aw i ii- -r- mm k toe jree pressr if haltjgnoountrix ont november 2l 1876 sb k0t1ce to debtors we jay e at prwenl sending out oar accounta ic of which- ere t5ftg fart due and jutpccl iiromptipajmenl all aeouunt mastbe closed this month and vn trust tktt it till not be oecestst to put ur one locosts tut unless accounts ire paid iasuediiitely costs riu bo added f ahp hoore y jsbw is lb time to get good itorc sndacueap one and it jouv want to save money go to f istwart co ro stove jiilei stmi i iai 0st always- in stoksni selu at prices to suit h time a irstclass asflsrt- ateat of tiaware aw ia stock jobtansrof all kinds prompt 1 ly attendedf to aad stis- factioii- ejaaraateei cvstewart op mju stmt acton s quelph cloth hall our importation of fall and winter ffwltrm tweeds lata and aetiti puntlskhig ooodt have now all arrived uiilm oiiehed up for the inspection of i the pnmie ifttak- j- i oaderst rclothiktj de ptfmkmr we ant making bntulls tl dww prio- lluii we hare ever done before u4 bur kootdtar he ul s years it lutstfieal jidaranlee hint sar one ordering clothing frou ui oul ob- tfiti perfect til willi uuit of wotkaituiuiiv ueadymabe clqthinca ovsrecais ulster stilsand boyi clouuuf allof wiuoh are inenufia- urd ou the premneiud cut in itixxi siyu tad l ltloat to defy competition the very bett all wool tweeds flanntla ant shirlinita told by the yard andgyoieuuout without an ejclra charg i the titttttiielub and american stylesof jlats oooipruilg ail the nobby goods out this season jfti t ra si rrijii in 3 3 1 shirts underolothnp 8airfotiej cotlarr glorear ctmbrelii and other goods loo namrvqi to men- lion i call and etimine par immense toclc before iiaichafint saatvimohtxin kerchanttiliortl tteldh sept 12 1878 lljm for everyone at son opposite igafiws hotel afetonri oixt anypewoa mtrtfetpf agoodwoll fittmj pair uf boots shoes cannot do better than call at 2enset fcjjoviittiey keep noth- iag but the besd gsocu in alocfc asyei8 or yrt8mtiag to gray hait a bataiilvitailtraail color a dressing rhich fe ai cooa heaithy ecosl fat- ptejeir- g the iiair ilom faded or gray hair to it original edarvith tha glots otdfrahnut of jfovth thin hair is thickened 6u- mg hair checked and wdness often though notilsyi ctmci by jig om r hbthog can restore tae hiit here the fhuicles sib destnyed oe 4 the glands strophid snd decayed bnttnchasrtmsiicanbe saved by this aodimtka tad itimalttsd ntn sctmtrio tost a new growtt of hattiapodnced instead of fculing the hair with ipisfy sediment it s31 veepifc clean and yigorous it yrasinnsl use h presentf the hair femi fanning gray or foiling bfij ind tonseqwnsy prerent haldness the restoration of titality it grres to a orrestg and preventa do you want 0 bljjf seetnelist 1 -or- rib for sue istuk weekly mail ptr et vuhic se adtcrtuc rwtlc wlahuc a boti d tlicrt frm for ktft we lneruct t it tin wpxely mail ai f unli tut 60c icu lnrtlon cftck al- lluanl word fc adtertlmectaf panni for hate ar tuerlod in ihft iuily uattv xo rardifor s5c each tnwrtlotr esk-hd- iditfeinal word tfctc j advrusameiid live8toctaucton i sales oraoc im- t hcd fr bale kxhfblt luon ttff fogarttd iat the same rt addrtvajiu i turotito sigh painters i lloaotlllt poltfd hi10tnrt wmtd to rt protln toniierlhlilrfnlrmiiu ajdrmr olvitx r bejtttt wiitllasuld n wyoroereo w1k theyew equal if not sorpass snyiliinf io town- j repairing a spefeialty alt pirtier indebted to the aboye firm are rwjoested to call and 2tue immediately and tare cotu acton oct 913- i vtbn rbiqtr