Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 27, 1879, p. 1

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bbfie pi less amun free press buildlng kan to u uttkpdbt charel mill strjir i aotos i touts omdjltevoirjtricujittii vtaot it at puj before three moatha o dollar aiid a hitt wiu hp cbirged oc two dottui if oot paid till lie end of the year single copies three cetftt lutxi or tbttensisa 0 ae coutaa per year fi months i j half column per ycr j l mentis jj i column per year bmimlit s j 1 i moo 30 00 mm 30 bo moo 1200 q0 12 00 soq eight cent per line for irst insertion sh itt sdvtrtseirentt rf et liaet snd un der ii f r three uueniout jsajineai cud of eight lines tnd under st per annum all aderiiemeitx ttieaaured in a scale of solidnoar kl j a4ruiemntt tkthut jpeial instrac- ioai tnsertc 1 till foftcl ni clargtd ec cordiaaly any spcciil nofaceiths o ijeet of which ii to promote the pecuniary ifidir doll or company to be kiteoikmet trarieat adrertimectx thjfo odred all tine i daind monthly tttiof of bir jit mirtiagt aad deithx rted free vlkvl p 00re fnuiaherv benefit of any eondetd in o be piid far ung tccouatx gi twttg oui ttt h lowry mb m ix mat of iriniy of colege o phyrieiant office uj r-itdeuc- fredetick in the hone lately oecapte 1 cp8 gra ee member md sargwns fc st acton by r little d e r mokeovrpetfeeciak gbojt it of eelleroi vert slso graduate of canada jaiitaltatoadays- fndays from 9 un till deace west bower sreet veto trril hkitsteeet i licensed fo- tie gottoties of weliag order left tt tie forrx or st my reudeoce ia pr nitty stt ended te tenia reasonable stjr colege kew it cdlege toetdiyt tad t pm retv- ictoal auotuceer oa tod hilton office actoa kill be epsus koccwood to the pubuc of ill xatioxb ixdrijlrncil ccras if yoiinat t i auc ixokeeu trj- bs he cnder hit bottnewj kaff tx adtrett getgeton po mtekts for ikvestioks espk- jl cmocslr tad i ropertm wcared ia cta- tdt tie uohei stttet 1 ecrope pt- teat gutnnteed or no chj rge ptinti isttmctiens hese geist i ot rt ototdt xfeehtnicti engiaeer so i otorof pttenlt tod drxnghtiot 0 liter lozier plj mt oat evtrj- terilg tad r- cgaottting d reitcanble termf tnd teed m w cooper provincial land stlrreyor and 1 ciyil eagineer sndph ordert by tttiliromptly ittended t sterer ac- ou of plt- ne on tile molt tion gnxrtn- dfiript atsftct rj d icathesok attorsey-at- j i 1xt sogdtor ia cheett fcc office neft door to wtlitcet hotel miltoa rossk house actcjy close to the gt- rtflwxr stitinn eieelleat teemmoditi n for tie trteilnjj f sblic th0s caltpbetx proprietor n0iixi0kh0telaot0ir robert jj apieir proprietor tie aeir hotel it fitied up in fir tclut fjlejiriti aeir farai- tafe i cammercitl trtr u it will end good cccommodttion tad coin n dioas siaxpe roomt speetl tttenton ptidtotiewtat ofitietnxuinff poblic tr tap i lied liti thebettlqaornndagtr goodsltblias laiittentite hottlen tqia exchange hotel kr e krtctrfc prprietorrh ne of the mt enmmoditet hotek in th t cpnntj- good cimmercid room the 1 r u 1j ap plied iti the cboieett i nmdt of liqiioit tad cigtrt firtit it ibka tad itten- i tire hottler honte tite ied in the baa- nea ptit of tie tifltge tclaii propretor nash for skiko i tat preptml to pty tie liigietj eti price for til eltteet of mb tad sheep skins i delitered tt my tannery leather coniuady on hul jsytt 7esu00re vqldkk i yl 00 per axnum ik advance my lilttlo wua oar uwe it ijwtd br it lotu t ko rente oar tmuaf ihue tkiumkeouiuiaakru i vbt termx ucruk lad bcirtt uar ebtat tlxa tnl rut hj- lu lte aiic aeit petted lore ibldoc no brnt u tpoere the bat r ijii tte oiaffltnt nce tai hct wlut tlinuch ih ndt wittoal b tte rct t mile mu anf jj am the i4tm tr toaa curiot te tetfaeuttftcherfii rlo bjunt t raldlie betor i hine pear te hk mi 8oft itiu urf tbx lawt bltot tve ceaust flrure of the tecae she die oijr it mj c mf uen uec hail telle bom and s ber cfte ot ude t resdmf jut aaev r a hff u mkc noezv lie 1m wltk quiet jtutfe rrwe i t with otrc dttt led m rtejeati ghemixfathtawmurom abrftutimueitaiirtice asd u the emji u up i ke4i et la my cap free tu tnr mm beta to bietkdl ttrurte4 1 tv prnoc tbgtucfat ihe matt bite raeoed foe a r kpt ea mine ue pev an ua it rauit nj- neet hev tre if are ot car lire oat blat bcrutue i i a fwncli detectives story qeattrs gotde to elegjntjbriting i jcomziktz eeunrjtetcob ik plus ako j oejtakertil pen m aiss hip myi ytfanj people mining f tcjaire rtpid eriad betattol htad irtg witiont t temener will find the grfmi perfect in- traetor hundredt re i lecomiaj betotiral writer throogaoat tie dominion in ithe cnited8ttabytuingi i it eontitu of t tenet of copt sups of cosvebieoi r for prtc itng whici con- uincopim beginning witi tte fint pnaa- pjeagridahytirogrbiag to the mort eefitnt pttn tad oruta enui wntingf in ojuriucnttat sanr c muinmg germtn tmt 01 1 eoklitlt tad munenttx letter- ina 0bnd frarithio rf budt tci a boot ot fmrpaon wii h fall tatlytu tnd ingtefctmb tad tbeatiiilly eligrtrel cue iff cant tin tie whole prim 100 pottjtid i addren shbziftrtoq i ontario boriaemc liege buevilieont sept 11876 m u eta make money u ser tt work far nt tatnttartaiig- ctpiul not re- ooired wevd ut b p ityancimbuufa ly the mdortrioof keav wonna boyi nd irb wtnted enry- atowsfcfcc v vor if tfa 50 coetly outfit tad una tree addreat artooaagutofa i fr tfcil it how i oune to be mird up witi certain detectivet of tie rue ae jenujjeme thesjotuadvtrdofptni a friend of mine a eoliciton had imoag iirdiealt fficmofeut ladutitokert into which itdreceatybeeatdautedtiptrt- oer tie no of tie tecior member ot the home this yoan man had by no metat taroedtoat weu he had ootcny been ex travtrtat bat utterly reckleu a money mat ten tad had lately capped hit preuoot of- flutes by tbtcondxar f 1 tie coaaaeat tad taking with iint l00oo worti 1 of foreign boada or cecarttet