Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 6, 1879, p. 2

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t yuuuiwu every radiy mireh jlfjr annum 16 advance v 1 atbfefftmfjom bwtoi v ttorjway afiftbtov marcs 8 187a w urt wkkprwent oac ft- headiortoonr wider whioh alriwd i from clripnoimt tiv ttiae fof lllillau st eateybceu jeudcvorirg in every v r yi since tha fk pgess ficl cardi ff ij r into out posrioit ovayfar igo it ma h as altriciice to auc riders aa possible with thus od fa view vk have of lile majje a nituibor yfcatngte i macoj jrliicli are the widening of auc i eoluuins tliui uiiwtig it fur tucitv leiaeanmd the tttdvrr the iclrodue- j tioaofenttuei type tot our psper thus givicg liruiore rtadtjiff nutter ot cxolatvtoly to our- readers and nof that the paper may ipreaeui a 8iva tppwrvateri possible we his pat ua a new hesuiingv i nuw all the cbangj hare added j considerably la our expense and j therefore we reddest ail our patrons who owe ua forjjob wort advertising oc ttthgeriftiooi to py up a soon a joaaibhv f itr gorresldencjb the sdttnf while wl ienafoitbfre public intt rest no hot itrajf rewponslme tot abe tetnomeuun corrci m ibvhrut to write ufli iouifitnrohi torn ranted dj the napf chlcr net ncrtiy u uu evidence of ooj urtan hot bold to open hli mill mauti hjinwlflrj ojlilnin tvf ujj tnuart rwji rsi lyauoi t one letters mutt 1 1 and alrm r pibileiuou de rr rr- ltbappraedofl to iht editor n ftcjfrte fttat dsifc sir a ennonneetl iniyotir lt ianuo an 0ia djtviaion wa jheld iu the tetttlhriuipe hall fast oteslnk and l wih to aels the umjiwvuctf umue eu0 nnged t attuded bfui icocwdiug rarther i hold ulc local- ror aa eof kunl tide ac- ujr bot that al ikijirl ia ibtliu dikilmloii of that bliicli docg- hot luctlwitli llij piobalkui of oiif cuiavua ttut is if the iimtier is of a wblio iiulure now 1 wual if like to cuireaa my diaacpr ival jifb ijb vour kiluana u a tfadiu j tu- ttlvd- borry omoroa ptrara to tlie parish prict1 wbici i outkllal to iwtm to at tha euut jiitt w of a failure and dialutli the of those present i not aluignher le li aluwl an when they pome jr edccatiox ik haltvs fhe ifalton county teachers abcv ciatfljn irfiidi aaeinblvii in cfeorplowii on ttijuraday friday nd saturday of ha week was one of the mbat auccess- folwhfcli h yet beeoj held by tha aesociation j and from the interest uken ili thr ptwsedings there is tuaon to bejiete that tho eadiersof the county irt alit to the respotuibittties ot thelf frofeasion there were about beyenly- adas teachers ptesect and they were itaiiresaed by r ilitlle p s inspector halton president of the ajuociatiou sir ttellwood b a head masief oatrilla high sebool ear jringte g6rgetown sir if bacban mjl ffigh schoohnspeotor dr mcxellan toronto mr xfektnhon pfi inspeslor of j peel ifr mctean head muter county model school prbc yoanj kto all of whom l he taadrers kiln- ediwith iatr3l- a accoiuit of a great press of job warfe m r fbroei ta late oar fall teport drer and those teachers who subscribed for it may exjiectit next jrevfc uieirt tii readii calculatd to- aliuo flinr of a nutnhcc fit liiy opinion i cishl to init peo erueilainuiwit and with a viuw to- he ipiloog the teiiiihir nc cact they are persoqally agfjeved ti tbiufc the wuiprncu qkestiqil is lost sight of and tkat- readings f the darhcot ifi questfoti are indulgedj in hoping that in future euteitmnuienta the fathers of tb4 cause in acton will in ovutioui not to allow anything oi this nature i iauiici in lota of temperance csnadlm tjjpe k new itemu kfraltl dead traaning for peace haf ooj created a the ameer k yiliodp khu dr kswhtad catdinal bellerille ia trt of coal and prices are up montreul wttobrate arroara amouut lo0jl05y torouto icoboais slido about tho bay in sunday aw tuaikataxifta oo ifrtmtoit ut june