Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 13, 1878, p. 2

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m ta theqsavilluiltprw bays i r- tbe a family mawer la- m m 3fv thw i vtt have ibraetioieij besa m lo wonder if the idtkevctueeuf to tbe uiajurtt vmalutthlc wive bavc anything to do with thi wmily finances la many ao stick j tbcagh ever seems whav twred llir beads awl the reaulta are mil hi msny ways i eurerhaion wbeia twfr fleople marry thty both wuhlqthapr and eactt should aatuuie a fair shtw of til the jabot that presents itself they have eehia oaouroet their income amounts to e and they have beoooie accustomed to living tap- lo i such manner hat npw the nature and ex toot of theictaixta ire owrtmuci by the income at their command the ret sad proper thing to do ii to regflrau ttent5ojthnt they taay be ktpt witin that rneome and ilia losus aad wants thattldjbo b neb thai thy oia aaurdtoj satisfy jlkem every peobn wlihher married or stri gla mtwt do tti if tiejf iu la get oa hi life v ie wait mora thai eaa bye bat t some things isosa others and with poly a runted amount otmouer it cmrb6m county of position papers such a the milton kent uebnjetonu 2crtiw and tlie aoloa kwbphos speak w tlio very kindest teen otlrkobln son and hiafitnjsaiibrlhb local leg- uulurcabip v this is ia it shbum i when once the partisan pvest can divest iuelf rjf parly hougs and speak ot bithj no matter of wlut party oa gontlomsn should bo spoken of wo shall sol butter day as a peoj puvandnot bitil tbes the old saying go swuy from home to bear tho news ia frequently virtged we were cot before warn that hiefru press was coaaeptedtvitbeithcrinlili- cal patty br that we bail any iailyj thong of which to direat our4ay e butb alwayaponaiiervd it our duly and prinlega to dicusa jguestiona tu all kinds of dtyofola clothing mil jioefviuntta qafptji boola and sliwi m liatinrdon3e tbopbjeot la co get tabneyiiitoriducothostoclc so u to mava roocjlorspring iinpor- utions tbis ii nn opportunity t stock yourselves wlllj first elisa dry goods at extraordvnatf low prices luraorabiitbo k p jjpqdwul be dearer when it ontnes into force ok sukdai- last a sleigbiod of ounrmea rook miitoa drara to actou for tin rorpomi- pwi ol haiog iigb time sad boliovi mhejl bad it thoy paraded or itrceu yeuinj aod miking a vut amount o anwe inulin onr cititem indptlicrwiic nikiiif tlicmichca diurco- auo nor vce viih it to be liadetatood lint iucj conduct ii set idioiliible iu acton and ibould theoq jviuok men vuo- ioeramri uavo uo rcioect for tacuuelrcs repeal their dwgracctut couduct they will had oat tint alton ii net tlie ili to mat ibttocvec manner wociloulated woeld oa shndiy to lyneba liigh time cuttbel- tbe intcrostr of pur country ouricricnila mr from reading tbe above clipping think we bave cut off oar garb of independence imh ya aj sura jliura tvat tuebis uul jbo cte wo atill intend 10 pursub the course we hav ouowed juwtmfully we bclisvt and ill slway claim bar iirivilegi ofnpboldinglbaft tide df any queslign wbicb e believt will benefit tbecouii trf with nrgafdi to ibolaat sentence o the clipping the editor offbo eprea io practicetli advice thcieiir glyeu by buiaelf as nosr tbatraperarjiec to- be niuchuaftu- cneed by- party j j sell from ibia tiultiujk w- 13tb march mcdood andoiiot ico willa iropoietf vllu ffitfr is md we ahoutd purchrae uioae tlstngs which ia our idea are irast esscutial tu orhierpins and coafijrt but fur a siarriect conpbiio jlq tlus tltsre ehoulil k a complex understidin j iklwcti i14 imf purchasing powfct and ttivn ciavitii a wwlcdcif ruioinjt inenint eoiuiiani witi nit iraily rcgidact tbiir ciptndilure as o tee wlihin boandi for different ieasoos soale- wives tenw nothing wiatevetiof jheirbus hioit tucouie soruerneu think it ii lane of their basineis otliers do not wtsn toiruuble tbiir wives