Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 20, 1879, p. 2

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1 v it os actttjukeetrehii jcoisicd otjjtharijitoreink jslfet anaunr- advance t altrt jdfjore ebitor tiicrsinv monsfxs maura 80 1878 ittk nbw tahiff oo friday lair in the douiiniou ihumeriy- the ttiuanoe miniater bronchi down hon mr title jicliveied the burl gst sjjftck and tli new tariff wis the alteudauce numbers wuqt he galleries were tilw and a nuiiiber of distiuguiahcd persona among wjboni were the pi-ia- bcss louiw and lady sophia itacila wart occupied rein bn the- floor of the ho house fioui ihe cursory gjanc c have been able to besiow upon the new tariff v would iks greatly aurprts- y if some were it disappointed while others are well pleited with ihechane to fact ibis itb t one whan any- uew measure is uitrcdiicjd and especially when the results will hive such bearing on he commerce of lie eoun try t it he case with lie incisure under consideration the conservative jars licvlare iatgeoeral aaiiaftclioo ixfieinj utprssed end lhstth new tsi kf can be examined from no ijonit of view without discovering- some mtrfuiqrtfc oolltie otter hand the pphosilioa pperc sbite thit genertl ditusfaction isjhe immediate result blithe intnktuction of the high protec ure dutiee mdile globe of sadirday wncludti in echtrjriaj by saying fk tariff slarfk us on career of whiehno one ein now tee tie end it our dcscenfcji notchecked hot tie tnest cherished of oar institutions cm be considered safeifec a single year of course when we take into consider itieu the motives which cans ethese df- yerentopilwntwej do not wenderst their d ftarence xbane would expect that the reformers ho hire to stringently opposed thejqhema ever rice its prc- jiwrion would now tarn and say that it would do ifcatrwbteh his been claim- id far it by its supporters nor jet would any ou jvalnly think that the cjnserrtdres wbuld cense upholding that policy which is now before the rxople and which lliey have been bo urgently advocating for iboat twelve induthx of cosrsrmy great and aakkvly thiogi ere ctamed- oati be tbe remit of the eoictment of a high ptotectiro unffj tut until ifr i fair trial wi will not be prepared c say whedseyhe aoaiiuk will be benefitted pr sat as t cacy oa breadztsfla u of moat interest to the rsidena of 01 u juciibek cgrrerondenoe considerable oumeul hai been iiistdin consirj ure cikiw by llit ctiou ukun by v us 1iuu alnsl daugal with rcfelft net to uienlelulo itf sooi iathe ilotteajotllu lettlitet uflhf- the difficulty j t il affjlr ppwc to be that k lettiricr licuvsv of cjuebej hctcd uuwiaely in the dlimis- utof k comeryi live aoveiniicut in qinbf tuunv icr w brouljlil np in the home on wejdny asel inded oh fttijiy oriaaf fekmn4 a ipeech uiadu by our memlier daring tint dj- bate is what ustmiscd ho wim thii iai in xeking if hi course nr iiu ratliit difficult o denl itk hi- peculiar attitudt of mr m dougull on i ho proent cecmion lucau nhilfc he fuitily icliiuaui mt difcipp val o smlulelliera conduct he yv manage v ui iuqiroas iho llomo withthc notion that it ought to be candouw we areuot disposed o wan yo clo ifly ur 5hoii uieuiicisiirguniettt mor eiei inlly dtcauio it twtui iuiiiaibio lo coitsidw it alagolher sirioo to admit llicillegnlilyuf alt actuudyjt to plead fur the ngeftt iiiajre a line of public ouduct so illog errand inconsisttut as in ueed uo fotaol filiation wlieu he hou iember for hul on urged hat the iquebec cis ought uot tpbe opened lira again btoause mr unikenuv with k pai- inn majority at his bact tiadabolt ed hi licuuntntgorcnjof oftbuiu they had cent hija o qutbcc jxpresj- commit- he is cerly passing judgment upon himself auppoaiug his farmer news oil fhocse wore jt a clear and pflsitire as ic iifcts further dawn in the article quoted roiu it syit we couftk that ilr macdou- galii course remaini inexplicable h- ilr huntinglon is perversely coniistcnt with himself but what pita can be advincea for mr itae dougull t he limits that thd lieut- governor act tii unwise aid sub- versive of iie principlefi of irrspoo- aide government and yet deoliued o vote for he mplioft which 6rnply auirnied the actnowlnlged fet ijeitlier mr macdougall laa no jatrong convictiosa of principle at