8soooo ti 3-oea- oooiraaj raeiaaefca moocylfcut ukur of iliac fa iasov maufc tcnl fiir ili catolvr nciii oil- tinsel rv rirci ct oihorc er htri ivr sradcr vl free presa beildlnri 1 1 i kfcrt to the mettwairticfctitclk mill street t actok v v tmktqoe dollar a vtauri urietly ia wk i vinoa it aotpiid btort jttree months ont dollar mi i hilt willjb4 ctiufm or icfdolunic not jeid- qf ftfc- end trf the year single enpierwnwjtu i rates or idvttttsi on coutriatper year 4 saoathl i v it alt cotumujer jctr a mentis j twlumn per yeir glmailhi eight cents per line ferj lirst insertion short edrerteemeott ot einl lines aad un der ii tor tarn insertiorn jasinerti qardi of eight unit and under jj i pec aaattn allvfutiierrienta njeiiaini ia l scale- of solid koapaiit1 adtcrtittuttuta withiut i ifcul iastruc- tions inserted till fabid infl charged ac cordingly v any spvctid xatfoe the lojeet ot which is to iptoniote the fcttniiry benefit of any ipdividaal or edmpiuy- to be considered sit adyertiicraet tnniieat idvertiieiuecti ko be psid for when ordered all idveljingr accounts rcudcxed monlhly oticos if births moriigja and pettlit inserted free t a h rjltooae 1 it publiilicri ly tlesl- r ute trii r- froiz t l- oae xi lie i i-io-iurv- kti process ijise mills y ijjjeje jetjerfi ircetdeut u acmies us ftjar v ierfeits ltcrxao street catij street cetine tdjisbaet i hlivvc street aggnqaur 7 jtarmcn s general- rect and 3 ard 18 kre i loiilon oil i bstews5 t wh ujwerilb kcps gra dftir of trinitjr pytlege ileraber of cojefce otffhjsicittu jsnd sorgeonj omee irti fieiidenee frederick st acton ia tlie ouso utcly oearjueji by r little ywoutit llttrrwlomjsfo 199 8o00 j0qo 20 j so 00 20 00 12 00 so 00 12 00 goal bake confectionery uccsr r i e kicklis toud mi- irte tint they hire opened up tbeir new bake shop ox arc oonier of biill and maiksts acton and thit uwy will sakiyt be inpplied ith i 1 1 eresd bid bon cjwi putty c ke it j i luce srocx or puoicc co nfe otio nery will be found ori hind hich i ill new sad fresi- 0atmeal btjokwheit hroue osaqked wheaitte slvsys ieretock 1 j- tttis vrill be fonni to be the puce irhere the htt roods will be tept it the loweit price tff am8uttea aotpnfont apmt 17 1879 lpo piii jipii k yajjoi to i usteu il clarkl baueisteb quebbg st itfelph bsakch ofkcb in mr mitlheiirs riimlngsmul8t acton tr omce ornx trnct feidit t w uheusteent licensed auctioneer forth cdzaties of wellington tad hslton ordertleit it tie flux psffi office acton urtt trijrerideoeeia ewood rill be prtajtly ttteaderj to terns reisooible f tests f0k ixvevtiaks expe- drnocsir tal fraperfy eecored ia ctn- d tie united sutei sail etrrope p- teat guaranteed or no cblrge send for p listed irutrcetinit agency ia opentiaa hexet gefst ottsn csnsi uechuucsl giaeer siiator of pstenti tad driajittmia r jj kathesos kftoekey-at- j lij solicitor ia chiieery 4c office aeitdoorilb wilkcei hotl miltai acttok shingles mills edward moore wishes to iaaoaacc to those who intend biiidiag or rapiirin tint he h ibotit to commence the mxnc- ucturc of 11 euaes of pine akb oedir shiriglas wticrt will be sold ombat zyozt ojss rim and oak staves and basswuod heading of the bert auutyso nuanfictjirecl sad deinrl f o b the g t r esrs here st tbe loireat possible prices etsatcubs iat5 altits 01 said gxstora iigs cat to order oa the thortest notice sad st reuocxble ntet saiuftctio fvertfjiucif ociat solicited ieowaeo uoope acton april iadls79 iv tosl emr vcv tunic ue vorullleeifl rw jott sndjuch si je he li mil jsa tn iijbk swra ctdrintodiiuckwii is ttitt tttssjumahiltin lue io j imnkiai ber uulaiinao4 oitattft ntris tutors tuklsts 8ol uh tumti u ms him iik r ketirini uaustttlt ttnis ttai bill oootwmd hllborlsk citi bat ml sjoae cooxroalal then with her otin lcu tnmjz tai fslr a raiilen uuih 1ft ap tier ftfe with nmr rouia snd treshsr ence aa4 e tut vers seraarf if sxed a auwsflt tlace l umasvl luunttm i j i taitlitsriuouilaotstrtt tlu sriw soft rnilh consciournek truy tuitiijnhrslie llsjatlj- crtt hit at ujc ttj enltsat pride ttie treet will lataleace ot jotlui kly ooc for me foe mc foeioatji ao4 kadi ss a ua w1 be sis4e vorsmils lories susrrtytdt fur itoce the votll sad lit j bejua whu poets tnossures hire oot run a hronffi six the ttrsfas u auastrclif in pepje cf toe smteot t bie3 kur roatli snd besaty in loi dsy hire ruled tc vvicfd sad vtli far s oae trtstest ot iheoz sll hs s jnr irtttne last utroaru tnc roru ass riee ju4 aeretmr ur to lue sndrtica to tte tb jof sad teife the ptja from this old vorid ihsfs tsue far m for me cue me u d saoh tftoe r csylsnxfaterruir taroarfi tcry smrj and ret benes la the isttuler stirred a soteetbitit saore thsa itllof ph joit seert sixleea lbt r- ai sir hslt teseved l soder truf h in tie svset losolsnee of oetfc tw sit foe m s feousk neiu tae worlds rsf rtories ctr smjid italairig 4i uddogi iiw ry dillce coaalinj tn wet to the tkin don t yon think yon au tooommodsts me 1 1 don t tnlui sleeping oa the tlocc ralninf ic itv i diaat uow ihst and he kindhesrted