titt wer oat only tie property cf the firm bat formed the aet- eg on whielt the pattaen relied fa eate of a xtiay ixy tike ntott foreun teccritict these bjodt were payable to y bearer and were therefore all tie more easy to oegotiate or dispose of for oevertl reaioat tie firat did not with to auie tie thix loss public a the fint place douif so would have beea a terere if aot fatal buw to thtir credit ia tie city aad lecoadiy tie ptier partaert rere t ttzrally aawiuiae to pbbliili the dix- honesty of tn tadinduu whose ttiir m tie head of their esubliaauieat somehow or otier it had been aiceruuxed that tie tbtcoaded partner had gone fco parir the iffiir had been placed in tie hands of my fritai who it i hare taid wit tiuir soh- cttor sad hit pita wti to try iniieoover the securities ta piymeat of t certain ten as a matter of coarse it wss to be expect- cdi tbote persons ia whar hands tiey were pledged would tak at much aa potibe for these documeait and that if they kotw that legally tiere wis a doubt if tiey coold be looked upoa st stolen vheir demaadt tccuaiin ppm4md to me was iatrusted tie ti ak cf getting back tie bonds it wss igrijd that i was so start tie cert day that i wss to pay sx little sx poccbie for the recovery tnd that i wis to keep the whvle sffi r as mach as- jmtsible in tie dark smeoftie pecaiiariiies f tte french defectives sod their tytem ttrucfc me very forcibly even before 1 lauded at boalome on board tie saaie iteamer witi me there happecel to beprery few paneagers bat imoag them was an elderly very gentleman ly ocjcmg frenchman whojtpako engiia well ilihougit wtti a very taiti sccent i am what 11 called tgood ssior tad si ways enjoy a ma scroti the cfcsalct erea m tie meat ttoti y dayt at i wx tmofcing my agar ia tie tow of tie ttestaer tad witch ing in ironclad ia the- durance that was toiling up ciaorel the frenchman- of whom i tpeak made his wsy up to me tad be jjed 1 he tstour o a dgsrlight krideatly wilh tie intention cf tiere and then commencing a eanterastion he was t spire middle- aged man well kt up tbout b0 yeaitof tge witi iroigrsy iair sad moustache no wilskera or beard and sad witi tie omtd- present red ribbon ia his buttonhole he iu well dressed had good manners tad all tie outward sad visible signs of a re ared officer of tke frtocf army after tslking for some time oa iadiacrcatmatter he taked me if wis aot itfaasiear sosad so mentioning myrigit nmf thinkieg he was tome individual i hid met in psiis or elsewhere on tie coatineiit i replied in tie affirmative ah slid he i never forget a face or a nunc let me introduce fny self it ifon- tienr x of the potioe coneopainelle secrete de ptrit i nave been enraged in a petite affair ia loudon your police wanted tome oae who could identify t certain individual indl was sent over for that purpose 1 happened to be in the latent stsajtlscd yard when jloas ear came here last wed- aesday aad oneof the iarpectors pointed oa out as a gentleman tbo jc to proceedt arit to recovor some secaatiet which hsd been stolen if i can be of say ma to moa- siear aver yonder in the ra s de jerusalem i tiah only be too happy i thanked my new scittiinunce ery much tnd told him that hough i had t letter oe introduction from lie french em bassy to tie chief de police cxirrectionelje in ptrit i thouid be very gtd indeed to aviar myielf of his- tervcet we then had a little re together tad agreed to travel u mpny witi 1 sci other to pa ri in the trin at weu ti h the steamer my friend talked a good deal tboat our engl ia police system tnd more mrtiealarly tbout oar euglith detectives the latter he de clared to be dee eicellats geas sad desbrivetaommes bat was not a little sstonisied st their wty pf doing work whic st he said would never suit piw or frince your secret police he said ire no more ttcret thaa tie police ia uni form ererybody knowi them tnd they even dress to ertotly alikd that they miiht at wett wear the blue tonic with tie number on the collar this it net he erst or second time i have been in london sod it itt tl- wtytttrack me that your irascsls and vsg bonds know far more what your detectives m doing than the detectives know tbout therucak we he continued dividt our police into two gretfdmiiont a police pohtiqm aadipouoeeorrectiooellej of the former you have none at tll 80 1 mcca the better lor yoc the poli cortictiomlie we tub- diride into two cstegoriefj those who wetr oniformtad those who diafc the former are foriwag order ia the ttreeu it the doort of pnblie bnfldingi aid other plaeti where there ire crowdt jto they htve to deal with ordinary thieve bousebretkerf tad rogues of the lower irdert for in rtaace if i hippened to b 1 pwung throngh the rtreeto of pant tni w fight to mult or other dirturban se i dream of interfering it would i be the butt aeu of the trgeatt-d- to do m tiui jsmed ywpouodottsirworfc in tic ttroets tad whenever thore it t prowd or t cruth with 1 good temper and fotbearaace thit it basond tu prtiie jbat it mot be idmiltod tbtt thit it very much osring to the englfia pcoplo them- iclvcs with lie excepuod ol the loest of the low tie english ire t people who love order aad lit policeman is doing hit duty nine engvshmea out of ten would ilea forward tiidtuitthita if he were in difficulty or wote oalanmbjreduy wiatyoa call the rottgha koc itt prince it is quite different with frunchfavn or tt lent with tie vut majority pf hjy cemrtlnoia tie aaiioriiiea or the goytramot or tie executive cell ilea wast ou will ere cer tain to be in tho wreogj tits it why france bat never a airihcd ualess governed by t hud of ii on i love my country tad i love my coantrmea j but tnicanet uot prereat me from seeing tie lalji of the latter aid their cm let no doubt that in their heart of hetrta uioejtoen oat of twenty frenchmen thiak tihbfjrmiuhy cips- ble of