Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 14, 1878, p. 3

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i 1 ijp rioh lie- b mm in m he cuefs w and koio iag re to inc il io fcllvptbtw tim tutu- trair icja p vctott a follow i xxiabki wrvt xighl fxs troil fnwl pir firr ftrfr gtlt rutcd 1 ohi 1 tt vicht everett ijlt nukl mlatn ikv uvpn ll- wcucra invl vl7pm lwlna miici usqpm 1 ownj- i ituu i 0 i vi i li aid wua saw filing gio adv- clniuiuaa fiwenulal c w hill chriuie hondetioo coy sell cheap suil tihe tiule klalmx eo golfer tvvi s uo m o r tivusu iuu uu for ta- pkvu il iam uiieliijunnu10tln in ontuestan atitpildiyv keel red lelc invt t mailed l tajiil tetori c ojue itnfc mmmm y the- free press acton salton county onx november 14 1876 r 7 jarvtat drugstore for i coal slave go to t mcoutfc tlin sidewalk on mkiu sirwt is to bccitcadcd to about nd rods above the nulwsj 1 gik liniment it j e met iltllll itug stok christie henderson 5ov tell clkv notice ii hereby given that any w the mbaorlbor ii prepared te pay ash or all ktavo timber smitgln timber and bssswood lop delivered at tfis fswory lately parchuod from drown i half ion found trespassing cither by last ing ihooliog breaking dowu fendes or joilmjiog property la iny way oa id pwraiioe will be pmcciitd accord ing to law gome parents in thli til- lags ir trwniur up lliuit children no better than to make inmates for our tvi btuiht wihtfii prisoni ud penitentiaries iamts v blkaw wah1kii should uk warning in tunc and save furthw rouble w2u ur e morrow qktw fob timber 181y edward s00re d oors for sile i j illls rrtetlo fttvai lh e ep n m prom tnl injltif x til 5 17 p w ttm k iwutiali n riit on tuck- dlit and frijfti t sm irt thcmclhouietrtcnrli ever l vui boh mon ire m tl cn lip ktlcs txl k cfe rlrcttlct kr k u nit rmir local matters xltknimo8alowti8uip council minutes were ixiwiki top- ktofor ituts itue i the trfe prbi urill be gtyen to ntw suliicribcra fiom uow till the 1st of jamun lss0rorl co t stewart k ju bln put in tkrw icl of uimpt liaiuchimotj of in kmjs cup how inec ciinstie header- soa cot uillmcry i j a tciucxttug will li teld m tbe umfcrnoe ball crcriac cor nets oa fnj aifttt a mi be eikciel for a pmlar or stocrotot ktcmirtic good time henting s c 247 stock of ealifli ana american quad- rupiiaad triple iiiver mi ueirl tor nmnr test hated cruets piktayitk stands butter saives f r l bak ij jj1 oldrtuowsctiwmrjsf ottos at piwsle poras and c ha- itapkia hink are all j t ng i- ien pre w i ured mil is eooj istbc cubcr gcti tell selected patterns ci l ls a l aeu itatic mil cmmcucc ui ctcit brisfht fresh ad iiini n all vajrnted u tka to j u tin- ne wll mi tie ijmrj to iep tneir ojior tc t b uxn i m j- i uj2at lis iut tlcfboukofj aci rlease call aid look u u i p ilooorea ntf fur any case of sqjrmsiu tbcbqtuiairteaiucn j e vfrim i rm lovcdenj will out ef fvt x frj tlicii th lubtenber hu on huid for ula a number of fintclui inch and htf fom pinef l hich voll bo told chcipforculu them doort rs mtau- fcturedfrotalumber xihicb hu been 6uoqc1 for five crc tiiqs 0 moore cirpcnotr bher areuue at the tieadroc fmdehck itreet acton a kxx heifer mncd to the premuei of the iab- crbcr lot i8 cou 7 kmspivcji ibout the firtt of june t rd hctfrr njintwoyairiold the owner u re- qaetttd to pro property py charge aud take it away a8tf besj wallace the rubacriber n pronand to pay fr the hisheit market price for hull a ton of good rye straw tbreahul with a 10 h robtfeklsch o hcleod aderso co georgetown boy wanted for yrtattl tttokliaisak- iry m ltm tint oiltlaf builstu kuit uonuai tho cut ot honoi ajpi7 immtdiitny 19u insolvent ct of 1875 and amenoihc acts cer my stock deoi eynds watchmsker and jeweller acton qntatioi vr o g hrlru ii if i i of mil r iic w hiiaiodt iii ilxstniii i hjlltjl d cul i d hint- tctltl jlullsc i i iv np nines caroa o lottos at t s hult vnngilist la the malter of jaltes s7m0ks of agtok issolveit 1 jite uudersigued ales win murdcck of tlie is uidu i i tutru m lit city of toroatq ihl m tli- crmrtrj- arc t t at utr r r