Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 7, 1878, p. 2

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i r- ill m i wt 1 iufi free tpres acton mlionj county ont 1 november 7 1878 i vpfsirapcr dcctton i i and pcrtcn ro islscs a paptv guuiljf jrvin uia toii obi klteiber directed iq liis ivame or iluothtrv or whether he has tub r j is ij ft icriw or m is responsible for ff f m oci jiaymeni- uulltooa knockcl ect ill j if a pcwon orders kispkjier j liscoidinued lie mumuy all arrears 4bilhc puhusfccr may continue lo ttfldlil unuifivymcui is made and tn colmt the wjiole anaat whelbcr rh- paper is jaucn front ike hceorriot j 1 the courts have docideddbjrt refusing to ufce nenpupcrt or periodicals- from ihv post office er remorinfcand leaving them un ttlfthf rflrisriuu rics ovjdcnctjo nlcuti- nil fraud m rpae acllox euee fuesa tcllilkcd cvcry tharsdiy moraine 61 fer annum in advance- l t allifivt moort eurrort1 bo instead of iduowinr this dig nifll ooursjf our neighbors are bringing fotwatd all manner of potty excnsa for ttivng iho mat- laving a cew ainouut the truth about the mailer will likcty ek found to bo that lbcibej pubicaa government is desirous of divertiug the auenliouqf the poo- pis of the united sulw- from iuttrnal alkies br creating a liule exciterseut about a few kettles of fislt a littlo wild ultibaut ar willi eaglitid would he a relief to ihekopiblicaa rirty after all the fusi that his boen oiade is to tbe fraudulent meins by which it- obtaiued the- presidency rncksi v moknixu xax 7 1s7s v eisreitx affairs eisttrnjaetiis imvc dov-astun- tin more pcicuful sspect en- knd ecih a note of protest to st pctfrshurg and air uhimaaarto ciu of the esvet of the utter nothing can to heird fyr- some i- li 1 v u- i a i the- fcrcser his beeiv rooeir- w by the cnr sndtho result seeuis good the noteissomewliat hueitening as it anaodoces tint tm filer jdvtncem tarkey of rirajta troops will force eilind to take precaucicesry meascres when- it is renveolbercd that therft irccaw1500pq russian troops ijcth of thi bjfcinsitid- that they ire khtinually being added toaci that the drtttsh fleet is still fn the sea of mirajara the purport of koch- a note is olricns the biis- siin cewwpers which are coin- pletely under tha control of the xrar party hive pow completely farced aboat andpdvocilepeais everywhere if rassia is in eirn- est cflneernin affjfcanistin the english- ahimjtnm will probably 3d to pexeeful conciuiions but pch action onthe part of russia hhirdty to to looked for bea ler jjist co irseis considered ihr effer to negotiite a fresh treaty irih turkey caai hardly be accept- 1ible to england whd wishes her to carry pit the stipulations of tl jrlin trtity it i3 tnetthe cascastis arnir is to be re- theeist eljin libetvta bavess- i i i lectcd mr naiin as their candidate for the- local legislature j tjie new cabinet is composed dt aeten lawvers one doctor one printer one- ship buikjer and four genlleaieiiof leisttre a petitiua has been cled against the returaof dr iclirislib v- p for argtdtuil on the ground of bribery hy self and agents j the hon mr cirtwriglit ei- fitiance minister vis elected fur centre huion on sjtiglny soy 2iby majority o 417 over his opponent mr piatt- i the corporation of livccpodi iri- tetttf to giva a reception to the fsrquis of tjirne and the princess louise on the lih inst the day cf their departure for canada tha oldham cotton operatives hrre- ksolred to resift the propos ed red uctios in their wages- t-wp- thousand hands and eight million spindles will be affccsd by this action w james gordon bennett pcoprie tar of the new york iral is an- jthe way in afghanistan taking- with him i correspondent who- will represent the herald in case- if war it is reported on anthority that ecgland requires an answer by tee 50tu of koveaiber in the event of it not acriripg tha frith forces will invade afghanistan immodiatery an arran jsknent between the itoatreal arid djcrhiiori telegraph