t- v- a j f0eb umlsi basinet wlieuliou fuelling is carried on f k uueiiicm it liecuium reality initiuaj buuiii wanting ia iuciuti uoui lire wmlf utal uw tueujliwuiifut it citiaidrced i unuljjriv wlcu business tyaii 4uu liiuvejelf siioeewftt ibe supv miiit i tlail he ion known more r fcii dntgsrj iu euiiiing a proi- iciuus ikiiiaua auiile humiliat 11 nglidtukd l itoue b tohoiob j creat offelik 1 sht fieri to at ologioai jounlal jlsd ssianoa or bsalti ofr this kublieation it widely kndwn bating boen before the raiting world rly years nd tisoupyiag 1i puca ir liloraluro ckclualtely its lb4tudy t huj an the tglidrusediaadwe aro olttnc ownj rti lb4wdy of huj at u lag iuxiuirgt a kmue jot 1 natujie ta all its phases inc ad iiiv it u 1 ins 1 xerenoloer byetogonc my ivjeyiuri lieu orpoct the ckillk ilie uccjjke tuebamof-opfiotlao- is bia by aiatteriig each jjwttuiuit ifijiviecoopruu id to juvjkfctiioh deiclit in jcilkng a your ltihtaid ic jivjtiic ukeaiii ihevii iii tiisuiuitului todotfrytiiog tl afitfwanujlijimhstabl repe- vilify jiai sill iwrb ip dojtciailv live uli tiieijad fcuuligj let its ivv iii oiufce alii keep i j- ki cluuiia by fjfjttjtrj xiit ujityouc- miud llidmiily nt yuu aill gaiu ai much real iiaaure ouliuf your i housekeeping ta xuy uiii en drjr from his iuiuws xlaiii tii jq and bcaf uaily ttin fur ihd final reunite u imirl iioiiii f ii iip in- luitaiki livvi toll will gioir to lave vuup work jlvllutfketpine oil lie wait lu ilie lort i jane lur ikl to jiiiiis- unfcnon intp yuur imu ta i ireajliii rcal cul- live pcrt a too aiiu ig jioli villi uiwiiitaudirit ic your gooj j4euiiitf li tfile to itifty lntf of aiuiumeat oo one ctn dulil i itu luur iieul is iu yoar ork j jjniuiiijkj 10 kthntiuer phltiologyi etc getbir with luo totva r hui u and lio i cxptuse jtriu lis pmi to auk it the wst pblio4tion for goiiotalitfnbulufodi ending l pennce bejng tlii principal onto u iuik cva liettr j pbyale iif t eju ij ln to all nieutajlf vlid okirallt- ftilirllp anrllimml hiii pubpkbmxt b6ffiu i mlde orjilale of vua- ijhd ao llerpd jui lo jioit h puroii oilier aanltarr and tooral raformi h well a tu tljo luitherapos of tap gelloal religion i another fpeoliil rur of th wrwim during- jfto will 1 tb atltniion paid w enmrldga whion alreidi ri nunaeroiu and uatiirur ami aiidwry 6rpme ital importnnl portmi of th promt andunlil recently hm sold for s 00 iifint ratd ibrougboul uie woild wilj tliui eaih the huilraled kejp iiicu i ccoriipanie caih buajl wid to jxcl lodtijui of each of ilif roiiotogicaliotfian- hi u l lfejctthartp pills j telirf of ij sects iq sds i ti akla4 ftpm j 00 for ife7 tit- inglko lc25c etrtl mutt be jtirjr ai rrr frei ssd jr i i u or istflmtim uu rr uki cc of r cr ii iturr are atnentt audita tjuvc- -ivtntiicre- cau4 m trr castor uuicnt cwfaitcr llca ijjctf ptuiji ut ar1 every funur tboull i i r ttoca wa bad ijr tlwii proleriioa jinl retwcmi tcmioj loac eirr jc tcu- ireiimbta ite tfxf fcix sciiai4 l- cf- il tiilt hiuch lf urirlik iiiuikla lir tvj ccaikiial ue 1 uood j ktaicrf uk ocni ifja cf mx f iia cx- jii olimctwc raoorei tii lie fffooie i4timry of tfj rertd to its ictitiif tair- tawiui 3i3ftrticii tleoaje ciorri iifpssijit eieuiiedbr aver ptltr aai exmnutcd irtj aaioo thus iocfpien it iaroi inia hexh the riluc oc ajri6 chxex vberf rcioam on tie var jitttude fcbg erjgr fe csii ltrjlr boconv