polo tuts ooltr byliir i purest wljtinoik jvum ifi tkwartajretii diaobvered ina bars again been a aim il schlsawlgholateirvbaa only nftcon feet of snow lamb has six well i rebellion bail been an ancaater foriiied wffl flie kashgir i stamped out a school of design hu been oatablisu ed iu ktiigatoo hie nativos of oacbfflcrji art perish ing of fatuine i l atlpremo court oficanada will meet april l5th coggiar a tfrenoli star gator bs dfs- coverui anew plaiiet j tuo surveyora pre at wort an the c viuline east oclgalt ji- i i i german burets art at montreal buying cattle for germany there re384628 of unpaid taxes the synod of toronto ha been en gaged for sererul days in electing a bishop but lhe jtest report say that l i has been arriredat and each parly seem determined not to gire in j- xtc ttejtporttif the death of shire ali bucceftied aeit ia by tbeannbuncetknt thai bis son takboli kbnuj is nuking averturesfar frieoimy feuriotw eltows tbat hatingss if vffere carried thy war into africa and driven oat- of it 4t semibavage chieftain who bai iuceumbed toa complication of maladies and mortifications snfcit britair- halt ooce more nn ppporturiif j of satisfac torily settling with tha afghans tbebritish people appeur dttermiu edfo open trp and cbristbtnize ccntnil africa- it baa been found that the best and most isatisfactory mean of extending traavis to- send the gospel inaiancev- severai rmsiionariea have already been sent among the aubjectx of king jtteaa by the ghuccii- society of england and thess hate been most cordiaily received mr artlington a wealthy merchant of leedit who has ml ways largely jsupgitled missiotdtry expioratxon m n osan 2000 far iptoridjng iteiuner ta farther extend thonarigation of tha livingstone birer witfra riew to grokculing oanjelisl work among tm population joir ekherj side of tfie rirer the oner ha been accepted and m the eourse of fair months an expedition will ieare eng land under the cars of ken j t combetv equeaing ifarcufilli l6b i fooifea lattttk esqiiesihg jroat ohroa corrtrpondcal nejtaitemi aieliery wane in our locality at piosentj there is liita of snow now and still it continue lojoouic down pitchholea are to be found every litjle distance ilon the roads parliebhoing out fur sleigh rijtaj have the fotluae or misfortune of frrquent- ty being turned oui of their cutters but nolhinjjof a tfiy serious ttatuia ha occilrtw a bar uugu aid all is over j profeasof smith efn a sciopticon entettiiument embracing upwaws of 150 riews in the waterloo school uoum on weanesdajy 13th instj to very fair audience i some of tha jriewa were very good the life of wfait- tingtoa and his wonderful cat rave a great deal of amusement td the yonnarr part of flie audience j the triamphal arches ereoted in the dif ferent dries on the arrival of the lfarqnii of- lome and the princess lcmis were well drawn especial y the one erected in mautreal bythn li- crosse aud safw shoe clubs a ret deilof menimtnt prevailed whi e ha sbowej otr tue canvass huw disputra are settled iu thirteen different uiit oat the jrxujimxa of puurse setliii hit wtb aklillslifi the kflgiubman with the gloves or morn cotanioaljr his fisu the scotchman dances fbe sword dinec- wbik the gfsnmil drinta lager br the eustian eafieandlei or short sites and the frenchman gives a gtntt deal of chin inuiicj c etn showed some very fine viesif h crntenniil alsa viewj of the hi ulan cgurtoty edatert at ilantrrfi tb new punt ofsca nnd castom hon iont- rml turonto university and ohtr lino buildini acter lbs cio c f the aciupticoa entectiinmnut he triel the renes of theauaietica wilh a gnl ranic buttery a good many tried without 8ucca to take a ihee of maufy out ot a clip uf water ta which the idttert was ittaciied che yotin man sac- ceoded after several attempts to fish out a tafenty