j tower ne kurort lj rri j om ot- lani boy- d iut to lodkj twefij d- by ths ihoul y r i asoericaa irjlli ui imot iand to men- immense- ui jailors- h3m coh i tl jlfp votuttir jt awfcble s 183 i 4jotqn ontf j trbsday deqember 26 187 0 acton p- is pablissd wetttthlhfcom surhulfc v at lla frsa press building rvikitfl u um ucthojist cuuixii ivacc iiferthcei wtut- l lawlnli tk lt m ena oc l jvir niuxfc ru t ettux no fartcizik ill ijf wns lo guy rrou nturc itrt itir yeiraatwd j ftix vuvcttvta etuteut piiljrr ttri ecttbj3ttqrt alv iuninuu ol ljit hi lie sutlaiiir tchtxsi lusruuiw ualr cud ltit uur ut4iulr sft per iiucui al ivvru utitu ui urdu lit kuitf t galloways lf to lieopeaed ou v tfootat ceo 23 willi a targe and choice- y- vdfspfay of bheop poods cousist- i tligof uu uurici luc extended ivirtaie jtuikltful kuuor lhe object or wlilch 1 ut ittm uu8 jcttury leucttt t t tf jif c uwcii to bcejalti erm hicocucmct- j wuiittfrej lit rveuuui uccuaut ijaqh of hirlfci ilirrtacc tj iafuaers 4 proprieiqi err uijlxett gjlrus i pastrybrscaits oaaftouonery g wliicuke wtl sell at llie iiotrast bottom prices j- for icash and cash only h ti galjloway ftinaici ittol ii fjt j ur iidvity si a h i cuiitelof crtullx cile embrutcolleiqffuiklctauk rev rfrc tie tttx m the tioane actotl plalflrq mill dr k tfin arfju jce ttflt -urra- col ia4s4i t mar front flu utilu vet kaver lrct- p i ctjeac- dw cahfbeltt prop r dutr n so ittomr f x ii siiiclutirla tucrr rn w qo3pee p- jriaial load stir ryor and eajliir xaaipb estiuuhaijat i us pajuntl to diaa- sash doqrs mouldings c planing pwmtlj attended to i u v cxupeeix acton ike tb 1877 i3ai i m i hrivtte ertt f la us tetlc r fiffiiir 1 trt it ecrt femal ier ere t v littrifcld i box jtc4 tecifcy fctrr k id pltaroi j rfaho efc d oyilerratxceaardl xv itr- e- tar p itt uajo f tkl ciunitiaj rroni ti- ttf u i with ihc euotnt ijrtnu ti5 itk ktnl cuars firftijmrf viluc ilclfazietpipitleifir f 44- tataf tac ptanoftirte aqd orgxa f prifirrjlrerau tauderxte j i pltsxts tor ixvextioiss z uwrilftdd prnperly eanu ptuc rittetl nr no chare srx iariiiileiatrmtiorf iracrtuohr- hesm- cikisti x hoxtqlv sale stoves i i stoves j any pefoc inteadini o gets fihtbkss sttto 1 will mti mottf y uj- callls g at mailst acton where they will find frio 1 tuitlhejliraes determfnt t not to beuoderiibld i i r flrstvlass j nlwuji iq stock cct tj greatly rcauced prioet ervctroughisg and jabbing icctatif o j coll and be coiulaced i leitils is tue cueapekt place lobar tu tuis eouttty f v leitsj proprietor hardware john sphbhlvl fi f wilianst acroacllitju3ejrje88 waggons sleigh etc rad to order iml l hni of pramplly adandcil upenor nwmer ulidertakrnc o kolhlng t albert moore enrrob tiiubc moavijia ifee 26 t878 w hope pur patrtni will excue ii m iuuing only ahlflieet tb wk ifaa larger number of iiirx but urilejni fisoni lum- country papers do not uu ot all ber naruwnrku h l a tut uoderngnwl 1m in udditioa to ui i extensive i grocery stock put ik a v comtjlets- stock a ul nhn rrnalrftf a first cljts iteaiivskwiftsttend faneriu at rcisohal e charges joafisiekur acum oct s 1s tne actoi montilj tilt till n held a agojara tfutel of fair uijj j thursday 5ti dae au fclnis of stctt impiracntb c tcill be sotdby uiyia w ct atpiece sale afc 12 oclock tktisis- tea maaths crniit oa approted iouitnotei j allatriet miut tie nude to ilr sid uydcr soc j ttlt eeilstreet acctiocecr allan taytxns ott itrxanwia tfe n4wi ettjlner soueita r or r ia oat eff euinff ekijrttfnc donei on th atut r thimble tjrraa and iiucae- tslx iiocse acton- tv ctm tu ilixu r ttajvarktolwn obtaliifj for rae- jcfcanlcl derlcei eonipaan nrnaraeiilai jrtjga tnwe nutrcsatid taute inlnncatiutnd all mettff telxunr lopjucl w iht hire 1n art jeer ed br uia r majeii inmost cl r lie w rickiih 131iixios cotel actpp- a iaxl ofi a la nrii nrte- tttlt ie aruiuirt- ckiimerclk tslmkl