ut rreft tneirlrtuc- sd pcrtertly ntiiible ihcf art mild and or- ruc inraiscs trc cwi on the imrnper to eti vifq3u ji7vrwc totp ovnpl or ri ii lamwi ft if mii4 i piplj cuc isstort iu bcauijr vlni -t-jcti-w- tor t tcr cotflpfnt tnd it nnottt frrtnknturotu llpildacbf tfck haiirhjanudrcf urorrriurk nr hitt ucjia billou fw rer tier iiiouh be fudicsoaslj- uim for r io tt liit diiafd ctkmur mc he nitrtic niuti can it inrtairr or didrrltca batase uldv rstfrallv required nr rhraofaika gsot crarpi pjf pfcarfms of fcr rtrart piib fa rtf d pacv ttnttljcaij liier should irniufnar ufcm asrwindad to cfuuijcb tnr uraiwr rad drpticul svu f nc tt if takqir unre and fte- dot to ptmnce tetesect or a d3fir ai9 r fyu if frgj ay rfrocm be tpcltj- j i a itiitttrr pmuimozeartrrraptttxui jirntir ilribuic itd rtiitcv ts ttamach an nrtin7t tri nncii- j ftmxet ttmtr-qfhfafiiianiiiijftir- j ur yrttfiu herice irl often adruita pxir crivrv no t kfcn fmd to-iralilj- wtfif rfli gad thai r jrt rf tfapira oute hrai fi 4o- iilxs cioa the digestive ipparali crx- c atzh 00 pnet cfcenutfi tec4r vigor ior encoring to grsyealr kl ctorci vttaiityuid color a dressing alcb i 6i once agseai tie beihy and eflecwl torim af article nowbeioe pal cl iqi live jckvlr or fotiujc axd itixdjifhlenabl lite reader to be- eottfe a vaiceisfui jtuuejit or hji aim nnurei i p 21i ew tiok pben w utit tcvreramorrs or vi tie lio o lliiticil ntliluiion io tan cviifidered ia ihtir relation to hen- til giwacter atfl- practicil ajfairt ofufei 150 4 nev worlc ihe oolyoni on ibe subject o reinpenrfmenta now beftc ilie ulilie and ireata of this mporljpt aoljct in lb inoat am- preliensire manner iijoiing it i tar ings pbr mantagej health and difeaaej etc tha hoot fem ain about jjq pagesj and tw port rain and oilier iunsjratiorifj u hind- someljj printed and bound in e lira 6ne muslin and cai noi be pcn cdatltiituanhtm retail ejcept rcheri aten at a premium tekjisrtha joqsxil if noi 0j a jear hiring for um tcllrf 1 ani ecre of ail i denapjuenu tt t puujtltd at fc reccifei iriijeach lahscnptitn to psy postage otr he joctxtl an i the eriense or boring and papkinj the zulu ftnicn wi i then ibe tent by expr orsoji the aijall but or tie tmmium biolc which trill be sect py mill postpaid aeesk wistm send 10 nu for fckimenkinber uid ten ii s wetts tr ifttbr ushers i 31 hrkdwajv st tarfc lout ujnf it li rapidi- atsoiuil pnsrrt tn tha rerr none en ect uiej circaiatior nertnlltlne t i kiev-main- lotn tiolillr r i- teetrcvrtpetc tt rom ihe ajtlm jiogiilii fcafwal oqii la if ipleased trecere j testim ni ilarronrall othere who uf it nccerair j i tiriauib of the uglieti fjeclaliu- recoiunnija it its a aidstfrecuiril dicqetic n tri eiif for iiih relief of fain in eof sudden tit 9 oirry it tojourhomea wl it will i n i leafing io jsar limiiiea and afflicted friend i droefiialaire selling enorihfvui qaintitiea of ii- vbereror in i ffis3lengoiie world to j laee ii eqanli lot pretotv ing tos iwir b torn fv slore faded or grby hiir io itt original coly irila theguaanifrukneu of youth ihiuliairb thickened h- iag itair checked andialdnem oilea though uotahrajb cijred t7 if nsei itotrimgean resforetmliair tvtieretlie lollicleslare destroyed ozl tbe glaiids atrophied and decayed liutsiicfras remain can be saved by hiiabrlication aodbtimnktwl nrn ocfltity- iff tnat a new growit of iiair is