gnelphsioitiaff case liornliqstel aciulttl shootuaor with intent ww tha oitante mi3s rydar raooveriusr this easo camo befote tha ahum court in giicipli monday iaat the prisoner was charged with the grevious crinio of shooting mits a kyder willi intent to do bodily harm whctr pkee4 in the deck the pciaoucr pleaded notgoflty andaddedi 1 dont know anything about the shooting whatever- hj- did not appear very anxious and from his quiet jlenwanof bo person would- hava supposed that such a grave inaj toalcieefoooiiwhateverl poo p0- l- ihit means- in a district where rui- flia is continnally making war an tee slishtest preterfe in iniia the natives are disappointed at the dslay in punishieglhe ameer i it is to be hoped tlattheir ready of- ferscf money ead inen my not lead t a contest whicli might j otherwise be atdei r dinner cot tlie hon wm 1 uacacnjall i i a nnmero tuehon mr mac- docgalfs constituents entertaiaed him at dinner at- brant last eveu- in ai tfie- brant house cipt kharns wasin the chair and miy dbchishin in the vjcachiir tuiswas the first occasion 3ir j maolqugall had of speaking to his i constituenti since the electn s he coratulatea them on the vic- t tary thiy hid won and gave an j ontiine ocfwhat his course would 1 be ih parliament which was that of a frifend of the government wko would at all times feel himssif jus- tffiej nl supporting the adininistra tjonwhenit was in therightand leritising it when it was uiihe iwroag ilr- cjisholni a fboner member mr foster reeve of pelson mr ctrrick of trafaigkr ind others mads- interesting fit was arrived at oa stturday on the same day the latter com pany opened its lines to the mata- time proyinees the returns of the united states elections of yesterday are yet vety imperfecji butthns fai they indicate slight republican gaimc in- new york city the antitammany com bination have carried the ask by irtge msjoritiea in the election of both mivpr and judicial ofiicera the eagar resnery business in new york is- m a depressed etatei in csnseqnecce it is said of the er- he was charged wilh oifence the- phsdtw rs wio was present and from appearances seemed to feel more anxious than her buand and frcjufutly gtvu way to tears the- evidence taten was similar to what was published in our last issue there foco the whole affair if fresh in lh minds of our readers after the cyidenm hid been uken judgo in a very clear and able charge to life jury review ed tha evidence at length in cdn eluding his remarks the judge atid that the jury w find the pris oner guilty must fimj that ho had fited at the waggoni- to do fame person grevious itcddy harm not necessarily that miis kyder the girl injured was the abject but if it were the prisoner intenlianl to jujureany of thenij if the jury believed that the prisoner did not gee with any intention bat rather td frighten those- in the waggon then they must acquit him the jury then filed ontof court for consultation a few minute only elapsed and thejjury returned to the court rojni the usual question wss pcit tothe jury and tbe foreman annpuoaedftua vetdict thev had arrived at not guilty his lordship then iuformed ithe prisoner that lis agreed with ithe jury in their verdictjundcr thej in- dictment he would inform him that there was no dqubt hut what he was stilt liable to be charged with a misdemeanor you lare now discharged from custody i prisoaertthank you tny lord uu loidship hoped thei prisoner would profit by tlie leusott taught him in the first place never to carry a dedly weapin aud in thi socond place never to get drunk the prisonec then 8tppd t of the bor and embraced his wife a number of his fnends shoak hi nds with him and he hurriedly left the court room mis kyder has almost recovered frott the effects of jthe shot nut- withstanding the fact that the bullet haricot j bien extracted i- tnoaltantion of hu slrect and sidewalk pommlttetf lajcallad id ihe couditiju o the sidewalk on main street i in several place lianev board fi