ntwsijapcr decisions aikl putcutrlio takes a paper ki utly jfrcw ike post ulhw wetiierdiiocted iu uis uiuif or lutihere or whether he biis sjifaf ictibcd or- col is kspousudodbr ipajmciilt i 2 if a pereahjorders bis par disiuntted iiehiikt pay ult itivin orllielajliticruiayoontiuua io i send iluntil pivnkut is made and uitti eojtecl li whot amount whether the paper is taken irouilke fiice or not s tiie court aava decided hat kfutinhc lake newspaper or ccrttuoviacauct leaving them un called for is naiii rico evidence o trlcnfmia frauds m i mnrmv ttittt ji alift naifiirniilir thrj fkeepressrmjtonhaltc the llslicrr award tbesrafilwsor sitttw est idritoji oi lliuviuujfltsl iwettru fwle a wnl jitter fu effect ukis siinilirtround to that which has been advanced in gaiiisiii vie thaty if the american case was ubfc property tuadn out no additional tsliuioay can now bo iriiporled into it it further rays that tha course of tha anctioctis reiuollt taiic nenfiuiitc or z mrodfciuw lh post iofficc ls on aiupuutioo upon ilia integrity of hcoaimiastoaera from whose decision treat britain as ouo of village kctiool noardi jcuool board met oti monday pgjutii 1iuca m uipn tiaiy eculenon kxtoorqj idourc mihulcs of last ihcceug ircacl slid mufihucd v moved by messrs ii lfcttllchon ami k sioucc that mr thus muoros ap- ulicatioa as head teacher of the acluu toblic jehoohie ifclt board iiku adjourned until monday cveuioc ud ijccembcr titvr siterii montuli the november number of the lupcrb sbttiv fall of good thiugvincktiliiig ajbitl of faro for every day in the luailh tlo pnst aud ue prcsciit a heiwttrld ikt fttytnu dbalt slk tpifiultj uia it umkc fuw ruuail tliiolitli6 c luumi f yiilr iftlsreitiuj miidiv liwblo napcr by wity o iruitiiijii coui jiiihoa bativecti ilia imt nuil tho jiiustfit in orjur ta do so it is jjbmkirv to iufoiiu i vu c at liw to oojlinty qnt nqvembkr thirty tttefacrox free press hli tulhthcjcrervthtt dav itonnar i r- t atbekt ilooke epitur aecu in praat tiiu puuiilicrs qltvr to fkad iu foci wi tivo wotniii tu auv lai whoi fejide them tfiu fddrvfa of two laities at cacl of five jioat iffi tlio difcrja court ho jan 1 7c ajt buckkvk iuutu tiia minuflaiwli tucnsl i ivimsu kiv- 11 vfi m acxtcipal the liiifidtivs uir srlictt tlaje efotfors should fckarbagdjlo fincl vbuiuife men to bvectue oididatei tow ifeant this viitia in donnesl next reir fhuniiis not t q inoufe ubti ire will he u thi midst of the clctwn aild yet we tare not jitml so mnclt us a -wlits- i por as to fio irw iitely to 1m our cuuncilmtfi for the ucr year as far as vlp could learu frui the cjaveriitiunjsbieh took pucj ijo- ttreentte uicuiucrs of the ipelsert council at its last mtotiugj none i of those irho eot arej honnrcj aj coancillors intend to become cia- didate iur the coiliiai veir in fact they appeared t be of tho opinion thtt ii thn ejoid iit wine- thin tlich uronld briu the wrath aflhe electees on them they would 5fe hifpy dr ilcgarvin the fef heeye uitecdir to lttve actoa the liligsuls eaanot stand ill the 1 rerasiut oao firtiiiinlugiving aijl the positioc of a courtof apkil ski the point raised uslo the necebxiiy of utuutoiitj intie iirmd lajid sitisbitiyliavins argued tlie point attength ooucludes hid it been kjjuwn fire ycirs ago tlmt ait avard would be ptevtnted by- duswit of onoot the members of lh mbiti-a- tion thoitgh t dohofc vmw to cliujectttrewhat fho tourse if the jjuited states jgorecumeit woubl have been l feel coufrcunli esgund konld jiaee dectned t6eatefon so nufniitfal a litigation bclienng- in the agreement yiifrjtie majority jf the vjniniissim thattlicy weru lo bs heavy fosers tkiff oocerte- lefs hare furtev yoicaj allowed ihote concessions