produced instead of fooling thsbair with apmtjbedimenty it ill keep it clean andjrigorpus tte ccasional use will prefent the hair frjra tuming 6r ciding oft- ind conseqoeritly prevent baldnes- jthe restoration of titalitvit give to the etsdp arrests and prevents the formation of dandtaflt which is often to opcleanlj and onensjv pree from those deleteriohs tpbr jftancei whih make ome preparar tiosbdangprous aud injuribua to th haje uje yicfi cat only bbtwllt but not harm it tf wanfed merely lot a ha ib dbessuf g nothing else ran be mud so desirable contain- in peither oilinot dye hi hot eqil white cambric and jet lasts long on aehair giving v t rich gloss- lutre and a gratefepwfame preparco fivdr j c aw a co ioicell virs j balm rok eteht mrjev imjciiilitt and i ktitf atl mjq loan trcirnrmlf j3t i- c tcall m ot hef anrfncancomlt rt fmttbj- tbfiiifaoaf i a n totjirei ttoiaaclie ei ricuf tie-dacbe- rafl kxitanutivtu tfrialrfe rei iidi iifiaiuairi tenr c f kruf ruin id- side vainlc fai cr pifl lb thtitjlaln iu ihoul coaluicodnkrwibll uibliit uiat roan ui 6uifctj iwauncr e c- j ij y 11 tccre he nuiit ngocllr licrie 7rfriteratuu fpiye it a trt jhe tnvcttiq tndteher eri ft n the j gicil lecrtt uf it slcceu irflb ail iaxiek i o trg ta uit fret ibit it fi nni iiannik jeiaoi tfl ulcr pf lc unt j ent rid catt6erpid w a- wltfer rancid of diieo everyday lift irithgrti itt fia ibaa nnrptppaniudt which arcli ekillnq vtirnrfii 1 t 38rdyearr tss wit oat of the tnoit iroporunifea- tures of the ikiteea diiring the year 1879 will be iu anrwofru jeclnrei on agrioujtum by w f clarke of lindeobsjvk ouilpb late editor of the canada furmtr thom leoturts already delrrred by mr clarke have been met with the greatest approval everywhere the lectures will be j reported in the wilncst rhoje riue u enigricnl tnre paper baa within the past few months been greatly enhanced i fbe witkbsuj devoted do tern free ih- oe given and the paper will contain pomerouaiuaatrated artlilrioamuoft interiut and valaii as well a aeltct ions from tbe bunjerpus art ot pie day 1 the fulleil attention will be paid lo ncjri to that b witnen may retain its praaent reputation u k newipapev j thehoutehold and general literary departments of the vyitoess have alwiy been a prominent fratore of the paper and they will be coo una- rd on ibe fame plan u heretofore fivmg to the ladfei much valuable information aboui everything neoesr wry to make the oiuebold bright pleasant and prosperous the price of the duteretit edilioni of the witness is as follows per year post paid diilr hitjiaj 630 cireulalioq vi i nfea ii j he fi rtij j- ffrtfitiarmata iw ijn0w68erjng for sale i ija tip orbewiiwi owwjtery jhe oilowing u araii m w fc07thl8roall 1 also fk splendid ii orpenteralhond sa paints paint oils wlihlwbrai 9bsr jpaint 1 al i in stod r fptu will be etd loir for easb cub tor aid i ohable8t bilk mill htf ee icn 9tb iiw iphofrisitoils ilftc4rcnlaflon i j irtxii ui iu ttc 1 1 ci o tafe anr p nor vi natv r be kibflvc ry vtio is fotsfin- tr mjuroi ifrtve uiuful ciiinpulnlt willefi the ofhce in toro any da r of tie week will ge pnialical p of foe of charge ql jita mt ieiil iwer i in flpi ni v- tejliinoniala from all pari of dominion are jconttaklly coining ittlmnd girinc exp iipfi lb ihe jnpat gratefnl gr iiideforastbnithingcarea wl ich itiuafperfornied and we wculd prlti