Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 6, 1879, p. 4

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hfff cbftgttl wo bocg va do i trier wot rammer tec i want usf ttvtr thu till last- t wnl the otl oreret of tbo oe t want of saw thu rued lastjxar rorsotihsee i my old tore tlruiad not rea toabrsr torn yen m o wtfbelrftorjojdroilrhi t add i low pao ttnt m t tblt yea resetti aad ey me m otthslosftl r bur tttd eyes il f i ii i a tml eoikm oruso left alone on drttrr manifor ffijtit- oateran inliia hotter dto- uoatbo solitary- inhabitant of the ubh4 or san nlctolaa fraei uk 8u riudiei omucle the romance of robinson crosse wo rsts to rnginionsly br tho imtginttire d foe from toe elender thread of fact afforded by the nirrativo of alexander selkirk who for ever four years wts lhen irumtn in- habitant of the lonely ialitrtl of juan fern- iridet poessei rereuniilin vtt it in- petuta the sympathies otthe reader ind by the fsc nation o it atyle almost persuades bjrn to accept it it veritable hitory the stay which tee tte iotit to relate hoazh low in every perticulir pcaaesstjti rartsifcj able limilxntf in maoy- of lu in idents to thertt e told by di fpc tnd astirdt mother illgstntioa of the adg that c truth is ttrsn- gee than ficfon inj the e ting of 1835 the small sehoo or peorea- xida hoik ft mont erey tru cbitirci bj lewii t button ind itasc jstiki tursn otteclmntagcxpcdi tioh from surta b thin to the cout of loiter california the achooner- tailed in ms bat the top no proving is tueeessftil u wi saticipatedjshe returned u far north exui fedrvy where he remttneet st tnthor dcr jig i portion of the mnhta of august of who ooum eobttnt trlihhr bat niltd ertkpplaii udluk who ftiitud to bt bd a mojjnua wifli tii init- lodoatht bfiud ooaldttot anduttod mr tuo offtn one of 1000 for the pntutgt of uklngher to su frtnow wen refund bxmr kldtttrl whti frond the wm in cioellsbt phnioil coadiuoa ttrongrtnd ictirej bat the mum of trait md vegf ublec bmatht on t litkntatr wch in oon- amtioa witi u injury to thupin rewiwl bj- ftiliai from i porch tetnintted her life foot mexi liter or wren ireekt f torn the time ihe unded h dreit ot ihkgjklni buket ind trtnkett er ptea to rubor oonzilet ot the mluloh lho ft fa mid ant them la rome mown kuater ud brotrn ixe tu uringiini it fi on their wthont r tht the fortaoinjr itrtnm nitrt tivn ii gfren to the reedf a of tit cintieu mimmii flit puii it athiu sfe mm jm thiiticejrctr it btngfcnomt thlt tlo mill itlujiof stn njcholn itjtcobaut seventy msei touuite t of su fidro mi i little rorherocthemt from sinla btrbtre vii inhibited ay aamber of ftiitnt the peorotkiti wudispitched to removethem totheimiin iindi xlnebeii meo tamea end ctfldrtii cre utea on boird the tchooji- cr tbicb iprepiruig to dtptrt rbea one oflthetudimiaothem dtkovered thlt bro of jheroffiprinjlid beett forgotten wa left on the iiund wuk true mitcnulderotioo she ipritig into- the et ind jtn to the sbcninbetrch of the mifiing children one oflcbwmjyeuiiofireindtkeouierin infuit tmible to xalfc hechttrticd march wti asirifluig ud ibiadoaing ill hope of finding the bibes ihe tetnmed to the belch jeifc in time to lee the schooner niling iwi j with ill her fcendi on boui she aledj frioticillj for some one to tike her to the vesiy bet rectred no reply bat the one tid ttrd neiijoiia tooorro ttbict never i ceuedtoring inthcreirind nttepciud on her dying bedi the sobooner nerer treat fact to the wind vaichvu not igiinriateilaottl i51 then george kid mr in otter hunter ltoppd there for i fe diyt he cu i not proviottily ivsre thitthvylico tru inhibiton fant on tbit oc djioahebecune obnvinoed thlt cnchiru r the cue- he notified three imilf circalir indoinreiibont tva hundred yudt from the beub iboatt mqe ipirt they irere iboat tis feet in diimetertcede of brash the tnlht fire feet sign vita i tnull bpeaieg on one fide heir theie opehingi vere rtickt of mriftrood rtacfc in tie groond in the form of 1 tripod rapportiadridblabbor these inosarestppeiredtobeiimplytisdbrciki ffvififwr na protectiaa from the rsin he ilo ui i myiterioos footprintind jndged it to be tint of toinin from itt smtll file i ind irehed centre an ijproichng ttdnn obkged kidevers touel to iwe the iilxnd ivithoat luoting hit to parsae his investtg ttiosi my farther j jic kideter hiving jf seen many ot er on hit first visit to the ilud mide a second thewinter of is52 and being reqnatai by tie mjisoti ftthtrs of ssnta birbarx heind a party etermiaed ti mifce t h ytrr inn inhihi tut of the island withiihilf atnileoethe l neadof the island they discovered a buket fv in tbe crotch of a bosh or small trcev cover- j edirith 4 teilsfcii and rrtinfng a drest mide of snag brfry afeaforl common in thit section csrefolly fwlded up an f sever- alsqaare pieces of sir nr timilir to those cf tchiji tydccytsfttsf jalsoxmnff mtde of sealcae rs tlaldae shelf nshhooca bo ae y odlesi etc as it as lite and time for them to return t- their boat for the nuht iff kdver scattered the contants ftht mivet oi the jronnd so that uia his re- tarn he could judge jof the presence or al- sence of the o sner by finding them gathered up or remaining as he left sitm the fd- loirini four tr mofe days were tpent in otterthjtiog aid before the search for te indian voniaa srs tnetre f a sutteast g ie cornpelled them to fcek a more ho pitabie harbocrittheliindof san uiue2 a third erpedtion m da to the iilard in 1653 by kjdyer ciarle brosrn and four indians m tlie santi barbara miasio 3 was more successful on the day after 110111 mr brjrnhiiscovefcdthe objec of tteir eearch ita distijce and euttionsly ip- prosciiiag in sa oposits direction from the rerhaihder oftte pirty gt quit close ta hsr wrthoit birtc jolkered site ttis in ope of her pens of rind breaks clothed in igirmsnt made of jths skrrjx of the sug tithoat sleeves iawjneikedmdas observe 1 heti ctandi g up oxen ling almost to the aatlca 6he is sittng cosiei5ed skin- ning seal blubber kith rude knife male of apiece of hoopironldriv n into a piece of wood there was qo covering on herhead exceptag a tick mass of matted hair of a yelloirish brown colour due to the exposure to