mtkieg title awn laws btiag their owa executive their oti 50 ice tbeir owa clergy tad their asm doctors and this is stiy oar scrcaltdevitlet have aitea 0 be asuted by the grcidsftaas tad the gent- darntes hate frequently tre be luppleraontid by tie mjliury kow a england it it quite difllreot fcrcryoae believea that iu so ciety there ire different grades acd rinks and to no oce except ia i most ausi l ntd ngtboaii would lift hit hand igtirt what ii done for the general gitd tilt is pae reata whi yyqr visible police have in easier time thsn oars i but said t do yoa aot ipprove of oar secret pouce or detectives 1 so said liepreocimaa i do not i may be wrong bat they- dont tppesr to toe to know the very commencement of their work foriattance u jpnr l- ndon detec tives go along the ttreet jtie policemen on duty speak to him or give him a nol of re- ooguittoo or if he it 1 a superior salute him you saw me 1 little while sgo tt boologne we were ttea ia the f run s oar wty to psrts ipis t number of ergonta deville when we disembarked d a iny one of them maks me a tign cf re cognition 1 j no said i they eertamly did not i was close behind you tnd obiervcd that not one of them tppeared ever 0 have ixn you before 1 boo said the frenchman- aad yel they ill knew me 11 well as i kuaw my ta petiort in peris but in fact even yea monsieur he said sddr gainr me have ooly my woedforitthat have anything what ever to do witi tie police aad if you cere to take off my clothes search all my pockets sad cat oat sll tie uniagr yoa would not find oae scrip of psper whiji would show yen that i have anything to do witi rue de jerusalem 1 btt taid i if ter it time people matt get to know your ippcirtace tad must mark yoa down as slucsieur 6oaadso of tie po lice force in the same isrty thstsny banker merchant or other private- iadividual wculd be noted dowa by hx neighboarf ahmoa cier moasexr ie replied how little yoa eolith know of the working ot oar secret police cf wist you gill dtectives i if my kppesrtaje an my vocation were known even to my landlord t t a tj cocfc7ri naad bw atr morer umz loiterers who may be counted bytha tioa- replied the police- oar ipeatl datiet to the secret police ofpaiis then a psir of boots without sols would be to sn infantry soldier i i yoa doat suppose list i always go sbcutia tie tame costaue it is true tilt i letve my huase eveiy moraine in the same drca and if yoit were towssk my concierge or any of my neighbour who tnd what 1 am yoa weal be told tiat my name wss soandso jme jt txtf iattt tt f se e ruir liio ut efiitrit which is equiva lent 1 1 what you eagiis t call something in tie city do you ever if i mty sak tie qaestioa use disguises or dresses so tt to make your self piss for something else than what you really are mxk1 comment i man that is oae of a member of tie special police who could not pass himself od fr what he it not woou not be worti twenty francs a month in tie way of salary i hare at different timet disguiied mjsclf si a priest as a dragoon sa sn iafaairy officer ss a car- rater st a printer u a cocher de fiacre nave waited tt a table ia a rettaoant as a garcon of ie esttblishmeat i have wheeled a track witi itaggve oa it from the chemia de fer da isord to the grand hotel i have sniagglea cigsrt pined my self off sx a comoussaire and wilted in taking tided it tie station in fact there are few situations sad fewer trades to which i have not forja time belonged and to whici i hope i csye doae t certain amouat of honour j bat said i surely in a large city like puis there most be toniebo ly sod i should ssy not a few people who knew you snd who cannot be deceived by your different costumes look here replied my companion this is thursday j 1 we thall arrive ia ftiit tboat 7 oclock this morning if mcn will make me a bet of a dianer for four persons st soy restsataat the loser pleases i will wsgeii tiat before sunday nigbt i will cpeak on three separate occa sions to monsieur tiat ie will not on eitier ixcuioa recognise who sm until i disclose myself tnd hit at each time i will speak to him for it least five minutes tainting it impossible tilt tny one per son coald by change of dress or what not deceive me a to his identity three times in four days i it oace sgreed to make the bet ia due time we arrived st tie stauoa of tie chemia de fecda nord i betaking myself to my hotel aad my companion to hit own home after breikfut let off to present my credentials st the kae de jerastleme j which ss most peoala knsw is the head quarters ot lis pent police upon send ing up my letter snd card wsi siown to tie room of the to itchief de police cor- rectione le which u htve mentioned before is a totslly dii tinct depsrtment from that of the political pb ice the goalletnin into whose presence ljwit shown hid very little the tppeartnoe which in england we perceive in our policejinspeotors hewitt welldrestsd clesashaven man of sboat 60 years oe tge tnd looked more lite the man iger or head f a bloking ettsbhshment tota u if he htd tnjthiag to do with the detective police hi wis seated tt large writingtable upon which were t multitude of letters tad othsr pipers duly docketed within reach ho had three or four handle of eleotriobellt and half t dona elsstio peaking tubes by which he coald commu nicate in an instant with any part of the building on one side of the room was a urge gs door beyond which i could per ceive quite plainly some three or four ser geolsdevile were litting to that they coold see sll that passed in their ohief s room and be ready to oome in it a moments notice although they could not hear what wustid j the toutchief rewired me aot only well bat eonrteonsly hilhetrd my itory tnd without exiiretaiag b opdoioa u to whe ther i could cury otrt the viewi of my em- ployen ind wwrec the bead ttjdh sought be kaew tot