Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 27, 1879, p. 4

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l4ss siv- if t tefcci ufi pi-is5-t- mm um uofitf toft tufjtotnrbailfot poam ta wlttteoaltt tebwloomi wife ud nothartm lit hiilarlatwtrtw x it vbat tb buufid of owld mddlr tfcawvte hart it wot u unluuf ftmdmctm4 u uwrt tahanuctr ul t 0tto4 fit v 4 ww ol ull luttot iult my pinor itubna iml rdbtudhi6tcoatttf brmib fed lar ihxk w tftufar jay htm l bov 1 1 tfaoaa rfiwit i fill taw chmm w k ma fcrtlar ut tot clup f v nm tbttc bud tour that mc i w trout dm ftttataatt ittbulud fgr yodr ood id alat oar fkumc tiicqcc fu f v teed bf oe wh apja t u rom mmta slti iiti on u 1 ealr batt rt had twom i d been drnailflc oer lb put cl joy and pa tcrbr jttr ini nedmd btckrtfil drcnu ot jrfriho d aua uoamfil tt ht t uml murw ead facm new my htft ifyoled wu i rt trtmnok la that bow of fanii pttte dreamdtlumc ltlitlbeutmmc firmly trioed rjvat my heart qstvwwec fc inilttftitr wtted itoochitrnac part uttrsl-i- 1 god hu pewai all uy f3tet to attend n lh4u awns t sea mend of bcctr wiltbetuiiiiiuienl tuera aw h ot ovc the i lctdtttcloat lcktmly i ctri kt nrvdli d uie lmmoti and v he uta thti llf trulw ilt iwanl lh km hm cumuac b ito ttu thoalt tuj ffn a tht rr crm ihcn tfcodlt tbea ffci ut afl xru mr tut umiut ktbcm kp bstibjrti ttjtdo not fce uwst tikjll tews k m eaooctt t iwp jcu tbcm ofwti t uwir mfttbf r ki uioat for c tvn tbtr vtte lefcl uxn tail ut 01 ftbvtj- fire tvk l e r ooht hothaj tvx oofmct l tm cbuii alajc roi tfcroyjirttrmclrarta4urehlidrttv hx rrlf yjr ctaitlw iwi tio ltc derioes for 8 mrine flri pgtt- txuma of b uflts to bt panred froot onwjvpnjt la 1mi ud is s this kuv amcricuu ten agiged ia t dicanioa dawn on lie pritnniir ti at mt levtrtl tuiogt qiet- tonssjiuiiag eiglud ttwytrewftgi t a lie a tptpr tad htrt aat it it fund beea i t tactor lj nhed o tfcti dj- let them be dt ed it the orfer of tair impt rtuec u i lavnbj- tie tikmber md leegta u tie pris duticlei fine lioold yoaa iiiio over ljjertoir be r hipped it home ifld ia fcfcxl sarad ihccld kntiemen etr eonetx turd jioold lllisi c a hanebi eripo it it to be presumed tiat t w juuiij lady liippiaj tin nude const d tie female ipnrreansg go oa u tit r did befote for vedft notiiqg a laid about tie i nav it ia oaly fair to conciade the agit iico n dtief iaereued nor decre jed tie r nctes like tie soaday ptoblam and tiej lemot aanojance theoe tie mat era irtici ana eoold talk aboct until dpomadaj irtiotit rwulta ia tail couatry a frs mea tearjeuiieta tal ihty memo like tbem gotliwitur tie paaniat aad aqoatj celebrated a a beaa aftrij a had 6a laeanet the male otktireareri arc tbaee who take tiaredata o tie atotauodr uhose adririaement mif be found almort aar morning ia ji ltijtr tms irgeaiooa fella- hu aa ctin whici he pat lata eaata bj- viici oaea thouldert are nude to look aa broad at a prixeeghttva wtioaeof aixulttatioaa asdft perfectly oonatnicted craet tie rars at a maa b trresittibv it it a icrot that tie iadiet fcoot a rjl at oonelret that tie tiooldert of ail oar coat an more at lea paddel that treateatir ourncta are ditto cotiat hj tie exeeptioatof -tae- hair oa our heads viiei ia bprilty our otra there ia ab ut thefutldresaed maa aiaoat as much- tim ai auriuiunv the faulnned toaua eat w nu mjnf iiiwi u1 afc telk ttj- bide their c ieta figaixtuelj- aa well aa actually aa raid deaj- the khde thing if tiej er aaked aboat it a dailj- nevipjper report s it the authority far ay- ing tba tie tailo rrrio nakea heary itioui- der out otalim net keep quiet oa the tav ject iftay atte uj fa tare teea m but all in rin to ateitwr hiau oaermttt tuxu- to kngwnr to diacorer bov a maa feeli to be qglti lced here it a geatle- nan who weaa ltdiea iboet ieaaae be tii kt tieoi inor oomfurttble acd roea for his cor eta to tti re there tiers are lady at- tendaata as i id themmaei more obliki thumaleaasiti tta uaaaliy are he it a eoasoxaeeur ia- cc rts for gentlemen lit- tentohni j i ttrofigly adne to hare lie cortet make to open up tie bi ekonly at i find it math more e- mfortmi to wear aad lighter tilt vita made to op at ia front ia tie ao c cant t rctitrttlytmnavftoat my ora exp menee that c ad rately tighi licmg tiy three to foar inci et lest vaitt aieaaare f the natural aize t not only bot lut on tie coati iry ia very beaeacia to the hezlti y oca pationsa mostly ota aeden- tary nature tad l ated to laffec atoen frdii pa as in my tide and tick aad fioaxtndigct- tioa but about l year and a half ago my faterpertaadednetotryaalweiracoriet andabeaimloie of herorato anit me i friad it lathe irktomefor the snt f dtji but tit fi eliai iooa tasted aad oa my nextviattto loadoa i had a oonet pro per j made to mi otameacarementt sjace i tsea i haf arth ir one made smaller ia the raiit and widr atlheche whiei i am reiing toe p iaa hare qaite left me and my heatfi itge i rally much bet er tint jit aaediobe idettiufthefeeiingobeiag toleally t laced ia rery eomfortaue fraii my ova ol ervttibi aadinqmriea i fiod th pra t ce if ebnetweariag by yoaa- gattem- a it i e miag mach mot e ataa bat vredoatmkeaajdiaiiayof tae fact i iafaaccaal jtrmaay rcryany more gentemen affoct eonet than in eaeland here a home it ii impoariwe the custom will er become whit oar egiih friends call asial we h breat tit time for toem- faoeiearf the set erea lie satfxader it geftfazbeyoud iieeoattoibf ti- amerieaa ma aad a i uot 4cffitar trrae- to tukia fifrifffjpaotoiigagiiakiagitiotwja tt tutrjendernuker tohatepityoa poor male huu aniy an4 ca ae adding a tel m chinery tithitncetsary art oioor attire ko i peope wii7 aie right ned at id ampisft fiing at a psir of tatpeadert will oerer eli de late the