the con and airj the hair was short looting as though the free ends had rotted ofl she would occasionally raise her eye ind shake her ban li aad look toward the other men on a sandr plain near the beach whom the evidently saw the bnlsnrr of the party were now signalled in order that she might be captared if she attempted to escape to the surpruelof all she made no attfarpttoget away bat greeted etch one as they approached with a bow and a smile and chattered autbe time in dialect that none of them underitood although the in- dims accompanying ifr kidiver were-ao- qoainted with several iniian dialects she was talking apparently to herself from the time mr brown approached withiuhearing distance until she was made aware cf his presence the erprtssiott of her face wu pleasing her features were regular and her compltxion mncb fairer and her form more symmetricsi than tlufcof the rnrlfan women oathe mainland and she is believed to have i be to dinereat and superior race bysizns and other means occommunica tion she was made aware that ty wanted her to accompany them and without any apparent hesitation the made ready- to fol low in their course to where the schooner lay at anchor they found a beautiful spring of water issuing from the bank above the beach under she vmg rock the cracks or fissores m this rock were stuck full of bones and there wire other evidences of an encampment of the lone inhabitant of the r isianj these bones were used for nourish ment obtained by sacking they were dried ahd resacked manytimes showmg that bc- etuionallyshewas put upon thbrt rafioni but at the time ofter discovery appeired tohave an abundance tachatit was she retained alljier teeth bat they were worn ft low supposed to be due to her chewing toagh and sobd articles of food her age appeared to be about 50- yean mr brown made her a skirt if ticking with which and a sailors cotton shirt and a black neck- tie her dress was complete a severe storm arose and embarking with their island oueetl thementoon found themselves it tea in i storm she made signs that the conld stop the storm and obtaining permis- sion ehe knelt on the deck faemg the qnar ter whence the wind came and commenced muttering something uppcsed to bo a 1 j priyer she soon got op bat oonbnaed the payer at interralatdanng the day ippar eniy without fearj and when the wind be- gan to abate she turned to her fellow- j- voynea and with a itnile made signs that herprayma had biea aorwered bia ni t ken to the house pf mr hidever in santa barbara where sow became the centre of ttraotian ths mission fathers took a gott intareit in hr sending to los angeles and- other plaew hoping to find somr om axgbjldijtua tromuift cbqkfflkrsryrevtcr it may be observed tljit the names given o eukm coutrios by at kuropeint tie gen tirtlly very different from those empleytdby the native tiomsclrcsj for inttance the people of chtm do not call their country chins bat chaakwo the central king- dom kor do our indian fcuowiabjectx call their country indil the ntmi em ployed by them are htudrutin for thai large portion of india where hindi audita dialect are spoken dekkan for the south and other special ttimoi lite punjib for tpe- ctallocalittea the whole of india i io ten called bharauvarshs asoordiai to a com- 1 mon account of thttr origin given by the ajhant themklret the nstne afghan is denred from a prtton tjamed afghani the sapposed son of one itmia for jsrcmtah a ton of sjui ootrupted ato taint klrg ot itnel according to others the name it a merenickhame dented from the prtral of the arabic word tighanl a c jmplaiat and given tothe mountain liana because of their torbaleat an qacruljos proenvities it appeart tolerably certain that the name af- ensnistan though now sometimea adopted by the niivet tbamstlnsl vsa originsuy imposed by oataidettr probably by persians a commott aame focthhcouatry ad by the natirei wtt puthv or patht or pashtan whence they called themselves pxshlanic and theirj language pasntu those afghans- who hite settled m india are etlled pitiuna for iaihtinil ouiett who colonized the district of kohilkandjare called rihillas from t pathttt word sail a mountain to this day many afghani settle in too pan jab or traverse india aa traders bat the com mon name for afghani tan most usual among the natives ia simply viliyit the coun try when they em loy a more distinct ive sppellagbti they ej u the western part of thecsontry trwaidt p tnria where there it a desert ehorastan i nd the mountainous plateau on the eutern tide eabal j those afghani who visit iidia aa traders are sometimes called ksbi lis aometimeij wilai yatu afgntrt i sa been spoken of si the switzerland of asi l bat in many re- spectx it presenti a gn it contrast t swit xerland it may be i escribed atscitctr- tandoroken up into fn gmentt tnd sprinkled in irregular pitches or x a quidrilatersl re gion tire or for timet i he siae of that coun try with an are of ni ariy coo mile in its fullest extent by 450 b road thia irejular plateau is b randed on he norvh by the i now olad hindu kush sn xtensionot thehima- layu cash meaning t tountairi and on the eastby the sulaimaii t lege it ia traversed oa one side by the lot y tpineiike ridge of the sufed koh whe tee rtdiste ccunllefi valleys tormed by complication tit- vut riblike mountain bat reset which jut oat in all directiocs alb it the rains of great cities attest the forme gnndear of afghan istan it ii at preset t an extremely poor country with a spai ie population f hve millioa perions divide i snd subdivided in to a coufused medley f heterogenout trihw and tabtribca a u ropean traveller sud denly transported u afghaaiitan even though he came from i witlerlini weald be struck by its lofty in- vj psakaiita formid- abls passes itid ita i urrenabls mountain fastnesses ha wculd be snuied it the ex tent of itt desolate wi iter iu ancnltivated trietaanrelievcd by trees audiversied by fv5 and aectitasa o eaelatarw h would at the same tim tbe channel bythr- fertility of some cf itt painssnl vslleyt ind the industry disp tyed in their caltiva- tioo 1 i wmwmm an old story fittomrthucydiflaa ac count of a ouuaio prulno