cta cent pihh and then he stopped short hevertbtfy tgain wljli esouesing feb 22 79 upon the toronto lsu tiiere ismilcu smuggling reported as going on in the vicinity of preaoott something like f 20000 was collict irjestxa i aud coat at tho moatreul rpblim court laitytar there were seventy oris intermepl at ifontreal limt erk and ninewen death rum smalt pox an advauca jof il60q000 is to rjtt for war 1 for by tbo briitab qovtluiiini i txiieuse incurred in the zulu fwentyeight cars of bnglisii gyids exbacmatiau wen shipped from hidi fax aver the ihtercolouial lailway thursday i wool goods of all kinds at run off pricetv a few manil in slock will tra sold at first osir 6miie henderson co i the messrs allan are having steamship of 40c0 ton built for i i j rt j i the morftdrij tima ails attention to snaw gambling dodge which ha i originated fb chicsgo a finuallicg tnemsieltei benton co- hive- sent to fjknadian capitali in which they state that wbatv and cbrn pork aniiard are very idwy and that ihey- mnst before ibng bring bigaer ipriaos erjolfcey naindaw go inibr a lot- through the initrumeatality of deitpri ith these mlicltationa arrj as dangeipml a those of- if esr york atoi8tubier fri m- nde4 people srko hire i jread of operations injttoriwoifld cliiafcjtiio barmtd dab bleijnjgbifprpovk ft of readers are on sunday afternoon a dtaen wisbiby pm ofvthis ladierwkre liccidtrhtllv locked tinvioriliiey ginibywtiriesuri ln liejopvilifall l chiircli edtt- gfct isjftkfl fit i mew awhifkri estpiesins cooncil gtwiijtotrs 7th feb 1879 the council diet paruant u ttd- joanimedtjthe reeve in ibojihair members all present theminittea of last oieetingwere retd aninfirmed the foliwoing siimn for shteir fciled by dogs were ordered to be paid 535 to e thornton- 6 io i swaekhamtuer 266 tdj kentnerand f3j to e moaie toe following sums wers- drdehsd co be paid for road work 300 to hv muiteav flodo tal whamk for woik on the crossroad hetween lta20 and 21 thcon 28t to w- moore for gravel f 323 to john watsoi foi rejiair of culverti 5tb lini tilm to jchn short for lumber and rrpain on 6th line200 to richard hickly for f shovelling snow and- sooo each to d hiilaud d cook for repiirs on the road- hetween billinafwl and silver creek i i thstjoliowing titties had 5100 their dog tax nfuuded colin caiip- bell mrv somecville wnr ciijining ham wi p brown hiram gibbeos svm ilariiy john ballsntyoe ju eccles and thor hume iir swittir uxcotlector for piri- sion ko 2 was refunded 5ii5 t tuxn be could not collect tb byfar ajirwfnfiiig the aisessor for the towoabipfor the current year wns pnesedy tbe blank bring fillec wilh the name of idnvid cook sod hi alary200v 150u was granted to lie missrb- stowy who are in indigent circaontanee council adjourned ontil friday r 181 apnls79v r t a fief owe diwcutty tlieybiaile exit tfiroiigli ouc of the scbuol yoqrrg up in torouto tbeii ivom wargtu jre twrtait 1 jdigg stutbld sital i mi t -1- tsifci ifdliii meet jobber in nw j tblodgejlliu ibe rawdingliunievuiij he opposite side of- the streets i cattle trade betweeucaoadi and united kintdom a tavernkeeper at belfeville been sentenced to 30 days impriiau- meht and to pay a ne of 20 for selling liquor to an indian the anatra german plague commir- aion at tsariixin i meets with great opposition from the russian authorities in the execution of their duties no information a to tha where about of xirc r murray ihe n ing cashier of the exchange bank iloutreal ha been fetobtaiaed i a letter has come to light in mon treal signed by dr bingham burling ton v tdtiriim 25 furgoaii snl jifcls nd givihij curectiaajt aa ta shipuitaiurf h j i a valentine addressed to the bind- somest voung man n winniiieg with the eidorsetuaat post office clelks dont open it wa ufely delivered at winnipeg man ou feb uth the fire