rmni emeat of cont hedg i as they ire rumoured to be wis whaleboaet iuat merable ttriagt by tie y rd aad hole lytie doien i it hat not been te piirpo e in this papr to do avfe tiaameatioa tl tut been done tbout tie whipptog and thw span t theaeiare themes at h ei the genjtnt did not filter tt car tels for gentlemei wiely stops hfttauiu xh7 voaagwejof itum of benry iv anra tftmkjfth wan ktoafbt p th 9arttaotaaoi this tht dtmnduta la modirn rim imainmu la la ihoaa dart y urdwoa xtd almoat auxiah wfcow tatusioa m u wsvyjowta tae from then and erea as an able brltith otantr wuaaojwlaud tb dmbijet jtatmo4uad strattu th xooiloa oomnondtat ol tk kt ofk nm jritm tht louoirtu mtalt jav totk coudt mutks a soporific aceordingto tie puraicittht it a fre- peatrracticeia ihekew yorfcjuylsat for tnebnatet to administer to thelpatieafa at bedtnne a latt o mil to produce sleep tad the retail it ofta found satisfactory with out the use of medicine medicine it there sometimes prtscri led ia milk it hat teea receatly sttted ia medical journals that lactic acid fiat the eaeo of promoting sleep by act ing as a sedative andtthi acid may be pro duced in the aliraentary canal after the in- gettion of nvlk caa this theoi be the ei plaoaioa of thci dim of milk ba fie ber- vooatyttem after alongoontibaedeioeiite ate acoboue dtmk sugar alto ia ca- jnble of being ooi ltertedia the stomach in oertua morbid a adiiiont into lactic acid and a lamp of si jar allowed frj- diasolte fa fie moofiion going to bed wilt frequently yfoqnictaairpat i soothe a restless antiquarian sutoa touted upoa their earn- n alter tkey had attained a certain age it wax uueuiua for tht young of both mm tobtmnt to hoomc of puweifal noblic to ooiah their edooatioa by learning manners i ind that a noble 1dy was often ittrrottided by a bery of fair fam frcot the owners of which the did sot acrapltto reoeira py meat for their living let at ullow a lady of gentle bloxl thrxugh her oocapaliont of a day she rittt early at wvtn or half past listens to matins aad then dxcetat i reakfut folio as and this it her oottume a silk gwn rithlr cmbroiderrd with fur open front the neck to the wtitt ia front anaiitring a tint over collar of a datker colour yi liroad girdle with a rtci gold clup skirlato long as to oblige lie wearer to carry tbem over the arm ahoes longand poinkd a g id chaa round the neck i tad to crown all the steeple cap with its pendent oaaamcr teil after regaling hcrielf with boiled beef and beer the will poteiuy if religoutly inoined go to the chtxls if not to lie gtrdca ai d weate gtrlaadt j this oocopt tioi enlivened by goetip with her friends wiutale her ouu nooa when dinner ia terred after which aa amir or so will be spent with ihe dit aff or the spinningwheel at sii oclock tapper is terrc after which perhalt miow garnet at cards or dice or pottibly a dance of ihe latter our joutg udy it extremely foad aid haa been known- ooce or twioe when agreeable company wf t in tie hoaae to commence dtncmg after- dinner and to continue until after supper hen after a short ntpite iht began igth she hat growa urtd of the old carole atd nw dttet upoa thoea marry j gt imported front france uteres toother mfal it lerred called tie reretipcrorhaaquet after which the may drink a gltst of wanred ale or a cap of wine if the be ao inclined and then retire for the night another day ia lie t roper teaaea she miy hatting cr ride oa horseback or hunt tie tag or shoot lab- bita with bow aad trrowt or wit ett r- siting or tome other tuchjreuad amute- meat i i- i pectoiiriues of lafigtuges tbrhiadoot are said to hare no word or titod the italians hare no eqcirelent for ia mility the russian dictocary rfiret a word the definition of which it not to hare ewagh battont oa yoar footmaa t waistoott a second mett to kill over again a third to earn by dancing while tie word fcno1i wiick we hare all learned to coo- tider at exclotirely ruttiaa meaning and applicaton prores upon tsrettigttiaa to be their wordkant and to mean only a ahipof any kind the cjenraat c ri a t himbte a fingerhat which it certaialyit and a grattopper t htjhorte a glare wiut them it t haadthaet alrowiag erideatlj- that they wortahoet before gtet poultry it fea ther cattle whilst tie namet for the welt- kaowa tcbt arce orygea aad hydrar ia are in their langutge soartoffaod water ttaff the french straage to tty hare no rerb to ttmdlorctaa freacihiaa tpak o- klekiaj anyone theaeajett approach ia hit politeuett be makes to it it to hreateato a blow with hu foot tie same thing probably to tie lecipieat ia eitber ease ut it aeemt to wtnt tie direet- aeat ihe entrgy of car kick nerher bathe aay wocd for biby ar for home nor eomfert the termt up- stairt and dbwnstain are alto unknown in french laenjlith we cure meat and cure tick people and w like oor girlt to be guick but nerer witi to see them fttt fipaaiai quitaxf- frcet ftrpcrt uirxzlce the country which of til ofiert hat scan ciated the guitar with ill mttbatl expret- tioaio musio is spain oa whose romntic foil it waa intodaced at tie lime of the jloarith inrttiob there suiyt are the most tuneful kuittrt been manufactnrrd to the fa it zxfatitio were itea geitars from a spa iijsfrumeatmaker tie ribra- fioat of whose trtagt coald be pruioaged tweaty tecokit when the air performed re- tfuiredit the workmanship dispuyed on th ae gonnsiet guitart is exquisite tad tc intt amenta were aold at tie price oi 1200 eci the progreaetre derelopment of to ut rout power in music whi h be an ia the tecondhalf of the eighteenth cen tary ha- caused to disapejr from the domain of art oae by oe ail inatrameais whoee voices are not very strong but at reieaty u fdity years ago the guitar wtt