the iollorlng u a translation of thucy- du acootmt of tht tlsltttloh of the pligus it atbeot in 430 b 0 tit flnt luthsntlo account ot ita ippsannot- in earope this tccoout it the source whence suttbterittsut hiitorians derirs their tnonnation tnd j intertsung in cjnncclon with its reoent re- apjjtrance i they hid not been many days in attot before a ttokneu flttt begu to tpptif among the athenians inch m wu reputed to hits rigid before this ta othir parti u about lenensi snd other placet i yet a plans io great u thia and so droidful t oilimityfn frrman memqry could not be paralleled the phytio at first oould administer no relilf throogh utter ignonnoe tisy they died thel faster the closer ther attendance on the lick sndill human irt wu totally univsiling yhitor supplloitions woe ofleredia the tmlet wbslover rtojurie to onoleitnd religloui rites all were laiignlscuit at lastjexfdicnu of this niure they totally reliaouishod ovorpoirtred by oalimity j f i broke out at tint u it is said in that part of e utopia which borders upon egypt it afterward spread into egypt tnd ltbyt and into a great patt ot tb kings dominions sndjfrom theuce it on a suddeu fell oon the city of the athenians tie contagion show ed itself in the pjracut tower city which bcciiioned a repott lint the peloponaetiaet had oacscd potion to be thrown into the wells for aa yet there ere no fountaina there after thit it ipwad into the upper city aad thsa the mottiltty very much in- creued lei ercry one phyticatu or not frsely declare his own tentimcatt about it lt hitn auipi tiy creditable aeoouat cf its rise or the causes strong eooogh in his opinion to irtuoluco so strible tiotno i nail only reute whitit jtctoally wu and u from an information in all it fymptoms node may be quits at a lost about it if ever it iltcad happen a at a ijthall give an exact detail of them hanngbeeasickct itmycelf inl seen many o the is tfncted with it ihia rcry year if his oeen nnfrerntly al lowed hid beed more uun any other free irotn commoa dijordcrt j or wniteve dji- jnises had aeiied the body thsy ended at length in this but thoie who enjoyed the atost perfect health were saddenlyy without anj sppartnt citue teticf at tint with dreadful hca laches extremely violent with indiunmationssnd fiery redness in thi tyn within the throat and tottue began instant ly 1 1 be red aa blood the breath wu drawn with difficulty and had a noisome tmell the lymptomt that succeeded these were exeisinz and bnarteaese j tnd not long afte r- wtrdthe milady descended to thebrritt witii a violent coagh but when once set tled ia the stomach it excited vomitings in which wis thrown rip as that matter which piyuaaris cau discharges ot tiebtslteoded with excessive torture j a greet part ot the infectod were subject to sach violent hic coughs without say discharge u brought upon them a strong conralion to tome bat ot i short to ctheri of a very long con- tinttance the body to the outward touch was neither erceeethngljr hot norof a pallid hoe bat rolditb livid marked all over witintllepuituleaandwres vet inwardly it trie scorched with such exceeding heat that it could not bear hs lightest covering or the finest linen upon it but must be left quite caked they longed for nothing so much ss to be plunging into cold water and many of them who were not properly attended threw themselves into wells hnr riod by a hint not to be extinguished and whether they drank much or little their torment continued still the same the restlesrneaa of their bodies and ss utter inaliuty for composing themielteibysleep never abated for a moment and the body sojling aa the distemper continued in tta height had no visible wute but withstood ita rsge to a miracle to tltat mottof them perished within nine or seven days by the heat which scorched their vitals though their strength waanot exhausted- 0r if hid built pi their own triinoj hi hbrmo thu dud npoa ihm ud oma whljj oat body m bnrnlag oa i pile toned upon it mother body they had draggsd thither ind weutttoirtraf till lollowing rtlatoi tho seoond vliitstion ot th plagia in i23 bl c t in the otginniiij o fcb winter tho plaguo broke out a aeoond tlrio it atheni not that dprlig thii whole in rvh of time it hid wholly oeued thongb iti rago bad very mush abated bat now the mortality begin again and oontinued not leu thin a year but j the foimer had rsged tor thi spiob oi two thin wji nothiig which lay upon tho athinlani so hard as thu or io much im- pairedheir itrengtbl it ippoind from be muiter rolls that there petiihsd four thoa- und uowoar hundred ot those citiicm who wore tho heavy armour and three hundred ot tie horsirrten the number of the lower people who died wu not to be computed there bsppenid it the urns time muy esrtbquskce at atbecs fa euiom iraong the bceotitns and especially it he bwjtian orchotnonui qnort stories tie pariitjpt ittarkat j paris has no quarters into which ladiet might not penetrate with impunity at the dog market held e ery if iday nearlhe barriere st jacques od iitdiesare- to be se n in great number bargtiaiu fcr pet stolen from- england a system of fres ex chaajre is atid toga et between the french and engl sh doglane ira so thit racable quadrupeda filched on one side of the caan- nel are speedily shipped to thentherj any- huwit is noticeable t ia rainy of the pagr king ctarles terriers and hsvinihs sold at the marker are sucl wellmannered little logs tlat they must have rtceved their education elsewhere tj an ia the back yarjs of frowsy shop the fashion iiadogi van inl it is rather surpti iug to see how quick- ly the demaad for ahj special jbrxel i u met by a lavish supply l few years ago we were told thlt the racje of pugs- was dyins out bat come great bsdics took t3 calttvit- ing pugr and lo i all ha mareta swarmed with blacknosed littl- monitcrc yellow wiry engliji terriert are nowvlhe rsge ia paris and italian gre hoandijhave become so scarce that a fan ner told me he could not undertake to fcraieh a iwellmatchel pair crexmor mouse- tourfor less than goo francs let any gran k aiac or popular ao tress set up a pair of i mua ind 1 will be bound that id a twel remonthj we shall