uoeded neivrtlie iwesiorn end of i the sidewalk and rtpairfiu front of lflilhiitinshop aco also re quired we ttbit jhe matter will be initaeiialelliatteuded jto u a perron severely hurt his ankle in one of thrae ho cnho oth t dy c v hill wiahes to remind the people o aeton aud vicinity thit he can copy aud jalargo lituroa a wolluothocpliotdgripucci aid would uk pooplo to iupoot uii work bofore ordering thcoagli aa from othar towtu i we n6ticod yostetdaj that a nymbcr of outi eititoffi ncclectcd to ilioral the laow off llio lidewalk i front of thoir nauuneea and plaa of bunen it would be wall or all to start at tho begiauiur and keep their iidawilla thoroughlv- deaf jot mow daripg the catirc winter 1 his would look raach better than f ur arory oqw- storto to tlndhcra and than a patch of clear sidewalk whila iutoryuuuifr a pcrou hai tn wade through dep laow vorrmlr j kovombcr is said to lw tha glooaiiett moith of the year the pleaaant tumuieraad autumr have indeed j de parted aud bleak and coll winter drawi near with rapidntridat tea aspect of tha fields and gardens u drearr ffi theeitrcrae thi flowers hava all roue and tha leavea i xe irinjr in the hollows dittt and desol lj the aongof tbebird u hushed ll q fi tv qoirrel has corled op for ths long winter sleep and the oulywa id of ufe is tha asckiag pf the dad or the occasional crack of th sporte iai rific on fridar last we rehired a call front the wellknown knight of tht road commonly knon throughout theprovinceas geordie pie he smiled a ghastly smole as he enteredour presence and en quired hawa bird w i inform ed him it was slide and that b didnt need any hands nuw he said tbit he was fearf illyilow just acw and by the ap learanoe ofj his trouscrloons and l le other parts of hisclothinj we w mid spp pose ha spoke the truth after warming himself at the re he seised his bundle and wil u the in junction for o to take cai e of our- telves he took hgs a vioe and went west meeches tn which they i egota of- sits intention of visiting eagland tfe pleasures of victory the honor immediately fie litter said it was f the etairving miners of cape bre ton and the dying west indnt trade that had made dim eloquent beforefhe elections and declared it of having so able indinteiligentia rapresentaiive ifn the conttnonk and thewtisfaction it would give them toeee mr macdougkil resnmi in his old place i independent all vajtive forces the -house- as the conser- stue ol xlie fislieiry award flieres a good tfekl of talk ir jut the fishery award and some speculation a to whether the slates wil pay it or not that there si aifld be any speculation on the p lint at jl d2gfnot much for fi i neitbjurs thef should fot 1c w englands example in the geneva award- and hand the iiioney overatonce if they ft el as england had every reason ttfeel that theamounfc is mnci is rgerthanibritl fsirneis if svjuid i rfor t coal stove g to t stewirt fc co j mr henry smiths onetion saleof furniture takes plica -jo- day at one oclock sometery good birgains may be expecta the cheapest groceries iessrs christie henderson t x ja of acton havej this fall shii- tensive manufmture of adulterated ped nearly 2 barrels of ajiples ra 1 sw l i r yn r ft i frrmif a snars- a doupteor refineries have gone down and fifty per cent of the trade is alleged tcr haver been driven oat of the alarketi tlie yellow fever in the southern states has begun to disappear so ternble a scourge has not- visited the sont for years and the world geherahv will rejoice to hear that ft is at length being dispelled thetb havel been between tenand elevea thoosand victims to the sconrge atiogether and there will be more i mr tilleyrir tnppet mr jas macdonali itr john ocoanor and mr j h pope were reelected on holiday by acclamation mr tilley and dr topper delivered epeeches the former announced was the intention of the govern ment to l but the polieyj national mantles mantles i mantle hiveyba erimined cbristie hender- 0atcos ilantles cbaap