h- m k litter 10w efor tt one i ob it or iboyf- bofio la i in defjc lentaa ii toe jo- aridlt men ial ensv riilorr ill-smi- rtnk r xo u r so j t imeot fraa 3ss ibacyolf fborew mbrmlkc irrtet press building aastu lijte meitcit clojkb 1 taswivaae aoltar frm ttfilri we dollar aud malt will t- aukitei nr x 1 c vu d0l4vc kt 41t lui tllva oftltf fac tdurle iiiwe ttriu xoi auarearaij j j4h isctes sikaat ururmii tcaiwiit cst ua tic art urtijc i atver nndoreigoed for aaaieauial efsttl tinea alji tdert it turtiton utntu lfhl tine and ander t all 4teriiefaiu taaa aafll xiitjrlel illktoil diawsnt alluwe4 o ad leecsiber and cltetaaulaartej mreelentied pcrlodx 4twrttetaeul iliaanpetal tiuruc- f ill uaoi laictw tut vruidvattf cltww lu i jlliwftirtw dale iadnwd u the wad pour cutes irqturti jik ire uest4 l cull at his ft per aamflt j i v i mretftaaacate t oaoc l ihrtt ho ikh of ft ehcn i j lrlijrrtk- l- ji w urn tooj rjc- i d sftct l r icu e- rrnt ltliion lit mot sarfllf pm s jus a dialog 4 i cjhs ian- enu tv liiete 1 ruf to its beet roll or j5cet 25eesu tfe jsceptt larenrt starlltl cte bet t k- 1 sserrii rasuitle 5ru ct i promote ijirvfieouuurij tkmatsc lua rjuattp nont i tuiiibef t 1ropiicvcc i i tford la lm vis i jit i nusrxess caaus till9ivuv a b hi i c 1 cajieuf trtuuj- tlltf ittmljralcjlirfaftttrtiiiith- vr irrtct tit cros ia hit- hgci imtf qceoptoi iir r umeesl j 1 1 j agtohplimin debtors ltaading defe t will b pkced ia clnfc pf ill caurt i rgallowir t he avtok treipuems aptqn i ont thursdat december 12 187 ilie uituitt jjvte i ihecudcelitiraitutu r adrcciv- 1 ulluheil crpry thnrwl y homtot v iv i i bl far atiaum in idvnie i m wrwh as to hi rciurned iu t albert uojile ciatts30l8s 9iiv iy editoe j tkhkuy maukis i3ffe vuljffe coancllto f i810j it is ior within nw municipal elceliaur and oiutottuaityhaibecn kcorfcd thh m thlt rilop lyere of acton lo discuar the putimr1 uiinagorasqlt tlltt tils niaa equally divid f iu mtuctpjl afliire t fer with ch other as t ba their reprraenutires tnd what ihail bo- their future this is nota il although the present tuariircieat as a who aatisfactory there arei differences of opinion at an j rfr j l cmill d w clapbetu prop js- ttossdw pystr lhqgparctlieiie alwce inmcd xai5ifev4tc bjuitorcoir csttbliiliaicat iim prepared to mina- rli ota jitsatlition t ttf tj tiaj from st nattlt payers vithtwpeet to s ulaltecs destt withjanu jt certain that sever questions will come up went next vetr which v- i i tntte cousiaeratwa sni miepavers of the to twhlp isays that our reasons j mr varren should be support sliould slouo creau suspicion in ither prtsiof the lowtiihip new wliyoiccco lias ukeu j up not nake a wot thy man veproseiiutiifo he will agree to tbb following lit that ho will more than twelve wit daring the year 2nd should be fasi cms otiangehich no 3nibt they rill she is able tn lakejdown n hte 1 nth of the kfvorary should y thnt we ire yet no loss to knovai wodutinotly ahd7lhrimviun ee7of7o7qes mf meet and do all iu hisi piwer to j tee nd to eoa- ed now the who shall either nut hae reoi neit year oiir article or he ha a very incou policy jia cistern mind as he s yt that wd say should hi t hj roa am councils has beett uo doubt j r dlliati and iwint to the absene ne of he of mr warren ia tha cause we article woud lead pow that such is quite imiiortant k wi did e jsvey the idea fdr settlj- tu representa- ill tvquira tire in council ram this section ot d the most the township our n ads would cot thorough discussion koutinatiou hare been in the uj is wholly madcqutti fuc sdch wor during the ia i-itijatje- wi kowcr aiiii sashj doors vcroi i aslcttlsox ittarner trie s laqeorrown lit mouijingsc o1c s uieluiritt ctacrj t w coopes p j all ciqds c ming promptlj attended to i ijhv cflupbelli proviaiallaaisar trqroitd