cents pc botkle j ihetradeadpplied throneh he fyhileaale dran and paidt sfeiucioe hounei of j monlnal toronto hnmillon anv londin aoxp bt ittv bxtdapiqiivf putj sutlf i 10 piaem for salei jik mbtcriber offers for tale the firaiitutoii n ot 11 con 3 tiwn- brin this farm contain acjeij 80 of which are cleared ba soce will timbered- it ii aitnated ab ot a ndla i from til gnelph gravel osd andatwut 4 miles from acton the place la wellvatercil taere befig gaod wel and neverlailiak aprinj en the farm and a apod frame bouse and barri on the premises forifarther par ticulars apply to i jacob nshetucfaio r or xw- i ekfiina arpaijsf acted aug 28 187s u800 wdvlt wirnts 2s0u j in addiuoo to these the pabliih e n of the wrnttaa isaue mut tlermraia a illulrated isrcilyjouroal bich is regarded with great favor all overi- orth america 11 rte eirealation of over 0 100 1 lifies in homes remote from post 1 aocomodallon it supplies ha whole family reeding while in cities f wna and- villages every here it is the favorite of the young people wl o find in it an end less source of nligttenment end enjoyment its j rice is but j9 cepts a year incoding i postage to strut dayschools and globs it is sent at the followingrafes 10 copies u eh atjdrem tso per an i j 25 copies 0 cne address rvc0 id copies to oriesddnttstflbo 1q0 copies lo oae addrota jj22u allrrsolif deiiring lo interest theaselrerrx oliiaipint suhaerip lioostoribe wnrsiu will receive sample copies and terms on appli cation i every letter snswered joukducgalltkiin pctusazxs i iloptritl q xsjssr is supplied wth au the req sites for doipg firstclass jdli printijig busibess and promptly executes postefi bcunmi 70a ema tntm la 75 ta pi per dar h dr worker of eliuerwxiirht in t6e1r ovnloealiuea partxealar nd ratn wet wcrthls lyee impmte poor apart u ma kwhlkbtuluctv asddretabt15saxaco poruafldmaine best i oattuthl bined m vtfrfiflt5a5afiffli age try it wot ien b oac fob 1 ebtioe handbills peogrammesi dodgeiis bi i l heads statements pamth1vets clbcutabs books balif cabds wbddigi cabrs 7js1ting pakds busin ess cabds fanqy show cabds c c c s g beattt stcc tyjjmvs oirrmjo dn a acoomph tuidfie work it i nvwt smweair ujr implhblns as sbown in pie nmv luooem of iu vunauu uireuchosl se eoontrr is to d middle pais bojs od foong led men w coror ptaaiaa snxaall week alepplnc a posuloovin wblott owln uf npiiieneas rf utelrtkaowtnlgf lelrtl tioflq imarclal purtqja by flvtpg them a thorutluh ardprailoxl bdoeatlon in book- kmcibs 10 all iu arnu paomansblp arintle 0 rrepobdece qranunar aiklhpsiudftsadslimettknsi bow to deatwllb notes draits mils irf aiobanre enreks ailhndtartnsiikjpir qraluatkh of the wtlfclk who have rcr months eonrse aa4 taken tneiriupl into sort tb onwii lhi speedily amlnprnnit amuofotrr stadntwanstsoh woo have been ibkmgn tbejrraomaiaehoekf andiiirivehilues as weuoa those wbose edncauonln early we batrn ed the formkr coma u raaafva a sradeal adtwauon sueb a m waded in evrrjr uajllfc ttte taller lo ramadr paav nirt abdau to weara uiat ipwwiedb wbl wlftbeljtbeot to suooea in 16 asrth cohtge ionrnai eennunlnf lull partlcblsra and porimpof pn- maaahlpan teuton application address bofieattvroi j r 8ebitulonl heptjstp7s jfll beattt oipsavrraaiitcrprn- oaakawsaasasbbassaasaixnndttxokceaeddvb pianosks lumircd kest ou iet trlsl a0 aflbronobacfsl th bnt la rurworttv- eeaitr