man who would aoit atrer wr twrs he thea touohed one of the bellhiadlet tad immediately tpoke through one ot the tabes to tome per sou or ponons in another part of the house luviog roceivod t reply to hit qaeriee he told me tint the ma he wanted would be with us in a minute snd then begin tilting oa indifferent tabjeott a t very short t me tome aae knocked st the door tnd upoa being told to come in there entered quite t young msn tliuoit ti veudeued ss his superior tnd who if hsd been asked the qaestioa should have put down 11 one ol the ordinary flan on ou the boule vards the ionchief introduced me to him sating lie wis to individual well up ia sll the rssctlify otneturu wti the word he used ot commercial lvii tnd that if aoald go with him snd tell him my whoie itory hi could ae doubt help me sad it it were posible to do so teeover the bonds he ilea took me by the htad wished me boom chance said he wibld bs gud to see me sgiin tnd hoped thit i would be able to give a good tomat ot the paris po- ucecamy rttirnto lnlon ftheaweat forth with my new guide tiiakiqghow ut terly unlike both he and his chief were to snyihing hid seen ia tie way cf police de tectives in london my experience of frenchmen extending over s period o many years hat taught me that ii yoa really want one ot them to help you tie lint thinif to do is to ask him to irikfiit to list meal which it eiteaat ii or isocijck sad whith bears 1 strong likeness to an elaborate enplilh iuncheoo accordingly tilted the iudividusl under whose cans hid beea put to come witi me to breakfast st a eerjaca reitiartat ia place du havre where having a weakness tor ole e u ifrrssfldr one of the specixlties of tie house usually ett my middiy meal when sis j ing ia tie pleaiuiteit ot european espitts jly co npanioa promptly tccepted the proffered civility tnd it we gti tii- taer ia a fucre cxplaiued 0 iiot the na ture of my business in rsrts snd how toxioat i wit to recover tho lost bonds for my friends without letting the public know that the latter hsd beea robbed the detective uii he did cot think there would be say difficulty about the matter ho hoped and indeed he believed that if tie boude had beea pawned cr pledged in paris he coald fiad without macit difficulty wheie they weo that no respectable firm would tike in pleljeed bonds from ta iadi- ridual they did oot know that those firms who did bosiaess ot this sort would sdvaace a very small portion of the actual vslue aad that if was prepsred to pay a httle more than had been idrsaced the bonds would no doubt be reoavcrod thus talking we tr rived tt tie piace da havre and both did fall justice ta tie eicillent breikfut placed beote at alter coffee agsrs snd chaise we separated my comrade walking down with me ta far sx the graad hotel where he took leave promising to see me shout 5 oclock oa the sfkraooa of the next dsy at the houl where lwis lodging the bedford ia tie rae de l arcade dana our walk betweea tie place du havre snd tie grsnd hotel i was snxiosx to see whether my com- psnioa was recognised by several sergeatt- deville that we met on tie road bat noth ing oe tie kind took place no one whe ther of tie police or not tppeared to hare the slightest idea that tilt individual wit anyfiiug more loan one of tie welldressed ssads in psris he wtt wetldreiiei bat not ia tny wty diadified tad from tie crown of his hat to the tole ot hit boot there was nothing whatever tbout him that spoke of his protcssina if i had been aiked to tacts who he was i should have said he was a clerk ta some merchaats office or t bank and that although aot wealthy he was tol- eraby prosperous ind welltodo oian his mioaers were good sad free witioat being prevuming le spoke to me si being qaite myeqcsl aad jet witi nothing bat what savoured of true fremh politeness his willingness to help me wss expressed more ss if he wss soltout to show kind ness tod civility to a foreigner thin ss if he expected to be in tny wy rewarded for wist he did he never in say wty to mach ss hiated it mcaey or moneys worth being neede i to carry oat hit wock tad when spoke to him of hiseipeuies he would incur ta miking tbii inquiry snd of my willtngaestopiaoefandsix hishaodsfor that purpose bis answer wssj those sre matters which you will arrange bysndby with tie chief sm only toting under his orders 1 1 after leaving the detectives officer whose services were thus placed st my dis- possl wslkedbsck by tie boulevards to the ifedeleiae en my wsy to the rue de rarcade hspptning to puss line cdnperi shop sad noticing some socks whici trek my fancy went ia to look at them not being ceitaia about tie size sad whether or not they would fit me the womea of tie shop very civilly offered to send roand some pans of diffsieut sixes from whici i could s jeer i gave her my tddretj st the ho tel whici wax bat a short duuace off tnd i bad hardly arrived tt tie bedford before one of the waiters tspped at icy door aad snaoaaced that a msn old brought me some socks to look at from a shop on the boilevsrds desired that the msn should be shown up he brought hit parcel in witi him and stood fsciag me ss ie aadid it talking tbout the weather of the few ttrangera that were in ptrit tnd the usual gossip of t woald-lw- civil psris ihopmsa i diet not look tt aim very fixedly but noticed tiat he wa t man of tboat 30 years of age with full black beard and uioustscbe bltck tnd tomewhtt long hair and respectably although cot fa shionably dressed ha showed me asvertl pairs of socks whici i measured witi some of my own from my portmanteau i select- a dozen pairs but demurred tt the price he ssked me which was more thaa double what should have had to pay iu the most fash ionable west pad shop in london we srguei the pont amicably togetier and when produoed a 100 franc note wherewith to pay him he taid he