Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 1, 1879, p. 2

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i ifci- k a jsl kc itt r fee- iiiiv o x is work and votb v i i t- j -is- tea- cowhci electioh tsa c rio t a ilf aysmjr jpia frill tniport honetl kfieienti iif jeooiteaj government pie elpitjr haucurnh rtbk actoif f see peest j jauisiadovcryitauttiuyilotune l far anaum tu advaoco i t albert uoobe eprran tircuiat uojwtxc mttl 1879 village matters at the last meeting of tin jvillage council iltfce very important ilemsiaf tiainrtt wm uusacte and it is oui iuieutiin to consider these matters and express our opinion thereon ifa statmevn vtue atsfeet and side- t -t-yr- who ii lityworiri uotitwoum ti on widuoaday ot kit week a new atf- tumedlquelijhaa botik qn hid day fiuyuo ybau ago llic grat ivo wlicio the- citj now fctands u ut dowu it is tlit won what vapid itndeejiive boejnriedp by thatjuucc pitiy iwotiiii agvlli srsviuhaoltiot rod the wilderness htre now v clty- iritli a population of 10000 peoplo lias iueeu built the day u celebrated in i very loyal well as royal maoueiv early itl the mowing flags sud bunt ing were displayed from almost every liouse in lbs cijy 3eopls commenced to rriv befdta seven oclock and con tinued arriving until it wai considered ihat over 15000 people wore in the iu at t a ru a royal salute wis drwtfby the w jt li and almost iruultancoiiily alii the bells r and whistle in thtcily joined a the noise at tttvook the school chllna were rcjaled in tie drill shed at 1 1 oclock i grand pruoeniaa coin posed of oonncit and guests volunteers ar- tiltatyand elflm tiretnen national sbcieliesvkrious trades and citizens centrally wits several military n bcnulicul avenue arid proasalitvaort on a summer evening surely laxity and indiffcr- eucitj tlllotprlveusotvuen a in ue fit tbanfcing you mr editor l am yours repeclfully leteatt40wro8wwkh ft tj do bis duty i would ask if i iuts by tbe coun- rtlco tbo trees i fa bower stnot in if esqnetldr onn bt x beej la iduaut h d- b ill derail vby prpctatte i v v i rllifu bui i flit mlnus if iut meeting loitjanole offiscd dfaw negotiating with said note iias beep stopped i geo lksl1je and widt oocintittew jwpoft wbicb hy j 0 brau liands w formed at the wading the council niimrttfe in icilr hall and uiitched tluonghtbs idlubn itwhfc seen w pissed ipriuciparetrecu at 130 oclock a wi l i t ococcssiou of volunlccrs bsndt fite to ghnanf pret- the ttpottwkch is htli tqoleylforpilwicauon aenohcel dmlrciie tj t inhibition park tfiii sis catnmittaanara dooi lheir gaaes all fciudf ababy show rock in a sjstenittic arid cjaiuiend tory manner and they iileadto repair itlot grade tlioss pjsin our flrieta ithich nml grading most to build bridges and eisinja -htre- tiey an wanted tia most grarel the streets in licl plapss as it is most resulted lay aide valla where they ni i oeoetnty cie apd tbcyhtre fcadtheieuia of 300 placed to tfceir credit ths re iportissalisficlory andre trust tht cocomiuee vili tmedialely ret men ai wotfcjaud bate the intended icpaira and addiuosf aucndtd to at ccee i itli nextmacterjwuliifinwtiantuat legal proceedings be injtitoted against the iax couectorfor 1677 land his anretie to enforce the rstarb of the i roifjorllialyear and tba payiccnt rata ta traatory of themailieipality of all moreysnotyef accounted for i our readersare mostly aware that jno hxwkfn the collector for that yean i j was negligent and did ool attend to bie dutiof and now his sureties ilessrt j p b