tfqr t vttjoitaw it ja hr fipress ont pqtoberlo inc wiba cr dedsteins km- a t untu u madev and tuto collect that wt amount etlct the pipuuuceo from llm irantjicrtonitho take paper lf tilnrly broi post office uihrj diretld in ala wsaie or i n 1 1 t et whet ierhe ha uh cnited ot not ii responsible for pat bwnlt j 2 if praoo- prdert hit rnwr disco tmuej he mart pay 0l arrears f orlruwisber aj linubtqinfijfllietoughnoaoctliacoursa collect rcfttie effseqrnqt j t5 courts ban deckled that ij perchance at liia lnving penodteii from ibe f pt office i h v i k a rrcmorintandlearfci them ut- will be fefc uotiirucd no nrori un- twl foty tr ruii ica evidence o inienlmallfraad ml txiiirtmh lost the web u sim- 1 parliament is sumiuonod to meet jly wiv s ou the 31st kovewtkv but the inferior to hahkur no doubt the american papers will be ctoaking apeut llie pooc fate which cuujrl- nc bad te put tip with at lachine of the discomfort of ills surround jrind of his lack it training they tuny oven luul darkly at the fassiiiliiyif bis saving tea diug rphe attojx ee press jtluhcdevtr r r 1 for aijiii thartday jtaralajr in advance golitfcoess vlber- i toore emioe r rcsst iv jxtosltrsav oct lp is8 a gaxl for oeiip r v n t e sad plight and erribla- eon- e tion it tw jinliabfarais- fever tltitkenj localities bl of the ini tie ccth jailcuici forth thit hcart- fu svirpby nd cliristiaiffeeling o manv ii thisdominios hid ciciduma uot reapondedj to the raiar orgeat ottts for vouij hire shorn oar tutarct the uitilti vtiiek oar brethrca in the sooth rt figliog f te siiid will leid icrkaexcusa far gourinefs dufwl but lt these ill w i ukea of cuoadisnt for buthier tnr wottli it it wkli tnown aov tlurt the stories which etc cireatted concerning tu bid eiterit uiit 6omjtacr wasreceir- tag at lachine daring his training were malicious lies jwuiiih o one regretted more than himlfr he freoueuhj- assarod the- coainritee of kknagement that he uu eomfottable as losaiblc ind had nothing tbwish for with regard tathe rcjicrt that his- been in cil- iatlatiott since thnrsday wfternooa that cjhftuey sold the race no one at all aeqiiainted with the great scalier woaid thiakof mating such a statiment daring hii long ck- perienco of soma urclre je4rk hra character has bean wilhdai a sha dow of suspicion and hii friends irtoejp tfiejntere lw think his chances of it selfishnesf sncces ar rood will back him tot itogetherforcicalto our j doiur ttf w n v t i j duabt uipn that the rietarj ri won fairlf and honestly after a h ljji l taaieti siierint i harding t jv j decjad to fee the finest aquatic ptocltfflation does nstsar ff the despatch of business it it thought however- that tlio sessicn will b calioi before the ciiiialuitfi holi days vril have been issued for tho elilii of ineiubcra of the lvcal giahuaw forf his couutios of sdullk 8imcol jsttjia nd eaexj vaoausiea having been crcst- cd by messrs micdougxll ifodgius and pufenbtt bewuing candida tes for the coumuons the uomia- ations ni polling wiu pwuuy take place on the saaae owy estaeslnff fait show- l lwpyrr b l rbld d bmokt j 1 ywr ojabtkluf 6rqlly ijbliick ait aiftin j bjuitig colt a i detonini r winlow j -catrlje- j tiioiiocaubaed cow j shiisoy j blnhey tlitw year old- qcvv wilson jbbeneyjmuirr- i two year old hciftr i j 8 besaey j v year old heifer jearloyljroha- miller j iidrber jt heifer oilf i 8 bemiy i burbor bull i milkr two year olii bull j earfey h hushiaa v year old bull tv vjjion w wrigglesworlh dr mcuullougb i bui calf jearley w wilsbn bujnyago v avilsoo every a iy elk pumr how icerd- lessr thit deathly