3ex m the l3 h war it besi m l incis r- si b ss- rsvelf iislo- bfe ietkest ijf easy t alyv uint ota itti kal i inter- rrr-w-dl- i mp of 0e- t jt loer toe befar is years aoy ole can ob- hhc in d lsy rranaiac cut ia u defy tweeds i by tut hont soy fnericin aiilne7 bod tajtiet 1 sd lo incav i 5 tailorf ri321 knalehbutl mall nwo imoatuoedayf juus3ltun an be mailed is talnotst festers otetactlmr sum iccfcrfi from the ban -ioa-m- from toronto sod to tltlldit from koheu bull ajk oa tuet airland fridays tmmm traiaileive aetonea follows th mntw fiftsced v ootroeast it botes tailed liosam 910cm lpj 5liiun 707 pm lotion mixed i sim am 82am naovm 517 p m ifibpm table aiia ctotss ootnc weelml a n iwm-tul- onto hsb m sutswtjun mall for to service in the methodist church t ftabbuibothxaornfaaaodeenlnr alllwuiej oclock rasetlvlr knjt htm etuot sabscribers j do not re- eeiveth sffdi nasi rtgttlariywill oblige bv ieformirig as at the office j it oavtjrheo all irregularities rnltb- at tended to and begugeoce on the put of lay ooe enquired intnt pertire desiring ebansebr advertisement r having matter for insertion in lie frx itosihaald hand it in by monday inorniag and vet uterthtdeediyat 10 oclock ajit we eaaadt guarantee to insert matter rtciited an that i6 in any pu- f ticolar iane lttcal mattebsi wedsirt asid birthday freijf i iietai fatter coalenr sapkta kinpi toilet settt yuri at hynav jewtlery siore cifcakt cft bact comha it kyadi 1 jewalsry store wauhee plockt- jetrekry- aad speculex care- tally repaired at geo hyni jewelcry store oallaadaeetnyatock n lsv leftr mm lki mbiiwbml the rib rlsfe a 0ol 0u t cpjsroajii motto franie eomnletk from wctiiuu atp whura i j riaite tbthe v laid and piaowjct in cuwfroiv uui j jactorr village counctln eetritj liauwa halh nw monday tchuig rjtiirg iuanita of coi looi are being delirered at the italic a yard 4prtie hiring pwluiea to fraafc will do wth to tall on c w hill i jadrerlising i jtfio oil wwch tradeaioen pntiiuthoif lamp thev that are unwiieptit no oil in puttomo mlimof mt oa kt elippety eidtwiit near yot r door beforvi aame one loeea their bq lipoiie and eeeetrca a oomponnd fraetu e luxfisa boater tiii calirt billhead nothead stal smcnu and all hinda ot commercial an i fancy job pnntrnjc jexecated at th i- fnzi ikds office i the lovett pric it tou want w find oat a tnani ruil diipoaiunn tjake hi n whn heiyet and htnry it he u amiable then dry him and fill him op nd yoo hatbanansell thit u whit a lady toldiii anyho par tcierable jtilerl xer viniilitl rniettedrih pan lyaic on tueaiiy eveni0 urt about oclock he recotcred o fir by v ineediv etonaig thit h va able to mo rffabout iffiia though enable to ipt jtcut j 85o0m reward for any uae o iroraiainthehnman lyitem vh re j el mcglwvini wprm powdcrt wifl not ef- fbctjtcare try them jfbera ia bfae thing tiattfae eye of mortal baa never beb jj and that t the tkater who fell dow4 became 8aow fell tjulf liottflj yntep da -j- um hair rbntwer the petroli at j js moqatfina and y donid hotjtiand op u looki around with an air of fmortance k todayiaiwijar reid j c ffiuv locals cof oil it j emcgrtna go to j c hbli for cisap fetarei knd tinware cia biood pudfcr if j jfc sictiarvini eext sol mi adgtfjfc yon wie b irahin it war tsii wiatih exjaesin g tnaneil will bt tnstwirttbwni tomorrotth tnst fortrftt and cbeap picture ifaae go fo tt wj ftitta protojiaph tajlerri 1 ii is ivrfoticeable fact tint t brik lot will alwayij most generally hy without winga hr s dllta qf the gebrga- lawn btrou called an