armstrong and j matthews together wittulie collector bimeeltr will be alled upon to answer for his neglect aid the uncollected hatiinrf t ijuoantlng taiitsfwillnwii be paid by thfib ilba iisettarfo which w intend refer irthe eemstary question lut ill we gitied the necessity of a new cemetery and theccuricil of 1873 did appoint a committee birt after they re- mrtednbiiinr was done w jr ire no gbif to learn that the present i couial iiab aware of the withes bind coaptation ilcj were in order- at 2 oclock the inauguration ceremony ice took place during which a toyal silutwas firjd by the balteriei also a fcitit jolchj the lilies accompanied by beatiin ordruni and other niililaty demonstration which was followed by ihort addresses from prominent public men at 8 oloctk torchlight pro- cesskiawts foroied jsti the drill bbea and marched through the prtccipal streeu and back to the- market i5jaare where a- grind display of fire works wis pecaented feting he ovening thastores and manyj of the prirate dwellings of the city yert illuminated and it presented a pleasant appearance the- inangnral closed jkrtit it grand bonflte and wa think the celebration wjs as successfut aa itwould have been if lord irne and- tie princesi- had the tlllmo ifatuers wiuttuat du it rn liar jlamsa villace council jnolpn mohdayoven- tng athultrporsuanttotijjiirbmeni auluametnbmiroeont uorodbyo s smidi eoondedby r adamilhittbe council go into committee of the rrboie ort the itroet and jaldeirau committees tcporl mored by c h smith second ed by k adams hat lbs report of ho commitleaoftbe whole be concurred in and thit ibi report be adopted mofttf by hcnderaon 4nded by s niak lin that legal proceedings be inirituhd agtinst the tax oolleoior for 1877 and liu lurailts to enforce the return of tbo sohfdf that year and tie payment to the vreaiurer o all moneys nojyel eounted tor moved by u 8 smiik seconded by d henderson that a com mittee to coasfst of the keeve kick- and the mo rer be ippoinioj o ascerv ulnwhere aieibibleplot ot ground to- be used as a cemetery msy be obtained and that he committee report at tlm next meeting of the councl tbe cnon committee recommended that the fol lowing accounts be paid o forbes constable dutieay fj31xj j lamb worlc coetif d kennedy assessor 2800 total foj50 by d hendorsoa- seconded by e kiciiin that the finance committees report be adopted the eouncilthen adjourned to mmjtoa lloa day evening sid june th folloruiy nw erorttdost laitvttk i by ueorga leslie r iarelbrbid is payment s tten read and coournied a mittiber of potitious and accounts wer tben-readr- r lcaviv wos granted to introduce a bylaw hi tbfrippornlrhentofi path- maatersjftucerisrreri and poundkcepeia forihe aoiwuuyfimv fjf 10 was paid to a mcdonald for wotkdono ou lot 15 btu hue j the township the account aof the municipality for 1878 wero passed arid 23coopi8s of the same are to be printed for distribu tion the ifreaantet was otdeted to pay the following sums to the following persons for the following lessons vis oeorgo jliuo clothiug for child 12 j josoph arthurs psrt of cpt of bury tag late wai ulover fi f wjdo w swttkhamraerv remission of taxes 817 james t niton dog- tax of robl slttndishvtl joseph sjandisli damage to vaggao ic 8j hart k uiwlinsen assestrnent toll notices eta 1270 hose 4 huston rtatute labor taxj 8225 ilrs margaret lut axes retnitted e91 alex vfaldie shorellirignor 1150 hugh mor rison bnrial expense of iate iaa y asplendid jot in tlje village of whitukcr il 1 alex