Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 10, 1879, p. 2

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isjftgaaasb ttr it j fe- 14 nmm 1wtle0th i r mm luectlfth errhf antmuiai cofenunarf tqtriitiir hwiw l i ti jp trok8 5tel5itocli bjpecm attention af oar ptlrou tg tv fact thu itha tint guttler of the yew 1 578 haa ctjilred ua we always tet der out accounts i it the eoocluiiott of ttitk outlier rs j uvo bare busily en gaged doing this rfunng tbe ritet woi and un alio t wiys expect prompt mymeatofour ac- counts those indent ttci us will please bete ilia n mind sun i baprrpcredlo i telll the bill when i u pcwaled as wo have o pay aih tor ill oar slock i ted ubar we- ruustia ait on prooip pay- nicntd will ther fow feel jjreatly obliged lo those wh otaerr this re quest nd act in tficc rdance with jit spbikq f mmm javvalior b- rftys stwy or mrek ilc mioumc- kelltr salary for three mouthe 17600 miss moow salary for three months 6s7o d uindenon ttdgom of j rjrdftt estate ulinosfcpt wwhfcotioa fur contract of lotltefioind kith 1 dor un ctiiskw tjtoll f 13437 movhav flejiilerian seconded by edvtis2rk tuaraiiotl of ktnsncu committee ihtt road ba adopted curried moved by d lfyadwrsecjordeu jrtwelopk thai toe account or peter jicotrtn for ispaii at school lome 8 1120 bo adopted dtrritd dtrsoo eeoopdea by alex ljuhl thtt btoferaoiirninrvrs tm lniavojqii tih lofawbitbt to toaulr in t itrhtbitol ileep to lee tnd llittofi id oeti vp norutop ktihdrttlt f fioi1nlt v il ft t wtlbkoo fi bn tokaowltagti fuultr for mtnif y debllil tbli otiabl iuperioro tllolherbreptrtuoni and tnl choice tromtt li u mtdo tn ont of lee best tn in provided bj- our ugricuhund toci ti cot the ttu- iroveuotofuicif iuihii the es- uhitthmentof flpnag tbois to ic- tclligint cinnertll not ntctstltv to dourt ont tie ainy tdriiltgjs triting frotnn jajiaoui tfieiuoa of breeding iruuik tn i ibero it bo opportimitj- tdordtd br rhichlbircjia to well be tfowfts tt the spnocnowiv la ibis vtplbe dortot custet of trading eiturtu m broagbultogeviier ted in opportunity is thus tflfefded for stock rtuert is u mlm iudgrsr o onn their ori opinions rejgecing the ttierutf tbe stock sbarh jn ibis met oth coanvrjrcjasideribli ttten- uoa k itte jfeti been gitea to thebrsdrpgof bprst s trd cltss f ttocjr now l uaght la onr ftli erhibitibn-totibl- cioiract ikrortblr itb tit bt ia ib proviiie 8dh tirre a tmbct n injber of trnioti- toamacbf unden 7 tp teltctbortes for breeding parpbtet not jo macb on icconnt of tbeir wipe toc ojailftim tt en tcconsit of tbecbelpi im tt wbicbrtbevr frnoesiro offered- bat no greater mutkkacooidbbii de tsd if erer hero a ft peaor- wits and 1 oond foonsb pbficj tlri it certainly one in bocss stock ptfti aiurlj- it coits ts mitfb toku0 uliianar tatuiftl tt t good oise hiie in cue of tafe the tmoaut ktssl rail be tczrcdf- more thtkwfnid jillefl ess jwv btve t ut uruitn in the sarreandiuft tora 5liipsbo ptf tome ttwntioa 0 stock raisnjjts well ts djrrjrinjj tnd the ressft ire most stti ctarr then the tuipuk tre taken to uarktt ftrtners eiuinfli gpeod t dty r to more profit- jililjrjihxti fcv tttei din onr spring show die htltor society holds its r thoytt jjluton pp rridtjistftrinit a wkie iooktn irtimsies tbtt t tstrng pitca from oter onr orcbtngct lrge emijrttiori u til patt of tbt ptovinct to tbekorlh wett the de- ptrssipa of trade 1 1 chief canst in