all or hoy cling very loosely about liui toe candidates at the convention of the halton coanty liberal oonaervative assccia- ion held at hilton on friday list mr w c beay received the nan inauon for the local hon ie bjth the candidate anrnow in he field ana pin will be iastttu ed he handshaking inquiriea concerning ho familys welfarei ice so m eh in dulged in during feltctioa can paigna but in regard aeech gectlemnnt fit- nesa for the office a which he ispirea at present we will say very litl c aa fir aa we can leatu each is a ivprite with- lis party or robinaot being held in great rnrxct by his aupiorterr nitd mrjjeitry betng one of thit lights of the conservatives in hii county jfo doubt each of ha candidal will 1j i u i i lo own bli ol nfnu mititert of ihwlj ulmnl in niiv labium ul our- nun an nusu4 autl uii out u lclwn rauat in o- anil adilrew oaht at publlouoa jbat inlform promohous va thtjiditor of the ftti prm kowilhhudlig ha assertion of lliosb who propbeoy evil ind hat oon- tiuually wo believe hat wbrelhu front rank of iuulligenos now uuu ha rear rani ahall preapudy ind whilo die groat proceuiun of humaeily giadually advuueva higher- tud higher up ho moimuiii of knowledge and luoka dawn upon its old ignorances td mid uiittakre auirsliiutia and de lusions with wonder ever o imvo lived under their itiuiieuce and hankful that he have brokoii iho chains of old- king clog it was taid bv lotel writeis of ho oldon ima thtcd- ucutioiv was iu wvll understood in heir day tu j vcr it would be but wo must set this down aaouo of his niauy absurd eayuijo famous- men thole arc altvuya eo na who piofc ruublaiislf war instead jf leding himwtlkforhrt kiius same ways despair of piogliui and down dojivn all experiments how- as doclori hey would old drugs s poliiicinna ear old abuse becauat it ever judicious kill with bo cling to the d acton and rdniiywhereaith annex i tpr puf tni discuss r the- proposed duties oatiib autt bn werj- voter will have articiei included luidr thajs hfad all of chance of judgin for himself which lich were formerly aduiiited iuto man itwtil be to hi inrest to vote cxnidt frrt of- difty- except t- man it wtilbe to hi inrest to on- for it will hoi rever be some lime iviidi ah- crti iifi p hini and ric and th toti country and all the eltors will prob bly tiave a cjianco of becoinine acqotialed wih bpth h piindjttniirly pil r o t ii candilea bactwieat per lictheb iucectc iladaacompcr hdthel i- ala ozuya baihel j lucenu jricepsr piaadi ere per baaljei art v ru pr rotors will probably i j becomine acqotiaed wacit per baahei- loccats p5i perbsihil fo centa per baahelj 15 centa bitkwheit nieilor oar pr lb j cent jitoeai per ppok4 i cent coram eal per barrel toctnts soar per btnpl 50 ciaia avceaslioar per barrel 50 centa eiceaadcago floarvperpoand syceaea cjnidring what was formerlr paid hese new duties jseem high bnt aa ws already saiawe arenot prepared to stats the result either for oragainat until a fair trial has been gjve the ifiiiz claims that tht consumert will eventually get sour cheaper than ever and though they may have to par fy the standard weekly piprprmt- lo d a iliibor- g ace newfoundland lticenti eaya slany- of our dominian ex changes deign b itiatice the p evalent tumors relative- to negoatiols having for their object the unioiofthis little island ru her hues nethbor some favonreuch project ohers ho no- whether they uo or not dies- not matter much to uk we know when we are weil off and are satisfied to let well enough alone of course we do not siy that wa will never quit the state of angle blessedness in which we now reveh ciraj instances altar casee and it may be list in the moroj or less distant future wj will find itj to pur interest to be joujsd in wedlock o ihe dominion but it present wa cannot see that we would be gainers by such a a bargain granted that we are in the cents inbre per barrel they will from j frying pan of isplttioh we must be careful though not to leap into tbe fire of burdensome taxation etc and who can assure ni thai such a tep as hit mooted ill be little better than a leap- in the dark 1 kd wo want to lcok first and than leap if w think well of it so plase gentlesdenim a lh general prosperity of the country beiii a better position to buy and