mindivith juomy aiatters vbile oliiera are bo irekiriuided a to h destroas that their wives 6iioald thick tbra richer tian they teally ar i 2tow wty- ia lowchurcb and high cbuiob parties ia the eketioa cfabiatiaj for thri did esse of 5 uurio ended more happily ttttit could base beta expected after twenty three- untucccssf at tulldta ld been tikeuv a oaiiironuc was ofircti and tlio rev ilrchdeaajft sirttruiili we dad a caix onl saturday laat from the rev a b dejuiill picaident of duinills ladies cog oabawa he irluruiad- ustbat tbe college nol- witbalaujiag the great fiaaucill de pression at tbe present lime is nuo- ceeditig admirably aud tbo public bave fullf appreciated tbo courta pul forth to make the college al suceess tlie college is aoadeacqiintaobal and we only wish to advise i parents whosedugtitorr education has uot yet wen coaiplelcd to send them to bis college ai it is considered by tbose wlu hiva attended 10 be wjukl if hot better thafi any otbec kow jcollego in jnldrfo teeuheat taicacu bewcen thai weaheinreciplofliielatt two copict of the acton oat bie tress mi iadiy it to the lilt of oor ehmgj iatheuit uioiwe notice the mention oc several ficailllr iiamef which remind e oe daya loo inice pasted and ihf ownert of wbich hafc no dottht many t thiin tergolteii oor clistcticc such f life we clip iho ihovrii ikia frum the koc a weekly joataat rmlblihcdin houu was almost finnrjiaiuusly elrcvd mil joax jidlwp it p p for weit durtium lii at bowwanvilte oil sunday he- bad nwu in iwtr hhh for aonib tftne- iastf and his denth twiiiupcuaitpecld he rifpvbitest yfrtt durhaji since i8r was a steady eapjortcc of tbeslnvvatgavern- ruent- j j j loed dttffeetk his arrived at st i j petcrabarg i j j toward- cquxtvj ostr race itojcriia- itrawbemea and creinu and thin i i 1 oct readers are retjasled to note 3 thai messrs ilcfjeod anderson co knowa noshing 0 giorgolown will coaimenee agrand meehe either auction saia on 1 zth march to clear qat thcif stock and mate room for ri fpembs more than she ahouid or alraid o goingbeyoind the limits of ihefarnily- exchequecydemes herselfmany oomforta she ahouh hare and can well afford- women are notfodlsyiaad large majority of them are rnor careful in rsooey maitent than tjuaif noble lords the wife who would kfcowiigly wreck tha family ia a rare excecum to an aimoat unireraal rnhc but whiia the husband wears hia broadcloth and smokes three or fourtwenty cent dgars per tiiei i besides nnmf otec kttlelux- nrieav andahewith noother way ofcal cammgihefincome certainly ia not to btase for tail king- he can asbrd her raahrthuddicaciesandoonaforu of f i i life had eir been tdld what the -iri- ebm realfy is shewoald in almost avery- case have denied herself these little luiuriea and then match any re trenchment he might miie in the mat ter of cigars clother isj with jhe tarings thftviil make in her bilk the wife is with the hnsband inter ested ift the preservauan of the family solvency and the- laying bf of savings eitrariiancw brings ruin to both but the rrrin ii a aacer sorrow to the wo man a4tdtomjil iar order that he may pursue bia tjwtt he must be ekbsntforthiyaddecentjy while ahe staying- at homcan down erpenditure to the starving point and nobody b the wiser dees- soma she ii alt the grestesf n saffererv- l kowas the one iio- rnftrs sytfaa ruifi comes fthoa whe is she most notieatf- tledfek noyfrym the very nrstryast how nrnth fier bcabaijlhss howinqdi he can niake and how mai heeipenda so ihafsbeinkejirljet ihaf i siendihg prvijierfy t ityorff ttrlsfeiri is it wise tfcat she ebpuldlcw uwd 10 spring imporutioni bargains willho gn- j- j tne loktrar fata hold m acsop oa thnnday tat tu well auendnd qnitc anamher of people were in lawn and a number of snimak changed hands we would feqiieit the tanneof this viclniry to attend the neitfiir andbrinj a camber