Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 13, 1878, Supplement 2

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1 if h i by the giving ot prtsa vi ajif sic ot undue otaojiona excite meat and and in effect oa hi pupils power- of study 5 villi object- to uo studied should ui pupils- ontjr ex- spring 1879 a of to u pis 1fc ift lsi ighmsff 4 tear4 r- actually presented to the llit it much better than puininc thcae pbiuu were 1 1 thoroughly discutiod md- ibw lecture wu a very profitable one prof young tciiderid vole of thanks fur hi ieouiie afiaji- which the auociiuoti adjourned a urge number of peopto ool vgtegatcd fa the town ifjll wltrrt drj a mcmun 2dva toronto delivered wemcetletlt lecture oa the subject tint canada of qurt tie audicuee was grouty surprised ali the ttaji- partauec of ihiacvnadu and ilia lecturer aiieeeeaexl io iinpcrttiiit numerous idea 00 their iiiiudt mitch t l3tp after the- opening eeevuiciim the pteaidcnt iuliuialed lmt- mr bacber proprietor of lie paper milk had kindle iiuinmtwi- llit the eacher micht mipret l it paper mills which inritktiua j accept a omailteof urmn- little acton mclean ol milt cbleo xocwi and kfoorr georgetown ween appointed seleet buoksfarc libmrv whjeh to be kept at the modjel school milton the librtrr ojea only la uierabunof the avtocultoa the association tendf crd ro e of thank ta the blowing trustee for the use of lie tehuot town councillor for the ue of the ball popi of jeorgelo fn far their haepitality la llieletirv and the billeting committee ar their bibnr it en then deaded uut he next- masting of the aesoeiat au should l held in bartinjton ht time w ba djidci br the pruid itit and secretary tix fuuarinjj officer tte el ct- ed for the entuin year i- pc- r utile elscted vice frea dr irtikr scey k- coatea rfrrtaclrd lunaginjcodiinitu fluatnd moorajoameron malceimaud kio kat mr 8ideri of elori beinjs m delieite health r anahlel to diacuaa the subject of algbra aa axaigned him is the irograniiue hut drmelelhin toot up the ub- jt and gare the lemsiien whejare ciiitt rorinp to adrance tome ideal wbich would be arfa to tlieoi tfi altoced by etiuiilo on the board bow ut reduoie iytric force eifrr xputninj ich point the lecture at wry sjoj eai nianr of the teahera alored in their mindt the hint throcn on which will wilhont dooht be of mrnce j thfa cloeedthe bqaibeta of ttr aatociauoa and the pteaidcnt- de- ciared the proceeding it an enl in he afternoon a urge number of the teacher tuilei lie piper milla where they were aboarnj the different operatioo by irhich paper it made 1 ladies gentlemen op the c whil4 porthje b je s oib ffft4 lie haltojt crtrxtil b a r it f consumption cured air our twrmmx miivt tom rtin w cwtahpwlla liubruek lak hla-ivmlt- ii tonnak of k yffku cjbm4rr dwaread taf cuiui7ji jrthm bronckuisf csafarrfrr i raf cuthroaumm lnor abtton fwki u4 rrdkv cnt y irrtaj oinrt4 u yirn oxap gtor tar- lor owroottf mrd fie rtiavrfii nittfltr pvtr tl rfilwaaifalf 4 cvt fcj h w uir la mjwfe luaovatta fcw nb wicw rtav hvi by flu ttfd aat 6cliou 4fare rtlktaj betmm vatflatist fat mtld fkrl j cuiijt to u rta 4n jt fcic fttv nk isu ilnewwi far wtwrinrmrj- u ly winv mmbr rciuru ma ltddiwlkk ftann mjklsf thif hpcc tcvtcrtxi bu i jwiflwxottuxdit i gag 4 1 corntt of haltox we have received our spring stock of dry goods clothing jidare selling them ii i i saedpanpeices at the impprlum georgetown grant thomp sofuk ve twpeotfally re- iuest aa iaapectioa of w stook wq havelwen buying 7ery carefully for the last year as we belie v- ed that goods jwere going down lower and we were riglit for at no time in the history of canada could all descriptions of dry joods bb bought any cheaper than they could about three weeks ago w felt certain they had- reached bohom prices and bought all4we wanted we dont anticipate a very great rjise in prices very soop but it is not possible for dry goods to get lower than they are at present 1 ouk millinery 8h0wr0cm will ba open on th i 25th of 1iaech when we will be glad to bare you l- j asmsioasltss plaos iss bmporimn croowetowa cralft tbohpsojt it co ml is the time to subscribe for tio