Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 24, 1878, p. 3

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ship l customer ring them as ibfcc thai be ik ill srdr and leumer yioaoles fcc teaming m- are to cm him kihg ha is piid t finess tins nu eral ftrtush shortest ivwicittexd vdlekxtcs spefsht ieliep i pi wi ti vwtisu trains leave aclolcssic cotsca vrit night kspress toronto mail r i hay express i- i express gait mixed aetata list sight exprcst oalt mixed dy kapnas western tnail london tulxed i p fr the free iut vive tlble lullk cl05ec joint weal sts a ra oue eaisl pul roaia uia m kwuchhuu mill kfcoa 4b on tuesdays wudflldsj i recwered tellers nasi e mailed 15 nslnolex fcetfirc c olac uwej lows i l03m b10int ttoppi sxpav i pm i mi n-m- ill30am j 51 run 8s0p cliriilio henderson coy sell cheap tid yoa borrow in untbrolli jrortcrdtyt j auauiantifitat j e sic garvins drug store sweet cider fac sale it orrt futohum warehouse j amtd cri for mio acllie fiuce pifss o cheap 4tuinijaiinp of mince ptas wilt icott bo ready fur harvesting rsascnptioas weeired t this i i office tor any o lis literary papert halt tor to- i- sficnt and tnie by may agues flcaiing cue saje at this office 25 cents y yrtua twileubuu e2 uui oa tuet- dys ol frcdxy j scrri itbthe mxlhadistj church etcr ita3jonifto rev k icmbus orstoc ai tad xr- mniriitj 1 f f ii i i tir it j rjhliriite nil rvvp the i 12 1 lomxt rcljj 1 im tnptrlsof pira4i exjres- jgftfnl prsti us cares whis j re tfeifinnni- tiis i use it rnud t as a ec rtm- ltot bvi ia tgergtgyf jlqcal matterst itifc rir- xatti eittgk gvien pk feurtf fr rtr 47 furcu foe w trrf a fwffj ol f lt wr rtj ktcvicvfrisfanrtrfji tfabc8tvulu8 in the market oltrutib kcidcioa coc uiuceyt at tha moeling of tho vulaga coancil ciio putbct r appointed ai couwlor tor 1s7s six biirsof gosxi sor for 25 nt cr tweutjryo bar fortoo at the tit oteco slow dameromor says that a kaovra badiclari of erin has lately coaicuued mitriiaon tho free pkess will be givao to new eubsccibers from now till the ut of jdiioar- 1881 for 8105 jtanuci mantk mcatl hive yoa cnniiac ciirixtie uendcr- i r r ui nih ion t tot slantlcs chcapi nektand wif lauwrt lota lulkf jy i r jkijf and sptctirt rrpalrel at arm tswinging oa tha fate ia abof t j plarcdaat andjaotthcreiaanincrc stajionerjat alcuarvtns jtmaod for coal wood and parlor tfctgtllxtneit loots well- i itove i p j j l did tou ever notice that vrbea iiaov ie expected ia a few m flat shootng lnd gtu the tes i dxsj phristis henderson 4 tell ciip l- i c florai gtrds cheap at free ezessccd jj jiwlor d these rcellair irith ncti i- t i j i au of rnbsrtsoaa pauist- tionsiforsile at tlii oec tui pleasure of iltllorecn ui iit pkttrred by the yftaosiert 3ue ciistjias been fcejit yell doara ty the constant talis of utoi the ffce press- affiea prints tlie ccatest andbet attctwu bilic i- old itcirires of xll kinds copied ml fnrged bie ai cj w i hi fa tharjfeving dsy is apprdacli- ing and tin tnrfceyt a nrsling things ail dje stu6k eou at v e dogirvini 1ri5 stotetire rarritcd lw uakcpjl alt hie hisoufsr faita is cverj nag to- your j i ai-ftiecar- iiidg eridrnyias- aflrerer-irsro- atoth to pro ijipertfottle- fieiitfaiiehthe and jpatot of jrintie- i and lionion i i i comeall 3 ti land e to s to get it tj- a firet ckis of and 3 iotof inishings enable reaper thaa house in e tnt ve kuor sevenj yocng men who lya oi- uurly every hight aiitiigtih and jindalb arc beinjpi ed aruaud tim itare yoi entered qcr name in an- yet j i th fiee pkess wilube pven ti nesr fit mcribere fronilnrnvj till the iatof jannaryi t 30 fur 1 05 ikdirk drew goods rjal attention ejanfeest falrics mttet uwi od-iri- at chrutiav hendertoi cjiv j printing of everr description piain and omaraentil erecatai at the feee parsi all oden pro oipfjretea i djnt examine- yonr friends new fail ovfireoat itoo critieiily it