con- sttme more than ever beforet the principal objection now brought forwardagainst tha itationat policy is that it is a strn cowards pur connection being aeversd from grttt britafu and 1 our annexttion with the united states la connection with this aspect the sfutt say the policysabmitted by the government iscssentiailf a cana- dtaa pedjey- it faaa been framed vlth he dilihvrate oljejjt of building up ganj4aof developing her re- ftsouices aid of protectinghernascent induslnesajjainst undde oulside com- petition this we fepeat is he end j raud all of the national policy and if brituh coninctioa it endangered ilbvit then so much tha worse for british connection canada would- jbe xdse to jierself to har tradition and to tbe spirit of freedom of which ate is the apoaili if she bade us aub- t mit ounelres to- the british manu- licturer abandon burnstire indus- tri and rtlpio into tbe pastoral itit british eounecuoii on euch t trmvbiilitsuiflavfla batnoaeople of uriiih origin would tolerate matter of such int ment dont nush bank stocks in montreel advancei on saturday the town of wingham has purchas ed asteam fire engine it is expected tiat manitoba ceive an influx of of 30000 will re- population tiiis year tba new ironbridge over the grand eiver at brentford nas been opened for traffic ihanew g company of landon ont propose changing f 150 p it1000 feet for their product mrwm s armstrong of klrsimbsa has a thcroughbred durham bullwhich carries its heait in its neck one hundred old country immigrants arrived at montreal on fridiy last ninety went west in the oaseofdrfordofstmaris charged with pciiooing ke grand jury at stratford found no bill mr venoorthai predicted a cold dip andiieurv snowfall on or about the 15th orl slhof his month has come dawn from heir fathers oop ernicus aud his new aaronomy columbus aid his new geography jenner and uis vacciuutioa harvey and itia circuuiiou of ha blood slephohson- and his i6comoive all hade lo fightkhcir- battle wilh old king clog the god of he timid ilka aupertiitutiajind the liy tuo adro- cates of uniform promotions in hallon kave this badle o fight let hem piepare heir armour and guiher or ike the frij we have booa told to rest and j lhankful but m edu catianal mailers he moo is- v be lhankful and rest not we believu in ihe possibililt of tpmething beker and better still aid beder hence again in infinite progression dealing jwilh aa iunoradott id any form but the abstract we can jnly judge what will be bj what oaf been let us apply this principle to lha subject in hand tho high scbol inspectors in hair report for lo5 in speaking of he ad vancement in he high- school ixjiul to he cniform enrance examination aa i conspicuous among he causes of improvement but wbeu his exam ination was substituted chcre weraj not wandnc hose ff hold up ihcir hands in consternathin and exclaim that the high school would be depleted this wasuotthe case but quite the con trary the ivport for 187g in reference lo this same subject saya here again hairjpbets have been at fault the high school auendauce shows a stewdy increase the answers o i he candida es for admission havu improved in style and accuracy saall ethools wliich previously stood low re uow doing firstraiework and are sendini up pupila who can compete snccessfullv far honors at cxaminaion high schools have been greatly improved by tha intermeiiate examination- also small schools which had not beeni in vett goo1 standing put forth an effort and by hard continuous watk sprang to the front and made a name for theaifelves some schools in a state of atrophy which hid lieen existing ad a former reputation were rudely awakau ed tc a realizing of ihe fact hat under the new rcjifae honor waa give o whom honor was due now if uniform examination has tbis effect da high schoohr can any thinking person deny that a similar examination till improve the sacking and management of common schockk sfar we haye dealt with the question iu a practical sense but for the benelt of heorisu wpo wish to delve deeper into ihe causo of auoh grand results wo would point out as he great secret he ineres these exanrioadons excite pestalnni says v-r- interest in study is the first king i teacher should en deavour- to xcite and keep alive there are