eultirated- witlt paauocate feeling by a multitode of persont of matied tasfisll orer tie world kossiai in tie bvhtr if setilr gets a charming escct fr m it in the famous sereade still th dtyt of tie guitar in any wide tent- were ereu then auiberi it hat not suffi- cteal rolcme of sound tbboldaplx ein ihe nisy music of tie present uot to mtntidu that of the faitn spain it now tie only aatry where the inttrnmtat cootfauet t give actire signs of life heard amid the stillness of tae iorsiy moonlit nihtf of spaqt ttzuck- py a praiiced hand and ccoopaoied by a mellaw toice it leant ia pexlect analogy with the ciarac er of tie nation itaelf teaer gtllaatj dreamy aecrei and jaelancholy on the mil tael tttge it it likely to holti its own for many a year to come a potent caase till retain it thre it it a capital dummy- a rtuable interl refer or a deeish e balladist wij it not matter f any instrument caa l- ways hold a guitar in tat hands and prttnd to he ttiunuaing while theothert play oa til slit janaarv ah auin body of tit british idtanoe aajot lord chsfmiford ttrtttd toons dsraus distanoe into zo luotna ot twenty miles beyond rorkoj drift near which t camp had btei mttb- liahed witi tcoaroy cotuisting o 102 goos 1400 oten two gaoa 400 shot tad ahtu 1200 rtfjef sj000 rounds of ionii- nitoa and e rockei troagh hi whole rtlaed at 1300000 tea milts beyond rorkei drift lord chslmiford left th ooq- voy guard and adviaced with the reoalnder of nti forest some ten or twclre mflea for tier into zulaltiid to loot roii mifxthv who ft alterntrdluctitd out were at ihe ust time 20000 stroa lord chelmsford biiag well oat of thejwajr they fell upon the conroy the britltli fought bard and rttrcited gradually upon the camp and its tatuabls itoree that gcuing the tsppott o all their imajediata oeet the zulas fell fast before tbs deadly rifle but they carried oat their coangeous uclios viilh s braver- which will not be forzottett when the histo rian cimealo ml thefi itory to hurry an eocoaater vi the death itruggli hand-to- hand is the zulu idiaj they adranca in a body the men fa the war ruining into the rtpt made in front by the enemys fire then the raea witi ihrrt knives and shields t ing btck thtir risetind leap upoa the foe tho who ire trjn4 with speart break them off short sad efnvtrt them ito thort words this if it what happened at lun- riulaaadthecimpa rorkei drift th bverahetaing numbers of the zalm taking thelroopt tt a moment when there kemt to hire been no opportuoity of ava themielvet of intronchmenu or barricade enabled them lo otttfowot the mdcoaw the britiih oscenl and men fought and fell where they itood etch of them how ever slaying nit two or three ti otte in lie unequal tight the colours of tie regiment sal tht itottt fell to thi rietorr who thai ctme a poiliitiod of rtuable wupoot ui tatmunitioo which tney could siso show to possible allies at inducement to jiia them kot leas thin fiftyone britiih officert sad 71 men lay dead in fha sacked camp before the zulot carried off the ipoilt- lathe meantime lord chelmsford was still look ing for the enemy p when it wat all over the newt rtachej him and ho butncd back to discover that the force he had leltiahis rear hid beea anaiilated the zilui had not held tie camp bat had eirried ofi liter ally everything that made it a camp it was au awful scene of slaughter there xort uvtxg soct ijo rr thrre were no wowaded to tend and me- c-v- qurter had neither beea aaked nor fives black and while lay fogelhar in the deathgrip both hjtd fought with mmi courage acd detperttioa the sturdy en j- lirhmta hid met in ihe sihletic zulu a foe- man worthy of his iteel the underated savage had shown i mielf a creature upoa wham drill maybe tttnective in the dirxc tibn of nafarsl courage at oa earopatnt lordchelauford ecoampedsmoag tie dead t1 that hat jut besrbootj of th nnriritfitj dud fffaaw- hnndrecl ui abotrt thi uuokkt mai imif l ihhrhadiafc rtpuu- i iha wjronrttm books hitbr awty were estimaled at bslween coo ai 700 so that brombead and chsrdi com pany had attraged fsnzalus kllltd per man thty had not only don lomettypg toward wlpfngotitthtdelestat tbs camp bat thtv hadtavtd ottytownsaa stlpmtkiir and checked the advance of tht enemy who oould otierwim hire swarmed ofer the irontier which tt ha nererthaiess oroated her toil then in smtll psrlici il it thought at the caps that every man at rorkei drift tbool i hive the victoria aod nobody id loodon lalnuyi their title to the dis tinction thv bare covered themielvti withflry eudaddedanothtrlmperiihable laarel to the famous but anfertunate twea- tyfounb t making dispeeitioat y tack 8 me tec o ftuwerof hithrmy itbt he it tlw quietly ai siambler while fur meet any renewed st ies away while the g literally maatscred utiag morning in tie itr ia his rear another desperate fight it gomg on- in that inouiry rhici he u militating toa- hiag the above flair the british rjabhc tilt expect sosm rxpl nafiooj from him touchiog the ques tion how it it a british qeaeral it found ad vancing into the heart of aa enemys f trri- lory wnile that enemys trmy ia allowed to congregate ca hit atr and destroy his base of operslioac nuwts or tsi vtctoeu cioea borne dozea miles frets iha camp at irkea drift proper a small coauniaurlat post had been itationed near the tujtlt river and not from ihe frontier low at of hjpmakaarandqiljtbwn here without any intrenched ijstn of defsoae utterlv unprepued t reautj aaythiaglikeaaerioos attack aa i never dreaming of danger there wer a handful of volunteers aume men of the twentyfourth and aomeciviliaas about 60 all told they wereunderthe command of a couple of youag lieutenant bromhctd of the twentyrourth rod chard of the