neat and warm i michael parrel was sentenced at quebec yosterday to be hangedi on the lotk january for the murder of a man named conwey subscriptions received at this outeeforaoy of the literary papers tcngereoil has expended over 8100000 in baildiifgsthis berlin has spent a similar anm local hatters crockery in thej aler sccon and ij from aton milton and bronte stations thr feepeess will be given co new subscribers from now till the 1st of jamtarv iss0 for 100 we wish that some ot our subscribers who ire in arrears would brim cs in some wood we are in need of a few cords now snd this woiild be an easy way to make np the subscriptions how nice christie hender son cos billiqery j tlie social held at chris- swackhanimsr residence last night was well attended several loads went itp from acton and they hid a very merry time all coming home satisfied the evening vrm sjient in playing several parlor gauirs singing c la very pleasant evening was epent for a parlor or heating stove go to t stewart fc ca i we are pleased to leirn that mr wm denny of erin who has hld a slight attack of aae since returning from if ichigan a couple of weeks ago is recovering he went to the states abiat three months ago and a short time after his return he felt the 1 first effects i alex fourjyears the rivers at se- new raisins cordv the 5th ofinoyember and ils impartancpas tha anniversary of the failure of the gunpowder plot was celebrated ia acton by an otangej din ner at agnews hotel quite anomber of orangemen from different parts bf thecbauty were present it seems that not only the evil that men do lives afterthem but also the evil they try to do im remembered thus guy faax and his associate plotters are the rothschilds are about to still held in abhoranca ajthohghthey jilaefi500000 worth of five per jenti egyptian bands on the mar ket i j evmcgarvitr druggist acton oil cake licgarvinr ikojoliiliom betwioiithevaticau ad 1 russia are broken off new york ismpfing for a worlds fair in 1889 the centen nial of wnaliingtoui inaugarlion the leading london daily and illustrated journals have decided to lond representatives to canada with the marquis of lbrne iamoiig tvomany haliowoeti pranks at winnipeg man i live hog was hoisted on a flugatuff at the residence of leatgovornot cauchon blimu in ksaagawcyi on lh29th alt the ifo cf ilr llngh aiklns of a son mibuleo fa actou oa the 61h intr by the rev r itubbr ilr win llobbie to lii lilly ann mccorkiaialc all of fimehouso actox nauivttg flour fall wlicat snrbg wheat kcw spring wheat barley osta peas batter fnah batter islted lard light lard dark egga potatoes per bag apples per bag hay per ton tpr frei oysters ffiish oy tttae the o- cnniglqr by pnllfii i 16 6-t- ijust ropeir i a iorop 0 steft pails tioq to 137 0 75fb06z 0 75 la 0 76 070 to 0 75 0 60 to 0 90 o sotoo 30 0 50to0 55 0 n too 13 0 05 to 0 10 0 10 to0 10 io 03 to 0 09 0 ioloulo 0 50 to 0 co 0 2o lo ij 75 10 00 to l2 00 ccelpb uibetk sixeil o afbxerssi per domia- iya ine gccira 7 is7s floar per 100 2 50 to 3 00 white wheat per baih 0 60 to ct 62 treidwjtl spring wheat rlchiff oats barley feat fcfay per ton straw t egg per doz ratter per ii potatoes per bag if ogr per cwt wood wool ru do 0 75 to 0 sz 0 05 to 0 76 0 g3 lo d 70 0 is to 0 32 0 55 to 0 s3 0 goto 0 g5 s 00 la 9 00 3 00 to 00 0 ii to 0 12 0 2uro 13 0 50 to 0 go i 50 to 5 00 3 50 to 00 0 2 to 0 25 025 to 0 72 boy vv anted bt viaud tnleiliiisbalci otvt to loam too ciilni busiaost ifuet tderfurl tie care ci neesoj ajjlriztailtatciy i 19h scltoot hoard the school board fet on mon day eveniug pursuant to adjourn ment members present messrs w h storey d henderson e moore and s moore- minutes of last uveeting read and ccnfiriuoct the committee on finance re- coarmendecl thut the aonuuta oi mr jp jlccann for wmdow blinds 32 and jiin ross salary 58j be paid moved by d uendehmn seer onded by s moore that he report of thefinance cbukntttt 3 be ad opted carried moed by e moore seconded by