ecatcely any circunjalantfe- in which a waut of application in children does not proceed from a want of interest ftktro is a praiseworthy desire in all to betroar position tt is found in tlii child as in men we all know he reeling of anxious antici pation experienced by tie child at the prospect of being put in a new book this fecinghhould be fostered hence prpmutions can be made a strong ia- centive to study mate th m periods of expectatioaj mileposts on the ua- rayal road to learning so much for k pupil bat it is likewise our duty to create and sustain an interest in the public mind on behalf of our schools bomelhinc of a public nature will best effect this wo have that in the uni form promotion all the advantages attending a competition may be trans ferred to this it possesses a double value the pupils dasireto appear well before lha woild will incite him lo work whn he knows lint the result of hist labor will receive newnpaper prominenoe the teacher loo is not always above tlie necessity of a slight spirr and he being thus stimulated it wil react on he pupil the general tstraony where these examinations have been in forca is that they are effective as an incentive to study hat they improve lha character of the recitations teachers become has narrow and textbookish in their in structions and increase tha personal attentions to pupils riot doing satisfac tory work let he teacher not hesitate o bring hif work boldly before the public knowing and appreciating the fact that ft tree is known by itafruiti i have probably said enough to open toe subject ah4 as the best wine has its lees will i expect iomeona o tnrn asia out let jos hear both sides sietiob another alm0st1 icue fbee phetis ofc in bvi 9t btrbsd0u8 bift 6r20n is savbd this morning about 7 oclock aa we wpfq busily engaged in preparing our lnald pages forpraaa mr u p mboie middoqly iacortred bat he joist and ceiling whr the atovo pipe eutcied the celling atrrt in flamcl the cryof fire war immediately rounded and hi cititens responded nobly and with the extraordinary efforts put forth tho fire was ultimately extinguished the fire originated from he atovo pipe and rapidly spread betweeudia celling and floor above aud thenco through tho roof had five amines more elapsed before tho fire was discovered it would have been impoatible to hive tared the building the lira in the sove was lared his morning as whn mr t a moore arrivad at the office about 6 oclockthcro wi upt ho least veslage of aire in fnct he looked o the place aboutuenly miuues before be- fire was discovered and there was not the slightest appearsneo of a fire ban the building is the property of mta r iiskir and hero if oo insunidoool it but he slock ttid material is insured in the grand river mutual cjtnpny of qalt we heartily thank thoao of our citizens who so noblv responded and by whose strenuous endeavors our office was saved from he devourio element please accept our thanks chas king a long term prisoner in the st- johnlpenitentlary has had his sentence commated and s discharged oo tuesday a board of health i consisting of prol bell and six medical men has been appointed at btlleville i diphtheria and scarlatina are make ing fearful ravages iu st johns nfld- specially amongst ho young people last week waaremaikablefor he large bill of mortality in the course of fortyeight hours no fewer than thirty four succumbed to disease eldjtiucitti tuokis kxciumhec cbct1uc olll btoetntextlhes its vvbobt ix oold iain cannot stav where it is used uis he cheapest medicine ever made one dose cures common- son lliroit one botllchoa cored bronchitis- fiflf cents worth has cured an old sundinc cough it positively cures eaarrb ashma and croup fifty eeua worth has cured crick in the back and be same quanlitr lama back o eight jears standing the following are ex tracts trom a few of tbe many letters that have been received from diflerent parts of canada which we hinkahoald be sufficient o saifr he most- scepdv cat jtollsrd of sparta onl nrllea sead me 6 dozen dr thomas ecleclric oil have sold alt 1 had from joo and want more now itacureaare truly won derful vyiii ucouire of franklin writes i have aoid all the agent eft it acta like a charm it mt slow ai tin i batukee splendidly now- hcole of