henderson for aclooon whiehls situaied a frame i billdrespeclfullr in br jflbpte of acloo nltliatbe lias opened ttapt 4 shoe hop tii the build inrfi opposite w ustotiesfs gtovewtfflkif millqtbbfitr i ciingiuooasylj anjuim io wajitilaiiiuiiiiil and j llttin boot 6t shoabould leave jhcir oisorttbiisltyid vjt r j hcnariy ofijatiauarid prjrnjlj-ljttibd- d to j j i j w williams- a ttejitiok straw hats j0nnet8 cleintd dyed mi alursd t the present 1 fashions mrs wm thompson i bowsrs ret actoy houses 0ts i -ixxhet- village of 46ton the followingproporties for terms and particulars ttppiy o t a a ii l nooue ecal estate asenifre s pre bulldlnc acli a been present 1 garden eubblslt irefthe ratepayers that they potht vmuimittc tht jnatte will be cartie theougii as every feariha present freyard presents a i bflilthy and tnort dugrsfteful r- 1- erforee6nadtpglhuirticle sroatdsfeitiention to two letter in thiatssue wliichrvfetfotee condition aff owr streets arid thedkposlcu ifarseiiani jlser rubbish we feesxt- i i iycodciir in the opinioitf pur corres- pondentsand would yery mach like to seconrstratt present ainoce respect ibis sppearanfs i is yery unpleasant irhen wxlking uirooglt ouretreets to eoiue serosa first apist of garden cub- eitthircberiha hep6fstatjl6 refaair anon wobdp3etandso ori vitiatthe titions should see that tbe vrnttter is attended toj the- bdnstaili has ia formed nis that if tie matter doer not receiv s immediate attention tbe b5 lair which bears on the tubjecfc wili be fat filled otte teiter scrfcral othe micters under this titing will be- referkd- to in next mm- i fall wouak krom reliabl information recoived froe all parts of the county we learn tint the felt wheat hat a most promis- ing appearanoe fc ffts feared that the fronts which- set ta- jathec soverely iartag the early part of thigmbnth woumliave trada damagingefrcotbat wa i wrijgisil to learn that no ecrioos re- itartetpfy to follow it may be that thewiih is parent to the thought- fiat there appears fobe a general opin- ion ttat the crbpvwill jgood- this year awlif tfiarmiseatiadicatioaaare vort anyiiiin j there ia a prpiptctljiat these aaiicipatisni triirbe reind a failure of the yropt this sesion would t serious calamity fur gnada and f bjrtlrdepremtfindustrsm tbin all liiba i t rjoulcailthimble ib5ti jlssaaky1h vlil lii lt- tolunntirodjricirrru dciasik h isobservible to all whotakea walk trough durvitlage that many of oar citizensj while ed in gardening laiw- depositing- the rubbish vrhieh accumiilatcs in the gar dens during the year on the streets which custom i cm orry to say does cot in any way beautify the appearance of our otherwise little ltdwn kow i beg jto remind these parties of the caaa in by so 6 sec- which siys any person placing or depositing earth dirt or rubbish of any fcind on any of the streets without perirission froni the constable thill renjo the same after recemng notice to daso by such ofiicer and it shall be ihedieyofthe constable in case of tke said leartti dirt or rut bishor ollec obstruction- riot being removed within two days from said notice to iraciediately cause tber same to be dene oc removed arid the cost of removal together with i fine of not- less than two dotfiire and cost shall ba collected from the offender in- ac- cordanco with thf fnorisions herein- after contained hoping that while ipeopj will exer cise morepiudeace in the disposal of theirruhbish thin to delta our- streets with if and alsrdilhav the constable willitferiuo tlii daljci