tu jjobdar he wit jallyimd loau it healthy u njirit the hev jotiri irrofl 0 d caodiicfel the iscreaientaliertiees in tee itettodiif chanhyui thii villigc a carload of bartflt- alt ust i it cjienuai cheaji aiore ivearfy eterybddy lux av cold aaroae off eiteli one now- the troabfe u togrt rid cf it like th mia flrha cinbt the eiie bear yjjr neat add tasty job print- ra thofelt pais osx u fhe place la get it everythinj in rood coadi- tiui aad ndbotch work allowed tbe atinnal convention t eilwalbatli school auociion wie u reld- in th lfriscyterun church borlidgtoa aif tharaday ani friday bthaaf ifth febrnfry lfa great- reduction ia ipriee of stowa at j csstli formerly t stewart fr go when pe6jv flfick into- a plac ofboainesa aa if they wen mak ing aroiioa a firings bank theric no dscaaxon for alum it is only evidence that the establishment adrertuea iirvll jsiitibell formerly areiidfaf of actor4 aud a- friend of nuayof the yoanif people in thii town w ho daring thia week he ia u plcniat a compinicrsv and joy oat i friend ia erer haltorx coantj teacwm as oaitionwiir hold it next regilir halfyearly meeting in theijeorgetown fabcesellooroathnrditand friijiy the 77th aad 2sth of fevniryand sitarday forenoon lit of march is79- ibifitrwledged the bt 50c tea in tffrd at dofeajani cheap itora ippoute agaewi hottt iwatone for the bnsemenf the nrwcathoire ohotrif cedfgetowo which u to he erected irecttr oppotite the old che da ifiin street has all tela drawn from silrercreek miit now ready wf operatioa u coon as farorable weather presepla itacil the npper portion of the boildlag wik be bnct herald tbe feomsry namber of wooiiffomihold uagasine if to hand ithaa beta enlarged to 100 pages and ft now it osef of the best magazines oa thuf eodtinent it cnnuufs a great bnmbex rery interesting articles and gires more rilaiifle teuislz fir the money than any othef hagaane in the eonntry termi 200 per anndm sanrpls cofy 80 cents address 8 8 wod tribmle batldibft- newtork ttbe jur tfm taylor bettft known as califoraj taylor preached eloosent and tmprsssire sermons ififhe- metbodut cbnrch acton on monday night and taesday too nlng at the litter put of the meetioiri be ting eoogian diffjrent unjrages inclsdihg kadr hindoo slid parsee he brought settnl to think of the qoi that crested thetnj and daring be different eerneci ft are told that sereraj sooai were ebwsrteev i not rah the place that harta nnjtu he ii tare no one it looking istorca remarkably cliip for that wag left h tut hisl fixes hiaj liale straps ajid does alwiyi t j a ftius ute t stewart t coycili and examine prioea iurk daisasl it is illegfd archibald campbell fit if ran- a it mill in kussgawi yi has itha country without ere i riyiog by to hisj creditor ser ril teri chirjct hire been audi egaiart imcof oierr jorgeriea o certain abtek which are held m cjoelp l ifer- cwtt 4mr isaiah cawihra- w ib lires on lot m epa s eriaj h4 th mijfor- tiac on sandit jtaffith to icse hix boose and coaleau including 00 buih cataj to bash jwhealand iboat 50 both ofbirtey by firej ka injuria t ifr ciwtfcri hai theiympathy o all the community innisloaaj a grcit num ber of hii nighbori turnec out to dra eiwiog to the saw mill or him ia aid him ia wildinir a aew i ijorderwi cfothing dheajieiit nd nobbiest suit ercf- turae out of aaynuscin coaida likewiti rtiiy hade clothin j orer coata ani heary tweeds upiiiritgalirly iuaghtered uclieod andersoh l co gcorsstowh jl jthe london siandirdtciii nt prat j b watson eiting lecfared re cently ntir ihic