coarge the vebw fever is- gxiniog gronad anl the cry every day become i i b heiijt radin- ma who are sari in the social or political i r peers in e i oteii irhi were l flf ttc riofteetonuftef a uiort bat ftid sirnggle succumbed to th d royeri oetors hiire been s ula dowa whileat thetc leroi aid noble work f so- hate ministers wh je comfortiagandadmiaiatertng lnj to the tpirifaal wanlsol mem- ben of their orpjid other de- tjnaattoni jqaraalistg- whilaat so it ntfo5ttt pii y poiii kjlsirriiif artpeajsta jifeand li cbuatrynienin kbrth telegraph djieratori vhile at ou r lastramenlswdrkang aie world itiose who f r eaoped in jlha feverstricken ing in3 kittling railage orfci rithlhe havssb if i i- cts are foi lo rly aader ejrerydisad ai j tlfejiiaenii still remains en is ejected jitorsis and volanteers m large nuiteas grrxveujoa the mwics at murtfcls framothr parts of he union and hse ao time in f l l tlt reajlttng aaartance which can caly ly giyeii at tha greatest ritt suilthljcrj a cot more- f sl iji t l te cannfieadinnsa pai we car ranier very auhiianitalj ad fa another wafc ind at a rery itittte saennce tse citiriaji of j acton have alvafklm time rftroabl- shon themsejtet to be hosptuble and we weald sir let- tni jiot now be velimhand in giving their xii e lo tirds the rsiief of the few inffereiti jmjitjioyhrther- bv paraf tahacrptton or other wue urufoipeopleandfirniers isv the vicinity should willingly j c ocu fi twain and assist in making np a good sam jtaghtusring tom have i mored in the knaiter and donbtle a derive a great cteal of aa liasrf therefrpnt who will stirt a i4bcrfptioa lisf get up some entertainment or initiate some u her schema ia raise goodly sum jal swell- the iunoaint that haa been bentifrom canada levery ofiering will do some good however j iile and aljs1njaw4eat this in- mind whoa callpdjppn v f i i -i- l thi boat race i i the resdf of tha great boa trace fat irtchinaontffursday afternoon j a ndoubtehty- places hahlanj wth- i out a peer ai sculler off this- con- i i i itihent andivery probably inj the j tvcrld the cfestcwasa fiifai o- th two- j courtney jpi j racseuch a men on this j hotjiri ability ilied a magnificent c is as kt other osr t i3e of the atlantic eipfr htaliij could have held his own against jperfect ooodii ipirits not- jrpai start lp both man were in i oa jand excellent a i accijent occurred bpish and therea- contest he ever witnessed as to how the vjctcry wilt be received itt this country there is no doubt ij will cause a jubtlation its every part- of the domiiiionlj pebjjle somehow came to regard hitntui as supporting in some i way the honor of his country and if he hadbeea defeated theywpuldhave looked at it almost in tie light of a national calamity so great woa thycoasdence placed in kanknby his torontij friends that same of them actually staked their whole forfunes at fearful odds on the re sult on wednesday ereningsome of them were giving mob odds as arcc fcur and evea five to one on their favorite such rashj and fool ish- odds as these lie inexcusable and the toronto men would have richly deserved ithaothanlan been defeated and the enormoa sums they jhad put up had passed into otherhiada now thatlhe cham- piodidtip f the continent is decided it if likely that haalan will be taken to england to row with the great iioorsmen therefor the cham pionship of the world j the euesing fall show wis held tt georgetown on friday jast and was a success in every way the peop vera wh aaliaiied with the show and the exhibits went a long way to keep up the reputation ot the township tliera