlengih on goinj out oiia nidruihg he hud the satisfaction to cud- that the wolf had rewarded bis prudence utienec by giving birth to eight or tea yoang whelns i wkli the gay- errimeat boantlwhich no receive for thesi he hadj been alio to pur chase a horse uptlatart farming on anextensivi- aid what was then considered an almost magnificent scale edmund and fiauk took leave of their itoapitsbhr dutch iriehd eith iegrct it wusnccessaryithattheyshibld procure a becit a bpwr sotro pitvh- pine aud aatrongmt taturalif an before tbey would be prtiired dear b after have lucy afdmr linff in waeii i acqaaitl kiudly power arc to whea tend ticaurl t 8100 per auijnit in adn london 0 vj jan lt 18- lrrajfand weary icarcliintt i at leiigtfi juccecdod iiinudis in aatravcf- tiio ucighbof liyod of london accidentally met a inau that was jtediwith tlicai and wlro very fjave me ill- the assistance ia his lucy is now by my side we married on llieictli ius ldf ore eirdtally ihvitcd to t vou ill tee aud hear all jiar- wlica yoa arrive jn the mcautihie a fcinan your free friend eukcsd cxstlt and now dear reader our story taslu a manner been brought toji close i and is frank afterwards tiled in esillcsiujr and ednirind near ilom a wgular con-espqn- was i ept up between hem for many years thus keeping each other ntenieuibranccoflhe night when tbfey related the- stories of their lives and the pleasantsaliuon hunt on tlie crelit forty or fifty fyears ago- i fitresp to gooi the iroposed saluion htear- ing exiiwlitiop these accoutre- ujents itbey borrowed from a ettler on tbe ctuditf vlra kindly uccom- panied thetu a whole day waff tkiut inpuilrug 10 boat ijp the nver a distance of fuur or five miles to the sifiiiou hole now saliuousvilte the curreiit wss sosttdiig that in tnanj places it was ikccessary toiilutrge into the steaui and dag the boat by band y hen they arrived at- their destin- cbat about nine oclock ajw they in tbe neighborhood thjy rtpairdd had arrived at a farm on the town lino between euuestug and trafal gar wbcr9- at that time two scotthmcu were chopping they were evidently father and son the one- being- about- thirtyyears of tge the other fifty or ti rty when piir travellers ohseryed theni tbe son was luounted on the topol a huge brushpilo which hewas ar ranging and tranjping while his father was t the distatoo of twenty or thirty yards colhcting tbciliubs of a lately felled bass wotd as the fcuutets apirbached they could dktinctly hear the young man crying hurry father gio us up the limracr and ill do the biggin ah ah said the elder but f man willie dinna ve think it would bo a gride plan to take these uncy trees out by the roots at once and ijoibe fathed wi the stamps ediund and frank however lissecl tia unnoticed leaving the sootcfiman and his son toclear- their land as they thought proper they scon arrived at u tries known as the baseline be- sidewhich they resolved to rest for it few minutes they bad been sittingibut a short time when their attention was attracted by the peculiar strut of a fashionably dressed bichelor that they saw ap preaching his funjj hit his swallowtailed coat his moleskin breeches his high stanling collar and his white yeafc with huge brass button all old that he was on important business as x live theres a genius in beivch of wjfe whispered ed- muildi j f ttliis opinion was afterwards confirmed in a laughable manner for when the dandr was within h few rods of our friends ho sudden y topped listened a few seconds hen making a gentle coortcsy badea most deliglitful and enticing good day to the top 1 of a fallen hickory which layatte opposite side of the road ihb listened thither when they arrived thcie wiaa gteatbdafuiotioi men ttey hid aiii bearer upon the tk teemiogly with all theiu force the dear noble i wornan when ibel iffrays licrjdangbttrlii her first ball dress ahoenoises tier in a doublo- proof coatpluuii igaifitt tbo world 1i10 fleshaudtlie devil wliiefh luter cans the young tnaii offashion x btiylns nni hciiibs r j i the following is the wuy they bayard eelltnmailhil ivj a nut bibwn