dry rthis it the tine ambttioot yoncg man irho rkited if il- ton jilt winter ni ieefnted ool socte- l tjumaaked and left the lalfoa jteicc adrertuiojr bin aopiic ia the present hourtjtnrs and t it same amfsble yoag gentlemaa tu fertited jliroe difierent lecture in tkehfarr to be delimed irfc tra and forgot either to come anc lecture tie hisidrertuing bill ldry goods groceries boots and shoes are still selling- trip it djstnahs cheap store 4one tdair iss weefc as mr ceorge csnnaaght- was 6ufti ig wood bear eaitcbbcliee me will a very serin accident while a iking a wede which hi intended u ute for splitting fheiaxe tlippcdln tt sir way kndtehott he back of hit hm 1 ririog him a very idoepalid peintul a f which hi1 keep him from working or some me dr winn of kaisign eya was fat for and he dreued the- injafies indmrcsnnaoght is getting along as froraslyjas coald be expected iisidieiyar seft tell mkist sesi german ilink aodotbenbusiio booosudicsland gents far sps and gsontletetieing sold regardle i of cost thssbsatf gods nnirt be cle rel oat in one moatli mcleod- aai eraoa i vc georgetown 2j asoteee ol seitlebgoya agajnitisonrpiinfaldatyto hrontde the death of another old re tdent of thif township werfertompeofie moote sr iwho emigrated trom the state of pennaylranii to lot2 con 7 ititiinrj sbont four miles frc a actoo aboat forty years ago aad hi has ire rniirfkemthit farm aatil la it sauir diyv ifaea kj peacefnlly pas d away he was well known and vi ry much rstpct3 by raanfothis rflghbors apd all rerj aacji monrahis lepf rthre from this sphere of labor j 1 seep ft teforttbe pi jte tiat thayer of oedfrgetefwn keepi the larg est and most extensive sssoi uaeatof xlonsehold jfmiuti to jfajv oondb i6r nlsce of the same tiff u canada id place consurtihj parlor 1 defigns of ths fpllffwinfl articles oites of thtinost beantilul in haircloth and rjsp sofas lounges rocker iadjeasy dhalrsin fcaircgi bedroom suite- in vfalnqt ind asfi bedsteads chairs inbs and gradles meadleas varieties of every descriptioo j bureaus and dressing cases with miip 20j incliej side- liaafaj conwsmf bsckcsse wntfaftj idesks open and enclosed vf shsuntts icxmoiindfall leaf tabic cenlxe dreisipg abd fancy imes b it baas iwhatnots and every descj irtion of fpfnlfore that is kesrt jbfipmus j- starbh itane august september ofjthis yescwill taoh dryitel is no longer reooffiiied u tne hsrdest lubstanoe by some who visited the skating risk monday even lag tho different juvoand tuihgle atorjcsihtlflf village are boinf well supplied with timber during season this the mittlwhoiebioh prevent hltn from splitting d iticlc of wood 0 kindling i bre i he boo who leads in attack on a pile of en obrdi 6t wootfto hell urtojvtc snd kill a frightened rawt c a missionary ineeting will be held d vj in st johns church bock- wood oa friday evening 7th february the her messrs yemsu oaaweq and miiseysfe exputod to be present sad deliver addresses on behalf of the cause of missions i the ehletpriaihg editorof the ktv4 lias found a young lady who bluthes goes fo bed at nioeoata hcatlily speaks plainf euglish respects her liiother aoeaat wiijt to uirry a locd tiid kuows lidw lo eooe koie iwhereg ypar man- fiiat 1- i stock takiko sale daring this month of stock using we ihtll be elearicg out lota ol odds and eodi and regular lines of winter goods st ex- traordiaary low prices the object u to coilert thegbods into cash aad to msk1 room for springoods the mimmoth ouse gecwctoira bj the tpoc- mcleod andttion 4-co- va haye received