wai a target attendance thou hits been the case for sornb ysra while the eihibits were slightly oa the in crease in horses and cattle the exhibit was rery good audtlie different classes were well represen ted alex brown and paul ken nedy brought home serenl prizes for cattle and alex and win itfaldta had a urge 6hare of pones for sheep ambogst tha exhibits in agriculturtl jlmplemeala we noticed that the acton plow kept up its usual gobcitepatation it had a red ticket fastened to it xrr if king of gecrgrtown showed a gang plow manufactur ed by himself aad furtiiihed with r j a chliled mould board this plow was also furnished with two levers each working separately and running dinercat wheehj j lie also exhibited several very neat iroa fence patterns a itood turn ing lathe and a firo proof safe apother article of his iraaufactdre editorial sotes rfjnlan was entertaiaedj in otta wa on ifoeuay evening by the ottawa rowing clah i 1 t at the general cbnferenes of the iejhodist cbuxch of cuuda ia montreal thi amendmentlfor the resppoiatmeat of the hrmnbook committee was adapted ihe co m mitteej therefore is reacipoiated and the new byimbok is to be pabhshed in two years- tterairt erope of both engtand andlfrance are below the ayersge and thegraindistncis of the biack sea are still unsettled bwsr facta which go to explaii the re markabf foreign demand for anjerican cereals aad affjrd misa of its continuince a it is rumored in seme well in formed circles that should hon w hcdongall belakenin ati mein- berf the government- whictmuat sooa be f oisaed arid ihushava to appealjagain to his halton cpnsti tuenta he frill be opposed by mr yoanj late aiember for south waterloo j j lv- etcellecey the governo r general will sail from qaebec either on the 12th r or i9th ofoctober fhe iocat address of the citizens of qaebec- will be the last of the ifcind extended to his excelfericy before his departure t it will lie presented in a public manner on the esplanade friday ereaiag ltd oc i8lh of october after the laying of the cornet stone of the dufferin improremeufa and inlmediafely before hoieinbarlor on board the steamship whiehvcqn teys hint on the following morn ing froiaoutshores thagdver- nov general will ba escorted to the harf from- he esplanade by a torchlight procession i sjudk cjirtte- i- cow givtug qiilk i wrigjjlesr worfh j besaty j biirber i- three year old cow a brown w wriggua worth two year old heifer a stark t maltby j i year old heifer j erloy c p prcsloii heifercalfjjsbesieyj hai-d- lag i- yoke working oxen j harding w wriggleawgrth fac beasty j hardy p ecnnedy sheep letoesxek i ram a waldie ram ilimb w wilson w waldie twq ewes w wrijsjcsworth wwaldie shearling ewes w waldie a waldie ewe umba w waldie sheep spctrx doitss ram s mason shearling ram w wilson tf ilason i rim uwh w- wilson 8 mason- i i ewes w wilson a stork shearling ewes s mon y wilson ewe lambs s mason wwil- son fat sheep w wilson j eiiley ram a waldie sheep coxb wool 8hearling ran w wilson a stark which attnctedconaderableatteu r umbt vy w w tion was a small engine rated at waldie v ewes a waldie w wilson sheatling eva w wilson a in igia iictoe j e mcgirriajoxtiggist acton half a horse power this engine wata perfect working model of the folia wing dimensions it has a tjfo2 inch slrokp and rua 1000 revolutions per mihata is furnish- with aniadjuatnhle governor which perfectly controls the engine the engine has been used for running isewing machines and scroti siwe mr kings manufactory is in georgetown and heis prepared to fill all orders scat hint on the