costa eii tn dye a dnter than irany jjeyple thiefc y j i 51000 reward for any cae of torai ia tie fcafltia6jtnl where j e 5icrarvins tvona ibtvders wul not ef- lect a enra try thero i s5jn zx hall of beard- tnarev tannery etteebride fonnerly ifthe ctjn tannery wa ea to an tiii week viiitin hta frieodi v parties who hare reqnpsttd us to take wck1 in psiment af their eab- acriptioa to- thi paper are desired to 1 uithirg he always comes home oa the hack strcete how cheap how nice ars the dm cvclircation from enrtoruera eitmuiing chriaticj hcnderaoa i co cpoda tlie anntikl eiqaesin5 plow ing if atch will be held ua the farm of wn clay esq lot 11 coa ii near xorvat teday flural cards of different styled cheap at the fkee pkess office bring ymt pictures to chan tlill and hare theacv eoiarkcd and framed yoa will sace profits uatle by accots 1 1 i i llmivijjp i n jli the cooq giles linimentifj e ic- garvin drag store i rnthe halton county priin list we by mistake rrade ucntort cr sons takethe first prize for several articles nndep the head of faetorv etc itshnnld have read xcatoafc soos f rnfttfn mri elw2nl ifo4re bns pur chased he shingle factory formerly j owned by brown k hall in this vil lage1 he intends patting in stave and heaiuiig oaehinery the factory will be in full otrattoa in a few months the frke peess will be gireo to he sttliscnbers from now till the 1st bfjaniiary i8s0forsl05 i ur iwm hemstreet anc- tioneer is prepared to sell by public snetioafor farmers or others at reason able rates orders left at this oscc or ai his residence iwtwood p0 will be promptly attended to f c whillwuhes to remind the people of acton and vicinity that he can copy and enlarge pictures as well as utber photographers and ho hopes that people aill call oa bid iw- fore iideridg through ageati from othertowas i mrs jam cameron of actdn wtnt to toronto on sstttr- div last to get a cancer taken oat itf hectnngia the operation was tueesifumly performed by dr ait and ifrs cameron is re- coverinj as fast la conld be ex- peeted- i j we hav6 received a copy of thtjuiutrnlediltoauqiittl a monthly pablihed in boston mass itisde voted to artand home cultnre and contains iseveral wellwritten articles tp tlia ovilor mmoo ia fait ap proaching j ayhjto doott lay yorlat 8oc answer below j the issuinghf q e mftcjpwi drus store lias boe cakituincd highest market pnci psid forj freahegg at alex 8ucor4a thori hiitory of tramp by oas of them for sale at thii ofsoo i quite a number of drookon i i i noa havt been seen oa oarstrct of late i if yqttwaut koit floral card get them it the fiee piteas ofiicn a stock of fresh nobis just srrivedtt alex 8eeord and are selling very cheap j sonio of tho b have had their ckatea sharpened iarajf5cipitioa of aa carrj- ikato- j y at the jasgpw hoae i always ase christie henderson cos fmoqa 50c- tea gudph curling club hi been reorgaaiiod it is said thifc actou in tends to forma carlinj club for the coming season ilr percy second is ant for staafcy new book thtaugh the dark convmciit this book is the book of tjw day and shouii self veil cal woodljotleri looked bine while the late fine weather was existing bnt appear to be very nxnek pleased there ire quite a nnnber of wilil dicks joa the attend rnrioosly waiting o be shot that they may grace some siwrtsarant dinner tabled txtrs thoi itickaon and e ijress gtorhton cqij q 1878 brjigitalocg at once- before the roads oh those snbjcets snbieription price hi p-v- i- r j c e au1m1 liseakap thefsee peess will be given to new sabscribera from how till tlie 1st ffjanaaryhso for 103 there ia lots of room ifc oar isalacriptioa fco9fcs for new nimea i i gent shirt and drawers really ettra valne at christie heider- 6nl cots i j j there are no beechnuta bnthe frqea fiii far for the jouths to pick coasequently the trees are not robbed of sb many iiabt a is the cue pii