and qan cbm mictea of tbe toroato council- hi re rrcommenael a redirctiutt of salaries in the fire depurt- uieut which- if curried oirt by the cuuaoil will effect it yearly saving ofi 8662 a man named sandy stewart war np for the forty so4f time before j the ottawa police ma on tueaoay lor draukeunes bht upon addndci bu eloquent appeal to the p if hevu alawed ta goauce mote j oar readnrs are requested to ftote that jjcssrs mcleod anderson acco of georgetown will commence a gfttfid auctiah sah on 12th mrch dear uut their stock and laifce room for spring impufcitionsi bargain win- be gifen j j j counterfeit fifty cent canadian cbins ate in circuulion they are of a dull celor soft and light if wttglit and pan eisily be detected by ordinary attenliofi- couufcrfcitiona dollar dominion tails and tea dollar uuurio bink bills are ahtt going the jrauud li subscriptions ire being raised at montreal for th relatives of those jwh shipped on lioard the qsriiiin steiituer heroian hudvig wiicll saiied from new york foe ant verpiasepteuiber and which has not since been heard from ithe visad frafljuently vialted toe port of jloulreat i the fcorpseaiwhicli werestplen from the icharnsl house of st eustacbo parish que fast week have been found hidden in the woodf seven miles irwiu 8 eifeucbe three of thajre- surrectfonislsri alexander tanpier tbeopbile savard aid tuoma beau- chiimp have been arrtl and sent to si scholastiqde fur the criminal asttir in lexiri j h correction ii havfaefoundiaatso ae peiiooshaveecn- ciaaert thut wiiiiuum comiiouaj syrdp of wlfucuerrkounta nx opium aa most qidl- cloea prepared air the pqrioiie do tt p foum utaeiblaoppandnltyorkiail will cerrj ouuuliu 10 trace of oiiirr oareeiic aclmay be alveu clues prepared to the pan one do the fro p ieuns uueiblanpparumtlyortialldiuiat tue will ctierry ouutalua 10 trace of uia or auy oiiirr nareolic aclmay be alveu to as luint wiui me ameiarty and beoefit as 10 aw adui t tuo toolij aecu of tb whj cuerry show fbemsevea is an lucreaaeihl anpeuti ood reouperatoil alrengtb aod to toote whose sysi urns have been rtdoceii by cbronio dlsiase of the liansa or broneblaf fommenjtd ngduj on and thr prtoclju uiilario at 25c 60c and iobmlt1eapaclallrre4tunmendtd rddoy o e vorruw acuin and oht pitnoijwi irtiruuiuiroojlutuiitarli tojperbotae ii melood andiraon co iwir seh from this tioim uji to 12th msrcbi all kinds of wry goda clothing mil linery mantles carpeta boots and shoes at unbeardot prices the object witoget money and to mdhoe tbeatoofc solas to mute room tjoy spring iuipuf latjoiiii thiaisvmrb opportunity to btock youraelvef wilt icjasai pry j gjiodir at extraordi renieniberlhen demf wben if nj l edge battef tbareualjnrsaiiaftlvadamajad ftfbut tar nut is utjtui tut im fdi siamiirrd id aualliylbd color muehbultartilatuimnar- wna tood still it a reduction 01 ifom opt to nv osnuipcc bodni ibeottw hbctcht in whavmeojfof httt j jspl utter oolnf i site brjibl byiurlhebrlabt d infss as nbw mlc aiymnvlmnuta anyiifw or small il is otoyvhrs fooommouiitil by j fa bulkr duyrrnrnd ouirjmn humelont io eolur a tub of uuuerouiabui llvi caiir and ltlinu work louo kor innhfr panloulara 1 r- aanl loll limiuiaof j ucarvliikdruailst arlonwhaliiialt tor mteui wouaaaittiroi- llmand mcroofiiiulcimraliy 80- 3 m i lkvillm po you wish to gather flesh to acquire atl appetite to etk joy a regular habit of body toob lain refteiding sleep to feel and know tbat ev ry fibre and tissue of i your system is beina braced and rnovated commence at ouca and uia the quinine rvlne prepared by northrop lyman of toionlo and in r short time you will feel the bole lyntem invigorated and strengthened it ia a welllnown fact that quinine has been sckuow ledgedby the mefileal rnculty for many years as the tiest appetiser and tonic kpowtr and for general