royal eagineett i they know nothing of the bitter lutineta that had been goint on tt the catnp theij hrstiotimttioa of trou ble arete from aeeing futitivea making for tie river and in i tie distance natives in panait settag danger tie young leuten- ante called their men to anna and commenc ed to turn their commissariat itores to ac count they had ia bagt and a large yocng eng dircc- a vait quantity of mal itore of biaeuitt ia tut these ucdr the tkn they hettily roricm tstox eiexicmr with ioopholes for the riflet itesa while the oatfoofc ht tereral of tht fugitives fall a snr torpeda boat bfhelntarnt one to be placed npon the laestal of cleop itrailfeedle wffl tisied willbetdded i at tie tuggestioa of the queen the names i of the men who otttheir litet ia thx 7r- it lortj during he rronihesewlforttrilitmr the new torpedo bott reoetitly purcbtved by the britiih government from tie hene- huffwocka brittolr l sppcart to hare- given great satitftclioa to the lords of the admiralty the new vessel hat the appear- aaoeof a not vey ymmetrica cigtrsbaped boat covermfnat the fop- the gray ooour of which renders her elmuet undistingnith- side at even a comparatively short diatsne- she it birely h feet long and 7 feet wide and wnen tioroaghly equipped for aervice wiu not weigh mure than seven or eight toot she hasa composite ball built below the wafer line with a steel frame aad a akin of wood aad a iteel plate above she itjiropllsd by a tingle compound direct- scting condensing engine the diameter of tie cylinders being 5 inches snd i0j inciet with a stroke of 10 inches into toe stoke hole which it inclosed sir it forced by a sturterant blower driven by asepirate en gine of 21- horse power tad the steam is sup plied bya herreshoff pitent steam gentrri- torharaigaoailcf 2inch piner about 800 fe4t long this mode of producing steam is aid to eare the sdrsntige over the ordhury boiler of being more rsptd ia its actionl of being absolutely free from the riik of explo sion of obviating the danger to safety of a tetael whichr arise whenever the boiler bap- peat to le struck by a ball whfle the gener- atorit only onethird of the weight of a boiler of the tame power the bout it cor- ered with a supentruct ure of steel plttet for fie purpose of protecting tie mtehinery at well st- the men of whom ihe willptobf wy carry aerentyighfij from rifle bulieti the fa pltotd naderlhs centre bat nearej r the stern than the bow attiereceat trial the reabad aspeed of auttle over eight een mflet sa hour aad went through a vari ety offaajutret witi great rapidity and preettton y mcno of the fatutvemiaeery notes under the zala firs more particularly li ut cbghai while erotsiag the river the int ers intention i ein to warn qreylown and helpmikatr of the danger they were ia from aziilu advaace cohill and tome half doznor more hadlgotawsy from tie camp charged wii the defy of carrying newt of theztltt attack to tbartar tie littte pot at r irk aa drift appear to have been alto- ke her forgotten except by the zala armr for the rati ret who had pursued oghill turned oat to be the vanguard of another port on of the viciorioat force which had captured the chelmsford oonroy it wsa suntet en the 22adi fust st hit loidtiip wss beginning to realiie what hid htppered tt tie camp and ulteriy nnoonackos of the itaationof tbs oit at the drift that be tween 3000 or 4 000 o the eaemy appeared before chard and bromhead breastwork of mt llbigi and bitctlittmt wiiting calmly for their advance the little garriaoa poured into them i volley that staggered them the fire was repeated and the rotes swieiuvo orrit razot dttu charged for the most vulnerable part of the barricide catered jit and were hurled back at the point of he bayonet again and igain- they returned to the breactwhich was doted up withj lieir dead the garrison fought like derihk they elnhbed their rioes they uted their bayonets the young lieuteninia foaghtwiti lieir swotds after etch repulse the men returned to their rifle practice keeping up a deadly fire at the learcf the barncide was a small wcodea hospital tl ere were five patieiit ia it and a servant of col harneaa the zulu fired the hospital and tie rraitis wxafe ktikid to ptats except harnett mrvtnt who crept oat and etcaped to the haip the light of the flames helped the garrison to see the foe and en abled them ia avengeover and over again hapoor fellowtlia the hotpitil all through the night the unequal contest went oo the znlnt morej than ooce coming up the breastworkt and sazma the eitle jmprrf which sang among them a comtant and deidlyhiil pi buluta some of them rt inside the iaprompta iortreu six different times but they were slaughtered to a man assistant ccmmistsry byrne was conspicu ous for hit brtvery he was killed but few of the others fell shsltered by the ban and tint thus so admirably engineered or lieut chard toward dawn lord chelms ford continued hit retreat and reached rorket drift shirtly after the attaekiog hosts had withdrawn the zulus had evi dently good iaformation of lard chalms- fords moyementsj for at he cams up they retreated and af fat the banal the be leaguered pott thought the freeh force ep pearing againat the gray tkyline was a new body of the enenjy the britiih oolonrs however toon made themselves manifest to tie ontlook and tie garriaoa tent np a nngiiig cheer wbloi wu aatwvtd try their comrtdet who at they advanotd ennd i f isai the tyrolel rrora ixirperc ifiittlat it is net tuy to u how ia i eotinry so brkt u this and where to many farmi and even while viilagrs have no access to market except over mountain fnotpatht any lyitem could 1 introduced which would tighlea the labour of lh people on not one farm in fifty