bringing ion titt eic las of onr popalt- tioa tf owevergre it good s done by the filling up of ts sortbwest tern- toriefnyfln ultejhgi at sal industrious rim of settler paoilc oterert act tfiom iilmteirmnej war twpooaijjfe furihe optoloos oiititacar resvowteatt oorreidaejc trt reqaestetf tobebrieg wirrhejcjibirtcionde ejde oftbelrpvperontrial tetten mutt be tc conn ti br ut cife acdtdrttac or lt wriler nor neoetttrtlt it poiflcjtmoni krt xeiperjdeaceoreooilliun- r aaaaai seit l bepart erin council to puntttneo of idiuurnment the couucil of the tovatbip of erin uiet tt onpringo on fridty lib intt rotvt in the obtir luambeitall pitnnt htp rettnlativm frtni the board of trutteei of school tccliont not 8 tnd is tr ptoteat in tcconunoa kith lbs rtquett of but tueetiojj of council tad they kjlasbtno indueritialrttepayr front btb tccliont diacucaed the matter htotifilu befuralbg council by thomtt cilfaott and j ix currie tt full length beu it ti martd by mcsar reid itii jtlcntnghtonjlbjivoii benripjf the trjprtuenta tdrtnolbf lh inisivet of base taction and others tad alto the wtieagrmvtd thit council do not deeoi it tdrtsuble to tike any nciou in the nittter uiu year an implication from wut mcdowell captain of ihe roittnteer comntny of tho lownsbip of erin wtaprta6atcil by dr mektiigb- uiix to tbt reeves wlingfor aid to pro- enra helmet for he men which on baring beeatd and oouaidertd it wta moved by mesart eeid and kirk- wood that the rtqucat of ctplaiu mo- qowell li bitd over for further con- tiilerauon on morion by iletsra j milunind reid the coancil forraed a comiuiltte of he wliafe on byur no j tppointtog ptuimtiten xjaadlfetp- efct uud fenceviewert for this year cuuncil in commillea it earkwojd in chair by ur filled up couniittee rose council resumed butineta on motion by mr kid and dr mcnaugh- tan bylaw no 3 waartad third time and passed school tectibn no 7 claiiliad iiq5 uxet due by a defaulter 01 be lontb half of tbe eatt half of lot to enjoy a rtgu a refraining t bbro 1tbelng braced oommeno al ine prepared of toronto and feel the whole atrenglheaed that qulnlno hat jiby ho medical u the beet eppe- aaifnmmwl4 r tlon mill be found ti in4be lib eonceasion on mulion b leeira mcmillan and reed the reeve ordered wj men t of ihajaame moved by meaan mcmillan and kvk- wood that the tarn of 175 be refnnd- etjtpthe reere being money paid by hita fr tho convey tace of win oglin anindigent to the loose of industry otnnotionllesaia reid and kirkwood thf coanniodjouraid to meet at enn villtjje on friday slh of hay le whole ajralfm jtha propertlea of quinine re tltbrirukt toulo and an ti ll tnodio timiu doita frtuanu r petted itrengtban lb pulte inoretta mumular loree and mlgomte the one ot tbe nerve lytlein the peoulire operitii of hit medlciue in general debilkr end tt tntppe titer hat under gone long tnd doit pbteration tndlt u believed it will neferfill if properly and jodloloutly tdinlnlitered unfett other dtieatea prcdominaw it a dinvrenl obtnetar reiionkw weik bonfhi- tlon my uve l without the ltdil dlffl cultr aait itrengthdnt the ttomanb ant digeellra brgantad teldom require more lhanione r two bpluea to cfleot a deoided benefit iuit coolajni nothing injuriouttxhe meal delicate conititu- tion remamoertaotk or the quinine wine prepared jy nbrthrop k lyman townto and te are iurt you wril be atiefied that ypo hare full ralue for