acton decutt1s7r civil snffihr qnjalpk orden hrnxtt rofspllyatteadcd u r rileicatxcenortit emace trraeey kntnir- fcrr lire vrre tilu ircl fcms txi sect lr trftd- ptoror- imuut ixatfrfwt 1 tttlenf itir xanat ttiuktios dc la lhe ciar- i ccatxrll j room ttt- ti ar l iwtj apiti ktlt uie ettiir frraadaof uqor alelifrj ftrttsf tblfqc aat atiflure itostttr kogs vxuace- eclarklpropctexarj k p caatls carter teazker of tha t uafort and orfaa f fipos attended it their m raidenct i arefemd terau aoierite lj pxtexts for ixtextiojs erjw uuaalraod pceru- scared ta ciultdvit onttelsutei indcarope falaat farantaerf or nociarte wtml rorprtatadlastrafittons arpacyinaper- aoitttrk ttetrv gkikti gtuya canada kselaaleal knjder koucitor arpa 11u1nd branakuman i i- i 22sm a ctov hdvthllr sale h xhe actan nioatiilv fill jbriu tw held at agneri hotel- da fair diy thursia7i bth dec i prjiose on that day it f again the xcict sa a would l be wise for the pe iple to choosn ar ati tic t t will be ioiibypayfagso cti apiece sale at 120 clock teejxstea didaths credit on approced iotat m is all ectrie mat be mtd to itr ja eyder sec wil hemrreet aacttoneer ittf 1 otlterloiiet plasterer etsa aat crrjieserif ttono f uatrlc aa noojiiasttce done lu the mmtmwadasle tlja pcaratei- i mi foosii hocsii ictobfil xw ctwetoukqt baiwar8tllpa waawrttoo eaatttteotaioiauon frrtlif traati tttljtijtv i of flwic tk uauliteluptupr u v eja i jtt- mojet ltenis- oktsiox hotel ixiool ttiaert xaew riipriaarctie i ht ic lal cp lft treletass d tvi wctt ac- canuiar cnroieretl innxtn wt uttitrt aero nnooiai loir iltolioa pal itoth- aaft plhalratret- hujpatlle bar aoppaeltbtne teat ttjiranf clfin- io 1 s aede oei ttauae loactirs iale st they atsole em to op- lilt ltb3 u titty thtt ttowf h wi hemstreex -i- i licensed jlaenoneor fa r th coanuea a r wetli ojtmi td tt t- oat oriera 1a at tae pate paas usaev ictaar r at ar cjtdoee soawlwiihpfatptljtieu4e t jratsreaaonawie j i for ine- adteal device meuted or oy er cotaroanoej e5iaia4tittti eaicn traae mart aucl jabi careu ajeti unenuv intecferenear infrtncmenu ar 1 oil j matr retalinc to patent mxmi tj y attended tor i if tn pateikufllcejeaykin tnnijtca soe tccrwx dyo bejaf appolt tile patent offlc krj- jl la blfca kwr eaantnstlc mc and fce cure patent snare rrnp i llb bxa4er and itetlr elaifizc t- oaituasewaattereaiofe dam that candidites fur eatsat the council board hae time to do biore than merely thaul the rate- tuyere fori iracorojifemd nji do not sketch au out iuo of whst they projnse to do this is a wrong system ttud hinio iste- itjnired public meetings should be held when slltkn eldtjrs could attend ami they could discuss j to gether concerning bptti the past mil the future tiiisjc jurse would obviate the objictibniv a systoiiiof u e i u unliniiteil man who would for the promotion of the people in a fend ns ti ilcrteii sni teserlptmn t yatxr device e win make an ecjrmlt altan free of enanttv knd advise roa a vi ttt pulcniauiiliv alj5rrestondenfetrictlr eanilenuail ptfea as w tnijse or any relaale otetala in the patent the union advlrcaa clclij bagger 4 ctl opikattcpautim watilnaton ic llilka- to tae pbic ofi ai tios3 t eolsxlzk cjteed if fa want jd aucraeerittj eoxe igibbs ka bts bnstnesc jtuil td adyjrm kuttbure i u s aw fihkc- th nnderripied ia preparol i9 file aaie aay kind of saant mclnilinf eroaicetrljact aad imd aairt ootlie whorfeat notice an at raasonabte rates is tiie bahdiax ppontjsadam eie utatles on ati atreet 1 j ao psasfas if i- v 1 sr 2 0ltt9rj6ilm8 tb prepirai to pay a nicest x price for allctaaaea f iamb w 8bmp 8kina deliverel at my uaneiy tae leaner omtantly on hand i xirtr 4as meobe i f dar rob 8erfice tb anderairned ba for servica a eaidim raffolk boaren lot 22 0510 1 toinuhip of eaapjieainr terns si 00 cait