copy cf the iierury arm a new literary week ly published io toronto by findlay t co it contains a lilrgc uroubt of veryiatestfhg readings including auny subjects ipeciily intended to interest both i young and elct it is aeatly printed and desenes pitrmige thb annual orange ball arid supperwili bejirea ia the town hall rockwood on friday evening hui feb 1879 sialic wfllbe funushed by bobinioas quadrille band the cotrmittee are sparing neither time or trouble aad this wiiliio doubt be the mostiuccessful and enjoyable cvemng oftheeeisou i tickets admitting udy aad gentleman 75 cents a dubious fact tnif ta severe enronle cases wblcli hive prvjvea tue maetooulnale lo other mcdiciats wilsons compound tfymp uiildecrrrgtfu tmaieulate reter aid eavcu a corjjajlronehuls lou or voice csume whoocinr ouhor crori i ilr a p webber o the arm of wtns- io- itebbrinllwii tlvm as par- uculrt of the fplfttviaj rpatirluble cue tfif info hivlss ciujut very severe cold lost her vofee fiq eumpletf if last the tomltr fua1 not nnoerktnda online tad inlhlidtitreliliirrtnet eeoey- w was advised to- irr witoopi yudcheiry aacl wuuonuhed io and lteflecl score in ricrdrt xrrluom bru ehcrrawactoa ssl qne dayiat frecfe ai a young i5a of mr joseph lesby rif with a umber of other school children ptiyiac shinaey on the ice- on morrows pond an accident oecarred whiclkaight hare resulted fatally the block waich the boys were kaockinjf in some way wss knocked info tie niter ft the witerglte and the little felw ia iiit eodeivor to get it oat unfortuaitci- lost his bslmce sad wis sadiiealv pre- cipitatecliatothewiter by tjiohdpof his compiaions he succeeded ia geltfogl oat and when he hsd his clothe chaaged beyond a frighthe wss none the worse of his dackin g the milton peaplo especiilly the katers of that jabdrban villa are extremely otigiag and canlpii- raentacyj tiiey htia csiriiral there list wednesday rfight and cordially- idyited acton skaters downl jnto it fjiff3borlrom this place responded thinking the miltoniansjodld retorn the optn- iliinent bat thats just wfiere the acfoniaos wefe taken in 6n flonifify ruptrtfiifl there wti a carnival in the acton rink and the milton skaters were cordially infilfrd wt thats as far ui it went ther forgot t reipdpd aowvyiry very tecy oblijung th fa inii y7 tfcrf v paray hfy lannlhe and lffimti9 lllfl sloil jktntwuerrws knd cnutm irpuhd and b8 oonsbled j t 1 esquesin i j fjomour own oorreipondent social there was a social at hi rcildodeji if mr john gilliei enljuaiiing ontuesdayevenlng fjrj betlrfit a petit of tho prosbytoriali chorea in tint neighbourhopf te tendipdbjsjtt1ereod cop sidtrins thejstlo of the rpiils very enjbyaole etomng wis pioceeds a6but25 the congregatuhs of knr churchj mittofi and boston chare h eumlng ii forniuatitigi ml to the presbytery 6 have rev 3 0 ioaihcron placed as their niinlv ter the free pbess contiruel icr tnrjleadjngfjper bl the poun itfeirrirea fvjryt kefk spailli hi looil aid ajr very intotttty ing reading jmay it ever ptosf sr and may its circulation ever crease u it is at present- to irs truly 1 siionr esquesihg fb 3 167sr a bis thin oa ice which is vrtiat tho cornifai amtnated to thohnfcy dress carifi ihtlra xctcfi skatitig itink monday oveping last rj wo believe one df the most succesiful ever held in jacton the ica vjs in goolmudupn merrf fcawie- radera went jhkppily around ped the spectahss nereyery nnmefoas and of the jctliest find v thihk that probably the only drawback vtt the litck joc acconimatioh jtbe ekaters