nataare pteatifal j the semiannrjal examination of candidaua for fabecsencrteacn- era second class irtificatea will be jiehiia itiltoa- corameacui oa jarda- dar the igth at december i pbr i i nrtier particttlara see adrertisemeat imnrens excitement at the jlammntlt hoiise georgetown aboat those beaatifal daatlaa siperb 12- linery lovely shawls with a magnifi- cent display dfblacfcand colored silks all the above tpoib at nnpeecedeated low price kclotc aadejaono twe wfajitoeihti of thejutthoritieatbthe factthatworth- less yoatiu and boya are very inaea in tie habit ofteariiig down posters which have been posted on boards and feaeea t this should be stopped jaa a person foei not pay for printing a bill to hit ii ijotqovf pifootiuititid btttthbit paogpects bom aa jtonday wart on the nose bornoa tuesda cpra oa the toes born on wednessaj- hair will be red born oa thoraday weakji the head bom on fridsy frecldyfcia 7 bore an batnr- day male onihiabta iboauon8ua- daybora to sin i- i e ilco irsf a drdggiat acfoa m perannoat courtney affirmed to a report er of the sev york liquid that con sidering the condition of the water oa the day of tke lachinerace they made awfal fast time he alsfl said gad that fellow is a steamboat and allows that he was fairly beaten tfdw nice christie hender son cos slilliiiery j ixessrs sfc it zimmerman have removed the old frame balding which7wa situated- near campbells ldoteltothelot theyreceiy pirchaa- ed tlmost opposite that hptel they re refitting it and when finished we doabt not that it will present a good appearance i 1 gents order your clothing at sicleod anderson t cos george town that ur the spot- to get yohr clothing cheap style and workmanship unsurpassed varittyto choose frooi immense their ulster their over coats their kcadymade clattnnjj their fts clothing tlieir gents fnrnishings cheapiarge jutractiye andj datable the place to raakeraodej- br saving it oqeof the most interesting feature- of the erin township exhibi tion was the baby abow i maker of plows offered a 22 plow asa prize for the finest baby under is months old they were sir babies shown add caok- 4tadreery one was the hsddaetrieat after some aiasaiaioii as to whether they slionlibe elaiiedwith the fiue arts or wifh theuomestte nunlrtacttros they werolpiit infa a class by them selves after the children lud6eea eraminedbythe judges the red ticket was fasteaed on one of the children by dhedirecto the jadge meanwhile 8ettinitjiome aa fast aa possible by back streets and an t janet j e ilaijriri druggisactoa alarjeitock of fgrti onrds foriile if the free press offloe choap r it ooutilna frenoh kid button boots it chrlstit undersa t coi cheap tee them t l splderi web with i fly in it ft the latest device wo have soon on an ingngcaijut ring any porsoa wishing to rent i good oomfortabio hoaso should spjily st oai eufuiture wareroom pt at this office now that iha election ire over we are desirbea of devoting more space to interesting local aw thin wo have for the past tow weeks and wonld ask auj- person who feels inclined to teudaoy itomalofnowt thatjlhoy miyi liiqw ol 1 on mandat morning as mrj wm hcmrtrcet aootfotoor of hick- wood rfaacbming into town his buggy was run- into by hobt storey wlum the latter wsa pasatre mr hcnulrctt two spokes broeeajand the tthj and axel bent waa the amodut of dantaga the daily kcm published in berlin is a spicy little sheet besides editorials on the eyeata of the day- its local column is well filled snd other interesting reading matter finds a place in its columns ia politics ft is conservative it iawgood daily aod should 60 weilirroniied and we have no doubt butvhat it is iltaii scaooc fatrasce eiah- uunox an examination pt papili for admission to the oakvillo high- school willbe held dvj on taesday lsth december i67siat s am didalea should notify the heidlastr kj wcuwood esq