debility this combinstlon will be found superlorto all dtbtr prrpara tloiia and combined as it is with fle sherry wine and choice sromsl- ics it is made an agreeable and pleasdiit invlibralor to the whole system the properlie of qonlae mas febrifuge tonic andantiperu odje small doses frequently re- potted strengthen ihe pulse in crease mu8curforoe and invigor ate the leneof the nervous system the peculiar operation of this medicine in gebcril debility and as on appellor has undergone loag and close observation and it is believed it will never fall irprbpen ly and judicioasly administered unless other dlieueipredomioats oradiflerent character fersons of weak constitution may dike it without the least difllcilty u it strengthens he 1 brooch snddiieti ive organs and seldom require more than one or two bottle to rflect a decided benesji as it contains nolb ing injurioua wi the most uelicite conijiulion iemembei 10 ink fir the quinine wins prepared by i northrop 4 lyman toronto and we are sure you will be satisfied tlut jon have lull value far your money jdld by all uedicinc dealers 1 r tde tbikole la esqaetfajr 0a the th ioit the wife of ut darin uardell of a sou ia walkertiirintbeit ast the wife of uhriatopbl petiey esqof sion the 1lt1k oa friday 2iat by the itcvmr rich- ardiou jxr jiraci slrepmrd to miss mary it small au of mjiwii oa ha 29th feb- hy hevdoht fowlio mr duacan mclean of oiledon to miss betay cowan daughter ot djaiii cowtc erin at the residence of the brides mother feb 3th by the uv j a campbell mr john c rnvisaf oatlpb to miss llfori etu bjilcy of gedrgelon at the resuieaee of th brides mother on the 27th ill by the tur r ifotibs mr j rl collins at chiauacousy to mia mary barr of kassagawsya at tberaioo of tbo brides brother-in- law on the 5th iastby the rev r ifobbs mr john jackson of ltltcr uj miss mligarct sjatildl soper of acton at tbe reaideboe of tha brides fathsr feb kith liy uia ravi j a csinpleu sir usury martin of ifasorer to mm eliza beth f fcirkpxtrie adopted dnjhler of mr charles knfi f erin- flour old fall wheat spring wheat hew kali wheat rarley oat r peas batter fmbli butter sailed i urdbrhl 1 urddarkl- erk potatoes per bag apples per bag hay per oir actol niniets 4i00to37 0 m to 0 00 c70toa80 0 75 lot m oto0 60 0 sotoo 30 0 ta to 0 6c 0 11 too 13 0 10 to 0 10 008 too 12 008 to 010 0 12 to 0 h 0 60 to 0 70 o5to0 80 08 00 to 08 00 boot shoe shop fr r v w jthllmiould mprelfaliy in timet kttie people of acton- arid rlcinlly that he hu opened boot av hhoe shop tn ihe bulldi l t l bpposi wiahtokysalov works mill stsb1bt aotok any one in want o a substantial iand rood littinr boat or shoe should lcivs their ordsr at this tuhidr itepariirg a specialty and promptly attend ed to 1 t w willtams awonfbjil7e 1 j in la actoii begs id anooujiee io ihe residenu of aoion mid viclnily that he ha odmroenord bosi uow a baker i in that best v photographic studio j-and- pictursfham inc depot lw i haltov focsty ohas w xxtxttl mill street aoton j photographriaken on the shorleit noticttnd exeouted in he finest styles of the ort old pictures copied and enlarged to any lite or style photographs mailed to any address nortras raaitss suottldttrafl of every deseriplioc qaality and phoe always on band and supplied to erder dheap for cash- f cha8 w h1li acton feb mljfl j wellknown staki oa hill street vaotoni almbst opposite hills grocery store where i i of he best tual7 lose her with fresh bans cakes c can always be bad at tbe lowest cash prtpe bread wil be kept at ihos lias ions resilenee near tbe plow fae- tury for tbe accomodation of oititens living ia the western part of tbe village i stock of- blscaits itateftlonery c lias been purchased and will be aild rtteap the fiftad alreorty sold nns tticrenuutlan or being tlieofiittliat bos