of article so that tic repnutioa of the acton fir may be reitained ctovni isn i tntonrr seeds choice quality- at loweatj price possible farmers will rememw- that- last ymr we sold these seeds lower than town prieet- barrel silt besc brands- alvrtys ott hand t christie henderson tqa actoh j i ftffe accnosj sale bf general dry pxidf clothing carpet fur 4c- at mc leod andencm co gtorketoirn begin wednesday i2th and will continne until tuesday night ihh 5ali berint eieh diy atuaelocj aim and 7 oclock in the evening a hu stock lifts be offered tcnuloandinsdtfcaafr indnoducoant ovtrhitiaioniit7 montav crcdit 6a tp- j 1 pcovek joint nottf or otherwrae or 5 per j younr man namcdgnlhaia whtjwaaaaload- cent off for ciiif thiaia a tate chancel ia j n wo at the ride ol the hotue rt cheso ee talked d hadtolie oil clearfierdca p a1 by fnier bros who foruicriy lived in thisjvinafie and who ftill be remebed by auiy of oarcilacn we coojmtchlto thect on he rplcrdid ap- pearxnee of thevn and wish they nuj eter prosier i we lears from statistics gtrea in an itnueic to the iopdrtoc the jlicis- lerof agriculluieliatthe number c insolteuta- in efaltnu pountyduring 187t wsa eight fdur of wbicb ec eouimercmr and four ibda6lrial the ofecial assignee was corjermed in four caiea and in four he wjs sikirsiid by a creditors tasignoev- the toul hawii- ties as furnished hy insolvenis waf ftf3tl3 claims provcd 333 25 ia two wsea no chdma have beon proved j f 535 bis been received mi estate laying diridoes or 771 it lie amount promised paid or secured under deeds pf ooraposilionf two insolvents and three asaigaces liare received discharges assignees commis sion was 835 law expenses 8273 if isctltaneoos cxpsnditlire 3f 30 and in oca clio the books wore well or fairly keptr wfxlo m jiva oaaea ier wereno books at all orlbeywere badlyrkept tecxdes stoasc it is a very un eoniniaa occamnce for as o have thander and lightning- rafring in oor neifhboriiood av this season of the year bnt cf late w hare several time ben visited in uiat manner and althonghno damage has been aeeomptiahediourtacitlitt yet there are those npt far away who have not vecxv to fortaaata during the heavy stonn which visited this section on saturday list the iihtnin struck the chlniney of ihehaussr of ifr arch itcilituui lit 13 nseriii scattering the bricksr ia overy directiori paiaisg down the chimney barstine the stovepipes- and mowinjt the end of the stove oat scaiunnguie lids fire and ashes abdat the loom bat allhocglr soma people were iaitha room nodoj were iajarad a supply youneivej jrooda cheap member the newurift inttat put up the prioea of kpodf xicleod anderson ocr oobreotiom ttavlac found mat some persons mtta cpn- elerf uiat wilson comwond sjrup of ttudcficrrj contains opium fz most medl- efbesprewrtdtarure panoseooj the pro- p leicrt lakerhtsopimrtanllyorsuannnat tbeeuicnenteonuiostiotaoeortoll or auforliarnarcoycant inar be eirea to an inlihtwlth tbe same fafrcy and benefit aa toaniailnlu ttie toofc eheett of th yild cnartj- ahow tliemaelves fa aatnercased appeftand recuporated slreogtij and to tbow whose systems have been redacej by chrohlc disease of the lnnjrs tironehlal tno 1 1 1 es pecullv reconimelided b 0d by g elvarniw actop and ihprinctsil drncruts jirdaghqat ontario at s5e we and tlotperboue- clit edge bntter bat- tfabrecs always an active demand fne bat pir mat is up to tae jilt edge standard in 0 naltlf end eolor uacbbottertliatlsother- ilietoodselnrtireddcllonorirom one jo fivp cenu per pinnd because deflclentm eilor when tnecjilor u not op urihe stand ani maters stiodld ntt veils rlchardmn ci veriectod batter colorto eire n bribnl jnnecolor thiacokiljyttithebrlhtei pwt and best mode it ia as barmlra a salt and never imuqrjaimjrtasle nrrmeb it is crcrwtiere recommeodei oy lijktfcr bnrcr and oalrymnrsamcient to colbr a tub of