little womsn nnbsr- toi tit door very ijoiokly i come in whoever you nuy be i onfy sjked yoa to go btcsnte i im s lone wominj with only one setvsat in tht hoasc the stringer oatered lasking himsu like kswfomjdlsnd doj trpba the step tad scsueriog s little hovtr drops over hit hostess tad her nicely swept floor ah i tail looks oombruile titer tasa his been oot for hours ins storm he itid it he aught sight of the fire and stridfog sloof towsrd tie hetrth followed by bowse who ulffed ntpicloutty st hit neel hi tuj tioned himself fa tie srrahsir ifr cobbs iratbair which hid been jucred to hit memory for seven yetn the wijow wti horriued bat hoegaett wu so weiry tad worn out tint she could notfsik kim to more batbusied herself in sdxiic j op the fauie thtt be might lb a sotuer dry his drippian clothes- a now thought ttruck her mr cobb hsd worn ii comforuble dressinggown during hii illness which still huaf ia the closet st hccv right she could not 1st this poor auacttdi hit detth i x sitting in thit wet cost lfhe wuio vi r cobbt chiir why should he not be in mr cobbt wrsppert she went aimblyo 5 1 fjjiri widow o0bfs love nasi tick belowi domxkiok hotactok eobeet araew proprietor the new hotel it fitted up irt ertcliss syle jritrt aew turaf tare lomtnfrritl trtv lien wfll find good socommoditioii- sad cbrhnirdioat rumpe eoorrr- spec stttatiait paid to the wiati of thefrivuisg pablie bat sup i lied with detestlqecrrfadggiri goodstxblinj sad sttenttre hostlers j royal exchasge cteu m e clsrfc proprietor one of the most commocumfcs hotek ia tb county good coramerciil roora thejekris slwiyesup plied witlt t e choicest bnd of liquort sad cigw- first is tublitu tad ittec tive hostjer house jrtaitecl ia tie busi- aesi put of the vfhige j j khk e clahk propretor rtash for skixs i na preiaed to piy tbe bighest csh price for ill cksses of lsrab tad sbeep skias delivered it my tsaaery lsxe leither coastsaily on htac iilly j jaites m0oee a ucftox sale idvewisemecti inserted ia tbeacrqy fktt rpv stl the bestioc4l piper of ftsttnn co jjietri3 ilirriige tnoj deaths inserted jj tree in tie acros fpe peess tie best locsl piper of hsltoa co aaetj bsfheids sad traiiri of every v derotptjonerccaiednettlysttueacro feee phess offic the i west local piper of hiltoaco toitmuxf cattoks pi loctl 4aeiioas of j interest will gsdlj b reoeived by tie acros fete peeis the best loctl piper of hiltoaco i ekvelopes printedii the ueitest style tad it toe lowest pritetxt t acros feee pee the bestllfcsl piper of hil ton co tf you have firms or firm stock for sale sdvi3esthemtntheai3ktpetez5 tie beat local piper of hilton co 1 feechaxts sad fjraeri slike tionld ll idrertise tad suprjotttiie acrot feee pbess tie best locil pip jr of eikod co qteited ox stoteri kdvertitemeau of jj this aiture iaserted very cheip ia tie acror ftlsr fttetaejbeetloejipirjet of hiltoaco peatrrs guide tcf harness harness i ay persoa in- lsaat of a good sett of o harnett either 8ingle ob double snoaldctflit creech saddlery where tiey cu get better vilne far their money thu taj pltce in tie county a goodutorttnent of tetjhksjtd taliges onniad tu ofwnici witt betoldcheip tlwetsb ta iuptinug frremptlyitteaded to ri creech acton feb 20 jlsts the tire crscklcd cheerfully upoa the hrosd heirti of tie old ftrm house kitchen int tad three kitteai btiked ia the wsrmti ind 1 decrepit dog ipng full ia tie reflection of tie yeuow blue wriakled his blick ncee spprovingly is he tamed bis hind feet where hit fore feet hid been over tie chimney there hung severs fine heme tad piecet of dried beef applet were festooned iloag the exiling tad crook ed necked squishes ried with rid peppers tad tlipt of dried pumpkin in garni cici window frsxae there jwere plsnts too oa the window ledges horseshoe geri- niutck tad dew plants- sad i monthly rote just budding to sty nothing of poll of vio lets thit perfumed the whole wienever tney took it into tieir purple hesdi to bloom tbe soor wse esrefuily swept tie citirt hid not i speok of dust upooeg or roctnd tie long settee netr the tlrepm shoes s if itnid been vtmisied sua tiie eightdiy clock is tie corner hid itt white fsce newly wished tnd seemed determine to tick tie louder for it two irrachiirs were drswn up it i cbty distitce from the hettti tad escbother s candle i newepaper s pair of spectacles disk of red cheeked sprtlea sad a pitcher of cider filled a utile table tie cotet tni took it down psir ot slippers from the boo tad brought them to him j i think yon hid bettertske offyour roit tad hooft yeu will hive the rheumatic ferer or something like it- ic yoa doat here iresome things for you to weir while tiey tie drjing and you must be hungry too i will ge into the ptatryjinclget yoa something to eat i she bustled iwsy oa hosbitiile thoughti intent ind the stringer raide the uchtnge with i quizzical srnilo plsyinjc iround his lips was i till wellformed rata with t bold but hindtsime face sun burned tad hntitd tud looked my thing bat delicate though hit blue eyes