hfeosoldla lova for sou ml raft- a falrsnare of the patron- aae of tbe vlilagers is requested aclon 18th fehyht gtttpfx hxkclf floor per 100 white wheat perbttsh treadwjll iox gprinevhefj redchiff vn n oau j barley pe zs hay per tea straw effg per doc butter per lb futatoea per bag hogs per cwt v wood wool piiu 82 00 to 2 90 0 80 to ora 0 72 io 0 u tt 70 to 079 0 70 to 075 0 27 to 0 30 0 40 co 0 60 i 0 55 to 0 62 00ti 8 00 2 60 to 3 so 0 15 to 0 16 012to0 14 i0 5 to 0 dc 6 25 to 6 75 3250 3 50 1 qtlto 025 0 75 to 1 00- goaedkes wasted a uamber of respectable young rentle men can be aecnmodated with good board andlodgiflg waimandcqtafbiublotcoins apply at this officer 36it qjsttiossj-v- the phcwberelivcaationed tfairfst negotiating niieh liyafei seilfh aintjhoc mwer m the vtsfue of the uotecwflbsft rejeetved the note sraa drawnajl tgbwtfrjirovlots for 16 at indian panneea for female complants 1 4ticeltd mrs moons indian oonsb u-u- sood for every dlaonler o hie lunvs aid brtfllh iriee tie ms urs uoin ctinrrah out an active potlrallnp mixi rlmiwlne ririidy diilolnt alt mortld aocotnulutloii luthcheaa in jiaitol it tilliemt tellaie consi liutln price sj ri nts mrs mooia ijerbaud ttot ilisa purely veseuula cmihiund and o active crhianie vuhoct etiing exlplnf orcramps ssfr in all cuiea wnere a pursative mcdleice in deed ed i neecctois un noons hearchiira wafer these wafers are an lluintdlate nlif to heanbutn rrlce si cenrt fteiaeaca bitters prletirlio tnurm ellxlar of odar tarluebeat known icmfuy fur eouohf rolos or crtnlplnehlliirin pileiflo sinr jloons- coopenlralcd num far kemjip voilcne- frlciiccnu mrs moons to lujcliou irfekcenis mri ljous cstru and dunlon ricv price sseenia r mrs moons toolhiche droir enu miillouiif indlmu isc liion- lircalk mrrmoullvilflltanolmiuenl jscinls uts moons rpjarotca ull ue bei- falnuieriq the world try it friee 23 efnik kupphtfusvronn sngarnn inlnllablc v7ornl desinij ei price 25 cetus mis kflocra prop lelns tonjuiojonf potd by a e monow a coh actooerlllls7e illy ol6 dr andrews female pills tbee pi ils are n fale nd snre remedy fotofcitucted ralnrrflcr dflelent mn- slruvilfjis anienorr oen ditmenorr- boea and alt feme id irreculbrtiles arlsinstfroai anv ennte whaieiir hi a rurtlj r fieved b thccieolhefe luls thej are nota cew remedo havlna been used by i r- at drewsfortueia125yeais lu bis prlvitte prncllce foll dtrecllahs rvn thiysnould andhen luey sdaid not be lattpn aeeon-hnnt- each bbc 12 mcisisis 35-3t- thos if iller gacbeeing tbchndertigned wtrald ntimste that he has purchased tbvharbering bnsiness fomi- erly carried on iii acton by geo b leveiis ana that he will continue at the old stand mill street acton to mcetall the require- mints 6f his customers in a firstclass style and at the same rate as formerly a liberal patrouaise- i reqaested johnkiokol a great oiffer fob 100 wewhi send you bound in full sheen an unabridged vomoster-s- v dibtioaary axjthb jwiw iqrone year me wl prief wsrcesteifs dletieluury lltee sater1jl price per sunmin partslaliuy or we wit alve il ihiabrlii fed ibohbd in 5 s nbvlevv totherobrnu subrlbefs i todiivfaimm flbfly orjorfoorjtl yearly bsciibd- lltyttylt bkiwje will stvsa copy of fiat falia1rorlr- inj irbls sijpbrnattlbat i bfi10n narr low piol pgooda fill bdbaopieafc addreathepuwwerj jji i wslirsfet pcleonchonorper box ana veal br mail to any pirt oi the cantrr hyad drew inc i andrews btxsottirot to onurio aosud tiysxtf rctpfcubla ira1iir uirooehioi can da jf b be tart tad ik for old or indrcmi friaate ilu jethil the wiltien k1- naufrj oi r kndrnvslinii each ftox actodfsepi 1kb 1s7h lriy acton tin works wmleith is becuvlss 1 uioi stock ov britannia metal planished and stamped goods any person desirinc a firet class ar ticle at k low figure will hud that by calling at lelrupj tiiey