joarmontj sold by ojs morrtwj aoton arid all sledicine detlort rax r tote la guelph on th 411 imt tbi wife of r v pttria bookeollcr ot kin jn jiqaoiiig 00 hrj jrd ini the wife of tbe ulo viaiori swicvhimmc- of t oo theeitv i it oaelpbdn the stdiatt robert bttbtr rocertmott tred45 ycart intoronto od the gth iait the wire of mil junes lmeraaoractii ted ci rears i j flour oldftli wheat spriajj wheat new fall whoat barloy ottt pott i but ttr froth urd jy e0r potatoes per bag applet jxr bag htr per too clever sed limoliysl acttjv kakkett tlx l2 m 0 9s to t 00 cgstoow 0 m to 0 w otfloofl 0 joioo 3i 0 cotoo a 0 15 uo is 0 lotoo jo 0 10 to 0 ii 0 so tooj 0 gjt0 75 80oy09 v ij100 ecelf k xlstkxtir 1 to tzrtirnc aefra prat dear 53 som timaagq 1 calfad thw attentiottjof j tl a school trusteai tbrougri ydar colnmi a to the fact that tnethbutl rapbrt otibe proceedings of thetiisjtees qfaqtoitivisioa bed not bel published aid as a ratepayer i wishedi to knw whit- the trasteit were dimg with the r pi- raeyentritated td thini bit ibave not yet- seehuany repoci in tsurptfier and i hare iearui eii that at thr last a eetiog- on monday evrniri decid rfl nu to pabliali thereport itow i wish to direct the tttentibnof the tnu tees to section 23 erliclej 10t of the ehool law which saya i it h all b the dnty- of tne tnutccnto prrparef nd publish at the end dfevery year i 1 qoe- or more of the pdbhc neiraptjen ot otherwise forihtafotmatiop j the inhthltantx of tbe city towtfbr vi51ge rd anrnizl report jof their prdce jdirigs of ute pro- graattid atata of jie achoola nnder their charge andioi the reeeipla and erienditurtt of all a hool moneys hoping yort will 1 irid room and that thia wiiltppear in j onr colurana j iremaia aclon april s 79 ratepayes beard of i dication r the trtbtcesoflarton school divi- tiuanet onmondsj ejeiiig pjbnnint to adjournment i mtmberi present meews d hendee ionf ed w moore saninellioorfjml llpeigbt and alex tbyoa abtehce f jtr storey it wat itdverbd seconded that mrmspeight ukthe chair jf nutsa of prierioaj nititiji read andj c nsrmeev finanee commiitetfpreaisntsd the followtng- re port njd recommend edthat the diser- en couni be bdd mr mo6re i carta dlaa kews items phiiadelphithsadt750 fire ihe rails on the crwitvalley eail- way tre laid to streetsvihe ijjtfcoa i jqbncjicf trafalgar died on the 31tt ult from inttri t received by a- piece of timber falling on hit it it expected ttt the session of the dpminios firiisment will last chtil about the end cf this month hut it may inerge into may i lc is fearcithat an insurrection will tike place in eastern roumetia in he interval between the kutabu evacaa- tioa and the mired oeojnatiou i 1 oham cettwiyos brother with hs ehkst eon and 300 warrioa snrrender ed nncbnditionally tha 2nd of march and tia now in col woodi camp 0 ham is supposed to be an aspirant to cetesrayos throne indies it ia to your own inter est to bay yosr goods from the glasgow hote actctl ssr goods anivui and will be soli at the cheapest ratts dress goods lliainery c bt the latest ttrlec try our famous 50 cent tea in 5 pooidlots for i23 christie ihtcderibn co acton jdors lome and frincest- louise have postponed their intended visit to onurio until september it it expert- ediheyili arriva in toronto about the first of september where thev will remain for several weeks and they will pay visits to the nehzhbotine citiet