had no change bat would go dowa to the bureau of the hotel tnd 11k for whit he needed i state these particulars to show tiat tie man was some tuns in my room snd that we had a con siderable amount of conversation together as he wsi turning to go oat at the door he tt once pulled eff hit wij hit beard and whiskers tnd stood revealed to me ta my trtvelling companion from cover to paris he grinned with delight u havingscaredone of the three points he hid to make to win his bet for my own psrt i wss to tsfouiahed could hardly ipeifc the aiiguise lad been perfect tad the manner in which he had followed me fiom the shop into which short half hoar before hid no idea of en teringvat sy utounding that i told him tt the tima ha deserved to win the game from what he had already done bat thit would not ttiiy him a fienchmia no matter what hia occupation may be invari ably takes pride ia his work j aad thit detec tive wu at proud of hiring outwitted me u a general would be of having gained i greet victory he returned his wigtad beard to at not to dte surprise 1 lathe peo ple of the hotel tad going with him to the bureau i procured change for ray note and paid mm for the looks ihelitter -tip- wared belonged bona fide to the shoo where i htd been but how monsieur x had got poision of them or why the wornta of the thop aid allowed him to bring them to my hotel are mytteriea i hive nrvtr yet beta till to mlrt the next morning while was still dis cussing in early bnakfut t vititing card ou which to inscribed tho nsme arohallo dubrst wu handed to me kith the intt nation that the gentleman o thtt name wished to tee me anxious sa wu to ob- tiia nawa of the lost property tnd thinking thtt archille dabrat might be the name i had not caught whea introduced to the detective st the rae de jerastleme 1 wis not 1 little disappointed whea my tisitor wti ushoiei into tie room he wss sn el derly msn with thortont crisp hair white drooping mustache aad a very pile fsee tnd bojaa t long rambling statemeat shout being assistant or clerk ia s certain financial firm to which firm upon a day he nra d tome foreign roods psyahle to beater aad worth 850000 frsacs 10000 hsd beea plelged u security for a leaa of one twaotylifth qf heir value tie princi pal facta ot the maat statement were eaey enough to endentaod bat what- between hit rambling voice and hit evident deire to conceal certain detuli could not exici- ly make oat hit story and ended by ttking him whether he would tccompsny me to rue de jerastleme tnd ittie tiere wist he isd told me avoo le plat grsnd plsisir replied he in a fsujitisr tad tltotether changed voice tad there pulling off hit wig and id jutt ing hit muttscie tit revealed once more my traveling companion monsieur x i had certainly been taken in if pouille more completely thaa the first lime tad usinoffeiedfo pay my bet sa fairly lost this however my friend would not hear of snd ssid ie must eitier wia a third timo or pay for tie dinner tie had lest in the meantime he must tell me tint ie hsd real ty been sent by the chief da bureau in the rae de jerusaleme to announce to me tiat t part if not the whole ot the bonds hsd beea discovered sad that they were in tie hinds of a very disreputable firm in rue notre dsme de nixaretn and now moo ami said he frenchman all you have to do is to remain euiet for the pre sent sad not to move in tie affair iu two or three dayt we iope o carry through yoar wishes aad ss 0 oar uttie bet gtr a voos monsieur f with this he give my hand a shake and disappeared chnckliag to himself behind tie thick white mustache be fore going do vu stain daring tie next two dayt which no thing loath employed in looking up my friends visiting the tieatoje snd other- wile killing time regarded witi suspi cion every frenchman wlo spproacied me thinking to discover iaevery strange fsce tie bright twinkling eyes snd tri- umphant smile of my clever enemy on the evening bt the second dsy went to lee a friend off from the masat statica and stttoge to sty that although i htd only it tie eleventh near made ap my naiad to sooomrjtny jhiai it wis i here lost my third sad list point ia my bet witi mon sieur x at our fiacre drove up one of tie regularticketed porters came forward to take my wmptnions trunk fa lifting it from the roof of tie carriage he let it r upoa this spoke to him somewhat angrily freochmaalike he returned my ibuie tad for tt least five minutes we stood face to fsc slanging escn other in the choicest of french language my friend who watan eagiiahmaa ttood by taxious to put ia a woed to help me but not knowing exactly how to do so all of s cudden the porter put down tie trunk tad siked me to spesk to him ia the street tskiag me under the gaslight snd looking cautiously around he palled off in cap snd a carious sort of skin mask whici covered tie forehead nose sad upper part of the face fittins closely like a gove and there stood housiear x at once deciued tiat had fairly lost tie bet snd invited him tni soy other two friends he liked to bring to dine with me the next day at my favourite restaurant ia the pltce da ksvre we then returned to the most central part of paris my com panion having in tie meantime changed hit clothes tt tie house of a friend in tie aeighbourhood the history ot ie fiuding cf ie bonds is soon old in three or four dsyt after my arrival in ptrit the police had tie whole at fair tt my fingers ends it wu just tt they suspected the securities hsd beea pledged to a very low moneylending firm for sometiiag under five hundred pouods tiey being worti twenty times the smount a little or i should uy not t little pres- inre were put upon these shylocts who for t premium of two thousand francs 30 were made to disgorge what may truly be sailed their plunder they tnantged tieie things if aot better st suy ate more promptly