maid is ktlrachrd he brilliant red and yelltiiv scuff il jjrl m she does not send her dove among fjhe aiics the sleepy raerchknt twa i hawks with the belief that they are jing before hwarjjs l what is f ii this rg wiorlh v j ho answers wjth trofonnd in- tijifffence s tenrealx v i- houibrc jireyoq dremug orcrazj 1 l 1 i she drops the coveted neckgear jind movea on qipireully horror doves 6f another color q no she leaches her that jroaiden purity ia no hire defence 1 against mans wjlcs she tells her that men will presumo if i women will pcrniit them and that- there can bo no true tove where there hmbgeuiiine ijespcctv and that girl rcaintkths herdighitybndcbmmands reverence 1 stncyn where more ijwclyi hut weaker j dont be nulij the scaif is women failit maj be called- 0 f worth twenty rcau but for the harsh meotuii to ppen the eyes- of 5ike of 6iriisiu alirii i offet a congdiug young creature to the t to you for half price teryy ruda rules of life thus- abruplly well yon are uot8uied- what evils- of furtlnjr hojv few the girls who in- the palrundays ofnaidenhood in unlimited flirtations with the men jof their acquaintance that ever dream of the retribationwhicid matuner years will bring as a rule men who are so egotistical that a girl canhpt favor then with more than thaj cckiiest njarks of friendship without hiring herself open 1 0 the charge of being in love what icenje theu does shd give to their cogues who consent to the stolen interviews tbe silent band pressures the sweet nothings ofj conversation whichlexpress to little and insinuate so nruch with all the other minulire of flutin and the pity is these episodes so often occur between nwi of the w aiid bat if they ire jactj why conbal them i isitnot better to jell ler they exist and fortify her against them than to let iher in slieer igiiorance wreck- hef whole life i were there more confidence he- tween mothers and daughters moraopennffis of intercourse more calliug ofvthing3 hy their right names there would bo fewer riis- takes made in the great qnestions of life but this habit bfiiluikin mysteriis where none should exist of frowningdown as wicked what is only natural of sternly silencing what shoald be sympathetically listened to and the wrong if any exists judiciously pointed out has led to the rain of many a bright girl whose greatest fault was her too- confiding and unsophisticated citare and dear girls one word jnore do not hj too fast in sho ring favor to your gent lemen friends stand well on your dignity and at the least sign of undue fimiliarity send him to th rightabout cavalierly if a man coaldthey who in subtnitting to this contapiiiialion exhiba a nature they litila dream of bear he aiceru and see the meaning kliuu afire was thinrdoieutcctssary j looks- of their supposed abtnircrs to drj thtir clothes and fit them j when with their ouif set it would for eujanug the tfxpectol 6kjrtibjost 1 ffcctiialiyeridica ady de- tiia settler uaw give them saaej sire fcr further initiation in the art iuformation and d -k- jj- n ing thehiibits tin saliuou thu methodfpf preparing and managing tbeibait the ub- stancu of which isisfollowi ouo of ibe party wasto kiepupalrgbf by attending to a ie of pilchiiitie which bad already- been lighted on an iron grating about the tirj of a- couiiiiun wxteipiili which jhiving been prepired ifor the puqiose stcid about two feet above the hjit 10 which it was brady fiied- younj girls who are ljust out j tott fjj w ei j own time tho lord of creation in this nineteiithcetitury is not so overwhelmed with- modesty thit yon need gohalfway to- meet hiili and he will prise you all thrrnn if yoii are hot tod lightly won besides it is7a most satisfactory j- thing durltijf those interesting litll will you give v v j cirauibi ani x buyer and sejler as well i the thing u wojrth thieo reals more- is siiuply rob- bery maria jose ianij alt tho family- we cannot tfade 003- er tban bellfor tiglit teiihi jshall raiso the coyer of my brains 1 go- thoii lit is eight in the ajorning slid still thou dreamesu she lays down tho scarf relink