faithfully i tin yours etc l j oyz who lbvis cteiir biieets tauiieiiriijili fecprai c dxjlk ffrk prriiicme through the medium of your columns ipcallauei lion to a sattcrwlijckatpren5fprii5 ttetlimeorcnioncopversijorlc lr allude ta the filthy spdtidycanditwn of the streets in thi commurrtty dentl we are retrogtiiding apojfe if the abeencedf tfdirieraintsisreifjcct is to be taken as id index to our tislts arid habits kow tbe couacit msy re- jceive its share ofuime forsuch fftate of tbingiandtporbaps bddeservipg of acertainsharathereof by not enforcing the bykw to preijerit people depositing rnbbish 4c- on thejpublic streets but is it riot really too jbabt that there are jgepplsrcatling tbemselvjsj raspeetable r citizens among ujraddost co habits- of tsstaaiid cleaiinms at to deliberately thro wtheu5tceumulmioi6fwjnler rdb- bisbjntotlie street ani that infxoatof their ownpreroisek kot only has thrr practice dreopedit8elf hat ai if by loirce of example j it has continued o grot tilljeyeu thrcefusa of stables is boldly pitched onitha etreet to the dis gust of tt peratjiis wfidocctir premiseerpposite- flhereis also agrow- ing disposition tojaaie tbte streelf che depository for all lugnnerof vehicles for months togetherand not only forva iiicles- but more dangerchls- ifitprersents sniiiftpfowa harfcws c- 2fptfjask- cancpt samelhing fie kne these existing defeeia in ttis muriinpal- ity 1 evidently sotriu one is responsible and deserving of censure tb8by- iruni cur oyk cqrrftpotokitfw i thought of commencing wtth- a lew lines on spring j bat on glancing over the last fsee fasjs i noticed how your p- d bounced jtha joct who catered your sanctum anil caanienced to write kail gentle spricc xho rtntja kph howeverit feels more like spring to day thanit baiitormue time the farmera in anticipation of the good prices ihey are io recetrn from the k p intend to so ajgood deal of grain this spring very little wheal vrul bo sown in this neighborhood especially on the cly soil aiitiaithonghl to be tuo late font to yield well the body of alex- aider mcdooali rh a suddenly disap peered on the evening of the i5th oc tober last while i returning home from eton nas discovered in the grand stiver about tn yards below victoria btidge and about twelve feet from be shore tifrwaaj j strong healthy man about forty yeaia of age and was iu6t work on 7th line 5 albert apple- rard on 7th line w pvririi williams error in school tax 81957 the treasurer wei ordered cr riy the persons named the inuil nsureo toe the reasons named vtr samuel j mckcuzle 2 sheep killed 0g6 wra dudge i sheep killed 24 j a b wright 1 sheep killed 4 james scott 1 sheep acdg limbs flu car ried the council then adjourned until ycanesdiy the 30th april- house la good condition 4c andtjbpiirifere 2 one third oisn acre house in good condition rpiiublai immediate poiskision 3 on bower street ipposite morrows onefifth of- an ere on which is- in excellent ropghcast house with splendid cellar and good cittern and well younjl oyebaid of firstclass fruit trees- easyteima f patment a good deal of sugarbeet seed ir to b sown in waterloo county this lea- sob and a vigorous effort at theeulture pf ilia root is likely the boat race between harilan and itawdon comes off next holiday tue betlfng sduids two to one in favor of the cunnqck lieonucitt tdokis kxcilhos ecv lecraio ju1 ftoarntsxtivksirs wxian ixoouj iain cannot stay where 11 is ued it is the tbeapeit nmdwne ever rhads one dofa cures common sorej ihroit one bottle