bntles onaaa has five eenla and it ltno srorawnjr- tor inixher rartlealars id re- eantto li lniimrorltmearviidriisjt aelod wtw aas it for tale h aa aimrut- fcitnnd njerenaouienarally 553m bt ter si tents apaeiaibucrtolberenteta 01 lb la paper the avantcax dloeosn lucnoaaar contain nt 30000 wordso-ujc- vopbj ncto he bcstecisband arafeah yrjpt wfih ntarly 2 cirrieii intothchouse bit soon teeoycrod thesioclc another thoader storm ca on sanday erening hat we have heard of no damage occurnnginpis neighborhood on uooday evening the thunder and light ning appeared dangeroualy aear and about i0io oclock the raio fell in torrents nothing terioosj beyond the tioaliiog bl telegiaph poles hat been reqortcav board of education the acton school board met it the school houseon ifonday eveuirig 10th tnat pursuant io radjoumiiieiit ail thejnembera present j- the fihanoe committee presented ita report rerommendifig that the fol lowing achonritsbo paid j w mooe wood 85too oijoiiei- work at ve teachers residenoej islqo mrs hughe p hcoahh repairs sq s3 32 r icboa moore bbe ll waltmweaartu for stumbling f j iviteof theiauiare yefrunjufit to wonkwdand uiat- fob when we mraain beldet tail it one of thowaysfnwliicb wasro apt to do thn iwrongevery marriage should hes cibjdete parfnerehip for- life of iiearl jandpursa jwft know rfsi raoraiiiavrmeliicb giyea the iinabaixf an y riglits wbick bis wtfe that familyrii a tjadrejiilatisdoiw in wbicb the bttband grow gleet the wife the aooeyafiespendsv t t 8pplekvfetii4iraf fpi theonrieobternibjntwere- vrongut doifcrn rirdayjjiiayiawnitii alf tot2 -i- v- coal oil die 73 n repairs c months salary rtlb f adams wood eu75 and h pj moore taking cetikw 300 total 1207- moved by ptlerjderein seconded by- if speight that jtbo financecorn- miufc nreport be adopted carried iloved by d headerbon seconded m- he tsllte cohndsiiti trwelfir jiooks bepat npiin rd ueparmueh v rnisve tcktnechaiietbistcalourtf n dayt only ana istaadesojeli forbl srarlns f snluheitbe teal- j3i on- 1 bestulctlonary dfible- ciiloma naes hnperblr losesiilntrodqiion illal twotdctlonnrief will be tent lo lino wdress riiuaiiejrs bytocicc oavtfeoc end correneyo civ jiosuaa sumps a ddress at ancej yloxatbooawiitocknakdjitaas kyvjkvti rmejved ropy jdb tbo- january edition of ihoanietiamewipader dtrecarri pafaliahed by fleorge si bowisii i co odfertisihgigenta- 10 bpraobsti new vork it is s handsome iook uoand iaclothtad eon tains aaaccnrav jistif ise the newspapers vpablubed in ihe onied 3utes dommiod of canidiaiidkewfiiind- iimitbe direcsory has beea pabiiied seroral years by yjislinn andhas nowjbo ctnietuita becesaify to men who advsriiae zn fact itj it indisrusihle to er isert- present editioaermcef ptatcare and labor taaditgoej ahead e jlj preceding isacs it may be exaaliocd at this office tl ihedfsksintbelst jderwrtnieijt be is e ciirtlybracedand tbnt thewaterolosata naibe repaiied carriei- a coniriiitnieatibn was received frbrn mr jt rittlesit for haltoacpn- cnrring with thenctlon of thetruatees mlanctiohjnj tire introduction intothe school of cinipbelia swiqtinsliip gnageiysionsj j jv liloveibydvliendebkinj aeotined by8 moors hist iblp secretary prepare arieppliattorf for wipss for tbe sprjooj libaaiy aij liier retoltiitibn this boaidilbai ibabataebeignfldjhy the neceworv roerobs of tbebolrd ftritohat mr xlttleybe reqiiesud to pniiroaucnhpcjrijjridv thaboartlthil arljnuracrlitir tpha to tktlaaaoaonltawtirdt 1 bndbrbngtul 1 f queen vic onnada i kl is stttrwn sndbrlbngtusl s3 jeetyibiqueenta likely lb visit tbruo minlonjof canada durttg the coming jsummaf and alio pits tbrougb part of the united states tbo mlud of her ma jesty baa been grealk influenced in this direction by tjid optbusiastio acoounts drought horiio by duan stanley with wboui she bns been frosly conversing on tbo subject it hi understood tbat