and towns from that point hanlan the canadian sculler at pregpni in england ipractiiincr for a matchwithhawdonon the 5h of liar hai recovered from hia recent indisposi tion eeporta say thatvery few per sona will stake l money against th canadian the europeana preferring him to their own counfn man 1 the thirtysixth race between the oxford aud cambridge university crews for the bine ribbon of the tharuet which came off pn- saturday over the regular coarse of four miles and three ftirlpngs frjm pntney to sfdrtliika resulted in favor ogom- bridge whose crew won by two lengths 1 i i a bireno despatch sayg the italun gdvemment recerjtlir- rdceiyed an ahbnymqna letter warning it tltat an attempt would bt made to eaaassinate queen victoria between the frontier and turin ft wat believed the sole object of the writer was to enxharrasa the government but every precaution wai to enauie the queeua eajfety floor per 100 white wheat per bush tretdwvq do spring wheat i rrfchaff oata 1 barky i beta j key per tea i straw i eggt perdot butter per lb potatoes per hag i hogi per cwt vtool woot pott- j clover seed timothy 2 10 to 2 15 095 to 100 0 wt6 0 9s 0 wtoo m 0s too 8j 0 3to 0 0 0 to 0 60 ogoloogt 700 to 0 00 s 00 ta i 00 0 11 to 0 ii a 13 o a rs 0 75wj 90 5 00 to 5 23 j 55 1 3 50 0 h lb 0 25 0 stohm t 00 to 0 co 500 to 0 cc milliaery store 1 yiact qx the subscriber tskee uslore in annoaneloc that tiie tlttopen tier millinery show kooma on satutipay 12th april with a chote ftoekof slitttticrr alt new foods watch will tut sold as coap oa ttia cheapest hantles and chili rus clolhinz ktdeto oedek rgtobe intsi wmttan hia ht rormfrrrocenptedfix urjir timumxh t fcnmltare fcuore j f iism jmiss 0 smith hotf t08t how restored i r we hkr reeetttty imfiiuhefl a new edition otdr clrctyrlccttebni4mur on tt radfcalv a1cd iekitucext cckk fwkhout medmnj of xarrou uiiltiy xicuul and tanicxti laczpnrny irapekmrnts lo liar- rlajc tte- rekaiube frtnv creeoe u rfrcc n v teafed envelope tjpij- iix cctl0rtqp0l1iwigcfhppk tfife cclcbraud amhorin liil admirable ewaj clearly loifloriilfflt frota ttitfty year occesfa rtcfl mtn con- uqaences mtrbendfcajfj cart j wixlioniihe daffrcroyuw oc inertial medicine oj- the npllanronof tfa icnlit imlaucg pcta mode of care at once imp cerudaana efleetniix brpiennaof irtilflti ertrj- sajteter ao nmiler yfbl hit conduioniniivb majcure uitatt cbeanlrtpairateljiuidridlcaur j thin uhqfl itiogid bti tniuchuidrs of ereiy fofliuaad 0ryt nan lo tho and addrei the culrerwell hc4ical go t o jjra l yew tort poatoffie boxm s hinclemillo oddfellowsinr according to the semiannual report of the grand lodge of ontario f 0 0 f there ara now 188iodjtesia eitttenoff in tboprov trice 1657 new members were initiated during the half fear and the total membership now amounts to 12234 number of brothers to whom were paid tidk benefits 1069 number of widow ed famlliet relieved 150t amoantrrkii tick beoefifa 117102 amouptptid relief of wido rtf 534020 amount paid fi diarity 312259 amcunt paid tor burying the dead 9240240 total relief 2303727 totarceip8 of lodget 810413030 eight new lodge have been instituted and three hare surrendered their charter ia certainly a good ahow arid epeaka well fr the society l j- wlahea to annbnfiob to those who ioi tend building of kpairinghhat he ia about toicommence the man- j ufactttm of ajlvlasies of pine iano bfoah which