baa enred bronchilisj fifty cents worth has eured an old standinj cough tt positivaly cures ciarrb asthma and croup fifty cents woilhfus cured crick in tje bak 4o07d n 41 i t s- t esidesceftfrsale or bevt i that dfiirsble property- iitnitid oil bower st at lbs bead pi wilber st- ti lot is aboutscvim tigbia of an acre ia izl theiifusols in tnfid-tutxiuaahiiti- biort tit rois nk-ll- painted inside aoit oet good tift wakr cistcrb jhb pji iu p srr k jtcifceii- jaiitrei- dence is in a lciltliyiiif icenlril paft tf fie lillic wtladptedforcitlermercbaii rr mechanic foi particaun apjlv to r geo jvaltehs or at this office lft tirrjii- collar wcl with ffjmc tilts iudi- dr parties nariftj inrl otsin ihevillage or farms in be idjoininj tdwrishiforaalb wilifiiidit to their interest to have them ins rted in this list charge unless tl e property is icildr ia4e plkcqre real estate a gents actofi federal ibank or oaaca cuelpftjranch a obtrtilr blxklko bxiss dokc diupts out unit or exchaxge bought and so d- uepbsrriiss are allowed interest l the rale o and the same quantity lame back ol eight firoaper cent per anni 01 in thji sav j ears standing the following are ex- j logs bank department 1 nd six 6 ptr tracts from a few of the many lefferi cent per annum will be a lowedon de that hive been recervedf rom difterenl posit keceipta provided ho money re- eenatite on trjeeveniuf octheffilh of parts or canada which wethint should matna in the bank not w a thaii ait 6j- ocfobef- he wstormerlya resident of te sufficient to taiufjr the most jcepti jmontbs and three 3 moutasinatica be ewueaing but sis for same time lived cal coltard of partont wrtiea 1 given of its nithdrartal j near lilora i hen he disappeared in send me c dozen dr thomaabclectriei fuovas t cfrest lbs fill a general search vfaa made for him or mjitodfiwbich wax floaght- to be ja the rivetj and althojgli t was dragged and ctnnonl fiied brer it the rirer refused if give up its prey till the floods of spnng waihedft to the sur fjcewhera it was found an inquest wnheldan4 the vcruictgivea that he came to his deajlh by aceidautal drown ing while ia a state of inloiicalloa ilrssteasrt we- of duncan stewart one yf tbe olaest settlers in the block died very suddenly on friday the kth inat aftcra short efetuert- she wa tor yeits cohhecteu with the borioa congm- gitioiiqf hebresbyterian church and was buried onifondiy irilbv iresb er- iari buryiriggjiund liiefune wellittendelpyrajlargenuniber of xrieddsaiidacguaintanc f exkrided lo hose who icrrdirior the departed iiep lijo cameron who wasepppinted pjutlor orihepresbyterita churcha short lirnbagp is daing good work fie- udtokis ibe ueactatigi- of gids wordin an able minuer aiid has awanderful pqwof iheni oil hire sild alli hadfrom joa and want more now its cures are truly won derful win uegtuke of franklin writes 1 have sold all the agent iefiit acts like a charm it waa slow atfi nl but takes splendidly now h cola or lona irilts pleass fonard 6 lozeri- thomjs jsciectric oil i am nearlyou nothiojt equals it t is highly recom- mendedby those whoharensed it j bedford- thamestille writes f tisend at once a turlher supply of eciectrlc0n l bare only one boltle left i uevr saw anything aell so w ell and iive auch general aatisfactipn j ujcmpsbni ftoodford writes send meaonie mbre lidectrio oil i have old entirely out kothing ukes like jt i jliuer k jteid ulvertonpo wfitei tjkilzceotrie oil it getibg fagreat reputation heri and ii daily called ferx fiend us a farfherstirppiy