tho prince of walts 011 being consult edj very ittongly idvlsed her msjealt to make tbo trip j and tbat be idea has so far malurod tbat the communl- cation aont out tlio othor day to tbo cfleot bat the queen bad reconsidered ber purpose of spending su weeks in coburggotbs tlie bonw of tho lsto prince consort it to bo taken as ail evidence of ber intention to visit tbe american continent ft is thought the proposal only now needs tbe sine tionof ibepreailer 4 m tbo township council of tbnrlow hive rtsolred to borrow 18000 for the purpose ot draining lands in the 5th gib aud 7th concessions of tbat township fott dnfferin at 8lvjohir itij ii tbreatened witb destruction x large portion of tbe shpo of the fort extend ing to he east from the breakwater is undermined by ho action ef the sea avbilst the mtflority of tb menrbera pf the kingston- fire brigade were per forming iu a military day st the opera house tberq ienlly tbe fire alarm raag tbe consequence was a geneiel stampede on he part of the actorr whilst tbe audience reiuainflj unconsci ous wnat tnst bar or rrl a raw facts roa tun- psoitk there ate but few preparations of mdieinft wwclihve nijhstood the imparllai judgment of lh peopls lor any grtnt length of time cna cf thcto ladrthomaaitclectio oil read ihc following and be convinced thomas bomfson karnhom centre fq aritei bare been afflicted with rheumatism for the list ten years and have tried many remedies without any relief until i tried dr thomaskcleciric till and ilnoe then have hod no attack of it would recommend it to all f h earl hotel keeper wert bheflord p q writet i hate been troubled with fiver complaint for several years and have tried different medicines with little or no benefit onull tried dr thomas eclectrlo oil which cave mo immedute relief and l would say that i have used it since with tbe best effect ko one should be withbatit 1 have triad it on my horses in case of cnla wounds etc and think it ia equally as good tor horse a foreman a iuybee merchant warlcwotth writes 1 havo sold hundnda of boitlea of eclectrteou and it la pronounced by the public one of the beat medicines they hsve ever used it has done wonders is healing and i relieving pain eorfl vhroala etc- and u worthy of the great est 40n- qdeneev joseph unaan townahip percy writea i was persuaded to- try dr thomasieclectrie lil fyya lame knee which tronbled mo lor three or tour years aind 1 never lound anything like it for curing lameness it is a great public benefit blwlb of isotatkmcs ask fif dr thomas fieteclria oil see that tbe signature ofcs jt tooiua rspn r wrapper anel the namerofhor throp i lyrnaaare blown the botlfc and tafcehb other- s by all medicine lealers pricesee noltthbop 4 lyman toronto- ont proprietors lor the dominion- kora eeucrmar selected and electrised- z22m tbe cttiole al is baldwin street toronto ia the 4th inst the wifeef e u anns eeq of a danphter ia kassaffiweya on the 5th fust fhe wife of mr win blank of a danjhter fa acton on the iltli iast the wifo ef mr wo ramsey of a daughter tmaltalt at ffaraillononedaetdsy fheizth mat thbs- ramseav of acton to sliascaasie aald daughter of xfr anld oferin- tmecttate at toronto ott tbeiitalnat jfrnnian findtay uo of th late jamas xindsay esqacslog deeply regretted faneral tc- dayatoneoclpck j in esdiieaingj on the llfh fust ifrs jno swacthimmer aged 76 years photographic studio f m sm iss- jksa mm ipl is a pv i v t is arii picture frahlhq depot r- p ualton cobnty oha9 ws txxjlzf ml li 8thmt aotolil pfcotogvnphitaken on- the anotiosv notice dm exeouled in the finest siyles oflho art qld pictures copied and enlarged to any site or style photographs mailed to any address flottob 7ha2cd3 ft moljxdinas of every description quality end price always on hantf and supplied to order cheap foe cash cha8 whiu acton teb 88 1ct j new r boot shoe shop