i ietio ccllctohmloo it iaaj iiua-xninpi- ein kijwjr afmlltipil i 111- vault lnfi-trxwt- iiur n lie itiipi- wiiliiiielil yprtirf clcirt ifji sbie laud itjatlre ilusuere i lio3iisal iactioaeer m o r th cjuatiei aaeuiutn atw- toa iirieraia at llie phfr o 1v vhiv or t mv rlienceln kjir4rillfiprbatptlttesi carjifte iii f- i mitre pcamc of au si- vi rckfvjttttcticrkepa if rjiijiradt a ld asjctiojreeieitry peoltcb gibbsj i lie oadewtaimc tirt b-ittic- ikih tld i idjr hitliliiirg f j ji tlie aai e- i r tathetiul baad hh h lte iljortast iroticeliml at rouocaue uea ja iheliuildinz wlfonte e- adjun sile bumeua olia street i 3ogt iath0sias ments2 coniixran orcamn bulrcs a6i taute careu ainmei ulnncatiutnd all lifypntiunsk auntcth majeiitlamo falnt qscv tf an ble to ntibe ckisrextttiinttqossndcurepauat mre rrrap hai ut bmaler arid henrrlinix- 1 an thoseytioxre remote from wufchlngtoti i inventorsis jt j rtficl itetdi aoi rf rrcleiice e wf cufce au eznilfiatlon irce of chance aut a4vu jca a l tt piniaulliy aucjrtciinileircrlciix ociultlential pri ai low as tuoae of auj reliaoie acncy i v ri vo relif to officials in th- ratcnt olce adi to luveutors lu every 5uu of uie tnldn t addrttf w1s bjgek co oriitepatkutcce vaitiinctcii i 0 paiats cols varnishes glass etc jas jutttrews actoc sor 7 8 boots sices for eieryoie at kehmyftoh opponlle agkevrs loteu aofo 6fmt aay percon inw latnf toad wotl fitting pair of j boots chnt do helte than calf at eexxeyilns ing bt tlie liest g if j way been tbe custoal to isiue at icaji balfhee from tbif offion e are resolved not to be bebind ere the next iajue of the fuel prem the kbit ytar ill be aibereu in anil are tbarcfore wib our readers a paosreuoua asd hapft kett vear shoes lieyfcefpnolh odi- in stnet m ordered work ti- can jnil if not iturpana aaytling iu town rpaj a specialty alt parliei irulel firm are reqjell l r i n g tieattrs ccideto elecfewpltlkc acamjlcie ifinitniitor inbuis and orniraeatil yiita psle vtshlne ki anolrea n dldaijinad trouiltal iacitulnt iclihsotatacuer will and ihe qcue a krret hanjreji are be- kimn baiolilijl writers tlirbaeuout id kmlulqttlauienmtetsuate 1yonif vtcnntfeiijifttserteswcarrsjmoi conrenlint fii- praeuiluir which couuiubulieoe wliu uie nrkt uriicipli ttiil tnulmally pritennfj tlie tao eftpmc plain anj nrameui 0 f0rskih3 iaaibwieefar altiasf lamli aad ieei atio deuvcred at ray unccry bicitliuiij cuirivca cj w conialn ue vii e rriceippa r f eptlie7t i imt c vsafbitniuiri at hi ioe dbacrner ia pmred j t jpy eaah for alt kta firaber 6togle emlkraiid biaiicood lm deurerl at tlie iterr lately porcbaaed ifrom ii- mstario hftrness shop to rnyjmany fdenjiand customer i wuli to return tbantt for paat farofa sodtaalc for aeontinoi aniie of uiat confidence wbtcb i iroit um been teiiefieial to u all doring the uat igbtjer ibaiejust ii secured the wrticea ofsfiwtouaa uioht harness maker foe iftaoil term any pariiearfqnlr- ctrtqif facioatv ofenei j r ordersjmmeduteir aobkrfwriigpnndr my a of aetodplow wurfca i prepared to lor- bjoxcs ajitb otbsaoouars iak siorfte aii uouua jf jronj hair rciniat onwlirre tqowa sisaire acionjxovtists 27wi r kaw is thft time to get good store and a cheap one awl if you want to are mouejgo lo t stewart co roeistove ossaca- stoym eriai sv es stevi t naioatstc5 always in slock and seli at prices to aiijt he tiniea a first-olassjassirt- meat of tiatrare now ia stock j jobbing o- all kinds prompt ly attended to and satis faction iruaraateed t stewart go kill street acton ed id tlisabhte d to ckll and- aettla immediitelyj and ute cou kexxev sox acton oct 9f38 o- t-hiil- la no offering or kale in kdditicn to lus ttotk ot grocsrlss dlasyars tue lollowi lguooil et fii5 hi fori3 tnll sytier ciit jo 5rsi9 teyti staasi aatjio j aik a fpleadid lot pf ijrpsitari htifl 3twi m3 at saws keyhole saws iftbe naue of aiderman nelson of moutrt4l