shortest notice mr a ridiel of georgetown shbwt a double act ing force pump nhich throwsa stream a distance of about co feeti this pump eaa alii bj uisd foe a well of cistern j a- eollectiort of knives for wood working machin ery also holds a place among hht exhibit mr jas rrder of acton shows a number of ifaggons aad buggies which bear a number of first and sewn6vpriica mr c if hill occupied a tirjre space in the drill shed with a collection of photographi a red ticket had a prominent place p kelly show- ed some very good crayon and pen cil drawings he war awarded first prize for penmanship alex gordon had several exhibits nnd tock a number of prizes mr if if roe of georgetown had a grey hound on exhibiion which attract ed considerable attentfon mr beardmorejof the acton tannery alto has firstpriza for sole leather horses heavy draught wuijlesiiewm lambs w wilson a wrigglesworthi two year old gelding or filly s aeejav j f v year old gelding or filly jwm brown jamej brown spiirig colt geo wrijglei- worth i general- parpose horse jaj brownridgn a kelson j hardy brood mare a kelson it elliottl year old entire colt j etrly a cook f two year old gelding or filly w howden d campbell year old geldiig or filly r stewart bmrmaater spring colt wm brown p kixon boxnstebs carriaga horses im howson a fc taitkin dbrooks sirigla carriage horso jt mc- intbsn a derevaux- hack horse wmccallongh a dcersux sadjuhqrievhi a reid ju hume 8 mason btood mare- wra brown a deverauxj s frazfr v stark ee waldie v pigs crsattbtteep boarh huffman i pigs bjtall bllced boar e kixon j cli k boar under one year j clatfc siwdb jlckir sow under one year e kixon a keilion j poultry dorkings b hill brahraasdhili chickens dt mccullough d hill i cochins j ciark spanish b kill w5 mcleyd chickens b hill d hill geese ui hewsoac swack- hammer tarkeys s mason d b mc- kair rowan ducks j k t hewson bhiii ayleshary pucks t hew son common ducks f k t hewson c swackbammer graik deihl wheat yeomen seneca- wheat r anthony j kichol j h kixoa f treadwell wheat j h kixbn wrydar other winter wheat j marshall spring wheat a brown g swaekhammer r a wilson peas w wilwn w soyifer white oats a waldie q swack hammer black oat h reid w sayder barler j kickell r stewart b5aisdbjmckair indian corn r stewart r a homo made mrtino a qprdon d ofoss j i hop ycaet bread aemo mdo a aordoae bessy salt yoatt bread a gordon a noilon honey in ootni w fuser j b ueay j hops d cross bairlv home made cieese ool less than 131u astark i fitai butter alfred uook r oriihaiii r a reid s mason fnitiii hatter r graham w a stark e ktiilspn domestic makufactures i implements harness i leather ic ia team harntr j i t hewson carriage harueas i ii i hew- on- bingle harness j i t hewson meoi sewed boots w austin upper leather d cross jsole leather qlbardmore d 0ross pj i flannel a keilson whieflauriel a gordon fiictbry diade blankets howton i sjlis i j two horse caritfgjr holmes open buggy cnlp mckenxio rydjr t j market waggon j ryder cutp k mckiiizie iron plough c south other ploigh a grieve hiitow culiivatar a uriare cultivator j mcktntie iron harraw d mckinnoo gang plougs r w king ladies work pichwork quilt mri mekair alex gordon fuucy work quiits mason mmmcnair fancy wool work on canvass mrs la iwd mia dr frecruin km broidery on muslm mrs t j wheeler misa reidr finibroidery on cotton miss k hafjikmiss rciv bibroidery on silk mradr surr j ornamental nsedlework m reid mrs a a oidd ciotchet work mra mekair drsurr fancy knitting j minn miss reid braiding s mason mrs mckair tutting miss mccoll- point ace s maaoa