to cocjo into lotco i i rl3 crusting to thecompensxtipn wbici the commission would j give to them that theydiave dune fo h teficjent proof that they j did cot anticipate the comtwctiod of ile teif which would tmiko jtlid- del- l eryof the awaixl aluioitj iirposs- lie however thff milter ii jkow about setthsj slid onrheisiti nistantthe maaiyjs to- xs paid ihe pcocoedingk in connection with his matter hsvcj lioweyer taught his lessoa thst in fittnrt juegotia- tiuns with tho ameriaiis the s pecieatioas of the lou4 ciniiot e too explicit lhoagh with onr- silves iinrf the if other countrc it r ifcriis been the practice to act nii to f about tl liit of jdeceaiber fur r wlit iliiui fitiftliren applicitioifti srclv reccivcvl by tho acton fcehoijl bparvl in rcipauie to tho aiuirfircment for a head uaclicc for the actot tftljlic pud that f mr tjwi mora- ut xoruata ai accepted thi salary fcvill tcccivo iifloo per viiinia itli fv5hgisef tha tlia tcarlict tcicivcs mr miorc at prcscut holds a icouiias a bertificatc sod s st8ikia that ho inay ti hiiuielt for a irst wtliope that ijejnuiy be hicrccaldfiiiy our rilligcrt as ht piiiautea tabfti grstcka teacher however id one thing wc arc suttf he canict witi a ckklniieiawhichiioare tliancoaiidrablc tjkgah i jakzskitljeiket civlac 35 its carras fp cic0ib rti ii i2rtb sisat for ciq0i is ciylss zs ifcsii sctp i jr qim u eltccsilcijlcsj of c5il oil for 5ip0 1 fiviaeio brstat fas- si 00isjl7ifi iatts shias fa 5100 is eiylsff lijiva sissaiti uiirtajr s3 lis aiavfat siioo ievic8-ioii3- oiaflf3ri5100 si striae 2i fts oltjafcij itsfli jsrstoisfii atste lijf jrcijj strlvk iiis cik variisics jie settled in euesing koiua dvoert wgo at which the leopln were i considered rough well na tiro road but notwitistind i iff thia condoriitioiiii beiiiee wo eliioved as iduch comfort theii as wudo ill ilhji prchent uge jt t ill lie ha no fukt ttotliliff hoincs iior fulicy bujfie but wit had u jood utir of eoivhide twoilc t yoke of good uxeii aud a jotkl uonj tlfat juiiki- or iirt mid uia boast of lojjgiin b a wafitv bo it ivi oso ii dleit u net it ifissan new piovideacc where he wilieaain tor six weeks or twocioitlis for thu reusou ae conclude that he will not again is- pipa fur mncicipoi honors as to j the cou weiiive not iheurd sfly codipiahits of course they hare their turticular viirs on ceitiin subjects which will not ad- tijscohicde with the ideas taken by the rtepiyere bat we do not enow of any previous fnli hich i has bees fjundi with any of tteni mjmy improvements have been brought fjrwaid during ilie past year aaoni whidiiis tho new side walk on church street putting a goodcoitof gravel on ilill street- snildin theuew siiewalk on main street above the railway cedssirig and now licy are cjnteutplatius another good uiove which is the t rjarchaseof anew iutcery i our j yiwsos this utter question have bien hwrotiiuly ventilited bat while pasiiug we might say thavas there is slxrge saqilusin the vil iige treasury this would be the bestwiy p3iibe to ctpaud it the present council luisdohe a3 ii their power to further the inter feitsofthe village aid we hops bat whojrer is elected for tha enr- rent year ttiey will display in aeiouut of futethjuht which will biiaga nuinsier of tuenufartories into rbis villi thebjurit of the agtoamedt with autaqyrecanrsotaqnibtles as to precise terms 1 local imfvttersil council would advise that the ratfipayers use their ihsueace m getting a pvrson tom thus section incoy founi sea mdt- tui taxcjliectork on the wan isti- the london jitlcciiiir has i at actoil t acton division sons of tvni- raccc will five another 0via divi- oa tnesdiy cv ijeceratier rd they are prepariirif