looked out from under i forehatd is white is mow he looked around tie kitchen with imis- ciievcrasi sir tad stretched out hit feet be- fore him decorated with thejdtfanct dai cons slippers i upon toy wotd this is luppiag into tie old nuns shoes with t vengeance and vist i hearty goodwiring woman she it kind u l kitten tad he loaned forward ind stroked the est ihi her brood tod then pitted old bowse upon tie hoadj tie widow bringing in sundry gocd things looked pleased it lus ttteniioas to herdumfi friends- 1 i its i woadcr bowse doat not growl he generally dxt when stringers touch him dear me how stupd i 1 the last remark wu addressed neither to the stranger aor tie dog bat to herself sie hid fargattta that tie little staad was not empty tad tiere was ne room on it for the things the htld oh itlminitie tint tsid her guott gathering up paper candle spplca tad spectscies it wii act without i little pang thit she siw tiem in iis hind for tiey hid been the des cons sadj were placed etch night like lie armchair beside tier and depositing them oa tie settee give me tie tlilecloui taisai ive learned that aloos wita1 score of otier tiiags my waaderiaga kaw let me relieve yoa til sorts of odd plaoat oaring very little for life til geoenl tbini tad miking for- tunei luit to throw them twiy train ltd ill for one niton vou don wk whit it is jio doubt yon know already very wu i think not tir bectniei woinin his jilted them here there wit i long pause and mr oohbt pipe emitted short puns with sur prising rapidity a guilty corueience needs no accuse t tie widows cheeks were dyed with blushes i lie thought of the it- teat sim i wonder bow women manage when the get served in the jume way said the stranger musingly you never meet them roaming p ind downia thit style kosnd mrs cobb wtth tome s if s woman is fa tronble she must itiy si home tnd bur it tie best wsytiey csn and theret more women bearing inch things thin we know of i dire uy like- enough wei never kaow who c hud gets piooaed ia i trap unless they scream and women ire too thy or too tci- riwehrnlea yoa caooji lor ic did you ever ia ill yonr wanderings meet layout by the atrac of samnel pey ton tasked the- widow uooonoenietlly- the stranger looked toward her she was rummaging at the table drawer forher knit ting work and did not notice him when it wu found sad the aeidlei ia motietv he lasweredher peyton sampeyfoa why he wit my moat intimate ineai do you kaow aimr a little tilt is i used ta whea i tcii igirl whew did you meet iim he went with me on the whauijg voy age i told you of and afterward to cauror- nia we bad i tent together and some other fellowt witi na and we dog in one e for more fnia sir moaths i suppose he was quite well it strong as in oaityrdoic laly was free sgsin- he began to work hard at miking ijiiitunijin got itmd lie is com- f iug to shsre it with herif sbe will let hinr willyouwltierthis- the widow did not answer she freed her hand from his- and covered her face with if byind by she looked up again he wu waiting patiently iwulull herf he roao from hit teat tad walked op and down tie room thenlie came back and loaning on the tsanielpieoe stroked the yel low hsir of bowse sritu hit slipper fske hcrquite understand tnatie wanta her for iis wife she may live where ihe likes only tt must bsiwith him i i will tell her i what do yoa think she will ityi ho asked ia aa altered tone what cio she say hut com i hurrah the stranger caught her out of her chan ts if she had been child and kissed her dont dont f cried she ltd ssma maria wed- im iurias sim offwentlhe dirk wig and black wbiv kcrs there tmiled tie dear face lie had not forgotten i leave you to imagiae the tab leau uvea tie cat got op to look and bowie ut on hit itutnp of a tail and won dered ihe wit on bus heels or ba head the widow rave one little scream- aid then i 1 u but stop i quiet peoptejtke you and me who have got over til these folliti and can do nothirrg but famup ouraosei at tiezn hive no basinets here t srill oalyiadd tilt two hearts iwere very happy i that bowse concluded after 1 while that all wit right and so laid down again and one week after there was i quiet wedding at the house that made tie farmers stare the widow had married her first love wttfs sioel in wrettlinj boxing rowing foottsul tnd other tthblio eiefdaet thy are luy and duukwclbcbliae ajeatied to home i bat are oot pttnotlo tt by any meant one c thjttjittsapoweri heocuassjairogiot arbtiry and corrupt their favorite mrisflttrata are f he thmtre aid ibaffalo fljght ixfao woman arfr tnoro indnitxiottt ltellnd ajso itle beaides u tiemottsna-ii- l tie ioew are loaod tnse uhlneso reople ate foi cotrtitrf the rfngpl jjtarth and tikamin tbesemtb the firtt tronble between the burmese and fhetgliib oocorred i 17i pitive moopi while in pffrsult of tkr robbers crossed ho frontier into the district of chitttgouey with five thouiind men gen erskine who was in charge- demanded in explanation from the barmete commander which was given the fugitives wen