ona wiles please forward g dozen thorn m jieleelric oil i am nearly ont nothing equals it it is highly recom mended by hose who have used it j bedford thamearille wnles send at once a further supply ol eclectric oil i have only one bottle left i never saw anything sell so well and eire such general salislaction j- thompson woodford writes send me sqtsa more jiclectric oil i have sold entirely out nothing ukealike it- miller t beid qltertoo po write the edectric otlu geting a great repulaiori iiere and is daily called for send as a further supply without daisy j bswark or imfanos ask for dr thomas eclcctricoil see that he signaure of s k tuoiis is on he wrapper and the names of norlbrop a lyman are lloirn in tbe bottle and take no other sold by q e morrow and all medicine dealers price 25cs koiithkop 4 ly1cax toronto ont propruhirs for the domjajjn note iolectuc selected sud klac incised 1 photocraphic studio picture fraklnd d t r- i ualtov cotstv ohas 7e ecitat jhmbtrflktaoto w w photographs taken oh the shortest not ice and exeoulcd in the finest stylet of the art old piotures copied and enlarged to any site or sty la photographs mailed to any addrett pioitrsa 7saus3 ft kouisaras of etiry description qatlity and price always on hand and supplied to older cheap for oash cha9 w hju i acton ftb91it0 new boot shoe shop v wiitiami would refptclfauy in t ima la to tho people of actoa and tiolnlty that hobs opened a boot a shoe shop aa he build in oppoiita i w ejstorev glove vvohks klhl street i- aoton any one in want of tubiuntul tod rood tittinv boot or sho ihotjld uavc their orjer tt thti itand hepiring a ipccialty and promptly attend ed to wv williams lodlstn fanaoea for fomaie compuoli rtice 1 00 kn moonf indian cooch gum good tar ererrdiiorder of ib fanji au4 breatli frico 2aeenu un slooni ritnrrah car sn actlra ptielralitr nd ctcitosioir rtmjy i duloelnf ll tnarud tcamautloni fauieiwad ii liarmlcn totiiemot dellai codiuufioo price 35 ctbli urs moouk hertaod itoit pllu a parefj- veco table com pound kad an aetre cautiaru wuuqtl caaifng- grpl aforcnun ps tatte id all ca wneris a puryaiitcmediclnf fn need- ed price 25 0nu mrf mnona hcartbttm wfer ibt rafem are a immedloie relw to heartbain lleatsaenta radannca bitter prlccl 00 loduc esiiior of cedar tartne beat j ttovn itynedy for cooht mlgi or j i croaplncbllnren- price si 00 tin mooqi concentrated eiuam for i tomil aoittnefa- price 21 centa mrvhoofl r6t4 injcuon irisccats mr mootvat contaqdanjotibajve price scent mr tf oon toothache prop 25 centa airaanoont ludtma rjctxwujn totxnu lira moonfelojiaa ointment 25cena mrt moon tparolu oh the belt tpalnkuierlntnefcorld trrh f price 2senta kffaxnatva worm 5aar an intauawe worm beatrtijer price is centa mr p i aloon propletress torouto ont pbldbytj e morrow acton actoaafllllbtii illy 1 717 beit to iisnoul an new to tbe resident of fiddly lbti be butl baker eavetroucl in wbllpiown stant onljjltwlieit a own almost opposite hdlt grocery mon where lf i i- imi2i of lb best qoalll tofolber with fresh bum cakes c can always be had at the lowest cash prices bread will be kept at thos eastons roaidenoe near be plow fac tory for the accomodation of cititent living fn the weitera part of theillage a stock of blicniik cocfeciloneryi c jin bfeo porcjissd unit ill be aula clieap tht bread already sou uj iho reimiatlon ol belnt hr beat tbai has been tola lulown rorurae lima atafribare oftno patron- aca nf ibe vltlasers iariqaealeit a nock of rblff rtmily fleor will be kept on band aod jelveie io any panof be town at tbe current prleca eafu 6ny teameetfatt soetalt soirees ae rrotio- eil for en ibe shortost botue i that for cheap stoybsi ms firatolat aaork in clg eavetbouqhinocic q hill lafotbtjiwastco is tbelapr v r-r- nothing but a l stock used and satisfaction guaranteed rbmefytber the stand next door toffk me3ams drag blor i i mlt tmbt 1ctm actottrtbttht tbe rlldle la actoa oa the i3tb last- the iwifa of mr wm dalby of a daughter i tnelltle t at the raaidence of the brides father oa the i9th inst by the ear d b ctoieroa ur pour afcdooald of nassagaweya to eiizabath second daaghiar of alec maaa iisqj of esqaesing i 1879 halton electloh 1879 i vots axd ixtlckkcs asx bzstixt- rclit eoucried roe w 0 be att y 1 the