oakrjilapo not later thaa the 5th xorcmbev of their iatentioa to present fheaaejros toreraaiinatiocl t paepatttxa the people hf ivin- nipeg are evidently preparing fur a coll winter behold- aa extract front hhe passenger list of one steamer which arrived at viaaipefftlie olhor jisy it is from theirve ptxu fv barker and bride k p bonny and uriui v h andrews and bride d arcand and bride e berton aadbridc viiinipeg will be a goad place for third class school teachers ia a yearoc two berlin aftas the jfree press will be gtven to newtbscribers from how till the ktowinilart isso forg105 the next nwber of the free pceks will behouid from the building next door to the uethodfsi eharcb which was forinerly occapiedib t stewart t co at a tinslup tljia building has beea fitted up expressly forui windiiattv been pntto parlilioa palleddowa and other neces sary accoawditiona have becapat in 1 i subscribers whl callattueoffiqeibr caught iu thj spurwheel of a j btheir papers will please bear la mmd to tarcjuiu niacliiue lueuy and jiad r c i l call at the above place family leave acton ta day to join ilr dicksou in england we tv isu her a pfetaant journey fanr new railway pnisengers catches went through acton yes terday afternoon on theg tiic tiioy are to tw usedoa the cape uretod raihtwd iicssrs christie henderson coof talsvillige hive startela dry goods establishment ia wmkerton and have taken sir chris jbempscy iato partncrshiu the firm wili be known asc dempsey t co christie henderaori- i cjv sell cheap the timo has come when flea eatnmcriclothing is laid away when doiautd it wuald be wt-ii- tiexaaliue tbt pocfceu circfutly for lcttera en trusted to jo a by yoar ciifiliag wifu to be mailed if left thero i they bkelyt brel moths slir ifrmj- powell ar of itilou jwis seriously gnred by a bull ia m ludiy anl his oalyia henry hix left are mr joseph ftnlley losres aotou toar fo londoo wheie he will shortly orfcsgo irj busuiots w iih liitn iilogeif j one night iboiit a wwk gflji two oirtiet on ih tomi hue be tween krln and bramoiuij oesrlot 3 wen greatly itartled 10j lurprlsed at heijrihf shrill sareamtj and crioi proceed from the butts on the hill ner the place menuonid afler trailing ji short time to ee what waa the oauie of he loreamir g n buggy uore in sight iebomp rrled j 1 saddlehone at the siuall oarau onde puted the men with abated breath wa lohed their lalnds were busily engaged it the kame time 8uddeny one of the men cried out theres hother sturdy oasel and jumping into bis phaotorj which was itandlng near pruoeeded to rolloit and tee how the thing wopu termin ate hitoompmiion hat to be be- bindhand straddled a horse which waa handing by and brooght up the rear they drore the horses at good tpeed nd mooeedl in keep ing the chased party in light until thejr reached thdrjhome in aotoo and tun kept watch while they put away their nonet and peaceably went into the i house ihn thinking that their had been nicely fooled ad that the pertooi they had follofed were of a very joiuldiipoiition they ilroceeded to go back home a diitanee ol about jour milei and we harihiardlhat they are how freqoer ly tlklng ibout the etilt which arise from taking a drire afier night nut torn so billy a ccqhire immedij to amputating v a larce stock of new englui mi scotch tweeds o vereoarings gcats runushiags 4x is eiiicctcd at the kegeat hall ia a few days wait and cxaiaihe ffaesc goods ceiore order ing ordered clothing nude up in- the lateststyles and a tit guaranteed i e- ad axis 0017 of the new paper ttartcd ia owen sound and j fcuoffajjj tlie trijitue iixs beca re ceived lij m it is lilfcri ij pflvitiq idtocatia tecaiizruicq prmcipict mil jataiaj ojitjruieabubiecu of imjircr- uacatsthevicijiity aailazio his it very h tefestjm ijcai cokmu iaag nuyit iro xaii pract altx stfpard hiiiftea tieeu tikal tlie jacitjpu wli is it you toiit -nlvertux- yotjr 50 ctni tea tlie wy the utlitt uxetcfisnts dot it istliij best yiilaa for the aioaey ia towu tka aitswrer uj the montha pi september aad october bceni wiwtij iittwluujjcd so j firm tlc stria o the keather u con cerned caaililcrablo pgrtiou of september vs cold aud required brisk fire far co tufa rt while now itr the middle of october we are eujoyin a hot etui balmy koath kinds warm ihokcr sndpieaiintuighu although botacwlwt nnreisouablc such matters will bo of great adranuse agricd- tiiruu ia iffarding them a favorable opportoait for accaruut their root crop ialt oiclitutl harvest several tears ago tiiii ivectioa of country wis cazntl- tdiitiiqvr at this prfeafittt date tlio iateet deaguaitt- florul carda jat tha free peess office cheap ajtr robc creecii of this village who by the vrxt u e podtryicancrerliislauly bailt a large henerymeaittringloft t 50 ft u that ha may have room to keep his pare-bred- stock by themselveaj the heaery ia divided into ftrardepart- ttieata the first ttf be ufied sks nursery and for parposes j the second contaioi aeveral very nic3 fowls of dif ferent lreeda j the third tui sir pare vmte leghorns the cock- of this roost being a drstprire takerat the provin cial erhibicions this year ond the fbarthaias two very pretty towls the same breed a lt raeqtioaod which cama frornfairfield puias 6ahuc week ltiiispair m fajoejl atilo00 outside tfia house there is aitample ratdf jc them to run in for sxarcisi mrcchhmftliyf kept very nice pqoltrylbat now has a aijcr stock tlianeyerbefore keptj en gruwi paljy lieeps baoi f thelhoni breed as it is considered to be the bes ftjr uyingftnd breediafr parposes parties iawaat of ogx frqin purjsbred fowls ca ieaveheir orders with fri creech s kicgsicwadruqsistoc jjirflown now isihe tiaie ta aitend to geueml retttirs fence- fixing 4aj before coltt weather aud know ntikeifh task anpleaaaac if any of our irnung fricijds have any draiaing to tlo the present is an excellent time aa the swainjsaro qow dry and wtirlc is ntjt nresiiuj j every foot of land fannet owns shoold be made t tbo kuoa is allowed to pass with draining neicctci year raastups beforr the opportunity return it start lixai as struck vwiiii aiaawmenl the other day at the low price of dry flood at thp marhinoth hoaic sucliovcly dr roods ulack and colored oaahmena cohu a vio- ceysivana wbitc and grey tfudaelsv cantxia finuuls bunketsrticktni deuiau table linens prints and cottons i was rciliy astonisldahd asked hlcjtxat andenoa tfc pawhere they cotsuch- pile of drytipodi at sach law bricei they aaiictirudr the caju and paying larcc quantities fetci thiiai this ia the place to bny chcafi xiouds i kew dosrisionkotea in con if numerous forgeries the government some tlmg ago 11 r anrrrrxfri omann vi is iow beiiig fluadmtli alme ftaying btighatl fee will be able to extuliit a lurge flection of- the- wst palteras in he market sto twelfe sjjiftflngs t in great tarifcjv wosstsd colww ti6traiitj uas neat ariaj durablt vllltlie lateststyie m p s-v-ij- hvts ceflt furnhindjr our stock is ilarge and well assorted all trie newest things in bo is tlbs and scarfs auction 81lbj w naxstsxcr accn msxia mr j connolt lot 25 ooo 6wett gstalraxa on saturday 26 th inst farm stock and implements w w ins accnoirxxa mr b waluee tuetlay29th oct lot 18 eon 7 kaasaga reya farm stock and implements h ouse to let ul church arreet oprjrsdta stnithi hop kuh apply at ores furiitufe warehouse ort this office t 17 3t pibtic scnooij teachejb8 exrvmikatioks- in accordance with the statute and the general regulations the semiaa nual examiuauou of gandidsois for public schoolrteachera socsad olui oartliett i wulheudtrathej towa hall miltcji i 1 commencing on f j honday the loth deer t8t8 at 130 p fa j i i be prev datv kor forms of the notice given by the candidates can be tain edoa application to any ponnly