tjntlysaying i jfii i j buttho 1 outraged merqhaat snorts tcbrnfjilly eight wis my lastiword h go f sue moves away- tainking how- freli that scarf would look an th- apclio gardens anil casta oierber shoulders a parthian glanfia ftud j i six take it is uladness brftl e cannot waste my time in bargait iji botli congnitulatatheirnsetvesoti the opeiation ho wottld- has taken five uid j she would haia- given seven ilow irada would shfivr if we had windows- in our breasts r m r jjcij t ill 1 menylio have sifters of their own would speak lightly of the sisters of otherj but gentls maideir- hero is a geat cjystery xoa may not know it bat so it is the fastest social menthe men who dispar age iromferi most pitilessly who are often only too ultimata with the mut worthless of your sex are tjhe yery bneswhoj exiict snd the whole river would thus be lit j exactjthe utmost rectitude ofwilk larpcng the fcivy beam ids which were unable to move lour friends lent their assistance but all to no purpos the ponderous log remain cd as firm and immovable as lha fillers of hercules they lowered it- to theground and many lad tegtip to sptak of leaving the building in despair when eddjandj who had been iiiformwthat th incu tete chiefly iiachelofs and that a numbtr of- ypuug ladles were quilting in lha house cried but for them to wait sliniuutoiaail ho would show thenr a ytnkee way fdr oiorcornipgsuch difscultiesl 1 he said no more butijraai to the house anil immediately returned at lie head of tod or ja doiea as beautifulj rgstt cheeked smiling looking j lassies as ever handled a needlo or a handspike bii th up with one resileiiiicut bluu le- vealiug every object in the bottom from tbe silvery urllie sinalhst salmon to the crab lebble this first mentioned person i was alsoi occa- iucxily to assist a sjcond in manag ing the boat wiilo the reuutined continually on the watch spear in hand reicdy to strike- his soon as it came itue salmon was uutendd victiui as within hisreacl very shyhc said shldoui vehluring into the open stream during ilia day hundreds were speared every yearj many uiorj died from their woudds aud heyiry mueh feared that this nuwediih would soon oeasa to ba foanyljamid the sparkling waters of the icleitr and rapid iuuuing ctxidit jliey next liuucbed- their boat and were loon gliding hither and thither on te sutfica of the crystal itreani era laug a snluion was struck it pluuted and wrihed in such a uiinner that the roat wis nearly over turned tho water iwaa dyed with its blood bu despite its ut most efforts it was bocno triumph antly from the strain bjr tie btkl- wart settlr oa tiie point iof bis bank pftbe credit jjrauk thinkjj hatbed and deathdealing i spear that ediuunl iiteudedj the xhey had not desoendedbewani ladiesto lift cried sh tme as he ap1 f qore than a mile and a halt itoached wt it iwd no ericki five others had beenjstruek the young women totk up theij captured inaiaimiurtnanncr positijn within three or four rodlj so that altbough scarcely iialfway of the building ob on eminence home they had succeedwl in mak ing- what was considered jai wi w in thing her iafher bile edaiuud pat iis shoulder to ihe log aiid desfred seme married man to step ojit and siieat clearly and distinctly tho nsnie of the first baciieiortbathej observed neglect ing his duty or hotlifting with ail his energy and ability the result was almost riiiraculoos the dog was soon in its place others ful- lowed ipraiid sacbession the building was soai uiihedaud that top without thb jman on- thp watch being under lh necessity of trtentionjntni single jname ed mund whs qverwbeiinod wilhsp- plause and constituted the hero of the day and t think we might soy of the iiiglitjfordnriiigtbe amuse tuents which follbwel the yoiiti ladies yiefe j with i ciick other r endeavoriugti attiaot his atteti lion j 1 as ho and fraujtt- were tdp a rhile as if expecting an answer nd then passed on muttering some- u to himself rihont asking sleepy to attempt a salpionhunttho m bachelor in tinned hii iiwavo of lit mnnd and frank tho longlegged beajch oi ti wife