at time of aenfee tem i wj oibbos pitw racf0trpesfitd vthe sataeriher baring parehascdihe lem wow works i prepared to for- niah 8iagle- and doable iframe jrai ftom aa well as the bw gang plovr tiieh baa gained the reputation n besnc tb toft gang wow made the nitnal deattrs jpljtpe to eitcaklt wriflkc a complete sdr ia puja and oniiareutal penmjmwship foane pea le rtidilne to aajutre a rapid arand msanunl havdriitnr mltnont a teaneii wtllqhdthe qnie a perfect juttjewr hunired are be- eomtnc bewnufuikrlters lumasliout the iaintoilluuiecnlldstrata liyutwc tteonatsisaf atiklec of corrgixrs ot eonventeot le f r nracuanav wwctt contald eorkca wrnninc wltu the ant prineidlejandttwilr prureint tn taemokt ateffantiblalu and trrnsuneital wrtfne ah otaifmimul sneer talalteoeitnai rttxh old knlm ann otnameotil rnurtoi olttund flrarih- lurnf klrd l a ucnk or m paaaa wltaf ii analjnlinrallnnnietlonttnd a beauutnllj eoirated eas3 to contain uiewltr tj j- 1 i rrleesifllpnrtpald ttd4r ootav f uaudfligotbc ibelletlue onl rtbtt exception of ou or two intend to offer themsel es for next year therefore tha rit payers will ofi necessity be foro d to look around to find some pereon to represent tbein amu ig the elig ible men far the bkveship we might mention the fol owing gen tlemen dr mcgarviu xirjw h storey mr d heudei oh and 0 d christie but ssu mcgarvfn has been in the olei a for three years te does not care to be agin honored in that wayj tesideft this he intends leaving actod shout the 1 6th or saaan prondeace rsknd winter months snd w at the time cf excttdmenl mr 0 differen ate uija acconioda f i has irivate canvaasingj wii nnscrupuloui txiudidl opportunities for deception by to ins a difftreut story 1 electors in order to iita viw tn tbeira iz al advantage over hiji lore henest opponent and the tesul too often is the njection of th best man and cuuscijuently iiijftry taib towns interest let us have lt chinge and now is tpe time to have it inauguiated lavitli regard to ac on yillage caunoil for 1879 we ute of opinion thht there will be an almost entire cukege- so far as wc can ieavh none of the present c jaucil with pttist8 lts otic a allrepairkmicw tbeiio ui at um cleapctt pricaa jissps smithi aeion or 1 3e it 10iy h6re shop- 0 my many fri ands and enstomen wish id reiiiio thanks for past tarorsl and 1 ak for a continu ance of tbal confidence which i trdtthasj beenjnoebsial toasallcaringjtbe utt eiglityesnrilnarfejast secared the iericei ofi atcjass light ha tnegsimaker fo- atlintl or 1 anir nartlea rfoulr- inc a ilnttcla ilz tbirnes should leave tbeirordeirinnnedlalcl- ui maltfr of scotch jlsd wh3a 00llas3 baa a hleu rej int on where tnown whips vesrj qheip yon cash kepalria p isaphjt enet lo t ttlcbbecff storey says he positively will not come out as he u disjusted with municipal mattersand the remainineeentleui d henderson and d arfilhiis reftpbrit it understood that they into a contest ligainst but either is willing- tc seat when the ipeojjh will elect him by acclamation evidently of opiiiioiitl hnmiluiting a position a man in to farce liiin city kew spend the n 1 i 11 be wy the township aid ignpro the rights of others f vve ay that mr warren would lot do this and rejieiit vhat was sad before viz when mr juo varron declined acting ia the com cil last year it was a severeblox to that body as in him they lo t a good man and ouo who tvouiid do oil in his power to lee thit the moneys wcoequllj diviiied thevciw then concludes its article as fal lows couldnt rar contempor- ary find would reflect greater credit upon the people he wi there are miny eowin rawuon cliaprl iiijz rj r vioilet returned from the grjeri ijlitiatfontctsrfitiiielef her weiiing nppkrel wilhuvt tlie aarist unco of r milliner or diesiurr 3rd that she will keep a strict