splendid rpgraamcx tr i i ifjy jaa darns hi on er- ihitioa ia his meat thp an txceeding- largetannpofviie swedq varje hich weighs aboa cadx i wuo 1m a larger oiis the carapest el twilled im oaly j jau wo- ernmow totrusuip gntmcu ti r itriie caancii met at- th ceiitru1 xiiii on ilouday tha ikh inn ill tiie meudieisitirtieiit 3in utetof hst uicetiag nad and culi- firmed t 25 w irr oidcred to he rwid to george- j lraistrong uir cotirtruccj iuacalvert etc on lots 21 aud tweatvthrve all m1 rrey jarlctpm 20c docse ica cbrite haudertout sie their soecotkidsrtie chci- st gluvc iu the laartet- tt6 would direct attention to ue sale o tee real- estate pd the tat idneysiaith ejq wmch ufces pliee a wednesjiy 1 lth day of doccmber or farther particulars see adv and e posters there are many people who robably are not aware that by detain ng animals strayed oq bcir premises thoat advertiairic tbein tfccf become ly liable if you hare lost or- innd a beast advertiseiis in the 3eee paisi i i i the officers of the acton m r t vuu of 111uv u 2cd uc- 6kfto tlioiitak wih ngtrd to tlretownshipl if rfioditt cptrrcb sunday school in- of the twuviin- eucted fa a eeat jijattikt erzing end ukriajia aivcriry cuiitiaas oa christinas kvc- tlley fve ltttice lagoqi tin3 so tiat oj otlei- iociety wdlhold aa entertain- a the guneil board it b wise policy to ieksre- everything to fe dune an flomiaatiou day or as vwas the vise last year nutila week before the nomination ni then allow the lower end of the town ship to be donbly repfesentrd while those raiepaynra who jive in this- section have noone at that board to advance their interests i-i- itwoald joe well- to go to work immediately and choose- a aod man whom aii will support wild coild and would se that a fair 6hare of the township money be spent in- ibis neighboriiopd where the roads badly need it vard ho i has been neglected by tha pfeseut council an3 if would be v well for the ratepayers to beevthdt v saoris not the case next yeah c- i anoticcnle change for the good of europe la taken place in the rulti policy diiilii v jjiie liirquhrani stirchiaheki of lome after receiving an ovjitton mr h t galidwajss ivo rijt hoose and saop on ilillistreetjis i earing completion the rooi has been- foislied aad the baildiur corn- i i i- bcjiwdjifor huildiig a rhi1 bridge uahida i nad- lots il and 3 1 con i siwjo john medjitald of krcliu foe repairing- a culvert on the town line c150 to john uarlierrfoi- repidrinr road oa cidi line iotil 20 and 21 con 5 t20 toaversrth fiic gravel i28 to ilrs icjliu isuulij fur gravel sims to w ejwei for giel sit to jasciiaml iorv gnivel sd to win hod jskinson for gravd i j the eltrk was iilstiatcloi to go tho county treamirert of5i and correct inisiakes as to tke iiuiulierk of cercuinlots in tho villajre of rockwood euterwl in bis books us being in arieers of uresi intiea davidsons account for advertising voters lists d20 was orderid to be avx 150 eiargedto john sfuton in 0iuector roll for defaldt in perfornianoe bfktatata labor was ordered to be strack out he being under twbbtyfce yeliti of age at the time the clerk was ordered to be ltolify john rfffrty to teinove certain rails off tlie siie road at lots ifiandig con- 7 oh or before the 1st day of jfarcli next other wise itfie oouncil will dfskjse of them i a coraniuniettion firm hiclmel culbuiings iheroad al lowance between lot 5- on tiie 2nd t arid coiicessfdns was receivad tij riit hit 7ti i had thobest piilliiif cattlti ivrj- svldoid that u dispute a tii wldclt iveretho fatcit lj vviiiawo wiiiuin a- bhrr otiton foot j hut about uiijisea film of the year we very oftci got into troublelaud especially i i got- tiug through mud iioiik