withoat viala jf f bewars or ijiitinosi skfot thomas ecleclrijr oiv se thattbe afgnaturepfjjxipjus tsoa ih wrapper add llie uameaof kohliropa byinaris uown ta- the bottle arid lln in aoton i 1ck r-sljrrr- i 3 v2 has commenced busl iie as taker ill lhat wellknown stalffii oivjill street 4ctqti alnfesi ppjosije hills fj roceryl stoie nhere l jb felbia 3d y inallt logclher will a presh buns cakes ov canilways be had at the lowest rjttjtf pricea j bread will be kept at thosj eflflons real fence ttear the ploiifact lory for ibe accomodation of citens living irithe estern part of the village- jl stock if- uiiseillts confcciodi7 py j uaateeoju7ebbscdaii4 vlxf ov i 1 aud cheap f a qnanl lly ofl ops will be kept oa hrod roraaie miuuaixl eneap r a siocjf offbotrc famny vlaur will be kept on laintl anaacllveicioaurparaof uie low- atitiie curreul jirieta sur eaan xnly teimrtlisg soctala solrera c provld outoruattit suorteat nutke t tb aston alum htu fevy rs r i ii sil i at 1 j ky rvr gileleft ctiotil lljill i j liuf our stock ix note compliie bralxiepartmtaf vnt ordifffifecahj orvif iptdfuliij iotidkd siuw lculttok f jtcrcaai talhri- ijijiavifir 79 itfinatpr c- i if xifi ixs o auld acquatntanqk phot ocr a phi zed ehbuldauld acotianrldoca he fofgof annevbrijroognttotbmt shouuuolk gk theiraihototraibs to trfehjs 0 anld iahg syne then awa friends aoeaa a andinnatoso nae tune f fn gelling pictures tor your iinasy tor lories uflilakes tbemfiafo an if ye diriris ken the place tuen try lis shop to fin i de is up jitst a flight o stairs as uf days auld long snuf anwbettyottetpiscorattrifa i let apeo beniuje i ta miiid ihe o tbp oahce tttys we had jn auld lane syne t were itowin auld anneartn fast tne arne thats jouri an min 1 j then let our friends see how we iookd ki the days 0 pltiaang syne for surely youll ba jourpaisob anturelyiljbe niine jsnwtfhletuurfrieridasee how weiooko la lie dayi of aulrl fang sjnet pksitcf mry ducriiilianxtidiud ia- 104 4al sylit of tie art mmpdcrafaprjcn icibnpataict hl tmtfn fixiric hnniciv u trsoe wk r i trade art the great enf- m iouuw a n stacvi arataaafjuince orseiiiftg imj abase 1 isa t of mem err uriterrallaafcuu rain ia tl riesf ijnpfinifii xaprf mforepw asf an 1 man v other uiseaiosbpc wins iiuty orciu5amllonantl a premature grave let v lir i jli i i i i stocunaiaijkpactbceaix ietgta i iia a t m j- j a- or is orliben fret by on recent continues 1se v ire tie r fn teehkiior e arctto- ioruhnitniroffc tr ltd ai mexiiciue dealers i jsct- notttauop xtmaif toronto tnf trkhtlpr forvthedmliiian kbte ecleciucsbleciedandjyep incized 16 mu t mtvxi iasp- iteiy tl v xe it r wiore heart is inhuevorx c itii vrjfjim reeafffijgjltrlfe-i- iriiiaioaeonq vtet ld absautiful tain fast ntfht and thii mojtting ereryhiug tdir fresatid green thetarmtf- arepeir- iy througbtefjding on thursday lart hrb micmettosd liu new turri a godeal6t4tiriie prevafledtihe raiamgaddtm jaccfoteyt which lugfc hsivenoughrijlglit have been a- weat deai a ovser aikrberlnts ing a rafter from he gronbd9tertio plate lodwhen he bad as he thought gptjlfarapiigh to reach thepur line platebe bcoke itpserjhe jnaiq pkte plate ouwbichhe as etaading but tin- fortunately itfellabqttof the pariitie and tofciim trith ittathefloor a dis tance of eighteen feet wievr fia felt himelf goingj he tried to ubfpv hut having nothing to brace himself felt 6h his beak and isltwra oa reachjirgthe floor he spranj over the stone irallvtth iheagilifyof ial abhaoofetobsobri forthfemfierwaawosi after