will big solo cheap for cash elm aot ois staves iih3 2assw00d zlxh of the beat quahtytfalso manufacluredi and delivered f 0 b the gt ej can here at the lowest ppasibiepricea first clata lath always proband- j costom- loa cut to order on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates satjbotioii iguarahteod orrjeia solipited m edwabd mooeb acton ipril2ndl879 o esdxk ktoj axer b15t- that desirable property situated on bower st- attht head el wtlber 8t the lot is about seven eights of an acre in size the hbnse is in good condition being al most new contains teh is well paintedinside and l soft water cittern withpntap this res dence is in a healthy tnd central part of the villsge tnd well ooapted for either merchant ormeehaivie for partieiflari ttrplyto geo walfters or at this office altl in that wbllknown stand almost opposite iuui grocery rjiore where of tht lest quailty tbgejlier wita prpli bnas oalkss o can alwayf bo had at the lowest cub prices broad will it tw ea tons resucnoe noftr the ilow fac- lory for thb aocomodatof of cltltena livuia the western part of the tillage v u blmnlts tnfrtionitryf r 1 litt een patehtipd tod till toldohetuj i i quaiil 111 conors wlllbalkopt a blind photojmphl lake n op the iborleit notice end executed in tbefintij style of the art old ploturei oplea md enlarged to any site or style t hi for sale frekfi atideuetp a itoek of rbalrr fomlir steiaxm hand taudellwreafoi tnwu u uo earreul ixleet tramrrllafs hoftsu solrvi pa ot on lie ihurtl notice xtv aetonutiifeltf 117 jturwlfl be uypartofilit ir eaibonljr te pruvld lston guelph clotneall 0r seed unav cimpleu fa all departuuau j onfers for cloousgarck- txct fully klidkd j sbaw iiturtox qatlph mcrtjuuxt ttlaicar 7 new boot shoe tailor shop r williams would rcspjclfolly in- timata to the people pf acloa and vicinity that he hat opened a boot k shoe i shop in the buijd ing opposita whstokersalot mtlli bteebt any one in want of 1 j substantial tod good fitting boot or shoe tb old leave their order at thissttnd j ecparing a specialty sad peomptiy tttend- ed ta i i w yriiiiiams actoirrebialw i i works aoton atj a xaousaiir wwbsar tji eraati hejh whafrjifleleiuikbaex tjjua asataap the cosri tutlqxalskkedi tjsj5 haebtto etscji i fsocxviiisj oxt dkak sia it is nojr two years i since your constitutional catarrh remedy was introduced tbtne f r walled thisbng tb see if the cureirotihi remain peimaheht be- i fore doing this my dpljr to jpul at at first lhabapny effects seemed lb i metobe r too good lobe trua i was afflicted in my head for years before f euspeoted it o be catarrh fn reading in your chctjlart aiwmy case described in many particulars tht inward dropfrom hey head become yery disagreeable and aehokinj iwiatlbh ofosn i tng uielrom lying lobg t iwbuld i feel jlkesmblhertng lb be-obmpel- 1 fed to ait ujin my health j andipirijtiweaterloualy afleoled when yojir agetftianja lo wfilker i on iniygust llfl secured three pottles befomi hkdtjsed s qnar iter of the oijnttbla of 6ne bottle i found deofdjeithellefind whea d bad uteot itti bottles und a third f quit takin g ilfeeiln j iqulte cored of that allmrifand bale not need any since until of late lj have taken some for a cold in myjljead a sense of duty to suherers from that loathsome disefjtb catarrh proinpta me to send yoju this cer tificate unsolicited wth leave to make what ilia of it ypu may see