in- spector j j it is indispensable that casm should ootify the unuertugjicr iitxe raax thj lonsj korxxaeeiof their intention tu prea utt then elrca for examination r sprrlel i p s inspect ar b iton acton alst october ljo ptik8alk fifteen- firtfclaaicj leicester bam lambs all from it ed stock namber of tl em prixe at the provincial hami ton audi fallsbows also two fine boar pigs prices molerste to c 6 81ith 15jt i- sequence- do rhinion decided u call in the s land si txj minx iou note and makea new issue we understand that the new notes j al most read far circulation aadareof aa exceeding elegant design having oa either tide vignettes of lord and lady r dafferia j beautifully eagraecf excellent likenesses thit is 1 happy tridutetd their excellencies and will enable the people of the 0ooiiniaa to keep ia ithiir pocketa what- tie al ready keep in their hearts tba imagea of the moirt popalaf representatives of rdyaty that canada has ever been blessed with r h viumc cooucu cdqricil met jlondaf evening iu matthews hall i pdrsuiat adjottrnment- jieiiilis present were liiejeeere messrs hill sinithwdspeight last meetings minufjes wrflread and oonfirnied moved lijrntr sieight aeeonded by mr hill that the tenderofj geo forhea for the collecforship of of 187uv be accepted- carried moveil by 0 t hill cpned by j speight that leave bo gttnit ed to introduce a bylatgunrjjtnl a collector for the villacqf aclop arii the ruiul part of actpn befool division for the jiiar j 7 8 mi the said bykw be nowred ftfirt time 7ciitied j- moved fj speight fieoonded by jhi hasth that the aid j- jaarjrenow lead a sepond iinitlro titne and- patsed iho jmnv beidg filled with the naiue of rob forbes carriei neiledjoumeliintfj monday erpningi llth november a joiteosaclerk abm foe8ue the sbribroffiw i -lor- silt cnu 3j ijaeold and port- kcrt elph tine bert shik actoujont orjsly 1 the farm bitovted en lot il cnu 3j lown- hip of erin this tarn contain- 100 acttw fco uf which arc elearod lance welljimberoil it ia si tnaled ab jut a mclfefroui the oaelrb gravel i andtuxmt t mile fron aetatl plice uwu wit red there bcinj a good wellaud ueverfiiha spriiig ou the fana and a cuod f ame bans baraoaiheijrctuises for fiirthei ticalars apply to j j jacob pc5hbu eacka hiilui saacliuui 1 ofpriflge actcaiaur25 isbi and par- mrs- si jl becohn ia6elblig her choices roses slinlbs grains vims aud rlmbarb at 90c per doaeuj gargeonalulips at 25c porrdoosn exquisite hyaciothesat 50c per doreu jciaruiiug little anowdrops daiai aud crocuses at 12 per donn these flowers will not blooui anloss moted in he fail union packageiives at 10c jier i packet all kinds of pills at lpe per box nnlireakaleurapchiuil neys at fc ech and all dyewsods at 4cper iiaricl syseatt7cc krxa3rrilxistaili3- tht deslxn or thelbore inslitntlon i oni hie srorlc it lt mat euecessfiii f accomplishing aashdwnui uie ireat success of tla ttudnates ihrrmeuoot tne eoumrv s o preiiaiej boys nod yoona jid midjie aaed men br uoraaiercul pnrsaliji brjlvlug tap n a thorouik ru xuen la book- aritninsulp aritkmetlc ujrrwpcaiuereeprarrimar ow if tie few to get t goodttote aid itebetp othj srn if yoa wuof tit ajejlioyey go to j iw9tvve fltovjfc ttlotstotm boxbtoi i jwsys fa rtjo cod sell at afkestosifitbi tinjtl j a flrotolass assjrt- meat of tiawam new la stock y- t- j 76bi3lfltit6f ht mxta -prompt- ly attended to tu d atia- fiction gtiarai teed acton angirstso 1877 ftp5mcnm h-tr- f t7ashi0n ftfttf west m otrmli stts8aip4iaja in thli department or odr bnsn nest we klwai show the rerjr latest approved styles and mateilals pro- duced in lbebriiah and foreign markets we now hpld in lnimehse stock of new and fathionable materials lor fall wear and baregreat confldenoa in soliciting the inspectjoii f jvery tntendidgporchaaer we show bpeclal lines in ill the newshallesat ii centa ifr penti 20 ceny and 25 cenu