n u boe o to 1 it u i tc- 1 iti tirn forieojjlf to lrn tor t thct t n s wm3 r 1 tnivr iiiuii it v nys ol of f il lins and frzniei o every jnttn jc t nr- ttc w hfllt ard yt p pxtli w ptiplecr litin lia scmmtr li yet to to c03t 1 gti nip french kice button boots tt clnt e hclierca l ce t citif e tlcci- i reaietuwjtr w p browi isc jo til st i j 27 con 4 equejig 02 fr lay t i oeci j c w hill is rlias frm c jl fc oas vetjicacpfom tuysoi cnnc crly cp tuo c moy annocna tlcains tlt i has t a cintmctei vlntr tnder tle tmmt ot ccwjird riijdu will if c mufticcd id the feee phlss lotit jut fyc tt m fek wexka nice ate hor chetjr hoy the mail cfliaixttone front cuvimcrk ctiaiuiuj ciirutit hecjerioa t co- s j jtlf j mtkt j jd j wtlutttpsnn l cs 4 cf gjc ii aicojuclr tltt tlej v i jrt l ti- luiitxul i fcto- l of jlr j i ti i t rit cjnu on the ilullar aj i tl e 11 it x- tlatjliter i r t a jab r u largiai luj lie cxis1 ex 0i s liirt rni dmwete realh trtm u curiiue ilcmlcr- one mrt lst v t a man who wi tint q a waj i oti qncxa tnettfowr the t k kutiou w eeu to s4p ndtl u andtcia tlirctt- m tle ilsv rat of the ijuitea bis wct n he irxs in lipa pite lc fi tbe c ipal bat pi it in lus jale- ficrafj riiv va cismmed cfanscie hecder e attoj mantles cheap net nd ondiy ist week ftsirp a kt3c fntreoeehi tt jf lsqnceing rtx ula xlovr t thllr blide brieka b iva tbe iliunes xiore ceap 0 it tfc tl tnipof to i c tcuvr jnd bcl p uih vrrj tnoas bat mtjiciitiori irtl n cur fch t-nlv- o ctwrsr for eile cheap r cnespitcto riyccijsiii tilery itoc and ha reeorerywaadfpafn acct i are ghd to kro honeidr rccrji cfili the boo crcf ilots w ert prctit afer i match on lus- redy tlf c w im1 has jilstoid a o- atle of il itto5 tia 17r2l with r i tlellurilo they ilotjo ft tm cooiplte frop ire reojlybeutiful 30 ceats npit 1 1 tt hill- i j nearly 300 vttra o debtors thf fif era of tku nemf r te tle gi mm sute t dl8tf bsre fiu tij moet ct ti e feseour t c crk d rcrjr tilinff tfcor e h acton 0 office ya frdxy oiorniug wlhosiiral ho toten j to dispute fbe amoant 1 romj tue fsti peesiiriiegnn to n sulac alien frooj new ul tbe lit of jin am issoturfeloo al oil at t fevtrt i cahi old i ct ires of all kintlt cop ji sod ealied ulc life at hiua i hnnre was a heurr min aiornj tcetd3 tiifnt and oa ucdoeca tlie rdfc rcitallcd niorur udi 11th of dtoemut 167c at ilia glwiw houne alwaj aae- cbrtie heaileraoq oftaer hills on tbo ground that they hold receipt for jamouat of the accounts presented a eplendid lot of new qer- coitingt just received it begent hall 3so i nice lot of reidj made overcaatt cheap for cash trglirh swfchjond cananiia twceda alsraya in awek ordered clothmz s pllty aod fit koaranleed ojeadtus wfc do you luy i or tea t w c i to tier t biebcrp ot liiaganitia feeaxeljoir chorch h the hoie estate of the lite tb l afternoon on the occaaion of hu aprhptl ae hw f w sftenrj be held m chivt churcn school btnldidk tbe i clergy of the diocese and i nunj c the lay delentes to tbe synod are expeet- ed to be present oocts i co 6 fm as 0k tul laura jiatheas kicfclm lave removed their livery staole frwi tbod runj on jofxqt street to he ttucs former occaptof- bj j p allan on mill street oppoatte i icklia a iikery alldre stuff sol j at j jfcgirvins dnig tore are irarraatcd iq male good oolorr j s a lecaiv settxemevt j a botcher umipbuned to a lawyer hat somebody dng was in the habit of tteahnp meat from hitcart and asked rhat he should da about if the ijht er replied irosecjte the owner of dog of course bat kaid the hjxcktr it is jour dog i will im tbe bill said the lawyer bruiting lis haifd dokn sridenly tra the if ace vhere his pocketbook was supposed to be if you will tell roe how much tbe meat was worth the butcher replied about 1 ah right rejoined theliwjer we wh be ecjiiare the advicwheh 1 rave you in the bejpnwuj was rprtb l j e jicgaoin dregg st aoton ladies dress goods special attention choicest fabncr makecjiad cokrs at christie heudetaoa fc cit we bavn before ns t copy of tbe ortasio family jourvd mouthly pcnodical puted in toronto devoted