i mentinned t the daible llinialer of finance in the pforince of quebec the eait toronto election on saturday resulted in the return of hon a n morriv the coawr vatire can lidaie with anibjority of 47 oyer mr leys tbe reformer i tner a in enrope xeluiie of denmar t swilierland portugal cjreeoe- ad turkey 84752000 pfanlicil christians 18666900 bodian cjtholica and 63478000 retlc cllriatians in nil about 26400000b chrutians i abot these days trsd care fully the i advertiaeiuenfa in the free paess every nmtv woman and cbildln acton will find in tbese onnhinj of personal interest- the holiday season is upon uu and purentrrprising storekeepers are exerting themselves to roctrcmir want they jklvortise- beeinw they hae filled tbeir stores -with- new and dctirnhle goods are in active cotniielkinn and want to sell tliose goods at tbc lowest remunera tive prices j an extra of the canada gtzdu 9uw per auiit la lmt so onetu now grumbling for j ijtbe last ati lei w tb iml want 4 snow into thnse vhppeij e faujww v o jitjjl of the imerry dsigb xnus presents i belli i beard ioncs ur ttlleya loan ml tilleys lonn is a lulject which the pirty joumalisu do not appear inclined to let ast theui ltliout furjher enlarging upon it the conservatives upon ibcirside putilihtd on vtednesdar contain contenillbat it has been a iranmcthiifollowinjt the ctwrt will tion tliit lias wn more thin wtia- jsp mourning for it r h tha e i- iii i urnnd dichcs of hetae dartu uctprr lfcingll tie circuuisuiiccs t ifil from dvceuiher 18tbj88 tnlothecalculauon tbe bibr tojju iarj- 10 1879 a general resjioud with quotations from the mimninj will exund for the three fllrtcturrs ijttia- were lasted upon j wrk from the 15th of ivdmber mr ortwrigiit and 1 1 it fiimiicul in cooxjmnw of the above inul- ope rations snd ire now slow to encr tlure will lie no ncrplioiis bring in the opinions of tlmtgeratt jj the government house until- qnncil muhorioy hon sinator fer thr loth- of junuary 1879 alacpherscni whtibe dreiintiou was ikfd ha ouvetnofgenerul as in tbe that mr cirtwrijlitstoiir per ctntio of the mourning for the late laau netted 12001417 lew ithau prihm cunnort invites all persons five jeij cent ijn would liateis in in the grntiil taiouming jielded apjilyitrg thi same mode maikii of public syuipalfiy were of argument the iretension agidet generally exhilnied thraigliaut tlm ilr tiiletjis that he biirdentil tbeuominkiu oh wednesday on ac- iresent genemtion for the wke of count 6f thefuuerhl of the late oosterity and by iravinir only rail- pinceaa at tiie cpiul business ed s fuur per eellt loau has raised jwas generally ispendexllietween borne three millions less for presrat lh hours of pi nd ibiee the use than he tnight otherwise have dune hi paying five percent and fc opfioaition ifr titley is tbe leas xcmvtble accord ing to the carious of hiaown politi cal friends wiraseiiroleals he luuac have iwd ringing in his ears whn against liht and kbowledgelej ictedaf lie did then again it ia urged that thoagh with his losnj he did airly well in view of tlj few really eligible investments that an it offering mr tilley auht to have dotie much better dpurtuirou were cloekl for tie half dav satevcnbtm wiiida njt re ceive the fsxf pxi regularly will obukeby inrorrointia at tie oolce at once when all irregularities will us at tended inland iitaieoce oil the pait of any ooe eciraired into i forties rdewiring of adrertisemeatv or haimfl matter fur inserrrtn id the fcsehbjsw ihould hand it in ly nlonday moruiag and tot later than tawlayal 10 oclock am we eaauot jruirauteeta insert matter received after tliat time jio any par- tieelaf iaae hison pairf s ft baiht oils with tliacolelifateii rubber irowla paint alwayslin stock bsml will bekild low for casn i f i 1 catu tof aideg j chauxfcirjhilii mltl street acoaj feb lath 1878 0lotrhlng h is now being filled