proper j j- yours truly wtlndalllfethodistminisur port klein ana u ists ask for littleflelda constitu tional catarrh bemedy and 1 take no other 1 1 if t j bhaino domshloi brookville orifatric forcale byalldruggistaatil iyone dollar per bottle ncrou tbajos hotobhtm of every deserlptlec entlity and prlt tlwtyt 00 hand tatd supplied to order p fob cash chaiw hltl acton rbmlf wmm m 025t mw- johnsreiqht unotrt aktrr at155 a first dud htamb will attedd laser- nit when reejuired cotttnt ctskett undlet c lttahurii kobes hatbindi tnd 0 loves lupplitd at rtotonable ratts waggoi jb made to ertler andu kinds of promptly attended lo stcmboit iim stowboit fusft tiad md bmi totdttc faotdby and shops foot of willqw st aoton 1 john8pbqhf aeton feb jfl istff lodlsiptotcttforremaiecomplaiils i -pneflm- urs moods indian coeih qaxo sood 1 for tterjdlsordtr o th tonst uit ibthl met ets lira hooos cenrrah core to aetlvs penetrating nd eletnslnt remedr fjtstldtall morbid tocuinultttoiit tnltiehetd isbtttatntttliemots cellraicatlintlanjneiijseols mrs mootvs hertsoil bool pllltt portly vecoublo oompoatl trad en tctlve earttitrue witnoct cauifat crlplng or crumps safe is ill cues woerei aipurftuve saedkloe n need at r jtieeeieciiu vrt mnoas heartbnrn waferilhn wtfen art tn ltam4latnurr to hetrtbtun am sraa baelam oca bitters prlcetj w indian elttlot of cedar ttrlbebett knarwnremedy for e6tthi eroaplochllnna fsleat 0 mrs moans concentrated balaam oz female vscnes price mnt mrs moons ttbse iiijetlou weebeenh ttra lloous com nul tlunlcn salva i prireaents jjrs xroonstoothsehepropa scents mrssioonv indian rlotfqn 45eeftt mmmnonwlddlanofolmcbv zscenu sirs tlnpnt tp4jbka otklbebt fain killer in i at world trrlt price ts eenis klfubbta tom sojaran lntnltawe worm postrojer jtletssoomt urafihoonrropletrfm tonruictont sotdbycil e morrow aeon- oordiaus iavit attention id tfieir v6fy rititiiifc dfy of general co j yji l v dbioodsballtheropuitrsbtt j buck va8fiarandbwgitlaijrbtasdlch pest fe tre pronounoed tboelbntvalo i yt y boots ssjosjs a ihv ha4 sptaal tturitrori j- the stock is very complete and marked at bnosi tii olbte prices wtjifeowliomof j t bine 1k1 hey y tweeds 1 amlrery raiejajiyjul kiodsstf ctrrtososncam ii aaw for men tact boyrsmnmefwi a mwi the mtlimbry mow roo t vssi orwrtn ojt v iv- ui i i friday ttt4tfitfsrmmnouranfam at org 7 safrrhjinji neat- sirjaish l cheap illssery ll- ootklbst susfe t order en sntrxmiietb ofii -1- 20000 d0zpre5s eggs wantsb for wbieti we u1 py the blgfieat priee during tbe seuois tf mgtf cent a hrisiji fenderaon oo j j aeloatseptlllstu ixa otd obj artditews felttatlf p1vl8 tbese pllti tii site and smrwsiieilw- r abotruoted painful or deficient mb- slruaonsaaienorrt ota ikaqenorr- boe arix au female trretutaflilat geni iiti- 77 woods household magazlnli artslnt from auv eaurewtiatevert ire nreljr n i loved bi tbtosoot jbefexills tbejr un bq4 newraiaedy bavlntbeeo used by crixrarewsforuieltusf ytr ltiblsprtvirie prneueewnirtlfrrettoiis b thf rsttonld tmfwhen tbr snoald not btimeneeoaaany eaeb bo frlcaonolwlar per bui tod lent by mall to anyipatt otuie country by td dresslnf ft r- andrews- box 7 torns- toonuutepaisosotdbytliteaprtitablt xratsltt canada tt bvr- be smre tad isk far old or aadrewi temai flbs bt that the wrtttenabj nntsre ot sj i a ndr vs is on etch kca aclodsepllua 1578 iliy acton tin works has seoirib laios stocx