re stored and ill dlffereacetwere shufaciotily arranged- thb gridoal eifensionof lie territory of tie two governments slin brought tiem ia 1oonfl et- the burmese ignorant of the discipline and resources of the britith its- alined tiat tie conquest of their rtrals would be eaiily sccompliabtd and that they might soon come into possession of calcutta and hivo tie whole cu at their feet the chiefs openly invaded and violated tie british territory attacked the ttpoys guard ing the frontier and seised sad earned off five with cheek ai red a the applet lad t ji ltv urn a vans elegant jftrttlhg a odhticte selfes5tctrok ix puis asd orsamejttai pen mlfrship qntario businesscoaege sabklttttfcc0 bba o rnh design of the above institntion tnd l tie work it it moat successfully scoora plitfiing ic sirrrn ia the great sneceaa of its graduate tiroughoot the country it to pro- pire boyav and young and rrdddieaged men tor commercial furruiu by giving them i thorough and practical edncttion in bookiieepiag in all its forms fenmin- ship aritiroec cortespoadence griramxr iadkrxltingbariadagmetiods bowtodeai wth notes drafts bills of erchsnge checks tnd ill kinds of business paper graduates of the college who have four months course sad tiken their dipomu are each week stepping into good positions in which owing to the com pleteness of their knowledge they speedily attain proraotisn among our students are those who have been through tie grammar schools and uat- verseties is well at those whoaeeejacrtion metbyiifo-iiasbeenrjegjected- the former come to receivs s practical education each u it needed in every day life the utter to remedy past negect arid all to secure that knowledge wiicti will help them to luccess ia the woiil ar the iilce journal cobtiniag full puticalsn itiii irjedmens of penmanship ire tent on application r address i s react r fc co 1 belleville oat sept 1st 1b78 yomgpeopuwihi koicciaire s rapid tltf afansiwrffiar without i itlbtr xm- ttrnetor nidrerls i throngnont i united sutei by using cooritittsof a terietj rnwrav perfect ifr becoming besatrf hi dorainion in the ft- at copt sups of which coo tk tie finrt princi to the most emiveoieot t forpraiing wl tin copjes bagtnoiag with tie fir plea and gradaally prcgjesaing to tne raon elssant plain ind oraifoentil writing in bontiining germin l prnamentil letter elegiat plain oajtaitavtai 8sxzr1 teitdidengluhiawl r rag offhiod tonriahiig of birds 4c ai boot or ort tots w tb fall analysis and i iastruiito and a beaut fully rograved case to cmtiin tie wbole priec iloo postpaid addreas j j ontario banntsi coluge if beueville oat sept 11878 i iwy mamood how lost how eestoeeh ttte hive reoently published i new edition it of dr onlranrello 0eiebntd essay on the eimcal asd rraxairnrr ctei without medicine ot kervont de bility mental and physical incapacity impedimcnti to ifirriage etc resulting 6rom exoettet st price ia i sealed envelope only sir icenfiortopoitagestimni the celebtiteiittthorin this admirable essay clearly demonstrates from thirty years successful practice that ilarming con- seqnences may be radically cored without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife poiotingouta mode of cart at once simple certain and effectual by rneaas of whih every sufferer no matter whit bit condition nuy be may core himaell cheaplyrmritely and radicil- ly thit lecture should be ia the hinds of every youth mievery mm in the bod address- the culvtutveu medical co 47 ann 8t kawyorlr fort office box 586 eyes as dark sad si bright is they hid ever been resting her elbow on the table tnd her head upon her hiad and looking tionghtfally into the fire this wit the widow cobb rebct of deacon levi cobb who had been mouldering intcj dust in tie bjtown churchyard for more thin seven yesrx she wsa thinking of her dead hus band probably because all her work be ing done and the tervint gonei to bed tie tight cf the empty chair it the otier aids of the table tad tie faience of the room made her a little lonely i seven years 1 so the willows reverie rsa it seems as if it were mare thin fif teen tod yet i dont look to very old ei ther perhaps its not hiving tny children to bother my life out is otier people hive they may lay whit they like children ire more plague thin profit thats my opinion look at my sister terushs with her ail boys shes worn fa i shadow snd im ton tiey hive done it though the will never own it the widow took aa apple from tbe dish and began to pare it how dreadful fond ilr cobb usod to be of these grafts he will never est any more of tiem poor fellow for i dont suppose tiey have apples where hes gone to heigiol i remember very well how i used tb throw apple- darings over my iead whea x was s girt to see who i wu going to mar ry jirt- cobb stopped short snd blushed in those diyssha did not know llr cobb tad had always looked eagerly to see if the peel did not form ictpital s her meditations took a new turn fow haadsome sim peyton was and haw much i used to care for him i jerushs says