con- ijonjney without being eir phcseacd the poof di next night they accepted itho invjl- tation jof 1 a xlevprlo iking younig dutcbnjao who invj ed theb ijo spend a dnybr two at his lonff hu prsycd to bo both j tin intcrctf- i nights spcariug ithey were all in high gpirita whjeht suddenly the boat was overturned the light jcx- tinguished and every hope of heing able to continieltha sport destroy ed they accordingly retortied to lha settlers shdhlf where thoy en joyed a comfortable sleep a hearty breakfjistand the converealiba of a free und easy ijjiupanioii until they wevavijady to taia their de parture i 1 according to a previous agree- menteiihntid and frank separat- the formed prbceeditig through tho new settlement westward in search of hia lucy and the latter resuiiiibg his hunting in nassaga- eya there waaa mutual imdcit slandiiig however between these friends that a correspondeqce was to be kept up between tuciiifor the last wordsthatlfrank utjtertd- as they jiuited were bo mindfiilij edmund of youv prondso and write as robn nt ppssihle tid j tlfilju edmund did write iind the follow- ti in is a conyof hi grat epistle ni cbnversationfrooi their wives- sete and daughters ctesars who toast be abjve suspiciua ahu 4 shpull every other marts wife happy is she who at the altar re ceive her husbands first kiss from thejoddovec who ever embraced herd bill too often the marriage vbws are f spoken by lips whose tirgi 1 blobui has long cinca been btiisl ed away by tho moustache of thujworldllog aqd it is a question which might be agitated with benefit to the rising generation whether there has not much evil j ariaefi from the hibit of kissinjr hownfteithrts the dratna which couiqienced with the huaiid seal of sbft affection ended in a ruined tifejind it shameful gravel judas fcisstk truly i were this custom stampedbu thcro would ba fewer broken hearts and soiled reputa- ioni i i msthershaveagreatresfionsibility in this matter greater than many of tuera assume their daughters oomij home frciri sahooi with hads crauimed with all the mbbiih fvhidhjnity or a hhndred girls cjin interchange with each other and tha 1 ritshy tomancos they have fread sucr iptitiouslv hudet cover of ome text boik ihicir deluded jeaclier pupi clei them to ba diligently jstiicying they are buretng to bo tintducea to make their first jeapi litest and enter that fairyland we gbs itndi prbtesliitioiia of moon- jlight rauiblis and iromantic eitua jlions jof tebiler looks and all the j fijcjlafaddto oc sedsational lileril- turi j andjwhst do the mothers ofjj tljeso kuiscuided craaturesll eijhlien bnt of every twebtjy indie ayes and hands in holy horrdt iff i y chance their girl drop woijd jn their hearing of their liuia pet caidoes tiieir own youth is so ar back thay cannot recall it aad the idea of liny well brongjit ui girl liirting pr making freedoin with ypung inenl suamiful 1 says thaninta brisling all qer with ptiilanical djstity r let mi hiar yoa mention tho like agiini and hey never dp iiut a th8ba300tli mischief goes on 1 or jthey- argue ft mararaa jid jiiittho sanita when she seas a ty ditcuous iegaytfrf fllin pretty sixteen pouts jpi called family broils to be nd hauhlsjcf tliej and j blushes at this informiuon j tq inform yocrbetfer half thtil land piys that she does not believe jy never jfould have married him badhe not given you to pejee of our life till yon did it is beiter ti bo the piudest of the yes better never to have had an offerof marriage but from tho man you marryithan bs the girl witii the nineteenth teaux on the look- put for the twentieth andjiave your name lightly spoken of by men how- oiany wires re tain- bled to the very dast with fshama at the reiieuibrsnce of dormer entanglements and niorh than adf that their ijhusbjtnds have been cognizant of theni 1 wbat would they hot girt for power to undo the past t hpw meagre aftee marriage seem f the doubtful de lights of fliriation to tho discomfit- uraof the present when soma for mer conceited lover tries to recill by impressment of iook and ninner their foili intimacy under