were pretty much cromdea but they had rdotri iti whic i to display their skill and tbero vera several present of eip orul elegance and syje the spec itors hptvtv enjcliirxide3j jnj ijiiilo a number uad to stand di ring the evening 1 bat wjthout a mbt those presenp jnxoye jjlberok ifsv the acton brass band was present and enlivened the ekaters uy oicaapaatflefy chpicesnd k e4- ingly well iendered seleclloi of music quito i dnmber riom georgetown cl jotaciphic3 in this neighborhood wcrs present fcild on fn coniidiriuon of the bir urnsi and low prices of ill kind of projaoi jfoleod arideridti co hm dsteldssjd -rt- 1lj v the whole of their immense stoct v m r b qoods matlos caipets buffalo i oljes m asria jat a tit- to coiinne h0j7 12th oontlaii to ol ibi y gaaranleo thii to be a graccl5 iwsg pai or goc dswoh as hn never before heed pffred to people iduflsjpsrt of tbf ore we have knocked the prices dpiyn nora along and see we will giro yon bsrgaini b rednouow in liress goo ds ficeys ise grent slaughter overcoits fee mllmryid jantles at colsl price ladies see our fpecial clieai juices flannels tiud dlasbts at e than buffalo hgbes5t j6nc hdf the lisual iirrcesf see u bempnur the grand slaughter sale commence oft the mh of novmbar i j- t f j i i i 1 toujhrii ee ot t wfibds readymam cldihipto mauoacturepp ih ml mrs a genuine isals ajakdj under oostjpripe s now going oriat s a seedsrfe beneath isillstof ptflcfes brooms which retail nt 25cts going- it 18 ctjisspusas l6cis gotnnt f- el mrg1lhg iblack- oil ycilow oil condition fowdeiii jt b r jleleanoermirage soqtlt jng syrap goddjoiaoritan ac io all sell at 25 cts going at 15 eta 15 different und of tills all 10cta karek 6i chinese remedy for bipod and liter 100 at 10 cts all tlyes warranted best qualily uanion ltrrrar rnrspnfvta i package pyef isrge pjcuccsl tdatfrf6 thia eas f fe inar td appoint delejratis to wood 15 cu nt 16 cts rery bst attendjamb6ttnj of the 0 iodigo h- co cl io en ashing absrjqittboii of the count haltorj tetie held in milfc priday 7th irist t a tendarics requested of at- -i- m l fortsebesy tk- elidul oounitt 1jm prides i to suilr i i tlietirdbsf iwvhlllj mrgeorge hj ndsthe enier pritloj wstchmiker ani j jewcjler acton ass pat up in the waiting room of thegt e station here a most fceaatiful clock the clock it enclosed tas1aatifutcaae the lower yibrtion o which bears a cirdsiiioanciog mr geo hyflds stock 8c a father jifc tnijfive aad uiiqne feature of this-lid- ftrtaement u the placing oh the coriere 6f the card the photos of the muiuis of lorue prineeu totlise sir john a maodonsld and hon aui msikeasic if r hyndf doefves credit for getiing pp anj preseaunfojoeafufiil a speci men of hit wares to the nsciala of the railroad 1 the editor of he milon neci it certainly a very oblighing and con lidefste gentleman he oirefolly reads iq theriewrpspen if he notices any of his loeal items have ben clipped without criit then let the editor tfhoil guilty bewartf bvwfflahake i down into huboou tbe editor eff tho aewii terrible when credit ia not givenhim bat he h a carious sort of ian indivividflifc j hi fi ffiotent veyy jtiast week he had three itemf of local newt which h gathersd from the columns of the fsn przss 4ad he forgol to credit toimj jshlvjry- shasery now vfonjeef it we were guilty of snc atfatj know the editor of tlje ifewi was once withpnt d6obthej clokl foe sale any persoa wishing cdsljcitbcr other vafiety- chesaiiteggj or aay can leave 0r orae qjer order it thtfazs press officeditillwdelivjred io