witlji all the latest designs i ifml the loiienai guaranlee of which he availed bimself having made the rntrintivn inmmeni iij service in the methodistchrch ever canadian toaji an investment v sawwih bah rann ln tdeeinic as nioco than usually com mcndl i atlvjaiitino un t tr til h kav k itnbi iastor- e but jlrtdley cannot be 8aid to brt aluue to bl ua in ihisi his politi rieuda had dona not a little fi embarrass him as we i by all kinds nf watches iiockj jew theio endeavor to ciat ducredij ellcry and spectacles carefolly repairei upon mr cartwriglit and his ll- p kinds of v itches cik and jeorelery ieiiguvs as- by tbn regections which i ia lt hvu jewellery local mutters they cast upon tbe financial fgento store iu lindnn who according to sir give me a call- j 4llerrcaristjta4 happtjkew yeab hiug tip your apockings francis hlncksr ulaletially aideii iu the completion of the negoga- tiona now uuder coiietderatitti the liberals too are not totju held together blahlelesa tholuth uiiht some of them did at the labtmi y j wiu weat ment ufivct to countenance tbn i j finance mmistec and uphold thb credit of citada tiny had lirerl wari getting winter in real 7lwd cormanibew adver- gbewilsss-i- hav uen taiaii ia haad bytheeaee4iiatauiaietiir to be ptya for oil tie uhb jaiiiary they dodoabtneedit editors n hitnerto ojjfe ne i tintec it in this nume -j- kecort tnblic hchool closed on fridaylast mr thsxrass holidays -p- he fgvpiea offioe will be closed on christmas and new tears dya- r- itiofadhand ottge piano for ule cheap at mrs 8 a seeorfft- ive wiahilljonr pitronspand reacle t a mxaar cuzisnus atro a viae j nvhenone penon met soother ih n onliag they said ah rooming ihts i wiatea- for you i rhe icelleol sleighing is im- pn vi if biiiinei bat still money sp- leibtw to be very baahfai wno will gettbs most inlheir tiekioga ualghtv whoever has the th i li rgest eet of coarse mr jrva sleebiani neiw lsger er brewery in gnesph u now com vltcd and be will beayle to tarn out no 1 lager in s abort time i mury goods groceries boot alfit shoes j t ftc solliog retail at ajbileaak prices at coleinaos cheap stand opposite ague wa hotel t i i j remeniber the xmas tree and soiree in the methodist church tqn ght the tree is well covered witli reseats and a apleudid pro- graaiwe will beprovided j we will be mncb obliged to tiinae ef our lubecriberj who were to pay their sabecriptiopi in wood if they wtiild hriqg the wood aloug immediate ly a few loads would be very accept able this cold weather j jrchnstmas millinerv arid fat cv gooils see our ftiiifri 50 im kill gloves arid all tinds of lined gloves and mitts suitable- for the cold weather cbrtstie he aderson co j kminatioris for mnnieipal ele liona take place- next momlay ac on dominationtake place in matth ews halland esqnesing townahrpnom- inalion inthe town hall stewarttown all the electora shoam endeavor td be- present j l almerrr 04ruifin tohu lhe sugar for a oil dtrihsr boi siee fresh raisins t61owferjlfo st jcsirutfle hrrijacbi remember their famods 50 cent 3wi- fr9ttr wt ll nttrlyahorir last irecfotfei shanges said v fnntersirbnt faur tal aad like holiday as will is otfcu- psfoue there srifa be isjjil aebordinr to ouri usual auatom next week y st alln togl in acton has beet ac4riing toetudsn at chrutma tjmeaj flos evergrteba there iwajso iuto mottoea on ttwi eats an escsedingfy pleasant appear- ance an examiitatioj ilflao limebodte pnljec scboolotrrlrliy last tbe children were up in all their leaaona and mochcredittf dans jo the teachers jmr sixtxi and ffissejht an interesting iart th enipinition wm the rcings reiutfoaa i by the children v 3 1 j theconceft hehljaegihool honse near cargius miljfiajjsldsi wyaon monday night wits aamccen- a large ctowd was programnje was muchjappeadiateiia a- number from act were priti sad some of them took pissatnaitw in te programme