cee these shivering oho imfcrtanle little crea tures skipping over tl e pavements cf every city frombonktrk to bsyoiael amateurs of bulldogi wu be i orry to hear that ii gigots late edict sgai ist this race his alto gether ecoared them frcia thejmarke for it is now forbidden to alk a bulldof abdnt the city eveawith a haia and a muzzle on bsfore leaving the ma rket letjux take note of acme placsrds adre tising dogs who go well ia single or doub t harness thit ap plies to the longtuff iug animals maitiffi or coliets who are m tde to drag the carta of milkme bakers a id butcbrers in ifrench flandera and all over belgium and swftrcr land j j miss wiltons ke from chsmters corns kin margaret wiarfon wu a lady of good family and lttr e fortule she wu eneof the whartom of skjltoa castle cleveland and posses wi 200000 jualf of which she gave on tphew she ni well known ia scarboroaj h where she used to send oat forapenn trorth of cream snd pennyworth ofstra rimrrieevralwayt pay ing her pennr down from this uttfe pecu liarity she became mown ak peg ipenny- worth on one occas on whihv in scarbor ough she hid a meat pie midel it wu very large u it was for he self tome visitors ana the servants she o dared her footman to take it to the bakehc use hi refuse j uy- ing itwh not consist mt withhis dignity to be teen dressed in pit in and tigs oicrying moatpie mistress peg then desired the coachman to take it but he plao declined bring out the cams e wufhe command the carriage wu bar lesced ihe coachman donned his powdered wig and mounted the box the footman ao nled behind and mi- treu margaret what on sitting in state in the carriage bore the meatpie on her lap drive to the bake- ionsc hni her com mand in an bear o two the same state being observed the j e was brought back mow she laid u tie coaohman yoa htve kept your plae i whicif ii to drive r and foa taming f e tho footmin have kept yours which if to wait and how we will all have tome of ie pie rr is said tbst tho laws of nature art al- wsysconsitteit aitilthsmjeles this can ardly be truo sinco fcaoy a nua who lowod wild oats hit besfl loiown to reap htmp io- rtaii thiy continued longer tie distemper frit into the belly closing violent oloention in the bowels iccomtaaiod with an incessant flair by which maay redaoed to an exees- tivfe weakness wete carried oft for the malady beginning in he head and settling tint there sunk gradually down the whole body and whoever got slfey through all its most dangerocs steps yet toe extremi ties of their bodies itill rtuitd the marks ofiiurialtnce for it shot down into ihiir privy memlers into their ngertand toea by pring which they escaped with lifej s ime there were who i lest their eyes snd sotae who being quite recovered hidit once tat jly lost all memory and ijuito for- git not only their ttttct inttmate friends nat even their own selvec for u this dis- tesirier was in geaeral virulent without ex prestion aad its every part more grievous ihan had yet fallen to the lot of humin na ture so in cue particular instance it appear ed to be nose f the- natural infirmities of roan- since the birds and beastt that ptey on human flesh either never approached the icid b dies of which many lay about un- inferred or certainly periihtd if hey ever tiel one proof ot this is he totildit- appeanace there of each birds for not one wis to be teen either in any other place or about any que offhs circaeter ba the dog beciuie of their- fsmiliarity with mis adorded a mcrd notorious proof of thia tvent ikoneof the common maladies incident to tire human nature prevailed it thit time orjwhtterer- disease inywhen ippeared it ended in thit some died merely far want of care and others with au the care that could possibly be taken tnor vim any one medicine discovered which promised certain red ef since that which gave ease to one wu prejadidtltotnother whatever difference there wis ia bodies in point of strength or in point of weikneu availed nothing all were swept before it in spite of regular diet ind itndied prescriptions yet the molt affecting circumstance ot this calamity wu thit dejection ot mind which cots tantly at tended the first attack for the- mind link ing at once into despair they the sooner gave themselves up without a struggle and that mutual tenderness in taking care of one another which communicated the infection and made them dropiika sheep this lat ter cue it wu which causd the mortality to be so great for if fear withheld them from going near one another they died for waut of help to that many hoosei became quite desolate for want of needful attend ance and if tbey ventured they were gone this was more frequently the cue with he kind and oompusionate sach persons were ashamed oat of selfish concern for themselves entirely to abandon their friends when their menial servants no longer able to endure the groans and iamen- stious of the dying had ocex compelled to fly from such a weight ot calamity but t bote- especially who nad safely gone through it took pity on the dying and the rick be- eanso they vn by experiencewhat it really was and were now secure in themselves for it never stacked any one the second time so ai to be mortal betides this reigning calamity the general removal from the country to the city wu t heavy grievance more particularly to thote who had been neoessiuted to coma thither for u they hid ho houses but dwelt all summer in bobthi where there wu scaree room enough to breathe the pestilence de stroyed with the ntmoit disorder so that they lay together in heaps the dying npoa tho dead and tho jdead upon the djiog some were tumbling over one soother in tho publicstreets or isy expiring sroond ebout every fountain whither they had crept to allay their immoderate thirst tho templet in which they had areoted feats weoe fall ot the bodies of those who hid expired there foe s calamity so unmeunrtbly violent and in the universal despair things sacred and holy had quite lest their distinction nay ill regulations observed before io bitten of sepulture were quite csnfounded since everyone boded wherever be conld find it ttaoe some whoee sepulchres wen already tied by