to social and domestichf agriculture icieace andreligion tbii joamal filla a- want long felt in m my canadian homes and a the aobscr ption price is very small it sbonld bad a place in every household in the dominion it u spicy instructive and contains a great deal interesting rekding matter sabscnption pnee 30 colts perannnm j h storrs st rbomas editor and publisher l we would call special ntfn tioi totb grand clejnjie sale adt of jfcleod laderwjn t cpi georgetown wo beheieithey harw an immense strict no doubt they tfel the pressure hndoeitomejand of the hard tmea or u commence a clearing sa the season eif would not to so early in we would advise our freuds to civ e them a cilh- back cmbs at jtcgarrjuf ik goar for service the undenigsed his for lernee a first class suffolk boar on lot 22 coo 1 towmhip of eaqueiint terms 1101 catb it tune of ten ice 7 6au wm gbb0n8 i in ccnshentioo ftf lb hard lltaes and low prices of all kinds of produce mcleoct aaderson co r hare deflidso to ol the whole of their immense stock -of- j isrmyr fssioisrble aid ohttiae dry goods clothing millinery maaitlos carpets buffalo rofces isc7 boots i shoes 1 1 for everyone at kenney son opposiifl adnewa uoteii i acton ont 1 l any person in want of a good woll btung pair of boots shoes cannot do belur than call at ejekney i mjks tbey kaep noth ing but tho beit goods m slock ik ofldered work thev oaf jkjunl if not iurpaaa anything in town 1 repairing a specialty- j- accotjntakt p mdelted to he above firm are reqvslext to cnll snd lime ucett appoilted as5st immedutelt and save cents kewev r sox sigaee hi tins luatier creditors who luiu- not alreadj doue so f re quested to file frtieir cliimsi before mu willitn oneiiionlli a ii jicrdock assicnee toronto ur 8h is7s acfon oct 9 1378 removed removed o livery and sale stajrzibs b mebsri mtttltews iytckliu 5eg leate to intimate that they have removed jiom th stable fjrmerlr occupied ty ihttito ihe- well known stand op pcite kickliis bakery formerly occaiiid by j p allan where a fisst class sia can always be obtained at reasonable bates an expreai waggon meets evry train and detirersanf goods that arrive for he merchants and towns people kow is he lime to get a good store andacuenp one aud u jou want to save mouty go to t stetrart co roa a toxlve erlor tc8s sox stoyi asd oaatstcss always m stocl and sellnj at prices to suit he times i a firstclass assort ment of tinware now in stock j jobbinp of all kinds iprompt- iy attended to and satis faction kuaranteed t stewart sc co- 1 mill street acton gkraisrd at a cleriisraqtjt sxie cle to ocaaioaeo kov 4ts tai eoatiaus tst tvomonutfc we gnaraiiiaetfiii to ha a 0rajd cleieing al or goods inoh as hs never before been offrect to people b thja part of the eoaotry wr w fcave fcnoojted he prices down dome along and leee will glee you bargufoi by redaeion in v dress goods wijroef s c grea slaughter of tweeds beadymape nothing 07erc0ats c milijinebt and juntlks at cost price ladies for mink setts ree our fpecial cheap prices flannels aud ula5tkets at less than maiiufactureirs pris buffalo egbes at one halfilie usual prices r mll and see us bememher thi grand slaughter sale cammenies on the alk of november extraordinary display ri7 -of- chg4p ooodh x dress onstit ut r o nalt catarrh remedy stoves 1 stoves i xi any person intending to get s firstclass stoye will rate money by colling at mainstvaoron where hey will find prices to suit the times determined not o be undersold flrstalasi always in stock and at greatly teauced prices eavetroughing and jobbing a specialty o call and be conrineed that leitds is the cheapest place to buy in the county lernt proprietor haalan perfume at mcuarvins t20t7saots ai5latto its ohdearitirottbes tear wfutarbrerexdgey- if foi- j tleiaksatsoftlle clkstr loqs totioxjl reltzht t i si itiaoisor fij rrocxtitii oct dbu sa it u now iwp years stuce yotjr tf catarrh remejywas introduced to me i have waited this long o me if ths cure would remain permanent be fora doing this my duly to yon u at first he nappy