s moore that this board advertise for a- teat-die- for the t te stltavt wajhted tlie ktibcrivicr ic prtpirtd to pay the highest tnirket price fr half n tou of good eve straw threshed wilh a sail r u it robt cree6i1 th first department of ctrried- the board then adj nrnsd to meetagain on monday ilhinst jt wlntn proapeet- vennor prophecies ax fellows as long ago forecasf t le winter is about to set in- unusu lly early and very severely the orests are already as hare of kave3 atia midwinter and almost oie month eacfier thm for the past ijaioe in bie ollowlif sizes lqt 2j 8it t lalion a d 2 gallons j jarlies w ihing pail of oysters can get hem by addressing r murray quelph i j oi i just received r finaaa eaddies bibaters oranges n lemons etp pop corn ballisbyi the barrel r i pop corn ballsby the hundred j all ordors ittondod to prcajtlj b jilttuav jid wyndhim fctreet- -guelpfi- come one t- come all now isj the time to invest in cloth- i ing and g e ii 0f2jet7t2ail2l is thfeplaetogetifc i now slioinig i first class 1 lice of v i rr y it you- want a- ice bedstead i bureau osatre table good setting ohairf sofa or lounge or in fact anything in the furniture ljne wiu find therm as gbnd and cheap at oefs purhiture warehousji as any otherpliee ia the eoailry he alsoi keeps awel selected stockbf groceries pails brobms brushes i aaa j i altotico lot of ceht jurnshincs which were bbuglit for cash this enables me to sell c heaper than any othei house in the county oailad es for your- selvei rl- 1 uams acton aug egjlrs i w thaidflt0ompetinom the undorsignefj in endernj thanks to his n omerous customers is desirouif informing tbem as nill a thoigmfal public that he is prepared to execute all orcurv whether nevork renovating or repairing ja a prompt mechanical and satisfaptorv minner vth9 niost sertjawe wagoney sleighsj o forrarmingj teaming ortarkert use are to fee obtained frcm- iia harness shop v to tm- many frie ils and castomers i wish lo returr ihuiu fgr past favors and as c for acoriiina ance or ilatonfidence which i uurt hu iceh i4nencul touf afcjclupn the i s eigbtyear i hare just j tecurod- be fjrvices i of a f rstclaea i light harness maker iurk lot ipfra any ia11s rialr- tvg inrvt cas t uirnrrt ttiold icuve tiie oiderstnimedlately i jrrs fnrntlarc warcroom- vtiorto itecut iirtl icuve tiie outers cm fy ittk tf of so 3tc2 asb cflsbs oollkas llua tlzh rcitt lcmchprc tnown intips tri lieap run cisirr itcpalrinx prot ipllj- attf ndeil to i m creech acton ov t l j 1 a jctbctflitt undertaltfjmc particular attention is paid to this branch of the busineaa 1 t osfflas caflfcots birlalbobm ewdle plate and all kinds of funeral furnish ingt supplied on the jfttapet odtice v 1 a flliis class iteabse will attexd ruspttalsai bejlsoxalsle bates john speight anoaoet3t8 ui c4n niake money fislital wik rqr thii at atfjoiti cse tnplpl rcqalrtil h will htnrt tea j- ikr jrtyal liorne malf bx llielndiii- lr-u- p wrtnen lr kl wamelevorjwluietotritrarlu kor it fy urn c-6- oiliiiiiaormlrotf auits fnen too aurala 5tiiu r fchool evening three- cr are very highjfor the season and ttfcswamps are overflowing bears have bevn more numerous than for ery many years and crowd into the settle ments in search of food therewith to fatten speedily for tl e rapid approaching raid etch cold re- lapso of tha weather 13 ncreasing inseverity and the win fi return more constantly to eassriy and north easterly points i expect to see good sloighing and se vere cold in novembe instead of bare ground and absence of frost as ex perienced for the last t v d years in december we may expect a tempestuous month w th heavy blockades of snowas in the uldett time then wilt commi nee a lull or break in the weathr tlis term i cannot attempt to locate definitely but it will lw in prox imity to midwinter duringthis period snow will melt ra idly and will probably causa exten live floods in many pavtsof the com itiy this term will be much more prolonged than other mid-winte- thaws