will get good value lor their moqey determined mot to be under- 801d afifsfclassilock of ofl bundj and will be sold at greatly reduced prices eatetaottahinc aspsoialtt having had large experience in eayi ttooorlto- and other job work parties giving him a call will find that teiths is the place tn get good bargains wletth abfon f4b 26 48w mohoertvl discovery j l mpsess n j niv mi o maitxran at itekxai5d extsbssi rniidt i tta to f stottk i v ft errs knoumnllsm und nnra ii nd till a p in listiiiily l i 1 1 yhoeduj jlls tbemlj kfov ti rmed ipt uav teu in oil beamvrifiiicob lotnt irrvtd thotsail anllel i lii-tiint-ei- 7ft otiuuaic iidt it u ujidl i viiuitrici7ut to lscry wod iiit llit ciicwluucrc qprtr lfzttf a t limtn at nto r 1n tt tcn otzt ibe lbrctiffi t nruonil oall it qtbes totuchr etfrchti uijnpi neorn- kin hiitniauilittu iri afejiig hflanmllfa ttorn- cu bruxf iv n m iidr pun in liick plti li i hm tafn jii thonuivrcmffb codi ffot 0118 hlbaiif utarrucm trjentcry summit coinajtituad t f it will cirgjue mi agobltltl vul r tqcuai r rijtiiaflt ji u c infitt o i ixhf tl ia itrjuaies- it n tnnl il jjtiv tm- it lbimnih fbfikfrt t it pllo i rrm u rcctitniall ui clnss l orjrrk i ihe net iboihi s cni imtmltff i plsjasaol totnitp bis intsq east aid cnn b ipitirl jfjawiier rlizodlri if lit vrty dsty i ik ltli ffritf bhcwsj any rfprsimion which renrch kill and nhidiciencorliaktel rro- sssmi i totuls t i asa proof of jitt srrat roverorir itascanyp hofeeq maiur bi hm i b- hi r yfot id ut vil fffw i furtraitijtitttv bop wlnful j eaaipiujul vill call at th oflye in practiftit priof fret pi charge i of il niificis1 poweroafr pain in i one a teaiimoni1 rnm mi parft of hie fviirvoijn are cdftstautty ooming to iwuiptlngtexprejjiiqn to ihe no8l raietul paiude for- astonishing cores- which it hss rverronied and we iroultl tfj ptaedio ricv tes- trfn ofl dherahr use u uccpffuur v i khniciartslof kp igmwt fpc abiliiy lthmini ud il b aiuost cllec tual dnjeett rcmedy id tli- jifclitt of panincasa of tjuddenh f orry it loijoar homes ntumi ill rovvft uofefinp to ydsh ramilica ttn j afflct sl frfendg dru crisis iara soiling enormous i l challeneetue world to pflodim look circulate bi tb at for chtal stoves tiawafes firstcutswfrk in l eavetbbtjqhing 44c j mills late t fctkw abt 4 co u uploe nothins bat a 1 stock rnsed and satififaotion guartuiteied remember the tstano neil doorlo jk- ilolarrins dru8or o o hixliij jftl ttut jictuu i acton feb zfl x jqhn spifiht undertake8 i- a aral clasghsiiab avjiliatlend inner tils when requited coins caskets handles p isles burial kobe hal bands and olotrs supplied at reaacmableralsra b made t3ordet4ndsl kinds of repamihls promptly- sfiended- to stcsotdat and eicretoit tltk b vays enhiiid id sxt j to order factorv afsd 8hopsf foot of willow st acton i johspeiiht acion feb m lg rpexds waited i renders will lie received up to the 15t march 1s79 i fur the erectioa of a stona iullding 6i3i to be builun the rearcf cunpltlls udtel tn the vtusjie of aetca- stone woric and carpeutr workanst bat done separately- for- plana aad sp tionaapplv to tbpp beaaets ballinafad or at cam pbella hotel aeton the lowest or eby tender not necessarily acceptedjr r at3 thosbesserr el li equal price s5 cents tier boftle ie trade supplied through ln wholesale drpe and patent meu fine houses jof montreal toronto hnntilionahif ilondon sold by aix iesteetiusw tiuro i oisfi i lioiy ii i- quelph oijoth hatp our m porlntion df fall and whiter wodlerrs t eeds hal andfjentsj- uai puinisbing joods have now all arrived and are opened ry tor- lhinfpctien of the public mf the ordered clothing 0e partment we are making up suits taalossr price than we have ever done tefor ana ouf record for be list sb year ia sufbcieo guarantee that any oneordmbjeotinbf from ns can obtain a perfect