yjyjtyajyataiwitmi tgqtoakc s atplato vi iis 0tjs28 heswifltareverexlige- tlemjjfsats of tee oqsstt- tutldsll remedy t jahiusprio a v oxr dtiee it urooir twarearr eiuee your cocatiatlonal cfmapt eemsty u introdaoed to mejfe hire wailed this lu jo if tni cure would remastpermaoeat be fore doiugott my joty to youv as at grstthe bappyeffects seemed w b to be too good to beteue 1 1wiw afflicted liuny head for years tefore i iuipected it w be catarrh in reading in yourpircalarl aiwmy cue described in many particulars tseiilward dropftonjthe tifad ui become very disagreeable arid a choking sensation often prevent ing utffcironi lying long- 1 woojd feel like tmotherm and be compel lei to ait up in the bed ky health awl epulis were seriously affected when your agent came to watker- wh m 1 secured three oottiej before i had used a quar tcr of be contents of one bottle i found decided relief and when i had used two bottles and a third i quit uktris it feeling quite cured of tbit ailrpent nod hare not used any since until ol late i have taken some for a cold in my bead j a ense of duty to sunerers irom that loathsome disease catarrh prempts me to send yon una cerv ttscafe ansbuacetl iiitik jearehto znnjciewtiue oityoamay se jjropir t w ilettcilstffinlsfir portllaau jcsfc for liiitiafieldb constitu- tional catarrh remedy and take no other free t a h p moore i bofhrbirors is supplied wiih all the reqiii sites for domglarsclass job printiig business i and promptly j executes ukactvcfelkbratktj halve jthe rmafion of dandrafl which if lnrewifn ibfntousfcr1jr wii often so uncleanlt and oflensivb lan la kin junes qrace pelebeateo galvf sue eueusrtkc sasrenr rurarto bt setkwfowle t sons ss oangaas atmnrc bostosr juss postefts handbills feograimes blil bodaeks heilds stateents hardwa o tho undersigned has in 1 to hit ie addition prrinmvi gr6ceby stock put in a a pmplet9 staok h a op jas rdware e oils vartdsiies glass etc matthews i acton not 7 a 450 pacj8 fsift a volntnfe or otorisortrsl joqprac- ikal kccelpu or mformallnn ivr erxbodr slven u every tab aoriboruiuw wetern advertiser a weekly uieral poh 187u bahwee of 18t8 free o new 1 subscribers sicn rsissstoaoitxtsl usual ttohs- f best xvaa qrrwaol m3t of attsaotijhs 1 iuieit news from all ovr lino wrnlj 2 elstit pnses 41 cots kooti paper clear iype sfarinfrt pnif euited by w p clarke v sq lvesoheri otpartment epclallr ull r 6nnlsneiorik78cralll 6dr thaen ttrelpos fnlsrwd sod tm- nrnrs m every lubsorlcor t laditt uparinieotmasltfleturefl 4e i s special wotern ontario nwt cnrlelteaiiranfe ord lorehubie and oomprelet afaket ueporis i tkhmb kok b7siperyjbi- ilclpe uook or if pnfrred chne or fnirovloit wehinjton and jalneher nr tbi octuary tlilo wltboat prmtatn balauie a ltseratts tssvltles lbhlnt ocaavius for tbe auvftktikeit should send optsal earj astclnir iran agents eocaafe ana tumpucnplcs addrei all cnnjniinlentlnns jqhs oamekov cot advaatisas oifncx loodq onlarto 0a8k tw bkini rv i am prepared to pav the hlsbwt cash price lor- all elaastt er l4asb asd iflimp skies delivered at my rsnasij so leaher constantly on hand 41ly v jamesmoofi best basin ws yoa n ppf in so to p9 pr3r byanriworlur of ejcbersexrlihtld tmr own lot umei fantentartamdimtfplm wcrtbj ii rrre ibidrbt poor tears time ttwbai aldrmfatbokfaoo thyself ofzjhtrattdvlubtrrroiduert luttadtaik r tnatso kerrea wrsiesssi hbonstortlmlj tjyoiefuelikwrai ihtbook tils book wss wrltun by fl tenilts sad pisablyox ra tkwtly taoertes5owtjoeirmair- smetts ueb1wrailwelm at