the numbers wliloh hid perished in their own fsmilita were ihameiully oom- pollod to sdwibce of others thiy jnr- prised on a ttddoa itho piles which othon more f bin hirtyfite yeirs rgo whoa my haband left the army till igsln summoned to military duty by toe fata crimean ar it wit agreed that we hoold lire for at leas a y ar with my fitter and mother at tome oompensaiou to us all for tho eoforoed and painful lepersti n ocoa ioaed by our win- diing army lite myfathor colonel d had fust taken on lese an odfxahi mod pictaretqaelooking boats on the banks of the meelwsy close to maiditone before the dissolution of monasteries t y h- nry vlll this building had been ibrsncti estiblishment of the grest nunnery in maid stone snd wu oillei the hew warfc of piestohellei new corrupted into lie mdre modem sppcllation of kowark house the manstonandthe estate belong ng to it had been for more ban two hnndrtd years in tbeposkisionof sa old kentish faiily tt iheueeuo of browns whosi portraits col- lefedfrom generatioa to generation worn ttilt in the house bat to cesr ths place for the new tenant hid been ignominiously consigned to one of the large attics just befdra my father took tho plice a very i beaitifulcbapel part ot he old property f intoj which we bid t private door from our grourdi had beca opened for diyino service u i chapel ot ease it had been for years in the possession of a farmer to whom the lands of the estate were leased snd who used it u a bam when ha admiration of a sanderiogi toaiiit wu attracted to its groined roof and hs delicito tracery here- and there perceptible through desecratng piles of hay snd straw this tourist having drsru publio itteutiorito itt beauty a sub- scriptioa wu opened and very soon the socient building vt clc sosed restored snd rededieited to ita origiml purpose tre- ditim ar- rred hat from our wine cellar to the friary at aytaford a distance of eight mljs there wu a subtorraeen passage which hal eerved in the olden timo u a means ot coatmanicaiou between the m mice and the nuns be his u it may here cer tainly wu t very urge opening in the cel lar which the work me i emploj ed in repairs teemed most tcluctmt to enter and which my dear father very insenailile to romantic idrisaturesj but tenderly conccmed or the ufoty of his valnibte wines had most se curity bricked up before any of hh property wai removed intothe house when we did take poasesaion it wu found hat large as wasj the house there wu barely sufficient sleepingroom my nursery ciublishmont being added to the family stiff ot servants under these circumstances my mother wu compiled to ttsijra one ot the attics u a bedroom for her own cook snd housemaid to which they made no objection for the room vtm large and though raher gloomy from he small odtaihioned casement win- ddwt it hal a delightful view of the river and the town beyond i believe thit the st n ght passed off quietly enough but in the momiu when mrs harit the cook went u usual to my mothers dross ugrouu for order she requeued fertniuioa to torn the old portsits which had been ranged round th room with tboir faces to lh wal it being deadfal it she phrased it for them horrid brownes tobe swatchicr everything the did md ifollowing her itl heir eyes to every comer of the rooin permission far th a change wu easily grant ed but it would sppear that tho burie i originals of the portraits indignstt st bet- g so uueeiemoffioruly displaced risolvcd o trenge themaelves snd very to n mj steri- ooi wiispert ot whit took place ngh ly in the itio reacsd me through my nurse whxs fice ooked u pale u if thi hi1 shared in the terrors of the to cwservsuts the cook ud housemaid both declared hat nsodnisthsy were in bed and he light pntoitratianplingu of minyfeet began all qvcrthe ro im in the calmest night the oldj casements ratled ri lently an india- tinct mnrmar of angry voice tu heard apiarently muttering threats however cosely hey drw he bedcurtaiat they were withdrawn by unseen binds angry faes o iked in upon them if tiey ventured their heads from uajer the clothes snd the bedc otes themserves wte often torcib y pulled sway ia spite of their frantic efforts to hold them fast and al this went en daring the whole night only ceasing with the dawn of nay when they mostly fell into a troubled uneasy sleep which wu far from refreshing- tbm of course this stite of affairs conld not go on the cook a hard- feature i ctronjmioded woman determine i to give wanting and lacy thehousomsid 1 young woman of very delicate bealh be came ajarmihgiy ill i hat to represent to my dear mottter the absolute necessity of yielding to their feus ant although at tint lieu wo both utterly repudiated thcputtsui- y of ghostly visitations yet it wu thought tetter to give up to the terrified women a spare bedroom kept for visitor on the floor with ourselves pi ace and tranquility were agtin restored to the family and u far at 1 know no member ot it ever went near the haunted attic i have oft a deeply regretted that i did not myself take some pains to investigate these mysterious occur rences a itout yorkshire firmer ot the name of james wreggit having emigrated to canada settled himself and family on a good farm which ho rented in one of the townships he wu considered fairdealing and honour able in all transactions with his neighbours and in every respect bore a most excellent character in- the farmers house wu i firstfloor sittingroom with 1 large fire place inthis room the children slept but rem thi first night evinced the gresteatdis- like to going to bed hero screaming with terror andssying that a man wu in the room with them for a long time the parents paid no attention to their cm- paints duringharvot time a change wai made and the farmer himself slept in thi room u it wu cooler and more convenient the first night he slept here he wu about to rise almost before the break of day when glancing towards the fireplsce he uw standing there a stranger of a dissipated drunken appearance halo i whats thee doing there wu his very natural ex- olimalioo beceiving no reply m wont thee speak ill mike thee speak 1 and pickiog up one of his heavy boots from