he went away front oar village just after i did aad no ouo his heard of him since and what i silly thing thit quirrel wsa if it had not been for that here came i long piose daring which the widow looked very- steadfastly at the emjty chair of levi cobb deceased her fingers play 1 ed carelessly witi the applepsring the drew it safely toward her tnd looked around tfcetooat upon imy word it is viry rtdicuiout and i dont know what the neighbours would say if theystwme j- still tie plump fingers drew the peel near er put tiey cant see that s i comfort and the cat and old bowse will never know wait it meua of course i doat believe any thing ibout it j the paring hung gracefully from her hand but still i should like to try it would seem- like obi times tnet n over her hesd it went and curled- up quietly on the floor it i little distance oldbowae who ilwsys ilept with one eye osen aaw it fall ind walked deliberately lioie little hinds tha widow blaeietj find now plena tit down witi mo or l cint eat a morsel 1 i ii had supper long sgo bat really i think i can tike sometiing more sairl 5rs cobb drawing near tie table j of course you can my dear lady in this cold aotuxna weather perjple ought ijq eat ttrice as much as tiey do m warm let me give yoa i piece cf tie hiii your own ctfnnr 1 dire ley yes ky poor iusbud wit very food ot it he used to ssy no one understood caiinghtia and drying beef better thia my self i he wsa 1 most sensible nun i sm sure i will drink your health maam in thit ci der he took a long draoghtiad set down his glair it ia like nectar the widow was feeding bowie sad tie cat who thought they were entitled to a share of every null eaten in the house snd did not quite hear what ho lid i fancy the weald hardly hive known whit aec- tir wtt to it it wu quite u will fiae dog midim snd ai very pretty cat f they were my hatbands favourites and 1 sigh followed the taswer j ah your husband must hive been a very hippy man tte blue eyes looked it her so long that she grew iorried i it there anything more i cin da for you sirrsheuked j nothing i think you ll hive fiiiih- ed i i she rose to clear tie tiiags iwiy he as- listed hexv tad tesneiow their hinds hid i queer way of touching u they carried the dishes to the pantry shelves coming back to the kitchen the pat the i pales tad cider ia their plices and bronght out i dead pipe aad 1 box of tobacco from an arch recess uesr the chimney jy hztbtnd always said he could uot sleep after eating supper late unless he smoked she ssid perhaps you would like to try it and and happy punaed the widow beniiogover her knitting hum fie less laid aboat that the bet ter perhaps bat he teemed to enjoy life sfter a fashion of hie own and he got rich out tiers or rather i will uy well off mnbb did not piy muci atfeation to i that part ot the story evidently lie had not finished asking questions but she wis puzzled aboat tie next one at ltit tie brought it out beautifully c was his wife with him ia california t7 1 hiisrife mtam why uess yoaji has got none oh i thought i meant i heard here the little widow raaaembered the ni fate of ananias aud sipphira aid stopped short before she t al such 1 tremendous falsehood whatever vou hetrd of mirryine was all nonsense i eaa assure you i know him well and he had no thought of the kind about hint some of tie boys zki to tease him sbout it bat he soon tnsde them stop howl- he just told them frankly that the only woman he hid ever loved had jilted him years before and mimed mother man after that no on tteept myself ever men tioned tie saijeet to him again iirs abbs laid her knitting utile and looked thoughtfully into thslnre he was another specimen of the class of meal was sxeiking or hive seen iim face death a score of times as quietly as i face tie fire it matters very little what takes me ov he used to ay ive yfcry lit- clipptof tilers olaws not if it it going to drive yoa iway ir aha hid t ctudle in her hand open op to smell it bowie bowie dont touch it i cried hii mistress sad bending over it with t belting hetrt tit turned red as fire there was at handsome a capif al s as one cenldaea a load knock cams laddeuly it the door tiis dog ttrowled and tha widow mreamod and matched up the appleparing j if t jtr cobb4f t hit tpirit eorns hack again beoause i tried that sflly tnckr the tiought fearfully to herself aiwther knock louder than the srst snd i trims voice exclaimed hia wbt- levfi u a ier tolonglishei forth night rimiata mflsttnrser on 1 u y ast tud lids of tie road ind tnm to til left sfttr you get by hetaidfor oh no i da not object to tmoke at all she pat the candle down some faint tag- ktioa sioat propriety teemed to troa- her she gltnced at the- clock and felt t etaanred it wu only half pist nine the tfringat puthsd tie stand back after the pipe was fit and drew her easy chair a little nearer the fire and hit own come sit down he said pleadingly it it not late and when i una has beea knocked aboat in cilifornia ind ill aorta of pucet for i tcore of yean