in the mountain villeyi vould the mowlnfmahine t uied and torn at leaat onehalf of the hay aid grain nh the whoe crop hs to be carried away en the hands snd inoaldert tt the perrjle somelhinmight be gsinrd by the introdae tiott el a better race ft cattle bat it ia a quetlitt whsiher these too would not de teriora loader the confaat flterciie needed to rdek np a tivifg on tke broken pas- tores the condition of living are very much modified by the modem propensity ueh it an common among tie tvroleee asmasielin sis peddler ss csttle dslert andtt mechteiet ibey jrandev over he wme worm bringing hme a eimfortable profit tod a qaickrfie i inuuigence the mental aad nigral ohirtderiiict of any people can of courie be only very iin- wrfeelly measured by the caual traveler the trroleee are rqtetenlfd at lilng ex tremely inperttitiont and prietrivdn bat ro tilence of this was obvious to me they art unqualioaably henest nd faith tat and ttuivertalry temperau frobamy everrmaa wemtn ana child in tyrol drinks beer snd wine as conittnuv and u freely as we drink waer i but darine all of my jodneyings ia sll parts of the count ry i have not leea a liagle perta ether drunk or oader aay conaiderable inflaeoce of driot there are ton very ilisht evidence of poverty and beggars are rare amrne hemaelvet especially at the qelhaaera n lh etening the younger mea are noiiy and aproarioas endstaah- girea ta badmuri and harsh play some of their games are rough to brutalitr and it it nottoagtiace the use of the knife wtt a com tint acoa- paniinent of their quamjt wrtstliag ud fingerhaciiag hook ing- the middle fingert and twittini for the mastery even at tie risk of the ont are still eontmcn ud are watched vy ramradet wilh tie same interest thst ittahea to a cockfight or a doficht in england among a peorle rt lift makes phyrieu endunac a cvrdiaal virtue lhee trials of strength aad of the anility to endure pain are regarded at tettt of manliness and even lie women who witueet tiem applaud iheir meet brutal manifestation m m 011nes spiritnalisja troes fruart icartxiae the ipiriti of tie unteea univerre ire di rectly invoked by the china chiefly in caavt of illaeia ill matters which involve merely pecuniary interesli inth meant u pfanchetle aad rtrioat other iodirect way of eemaaltihq the oracle are preferred being at once simpler snd its ctutly to the inquir er a nun who wishes to bark tie proba ble resalt of eaeaterpriae he bat in view will drop into come roadside tcdtple aad will lay a tmall fee upoa the altar the attend ant priest kgklt a fresh candle or a new stick cf incense snd the supiliaut after making he usual seriet of proa rttionr rer- ereatlr takes wilh bo h hinlt a kin-v- sained piece of wel which hat beea split into two halrei to that each half ahall uvf- one flat and one convex si e toete are raised abrve the head and dropped to the crercud beft re lie altar and from the com- binat on which retalu nmely i two con- vtxet two fiala orj aflat aada convex a proptiout or unprupt iout aoawer ia de- duesd beinij i negative s in lifferent and ssffltutttire respectively the more elt- bora method orthat fori known in eur ope ae spiiittaliatn it to outage the er- vioet of a medium g nerally t ttaat priest whose bodyit f r tie time being occupied by the god taitsfate of divine poeteitioa ia brtraght abeat in the foil tiring manner the medium tikes a aeat while his brother pnetit or ootif ederatai arrange tie uetfal al tar light caqdlei bora iacenae and invoke the rretenee of tht dtiiy reqnired after a ihort interval one of them advance toward the me tiom and perioral certain movement ipjureity mesmeric parse by which a tta e of olcontciaasneta it induced where upon the god tikes pnsaeisioa of tie tempo rarily unoccupied bdy from that moment every word ottered br the medium is held to be divinely iospireei or more property the very word of the god who simply aeei tie medium at hit mouthpiece i ie i a hghtty biarl protaghamlmrtoeiriitl the bind whom strains inspire courage even in the timid it generally placed be hind the troops in action to at to be ihel- tered from the enemys fire bat whea the bittalioat leparate and a ivance in troops the musician v position beoomes criti ai and aometimet fiuht alone may save tiem in the bitte of koaigiiatz it hipened that the band of the sxtytevtnai regiment prussian wu cut off ft out their it italian and discovered to the enemy who immedi ately attacked the dtfeaselesi maiiciins they were almost nuarmed jid ia the desperate itrnjfe which arutt tome ionfht with their moxtcal invtramentt or weapont htny were woonded several killed among the latter two intinurte frienda ens a mar ried man the other one charged by the anxious wife of the former to take good care of aer ioibnd aad to watch over him mil promise that either both or hone ihonld return proved a true prophecy jthe faithful friend vat killei whea endeavouring to ward off the blow which n austrian soldier wet about to deal oa tie other inaaa bead he tank down calling outi t do not aarrtaderl sad expired tljs austrian challenged the mrviviag men to lay do an what arms they hid but gtriiendorf wu tntint on revenging hit friend i refuting te anrrender he fought like a liori till sereral itabf from- the biyoneta and ajihot in the lids laid low h hero howherslglit waa improved tnn rorneji prctttil jfme p dreatmsker has a great deal of troubis with her lewinggirlsi the other day one of thm came to her to lay ma- dtine i tar bet i will not be ema to work much longer i think i am getting blind why how it ihitt you ieem to get along pretty well with joar work yet bat 1 can ao longer set any meat on my plate tt dinner fime c undentood and thenext day