agt03st feee press i only i 1 i cpbc fpfls y4dbiwbb 9bfls99o i in advance advertisers willfinrl ii to iibeir advantage to consult our fates th free pkess llie best medium tlirougl wbicb to reaclt the peq ife in tbe county o halton i job printing department is well iupplied with all the newest stvles of type which with experienced work- i men ennble us j to turn out j work second to none fob anything in the printing line from i the lasge3t j to the buatlzfll 0asd for good styje and lovv prices send your oriiprs to the eree pessor5ce actoni j 1 t a h p moore fubliiher proprietors ayer flirvigor for rwitoriof to orty hkiu natural vitatfir ituoolor a drening lush v hi ooot agvsev wv healthy and effecuil tat tbeaerv ing tne hair it toon rt- item ftdti or gray wtr toittoriguuu mdfieihmiof k thickened fall- oeformjata uotrfa thto ing hair checked and wdaea often though not alway cured by ita use nothing am mtore tje hair where the follicle are destroyed or the glands atrophied and decayed but raoh a remain can be tared by hi indication and ittnmlatad int tchntr 10 atat a newgrowtt of hair it produced instead of fouling the hair with a patty asdhnent- it nil keep it clean and rigorou it accaiional use will pteaoot the lair frjm taming gray or falling oft nd conaequently prevent baldrics che restoration of titality it ghros to the scalp arresti and prevent the formation of daocran whjth is often so uncleanly and cnaive free from those deleterioiu tab- ttances which make tome prepar tion dangerous and injurious to tit hair the vigor can only bonefit but not harm it if wanted mere lot a haib deessikg nothing elt ran be found to desirable contain ing neither oil nordye h not toil white camhrie and yet last ong on the hair giving ii r rich etaf- hutre and a gratofu petfumt prepared by pr j c ayv co rkal aad aaalittai cnml lowktl mjui 9 thb parker caih byd5 circular youeohoiob two great offers to smctukti to tkt phtoaologlcal journal ajib soissos 0t hza1ts thil pnblicatlon it widely known bating been ufore the reading world forty yean and occupying a piao in literature vxclutwely u ownltliihha tudy of homak nature in all ha pnatea ioolud- ing i phrenology phytlogonomy ethnology pbyaiology etc to gather wltnthe soikce or haatia and no expente will be spared to make it tbe beit publication for gederal olroulauon tending tlwtyi to make men- betltr pbyiicauy mentally tod morally ottepbemioiis ww tbu it made jnf waiter pr i itrit tndo lettered at to show the exact ldoailan of each of be phrenological organs the bead it nearly life ute and veryonnmenwl and until recently hiikfldfor200 this with the ulnttratd ker which tccompiniei each buit and the leriei of article now being puolijb- ed in the iwum or stux axd mixb will enable tbe reader ifl be come a tacceaiiul t tudeot of fiumaa nature nt xrwr mul rtxsna a tas iviirxumiam or voiie- ties ot pbyiical conttilulion iflilan confldered in their relation to men- tal character ami practical attain bfufe 1j0 1 anew work the only rm n the lubject ot fethperamentanow before the public and treattof this important aubjeet in the moat com- preheniir manner anowing it bear tng on marilage health and diaeue tic the book oontamax about x50 page and iso portrait t and otber uloatrauona u band- mmely printed and bound in extra fine maaliii and can not be procur ed at leu than 150 retail except when taken u a preminm tbbm8 the jooaxs it ww published atfloo a year btring been reduced from 3 x for i8t8 amgl no 20o 2c extra buat bo received with etch lubtcnplion to ay poaiage on the joomal and the expense or boxing and packing the boat which will then be tent by expreta or no i the tmalt buat or the premium book which will be tent by mail poatpaid iatxn wisied bend 10 cents for specimen kum berandterm i wells ti pus- usher r bi r4war sev tar paes2ebb0 eridcwot eayors oatnartao pills for be renef aad can or aq denotements ba tbt tumatb ut cr aad bcwelc tter are a mud bdenenf and an aueueui j0 a- urelletxiutv if rateable thc oootaia no rf enit or wbicrm wbataver kscl aarlmu ttdcwa tad fafleriax u pnrmtru bi then- tfanttr ut and everr nually taoum bare them cat band