icoidfii tonsmcrkr orirx ar ndeabjq magariattrt dnifngrd ii wffvifwofcnaaitheibl tlv7pnsevsvrtr ihssssvsasurrtilrttlli brlulancy and cr- wa8hihctoh rfej i i 11 isas i sasaaaaiaai all itillmtil sokx mcuf icdqrv caimiuieav- bsabssaa9baaalksaswbbcbsbatrasr4 ta rsnv daransvd hrnt tae twlknvs cpidtl co 311 16 l lat lluie csott 1 1 iwt rl- n tu n in nptr 11 lbs if mr7 ivrt rtt rad et stssatutla thmrtci au saluvrcod e wean ttlarwmrst fyir wurscl4 for tttli eaitiiiwi wafenlare a immediate beanwin btetamtiek bitters indian buorot cedar tl known ismedjrsor oooel ejtllsptlleillvexl 1 unmoatki ootoeiibraw 1 renum woakhwa rtj ma meort iu f iauqd hj mra moons corn and mnskm mrs u6os vootiaebe riropa mnilloonwlbduo we us lio mrs hoonvlndiee qpiimem m rs monnl tploaji o pain kuierujltbi wofld klsaabotair worjnpofal worm avsittiier 1 m rf f 1 motto propifttsi 1- tarnlo cm aon iv 11 4eatai setblai eeaiavi erta soldbteiiti aclou8epuljs 1 i old db anj -rr- nayiteiltrlil 1reapakjr jkattkivnasitarwn aim raiarrica i thot7sain5s 1 woror titjj witat alrbrerendqek tlemaksatkpf the cvnsti j- tunokai reuedt tvli it aoikjj esi- j boo tvittx 0r- teiasia it la now two years since your coni if ulmnal catarrh remoiylwamn rodaced lo me i hare wailed this lng 0 se if ihe cure would rem in permanent be fore doing this ny duty to you as at first the liapp efiecta seemed to mr lobe too giiod lb be true- 1 wa afbiced 1 n my head for yean before i suspecbd it to he ualarrh to reading in 701 r circular i aiwmy case defcrild in many particulars tile- inward drip from ihe head had become very disagreeable and a choking sensat on often prevent ing me jrora ijiog long i would reel like imothei ing and be compel led to sit up in t le bed kyheaith indtpiriu were seriously- altecled rtben your agetiirame lo walker ton in august it 76 1 secured three ollles before 1 bad used a quar- terof the contet is of one bottle i ssffflzitflms ihas thehainanimous erdjet of the ieading quit faking it feling qufta cured -thb- kllek o bat oilmenlji nd have not used any since oolil c f late 1 have taken some for a cold ii my pead a sense of dut to sufferers ifrora that loathsome disfae catarrh prompts metnind ynu thiaicer ii5eate unaollci ed with leave to make what use 1 f it yoa may tee proper yours truly wtlvdall jfelbodiat minister portelyio ani 2is7 ask for little fields conbtitu- tionaj oatarr 1 bemedy acd takowoothev t j b hrsriso dominio agejit brookvill untari i for sale by all dr ngglsti at j one dollar per- bottle j 1 public irhioh hasp j itsoompetitors meat and is buy it ucan make mnnty faster at wore lor us than at an nb nut required per day at trions men warned evarywaer lithe iron cosujomata addresstauaaco mna else caplul iwpraterlroo iu l bun- a made by ihe indus ien- boys ana airls loworkmros now ouuitand terms free aomsta maine the undersignet has for serrioa a firstclass suffolk i oar on lot 22 bos 1 townsbip of baqneamr terms 100 catb at time of service 6m t7m gibbonl tl 4 qr3fihsoeatty sftnuaen ltejltcfm iirtyncia atraiaeiujrbtr enijalrd off as kcnoiast ceiebmd i4o clsttinjis td partieai isnical9ufflwtaadiitjiavcfbct utif drtfstaola trtcterj liaa beta extctltttr praej lkd on the mntatkm 1 have xaunoa also benraro o aaornnoc tsreatara wiui talaooaouuoai from- tejouraalswma torexplyiarton bead i nitmtnted jtnioa4 crciai tfatil awiiialt