in france thaa in eaplind the pins police give tie iolders of tie beads the ciaaoe ot restoring the bonds to me or of appearing before the jade dinstaaction both individually and collectively this firm coojd not be taid to have hid a cleea bin ot health it was aot the first nor yet tie second nor third time that tiey had been mixed up with money sffsirt nhich ta say tie least i ot it were excessively isdy they consented it pace to give up whst they were told wu stolen property the result m thst within tendtyt of my leaving london i returned there having fulfilled my missioa my expeases being sll ptid snd t check for t baadred guineas handed to me u a remuneration for my trouble the lornea learn toboggaaiinf here is tn extract of a letter from cant- da publuhed in ie london truta which gives sa account ot tobogcining the goarernorgenertl tried hit hand at it tnd a bit of hit coat loose somehow under the toboggsnv whici it slwtyt fatal over he went in the 1 tee pest- part of tie second plunge but luckily tie snow wu too toff to hurt then he took it into hit head to try going down a shorter hsl with t jump nght on 0 the skatingrink we tried hud to dissuade him for if persons sre shot offwiti sach sa impetus on the ice is t very different leading to he soft snow tnd we knew what would happen if the pruacess caught right ot him however off he went the toboggan rose straight ia the snow u 1 horse does to a fence toot on the ice and right serosa the rink sll ufe then seversl gentlemen followed him by his time up came the princess who we had hoped wu life it the bottom of the big elide and too busy hauling up her toboggan 0 notice at of coarse nothing would suit her bat that the must trv it tt thtt instant herself so all thtt could be done wu to level the snow bank 1 little to u 0 nuke tke toboggan jump a little leu violently tad pot tome to catch her 00 the other tide tact put tome to catch her oa the other tide tad off the went luckily the kept the toboggan qaite straight and tit like 1 rock to to the spun across right to the curling rink where the longstop u he wu christened caught tnd broke her shook which might otherwise damiged the toboggan she it wonderfully plucky but hit excellency would not let her try it toy more yoa have no notion how popular the princess is she aad his exeellenoy and her ladies go out oa a snow tramp oa sunday afternoons tad the hu in vented each pretty wilking ooatame it is a dark blanket ooat with hood lined aad piped with red red tub round her waist and petticoat to match j and the gentlemen wear 1 dree toaathiag like it only witbwt the jietttoort i whelmed by the flood tio appautasr calamity that hoe befall- so a hrangareus olty a ilsmity to which hungary has long boencooiiderod peculiarly liable iu overta ken bzrgedin tie econd commercial town of thset coaary the river theiis overflowed its banks despite tho precsutions that had been taken from the moment the danger of such ta oc- cuirace wu obwnrod and within three hours the townwu inundated r i the scenes thtt ensueddefy desctiplion fir to tdd ti the lituaioo the tremendous current andernroed the foaaditioni of tie building ia which he inhabitant lived or had sought shelter tnd tmid shrieks cries snd lootio ippeslt for tid tiutitwas im- posiillc 0 reader the i structures went trashing into the final carrying with them the inmates evea the synagogue 0 which msny people had flown fjc refuge wu not spired by the waters and fell in burying huodjeds ia its rains tie practical obli- terttion of the git works suggested aew distress to he miuds of the survivors snd this proved only 00 reil when dsyligh faded they were left it the merey of the torrent amble to perceive whit fresh dan cer threatened them snd in 1 itte of pros tration from wiici deati would have beea a teliof i some yesn igo the guvernmeat received proposals from sn english engineer to fur- niih s remedy for the inundation wbici the thetis bas threatened esci spring but the expense of the constrnction ot the series c f csnsls which he deemed essen tial to ill tcheate wu considered too great and his rropositioa wu dismissed oa that sccouat hsd it beea sccepted the terri ble disaster nowreported might never have occurred toe tieiss tisza in hongsrisa hex so msny fribataries that it is invari ably swollen it the time of year ice begins to melt and it hu long been looked upon sx bable to cause great destructica to property that whici has submerged an en tire city could scarcely hsve been contem plated st toe moment the english engineera icheme wu discsrded u eutaiing too heavy sa expense this rich river it is a uying witi the hucgsriaas tilt tie theuss hu more fiih than water rises in tie county of msrmsror in the northeast flows west ward to tokay then southward to szolnok when it urns south snd enter tie danube south of titel near the southern boundary of hungary t is navigable throughout most oftts entire length of 600 miles and is bordered by marines moors iodalakesand swsmps for nearly 300 miles itt lower course ia psrallel with the danube snd from sbout he beginning ot the present century it has been coanecteecwith that river by tie fraacix canal whici ihorteas tie roate dawn its wsters snd ap tiose of tie larger rirpr 106 miles lis principal tributaries ire the boirog hernad ssjo aad zagyva ra- tie nght snd the szimot soros and msros on the left besides sxegedia it sows thioagh such large towns u csaogrsd ziata sad old liceegecuacsiled szeged by he haugsrisas it situated oa the ri jit bank of the theiss and opposite the month ot tie maros ninety rii miles soutieut of fealh snd fityfivfl miles west ot arsd its population was between seventy tnd eghly thousand snd eaasiited chiefly of magyars sad slavs the city stood in a tnarsny plain and wu divided into a central town or pslanka ia