jit with ile lest ofworkmshsnrp nj w agents eead this- nawiil pay asents aealafyortiaipes month and exneutrs or allow a larm commie alo 1 to sell onr tiew oridwondrral inven 110 s wk ksucs what ws sv satnple sdiao him massnili mich a gobtar beined th0ukau 3 jklplatji its i ttoyfercl 0xtbbs heakwftat a-rbrerekixjek- tlblcaxsatf oe the cgnstl- tutlqyjlxellbsr it j b hxiiixd tsq i ibrockvili ost j esar sle it is now two years jsiuce your orisiitufioffiil catarrs i ltemelyiwiip introduced to me i have waited ihia lung to ate if the cure nould remin riermanint bet fore doing ibia iny jutyi to jou ia at first the bnppy effects seemed to me to b tsio good to be true j 1 tea osjioietfin mj bead for years i before i suspected it u be catarrh inreadinglrf yor cfrcdlar t sjwmjj case descriheld in many prtticolnrs the inwnfd v drop from the brad rfil beborne very disagreeable and acholtiua sehsiiuob orien pretent ln ui irons lyiogldpg 1 wbdld i feel like sniqllienni and be compels j led fo sitjupin the bed kyhpahj and spniis ere seriously atfected- i when yopr agefltcameilo walkenj ton in adgust 187v 1 sepuredtbreef oottles before 1 had used a qurl teroriliej contents of nne bottle i found depidfed relief and wksnil i bict usefd twb bbltlesantj a thjrdil- iquit tajcijig p feeling qiirre biires oi thatailmtjotjndbayetfof nsed any since until 01 late i have taken j aorna for hi cbld lb rdy htad7 a eens of duty t from 1 ithat loahsmelduease caarroi h pronipfe inetntend you ibis cer tisoate insplidted with leave to 1 makewhat lis of h yod fflaj ae- j ei 1 yobrl trnlr wtindall methodut minlsur purl bhfuil aba st78 j v j ask fdntlefelde ortrtu- liontilcawrfi beamyritl wi9 no othr 1 1 b bfaldflfof doniin oi oent t btolvink tifitt n r rdadymabe qlotbing overcoats tribters rsouti aajd boyf- clothing all of wfiicti ate nianutseturetf on tbe premises and tntio good style an at prices to defi competition the very best- all wool tweeds- flan neu anl titiulins sold by yard and garments cut without any extra charge i the latest lioglisb andamerican etyleaf of hals eonprhfing all the nobby roodi out this season gifts fbrnishbic goods shirts underclothing scarfs trt- collaraolcyeer umbrelas and other goods loo numerous o tccntioo call sod examine onr immente slocit be forepui chasing i shaw 4 mbbtun mrchsat tallorr dflpb sept ia 1878- i tijm maho0b wmlios how 111 l m ru i v t we have recently pubirseaa new edltlra t vi v oldr nitrrweusrheantreujaay on its f xaoicl ami vsjuiakest tcsix wtihonr j fl- medl inei of narvooa itetsshlj menulaod pi lical inewiliyjnnietriiiits to maff rinse etc- resmnafroaa earestes -i- jfr price in w sealed entlepcvontr aur- eents or ivo postage atarbpa the celtbrated jtuihorrftbia admirable esaay olesirly desoonstfaten- into uhrru years suecesrnidiaetfres thsiarirmlr sequences uuy be radically ccil with years soesfni piaetlc ihsiabumlnt con- sequences ttiiy be radieally ccil wlthooliha daieroos bm ot luter or the apitlciilonif the kniie if irl ojic slmpjeoerinui6neelttal inucae6la modji v wniivira muirapj tun and eneetnal by meansof wfilcuevetysu8erer n6 aiatterl- whal ins eomiltlou inas tje mayenrethjinsetf deij radically thl iiciue shenm m ttx ihe nanda of every nqth aad ffiiry scan la tile laaa addree j7 ij lie ctaverwdmtsttfjiu poatomeeltoxiiai j ljy 1 mkiiiilh brmd ifcajtul xvbcu fax saxc y l tb 1 ubscriber has f 6r auslastt 551 pretnlsea let 29 4tltlii esqieaathvxhorongw bred oaortlhorn bii yoong zeiihyr t557 vol fc gotbyiseplyr wstj by sheriff ls4l unjorleibjfti stone esq j gbeapb dam a x4 prince 32v cjind iant burter tivevswl t herd bcods v xoueg zephyr wifl be three years old next spring weigh aboy icm iti io iaaa roai eeli rferuieiriicniwprffjffyfcy wojior onth tijij v ii u ijt

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