and times we golttuck hiitoncij great comfort wiiywhcn ve ivviii iif that ipdicauieut ve wcreiwityisiirt that the iit iiian wliocaiua uloug ajould hlms out that is the way id used to ikj in the past but huw d llieyduin the preselitl vyd will jjive yuuj my ixjisnencisj ituriuit etub lllualliliuo atll temembhr thit the nigiit the day in question ivai vny aid dink on bat day ihau casioa to go to soduia in aisa- awaya unit iviis deuyid uutil diil sjiitiug tor hoaie ibuut lljai time t ujaa very gjad wleii i arriviit safely uttliu fuat lino of emihsitig near diibjiii church altlieugli i imust coiifvtk that i did not iii a ease wl iio crisiiug ilia nuirowitjtd from tlm town mai betlen kpuiiug aild k sigii weya to te iiiio mentioned xiiiiikiuy that the roads ort liia liiiu would siuety be in a it spite tu travel without injury to my biigge u wis about to clrr lip tliaakv for uiy deliveianc wlieiito luy surprise lay ax lauky and a hiud wliee1 railed out of sight and it took sumo time ti lind it ti only thing i eouitu was to getto aclun and get tuvbtigg npjiiivj add liiiv to do ici jd ihii know at luiitli 1 liinbjab ml im f ihe i nlii plans we irled ti resort a whieli wis to pltes a rail under j llie uxle to hold it up wliiln seiichiug lor a rail uuvther ijuggy drove up wtiili 1 bailed tellm tbidtiver to lout out or- further the stewaiitj quavk 4 11 ia slated ou good authority that tho riunainl of rtt ivai l wliich eni itohfi from hi 1iulla some time ago luivo bean tmobd to their hiding plaee and tint nil plifliclr conceiiitd alo under turvclliebcc among the implicated are icveul lioretofore regarded us reiecuble utid the couslaut iviilch iljaja their uiuveuieuu has uuide llulu soliecv- oiuthat they uoft scarcely know vlicrn to tnrii a lawyer it is said isiinplicated if not directly at least a adviser as soon as the evidence isconipletii all the persons implicated will be arrested lit the sauio time four tnenhavo already been anestel ou suspicion of steal lug 8lewitr body tjie counco- tiouof ihise men with iho uutiagi is settled almost beyond dispute the iuiule in kassirawcya on the loth iust wife of if r ieter kiyersof a sou in acuin on the lithtait tliewife bfifr henry d imper of a diugbter the axtilt at springfield fspn jsclion on wcdbcsday j3ti us i57s by- the kcv mr kislicc of liirliujton mr johu laiali to miss allice telford allan cldert dauliterof mr jainca allan all of xelson j 21 1878 m gb5af ell mw mm -and- j ciqftodekes half priced u- at i xttbx maiictk i v loar old kdl wbcat sjirail ivheit sew kau wieat barley- uats tcis butler frvilt butter failed lard lirut lard dark rg potatoci ptr b-j- aiphs per bag flay per oi 2 00 to 2 37 oktoooj h 70 to 0 60 0 70 too 8j 0 fotuo gl 0 iu to 0 30 0 50 to 5c 1 ii to cuki 0 01 to 0 10 oiotoo id 0 os to 0 oil 0 10 too 10 0 jo to 0 go 0 i tu i 75 10 00 to 12 xi citrru jttcklts e ii d-iuili- sjkchtl jlit fij idji litt gcrxriioy is7s hilar per 100 6jw to 3 00 white vbeati ier bash 0 to 0 ss treadvll spritlg wheat lllclllrf oals ru-rlej- pees fay per loa straw lkspardor uutter lner la i per bag fli- tier cut wcvl wool ilts lo 0 71 to 0 m 6 7j to o so 0 6mo 0 75 i 0 2i to 0 23 0 vi lo 0 is i o w to o or 7 onto s00 3 cj to i w 0 i too 12 l ii to 0 12 0 h to 0 72 3 txitot o s i0 to hkt o 24 v 0 2 i0 iito 0 72 auction sluvs w blttkext ilvntlslxc on tuecdiy 2ijii ftbts con w lie head itkuiige uuitld li dolie wi coviiy tcl 1 ibo iiotto lnyl ina luiiiaatbiie wiuthodaigor ue vjs revise iuy going to iiive on be vini into conlait vitb a iaije stone i uhn frci stot aarl fuiietncou j hip properly ff mr j aie saiilh twelve inoutbcrclit iia mlos over is de to cniaiujo at lioehicfc see wlioe sheet p