lmt correct aeoonut uf all money paut out by her for the use cf the house th that sheis agoodlpliiincuok 5lh thai she is u gooaiaiindrpis j cth lhathe has not ajbid teiojer and 7tli that iuall eies varren would tic sqiiiibbles he will give iay jo her much in man must andvjowiii obediance by- ed hutihuiid less j she should btenlho trouble ia he unilnuiaiiul wigwam any lidyuf ntature the wholsi of s ander forty wlio wtlubree fi the ibove iu conjunction vith the marrtiigo vow that is hen she prjuises to lake me for better or worse will find me to le a warmheartei kflkaioiute husutiid unto detth i remain hern mlciiaex xflckjcahakiow p srxo objrcliorli to widows acton dc till 1878 in a had col i- the council u deny i that our nyone lo siip- tha stale lof mnditioa they nlire summer use his efforts ot the interests little corner of her man who uld represent 1 60 choose from and many far mar universally liked by the pcoplo than mr warren to this we would siy that a large uan her of the rate- payes are aware of how m wir- reuand theeditotf of theaertheu editor of the georgetown hear j had tome words about some trill irig matters few years ago and theyklso leraenibec how mr war ren beat the retired school teach er and thenhgiir tie latter backed ignaminiously dawn and out and nowwheuever oppo rtunity ofifershe dart at mr jack is turned delights to tliruit warren when his tue govern met said iiord beaconi geld after the lard mayors feast by sovereigns and not by srbnymrus by iwirbraiaed cba sible frivolity for newspapers early marrlages he has n till editor of flu the time to spare to attind to them i deab sutrl notice this que i tion lias attracted tie attenuoti of d christie distinctly ill not eater each other oetupy the vasj which is both tfisarefeable and anpleasaht thus that next years rfieive will be either mr henderson or- mr christie i there- will b jvrfr little jdiffi- cnlty to find eligible o en as candi dates for the offices ol councillors the following names are among those mentioned j hn sppignt john coiiubd wirdil icklio 0 s smithlewavd moore jj anjtames mitthews the jvgisittiire of meet for the despatah on xbundiiy qk itu lair they are at it is too to place a infojjtt cop- is evident bio utiles liiown jntario will 01 lhumlcsfl peopa all around us we nut give it som as for niy uirt- 1 tan eny that far the past sir years 1 have devoted a great denl of uiy tine in carefully tjontify couucll milton dec 3rd 18 8 the council met at 1230 m parsaan o djourrinnt the warden in the fliair jlembeib ireseutr messi buck- clay fteri avudsny imhiisc sit- enorj mcgtrviiij mcktiirii- mc bcerlip rimsey itabmsoji widdio and young the niiiiutea of the hist meeting were ieud aud continued mr waldie ciiaiitoitn oftlif- standing committee fim ncc presented its fifih tport which was read j mr wnldie moved jkeindei yt mr clay that the fifth re ort bl tho standing criumitee on fiuaorce ajv ajlapu a cai ritd 1 eiua gate to see w tnothef lying upti the jiwitid white and motioulcwi hs it corpic tliflidautitorairickcii shriek brought a couple of women kkrvarilrruiitiinu from tho louiie mrs wwiifjtd was no puling senti- oiontalist and deeply as she hud always felt tlie pain of piirting from ho hunbnnd she so fondly loved she liad never befota bwn kuoao to lose conscionsnesn she had indeed been dmingllilirtl fur the lieoic calnmiss witluwhlch she hd ajiwaji endured her sorrow letting h noble example to her boh and i the carried sllopier siuuinhi alrc osf lanijiererl childirty tlmidnl- ict latntciiovt ii ine wifp bsiu ighter leryanu assisted by vioht the uncouscious wife into tho house and id her oa a sofa in the cool drawinsroon carefully daitened by thn venettinshiimers one if tlitt wouiei then ran lo fetch he villiga- doctor jwhiie viulct tuelt