peoples caxdidate l i altov haekets flour old fall wheat spring wheat new pau wheat barley 0ta peaa batter froth batter salted lard light lard dark eggs potatoes per bag apples per bag hay pet ton 12 50 to 275 0 93 to 1 00 c 80 to 0 m oflto0 96 0 43 ton 0 3d to 0 82 0 66 toc 60 0 13 too u 0 10 to oil 0 oltoo 10 0 08 to 0 00 ohtoo is 0 70 to 0 80 0 50 trf 0 75 8 00 to 10 00 gceiph habketg floor per 100 vthite wheat per buah tretdwall do 8pri eg wheat rodcbis oate barley peas hay per ton straw egg per dot butter per lb pbtatoea per bag hogs per cwt wood j wool- pells 2 co to 2 90 0 90 to 0 98 0 82 to 0 95 0 80to0 90 0 75 to 0 83 6 27 to 0 80 0 40 to 050 0 57 to 0 63 5 00 to 800 8 00 to 00 0 17 to0 18 0 ifiibo 16 0 80 to 1 co 5 00 to 5 is 3 23 to 3 50 0 24 to 0 25 ostol 00 old dr andrews female 1 pills j these ptiis are a sale and eare remedy for obstructed falnfulor droeif at men- fclruailcna araenorr oet duraeuorr- hoea and au female trr golarlllea artalof from ear raofe whatever are i snrclr rifpvedb5 llii lueoi llifre hui tlicarc ooto new remedy ha vlnr be n 1 raed by i r ardrewsioruielalt5 jears lubls prlvkle prtteilec fall directions j wlknlhej tooaid alklirhenlbey sooaldj not be t4kn iiccomwiny fjicli box irlconeliotlar per box and font br matrto any part of ihe ctuntrv by ad drestlng kiandrtws bor otorni- looaurla also so d byah respectable jirugliis vrroachnur cannrta x b be lare aradaikrareidbr aadrewi female pi 1u te thai ihe written ur- nar alll1 andivvs la oa eticb hex actoa seplutu ixts iliy acton tin works m is becnylxa a laeoe stocx of britannia metal planished and i 1 stamped coods any jpereon desiring a first class ar- tide at a low figure will end that by calling at leitiff they wul get good value lor their money determined hot to be under- j sold- j a firat classitock of tiit wrb on band and will be sold at greatly reduced prices j i ea7etr0ughing awaoultt having had large experience in eavk- taousfrixo and other job work parties giving him a call will find that leilas is the place to getgood bargains wleith acton eb2 4879 ir agents xtead this vawlli pa aaenta a salary of 1u pe month and expensei orallowa lanracommii alo to mil our now and wonderful inven tlook wemkah what w baf- sample free addreaa ahkemahico 83 8m mabtaall mloh wohderituldi8eovery cmpeesg t gturcmn ormatkisp i ax irshf al a extieksi ilmzsr i palm r etkk wepjb i i it e riieqaatlam and nuitlal ad aula a pain inauuily- ltiiylt whoerm ii is lite oj known remedy r b atnulumoii ihefapierleanopn i ily ni prrredby tbot tares k n fu ligivn intaiketajltt nr ur uinato tu jilt rapidly jb- fjfoeqnetratex lo uh f er ijonj enttn tbe eircnlauon aertrulalcg a luiramttl joion la tbe btottirsturirtir thet j j ihrongti t pataral o illtonbes itootbacb ecrtche htadaebe kearat cla rbeamatlsm bpmlm hweulds i j itflamtljou bora- cult braises fain m tide ialn iu baek fain 111 chest ialn lnihooldcr congba cotdt yroi biles cbilblllnf ularrutca dysentery summer complaiiilt ac it will care the mot asonlrlnt jpal uleraal or eaurqti in uieliulart o time vroqactycnr prejudice and slveli a urn j ibe i dteameiiv la tmalltpd relict eena u thatealtecrttof lu ccenth alt fit classes ljiwlng- u the friet tbal luu sftfe and hanole ijloaaaat lo take gives instant- ease and i can bo applied u a wider range of disease in every day life wltri grrair lancets jlhort aoy preparallba wblcb remateh- iakluand lilheneeh duccd aaaproofollts great rower ovrr rut- ease any pcteon no matlerwho jt ma bo rich or poor old or yoang wbols suflemifrdoirioi taenoovb painful jcompbupls will call at th office in torontoanydaf of tbe eelt7inirget practical proof free ol charge c ls magical power oner pain in one application tatficaasilu lew mllfmimo a4 dominioo are constantly coming to uanaglvinff expression to the most grateful gratitude for asforiiahing cures which ithaa performed and we would be pleated to feceivetes tttmoniasl from all others who use i it successfully physicians of ihefhigheafresp ability recommend tt as tmoat effec- lual fiomestie remedy lor th relief ot tain incases of snddeh emergeocy i carry it to your homes anil it will prove a blessisg jtoyour families and affliclej frlesids druegista are selling enormous 01ailities of itjwhefever inlroduci d- 