i i vji lim l by the report of thef rwlsfim- depend of the province of dubrio i appear that trewere mimpeiiooa married laat yesr via kfeseofiaaialtf 43 preshjrttiiaiuv sotsvpat 1344 conptjationausnil 31tf qawol- ica 3393 luooinfeo ijetoodyau iscladiug the sibje cbrultjfsv w5 tiie annual adirepgikesvnby acton drviaion hkuisfpflvasper the the skating rink will be open for akalint all day tomorrow chris mail antd aix oclock and than it wbl 1 losel aght aa the teajhera of th english church sunday school will rwe their pnpila an xmas tree in the tc npej aaee hall that evening the svating rink was forini ally omaed forhis season m monday etcnine a lage crowd were preeat bolh akatrs knd spec t tors the ies was in erofuwnt condition and all ap- parntlarnjuved theniselves a imm- ler of oporetown skaters wert pre- 4t i u ance- ou new lyeara eenit1irbmtws to be a nrstjlka aftairi i a aptvdid programme cenaiatidjt of apssaiti readings djojttes mnafe i is bi ing propareil tor fnrther partioaiars see poitcra 11 f i on wetjiieiyy fniqgast tlie popus ia the- filth class f aotoa public school went to thrji4snj of mr john riiss the retiring and presented him with i writins desk mr boas taadljthnk pupils tbrtbeir apprciaie of lniwdntteaandiioedenstilcifmdj a mod and sdnil teacher ia his snceessor mr moore ii- r i 4 mr singh alalia npiavtpn was visictfat his nepkawxkn 4 mann riaiocied5ulveek he met wjthia serere becidapt he tout if ilin the mouillvsbd iq coir t tt iri be atsjpedf ser i m t aodleliauou6la gbt tv tke gioenul tlie editors ihemtlton w xv iiwry reiiacft the- tkalixaofco and j mill 11 wtacnvcntts si itlie haiiear donefin town to day w trcraeoiloa litgequantitifj of wood aud haytre nov lironght iuto ton- you chu write is79 on the we will of the hes having bought early be able to exhuiit a arse electiou patterns in llieniarket scotch tweeol sh in great viariet j wqbsted qo aotmlfc teot r5erin5s neat and durable 111 the our stock is lrge and well assbrtedf au the neethmgs sbo ib ties atldsolfe actcdaagustso 1 377 oualy exertrtl themselves diaudvart earnest now tagnausly to any future fiuauciugl l gitiudav was the abort and iff view of the ppireutl divided state of the country as to i its financial cajwbilities it u a matter for congratulation that mr tilley did no worae iu future wheii money is njuired it is tu be hoped a little molt patriotism will be duvplaved on iwlli hides nd j- lf ton of your letters afternext tocsday less endeavors made to discretlit roe the several partus but clcinav 1 who cverskw a niunicipal huwevrr it inot in order to ast t mtest to neuand so i litjli hurrah if it wuiild not be possible to raisu sjoutit v j a loan id canada in which event vpn-lcfctiugcoyistniaspres- though we might havs lo pay don forsrt o voat probably i iriqe higher rate of j interest tbia upon the european 1 t entertarnnieiiu markets the money would be re- i i i t7 wb ch will take place in acton abont tainta in cradn whose funds s i c christmas and ew tears might not uunaturally be of long- v expected tcbrcoiuoa laahionable as j georgeton skating link is to well as a safe meansof iiiteatiuent i bajfonnally opened for tbu season on i jjtdeadat night 4thiastj i lon account of the entertain tnerc is no doubt that a move i ment in the methodist church tonight menus being miule in the sutes lt wiu u to monopolise the traffic 01 the j i i closed canadian north- west and dnlutb xgrjowfeu very j heavily 6n is again asserting its claim to mipm gataraytuidsumlay it is now near- aesota bitt also of manitoba and lytlroteet deep in this rection- and lhe saskiitchewun valley mean- j sleit king iijgbod time our government ought not 19 ttie lobt locket advertised in our b behind hand pahisoirat tnlt 11 f fonnd it impomihle t issue a paor tljia week the mental strain woald have beeu tno mnch for- him to stand nhaoaht bis