any pitt of the villsje t soda s cts at 3 cts clotnes tins i ey at2j cts school books and iuatioftaryiii cost novels 10 cu at b cis ladies lkwlf 100 at 5d cts ewveteoliabttottav j etsjrawhpi 13ct al 0 cu and siiioers 20 cts a telt oolen bitting wall paper lacross and hie bill a lare shop stove 2 stove cruais lot of pipe all reebnd band cheap one new iron ramp complete with lei pipegdtj- mrs record has also been ap poiated agent for all the various makes of sewitfa machines which so will sell lower thai thft lowest bhe has alio the agency fbrharpert baitar fittcrnsv w b sow underquoted prices a patent iquilupg frame clothes horse and wuhriig machine iqchface plaxeu and fq flooh hit uee tor sale gorfice puner aad floor mitche-i- knives 20 inches also a shinglef aciater g j die mccollugh makers kddresf dwaed mooi1e l i acton at 8tmith fvroso leveat if prepared to fur sabl oysters- bv the ousrt or caoia m or kftslliqaan titles- can ledfish of every hod always ip ftojlf origi lemons ficti contectionerji c ic always tjklflav fresli biscdita tc refreshment booms a ii indjebted to g levent rouit call immediately andfettletaaihe hqhimenuiy to meetiome- bills l- 00 levens w caliii8t 8hop earf eareqriag far- 1 a school teacher nftnr can hareit oa very c sv tendajrnows what sf tight and justice i h flfpiymentto fnif the hi rijjimeaii fiotr we think he could compsfefivor all of the iffiove will be so d t u heier- achooli mahier very ehsapeit rates j to test the troth i bat 41h li ejniistency ihon u a janaafy i87fl ir jjj i 1 thomas itbw ast wifaess i j james- g hsto s cbctsb srhiiu having purchased the tia aid stove bonnets hitherto carried on by the firm of t stewart fi cotogej her with the bobkldahts stocv intnjd 4c land hvjngjasfunif 4 tl tr oi htrt thp partnership heretofore si lilstihg itweea ptjtbeondersigned as tia aad stovedaalerf aaderthee yle aad firm of t stiaut tco jai hft 3ur bea difsolvijdjyjnutbsl const it all debts doe thi lata firm will be psid to john c haiv who wijl carry on the bnsineaf and diachargo all abuitet agsintt the aaid firm atd af acton this 23rd day fresh oysters frlsh oyoters oysters in cans or by ho pailtul jatt received t iaucle lor of otatea ail0 tn the following sites 2ot 3qt 1 gallon and 2 callotis prwlmi i pailai of oysters can gotihem by addiesaing 1 r- murbay queuphl 1 j jaet receired bloateii oranges v f etbi pop cownballsby the bartefc w j pop cfden ballsby the hundred ci v cfcm- ah orion attsaded to proasw j at mlcibay v 49 ffyadham street t guelph the acton is jecogtmed by ail to b9 the besfr advertis ing meidiulm in halton oounty ales seibids oashstqre for the j sibst gflfcerilm fresh artflv iat the subscriber has j r a targe itock of consisting of3 0b1t i s infovirn ixf tot want finnan hi bgotssrl family ww f doies faisgoles gysters ganhoop he- lost how reftfortq m r ive h a iprv feswflr oil ttokadioal and tebllanjhr utfoukrvmoiilalaudpiirmca iocaim- jpificiffi ia sealed ftnvnlope only ttteceltbraied autlior in tnl odralrf- able efisayeiearly datnodbtietcs frtiip tuirty 3 ears- knccef ul practical ttint thirty 3 earbeacccketui pmcbicr ctireil wltliout uie flnifetrona ve orlh tt n ailrtirtnoflnij lernal irifmiiclne or ibe itpuiloailodc knierrolpwtt tft mode or cure t orrnj kinjl of fisl orange s lsmoiib go tq les secowi oncu hn- vdu means or wnlon every sufferer no l ter wljptjitt condition roav b mny f ojreliirtlir prrvsirintami flujcw suoumfbl avrfsadetfjhwnihe ltlitih onelttelyseeord 3 m os0nee3ox rrsjsdupe takeriir e ft 00