he ii glad enough to get into i berth bio thit and hive l pret ty woman to tpeak to again califomiil have yoa been to calif of- nitl iheexeliuned dropping into the chair unoomcicinsly tie aad long ohenan- eithe idea that 8am peyton the low of her youth with whom the hid foolitily naaxrelled hid pitched hit tent after mintrj yeirt ot windering in thit ftroff imd her heart warmed to one who with eon- thing of samt wayt and looks iboat hinw hsd alio been ttjorirning in that conntry very possibly had met himperhapt had kmwihrfui tntioutely at that moment her haart beat quickly md the looked very rrradoosly it tie bearded ttrmger who wrapped in mr cobht drswuwgown wearin7lxr ilipper 5 mr oobba chair bestdomr oobbt wife wu tmokiog mr cohht pipe mth taoh an afc of feeling thoroughly and comfortably at yes maam ive beeh to cuiforni qtiito roond the woru whtiin p good criciom 1 ttnnger eat pnl of noie curling trrioefuuy ovwhuham tmv w ttrinw r oir lady how oftei you he one tspi you gowiaerfag boottbi world jtertwttaahion aidwhituthatr men without bouts or home above tbair heida roving here ml there taming ap in tie to live for tnd there it no one thit will shd i tear for m when i im goae it is i ltd tiougit for i maa to hive isat iti mrs cobb sighed it the ssid she thought it wis bat aid he never tell yoa the name of tie lady who jilted him j i knew her first uime whstwisit kiria the plump little widow almost started out of her chair her asms arts tpokea exactly at sim would have said it did you know her too he taked looking keenly it her yes intimately v y where is sie now still happy with her husband i suppose- tnd never giving i thought to tie poor fellow she drove oat into the world v- 5xo said ifr cobb sfisdiag her face with her hud md unsteadily xo her hatband is dead ah bat still she never thinks of sim j there wis 1 dead silcnoe djeuthe howemlfeur are yoa still friends 5 yet then you oaght to know md yoa do teume i sm tare i dent know why i should but if i do yeu must promise me oa your honour never to tell bun if yoa siould tip- pen ta meet him again madam what yoa sty ta me never shall tie repeated to mortal man upon my ho nour j- well then she does remember him buthowv askiadly i think is he coald wish i im glad to hear it for hit tike yoa ind i ire friends of- both parties we can rejoice with each other he drew his chair muci nearer hen and took oer hand ffne moment the widow re sisted but it was i magnetic touch tha rosy palm lay quietly in hit md the dark beard bent to law tilt it nearly touched her shoulder it did not matter mods was he not samuels friend it he was not the rose had he hot dwelt very near it for a long time 1 it wif a foolish quarrel that patted them said the stranger softly aboutitv- did he tell yoa yetaa boird the whaler did ha blime her much v- not to much u himself he said that hiijealonty md illteaiper drove her to break off tie match hut ho thought tome- times if he had only gone back and spoken kindly to her she would have married him afterill iamitirethe would stid tht widow piteouslyi she his owned it to me mors thai a thonuad timet i she wai not hippy thenr witu m- other the oporatlon that astonished jim and bet tha other beaatm roerrng- cprora the herald paiiantxnita april 5 the feitot cip- pint the ingrowing claws of the royal ben- gil tiger jim wis aocomplisied today witi a great deal of difficulty on acoonnt 6c the lack of oodstant attrition on rougi ground such as they would hive had in the jungle jims claws had lengthened to an mi natural site and grown deeply into his paws eringtheioiiriltomitiackof lockjaw hence the clipping the wdllknojrn ani- mtl trainer lir a j fonpaugh wis re tained for the operation and appeared early this morning at tho cirniron house of the 200 looompaaied by dr chapman the phy- siciin arthur e brown the tupcrintend enf mdftmrkeepera mr forjpiogh hid provided himself with i strung three quarter inch rope looped st one end a long pole and four short halfinch cords also oopeda thick knotty hickory club aad a pair of sharp wirunippers the loop of the larger rope wsa placed on the end bf the long pile aad thrust into the cage at the inttint the tiger leaped into the furthest corner ithiterofitrotr which startled lie otier arrirnili induie hptit ti- gvrsleotifdv iudhyfjnit all- howled inl chorur i the loop however wis run over dims neck and he wu grid naily drawn ia spite of his straggles to the front of the cage ifr forepiutrh quietly directed his asitstantvto secure the mixual ia the front ofthecige xaw hit feet and the fore- feet wen ia tin loops with tie aid of aa iron scraper and the tiger bewildered at the tac tics cf hit rcpposed enemies thook his head roited and for 1 few tecondi itruggtad fiercely to get loose bat the loops otthe other ropes were slipped oa the hind feet sad he wis throiri on hit side ted drawn up to the front of the cage with his hind feet sticking eleir through indthe fors feet to the edge in this positioa he wu eecared tad safety cords