and bare no besiution in saying- that for good value and correct ttyles we are not snrpaiemin the tradeorthjt town uur determination is notto nnderscild coosequently re oflav the right goods cheap i p c i- btchait p 8 in answvr to many mr qoineajve beg to- say that our mii lufebt opekieq for the season- will be iialy announoed in i day or two boots istoss it r h for everyone at kenney sons oppotite igsrwlh uutsl aotof ont any person in wsnt of a g odj wotl- -fitting- pair of p boots shoes cannot d better thaicall at keksfiy4rsoksthey eepnoluf the itaegeot stock of 6rockwyi- i rgsta5swaie iri the doiinty t stewart st co umstnet aeton ptotcrains photoiapte phoqrilhelj t j wishes to aanonnee t his custom en that lie tut added greatly to hi former faciliue for tar ring pioirus add is now prepared ti i make photo graphs second to none in the count and at prices to suit a 1 t in pictured rames 1 keep i larg i and well selected u nk also i great tariety of man din g of th latest dresign which hill be toad to order oak skort oaf ioev giie w i iccu i iua v crlihw httl pi is at j j parties in want of ing bf the best gooda iilfick in ordered rvork thercan equal if net surpass antthing infoirn i re pair ins il specialty all parties indebted to the above kesjfey ifcsojfc iclon oct i 1378 s bedroomsets teapots itctters preserve pisle8 or anyjtliuag iiif i he vi r w eolwllh notes draft aav fohr rflofttm eourte linj taken r diploma ure a h weettsteiplni eooapotluoiisfn whlbrolng to juecjarjiairkindlwlnempair iho their into rood positions i tlie cimpleleneaa of their aniowltuae they ipeeiflyhhaln p ojmoiioii am mi oar tfildeu i af e those who luive ooon ihrtiutrli irransniarsohools and niiltentuevaiwi has hoe whose euueamouln early 8le hasibken noateet eu die ferrnsir co ne to reoeb prarteal education o la tu la needed in r tnglmi jfjq hmedy rai ralllill- waooo wortft j ever day il- neaieet andctlt asset wbloo will help theh rtbe jolloje j bnttl- eonlalnlng mil partleotan and aperlmene otjjeu- maaklli are vent oo a ptoahoo- bo ibttvt 1 r i in ijlowto niwriif axotanjre ruthuknowledi i in use the tftllts3 j if yon want sticeelstoad f v buteati sitteioard- oeatr table qboisettingonairi 2 sofaorlaourige or in fact anything in the furnlturl line you will find ttem as good and p i pormiture wabivholjjsjg as any other place in tl e country he also keeps a well selected stocky v hiie icanflbt idt better than i gik alttx secord a cull he has ast got in an exceediiljri large stock oi j these goods find ns be bought in snch itrrge quathities nel is in a pojiitiii to sell very r i l hi suffioiebl guaranu creapv v or goou goods l hihij a full anl choice oollectibn of all kiflds of pails i vvcitjuii bruslies drrb turnhirro- w refaoiift 1 next door to regent hallj cofsrikfiy4 a full stoci of cacmed tivev1ble harlnipwdmsea thi liffty dubt nd btuinea fonpe ly oiined by lit i adnm pvf tnd wumiik icsuifes tfill3 oasa i icoflinibrcl rigsllwaye on band an express wggob p train itul jedirelr s ly strive rortbetilekhlts people matthewslji 3kkui cloth our imboalonf f ill and wtnt if woileqs tjreevls h hjlandgeuu fumhmg uood iifte oowu f irfviraa3arbjcrietieuirp idritho intf ltkn w i f thetrtblo f-ut-7us- obdireb cwjftw be ve ire niuajioh k orioeuiariirtl e ret stose befo fl d ou7rufqrliwt j v ti arariu s that tai i a t ifn tjiilillwbest n as tn o llf woritaarrtwr f reaiilmsm iwrnpne orertkawui sotiadd bw ldlbing ofloti y turedisibe prediid ouv a iiotstyfe jdt tode cotopelioody the teryi 917 i yard iad gartfleriu ft t wilhout at f m fl latest sfagliali mt amerio n tttlta of us p k i u j ubirisjooderciothi ig scaria liefe coltarsj ulork v nbrellaa an i jibe gow e rff tiori a oalt ami sum our imnjeni took before ww liiefpbseit 1 i 1exe00rd fryufitk lotoa oct 13h xii it jk ii5r i vcultmiy

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