of brittviairlefa any sarstfndesiring a first class sr tide at a lowbgure will find thai by calling at lelthjthey wll getoocf value for their money v omrminedhotto be uh0er- 801d a first class stock dt on hand and will be old at greatly reduced prioeai oioetlto oldovf b f b w v- lit immi ofnunmrg as ittsaxal tip exrxsaaj bsskiiit wrjnjtjjgtijsjv 11 onii hbenmetltni indhminin and itlllt ill twin intuotly hbtuy ft fbsvsj era uallsboo lbaaertetn coa ttnent previa kr lhoctand atooct irpked it fives loslahl eassns nptcws5rwkrtt fosenntrlle to tha yfrj ioarr eauis ibsalreulauotv neraauslasjtvi ahmjmi2lnjo4joitlrenutui lo ug bcaisaeeafatssirrom tit xtkuachet bench uisixtatbe jheurai- lo rbcamcllsnittain3weilloti pnamsupu ara cfetbmtt vifln in side imn in back plufmrvhaat ptrn tn shoakltr couth colds rmi bliet tliwtiniwirxluk uyteolery etasnmer compltidts tt it will cnmtbesricftatonlhnt iptjt terdat ji itnttlsr s tb ovnao leiameeuaiaariia 4b tattv that lua stxe easawtld t vwer laviriday llfcttlt- uon atasroooi lit gnat wise any peiwnno having had large experience in ieirii- ttouonuio ana other job work parties giving ihim a call vrill find thatiultbs is theplaoe togetgood bargains stteitii aotonfeb 4879 r i duosd- i xiocs eonypenc tjeit or podsola or man anjdrensrtuon bb rsldll aha itt vbtihtft w sueitiiplrtnytrtlbtaecv ptrirm osmpialnte irai ciutlieroffi torotjdttofwtweeaultni j free citatilrte of its magical power oner pain in f opplioanon feslsionltls iromall paffsorhhe doniiniba i pqnsuntly oaiin tb eayetouchinc i i beat1 jlhatfbrchijajpi rrstiolas worsr in i v rhavctlwljgaina oo utettlkwaia ago i uwpiaot- butairstbcistibed hdt xjrieirtuiteea rstmchbcr not taho j dab lb j bvesarvibbsllrtst btot i hind- giving eipretiibo tashimoe graferul gratlfude for ttatiahing eurts which it hta mrievmed iand ytn wonld be pleated tomeetvetet htimonlasl from ul other wvo jnte it snooetalully phvilciacs of the highest respect ability reooinneiiditas amott ebep tual domes tio retledy tqr the relief or pain iocasee of saddest efflerjwb0tvylcv parry it to your nonlea and tt wijr prove a blessing to yoar farnille tnd afflicted frlendt druggitu are telllpg normua jjoan title itir it wbererer introduc- -t- i i i i challenge- tii koria to produce i eonal its equal 1 1 i r l 1 1 1 1 i price 88 cents per jrtiet the trade supplied tbrohgh ths whilleorueandlpiiteiil medl lome hodses of montreal torohtfr i haraljtpntoir landon sotn tnr an i3rrajaiti buu loll dab3eking j the nnderaigned woutdj inlimtte- that he htsphrchsaed the rmrberingbatinet form ftlycrried on in acton by oeobbeventi and that he vid cbntmne tvlhe ejd stand miu itrtet aqton to tneet ah tia require ments if hia cuitomertina fiirwlts stylo andtt the same rate it formerly alibetil idv i ic jl idhsnkihou ptronaureqrted u acton feb fl stiixtrrkturt acwt i y- messrs b fe e nickjia tip their j new bake shop cfirueb of miu ahti un sti and that thejwiil smijr be supplied with a 1 hrsm budtsbuas ctktt pstiyiooj i a itstookofonoio srlhofannd ohhind wbich is i nw asffetli 2 ij- h- oinbsat oqmn r v v- stjcjewkjat foc ir uff1ttiyfssat fcoi always in stock this will be fonnd to bo the pls where tbe best toodj will be kept at tee lopej w-v- jvj tiibmcv5h hj iais nipkun llv sv i i -ir- ji j l i i q 1 i- ifik j r iis m s5 i 1 frriizslil 1 u 1 is v biikbh

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