attached to the ends each one of the latter being held by one of the uaistinfi so that u toon as the opefafionwu completed all the feet could be loosed at once afrsocn ss the feet were tint secured tie rope around the neck wu cast onv so that tie tigers head was free one of the keepers wu then statiaaed neaxthe head so that in case he bit st- therppet- binding the feet or at the operator he could thrust the hard wood knotted club into his mouth for iim to bite on thit became necessary to often that the hard dab vjis chewed into i pulpy brush i ailretdy saiiily forepiugh md taking in his right hand large rmarp wire cip had eiaci ingrowing claw ia turn pried from the fiesk mi straightened out tni cupped off to tho requited tore- the right hiad foot wu the worst one of the claws having grown fully an inch into the flesh and caused tie wound to inflame and fester as soon u this witi 1 part of- the outer shell which hid been tied info tie wound had beea removed the tiger appeared to quiet down md submitted to have tie rest of tie elawi of tie ssme foot clipped without roakiagmuch straggling the right front paw wu also badly lacerated md infltmed the cliwt wert clipped ia every eaa ivory quickly md successfully as soon as the clawsnf each foot were clipped the operator rubbott burnt alum into the festered wounds to burn away the proud flesh and thea poured over the wounds balsam of fir to heal the same after all the claws had been clipped mr forepiugh frteppingtick cautionea his u- shrtinbito be ready to pall the safety cords at tie vord so the animal freed from all tie cords at once sprang to bis legs like a flashed sad jumped to the rear of the cage where he first licked his bloody- chops and squatting sxwtiingly licked his paws- ap- psreirtly satisfied that they wen stutin bis poeaesbioo he begmpjeiag his cage show ingevident signs of having cxperienood great relief from the operations performed on rim the whole operation occupied only twenty minutes md was very satisfactory to all parties laa few days the paws win be eximined again for proud flesh british subjects they intruded wherever possible and on the23rdcf september 1s2j attacked the britith troops on 8htisrtl island ind drove them from their tfosta for tiis outrage repeitod demands for re dress wero made bat no answer wis ever returned cltier outragei followed until m f sbruary jssi war was declared the british rulers determined to carry the wir into the enemys country a fleet under eommsnd of commodon giant enter ed tie irawsdi river and on tie 1 0th pi may mehoredoffbangcon the defending force soon turrendered md tie uviding troopt were landed- and took possession of tns de- leried city the british had riot advanced far however before they discovered they had aide iaiufecieat provision for the task before them not only i were their ranks fearfully thinned by disease and death but tie burmese had laid waste the whole country early in july the native troops having been reinfotoecf cranienced in it- tack on the british line the errglisb were too machfor them and a iter being defeated it all points tiey aosadahed their defenses during july snd august sir a campbell tubdned tte provinces of tavoy indmergai and tie whole coast ot tenasserim these famished him healthy stations when he rnight ieive the tick and convalescent tnere wen tt thit time only about three thousand soldiers fit for duty in october uw provinoc of uartaban wat also redoeed the king of burmah became alarmed at tho repealed disasters that befell his armies aad couectintra force of about sixty tbtm- sand atternpted the inmhilstion of jthe british at btngoon and eentiaename whioh were defended by only jve tiqatind efficient troops in tall they fatitd ind were in turn if tacked by csmpbell and completely routed rielnglish advmced without serious opposition untfl on tbvj 25t h of april tiey entered prome where tiey remained during the rainy season an armiatice for one month wu concluded on the 17 th ot september but no sttitfietory terms having been made the conflict was renewed the bnrmese wars notedly de- feated md on the 26th of december 1825 they submitted proposals tor peace the terms though agreed to had to receive tie approval of tie king tie natives wen toon discovered- prepiring to renew the hostilities md the war opened np afreaa finally when the british were within four days roiroh of the capital ass the king seat his formal acceptance oi theterrha pro- posed by dr price an amorloaa -mission- try who had been imorisoqed at theiopen- ing of the war tie btrrrnesb ceded ara kan md the prorincee of nltrgui tavoy ami yea the eovenign renounced hit claim upon assam md adjoining states paid a large indemnity and allowed reiderrtafrom eaci court with fifty followera the relations hetweea the- british aad force or falling odtecte in a mlalni shaft omqevrjirjtatjcxovowerfjrlsc aboat 10 oclock yesterday morning a crowbar wis dropped down the main vertical ahaftof the savage nunekrom the surface and went directly