w williams would rerpectrdlly in tlnrnte ml he people of aetoa and vicinity tbat he has opened a boot shoe shop in the build ing opposite j w h otokevh guv woekk m3li8trebt aoton any doe in want of 1 sabslantul and good pttior boet or hhoe should leave their order at tha stand repodog a specialty and promptly attond ecttft i w wnvliame aetoa fov 9s 1ct j t east0n begs to snnonnce to the residents of aoion nod vicinity tbat he jsu cornmodoeili basl new as baker ialfiat i wslilknon stand pk a iilnrmet k ctox 1 almost opposite hills grocery i 8 tore where of bo best quality tojeihet with freala baus cake o can always be had a i he uwest cash- prices bread will ber kept at thos aetons reiuence near he flow fac lory for the accomodation of citltent unagin ihe western pari of the village aistnclc of- r btacnlta torifectionettf list beenpuroiuaecl and a 111 bf sldlciileap tn llrrad already sold u the reputation 01 being tbe best that lia heensojdln town for some time a ftsir sbaro of tbe palron- ate of the vlllagnts ir rrqtmsted j jteaston w0k0erful oiscoviry t f j i b th tbiexd 0 mavsih5 ff avt- rl look 1 3rbajd i that for cheap stoves tinwpre firstclass work lb eaveteotlghindl c dg hills kotunijr1ut a l b6k4an satisfaction guaranteed remember the stamd xxt doo to bymoarfiuujnif btorc aetba tib iadlan panacea for femi compuotk 1 lnce 1 c9 mritoqi indlftn- coach uum ecoa for bverjdisonwroihelboci td bee alb rneaaicenu urnionna cftutrttti curoan activa pnetrtllnr und clfnmlnc remnlf tiulosioy all morbid neatdaimtjoni lo urn head uuajmlriitoitieniotl jelicaiemsmtutjodjre2srat jlrt moouv hertjami tto phtsa pare j r vegeiajil omroao4 td an acuve carimaritc wuuocls cainlnj- krvpldporerarapale inall tyiica- wfccreapaitratifo mtmlectinnced od prie2enu j1ct iloon iiartbnra avafcniiira ffafen are an tmmuzlt rttif to beanbum r iriieickntj iuctatmea bitten pric5i 00 indian etutar of cedar tarrue beat arnowa imedy foe coajb coltu or croup in chllnrra v liiot jl 00 un moon coacentrateil b4jto for ka mala waa tenets fricat xtcenta mnvuooo rom iujrfien ii mrs moon com and banon balvo lmcelscentt fn mooatoothacbe drapr cent mnalooaajsdisiilijelajtioav seen in mriixm otatmem t hccnls mrs mona tpsarovka ou tbe bent ihlnkulerlatbewotw try it price 25 eeni kxfaibatac worm sugar an wormdcsuiijcr pritfesccav iln i iioon propafetftn toronto ont soidbjroemorrotacion acton brtu is7 v ltfr old or andrews female i- plils tbtae ffiuwe a eale and arereinoor for obstructed painful qr dtfleient menr ktruatlrn amenorr oa- iveroenott- bn and all ptmth irtcpulftrjuei arjiinirfroin anv eane hrlialtyer are itnroly irvnetedb thco infrepuls tbeyare noit ceir femdy hawncoeca used by fr- ajidrewator tuo tat3s jfari i iijiib private prnciwf kuil dxnfcuons vlifn thf y flbould ado rbvq they should not be lakti atcothwatirnch box alclfcteekil axd extelisai htmeur j balm fob evfcg jtotho it crgi raeqmatlm nndlssaral t and ku all ptstn uiuinily pony it ghqcau hiofa remedy jortttnatjm oulhamficncon v ucol prrcd vy tuorfttot- oui t ttpphgdltytvea inrtant eaw wmc up it rapldjj tab- wroed wneiulpi to th ver- bo enu- tbe ctrcuatjon uer it tliilne ihwinali rooa tb blood uae ni if u- it fjoja tbo tkm throattt t pahgta r jhwizabssv tootnache rachej beadatne neural- sia bheonatlsm 8pralna uwelllnn icnamatlofl anrnicut brds fain in sldepaln la btc pita lu- cjeit pain in shoulder conabs colds frost bites chilblains iflanccea uysentery hnmmer comptolnta oe it will enretheraot agonlslat fh ternal cr enlarinf ii cne bttn tof pceaetycirij and a rellcl cenan b l dve ia smau and thiareat secret of iu llucesa willi all 111 classes is owlet- to the aet loot jus sae and harmless pleasant to take elves instant ease aod can be applied u wider range ofttisense in every day life vllh greater success khan any preparation wnlcb research i i ijdlj anj yet pro- i