by her irotjtat shle liitliin the pale focbeaj j win toilet vinegitr i presentlv the dsrltbhte i eves ikrwu jlle hi jstwd my h r i eager to eaii7 the ninnsi of o imfo t nd mil petleiiwcj that np hn aiiittlo ff life mairtait ngnitittnwl nl i rt hhtilrfj tl iihdv ife wiio bs only jie siinsbirjfl of txitriic- ihe rexcliej iliiiidoii jtt nbojlt iiatcun oclnek auddiov it to ltinifiartl bireet i jwijeb bollncouitnerckl- tnoroagji inn ie liimking houm of mekgis rjjidia and selby was sit listed j itlit name of sclby had long eii h i linylhiug uioie than iitie fas stlby hadespiced ilicid y in i comfurtnlje piaiiaion itrt an hill siime litue time itftlt bjebitlloof waterloo tile finii lis ioy solely iiisented jiv alwia kawtlon lli unly sonol e head of jlhe firm adhoui- din and of a iiolife smnili ily who had given aiireuie ijencs to her fnatily by mtiyinj weuhy britisli trader jjthe an lie if ilie ijiniless liilulue ere eager to unite their tiii- i ijifii liclfilr ptyligrees anduarler eir iiiiuliuyateswiui liers tut jtdvi whjiroiid passipimtf id lelfailledj slie irrfetrfd b itiflit tnuler to the decenil- ajits u the cid and left the iidot gliriia her nativii lauif of were slowly opned iml turned lo wirds violet villi a- fixed and mi l llie clilcit and- splendor- c must awful sjare j b y h isliaiids iioble ohl uiaisido ediriuriwlou edwin iuw- j erijsheniltdbim wiih deispj tlon l cried clara wcstfofi in tiiieofjanjuih 0 nat ta him not to i knew harley u no no no jliitu 2lwin rtwdon that thtre was peril deadly peril ta store far you but i never dreitaitdf that dxner aji the eyes closed ihejlieud fell liack ujian tiie sofapillows the doctor carney but nfcitlierlie nor any other doctor upon this earth could have iciuulertsl to her wjioso jdisease wits of the hiiud tvtlter tluti of the bidy mrsi wesiford fell from one pveitill tli j day of her itarth rrp sons add thfee datighttjii t reborn to the iroiul cistifianf jitulp- hat ihoso cliudrtui of the iatiinuhid under the cod fjlfislfcky the youngest son taiutin fit into another she was ootivevqd to herown rodui when mr indity luovedj kcconded bv mr mekerlw that bj utile je t aud otliets lie paid the ram of thirtytwo dollars and filly tests for equitltsinj itfcteskmeut rolls in union hclitkil tceclitink carritd mrmckeniia moved seconded by mri mceuery that the warden in hereby authorized to pty the tuessetiget- thesaim ofjtbrea dpllitrs for three meetings or this half year by isti tug bia chrqutt for the shtlte j j j mr yotitr chtrwn tjevc maai m cilalu isuuditig jcjtuuuuec an irriattng fa a ilxl sjltn ilfu ik tihv ill altfjll she was tenderly watched- by her daughter and by hec ssn ltonel who returned fruitt wincfiester uft- haitttg seen- fcia father jstart by the trtntfan train tlie young man adirped hisi mother nm w j grieved and x mlsskuu lauieit ttlanued bv her ftidjen illness u p ioisted upjn lakthg up bis post in n prtty little boudoir adjoining sirs wtstfords bedroom and ha sat there hour after hour iisteoiiin t of tho world is carried on statesmen and paragraphs or iter of irrespon- this is a snub- frce press and wby should s consideration presented its iist report whicli was road i mr yiiiin movsl second d mefijrviu that the hret t of printing cuilfuris7tj be i a adopted carried j j t aquiet a h orders weieimplidtly alkyed lint though mtv stnderaonj tha the old grange so gay with hapiy pces only a few days he fur- was now silent us the hotim l tbe doctor ordreti his uttbrokeii mri ludstyi- that thesecund report of the standing oommitteo on elnoitiou be ndoptedi janied dr buck moved j seconded hy mr- mceierytlut-rthe- warden wal- considering the wtjighty respousi- lilities resting itpo l husbandsj und i have no hesitatio l in saying that in my opinion the early uiarriages are the