jbeautlaebxalskfljs ilitabsstyifcvhaumt- a puapue ulsitrsled wt4 fj f- 1 bapavtaasa mar ucatl snt rm to an bn for it st eoe address f i medicaid instmtee no bsl atdsubmtobuass cd ww tbajretk iot i l ohcv auuftm f h sjjchopi can v easily inorease yottr aaury by devoting wrj mjall vfi p jour leisure time to my interest i do not expect y9otttjojnjaaor thy oetebrted beattja planoa at d i organs qalesajpuj sjserjtfpnt the service- 1 reqritre of bn is boih pleasant arid profitable pijfftr- ticulars free address oxmeltki bbtf yrwmhinn jjtr 1 n uj often so uncleanly and ofleasive i lis ur la s jfreo hom tncee deletenousl suo- utaunnat or tue mast senoas sores slid stances which ma snmo iittvr waandstiist baffled tbe skill nfthe most luuioaiwucfl maaesome preparjr i eminent phrtlflan of blsdajaod was sons dangewus and mjunous to the rerarted by affiwao anew t halrfteg i pot harm it 11 wanted merely fce haiedbessrptjnothing els can be found so desirable contain ing neiei oil nor dye it does not gaucetosxebklteo tklfx jccftes stat whits cambric and yefclasts rtisn wocinia nozzx mat sjxt tm m ii im snscx cuiiuufics sous aatist bim at ipab raicxils ccxrs x box long on the lair giving i ejrich glceirrhittre and a gratefuoiuina prepared by orii x aye- go poetical and aiuljtlcsl ctjemiv eomnc jrsjss sottf re a oacoastra ersxrusr ycs cathartic pffis for owteuef od coze or sl eixageniectt in tbe stomach lfr j or ind bowels tney are aoilld aperient and aa xeeueltt pici qve ucaut poi irvesetahefuior cootol nomer cmy or tnnteraj wbiterefj kncb serfans sofferial is prerented by tpeir txmely use snd ererr tamllt- should bare them on band for tbeir proteetsxi and relief when required ixnur expenuiee uas aaat ltrej luystntst wxo woaxscjxlcsxs scald uius cirivrtd haxdk bcars cijtcnta tkloxs s- mn sbus cicias wiioxns sttxoav tmaoles rasraas wcrs anus pilsh 3l3cse rxeclxs bcstnss bpauis botl bttex crjts- whitlows wajtts slistzai isir rwplis cnassy sccktt itot ixataixta xails xirrtr easit axsocrro akn ruti sues ae tnts stxxgs and all cutanecac disease s atid eruption t i enerally t- h b au droetins sneers iind sad core rt atailointrstorertlirootatthe ital- deraajemaou hi ted states and briushtprovlncei price bjmallsoeent pamphlets oieculars books ball cards weddingr carps yisitiiva cards tod thenr urlra the safest tiuebt and byr led the oimxptions of the sfstani ex- tbaioartet a blood t j b haeoixo dominion agent brocktiue onlsrio j for ealebatlggista latonlyoae isollar parubotue 1 t- it of ea th pau with ahdnnds by ideir occastohal use the isunscd the oimiptions of the sjete obstraetfons nmoved and the whoie machinery of kfo restrrtd to its healthy actit- irr iptcraal organs which become doc aid slugpth sk cleansed by hirers klfs snd stunolsted bto actloq thus indnleat disease- it changed into health the aloe or which change when reckoned on the vaf multitudes who enjoy 1 cin hardly be com poled their sugar-coatiae- makes them pleasant to tax and preserres their virtues unimpaired for any length of time to that e ever fresh and perfectly reliable h searching- they- are mud and opcr n mouc disturbance to the constitution of dietorooenpatlon ufail directions are gfwn on the wrapper to each boxjtomr to use uiem aa a ramlly phjalc and for the following complaints which these rapidly cure ttt i for dyipcpalai or xadlrcatlom tixu l lewaiems ioataor and om tf jlrpe u hey sbbntd be taken aoderatelylo kthnnlale the sktnacn and rastoni its heallby tone and action j for llter contptatat and 1ft