which tie residences of tie merchants were grcup- ed around sn old fortress built by tie turks ia tie sixteenth century tnd containing ex- tennve barracks t honse of correction sad a church of its own sn upper snd a tower town snd new szegedin situated en the east bsnk ot the theus snd reached by s bridge of boats beadea tie synagogue the lniabitsnta comprised many jews there were sir romaa catiolic chorches t catholic gymoislum a beautiful greek church and oae or two convents the market pltce wu very urge tnd among the placet of amuacmeat wu a magyar the atre keliaace hid beea placed open several large dykes whici protected he bick of the town but theie gradually succumbed to tie force ot the water ind the inhabitants per ceived that their only ait ety bay in strenti- eoing tic embankment of the alfold rail- wiy desperate effortt were msde through out tuesday night but early yeetorday morning a gale trote and aided by this tie water broke through carrying sway ptrt of he eabsnkmea snd the rolling itock of the railway and rushing in broad streams toward the town thi was st 3 ocicck many persons had remained no throughout tie night anticipating some such danger and these fled it once others ticati by the roar of tie great body of water sprang from their beds sad harrying oa some clothing sought refuge on the housetops at daybreak the town vts many feet deep ia water sad tie inhabi tants had begun to realize the extent pftieir calamity here and there 1 house leas substantial thsa its neighbours tottered tnd tell with t crash tad it frequently hip pened hat at tie moment t boat was near- inga window from which half districted teo- ple were ippealing for lid the whole edi fice would succumb to tie torrent moid the piteous shrieks of the inmates such of the inhabitants u were so fortunate u to bo able 0 do 10 tied to new szegedin snd more elevated parti of the owa hurriedly crow ing tie bridge of boats whici sepsrstes the new city from ie fid as tie day wore on whole rows of houses fell tad tie flood gained such headway tiat it submerged fully twothirds of tie town mdnding tie citadel tad the post tnd telegraph offices besides the synagogue tie orphanage soo- cambed burying its inmttet in the ruins tad two manufactories were cliscovired td be in flames no excesses ware obaerrsble however oa he ptrt of the inhabitants precautionary measures having been taken tor the protectioo of property daring the siteroooa the dam were eat ia several places to allow tie water to run off tie flood wu stall rushing with an awful roar over the city sad the practical destruction of the town wu complete happily how ever while tiere wu mnci excitement there wss no disorder tnd such ot the in habitants u coald be removed were convey ed to a place of safety by men who seemed to retain their presence of mind to t greater degree than might have beea ex pected 1 at petti active measures were taken to send assistance to the afflicted city he municipal authorities directed thtt relief trains be prepared witioat deity tod so commodttioas for fugitives were provided in the barracks sad public buildings of the ctpiial the government hu sent 40000 florins for the relief of the inhabitants xhia gen erosity doea not lave it however from toe ing violently attacked by the radicals in the diet for hiving neglected to take pre- cautioat asaiast the calamity every hour brings intelligence qf fresh disaster it ap pears that 100 square miles ia the vicinity of szegedia are flooded and tie crops in that district totally ruined at latest account the water had risen eve feet more and the situation wu beoom iag more aad more critical sixty thousand parsons were witboatra root to cover them theupperfloorsofiuhigb iouiea wen crsmmed wish ipeotttors ia mo mentary tear of death to ttto herth mtis b trcn tlreltrv york trftmi commander chryae of the qrititat royal navy la makiagesnu to ft tf ta expedition to retch the north pole by means of ballooai he is ta experienced arctic navigator hiving served under sir james rou and hu seottred the aertices of cspt templar t wejukaowa aeroaiat commander oheyne believes that the gulf stream tweepa round the polar batia aad ratarni by the north tad auf of ofteitlind as patt body ot sold water he pro poses to utilise tail current in the follow ing manner the ship would proceed up dins strait and laaffini bay r then turn- iag to the west woold atetm op ttitifiittw sound and queens channel to the farthest expltred point she would next teate north aortawesterly direction until toe set of toecurrent wu felt whea her course would be altered to doe north in tar cue the would pan on tirongb every avail able opening in the ice until her advance wis definitely arretted by tie- tdveat winter la it-frt- thi tjaaialeqiiapacezit of sledges etc the vessel would eswry eev- eril balloons each one eapable of lifting shoot a too weight ia additioa to the men when the ship became beset in tie pack three balloons would bainnated and joined together by meant pf three light spirt sixty feet long thaa a triangle would be form ed with 1 balloon tt each angle the whole together representing a lifting power of about three toot this power would be employed in otiryiag the toatcara sledges proviuona tents ballast etc coituhaoder cheyne proposes daring the winter to est blah twoobeervitoriee about thirtjmjlss tptrt with the ship u aentre 10 tut by the end ot may the balloons mat start upon t curve already iscertiinedwith tolerable accuracy by thit means the distance ot the vessel from tie pole tad the course to be followed be kahwa the travellers would be enabled to drop within ten or twenty milts of their destination wire trail- ropes would be used for preeerviig an equal tltitade above the ice whea it wu necessary to descend the gu would be preserved by recoopreuing it