k 4 j lind say lice work mis ketd houitou lace s mason dr free man 1 woolen stockings d crosi a kcil ion twbllen socks mrs mekair a cook darnfil socks a ciok j kichol woaleu mitts mrs mekair a wuilace rosa has iaanedja ahau lange to k gy twotben in tew brunswick st join nli city andco inly council intend jinviting the ooyernoroeneral and wife to that own and county on their froja hilifax toiottrwa i the bishop of ottawa will sljort ff tibii soael a pssloral loiter to that effect was readin man cathqlio cburcheaof tbo op the 22nd ult- he will irjjrnh ly be ubsent till imatclj v the wandering band of chairen nesinloe vvoatern statin are oin mil ting dresdfu depredations a r- d crosi g r0ot3 vegetables fruits potatoes r a reid- early potatoea dr mccullough earemhard carrota eli sayder field carroteva wilsoa t blacfcr swede turnipf j hardy a waldie- other turnips awordcn d b mekair i beetsj z hardy h cule oniani i matllbews dr i mc cullough r mangold t blajk j h kixqr cabbage l rose lhartwell celery hreidpfreemsn cauliflowers leartwell pumpkins a deveraux l harw well i j totnaipos w snyder r a reid collection of apples w wilson a keihion 3b besaey j i fall apples d- brooks a keil- son winter apples t alack creei- man bros black grapes atfeilson i pears s phihhj i i mixed pickles miss cross db mekair f i lidison sjfa cushiop j hume j sbea sey fike arts i painting in rbe miia iwd pencil drawing water colore mtss t j besiey miss miss reid j tha border settlements and aa ohg the cattle ipcavwho are driing their caltleioiistwird it is fered bat some of the sioux arb moi iag loimitfl withtlia chayahnes i8t8 q8w isit ong v im x the i editor bf tbje oenirdl cana dan urletorplaow baa been 040 ed by i be headl teacher of the h because tbeteaoher did hot ata an aclo which appear school apprcoi ed in tbo columns qf tbo oancufian thbiabkbecsdh for dlroular all -of- witciheis tiiat rtjrp jompettltl the under ilgojad in- lenojerfnjr thariksto faia nunnrous ciitomera a deiirous bf iriformldg tbtm a wllitbe j5nr pobhojf fi- la prepared tb ekecnt ab ordertv jwhawr beaoyatin nf ij kinds i in a pttrmpt mech gatieflaetaw mnr th8mosfc setd or market nst aire to- berobtaindcm eepairilta- particular atention b paid lo- ihlsuranch the busineat oot0ist i tt si3dlejtutivi and all kindiof fuderarlfamiah- inga supplim on the pbon oulice i acton ocl j i nig tbroiif yt t nlzk bait o ty l waste lend undfrj ucu lainafa eijy it known r m i he a nrtn mttsh5cie carefully t jninit inotfouij ty lorki ctiuatv m jnconildrtuhvedtr tiiotxabuf 14 toon as i titu i pftant paloterraosxle l it jaiapfdirataotlws i irneiratm to ih terjroiw m llie- areulillcn orrrtliurt hheinmallepof fn dreuutfce wt tud arod atli it reai the iitm m ugi ttio uaimal outltu reid giryon drawing bessev pholographsfc w hill table bouquet miss cross hiss freeman i hand bouquet chu roe t whittater collection greenhouse plants if ifhde specimen of penmanship by pupils of public schools p kelly i kiscellakeous hoxottarr s3wstamsjw if roe gamochickens if ifrle greyhound if if roe school board the school board met in the school house monday evening ilessrs storey 8 moorj hender son and lsby were present last meetings minutes were read and confirmed itha finance committee present ed its report and recommeuded the paymealoi the following accounts 1 rossi months salary 1583 miss mckellar quarters salary 7500 misa jloore quarters sal ary 6875 thos moore repairs 75 and mrs hughesj caretaker 1875 tlte whole amounting to 8308 the committee also submitted ti estimite of monys required foil sebool purpbeea