duted i as a proof oljta sreat rower over dlf ease any person no matter bo it may i be kleli ot poorold or yon woo isi suneiinatrinu3io tbe above poinfol- complaints will call at th office in toronto practical proof fre o charge o ks magical power oner pain in one appl i testimonials from all parts of the areeojaaasll coining to uand gtring expression to the most graieful gritilude for astanisbing cures which it has performed and we would be pleased to receive tes- juimoulasl fromjall tjthjers who use lit successfully i physicians of tne highest respe aijiuty rttiotunithdlt as amost efiep- ual domestie remedy lor lie j relief of pain incases of sodden em r riytttc7jotrtornevind it will prove a blessing- to joar families and afflicted friehde prleon liollar par box and seel by raiuoan7iiriorihe pcnnlrr by ad damlnfit i andrews btatps toror- flour oldfall wheat spruja wheat new talf wheat bailey oatt eeaa buttcrfrnsh batter salted lordihcht urdtdark eggsiv potatoes par bag applet per bag hay per ton j a cre baefcets ft 50 to 2 is 0 93 to 1 00 c sotoo 92 0 m to 0 o 4ffto0 69 0 30 to 0 32 fl5toli60 a 13 to 0h t 10to0ll o01to0l9 0 08to00 ohtetlls a 70 to0 80 050 to 0- 25 8 00 to 10 30 flrelb hikttet lerioo 2cto2 jo floor pe white wheatncrbush treadwsu sprinkwhoat kedchaft oataj v barley peas hay per ton straw i etgvjppr dot butlrper lh potatoes per bag flogs pecwt wood wool pelfs ilv do 0m tb098 082 to 095 osotd 0 bo 0 75 to 0 83 0 27 to 0 30 0 io o 050 0 57 to 0 03 fi 00 to 8 00 3 00 to 00 0lsto 016 o sotoi cb 5 00 to 525 jlslo 350 024tbr25 o75 to i op pijbftali tt7 a wtda aisiwagatfltti in use onlrorttisfciti stoyeisitn gbd condhioa and wlubo aom on reasonable term rialmaipaut otejpustej soaleiwih be sold cheap forbaah applj to 37tf geo sevens acton qmjolljr llaridny eveniti tb- aytjl l iithe pa wio are hereby caatiohadajainst negotiating a note hou by a ex smith ajaihttaihosuii7ervsa rdba vafaeof ithe note iwos not jieceivetj the jnote j5is drawn ou the efith kovj iflifi for- 10 at jdiraoatlv i tii s 853t xnoamillbtt to o ntartn also so d by a respectable llrngtits tbrooehnut cansda fc b be sar andukfaroitf dr andrew female pllla bee that tut- written lc natjn ottl andrwetacaeach kox 1 aeionsept lltb lst iny agk tin torksj kwmleith vj la ttbchiri5q a uk4k tvrxkc rr jjrltapa metal i planished and stamrepioods any cersdn desiring a firetolass ar ticle at n lowhgure will find that by calling alleitbrp they willget good yalnelortheirwoney determined not to be under 80lo a first claas ttoek of tciisr wiiii3 l -1- on hand and will- be sotd- at greatly reduced prices abse0lbjtt1 having had large experience in eitb taocomso and other job work parties giving him will find i hat leiths ii the place to getgomf bargains aclorf cy fit 4gsa we will pay asepu a balati of t idnpm month and expenses or allow a laryeoommlp lon to llournwwand tloos tyk ittakjntat rs sat sample free address uakbitejiico 83 srjl hansnkii mien av druaista- ore selling enormous tnuanlities of it wherever introdnc i challenge the world to product is equal frscetscntsperblte ih4 trade sjippticd thtopghthe wholesale druj and patent medl idnillouses of montreal toronto i hamiitonahjcondon i soui a v an bsteorsjatt kcu tlqly a- t- a d a iostjttorwr ri i i r ctaxrn bejnodr h tsottsawj s applato wb wqssssvl 0tjbe3 hear wrat i keyersxd qek- tlemaxsafft of tme cossti- tutlosntfifembdyy tdb ajranrsal esq bsooivnj out deartt u is now two years suice yourconstiiiitional catarrh 1 liemeilynaslijtroucsi tom i ijaveailarlib5slyn6 ee ifltaix cure kouhreiiiin nenoanent be- fore doinglsrw my mtj to you as at first the happyeflacts seemed to ms lobe too good tpolrujev j i was afflicteotiri my head f9rjeijis before lauapscled it to bftofttayrv e in reading insronrgrcuw lairoy case dasertbea in- mimy par tiouiara the1nwaktdroprrom thebrod