rariont srmptomsr bdloos hradtihe stele hmutwba jtmsohue or orrim sick- ae bulma cue and billows fo rney i althot west ead bookstore kyzxsb- rde books tathiery seaside librasiea lakeside libraries fireside libraries i boys- bibrariea n t libraries e latest novels tnw uildrnl a jowol ol oirl tonas business cards i u i vw0ysbqw cards -l- c c scc hsv b rl ft i i- tberefsbomannnitu and drgaps in this orayurtr country who has reeeited itrmky unsolicited indorsements aatsaaiir i beuy from evefyfltatebrioftet- rilory oomes lbs samaterdiet they are the bett in tiefwortti illustrated asvertisef gtcataliistie edition free adrtreaa dakreitk bbatry washington sewett fi b battysfiaa wskyfisft pianos ssffisvls oojdeatenigtie adjiiil1q tosnniftctaret uruanoi cqmltbtm tborisxmmpcnr- mammmmmuamner aotail brtulxocar and wra- wa8hincs5fc buf isdfierv txceultadtbeodij b dimmccd i tu tho bcdovs j laired crwt uts bat little effort u reqalrei foppirsu tl tli ttoemarj ttat ucst tyesln the mirfcei au test ttutluiultie4x erscr iucpl rnt frciid- daniel f pttvyaikjdfftme jcrc btatct of jjncttau orbais rseucmrtlbilsriy aatlooeifiseittmm buxraents whch sns iai oslmsrf ifimmttebe peaity cdsstniim pttoc tiiiroitsiaaliarpsrtlca- tarty from prtk3 tn via west sod boowtb this detetable trtckcrr la txen exteuftvljr jirao- tboloauuitptiutkmlstqrelaedt sljobetrareof stkxmaou rtulsn with taise qdklom fnwa mrtolaatmdeipdruu wrtto tor expltsst ion send tercattr iuqtisd piano aivloisnadtntlacr -7-thb- mu orders tent ended by mail promptly ai to ryperhie rm they should be judidotulyukoiffk the diseased actton or each case to correct remote the obstrncuons which cause it romyhfattr or diurriuea but one mllddowitgenerallyrequirtd for rbeaasatlsas cont cntrel flmshaleraaack and tmrntsr tbonlo be contlniumsly taken at required tn chanae the diseaiied action of tbe swttent with each change those compumtadu for dropsy and wan uwy sntnld he taken in large and nv tektopxddosthe esctor adcastto the great of human cause ml ery wenaverecenuypubllbhed a new edi tion of dr cwlverwelts celebrated es- aayonitie rudlcu and permanent cure cwllbouimdlcloelnf nervous ihiitv entaland pliyslealfncapticliy impedlt ue flora sympslhy 2lzpifz jwtakeona or two pttlstd promote dlgesttoo and reilere the stomach an jwcaslonal dote stunnbuetaa stomach and weis restores the appetite and tovlgor au tbetystem hanclrs eoen advanta- aponsjwnere serious derangemoit exists onawho feels tolerably well often m4s that a dose ofhste puis makes him feel deffi ecuy better from their cleansbg andsu- vallutfetonthedlxeattvespparauia pttfablist br7 f itbth 00 prsettoal chsniits lmwkzzjcjjktrs4 sosf aau watt ecattrirewrwbza meals to marriage etcresnl ezeestes frieelnataaldenteiorebnly6eenta or two postage stamps i tbelotirated author in ithla adnilr- ahle eseay dlaarly damonttrawfrom tblyty years tocwssful practice tht alarmlsgeanaenttficesmay be radically r red wfthout the dangerous nteof inter- fi aplueatlon of the endure knife ibolntlbir not amodorcure at sfmnlej pertain and effectual by- u errno raatur what his condition mey e may cure k privately and ndteauy thlalelofasbonldbein tbehandtof ically l ldul of ereryyoiahiantisjerfmanlntbenand tffle ccltekweu bed1cal co ann blnew york 5as the unanimdui verdict of the j reading jjii i j public wmchha placed ifcahadof ail itsicoitlpeiitois in every depart ment and is therefore tht j im tl l iaostyaluable adver c t hill isnowosering for sale in addition lo uis stotrpf grooeriesy j