tliir very eyes of the husband j keep voni chariua of mind imp person pure and fresh for the happy man j who is to call you wife and you- wiil tctike nobler wlomen and better molheiii tiie1 improveuient may in time even eixtehd to tliomeir themspivef- and- heavier knows there is need u i j puttuisand that totjetliep old dr favi bnllj nil- fepweo- paliah elefgyman ofj chester r eiglit years inengjindtha the nineteerith mother jsssherm assunniig hifge pond who died six pi ago used b tell of a man anl his wife jdaia peoplebearing the uneiphbdioas surname pt frog and a ho cime b hiia ond suuday jiuprn just j at ehrchtime to have their lchild- baptized without any preliminary obaerva- tiors they wera i called inp- tothc front at the enjd of tho second lesion- j name this child- f said ho doctor i we name it after you sir whispered the woman as sho handj ed lhnbahj t oh lnt whispered the doc tor back yon named he last ono levi as i now remember well w she in a hurry call this after your tother naaib aud so the doctor di j and ohristcneuyithe baby by the name ofbiill after tho parents got hbmej aj the exiitfaneut of the- day had somewhat passed off they begun 6 reckbn it ll np and thejr saw for be fifst iinie tl1a5it had struck their attentiphthal theii youngetjj ailing wis bound to go jthitjiiglr ifo wit liebe cognonietof bull froyiil lifcle bjisiness eranloa taancll- tho council met at the jcentro inn on tbo 2th inst all the members present the reeve in the chair j i a bylaw to assess the several bchool sections- in tile sumajreqair- ed by thefr trustees ras intrbdnced hud pased- alter the usual number i of readiugs m i the fouowiraccouittjferravlj- ipr the improvements of tbe roadi were ordere4 to be piid iwnil hortop sls thsniasilbort 3sf wilham forsyth 2 janies chaoibeis 75 cents john john son 5io hj beters 53ss and james mutrii for damage dono to his crops in removing gravel 150 j l innes i davidsons printing accjunt li23 and acton bur- rows cos printing account g50 were ordered iobo4aid- j a by law tolossesttha township twoftiifl on the ilollar fbif- tie mumcipsrtjexpensei for 1878 waa pissed after tho usual number sf reuilihgs tha ererk was ipstnictod to notify the collector to be teady wiih his bond at the nbxt icebtittg of the cjuncil 1 twenty dolliri- wore grihted tij lbs erumosi riilj aakosiatioh tat prizes at tiieir nbxt shocjtiugniatoh a petition fromthe giefpl high school b lard wusread but cot granted 4 fiuecntiolutijtero ordwil ta bo paid to atthibalj siuilu dor building a culvbrt at tyl 20 cb 2 tfie clerk wjasili reefed to notify thoejiairiiau of comaiissionorsof the erin and emmbsa gfiyelled road to perfjrm ihuirpart ut tha award uudbby tjio fenteoviewers respetinga ditch to he ditgnil a culvert to enlarged in trbut of ahptel oa tha said 14 h 1 michael llypna road ou motioitt ughters anifnot only listens to jbarratiras blu encbuvage f relating snnilry of her own juj ilib was a hi il- the- fweatieth ikdt telle j therpare j 1 30 makers j a trtilllcjeti ppundsiarej invested ip tup busiiu nnvl aixtj ahousand liicyclea hrd inj rxisteneo in london and the p-ov- inoea i if tlieflotincil ihljonta- fcd to mot again awtliffcehtrbjlna bnmoaday tie33id dayofljp- tember next t j a d jvixqxrpqerk tlie caniidian wheat cropis tirr r ually large- anj has faliv verifltxi all prtdictiont jthet fields hro not ly jpactfe m confined to amy jpartfeular lootlyj of ontario but frona all parts 0 iiao returns that bj to pnvethat thb afopof 1878 will bo tha dargest ever raised fa cldada is estkt maied that 23 bushels pet aoretvill bolrjeavernittdr higher lajfj hat fever bbea utfciiaflj in tho i uniteit- states ibsigreav whessj crowing districl a of tho weaerd status hdve no r gone jaboyp boihela tb tho a re taking thorn aaj a whole tho fartujatyiueys fw- jsiin francisco 1 nd san bignta inl qaiifurnia hav never prilijcil morathau 23 huahels macf what mith its wheat fsi igrjii- risngfid its aita eirportirtjbn ib autlfc oatiftt irs-biflt-itf- il makkaaiimeiii fcw i jii m m

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