him mil attack the floor but a fe inches froni wherefce did ueisaid he wastofmpch hnrt- artier going home he spenta vary resiles night and 1a thetdornirigseril for drjtscbaeiihvfii fduadjrhatbu collar bone was bfokeri and hs arin and lick badly bruised j ho la doing aawellas cau be exp ected i under the drcard sfancer aprit ig- will aritastlq lajr mr lrliamenfcjifttr exjecteirill- a meeting i pi the gonarfttativea of ffaath weliiiiktoniil tiro and deserving of dansure tf tba by- bity haucuenliori mopda5tb ot jaw to regulate such miliars nol ttf- iel j4t ficianti therefore jwhy not amendand- make itsol if lifficion which iie- liave it tobe hynot enforcaitland that protppfly oiid ylgorouily even if tielxsfamongusiuldsufiratny rate let there be norerpeet of parsons iiia matter of o rrracli puwie import- anceand espceiilly -where- the health and goodnameof ihainhabitaritsire at issqe xf we desiro to cuiiitaieithv set- -fa-taltfitco-oa- ltrgs aerwe f fall m wi i at 4 hto mamtainourtepuuuonfprreipeeoi- hkfu t t ijmaiayaialipieiirircjt ihv oup and yjeaeqtifau appearncei jj xw 7 fst z ttodt tlye ehotitok ttf luli5i lall bye rsersdn rof figprouf activity ywfbii oboe m tlement among usi of peoplifeoltimfe vbrongat put to oppose tn the member for iber- rwllrba iwidtaw i vc mrrbecham ville qdebeha intcoduoed bill wnftb pr60sotthff followtrig reductibns inffic4lvsilirmj3uaotwrgpc hs tsown fjojeacbno siiriit bb the pfemie members of commrina 6 if day fofjes jhhantbirtydtrje or radx4rtki ji fieipumvoffdwcfej senatoiwjlfrpsr 4ay at 460fer fc ontario andaro6u00 mqlitr4 tieiawrnffljtlibrrrrotinceit i0k 1 xoltca is hereby gtveo that any partoa ir perfopafucbresrjaasuisf uafna craboot- log on my prctnaei- wilt boprooecntd aiir 1 i dltth morr0w jmasd tfljaif- r we hereby desieid express ear hearty thanlumthmi3fpnreittniiwtoao nobly and liaiicaujyinftdibuetbiirsajiy mora ing 2tth inat audi tbotr saved oar beasts front destructioa hyure i u- twm 3eusos jti peluby i itorhpth power oftife co4tine 1 in a certain indenture of mortgager t iade- by mary- h- oapbelc- ud t01ttis dalmtx7ftee v inll besald by pnwscvio r jontha premises on ard day of may tst8 kt ia o r lofis ij thi rfbiiowtovaipsaijamait ni f lot nriab6r ifedf mi and mainsrtriftueiatd 1 mag ofacfin lnlhecoyisfhklvii ori which fa evecleff a largetpstb lob uoteldrivlogshed- and ttaiily jdl sri tfcad repair- j i ry terms fen iartneynobepbi serl8rja f her tjaoo itf fit tft66tblffttjfnttresp aw pit cent fseytmmmit ikootf may remain ip torfaief wjijevi tfof slrwfaltowmv atsi v ul eda r ifortttrtroioaujrjajnij ioieas befj aetfjbolicltorij w2s i osij- 4i pi tfee muuey lrd tbi gtuv iieoicixe c irmttaorutrt can pdlsaiid fvery- whtrejn di- adaand thextnilftl stales bi sorfy- sold idvcon 6y all drvpdslsatid evfr- eu iftasilaufuialitsnkrb wonderful ilj tllttvley p ax ijtijiaj a xi exitiaij eimnv ti e w t rer kneumjtibnrtinq latii auakuu nil ir-iitbjj- jnt wana kuorjt j xreniaiy lb6anierrebctm ariphbd jtytvtr hituiil eaatt trpopuntlg h i i fapijlr ift oiita jtpeirateli to the veiyobiwj eott tii circuliuon netmuilfac 1 u slij f niqiic joou clrruullk la ujg mwh4ti upir h fromtho yitim tti rc iltit ia untj i mgto j t iiaihiaibjeia fetlirfiealicbei neiiral- lilii uijcnmliism bpniiis- tswtjlinim llaii4uiii iiuro cos brttifcef luip m ude ldh iybt ruin a chest ialn iu6umjilttj coughs ccjd5 prwi lrtve4 chwilibf liiarrua disenury 6uuinierconiiiulhtstic r it j c ore thfr mbl pl3tfl rwiuti u cne iniitaist j the tat is tgmu and tti