lh young iaditllwer lerved with very large bat very thin itioet of meat what happineta c exclaimed bar klias uy sight has com back i can now tee better than ever how is that made- molaerler why at thi momtot i can tee the t through ta meat i i amp i wbdt i man threaten to kill a king they flg or garrou or behead him the man whf threauotdto kill otmbetu has been ulilj h tea pueltf of rtpuellcan rale j aluiiitnoitjwayisnrtghtwio hat been brotght np right avrcun young lady ipeaki of herbro- wjola tr it iihard to t ahead of tlie but mu afolan of tea beati it p to rtmovi paint from tie wallbatik up ijaiait it before it giti dry fir koah wu i contiittat liw what in- dooed aim to taltt ham into the ark 1 it bit not ytt been cletrly proved la part that sleotrioity u cheaper tim gu a ilaiuiltok woman hu just mtde her baiband unhappy by her oorth pair of twins tm modern golden rait it i let yoar doe nolo others be u much u others dm anto yau i thiy uy it itroag grup of the hand be- tokem a strong heart what a magnificent heart a lobster m ut hare iir lliohgaa etiquette permlu a bride to be- married without glovei precliely the wty the handles her hoibrnd tutri mo place like home unices it ii some nic young girls home when the old ft ik areat elm moeting and the match box ii empty tex late huibaadt whea he fladi that somebody hu itolea tht keyhole out of bit door acd diffldeotly rings the bell knows etsctly who the coming iil lias biowir who knew it wu some thing of tiatfort added to her reoeat in vitation h m 8 p imagine the d s- may ct her liiferi ind her coaimi aad her inntt a rotnra man who wu kicked off the frrof tloorttep nhtle indeavonringto terenade his ijirl by her enrsged papa wu to cantiooa o call hiotin olef pirate but he didnt hai late to designate bun u t freebooter ax exchaafe elli of a yoan man who iwote off imbiing and wu worth 10000 in dve years theres tome mistake bare we knows young maa who hu swore iff fifty timet la lire yeari and isnt worth a cent i kxtze thoagh but once said old dea con webbing hit it wu a iin to iteal an umbrella and when wu that 1 uked i friend it was when some pesky thief itolemynew silicone aniwered the dea con of the boolsvard iyoa look sad have yoa not heard v no my wife baa beta taken away mineako a month ago it wu cold in tie eiest in the case of my wife it wu the coach- man la strxrxux ia lie mme of s new hat witi threequartera of a yard of feathers hanging from the right aide it is lo called from tie larpriied manner in which the hoi- bindetclaiai ltf whea prttented witi the hill tax village ia flooded with ipurioui silver coins wa uked a witty irishman if he had any idea where they came from yea air j they come from some fellows huemint and the buyer pattet tiem to the teller again uss prtni prrra baby wu making a tremeadona ncieo and a friend uked peter why it was to eroaa it hat at a itormy mother saui peter with a sigi i yon neednt wonder if its a ultu squally its quit nitaral thx ceremcay of bapliim by immersiaa wu celebrated in wettera texu tie otier day aad when tie fourteen- ctadidalm waked down to tie water fifteen revolvers were deposited oa the binfc of the stream that of tie preacier making the fiiteenth- wx met a farmer a day or two ago who wia so hard poahed that he wai oa hia way lo pawn hu hoe we told him we were sorry to tea hit cue so hopeleia hnpe- ieuf he exclaimed far from it you know the old motto hoepirn hope everl evxs elergyoea are not exempt from the prevailing infection of the pinafore catch parase- at a meeting of the baptiat minis ters of kew york the otierdiy one rever end speaker brought down the berate by aay ing the lord will never well hardy evtr permit auch a thing deilllxc her claat in poetry the teacher quote i fivm the familiar tinea of tet ayi a yoa mait wake and call me eariy call me early mother dear nuw abe aikt ed why did tie girl want to be caled rarfyr dont know tomny unlett it wu became that wu her name st the moon laid a lady to her nephew a bright little boy of five u they ut lookintr out the window the other day y a cant tee tie mooa in the daytime yea yodcan continued hia aant i then- it it over the troea the lttle fellow had to tlmit that he ar it but added taint lighted anyway anotrsoll lidy complained to herder- gymin that an oithojox neighbour main- tandthac her the dtihbour children- we btra christians oh weu revpond- ed the clergyman i wuidat diapute with her abont it if her children are boroiu aie caimtthey will probably grow ont of it in time a rticm at greenock during th bible lesson when p king ab at cain aod abel uked one of hit acholirt where did cain go after he killed abel 1 ht went to bed sir wet the reply wtnt to bed i where do yoa get list information v said he teacher it a in the chapter air that cain after he had killed abel went lb the land of nod aooon story is told of a ooloured miniater of b3 ard country who wu brought to trial before hit church oo the charge of stealing bacon j after a number of witnesses had been examined the deicuus retired and toon afurretnrned tha following verdict the rv mum bledso am ackwitted of d nou- stions dat he actual did stole de pork u twa net ahode dat aomebjdy eae mitent hare been wearia hia clou but de broder is hereby fectionitely wsreed dat ia de future hfmait be more keeiful how sweet is the babbling of babyhood almoat ike mnaie whea the wee one ia play ing witi ti sunbeams or reaching for the meoo bat when orb of night hu gone down and darkneu andittlloew hare come tad hnmanity is courting sleep the infantile expressions are changfd to demoniacal rav ings that cannot be lulled with anything ihort of tie contents of a dpig store tot rooming afttr areoent