the bedside he wu prepsrisg to throw it at tho intruder when the man suddenly raising his arm is if- to ward off tho blow vanished in i moment from before hit eyes wreg- it unable to got this matter out of hit ra brooded over it till the next day when about noon ho entered into conversa tion with i neighbour who wu working with mm tnd liked him to describe the form tenant ot the arm who had died from excessive drinking the description io entirely resembled the man ho hid loen in tho room that ho tt once exclaimed i mwblm urt ulght i wreggit rtosunted tbit to lome old friendi near whom he bad lived before tikiog the iarm and it is front thodilrtitionof otioof hit inditore thit i hive written downhhii remarktble oireum stance at tho time neither wreggt nor his friondt had the ughtait bouefin ip piritloos a outmnmbo oi tu hawk gtntrationon tho fearoh rem tho ora- dlo to tho grave it an laitraouro ipeottolo tnd wo hive it oiremlly presented to us n the foport by dr fsrr lot no trace tho phyiloal fortune whiob tnyrallllonolnimsy iiiaoniblyexpoot the anmbor to begin with u mido op of 511744 boyt and 48stu glrlo si dispropor tion whiob byandbyo will bo rodrtsiod bf the unduo mortality ot tho hoys and will bo reversed before tho close ot hit strange eventful history more than quarter ot those children will die before they ire firt yean old iu met numbers i41s7 boys and 12179 girls tho two sexes in now nettly on level tho next five- years will bo muoh less fits ia tho succeeding tiro vein from en to fifteen the mortality will be still fur ther reduced indeed for both sexti this is the most healthy period of life the dathrtr howover is lower for boyi thin l there will be some ndvsaoo in the dosths in the next fire years ud still more in tho dre hat follow bnt 6uw will certainly outer on their 26th vear before the next ten years are at in end twothirds ot the women will hive married the dosths during that period will bo 62ex 052 and of those no tower thsn 27134 will b closed by consumption i between thirtyfive and fortvfive i itill larger deathtoll will be paid aod little mere bin hill the original band in exact numbers 502915 will enter on heir forty- lixth yea- j etch succeeding decide up to seventyfire will now become mors fatal and the numbers ill shrink terribly at seventyfive only 164 121 will remain to bo itruck down tnd ot these 122559 will have perished by the eighty fifth year of the march the 82645 that remain will tooa liydown their burthens i bnt 2153 ot them trill smggle oa to ninetyfive and 223 to be 100 years old iflcilly in the lqsth yearof the coone tho list solitary life will flicker out sach then u he tversge lot of t million men and women i aotrhtuhlat- in irar stylo of alimim with iti suddsn changes of ttmptritoro tin wind and lunrhlni often lataf mingled ta t tingle dty it is no wonder that our ohildm friends and relatives are to froqaontly taken from as by oogloototj colds half tho deaths result- lag from thll erst to a bottle of boscheeo oorrasn syrup leapt tbout tho homo or im mediate use will prsvoot sericm ilcknen t lsrgo doctors ulv and perbiptajslesth ly tho use of three or our doses for caring consumption homorrhsgrs pnerrmonla se vers coughs croup or any disease ot the threat or lungt its success is simply won- derful u your atugjist will toll you qsr- man syrup is now told la every own and village on this continent sample bottles for tiial loo regular sire 75ots i bsbltieu ltomi a ruxfljux bejng lilted by if ringer what trade ho puisuedrcpued that ho was i fioisher fr too tro ruffsrlnr with t oil to hot fsa otry hmtusi fscroau biuis it is daur relierinr iu buidreds throalioiit cur uoajnlon it kt ptcssint tod pskutis for ids br sit deilen tai ladies unanimously vote coopers ghirs the boot made tho buttons remain she wouldnt melt a day or two igo when servint girl opened the sidedoor of i house on jtrvii street in reiponis o 1 ramps knock her face looked to kind and benevolent thit the hungry man hid no doubt thit a good dinner awaited him ho had howover laid but a certain programme and he therefore began my dear woman i havent had aiything to cat for two days and i wanted to aik if yon would spare mo one of these iaiclos which has fallen from the eaves 1 well i duanoshe slowly repbod u she lookel oat i suppose we might spare you one if yoa are aijj suffaring but at course you wont takeihe largest and the lbest he stepped down and seleeud an icicle iboat two feet long and in a hesitating man ner ho inquired if you would only rprfnkle a iife pep per on his i would be for ever gritaful its rather bold in yoa o uk it but i suppose icaa sptiokle on i little very litlt she rophed and she got the pepfer snd dusted his luncheon very iparing- r- he ttsrted o move iwtybat seeming to recollect something be tamed sal said youseem to benevolent ill ask you to sprinkle on a little salt u well i like my iccles seasoned nppretty high you are a bold man air and iti plain that yoa have he appetite of a glutton but ill give yoa a bit of tilt snd then yea mast be goae replied when the iciole had been duly aalted the rain expressed his thanks bat didnt move away his game nut working to tut him some tolki wouldnt hsve stood there inl seen him bite off the end of a big icicle bat thia girl did and farther when he hesitated to go she indignantly exiled out i i knew whit you want you now want me to warm he icicle ia the oven for you snd then put on soma mustard lat 111 never never do it the man moved slowly out of the gate and 11 ha threw his iiicle at a passing dog he gave utterance to bia disgust in lan- gurge punctuated entirely with slug shot m i i onnperwder frvm ksurej it bat cf lite grown to be an axiom that is urger the gia the larger mute be the itiint of lowdor a laro grain of gun powder barns sliw beoaaso the firs is oom rime reaching the centre and a slow-bora- iig powder is whst srtillerutf require for tided guns iu i smoothbore weapon the cauiouball fita looiely an imay be expelled st i bound bat in rifled annoa the shot so to speik moves aponisort of rilwiy nd it wcad never do to get tho ihot into motion too suddenly an undue strain