effects seemed to mi o be loo good o be true i was afsiced mmy head for years before tsuspeeted it to ba catarrh in reading in your circular i it my case jesonbed in many particulars tbe nfward drop from the head had become very disagreeable and a choking sensation often prerent mg uie irm lying long l would feel like imothenng and be compel led to sit up in the bed my health and spirits were seriously affected when your agent came to walker- ton in august 1876 1 secured three bottles before i had used a tjuar terof the contents of one bottle i found decided relief and wbeo i had nied two bottles nno a third t quit taking if feeling juite cared o hat ailment and bare not nse4 any since until of lalel have taken some for a cold in my bead a sense of duty o suflerers from that loathsome disease catarrh prompts me n send yon his cw llscalo unsolicited with leave to make what use of it you may see proper yours truly i wtlndalh hethodbl minister port wgln aw at 1878 i 1 ask for llttlafleldjf conshta- tional catarrh remedy and take no other t j b rtaaoixo dominion agent btookville ontario for sale by all druggists st only one dollar per bottle at the fashionable west m wlflntle uno millinery establishment grieliph a 6 bucham y solicits favorable notice to the following departments- of his stock all of which are trow full of everything new ntlraciiveabd fashionable for the season siijks and dress goods in this department we show a stogk of goods which is rare- ly equalled for extensive variety beauty of selection and clioapuess een in the largest citiesof thje dominion cur present display is worthy of the particular uoti e of everybody including as it defes a recent large purchase ofover 200 pieees 8f new and fashionable mateiuals ati a niere trifle over one half the regular prieev wearo now sjiowiqg reihy handsome press materials fori 15c regularly sold by other housesia oin at25c these goods are already creating quile a stir amongsuhetftdy purchasers ofguelph and we have every rcasori t uulicipaje a rapid sale we also show othepirew miteriils nt equally low rates and ask eyery reader of this advertisemtut to paj us atisit when in town for particulars and far her information read this price list obod black sflks at 50c 653 75o t00faest value eer seen colored fancy silks at 45a 680 85o and 87o no atlto equal tct them in tne whole trada new fancy dress gaols at 133 1231532 32 tns b33t qaods for the money fever- osared lovely cashmeres in all the ner shadesat 40o kniokerbokar and fancy winoeys loo 12o and 15o 60 pieces bupenor twilled winceys at 12c per yam good heavy blankets large sizes at 3 50 and300 mantle cloths naps beavereetch cheaper than ever qoodgrayb yard wide twilled bheetmtp heavy loopryam good towelling at 4c 5a 6c 84 per yard wholesale stock of mantles and ulsters over 4o0 to select from best variety cheapest stock in the whole trade 2 qases heavy canada tweeds to be sold at 68 and 75o peryard refraiar pttoe upo ana fl12 goods the above- godfls are all fresh and aewjiist ojeaed upl l and having be9n i oxtghhit ohap will commanj a leady sale we are advertising th fear- gains extensively which jhenow offer to pmchnsers being desirous of placsng the tacts prbqiuently t before eery portion of thf buyin r public i 1 whjln t guelptt dplmt fail to see oijir j sms bgess kds majatl fluliii pairtmes we have no hesitation in sayinlg l above f we just now wiien goods are away down in price it is to 1 u j u jiuo idea of the uoerior clm t will readily s that pointiltdiesxsortlially invited to examiue our goods euqjiiire prices sible in an advertisemuni such to convey evetl an approximate idea of the fupertdlr cj goods trrat anfae had at vry low prices an inspection howevs will readily safisfy anyo le 6n that oointfliesxsortliallr inviied to examiue our goods eaqnire prices c at brstopporuudtj cheap goods is ourmotto far novembeh a 0 buchaiyi gnalpninstenilrffnin 1878 pwiloasbh wott bad draw lntlo a4 iluiiiory xatahllfiaat ril mh1slsmltkrkbz

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