best and hen i ask my self whr i did hot got me a wife fifteen years ago i tause hut can not reply but thii k of the time that has passed n ivec to return mow mr editor wa will take bank cltirk and barrisur of thtrlfatf each wot id like t get married out they cant think of starting to keep- lie nsa ot less than gsoon year tliais their priuci pal objection and in my j opinion mapjrof them wil never he sblu to leniove tlieiea olijeetioni nd coucqieili they are diouied to be litilld laiche tirs a oame t rfq notoiueh iitlrai e i ahideloi- niintllo giyew and and heart to- die 6iirt kits ble you no 1ly thai will aocitt hem providing pocket leave the chair shd that mr die take the saute rcarriad mr waldie ttwk the ehuitl mr ulay moved j secoadeij tiy mr young that the ihanksof wsj council are due and are hereby tendered to matthaw clenietrts evj warden fit the- abli- and itnpui tial iiiuntiar in wuich ho h s presided over ithe deliberatiins of ibis county conhcil during tee pm yean carrie 1 1 mr waldie tendered the war den the thanks of the council x- pressicg hisappeciatibn of thi eonv plinerft paid him by the resolultors tlie warden reannjfeit tha chair on motion ths council anjoilrn- ej ii i- 1 wifpastof coclerk appearaueaa cannot alwaysllin relied on a youd mnnj may esetii to wear a fine gold jwiadi chain giu bvfieri all tjiayvi plated aud jiiftmhl nto his wst ltockel i i itnxtatt of toda mr young ehairtnan ol the suttding cotiiutilleo qn printing presented its second jreport which was read j mr young movdcondm by lieu mr lindsiy that theseciuii report i of the coiuniittee on printing fur 1878 be adopted ctmid j t mr mckenzie tuaved seconded by mr clay that tlie stun at cfty dollars bt gnttited to the viiuub of georgetuwu towards tlte jutld tng of a lockup- and that tba same lie used as a cjuuty lockup car ried the yeas and nays being called for stood as follows yea meskrs cla lirdaty mce ierj- mekwiie jxtgaroin waldie und young nay essrs buck fesir mckeiiie ma r is ramsay robinson j- mr yodng raorotl seconded by mr lindsay that tbe warden do issue his cheque for one hundred and thirty six dollars and tencents in paymeni of the expenses incur red by the special committee on jail and court itouso carried mr foster cltuirnianof the tan d- ingcatnmitue on eluealiohj pre setfed its second report jirhichwaa rend r i mir faster- moved lecaided bf was tiia auly out of tbk wlio lived lo attain man he inherited histublliery sh beauty together with her and wssdottate nauie 3 e iwiurtwtlou wa a man t and foriyi years of age w ho therited a noble fortue roiii titer mid jwho had ubtuiued er fortune wih the haitti of ife lh oltly tuttghut of x qty iniilicnaire an atniabe hutnot ise damsel who had worship her hiisbmidas a kiud of ilrjuiijd and wjio had faded iei ly out of etxileoce oori ft irtlt of her second cltihluot edwin rtwdon was a nian wito had lirgun -uld- vei eitly had itvasted lite common jrutiui uf pleitsutes und dirmjttious at itij nje when other menatu utitl ot ilvittg the fieshness u yutl ajijiig lie hadr been his- own stmtr frout th age of sixteen for t jsiinijilti reaion thst neither his ilir ttir ltu tutors had ever been to conquer uu indomitable or restrain hia deterujined village itirgeonjas a man of jean- siderable experience he found hit illness of ii nature ti hale care ins highest skill miril is ailing miss west- ard hj stttd iti answer to violets tjiieitiotis the patuti has hffected your mpther very kenlyund heis is an ifjues that liuie alone oan heal in the nicauwlile i can oulr ioccmoieud terfect tepose the inind litis ibeen overexated hy paitifttleuiotiaiis and we must idhw liiuc for re covery a nights rest war restore tin braid to its normal buujj to morrow ill may be well j chapter il i i edwnr axwbok tax