tor their ptvtecuoa ami relief when reqnlml lotx expentnee nit pravad then ta ba the taftit nusri and betl of au u puu wllfa ihlch tet icirtat aboonda by tbch- occasloaal ne th i blood it purlhod uj mmipuoni of the jitnj oi- txued obitraenona itmoved anil the trhalr maehiiierjr of lut nuriwl la lu healuit actir- itr laterul wxm whlu uecomc dor and iluxghh in ctaaoied by aptrt fn and itlmnlaied ute action hint incipient titcaie u chanp4 into houih the value o which chintfl when reckoned on the rat multitude who enjoy it cat hardly be con puled thtlr uboaluur makel uo iilmjant to late and pnxrvei thctr tlnw unlmiialrcd furjtnr icnpul of time to lha ihrj- are avor imh and patfrctb- relklile allhourt icarcwns they ate mild aall oir bt wlihoai dtorlknop3 the coasututloa 9 diet oroccniatlod kvtll dlraloji are bwa on lha wrapper 10 eafhlxhowlooelbnaaeamhyhiytic and for lie ibllowini conplalnu which ihen puto rapldh cure for iriepu or batareattoa xim leaaanaa tairwor and cm at arj- lr ukt ttonld be taken tnodenuaiy to tumulate ins ikaach aad mtore ill health bfl and action for um cmplaln and ita varioin tynptonu kalllowa htatatachw aick btaiavtclw jamatuc aroma llrk saw btuoaa caole and jbiuoaa tr im ftey abonld bo jndmlontly taken to each rata to correct the diaaatnl action ut remove the obttroetlont whct canie it rnravavateit or dunrrtmea but one mild dewa la anenny raqulru n for btwaaaatisaa owt ornvel iphattane af tk ir ala la ide back and jbalao thcyibonld b jeoatiniiouly taken aa ratutrad to ehopc tan dueaaed action of ihe qakont vfuiifncb change tboaa eomplainu dltappur for draper and atraaieical awl laaa they tboald be taken in bum and fro- qncst dwci to prooc the asbe of a dratuc forawprfalba a larie dot ihonld be axtn aalf prodneea the detirad atect r siajslaacr hjj take ona nrtwe pilu ie promote luaetoan and relieve the alomach an occailonal note itimulntci ac uoiwr tn1 bowruvejlore ihe appetite and inrljor att the yaiem hanoe ii ia often advnnta jtrntu where no aerlona dornnjremont ctn one wholfeela tolerably wan often lnd ma a flort of lhe jfltemakea hla feel dent uy better from their eleanarnir and raoe tatlul effoct on the tuseatha apparatut mriua r sr 3 t at3e 00 practical chemita iarrzii mum r x wuh ar au ttvmh 1 narwaxav nb enpee uk v i lo a to ati par uar ll r 1 i by any worker of w laaw i e tbeir own loealiiiea rutleolari and tauplea wcrtntsnree impmrepourtparauaia atuuabaalneaa addia biuiaoa 4 co portland maine r brtjaa do you wish to gather flash to acquire an appetite to en joy a regular habit of body to ob tain refreihing leepto feel and know tbtt every fibre and tissue of your systen u jbeinc braced and renovated 7 ifso commence at once and use the quinine wine prepared by northrop lyman of toiohlo aod in a abort time jou will feel the whole syatem invigorated and atrengthened it lia wellknown fact that quinine bss been acknow ledged by tbe mescal faculty for many years a the best appetiter and tooio known and for general debility this combination till be found superior to olh ptvp tlons and combined is it i with i fine sherry wine end ehciee aromat- 1 lea it it made an agreeable and 1 pleasant ujvlgoralor to the whole i tyatem tbe properliea of qanine are a febrifuge tonio and antaperi- pdlc small doses frequently re pealed strengthen the pulse in- preate muscular force and inmgerj ate the tone of the nervons system the pecoliar operation of this medicineln general debility and a an tppetiier haa ubdergona long and dose obaervatlon aid u u believed it will nemltao proper fy and iudioouily jdmihiaieml j- unlet other dbeatet preddmintta- of a diflerent character persona or weak oonstitutitm jmsy tale it without the least dimcpjty as it j itredguieiia the stomach and digest rre organs abd seldom require more than one or two bottles to efleota decided benefit a i toon tiinanotb ing injurious to tbe most delicate canttjtution bemembettoaak fori the qiiinine wine prepared by sorthroy 4 tymsn toronto and we are kiire you will beaatiifiecvthat vou have toll value fbryour money gold by all medicindeslert 4 i-

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