orbokear- qlaksware the following uoo s7 baits say perk oras scyties ctadli scythos scythe stoaoa snaths i luoa tylendjd lot of cr penters hand s aws meat saws keyhole saws masons rtjwxwls paj t8 tipait oils iwilhiheoabrated rubber paint always in stock l gjirwul be sold low for cash cash for sides chabueathtli wsteuinm co gujsw2 i i i t solicit tpeoiu attention to v jtev oheip indian panacea for female demounts f priottuu mrs- moons indian coma tiom too fr very disorder of the dnn8ataid breath t prteeejnr mrs motns natnrrah corean penetratlntrmnd rleaclna nmrfry dulolik- all morbid aaeahmlatloiu loth bead liliimnatbenut ili siecidjitiuikjnprieessrtiots mrs siouia uvrbaul kc ylhaa purely teatable m wuu and an active enntirtrtie wtthcel euipstsa prtpln or cramps sar- in ill eoaa wuere pmgaute meulelnellh need- ed jjieejseenu mrs sixms ueartbnm wmferahbrie wafers r an tmme uatelreilr to beartbuin prlcesceme uctamncs bitten price an indian elinor uf cedar tar4jiiele kbwn lemrdy for coojhs raids or erottplnehilnrisnt price ci co ilia lloons ooncentratxl b tlsam for keroale tvoakness price v cot llrs villons noe lujctlon lrlretacenla ir alotvs com stnd uunbmpplte v prlrs5centa mrs moons toothache drops r jsienw mrtt mooiis lndlhu kje loflon rents m rs ilininv iuulan ointminl tf5 esms are- mcomm f parosk uuuie best pniiikhlermtlwwlotryu rrlcelsoents klsnhats worm sqgatrnu infnllable worm ttestniyer prleesconta mrs tiioon prop letreas 1 torilbtnt soidbyd r morrow abon ctoattptll 1578 iny aw if r -1- attractive fasmoaabl i l1 liaes old dri anorltgrefelttat j k- r these plili ares wiio antfrorestmajy fopnbstru mni siusutngamenbrt cen jxentnqrr r j tf menorj oes l ho arid nil feoiale irregnlarltiea- our great specialties are mill street feb ftlh 18ti aclop postoffiie uaxwl photofisaimsbs should for- ward me their addresj if they wish to obtain a piano or organ in exohange for phototrsphine ad dress daniel beatty wash l ington new jersey bsatty wash stoves i ojj- v- person intending to get a piqkss stoye save money by calling ats envs j assets colomb lvfftsej 0ehae 0htap pssaf snrssabbs tint ttmbrouas vsry ohtjas- llen oostnmesi weatle oflerlngde ided bargains j r bi 07 alwtjjls in ttook oton find prides 4o rtnlned not to aaln wejro theywili times del ersold f ttook i cd- at reaneed trioea trojgr cd- atvgreattjr etroughing ikbd m ci l ltstmhfitkej ilntlimbni srroprieto c shr jte jaoketa eve 74rice dtsajt tegnla arts n fr nront cahte wiatfnjlre imrelyrltivrdbj thi useoithtse pills tlveyarenoia neinrnnljliarluvwb tispl by nr ai drewff or the lasl s yi an i n bis lrlvte prnrllre pull drrrctldns whnn ihi y siioold and hintbithonll not be takei sccomijiny rich- prletne loliar per boi and tent by- m ill lo any put ol the counlrr by a drsloir rl andrews boiitorr7ii- 31 tcontadnaimsod byauremectsble irqxaitia thraashnnt canraiatx- t be smrc and ask far old dr ai female pins ie itnat the wllu nhtareor r 1 andrews ik nn mh acton8ept llthi 1sts ss w- ju j- ors i every site oj- ur popul tijastable0orse v genu furouhln v eiy attraotve millihery lathlpnabu anjuieaji ianens cotionr 80s erygheetlhgs wntquatso blaek cashmeres0 r stoik is fully aasortacl 1- ji r t i jku fartlealarly iaiuil for i jun 11878 l xxrr r i ki i2 tv ft u mnuhwassjli ijtetiill beg leave ivlnurit bavmifedtomilth iltabl i thb well known stand pp a i irfcsillnibkuvsbakejv j forarlyoecupliicltj bltstlv pja86 ijf abtih bates r 4 pff won metis iitry tram and jttlfteroanjscbaa ht arrito for t merchanuand tow people i s i