iaxeeb tho xpress train from win- chetler bore hurler westfortl quickly across the fair erpane of country between the ou cathedral city and lhesmoky cooftois of the tuetroiol t past swelling hihiidn and feuufl lueudqw past winding river and seclftded village rritaed- the mig sty nioniter black gr ut but witb rugjed gaiidear of ifeflajlike some dusky cyclops niighty iti hi gigantic stature loudon j the eouiiuerealicentre of the world roomed in 6ght of the alerchant captaiu wbese lieart was divide i beiween be dear ones he had left in the iuitic uiaage at jtisihurgh and the tceoes of adventure land perliaps peril thatjay before jhtui on it highseot j huxley westford was in iieart nd sotil a sailor he bad the sjiirit of a coltituvus and would gladly hay a oue farib in search of new worlds wherewith o enlich his queen and country if fate had jieriuitted him so noolo an adyen tnre h s heart wanned atjthn thought qf his chineso expedition an expeiition which promised to mukoiintile addition to his ifor- tllur fer hirtiself no man could have been more indifferent about money hehad the true sailors recklessness of spirit aud wt nld lmve flulif higoltl right uiid bi h k he be hi al main the world as earteiy as the untutored sili father i had hien iniiich shakjnby the eaily deaths his run aud the loss of his wile 4izi vvleelwiu was fifteen le slloactltliis fast surviving sou as jie pteased atid dawdled it liia loudly eitistenca at his ut house in tthe comiain- 61 lislical attendant aud a vaht bad grywu gray in hia service iuie ihrt fathers pltcid d xliddj by iet the country beat du ertl irdhitr tha son ttavmld fifrinione jilioe to auotlier sutne t iut1 at hoiiie spending money h ildily add seeing a great deal of h more or r8 m hia own sxiuk iti iu hut not very uincli to his 9 i i iutjovemenu la three ttnd twenty he married a ihosowlio know him best aiguredilittle hapjiiaesa firjiii his rtikge iteaocrpted liia silee matter of cottise ownlife at hertford whilelie fdidwel the beut of imlii ionse ewhei h6noring hoitfaeliold by- his pitsence ivjnilan diiriiigah seasons of auieiy and certain fetii iiy but stud avpidiug ijii flights of domestic retirement tiifi lnsiness of tlie bank always abjr led mr r twdon u excellent ekce for husenoe there wefa branchhouses iu8paiil and in 9piinsi a itterict and ithesc bl-anch- bnsijswere under the jiersonnl s ipeijihiou of the jiahkrr km niiny years- the nama of edwin rwddn had been inthe iiiiid- of citynien a towerjof streiigtii bntjwithiu the ihstfew wetkt there hail ciiiuo a crisis in dtjtaiou as a luatter t a ipwetl hec to live bee ot the aoble old lioufe in who frjn shear icavndo jiv hnnk note laitween his iuead and butter aid eats it ia onleij to danidnstr te hia uoutenipt for i the sordid jkj1 ibut fur hia children lie fortunes uie- great citnniereial gnus aud all at onca there were brangejwliiapira pissing from lip to lip amongstihe wise lien of the cloclc exchange it wats wil known that fiir some years edwin uiwd inhad buenagreatriieeulkfor i win sow whinred almwy fiat he had not been tilwavs a furtnttato suecahttor ih- bad been bitten with 0f maniaitif sveuhitiun- men bahl altiad- liltinjed wildly into all inarherof sshomeii ntiiuv of which had ended i iiiiin siich wliiifbkis as thes iie fatal j i i their influence upon iio- aiejlit- wlwti nit are tile mostperil rf a eerniveicinl iukn dutyut tiw t ted wtsmdiysehaij t iee 4iw luuiors had noiftiiaa grjin deti a liuln hoy spoil i pyoniiliie rifrrtow circle owisjf- uv whiskey straits 3 a eras a jelj nu jdut ji luwib uj thii i oy wa ajgllt eawdons lukwi hud rm1uil tle whew nit whs loilgtxj in hit keeping fah ilienforc ihere had tieen bo rift vn fne vrntk- the ljker wit ill his ioquijwiihiiiiihiais fltil oafu brfurt hihij amtf wtltiii while foi