utersj sharp qash for skih3j r am prepircil to p s the whole of v syivlons stoorc tfj b9 rushed off haying hought mri jamjes syim ons c atfre stock at fifty cents yii tic dollar vvc will for tire next week or two ofljer it nt die satue rute at i tic same place the new orick store- ml t mi u oa tuesday 12ti nov workmanships that pehtscompetitjpli tho undersigned in tendh jl thanks to hia ciimerom criilbiatf is doiirotm of liiformiogthiiij ii irou a tho general puldio thai h is prepared to execute all ordjv rrbatlivr keaovatii j a in a prorapu mecitanicalsinii v 8atftfiryldariniiij tae mbsifl9r7ici9i wagcas sieiga for faming teaming or market use are bo obtained frcmhim a specialty n x particnlar atieitfon la psdet to- this brancb of the biuiijeaa oofflfls owktti 1 sarlal bcbcs zaailiirthin and all kiods of tdiierai pjrnish ingi uppli4el ob hafte potice i l elustcllssaeabseffliatfei- 1 caerils at be130nable eate8 jofin sssimt acton oct s 75 4- get first- ciicige- wriiliamqbi 4q y ii h tcxec to mil- jiu riuto luy xp uiktr coosiiujly f hrujl e ktopikailid s miv say- oiw flivg like bui ifiev ok lies t look and old putal aae as will jireseit as fine aa apnear- aay oa mibt street aiii will be a credit to the village rj v h orewaon has been j m jppainted d g w- p of tji i hyfie jjav pof patario tij nu j iiacabcy ciadeby the resigaatiaapf mr jak psecord a sbort fimeago mr crewsbii bas foraioog time beeaa ataadcnsa of temraacbaiwss inn on monday the2ad day of antnirroiiaicbaioa of tiie division december next at ten oijl6ck alid read the clvifc was in structed to bring to the rrbxt iheet- ing of cohncil docahjtnts- re- sjiecting the hrsa of said raid allowirice tojoin jlodre a cijictnauicitionftoui dnnliir t doitcstoh vesliecttng theditohafcthfs rbxdside- opposite icons titveru was tecieved tand i the matter referred to tiie fetice- cfoniersj divijioa sbasof teaperaoeo viewerswho iveire crdered touiebt ou thdrcday the 2lst lyons tiivern at ten oclockani the counifd oti motiphj then ad- jonrned lo dieefc ut tho centre i we are pleased to learn hit flalaathe lodge dcmhfs of pythilfp lactoa bare been awarded tiie prfselor 1 roakjpg fie ureestnmjiber of mamhors duric fh eniaunz ihflji atyotrldjeiaaply ig bitiafcd thirteen inepoerelijn thaf i a tbe priie is a beaatifal silver itl and presented by theclrakil geofbniafiov y iiif t7i mtiii toe tsmil ffiiivi edj nicklii rsfttrraed ail tordayerniug uom tbrar hooting toor ia j jjfaskdka i diatriotl theybroogitliomitoacton4 froinithe civie aufhpriiies iand i ttoverjejmkingdeerjitioarv people of liverpool embarlfed bnmloeieded ia shootiagiti deer twp if i board the riiatjiin last thursday i wwchthedogi rjfld were tbos lost mr cinsllomp nioruui ration blev and sailed fori tbeifc desti- the weather- was yesterday to bo hanged on thouth of january lor tjjifi murden of the iattevsuusbindpnlheth bt sei- i the were broudit jhomc faiber t- i i i xi il i vl- i i j eon ot pakvill who accoapaiiied favor- itljeni fooktwo deer to that placcanil a fenuila orarige lodge has been ffltablished inilfoiitreah j the provincial iovernmetit will nxaet about jjiemanitow rroviucialtsec tiontakalaceieariy in dpecei the grand division ftotrsl 6f teqipenmceilaieete inthslitdwh hall gait on the 3d of deceinbelv the gtunditojigvpf goodrtera- rplirs niecttft drftovsday f he 26th inst there will be ajjout 2500 qbbotehinbrl represented jthoriiaipgwdanielia wa iyere bentehcea at st jbinv nb and at length started up ugnli tug he aadivt to get home oit of j the ruin i tod bisi i also f auf el to get come and would suuie help to ix my buggy be dtovt off lenviugtne togetiloiij as liest i could ninl i clltxi hiin asktusf wilder would