later againa second edition of wintaysili set in with i lore snow and severe cold and rive i and ail waters will remain iceior ked up to an unusually late period the rains now falling- will reihainuntil tie temperature in con iucive to hive been dead fotyiearly 273years snow when precipitatic n in th giles liniment at j e mc f continue through much garrinsdrngsforii of november jie mcgarvin druggist acfoa hanlai perfume at 1 cgaryin rusa fo it timber the subscriber it prrpared to pay cuii for all stave ririibcr shingle timber arid baswood ltg jdelivcrid it the- factory lately psrebsised freni brown fc uall isly edward jtoore auotio sale snort sorr cattle longwooled sheep s0e3e5 ml 2crsahiro jijs the undersigned will lell by pdblie auction on the premises ad- joining acton station on wednesday izlhof nov vac forxowtrra stock t x iuoet horx bulls korii bksctoed 79s 3 years old roan gat by imp koyal ox ford gwyhue pkikcis or tue iyest is74 1 year old roan got by koyaliieaulorl ilocxttis- lkk ilstij 10 months old roan gotby zephyr this bull took second prite at the obuaty fiir witn kovctty 4 mouths old red got by cuke of kent orrosn derm i week old roan got by koyal beanrord sh02th0kx cuws- heifers 35s3jti0k 5 years old led got by prince- imperial ilacais bell- 5 years old roan got by constancesduke imcreo wso t year bid ruan got by- sir wil liam temple u linr iuk 1 year old roan got by prince of hiltau rocc hoje 2nd 3 yrsold white got bylmciser rso koie 6 years old got by 1 prince george kfavrmwes lyearold red and while- got by zephyr ross or acrox lyear olil roan gotby zephyr llocx- rxordusr 4 years old roan got by uncaster sesjlfraxi6ril 3 years old red got by crown prince ljjjv bakkes imp 6 years old gotby jullusjtb jiiss birxes 10 mohtys old got by zephyr belle of orox 10 months old white got by zephyr bocc hose 4tb- 2 years old roan got by zephyr rocc risk 8 years old roan got by young marlboro miss macn 2nd 5 years old red and white got by the pope law math imp 4yearsoid redgot by british hon ijsgjwooled sheep 3 shearling eamsrt a prlietaker 8 ewe lambs 10 ram lambs seve ral ririietakersi20 breednig ewes hottses horel horse aged gray horse 6 years old krownhorsb aged berkshirk pigs boar 2 years old 2 boar 1 mouths old breeding sow 2 year old 3 sows 9 months old 2 sows 4 months ofd sale fo commence at 12 oclock sharp a lunch wiube provided 1 terms p 8ale9i2 and under cash over ihat amount 12 months credit on approved joint notes a discount of 8 per cent will be allow edfor cash cssm1te g gibbs proprietor auctioneer catalogues will be sent free on application actoo06t 31 18ts 83 o ca pcfc n w b b vi 11 o u llj o a 0j el ft r or beasrvtt ijealty fiirnos grand f nyizzn zl tpttu art r-ro- firrarxt seal oalittrtaiad and fpai3ed isa txtaiitf tsrii dcahti 1 rryrr trdta tongue iitltt onnzs aay adoaiuc tiiacrctarcr diijiajia to w i wami o r c3e1ugc1 rhrixescjpcm wa8 h i nctomi nrmi wimi reu bcantljnl city n ew j grs ey agsasag- kmiitt araagg jmi rcatcd tlut cannot ba disarniiipcd lif t n tae btlict cafccitjli o sten xtxi i53 1 utile crtort is rcalrej with the l all z tczt caoai5 to 15 lasttrttirisl niudoiodnvntiaersciiltrec ju1- draa dakiei f ihkattv waliiistn new j enter united fetaica of atartcaw reqej tclrji the feet to r- jest civile- ted most etueiln tlio mirfeel all ciu oc4 ona- meau erery tgnafrt fuurys forjslx jean u ttrlcxirrrst cuj tr aasttrttlrisl iliuijjodn stai qreflhsegatrypiasosa inromc5ii cfcich are utzins paiint jfcatttxelctiralod punea idorraa ahcl paxtlcfr larly from parties in the west and souui7ktvwbert this detwtaiila trlcietr has becit enensjtly prac tised oa tic tepntauoal hnvo gtitmxi1 ci turvtare of cbelars iilh fnjs qaotasonaj- froal elars rwiih false qaotasca jdriiajifwrttcrerplinatfcin acoarnk iatradsiriiajifwrtttcrerpltfcin send lor beatiyldlltlstratcj piano and olsan aifrertuer eertaia trada lor dcnttyl i w conjjnlag tcstlmonuis from mlulobilrea baatera mcrchanta lawyers