aud a- htatil iawliac ljrt be i fxiiiiiiiiedlhe ttateot4liiirifljikl daily aloipat hourly tviecird a derieruia ciiia ami he inl la i vuiii lo uetiw sduie tnesusof anrtt- iugit j f here iatt only w idiniim helfig j who was admitted io edwin bawi dona toujfillniap u4 hint was nial bead clelki jiicih diitliflwn ever sitjce edwiiia earliest biaiej hood thfs paimlson ld bern ib i bis uifdiriient und little by lillle i here had grown nj aatainge laiud of union between he to pieii l it oinldj not iieoalled friendship for the inlllkir was ofjpp rekel veil ii nature id form a ckw frieiidship wiihiny oiieleuft of all wirh ail inferior and wluttiiw rt ritifi- diiota lrt recti liitu nj las clerk ha waa lays huiiglityanj comuiiitidilig in- ms it4ieani nautlatowardg his dfjiewtelit i i bit jacob dartitjlioti wj the eawilarypf oiairy tl jsenijhya aecrrui aud hemrd to ail almost 6qrtthatuiin wwtr of rending eiery ihouglii tba eniered llie bruin ol elwiii kiwihin it may be that thfediauker knew tins aud uiere were liiuea when bs fella kind ol terror of his- shauuy ipieerlookiuj deuideiit i inolhing c il i be wider tlian ithe- coutrhkt between the- outward appearance of the two uien i e win rtwdon lintl one of those darkljr splendid facea which wo nirtiy seej oijf of an old jtaliuir icfure hticti a face as ltiiunlq or guido inigh have chutru foi a htsrid air ia jitttl- i he wus tail and broad cheated bis bfad i uubly poised upoti hp shoulders hi dark flashlug eveaj iiad toiueihiugsof the falciinial their failed aud eager glance- buif beneath- ute cajui steady gitcj jef more buiieat -eyes- lose falcon giauc8 grew shining and restletai j ao ib xlaulcjauh whh stitlugely deticieut lit luostj ihvaiclvjierfeo tiotis wbichioiaa ai ur4jiml his uiaatera litlmua j i j the cleikwti a wij n jitue anad with higlr shutilderh idid a queer ihiipiug icalk htjl hiil ltt piriciiig altay eveslotikeilant fiocu nudertkq slielte- of a jprotrndiuv forehead fiitieet by two 8hitggvf ectbruvts hut ihin i jm vvtte apt ltibe dwturlied by a twilchilt uotiou which at tuutja was almu44 iiuftl to witness j jicob danielsuu wssope ofthtiafl walking uiyijteries whose thongbhj- det and wuitlsaire alike bevotul i thu eoiujirehensiou of other uttn 2to one understood him rib one was able to fadiotu the secrets bid- den iu bisbretsh i i he lived ina dingy little bulging on lb- surrey side of the tuuneh a lodgiug which ho had occupied furyenrj audwliere ha had lieiveri beau kiiuwn to iiceivbthehisjieal any human being j h aaij tlown that he drankj deeply htrt b hadnater been ssen iu a uta of tatoxication thera were thas utuongsl his ymv- clerks wlii had tried to mukej uih drunk aqd who declared thai there was uu anirit potcuit pnollgi to uiastur the senses of jncob daniel- i i i son to his employer ho was a tnosi infiitigblb aervan j he seeiilev a faithfulsaivant- yet tliarowere times in which the baaker rambled wheii he reineuiured the itnuer- ous secrets lodged in the keeping i this- ubaybipatlietic inscrutable beiug ugthe utifatingof iuiat stortn cluhd wtrtch nnft ohmg hove his hejvd ha tky weatftiru was hurrying towards hini eiger tpovpbsit in bis hiinda the savinga of itwenity years of penl and huidaitiiij a haneoia cab carried tthe capuin ti the door of th hinking- holtse he nlighrelf i mitde sis wvint6i thaotilei- iotfioa of tli finn whieic he odlresjed- ii himself to the f rat ilerkiu sliouihn fimm disengaflih t kapjiebe 1 to iii no other- than jacob dw- son the dhief i want to so mr kawdoa saidlhe5aptnmi j ito fc ejjnailul 3 a ndwui titwhen hajt nd ihilj wife have phitji marriei for moaay aatd ceilhet kaa got any iiyt j ij i i i nutfly- nmirrudl cqniilfl cot west lad v iinv frien la that iheiru i vwmrnypkt wauldin go fonnil they seujl each er a jaotographtof r i rvt li 4