wreck five of the lirrivors fiinnd tiemtelvet clinging to a floating spar the water wu very rough and the battered and exhausted men had great difficalty in hodiag ov when they going abott oar ilrttu with t luipi- oisti oougi and tht volcocantnptlon oothlog ftom thai tnagi that will dot try it if rem dl it isyour owntiult aiyon can ft to yoar dnggist and git a sample botu fof lootnti ua try it three ddwl will relievo any cat regoltr iin only js oenta 1 i eat i beauty and avooodmy tbs toronto steam uundryi torontc ii nenr pre pared to eaocots all coantry orelen for uaiidry drfc on lis shortest notice ooodi can bt sent from ihti tows soy time op to fvfldnalctij- sod nave him r- loroed ti aum task atenhaets and storisaeperi rill had it mtkei i treat irtenaot lo lie uit of their food to bin tewm properir dresud 0wdi s mule ihibbr br te- lnr in tbl llarf esa bf drumd ejosl to bertad briar s better priea wrpaviiiihe1iirisoo tfef inni in i wr oa fooeu tent aa that bf medlar heir rualar to toroate the caa net beerthsa it oantsj s lam t tiru uandrv tufotita nt uscu 4on ciieaper am wi rettira soooi urn k n es tvt thrm ail- icutan o- plbirp toronto steam loan 1 mm m t total aaaeta total uabulties 8urplu atu3oar75i3 u viso i b ikk btuxch wpotli mejrtd sal launst ud aiui j naj ta ij in or tmurlo thr nrh attshsl laoliri frst t4 tari tb 0r4al u w raneu ol ilx oonipa inrtneo oa tmxmeb tfttte telar please or tbs metur ei dnohrl mt uodiubui nj merited fwrf4 mfttj- it u no cxiftrerktfoii ia tlut hmhi u t it litfeddnt fn vfuu ibo qm ctli uacnt a nun iujoct mrb a taint in fnttiuect- bul hlid edi rilbi ibti tudi of dwxrt a mttk mind tn ooud irtmt b mach uter u ta t gu t tabid ia t cnif ewtnti uii-ia- profeutorul witi batl net mm wba ut ooouaulij tm kior vd hot hui ut hdiiajyibouidui vxcrtiuurroraoirnitn uur rrni brum md etn read r jcoopiev njifainn very haodaowt ik of scrfi tiei colur silk hindktr chiji qlorea 4c j ait the thing for th holidiy icuoti addrcm 109 voagast toreoto pxuqxil rt xiidcf brooki vvatcn nji ih tt ftiuod cotiiirif tojiremi more vem dq nlf i lor toe u ol tmiti or uuiai tha u-o- raii pscroauiv bxuxvind en fth ttnfldjce oltahndft to ftu i quirt r rood mtlt io ootii wd to dr uul dpekf f uid lhrgl tod lanxi fruli by til dulemt 15 otrot-prrbot- ll juaicur fizxtlct tt pcxuor proprittor- toronto t j rsast wi aftrratbe ner ipriof rtdt ac par njuir dollbelhr tbon bf th othmt cbisui ca u ibtta ol loyunjr yet tatnd the hwn vjte of rlrtoarttu iron fifty dollf npwautl in rrf bfeir ftd ll fot op in vtlaat bdroom ivti tbfiimcbrriqj in ceulft tmtpriot v botandiimd tltbtr wavaitxoi if n yu-urntayi- rund wtf the tmr rjv flaxi rt fliltd vl h rrtqr klnlot foniitort otluvv dfcinrt co 9t tunfc 81 tiiajo v tot ail i aiem 6 i iaihy medldne hiatiisf xtlun oil vill t oaal lutuaxbir immdlt rtlitrf vffl follcrr u w it rtifetcf p o eurc cfafbliiirjjafoiblttm ktdj bwns oorur rneutri i- tljm nranlyii tcic for lawnuj dm ft tanm um mi oodshful omot ti do- frtqadnfy canonbnl iruinirf aotjotna fev mls- uttm a favbotf ut b cafua cared tttbmx colic aau been tjnred in tlficen mlnaei by lempoonai doie it txavt ith uie ntjuoit riidity it mttijy fc rondertiil edkne tnotarra improved hone ud cttle fo xl tirjugh not yet mk taanuu pat upon the mirfcrt in this province if now telling trttj ivi prinagu places oin wiud or to montretl finneri would do well to trr it circaliri ieat free manaiictar d is john tt sotitk haunilton oat one icnt tint ed in erery rilugc tows and city in the domioion a5is5 gttv8 tobohto i brush maaufectorer jtaul ifujge w saeiteimm strerf tonnta j bankers brokers uie cfart tl lidaiit sl but i barristers attorneys fatten t gagyire k iittaut kiul i enstavers f8 rem bkiajmah i bossin hotise lloos ajc oesuzmeytes moezto le ra leleetipiiyuuie doxiidtrattbrrtpb ia- lu at s3 kjafltreet esse toruc to for terms tc stlarnuihjciiayacapnpriettiit p cj0 r m e u l o i h c s rrama mlmiis tc tfholesie arid tuwl lie prices h itetttleffj a beotoeitermt tciroat buy only ontario fl baking potctfer qtl yvtjr old urn recot aul ibtfreby mt oot ereryj hie tea 1 1 tad wirr nim qui to xht tm- imp nod ak ur file uic- tdcm gluhucsiaerb ainel rartlrqo files agents wanted fieftrfi tar buin stuape fmirst p ckit saam eiftnadlac solid ttabbec typea s eocnaeel sump ae be dotdtako lokibf street cu i co btewkkt ci tfrnto ica acilec adjoiiisa village op pa- jj lekkoau ha uta is ten timher teat tn ug hi c cuitivju n tvo tnme divllirjjt cvsjcuticnit iro ahirdi ehoee nil i ernd j i euhd k robkerg hynflto alwaysaheadt 8tab aiibee wiaj avu held i iltmlnoa 0ho ijti iiibkamarddbrhoelatss5 end c oalj rukthrontli ntuii prirltw os tmlltaonlalilroe prcuel vetfl bonj fijj pamp kaken c til ktvimen aael nsavlss ii reaflj tat prhoei- hnfl er bor owwr uw pmebcptuavme d j ithami ipklaltt tniz area u uimuciartvi iurj otijeiaahoa turkish bath ii a nire arid apeedy care r rheama fsb hetnl tit skin diaea iaotau it d all lood poboeaw ki oey dbethi tbere an aw beam npoor tad eteeiribiliac rnmlyuim oi mercrftf iwdtaaamd mlpfafir j kenneth oliver proprietor j li atiae street ktmh nambtaa f e dixon co livlteicrdbxes of leather belting 8loolboavt6t keari lawrvaee afaricet toronto aserns for pri litu- and bixxunts r farm lots in uysatt inelieliofnintownstpl knd lotila the vflbnnf hahburton tormioai rf lie victoria bafl- i c j blomfleld itkacvr cm land k enj 0a boa tflt to ft nuitjit feroar aer tooi the bllccy olh 8oi ndis a mad roloine ooautalnt sco i- aaitul tinriurtrii tad800itic4tatinriaitt tariulfitbuvtw n nb- best and cheapeet family bltflee in uaobtukctiiisiiilariaemcltittrm in atari- 14 p test aumber i u estralenjs fbv oasuvs da t boorjtl ta te dost beatuilul embletetuc de- itarirrvatrreencedp