through a cage at tie bot tom pieioing the bonnet and no on wuontiecageit the time yet it iaun- mr thatwattouy her husband wu sleuant to one making a trip into thfvmine i kind taid tie svwan rreflect thitruch tlingt tor ue wrsuwu i wu mm o sometimes occur ve oa the hillside i as the bar fell something over 800 yards it t hmjif nrt vim af lived pleasant- wu trivelluig with the npiditj rmd vim sf there ueverwat a hiith worn i cwoa hul when it itraak tfa a very good sad kind thinking of the lonely rather penitently andtl ly together there never wu a una worn between them bit of gravel no larger thmi filbert singi stql might the not have been happier uke a bullet toward the latter part pf snoh withsamrbs honest md just sayiwuit ijourney a dot once fell into i thaft it you think gold hill and ilthough the shaft wu bu yes 300 feet is depth twp jnen opqn wioat the bravo i thit it what i wmt to come it anirasllmded were killed ant once fell roniadyoa down the consolidated virgiua shaft in it- burmese contiaued friendly dnring the reign of the conquered ruler the uttrrperariara- wadi who teutaajhs ihross in 1837 early rrumifestedttis hatred of the foreigners he treated them witi crmtempt asdi finally compelled tie britiairesentatrres to witidrsw from tie country tie natives further displayed their hostility by acts of violence upon british ships and seamen the pfficentfid presented the grievances of their cooatrymen to tha governor srare- treated with ludigmtymcf contempt alter miny yeara effort to adjust ria direcnlties acung from thit outrtgej war was declared in january 1852 the irrmese after vary ing tueeess were finallyisnbdued and with out my- formal prweeding the british took vwessioaof the whole province of pegu jhe king give np formal reooghition cf the lossof tail province until 1862 ninco tilt time the rektioni between the two govf iave been in tie mam friendly the king hu it times it is said been luspicious of the british policy and it is possible tilt iheir movements in afghanis tan nude him fear thit after that country is conquered they will turn tieir stteation to hit dominions h the indian government should thiok proper to demand an apology for his itnnge conductin assuming a wru- uie attitude md ordering home bit subjects resident in britiai territory tie result will in all probability her the subjection of all bannihto british control las blind haw and her foal rrom saaro here is ia instance of inaiinct which shows ithink tiat tiem is no diffennce- whstever between tie reasons of animals mi that of men a mare here hid her first foal when sho was 10 or is years old- she wu blind of one eye tho result wu that lha frequently trod upoa the foal or knocked it over when it happened to be on the blind ideof her in canaequenca of which the foaldiedwhen it wu threobr toor weeks old tne next year sie had another foal indwe fully expected that the result would ba the same but no from the day it was bora the never moved in tie stall without looking round to too where the foal wis md she never trod upoa it orinjared- it in my way yoa tee that reason did not teach he that she wis killing her first foal tier can for the tweond ra the result of memory imagination and thought after the foal wu dead and before the next one wai born the only difference that i cm see between the rtuonutg power ot man md that of animals is that te latter is applied only to a very haiited sphere of providiiig for their bodily irutr whereas thit o men embraces a vast antmnt of other objects besides this the above limjtstian does not i think tpply ttrlotly to dojneitie an imals dogt especially w te to ec- quire some perciptions beyond mere animal emu at a rniotion notorious for its icaaty fare i gentleman wu mejoiring of thogirdoner about a dog he had lately given to the laird the gardener tho wed him a link greyhound on which the gmtlemu laid ko no the and now i have a lecretio fell you matt break it to her mrs cobb looked scared whitititr i wast yoa to go md tee her wherever the miy be and uy to her i marts what nukes you start tot nothing only you ipeak to like tome ww i know i col well tail the restot the met- tags till htr that sata loved hat through tht wholt that it when he hard thit tht tempting to spring across a compartment tnm wail plate to wallplate and 1100 feet belew landed on the bald head of a miner and exploded like a bomb causing tie miner to think i rook had cot open the op cf bit ikull and let out iisbrtini a aratn of urdhot dropped into the topof thaft 000- fstrt is 4ptlt nlt i probahlybnryltaelflnipunkoratileoeofl at this point the boy interrupted woodft might happen to ttrlks it on hot- vi- u a f become i gnyhoand by stopping here last evenitut s father took his sytarold ton on his lapan4 commenced to read to him from the firtt school header it poem about vthotiutbful boy u follows one ttad wu a nttls bor with eaitr hair and platsut ev aboywliosmfi lorsd tit truth aadnsrsrssrsr4laaaa v whit never f i gneoyou mean hardly ever dont you t i j