had beoome ry disagreeable and achblung sensation oneh-preveht- ing bjotrcjm lying long wonlol feeuikesmolheririgakowecimpifli ledlo staptnth ned iy and spirits weri sertousfynflbdled when yonraieatcamejtoitlfer ton in august 1876 rsfflure4the tore bad nseittflutjs woods household magazine see i trii oi ir john speight btfifmlfo j ahrt class heabsz will attend loner- als when reqnh-ed- coitins caskets hondresplatebilorial bebes hat bands- sddglovesiuppuedavrtisoriablerajaj made to order and all kinds o promvjtlyattendeilio stcaeboata tad etoaeiat tuai al ways ealikifl sai ia4i j tomato factory and chops foot ot-wjllowjjst- actonr vjohktstbight acton pebyw 1s75- j t our importation of fsdlatttttkntei woblens tweeds- hatsitcsuiui ji rnrni8hing goods have now all arrlvedpdareoperiei up lor tha inspection of the pnblib in the- ordered clothwa de- partiieilf v- j we are making npeolta at a lbwar prtc hah we bar eved6ne before anof bny record for the last 20 years is sufficient guarantee that any one ordriog clothlag- from us can obtain a perfeet st wilji ttebestof worjtmanahrp rdadymade glothing overeoals thstert silta indbby clothing all of which a manfactnreil oh thepremisesj and cuvnngopdttylk and at prices lb defy competition vtbe very ceil ail wool twieajs fhp nels and sbirtingysbldiiy the ysid oa garments cutwitheutesij rilrf charge the latest kngliih and american style of flats comprisingrali the nobby good but thlsesseon v- 3i5sts vtjbnlshasta gtibob j autuunderclniiiig scaria jibs cpuara ulottjruffbrilhvsaiidjqther goods loonomiroumo meniin- call and examine oarlmmeifia slock before purchasing r- s h u- sha t t-mbrttis- i merehant tailors we1pfi iffltj 114 i4kberiflo i lll w 9 xhe xindersigiled wnuu intimate that h hastjiarchaaed the porbriitg bmpnet form erly carried on iu aptonby 5eob levensi and thathdvill coxvtionev at the old stand millstreet aetoa te meet all therequfre i ments of his customerairikrstchtsratyle and at the same r a f alsberal eattouaairviieatdi i v ia iri ji5an-klchsu- htm lost how best0rep we havotecentlypubilshed sinew edition ieleeajbtuuiitia wlinai bkflijih wfvrofc uillfy4mtaimai pnyilcal lnoualiy jrartdlmenti ttlas rlnire etc resnltldgram etcestea arprice in n scaled envesope only six cents oro postage tlvmpa i l- tj tbe celebrated anlhpr this admirable essny clearldmnttjstiates i from thirty aj3wuirtk qottles erof iheiqpblieptsqf bjhottle ft- found decided ixejief- andtjrrjwq 1 had iised loird quit ajdbguj ialingb ijure4 ol that ailment and hatecitsoutbed any since until of late 1 hav2takn some fbhhcpfdhi mv head a seritb 61 awtjjr wsbfrewftmrpto- that loathsome prompts metn send yrio thfacr tisoate unsolicited with laavftto iaakewpat use of it jpuijnaee prbpor 1 r w v i wjlndaiwrlqmitniatax portllalna jr ask for iittdefleld oonabtu i tional gatarrh remedy and j take kh qtitfit ei il t j b hiiarko dominioitii riot ibrbalivilie jhvirk naf forsaleby wldrugglstantijjloijv i bnlwejia ifn idioitaiilow jiwukjivji -tx- iwrtiiit wrltjto4rjwii5 ijdtiba v wo bo ssti ytar eeqaenceazaafaosadlei dalceroos u6e of intemaf mealelne or the application of the knlrot pointing onta- mode ot enrentooee blipplfyertmlaandefleetnal by roeahs orwrnohavery snflansr moinsatar ht1ibpdruoamaj rtnafteurstklauesf eheaplyvphyatelrjtwradlesnyi ij l ixhla lectuosuoulil btln4ie hanaxrd ever- v sutuaad eyerynsinjnrle landi hstotnveu medical km4 wtrao fvi l frewliiseacribowdnfttnsi it nnabrlted p ijrf for one year a j ttetall rrir wervesters wduaaary jrb- gubmrlpuaa rilc pe rartxiakw a3smg5 jreawyanrlbra to iho irhttlsbtlt xibview cry lor four olyealrty f to tho fobvmohtlt sjvia e ulittf -i- jhgift j trout jtimns iwa jnifrf oolnl 1110 aiaf btnatsn jfrrldk real otetv1 bsrvic 10ml trroa paje mo vitral te i k-7- ttend i ivl v r i -u- vfi

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