for the current year andtecommend that thevil- lagclcoaninl be requested to provide thesumiof 1500 for that pnrpos moved by d henderson second ed by j liiabythat he report of the finance committee be adopted csrried moved by d henderson 6ecord- ed by djlaaby that lhe present teachers misses mckellar and jfoore be reengaged for the ensu ing year aa teachers of the aecond aad third departments respectively at the iame salariea ai has been paid them the current year car ried i f the bdari tben adjourned to moat again at the call of the chairman i i hke ladies and qemtlumen i am this year zhioiting my j votk t3ia diffimt ifali 1 ciiity tod slicitn lyouriispecioa sbitarvivrieoeifei- ir r 8ortio sb jouafewflt prize j wherever ilhave exhibited iaiabetibrpisilao jjemcgarvifl acton j e mcgaryia draggtat acfon tended ija new jptlst church wag dedi cated ii gait on sunday lost toronto population aceordtng to the census taken by the assess ors is 70867 montreal was crowded with pick pockets during the j excitement prior to the jhasilancoiirtney boat raceand a argb number of people have returned home wiser and with lighter dockets than the in- ever toigiv the piblic satisfaction in mr l i have 7 new aai beau tifuli scenery v and have one oi the best set of iiistfeiaeats i tn tie country ij haying alayb on h md a iirge askortmfint of thelatest desiigna in nouldirig8 soliciting- a caju w ehtire ic work ot01sri03nft msmuasmk mprsss xeuffipi i r aipr5ss nrx t ii 1stxb or gtrauii 1kb ildidt bil fat fc wocvb it cirti tflrtamalhm aod kvx dkj all pain idttanti la jui au la tiluacj blfln kllcumallaoi p-tvjntel- tiiip 1 1flntuhui u- bbru- cmi krut fiu iu ilf 1x1diq back ltn lu cheat inn in tloal r ouujba cftusflwtbuf hjullalnn uiarrutnl ujkciltrf jflidi uc i j u 1h care th ml ratilr lii jt yy itoctof ding fdesvj ttiori tjud iia glvo it athait tnsntejtses u tmu ind rrll vcrlaln the stl iito lal with ill acuues u own f lola aetibai it k imjv- uod- bonalex4 pleiotta tkr given lustmt w aiki tsiu ueapijlw h wider luqe-ol- iimfseiutvcryil lift- itasrvi jlitxtalliiij lncuiuou wlileh 1 wli r i nr it viiti j- ettr iouerovt uio uiy pto i nat rhou7 nu31xithu 14- iscrjoal urytaiie w0 tasu01114 ti ixa iti it tiie luvei4durit comvl cultal llie jlbce in toronto uijduyoi ihe week wijilje pmcticalprv free ol charge i l its mugjcaj jwer rialn in one aypllca- testimoniala from all parts of the dominion are cons tan ut comine to hiijd giving express sion o the mbat graieful gnti- iude for aatbniahing cures which 1 ivhas peiforrned and we would be pleased to receive testimoni als from all others who uie i i snoeeiofully j tttatciaulollheliigtienre spectability recommend it as a most ffeclul tripmfsticrem- edj paih mlitf or pain us fces otrtidden rttaetgefecyh v oirry it p your homes ahil it j will prove a blcssinj w jojofj familieddffl frie 1 drufjislaara eeliibgtdortnoua quanrfties of it wherever intro duced f tesiinettgethtworlduoiis dorilg pqaal price 85 cents per battle thetradeauppued through tb wholesale drug and patent medicine bouses of montreal toronto hamilton and xondoi solo btall exteep81s1s0 driju 1 oists v see act seven forsala at gaelpl jgnelplj ynn exn edl39 aad a 1 dot hfe stories i ahoet other it will weeu a m come one come all i ncm ia the time to invest in oloth- int and- r ge if of heoenx hall ts thei6e to getiit i am otov abbiing first claal v lmnof i ti advt m i ij alio anloe lotjofc v- ftfhich vrefevbought for6ashl inisebapiea me tip sell chieafjer than any other ttquse ini the i caljaiidsee forjjrour s adams acton aug 261818 v md- t