would be exerted upon the gun jwhiio tho velocity of the thot would not be increased for a rifled gun therefore a elowbaruiu charge woald be absolutely necejtsary and lh u to be wcured only by rejucisg tho surfsce to be kindled in the cueof the pris- matte powlor thegrains if they may be called by that name aretocloselynacked that nd fire can et between them and hsoce tho action of kindling is still further reduced mot only is toe thipe and deniity of powder grains now sttnctipg pirticulir sttontion but the perceatace of moistare contaitied in the material has alto latelyj be n under study tne amount of water inxunpowder to he minute extent exiating f in ordinary samples u found to influence combustion in a very marked degree and nothing but an exhaustive series of trills can give stiffi cient data for practical application of so im portant snelement in the science ol explo ires in the meant mo chemists are p- tot ing cu yet another source of uncertainty in the combustion of gunpowder i to which notwithitaodng their repeated warnings but little attention hu hitherto been given we mean the composition of- tho charcoal according to the manner ot preparing th the method sdopfel fcr charriag and the material employed so does the chemical composition of the charcoal differ some samples for inttinoo prove on analysis to contain 85 percent of carbon wjhile others have 20 per cent lets it is tetroely to be expected that gunpowder mads from the two kinds will have the same burning quali ties and yet with gunpowder manufactur ers charcoal is charcoal no matter how much iti component parts ot carbon hydro gen oxygen and uh may differ it is of little use therefore paying any particular attention to the physical qualities ot gun powder ao long u its chemical composition is almost entirely ignored j n wlwn a woman will site will the borne oy snuiul hu a carious itory about a married couple la springfield it jayst when a massachusetts womsn forms a habit it is all a wute of time or her husband to try to break her ot it well kuowiog his witei dispooition to make him i present regularly it the anniversary of hit birthday i oitisen of tho biy stile who likewise forcibly reilired the sot that eco nomy wu an absolute necessity in bis household slid to his wife ttii year you must dot undertake to mike tne a proient 4 rnuit it would be ibsurd to do so it thlt time when wo need everything we can rako and soape i giro you fair notioo that if yon do carry ost your former oustom this year i will burn up the present it surely u yorjmakoit so the wife beonghther lef she oould not boar tho ids of being deprived of ioriannilploisnrt thorofore she gathered together her dirooliod bought fo herieariy biltivod u a birthcuy presont ronto a tsctue cniunl frtiviior si lh mill o life perptus lost of nul fores vtll dns- th stroncest naatotbodasi uts mtuf4t thereyiro thittbe sisusmast ho kept supplied rtuii das suouit of axrdfssbls phospnoraa ttii plsissntest sad most pajitiblinrli vhletiueuibetiicrodajed into uis srstsm is br the use of ticrosu urroraosrurra vhlch is thi rrestesi brsia bleoj sndnsrrs food la lbs world for sals trail delers blur roa srauo- the new tprlnj sleek if fur- urate now betnr ihown by the oim cabinet co is ahead of any hlof rot uttend the latest fries of parlour eu front oty doust dpvsrd are zf preitr snd welt jot tfp in wilnat beorooea sets thsr btresjetrs bcrnlns la chsfrs tbefr prices srs raaeh redaotd tfctlr wseroom isretuufullr tr- rusvd tod the four isrge flsu tro flued vt h every kind of farauare cshsss oojhiet oo 97 toajii sltufxmlo j a bolokzr in the army lost his head by cannon ball a rhetorical irien i after re lating the ui citcumstihce added and his last words weo bun me on the spot where i fell i knuanns pptruoa ojt uteuu itueru btstur i pssism 6m i feel ins fdatytu inform roa that ust rprlqf 1 lot tnv tmtrrnjrithoneeir mi thiiullilust the hearie of the other also to hat i wu ifrald i voud never be ablsto bear sfsjo 1 tried evrrruudf to brlns kick atyhsarias- i c old tbuikrf bat found ft ill la vde at last i eatde ap my mind to try loae of the vsuotou so i rabbl s lltu oa the oaslile of mr ean to or bree times a dsy srd ever- nir t tod montins lrtomo voolwitofxcjimlkpt ulo my em tad ia ou weekl urns i eoai 1 hear as wh u ever eoad b it run rub oa tbe oil vbea the ves- thee is eou snd t kee rwcl slaoiamyears 1 vriu thlt to rou 1 1 erriu knof- the vilni of rear teltowou yours trnlr joracuax tor rale by til dealers away1ah 8ti4eaulla lrri hihtt friinttusnrt tnd cvttoir rilrs throufboot flu f thusuoiiii froei ptaetlul will pump sftxm ctd tethitstt si bm test ft hoar band or bori pan booldtn ind cjulojtaw s srntiijti clrniin itinnlsstofrtllarr itftst out ulluu an u ucrmiiird nit irj tddrut x t wuuam kesjie secditnioj hurrah formahitdbm xk larvs- wd stir by ifcul frrntaa trim for icsajpls firti tun n it jrr our ptlia ittrt uji ta cuji alurrvtvrtli for puuiohtt adirtm with 1 cunt rtunp rw prirne mm lob utti offloe s ot kpt of moltw undi jq u- the gore distriot motaal fire inramce coja of ojt leftibh ed i83g iniuts til klndi of pro- iir inft loa or di or mutul p m pertr tost toa or dstnie bj fire eitbr on tho atko- it auktm tbo final dejntd vilh th tretfarer of opurlo of tny ot the ucul ccnpftalet iusurancd at fair dates ibvilyu fay fu louu iuisraittv instiihat us f fit ptir 1 1 thrash srs tome of th feitures octhia j eldtmdvtx tried comparer ams t0csg k p 1 i i presideci e 8 8tecko itsaaelfll fjtreetor s5ts5 itmtg tobokxo 1 bankers brokers lite oartil aidant st but i barristers attorneys i bnjrravera m ttti lsxitieiiit- i bossin souse ftut belli ircuuuul jfert ii trul fruri aeedsmen suu bcuic4r front and janusu i sa fut ddminion telflgrapli instltntb j i itiublbhed a d 1868 j klttnssl tut tor jo w uot f j foruefvci lpurpcbeof qoilifyto opjfif to tfisj teifffiph lioa ballj ua now bolldtaj ur ufh the dominion tnd cdted scitei tfiti in litulion tuci sw n iw bm3 ertablabtid lin j irt bai become ccac ni the ptnouattt hikjtn- tiotti of the domini jo ii npd frowth od jxm- perity we due to the demad of tne telafripii eom- monitt the imtiurt 1 fltted op tq