i fur help h caid tlijlt the tldng 1 cmild do ivduid ik to to the hwpiesiiig council away lie well xuv iii thej time8 when a mjn would do a trick like that be woitll gitj agdod bliiibeechiug at tho lirel liiggiil ho attended i began tvdesnir aliidid not kuov what tj doj but to my great delight aloiigcama two nien with a double waggon and a light they veiy kindly assisted uie in putting my buggy in goiiij shapi and one of them accom pauied inu to actbu bringing the iiebt with him- on the way i re beted my troubled knd i told hub a uiauhad uissed beruie they arrived whio ivould not hclpme but ni vised me to apply to tha esqussiiig council my companion stiilei and said tlpt if i wehtto tliei coiiucil they would tell me loii iply- to the commissioneis as tho cuuti cilhad iu june last giaatuj a hum of money to be expended on this roadj and badappoiuted -couiiuis- sioners to sea that the money was expended i asked why the vork was not done aiiu lie replied iluit h did not know except that the commissioners thought the roac did hot hied if well said bey were mistaken for the roadniols repairing very badlyj arid jf it ides not fret ze up soon rthis wiue i hiiri road to travel next spring f6r ifis too lata in the fall tc do anihihg rioiv thin portion of the road is thcs deprived of he re pairs it should have had tbrcugli neglect of the commissioners and no deubt when the caaucil isa ked foruiore money tliey willsayt ie is ed iise granting you money for your roads eswhat was alnadyji giabted has n6tibeenexpeiifed do yotiexiiect lie council tograuf thsmoney and tleu send j tejiuia men to do tiievjrkif niisfa jren that is iibou t iamis mjcige i the undemknei is prepared to file aud set any kind of saw- iuudius crorut hick and huil sxws jnn he shrtet notice aal a rcrltoillmlrraies in the baillioiipikisitc it adauls sale stable ua johu street i 2us ti tiloma cp1tari0 harness shop- is now tahg filled wiph all the iatjest designs j ln- lelg havj iieabe to exluli lattevtis in the scotch in to my many friends and crista mors i wish to return tbanki for past favors and ask for a coniiuu- ance of that confidence whlcn 1 trurt has been benediial to us ail during hp i sd eightyears ibavejustl 1 secured the erviccs of afirst class j liqht harffiess maker for nsioti term auy parties requir ing tt firrt clas llc t harness shbylj aveluel orders immediately sty stake of sc0i0s act 0xhs5 0011ass uasahleh reiclatonwiifre tnayri ivsips yepy cheap for cash scpslrlasr pwrapdj- allendetflm e breech acton stovt isss j finitxtse and are ijbbftt tile wayfhattho reevo ptdebity rce itaitto jj eil- doner inconcluiion i wbulil q quest thattherotnmissioherft tvo m d- soiathingand exgehd he tnonljriobylji6couicu notalloivtneaselyesfo be cfiargcl srith mgleooi diiy 1 t t f j hoping thave not takjh jfoo inuch ipaca in your exceitent jcnrnal i v raluyoars j 1 besiohted tnaveinee bsqiiosnj i if von want a j nice beistea4 l tsurea sidoboarii ceatre taslei good sepagohairi sofa or loiiaee orin fact anything in the fubniture line von will find themas goodand dibip at i birnrtore warehousjj ias cnyotherphice ia the country jj he also keeps awel selected stockpf brushes bought earl- we will ire seletioii ot the best it a krarkct titp shirting great varietur neat aijd durabla all the latest styjes ih ewtsvfuiikiskincs our stolck is large jand well assorted all the newest things tiesahd scahfb i fsje femonab acton angnst20 vs7t j- r lv mpbgss fc tut mixxd or as wv xn exmrsii iktekxsl kd itemedf b a l r t v tkt norid it cores hbeumallsin and kp 0 till- ll jlu i jslalill tettiitrictr h i r5e otii jriowu ictued or ttletmao nu ibe tliitrc llitjl iltliii will uim tale at- ntn