ffrpia nuulonalreat baateir twrrfutnti uwyeta c aad tbamaattef ttbpieajta jttwii tbrooboitttbelentitad breadu of ti l fkti full aarttoiua ofqa nst flaao j r jcrbor unit i h of anertca o tli qqderngifld hi to hi extensive iu addition grocery stock put in a completo stock hardware palatt oils j vaiak glass etc jas matthew8 i actn mot 7 78 mostvialuabl tising medium in this cpunty offjigb laced it ahead of all in every depdrt- thereforethe r adver- v-i- m tjw xes odiit oeiuxcl stoves shoves any person intendibgo get a firstclass will aaie money blr calling at r boots she for everyonev kenhey son i i actqn ont any person rawlnt of a good fitttngpairf foil bodts bhge it on not do better than call kenney an they kerp both ing bjtthe best goods in stock in ordered work if not snrpass they can equal anything in tews repairiflb a specialty all parties indebted to the aboyje firm are requested to call and settle immediately and save cotti hemnetson adtonvipot91878 i flssvws b- where ilhejjwill suit the limes be undersold elrsthiitsi i 5nd prices to detf rtalned not to iaxbl lways in tooklt dat greeti reabeeb pi lees and joli v c t ipeotal can ind be retit lny in the ity wieijr that remqee removed svpiidjiic uioi imtliew cklin fr w fluoiitamaith bavotsrnpe4fronriibstbie- tretjjodj3r lbjllawnjddi jsibhuabkrvai irtrtberitovvfqnreafer 5 exprees n and vwl arrive forth theaetllts are h akle and a fr a is- for obstniclf 1 tlorbl ordefiejeof jne4- strumlxvaniertotro4fl l boa eodall jtemclei jbreanfarllikc arlslne jrb an ranre wiiier art forclt rillettd l thi ote olkrse pllai they are rte a-reiafae- bar ba use1 by iii ai drewatorttl l ti bis nrlnie prsteuc triantsyeaivgl r oil diiaxatta wtid uijlanoawaivj hentltjamvlir not be taken acccmvrir fwepv bq print dne praarttr a raoff artitl mai rto any inn ori h stiaiuv er j jtrevuni ft f ardrvsjlvs lavtnn tnontartil axisnu by ai- rasieetaueg nruali thrwnb0 cvokria e be sore aid utf kit 1st aakn female rriu eee that ibe wrlurn tli5js nai ar ol it 1 nbrvis foeach poilsf acton sepf mb 1st imyjqt i ui whjeretp it la tvmnvetri a mat difficulty for tbe eb knwnjlieretdbuy and cheap article al a ate cist tp such we a wordin seaio amely tte place ii atj tm stswart a trprwa8ftsbbi and there inspect jm of new and cteapdrjl on account of tie general of trade gave bven picked over stocked twholeaele bo manulao lories it bulhoul tjkjks toj fiiirsifia in this department ie an wonderful goods ait hall prices beau flfbl lustres i 3he newest ditweda caabmerey serges andba from loo pure arid brl silks from eoanoeirgse the value is iomenae i front 23c oanituv flat graj flannels hmfsioi if lannels fwra wdi foriailuo iaidifesiilfki pormnal nqo allnk lt nnailmaii quuta mti toilet odvefra ai mnob mi tl ehepplniorij ihal flowerefealhm- ip cheap kuinoui maj m i- 5c i irfc iff lan to our los pi nift the newekt porlulor p ioei towtetrorffsktl flool the cleap sbawls sand wo il o nd stylish j the lolovfaintneij jarkeiiwei ftft mt fa ablijg ft up to vhaieqairif umwbltwjweirh airt frbm helip tufintktosali lvlhave mejitiq khirtan id unite tvegdstjereki erea3ct tb order iroin immt wouws onrmind wsjniy nfa bsiw hlopmefc rpenjtioar irfttpaieaak 1 li that our iiodswillbe ro ebeepevintb great ijovi 0unrio lljwauniv r 1ap ftwart tl piiphjtvij 3j iowbghresa elotl wde arejuoted tdpttifptiliac ifcifcj- a ii