tea and svet jbcnl termt addrct i uai otbom k co i g adelaide 8t eut trow oat ageots wainted thk vifsnnabakingpowder if tin cnrtmctxl and jiniiteed to wutar i liyuer and better uead man any other povdff tryll petottlltol r mntn free homes iff kansas aum a j cown tud ceslcte tse pralffbr manitoba 1 l a lare jrtj 2i r ipl rrtdau rafa for winnipeg on the 26th march fire tune is list ytrr- otier pxrtika thi atari cth ten- iiyi ahemtdl foe- p trtiaiurj adircaf lith s cent rtinlp j sl t panne hantha lanlofiia 35 cobante sl toronta t3 tfipi of mnltoba lands 30 cg-ta- and ttdrek faitua w to iim aerec brooke tovnahp toibtntriirty best loitia onlirlrf rlwt yei come ifjit eair term cartsu bxoi ten raifotl j foarmpkoyeu- i basil futu w to iim aerec rvkdlah well bufona and drflltnr tameblaarr flnt prlsa u protindvl ex- uudoa ws d pm m a 1 oa e iniaj-bird- pao booidcfi qai caul etcauflr biidljd tend tajaip tor oopif ffiaaatjti chjuofne uolt a b klny vt et- irllssitii were aboat to kt gn in cletnair on of stre ogeit said i think of joor wive and children men and ifack it oat the thought nerved tiem to renewed exertion and toon after they were nicked tip by ihip onlyone of the namber was miating they taraeqnently discovered he waa a wid ower with a motheriajaw a titcbzs in oae of the wettfield pablie schooli wu startled the other day 4t the in- swer she got from one bright little fellow oa th blackboard wu the picture of an ostrich aad the teacher described its great itrtmgih and power of endurance closing by raying it was the only bird npon which man oonld ride i know another spoke p a litti chap well what uitt a lark uoinspocbngly tha teacher uked how can yoa prove that johnny v all i know aboat it said tht boy is that mother every litti while aayt father off on a lark and whea he comet home he looks u u h had tod awful fut i bosobsks german btrtjp can aowb rrcraaej riht at home it ieth moat mooeaafnl prrpartrion stst introdneed to onr people it worka lik a charm in all caaei of ooniumption pneutnoaia hemor- r artl mth oonghi orotip and all other threat and long diteaat no ptrtoo hat tct urd thli awdieim without getting immtdiau rtlif ytt uur an a graat many poor nsarlag toeptioal pertoot kilqour bros- paper bags and floor sacks printed- wrappers wrapping paper twinesr cio- 86 1 tore streetetokokto oxt th ker patekt process fiocb princess louise j as made at the stookweli steam mills joam oktaiu0 u ojiaurptjaed by mt wettem brancl- bakera cannot tffotd to be vfibont it finjuief wt o prixe t nowwhite flaky loef tu nod it to be ti ad tpensable requisite annti wanted in ertry dty torn and rillin a lie doiniiilott panlet nnhle to procare mpplict la their nd b- bortood in pi m write to tde milt this ox3t la an exact nrreaanutioa afa solid add prooqgoldfi rorbeiiirithta a ooetpifeci imiution dijunond havinr auihabrilliannanunyof iheini-iitie- oftbe r j dumqd which r um fdr i s300 and upwarua oq eedpto price 200 t tillfomnl bt nil rht- lered r rairsnt- a uit delrvrr io t y part o the dominion stvpojeeient to toe ir da for exuninauoo i bocers mfc company importers a wholesale dealers ta watehu jeweller plated wart fire areas arms c 52 ohnrdi street toronto beauttfui country resi de ix far aile eeoili intel a tae latj brick otajv t ratlee rrom a aooae and aealrio ie ei thrlrtat tern oa tt grand elver iir otu tit tha moat healthy and betaum rlaalons in ontario th liadoomtel al i jam vain el- orchard la tiff beanne a ins roll cirtua well ealtlvatetl a tun- u kia ol jeveral scm ol uniu mats 1a tuih colli- vtuaa tni home li ttamandej wth a beanufnl uwtavetaerthaeidacoer aid oat la road bite th hoas u thormrhty nalhed and tslnt- et nomfrerat aa rtments ewibuodlnit and ivirt ebaverjeaoi lkti k rare eiaaai li a ntlrel mejehatit or prcdetslooal man ar a vholwl rait- ra i lasaeajrvtihl since offlee mcixinalo el calbarami rorumrjiertlea rkomia or lo toraiita 0htam0 pliotpgrapmo stock house i lyon alexander 116 bar t xaraoto sate arent la the dominion far the daltmtrer uatta anjtst issolat a dtw and eompthanatv trade list i- u all thi naalnmsiiu at tht trans emhrattat pnotocrafiuo atppantnf cbgmicals 1 rtc xonldinct trunei oh t c list msosd trie on anpllea ice u not slnaeir in rear hawk wsd namivad addrsat rn simotjds 8aws- are saperior to all others iirt ffart fitttctffvi lfafittr ilifarautj fj ttlftf r h sivhth go st cathaiuses ovt i sale mtnafvinre far th dotaialcia at canada 8fad for prleg lint it 73620 more singer sewing maciines sold in 1578 ij than in any previous year in 1870 vce sold 137833 8ewiqg maoalnea 1 f 1878 866433 oar tales hare increased enonaoasea tvtrv rear throaththe at ilcieriodof htrdtunea w now tell ihreeaturters of alt the ssefax ua- eine- aji in the w id r for tha sec munodstton ol the pahlle ve havloo tuaoreunre fficelt t 4 c4lteet tats indcaiada aad 100 coca lathe old wold sad swath amtritm waste no money ox l oheap counterfeits send lor bar laivlojdiliaitiifm ptiee uat the singer mfgjcq yj torsjnto office lonetoa office hamilton offlee kinrttae ffiej braatford offi wtadorotnoe qaelph ofllca port h em offlee s torarto stmt r j2- dtmhiasfatt m khi ju a cor prlacnaod wetuottan ttt v t hc atbnlldnn eatcdewtailbbck itaaotiicbrk altat btrt large amounts ithe aggregate are lost every year by farintrt aione at well as fanuief general- lvt not having a correct and reliable weighing scale domwloftsftandabld aurnttctcid n j gurneywaf hajtlltoh cahaju i x hltt nhud an almost earldarld rnatatltn at thtr aadsttloo tn every nepkt sad tnaetanhi tty oosaaidrl duertnt ttyle and slats to choc rrata riaauattratidrtteaustrrmoniptiuoalln bue1i1i ft wise nsaailtsa oat

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