1 challenge be woild to produce its equal price 3 ccbtsper bottle ihe trade supplied through u i wholesale drug t patent medi- cine houses of montreal toronto i ilamillon ant london solo r- all kxtejuhusixt dtra oists 10ly 4- wood s household magazinf dissolit10x of paetsjek- ship i kotice it hereby elren that the partner ship heretofore tubsittirm between us he cndcrtipiedaa livery keepers under the ityle of hatthxws j k kicklis has been dissolved by raotaal content alldebs owing osaid partnership are o be paid to edward matthews who will continue the said baainsss tod discharge all claims againit the late urui dated aoton 14th march 1874 i edward matthews witoesa 1 robert xickl1s m coofxr and oonfeotionert ivlessrs b e nicklin would intimate that they have opened j up their new bake shop 01 the corner of uiu and main 8t8 otoitl v iv and that they will- always be supplied with a 1 kreadbesidesbuns oakjes paatiyc ac i i i- a large stook of choice gonifectionejkjr wilioe found on hand which la illnew and fresh i v 1 oatjwg i 00s1t j btoewssat 7l0tjb osafaoffl l te alwajiintstpojsi i r i i v j this wilt be- fonnd tobe the plae where the best goods- will be kept l the lowel prices j mubsriy siv gpbtnicl undertaker mm0a a flrit daas idiietl will flltend inner sla wheo required tffiuavcaslreta hapdles plates taral robe batanla and glovea tupplieo at reatonabye rates ht v v i y btc made to order anyllindt of promptly mtended to v stcaeboatj aaietoaatoat juni 1- t47 ea hand ad a4 toori l f factory and 8hop6 foot ofiwatilow 8t acton jflm speight acton feb a quelph cloth m ourimporlioion brtauandwintti woolens tweeds hatatiudgenu v g famishing goods bate now ill arrired and art opened up a for tb jpiaa a 5- thnme j ih thj3 ordered clothirtc de- partmeiit we are mating up auila at alowtvr prie than we have ever done belijre- and opr v recordfor ihe last 20 yearaia aoiecient i guarantee that any one orderibg clotbjog from us can obtain a perfect fit with the best oforkmanship j rdadymade clothinc overcoats ulsters ijuiis aid boyi l clothmgrsll of which are manufaerjtred on the premises and cut in good style and at prices to derycojapetilipn j i1 the very best oolweeda ftin- jl pels anjbhirtings sold by tlie yirdtaiid gafmenta cat without tiny extra chartt tbelauslkngliiflstod american ttjlea of hats codjprieieg all tha nobby goeds- ont his season v gtnts frbnishixg c90ds shirty ttnderclolhing scarfs tla cbtlafa jlores umbrellas and other goods- too numerous to mention j call and examine our immenseslck j i before purchasing j i shaw amtlbtok jv merchani tailors i nelphsepuj21878 ll dakbebikg l -f- jd jsvj the undersigned would mtinjate that ho vs hasarchasedthe harboring batineja forhi- jf erly carried on iu acton by geo b lerena vfi and that he will continue at the old stand r jis mill street apton to meet all the require- a mentsof his cusomera in a firstclaw sty v and at the sime rate astlormetly- a jberal k pttronaee is requested f vj v john xicilol if manhqob ti uovf l08t how restored we hat recently published a new edition fe ofdn flverweir cttebraledetsay on h vhi radical and pssjiasiit ctki illhout pllij modlelnol of naryput oeblllly mental and vi lluytlcil jaeapaetiy impedimenta liar rrmio ijtaultldg fr met r ar price in a sealed envelope only sl cenu or iwo pottage stunps tbe oebrated aulbor in tbis admirable c essay clearly demonittttea frojn abinx jv years snceeftlul practice ibalaltrmltur coa 1 j tesuencetmaybortdlealiyonredwlthontthe r ilaieerouuse oflniernai pnedlelae vt abe i i- application of th kalle polntlrtg emu bode of eare ai ooce almple oertala and eoecloal by means of wblcb ervery sufferer no mftiter what his condition tiavv may cure blmmlr eheplyprttatlyiiiiaieally j- tht letue atabuld b luthe lianda of vt every yoaihaadeveryaanintheland lh- address t 1 the cnlterwcu medical to k n r l am gu- xew tart u post offioa box us w offer fott 810- i i e win send yon bowk in foil hp an s uiawldijd woroesters ieti6aaiy v- awdtbb jr 1 fdrtnightly sevtevxi i w one year- to the roktsiohttt riiw wc will five copy ot tbat famoas work in 1roia stbbhnattjraii bmiqlos- a miit i- bookasitl j j ly yor paruwltrtcdirfbooka hlottbwiyrptrtoi v if-

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