clergtmian ud thoobands rchier throdfhont uielenfctfcaad breadtbot t id with full pirtlcalars cf tm rjreat piano juiov organ war aeairvrt addresj da1fl f h priew kewipai iexttt wuh- 1 feualta ofamrrica exttt wjin1nto t chi e st zbistid gl01hing stoe islnw being filled with alllttie latest designs in having bought early we will be able toexljiliit a lare felectioa of the bfesf patterns in the market r scotch eed shirt li in great variety j- worsted o0a t2hs sctivotrserig- mat and durable ail the latest styles in 1- l hats cent fbnishincr our stock is large and well assorted ml the newest thinffs in bo fs tieb and scmfi acipnan nab wawderfuldtcovery v mphess c mapanrp t tirrriemi or a- lytekjral im exteesiil iieilzdr mxmr- evebt wocjp it cm klieuln j rxiciv ll il kicvru rtxncdy lor hi tlffitliti n- ou hie ainlrtciiccntldentltita ti rl itilant fc wii iur krvt it la iiif idb bf oj tu vjjaleb lo th very tone ntt xv circataiion nriillrlcg all hlifi matie im n clrctiuui f la iuyiitiii eld x it xt ctjees t otuacli tj nctiv lleadacbe neu- riiu kivuillaisiriiipsb ll llllilllluticsj hutu ctrij jru te tuin in tijc ltla ta biict- luiu u ciati tain iij tbauldtr ccutlia lj a- fnkiijlgliililaiii ijitua l tc uiy ry tiumnur cvm- iui u ac it till carelc inot agoiiljildfc iit tteri lii xne in- tuilcrf uiflrt pvqket jfouritadie triidglve it a uwl to nvtiaeu it tn jnd it ru n the g i iktt lflu 6uccejlh nil i isciilset iott i gtoitit fact that in ufiifc r hruilea peuam ut ufc glit lasuut ead and can wui1 1m 1- a widtr rtiof kuccsa tlaiiinty punwranou which rsuxli fttiilijid meitcjl scieru tint tt 1 m tl i irmu ia tt jwat qer orvir ujtc anriixrois bomaitirhqdi j mlj- b iuh or lx aid ur young j w t 6 is s ueuirnrnoltne i b6rei4 infill camplalnruptilciilial i che y flice id tqot aiiy 4af of the neet ill get proof free of qhar ot its magical 1wer in in one nfiplicji- tetimoriuu frbmall parts pf thjdopilnon are constacuy coixng to hnnd ginnr exprea- iion o the most grateful grat ude for tistonishing cures wbich it haa perrdrmed ancl we would be pleacedlto refceve -testimoni- ils from ail oikers who use it uccel i luiciiiij of the highest re- mrjecubiuty reobnimcud itaa a tuost effectual domestic rem- jedy lor the retiefqf pain in ue3 of iudden emergency oiiry it to yoor homes and it ffill prose a blesrig io your racoiltes und afflictpj frynd brucis4are fetliagiciioraioas quinutie of it wheretei intro duced 1 challeoge tlie world 10 pq iluce ttsequnl price 35 cents per bottle kj the tradesupplied through the wholesale drup and patent vmviicirie rouses of alpntreil toroato hamilton and london sold2tau kkterpbxs1xo dsto i gists ioj sa baazvtlle oxtaam t5e desljn of ithe abdvs insulution ami tb wort it lfrjoat successfaiv iccompuhtng arwshoiifc la the great success orlls raqnales throatfhoax tne counirv u to prepare boys anil yoonif nl rnldjld ajed men fnr commercial- eurtults liy ctvtug toem atuorocuh arc poaohcai eduoatidu la book keeping la all its forms penmanablp arltnmttlr correspondence grammar tnd spelling binaios methods noslo leal witti uoleh drafls oiils of eaohane necks ani ab kludu oduislnera raptr okauljatba v tub colxfck who bnvo four moultii course and oat n their dlplomld are eath west aupplnj mlogood pollol hi whkb oirlngto the cowipktenest of t i f tnril pay i eipl oaft rmaltl loaj v i i ki caj cm has i firatl a illie exarf g wol rimcl feel toj of lot foi lr pleteness oi their knowleuaa lhevspoedlualulnpromoib among our stodenisare tnose ho avo beenthronahtneerammarscnuou- ind unlverslue aswellaa thofts jbo uaeatlon irnearty uje ha bn netlect- d trie fqrmir come to- receive a riraclcat edncaucnauo atani6eded ro vsry day ufa melaiterm remeajpint fieilecv andnll to secure that knowlpdte riihi wiubolpahjim losncacsa in the tn coluro jonrnal containing pit particulars and pe-unenasfjfien- naaalilparoenonapprioalok addresa rsobeattyftfo bellerllleont fept 1st 1st8 1 r 104 r-

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