thf most couplet nd pnumaj mimier viih 1 1 tne fixture of tv regui- teugnpb offlee on i irgt tzxlt ueian of etrry aestripcton tniaue swdmjrke report n diflf prualaed on the iaee iiiiiliidtia loitracfiofl ne iired xctuier tim peim or esp v tuuf rptrtj to ouiliij- iu tadtntr for n taportant ofbee in the thirttjjossibie titra s vmunnr taxtar- tt ttny jtlnic there bny no rtiatwji the boan of mm- h unoetutbe isuiitato tnttom 9 km to- 12 noon indfromljo to pm catfl the present i reir it u diaaltior lsv4ies to proeare emplojmen intelrtipnoffleet in canada the comnnies lure nor nutu ittch tvrxnrtfcaeatj in v er tfflis thi 1 tiei em be feirtl7 md hdj opertviv re noir n macfa daniiul frfttarilj etc iddresi fi mcmillan ofj j t- n rtlfts m- n tor ompla rick trtnt- kywspkeatovik fcpaeaosawtwtivro mvtthgffg brotgtongfl rrert tpronto buy only ontario bakitur powder agents wanted mpje tnr buk sump pausmt pket sumpe tetakini solid rubber tr8eikiu8isml8ltunpttii be dot4 to no 10 king street cut g c stewart 4 co tonmlo spo4uuu thepffiecewxislvarjktheooi ly oor ihou bom naxevfoll in bum pin trilcknnd induawttbookun size 0 in to 86 in ffone or ouiukover toole ladrfrbta for tmle holt ft co t wert toroaq acres adjjlslvu ytlsuft of i 1ko acbjw adjjliiufuilsuijk of pa- 1qu leamooo h tn tiicref timber rail tnblf 1 ttft of cattir u a tro frotme dtcuingt jvstxt oathottrf tro orchardj choice fruit lerm eeij hubd fr ro bests hcmuton u i toimrasos miwi awsasta u nttti qrtaaoajtsthsikssll ii 1 mh titorleyb improted j hone and oattlapood almost dentiesl srlth the farftmed tborbf fool o onat britain it consists of seeds roots barta ud barbs improves lose flesh aadsptrlt lathe oorse fattens eu o sbeeo aad ofss nptd r sad rreilir ta- erotses pndaets of ihe dtirr onlr ho per 100 lbs oreo srs hit free mtottfiiored tsjohn 8t- 8oatt hamilton ort tosst tutted in ewry rittlye taint aad city in fas dominion agents fttonr nev od popnir ook the hlrforj ot the set brq odrich a rtstm tolane uiniiijr s00 itenrffal luaitfrntioni uidboo wi or leperpreai of thrfflinr intm aj- seeds oar pric seed cu- lojas in be etwtsw te to ill oa ppixi- tkm iu bxadacw- ij- ihbrriteil with de- n exiptlombf plwtr veuhle end field soeda tad eoaisvint 4 than tre uist o t xatwal qrtftet ihir ttlne forixd wsuvpttnire him ad mtstamful tnfirmajitm for tka qlrdaaer in 1 flrmsr pleajekjotl forlt addreei steele bros 00 a seed merchailav corner front t jtrntsawu t toronto ps te cnrdlijir iritite corrifp mjtoee from ineeirbjiruh tullorbsty cipl skkd oatsurplherseidgrlsor 5edi ttiploe sksd wheat tbs sfmonos saws an soperior to ill others let f nt ehkrwari mtn yfiiiij ii r h smith co i 6t cathaeikes ont i soiemiunhacttiroai for the dominion of ganiau send tor price list and cheapest family bibles ittioinr tbemosciurae iretattore test number d iliostnloni by oojute tncailaalwotiiiiir tine5krc iretmtore the ire test nomoer d ilinxtnloni by do boend in te most beaniital embicmtfc de- iinitarrairkilaoedp ices svndmcet ilberitrmi addrae max ueroeb a co- is adehude st cut toronto oat turkish bath eia care tnd ipeedy eare ir bjietimftisin keamj- rii skin dieeua scrof alt tnd ill lood poikin tuid tojoey dbest there tre thn eteim tiponx tod electro bitbx famif atloni of mercary iodine tnd tojphar kenneth ouvee proprietor 145 jtune street north htmflton viennabakirigpowder ii itfll unrintfled nd jrartnteeol q mtke wwtorr tighter tnd bectcr breed uitiij tny other powder tryiv- j i t c m- put3jkt i pionuitot mrmtreej pillow hersey co sail 1unvfacturbrs montreal reepectfnly uutonnee toijtfl deaeri u eu it consumer of 0 tt ktilitutohey hare par- ehued tho 8013 sloat for u- domlnioa of cuttdft to cse i coynes pateot automatiatlall picker all cat ftile uismnfieinred by m bn thh farvmrl will tberefora be elected tad etdrkj entfrelr tree from ucst scale sltveas ad ntlkktms sails thereby eiieuriiiz to the cov5lmr tt lent 8 to ft pousd3 uor o perfect nulj to the kec thts those made br other miaen in centdt by ut old tyitem of pckin ntflii lllsrmctiembytuother ktli juoiattctoreri ia be ujunion tud ooil utelf by amerieta tftisftctarers vrtiohiteteen th9 tbf latf neceed7 of tuinr the coyo victor to ew uiithjreputiuoa f thdr- tuilt end now un the deceoaiyetery kvl iti wbole pro dqftion of the tnil juchine tn4vterrebioeeh kefsiopuandioilhut dotlet tajrert tad bimd leakijli it mart then be ecu b coneuatjre vit they tre tfttde to py for jnsthuptiuitityol wortif- teti kxojrbem sy purchiilni kiili letected by costioa automauo picker ure b t cletr ttvpis ot f rxim if to loonuiscr jt vtelnriteah to tert tho remit for uiejnselrei br plckfe over tktf of oar mtke tad t tof t ty other mtkxr btery k ktlltiatde by m wi j ben- i qbssjf or red label tnd u ontr to teenri ws tl- ttntsipii titxmtl tee thit erery kej le htbec wfci kcjmsptkilitiiitit kder alttiyt ut for comftmacxiat kdxd yoi t dneweet fromj turn tott nd i miaet no near west orer 1000009 tcrei iowa lands cbletso si from is to w per sere in fata tc4s and po et qr terms loir frefhtt and ready lenirs no asjqe no lodiatta uiiltplorlns tteksts from cbietfo froo to otnert iforllip iowa bapldl ion nm times in ten if yon tan igsltrti man in tbo dork yon will lay hollo 1 that other fellow begins to say to mid j oj tea ho omits tb list ojeibls 1 an i toll lntotmittoo tpprr to land oompany c3edsr h bandolph street lease farm lots in dysart and idjolnlat ttmtmpt snd lcjtt to tht vulsrs of hstlborton termlnni of the victoria ball- o j bjdmflald atadtfrer can land k em ca krricl8i way sox ttli f t dixon go sltxtjuonniu ar leather belting h 00lb0b8x 6t sttststb uwrooso haasi torcinio boh a dlevnlsteavm vbk itiokj i ixtelparllismra eon aoampmu mssa twors safttwbcuilbiittsar fc large a mountain the agg are lost every vear by farmer alone as well as families gherau ly in not having a correct and reliable weighing tvau tint dominion stanmrtt sgrvtikss wixwaerrai it i i qurneywarb hulrlton casada w fe i dents bsrs abd an almost woriawmt rspoistta unir petjtctlcoi is i every respet sndsnatdan p liyidrkl uaertrt tttles and slssojio flautiajtttmtvolwrast tjimlttoa cmt j

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