ls anillo i enitaiitinjjlt inlaut car lotlie jl lsildlj h ere ttiaiie lotho rely oooe rov toe ciiculaflon uevnilizjnu turyimull ii riicelatlr iu ut ol mn thil sum l ixgt hiuulam oullet ttctrbieajii uuji ii llilutii 11 cctlax cugt lm n cu iiihouidrll hiwalht it wilt c bfliu cars t iuukl-jriz- trtitcri ili wieli- uulucuuir- itktriydurjactjiatitc fcljjiviyltiqtrul he- lutlnieri l ppiiiiihid ielf crtii ft- fli tritvutr i cjir7tcrc6 willi icjfcbctilalii j tuuiit eae mill uk glts cjii0- jjjjhj u ji tlfjt rnjc ui ciiiye u ever tidy lift wnii rwii ajcc ii w- jio itiwioufkiiich- r- ce ah fcfciutlii ik sriencu yet p tumj ssrfivmr ivtf at j b cr p v iicji ituy ru ju6 qtiih- gjijijt rto fnu4 r mtou iii iuiv ittluful xltulliiilukrhenifl ue olljce fu llwouto auj dsyoi ttreweiikrtrill get tacticalpivot fpeeot ciijirgeot lujpirgidil v 71 bem07edi ifr td george levenabcgi the mhabitanlsot icinily that be has irotn the premises occupied byhim nar se- cords corner to r ed ilutlhews new i ore ion hll ml near irei erick whe e ie will keep fresh oysters which hft will sell either by tha qnaitorcaa a choice e at 1 jgy orrs fprnlturc wiircrooius j llegnutiiall 1 1814 io intimajte iicton and removed ornierly al oajkhteb always on ha id berinfidi oa atihoj snewataad 6itllrn icrved iet shop strfclly aufprcid n any- style at uonr ca ih must dp paid for nay goods pure lased ortny barbtiing done a the oicol slock of fstflt usual rates r i i aijy m this juloj will the lkvem atononmle 4- and i t impleuejfts j the undersigned has been irisfrncc ed by ilr alex hihth to i soil by public auction at lot 8 con itpo rin ijn- tuesday 2jfidayqfkov the following articles ppanmatcliej bays- 7 yenrstold ihprset years old cneshut male tuoroughbredbull kockdiutler fly with registered pedigree 4 milk cows 3 twoyear old heifera sieer 2 yearold 3 yearling steers yearling heifer 3 spring falves 11 wellbred iwes 8 wlubred iimbs wellbtsd etn amber wagon single buggy sqw- ploij testimoifills from all pafts of the dominion are cbpirtiijrtlt coiniiij to land ativinj pxres aion to ibe uiost gratexuj gralij nde for astonishing cures wliinji it baa performed and wa would bo pleased to recevia- tfotimoni- ala from nil others who use it successfully i- liivsipabb of ibe liigbeitre specubililyrepoinnieuu it aasi most ffitetualdjajelitjc rem edyj ion lb relief of painin cues of tudde enjertdctf t oirry it lo yonr djoriies tj it will prove ablesting to jour families ijnd afflicted maids druiii5i8are8ellingenornjons quantities of it nbereyer ifltro dueed i lbballenge the world to pro duce itseojah l t price 5 cents per battle 1 the tra4e supplied throujehlhe vhblesale prug and riten medicine hbqses of montral toronto hamilton and lonson sold bvatl kxtbrtkisuco dkto gists j iv j v- j iil is- fresh oyf er fftesh 6mtmi oysters in cans or by tkil i jpallfu i cj- ij i just received a i r lasas tor o oitsa paim 11 lollonirig biies ltjt- 2qtsqt p 1 gallon and 3 gallons psirties rjahlog -y- ccufiev lsjh can got them byaadrepidir rl murray qufctifh n-x- j u re6e jdl f j wooden wow combined i reaper i and moner kiry mak new j iron sctiffier irt btephensonmake set iron harrows fanning milk 2 lgtng chains set teaoi utuev utmplow faroess- and other articles not mentipned woiftsopait and a large qmntily pf turnips wiubo sold wircaish 8ale tocqrnrjqeiioat12oolook 8ltajp tfattnderi sver that auioont 2 nioritbs credit will be given qn apprpvtdoinliious everything mint be vtbe qvjneris giving up tanning v vy uelttotliiktiutofiblker f v s bloaters oranpeb pop-qbn-baiiib-bjr-tib- vifrio ihofwi mojcr popicosn bajt8ny mjws- ilfitl jnindrea au or4oxsfttibiioi ei wmmmms izi iwynariwnf8ttsi vi cs5euj lit ii