readers will be patitied at thus being relieved fur one short week the trouble ol trying to auler- stiuid his puiutless articles ii- icncttstsls ete fancy wove 0odf miitahle for christmas pres ints fin american entjliah and cvnidin blankets suitable for the cold snaps liunl and uulind overshoes for mb womsa anl children xluat pifcs to suit he times fchmp at clirietie hid- delson 4 co a acton mr i mr john cummingl sr will sell his farm stock andimptementa by public uctiobvon wetlncsuay jnu aty 15th 1879 at 12 oclock noon the farm one ot the best ia ontario with a person jdoewt jtiul over ooe liaadred milait iirjqi avolatr was iiiiicedsfctddibgjn the ssanria i etrtain shop on night jaal wk busily ngaffed in coatwatiosvisiitli anotbar peraoa and ai thsaorsim i quieuj pickubuat uf i harrl5srlucli j wits ipj doty apathnsasi hia 1 pockrf uo djubt for ae abaaarutwo j alt hesiinga imperatawolmqdro- j priattil the sshisfciosrm j fiw- limjalo local newspaper doeat jaleff i every eaitertanncnt thalaskaliiaj oaf place biers arernano ftaa why such report ire of life of an editor is a boiy opa i hialabors are lucuuiat aw jma i 23 acres all wheat in and iy sires fill ipisuihletagtijs llwi plowiug done ia to be rentei on ftiou andmuemejaajilieiioai slims over 5 twelve montha credit iin spare th4ttmeluipj jajatit hemstreet auc bees invited to attendtfel leajtftaia- j 263t menandaareportiiitja4niaih laoal editor ia nitljlbbatsilsaick j occasibns some cimantareatldtajoald j farniah hia witli a sneeasttsial tast affair- j i jlit snooa- t a if ssoe has been found had it not importuned is the building of a canal on the canadian side at sault st marie with a lepth on tbu sills similar to that o the wellnnd utileeithia be done there is danger of theniiin truffle being dhreru to kew york tlittcanala of wbuk stele nrsiikeiy to have expehdrd iiion theiii snveral millions of dol anvttaiedfres preu- r beer for the advertisement the owner wool d never have received it j business has been tet gf inlc wn during the past week xmaa gene tilly makes thingsilively in the pir 1 nit line as well w iae fariey the band pmyed oj-and- fsth ts clock on monday aight or skat eg tune we heard several skat ws saj tbey diiuit care how aoow it itoppeil short li will- be riven tioueer i pebsosau miss euriia mc- garyin from voong ijailies collereia otbawa laat week for the christmas holidays ur cnaa iajby has renamed from thecoboarg tfniver sitvalspfor the holidays mr thos bmylh returned to acton fur the holi- djys from bracebridge where he is ciuplofed in beardinorea fafenmrj- miss tilara watson who- has been visiting in michigan tor some months returned home 00 satarday last georgetown town hall was formally opened on friday evening when 1 the local ehtlharyioaic souiety jaie if firat concert before an andieoce of lohe ioar hundred persona short addresses were delivered by hon wn macdougail and messrs vm barber of 8treetviller sad wm clay ot norvaj the hall is built of brick with a fins tower and situated ou rise of ground oommanding k good view of the surrdupdiog eonhtry in the tower hangs a splendid bell which irruaj three tibie a day the whole cost incloding furiiishingi ehairs fur seating piano 4cwilhje upwirds of 47000 r tile stptementpf isit noitlicoh ihiidosisls thatthetajjufthe ahamsssis j9 proachiug it prubawj jotniisdmb b- foruiariim tlprfths asitsib4atos4 to make tenhs the jsurc browaesccsunin ii jslulalav obsathstwthow dusiocipeeitjjafljigntor tj wmporiry jeiskalioit lwslitisa active jopertic4t4an pisaisfe bjj carried on fr mowtawaajaoubttl night and emimaimilwitfc jsna- jrar caunot j u usinuitisxti j tbjbsrpasl whiitiifal sprlngwy be ubejou vwj wbttasariu wiiierlorj it ikpnliej satheica4allls- bad and cawdabar jiohxitfib be j utttorid vtimeebl- 7t ia tir-iifirti- l tssmsbjtaic inluinwi iufo mt ii a iviv ll y- i v- tj ai- foir capi