by nucha oical mesas into the receivers tiere to be held in readiness or future use it the journey should have been successful snd the wind favourable the return trip would it oace be msde the btllooa being arrest ed oa tie parallel of latitade upon which the ship wu left icepfocked the com minding officer in charge would oad out sledge parties daily t meet tie balloons snd give whatever assistance might be re quired oa the breaking up of the ice the ship would leave her 1 winter quirteji and u puai round tie northern extremity of greenland a second winter would here be passed the time being spent m makiag t surrey of ie cout tnd other smentifio ob servations during the following summer tided by the natural drift of the ice the veisel woold stuathrough every opeaiag sod return iome between tie continent of greenland and spitsbergen 8hould aa fa vourable wind anie however to carry ham back from the pole to his ship comlnszider cheyne intends continuing nit aerial jour ney tnd truata to ood fortune u drop ia russia wherever tnhabitaata are to be seen i i l 1 r the beverage of berlin from the pin kail gazette- two typical institationi of the gertnta capital are itt wiiss bier tad weill ttoben both usually to be met with in tie quieter strettatf snd frequented by regolir rather tban br chance costoiners the berliner of the old type is usually t weixsbier drinker who regard the beverage u peculiar to the city and it fond of jeiataatiiig opon ita r merits to strangers yoa aosoonet become j scqusunted witi a man of this clata than he wifl askour opiuioo of tie jweiaa i re memberloeing sorely puzzled by ta inquiry of the kind and on replying heritatingly the iweiasi what ia the weitti oy friend slid in 1 reproachful one what i yoo have beea txuong ut whole week lad oot tasted toe weiss yet i tad then hur ried me along until we reached a building with weiasher auucasiik painted in huge black letters on the facade here we found ourselves in front of a small counter behind which three individoils were eiasged in ancoreking stone bottle and rartdnlly pouring their contents into huge glutes each holding more than half a gallon while a fourth wu removing kippered lampreyt fromtbarrel right and lett lay the weiss bier stuben decorated like all the beer ta- loons of berbn with plaster basts of the emperor the crown pnnce sndfarst von bismarck all the little tables crowding both apartments were occupied by guests whose rosy faces and rotund forma attested familiarity with the good things of tils life before every one stood t gigantic tumbler contaiaing a liquid pale awl clear u rhine trine ana surmounted by 1 huge crown of froth this wu the famous weiss the liquor being ordered and duly bnougbt we observed that the quart bottle- filled not more than onethud of the large glass the vdnminoua head of froth not oaly occapying the remaining apaee but foaming over the aides hence theaecei- tity tot such capacious tumblers which s novice is only able to raise to his bps by the aid of both bands no so however the experienced weiss bier drinker who by long practice hu scquired the kaack of balano iag u it were the bottom of the glau oa his oatstretchedlittle fingervhile he grupt the side with the remining fingers tad thumb of the tame hind a iireluauniry nip of kummel sniseeed is conzadered it nyaevr and this disposed ef the berliner will drink bis four quirts of kuhle blonda r u weiss bier u poetically termed by its ad mtert as readily u hit native had sucks in a 8ammer shower excating his- thirst perhapa once in the course of the operttion by borne salted delicacy such u a lamprey berlin is the city where the kuhle blonde is obtained in the greatest perfection it should be drunk when it is of a certain age be largely impregnated with carbonic tad f gtt aad should nave scquired a pectuiar sharp dry aad by ao means disagreeable flavour to the ordinary unstrung berliner t moderate quantity of the weiss is u joda and brandy to tie seedy f after an evening of excess nil steps invari able tend to he weiss bier stnbe there to quenon hu thirst with 1 draughted kuhl blood tnd stimulate his palled appetite witiknoblauciwurst a delicacy of the ta rourite ssuige type fried witi garlic a 1 novsiya can reach out further than a cough tt church it may come from the re motest corner ia the rear bat its echo tackles the throat of those in front and then creeps down the title and touches the ush ers and floats from the choir to the ininister tnd never releases itt hold until it has wrung 1 sympithetic explosion from every riotim perhapa youve noticed it no one ever aucceeded in extracting honey from a spelling bee didnt hey t a young rrian who attended ipelliiig bee m this own three yean sgo took therefrom a young lady whoin he recently married tad ha calls her honey for short tad thinks ahe is ten times sweeter than that saocharia product of the bee what ho will call her a tew yean hence ia a queetioa we will head over to our pusxle solvers tax british wealoyaa thinkariring fund hu reached already 70000 the general committee invested with the duty of taper intending appeals for contributjoaia have re solved to appropriate 10000 tor the eat blithmentofan orphanage a gentleman of the name of jevoat often to give 9000 for tail purpose the sum of 8000 will be aet apart u permanent fond of which the mterest will be iprroptiatl to the relief of mcethtouslccil presshere aidwillilso be given to methodism in sootland aad the ooanectional temperance ccauzaittee the wealeyaat of ireland have clianged tiear weuanowncoanecticnalscnoolindabintoii college which will be known uwetleyopl lege anewbuilhaaheeaeieotodfor st aemmodation it i cart of flicoj they have also a eoliuitsliaat within endowment of 20000 n 1 r- fiuejlfm -ft- 1

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