stcret or iu taewasfls aiifiaiwjsis i3t0i8to otoasv i ailas wha a se r tba- tllmaxsayrof me coxst1- j tutloxabssmedtc j t-j-tiihiamttf- i babcifiitw oirfr- 1 dbab siaiv s low two years slticeydor tcontttitwtiiircataith jipmedy was inirpd icedfi me v navetvailed ihis ion tokee if thp curs would remaia lermftnaatbe- fore doirigthuimyf ufy to yon aittrst tbo happy e3 ta learned to rrit to b fob good 0 be true waaffiioted mmjheadfdiyearb 1 oeforei suspected 1 tobs catarrh yburc rodlar i skwiny cas described tn rnaiy- parlicnlars the lfirtardarop ftrim tba lirad had beoometerjduigfebfiearid r7alcpiingsens4tjo ofjen pravent- tug iiie lrprijl jlng long 1 would fifmik9snotlertrig wlbetspaipei- nileawwtojrhxtha ed my imidipiriu ffera s ity affected when your agent camectoyfabker- sod ihu gnat 1836 raeotired three obttlesrjiefbre i hs dssm aibjuar ler of the coarkinsi rfonebottle i fouab dfid6d eie f and- when i vtdcv used swbtiotttei anal atidrdji it mlhrfriitfhi o6itared brltutiun7ywdfltvmtweaii r 0 ft a fsw takva some jor oold y v a frarijlri fori pt ju eascflarrn prompts ma to send youthas per- c wlffrviassetp- make what use of i you may see ikiftwfaic i 1 i- tf liaajiosxodrilrujyjt 1nal wftfifeajeea fw mrscs0njndl tional catarrh 1 lamed riant vy sitajnm rttot wetollilvqgtistfat r9p 1 drndijrj0 boute ittiti dunbar job i6jk5 riiliil ii i bi liemst jf ft v it buy it rtfavi t iiitvcitoat v fir fjblcsrrat s -iftfca- mrg8d i ioerer4wrreroljnejiinssnd breatnj r rrrifejtfbfis tin siooni tjatorrn corai penelratlnx and ctdthalnx rebitujr tlulosiaiillbloftju toemnolalious in tne head lsltarmleistolhemost onfateebnillttnioaprlressertha mra jtoouahroanilootjiaarta elahle eompooud ap au 1 vtiaruc wunoc aahspig cratirps tate id siltaaa wbereaparxauvexaadielberlaueefl- d ryimsjceiitsi mrs iloons peartbnrp xvaftratnese wafert are sounmeeiate teihvtq ibwrrrtorb tii ay tmcaenta aeeran inillan- afsmsl mnimodavibrenkentraejajfaaifoit jemalo woltness irtmpeat9- mri itoobs itoaelalecilontrrriesisenti ura mocns corn and bunion 8alvl a u- prlessenisi- mra lloonn ifcothacha drops- 2s eeuu hramoons xbtnanejolulfon brtsln mfs mnonalndlaaoltrtment ffeints mrs moons tpsaroka oil tbe beat pain kufena the world tr it v price 23 oenta ktruabtrtas tfotm sosur on infallablq worm deatrojer frleasscinta mrs k i moon propi letre ss 1 r tofeiiki- oht pharr5aoton 1 hly otbw fiiewglfmih iphl8 ili h i ill uhteluaresstaatourtrnlpy jltruciedpijfitt orjdeftclenlim auuatlons- atnenorroeo jjisoitnwt tra vt mtvmeteirhittarfew r artslbg froman vrisn se wnsttev fe hre sy rj tbeyare norb new remthavlng pean l wsedbylrapdrewatortsewiksyenta when ihcjreoonliimilwbiu titer rnoeid natl io aritir ciwbtry hynstt draiatnirillcaliaviuj5 topottriaiseaobxti ro5 1 fbvuibv ttnjd at lon to soil tloni w svx 9s1nr ijib 0 sell our ue tdttfo2iwco v t ntr vliifiw etuo po arotonlotut tuicoliim f uew and wsnivail lnvcn titar qtiai ceoa tcqr7jnall us rinses la 6 wlrto bamuad r lo uitceses nstnf- eaae and 1 can pcapjuud ua wiqorruoseoiijser tln etery oat in wimgreuec auto lb faet- witrilui iii hnj iht lo uitegine gapjuitd ua wi ers- darllwl tbarttanylirfpaaoouwlileii reaealfcb 1 skill ahtasdejlcjib yet pro- 4acd iaapktorrduaajestrpwerprex cosaaojipcrabtt- aaniatter wnbtt b i tre- tarvadotupt i safintrntaii orvne above cpirjpldinta wiircatiallha i lisi z rli i flay of tba taei proorjfeebrjrai olita magical power oner pain in ita magical power icarionv eri ft in tqefappllt j ttominion are constantly oondliigtb un5s7gtvlngtxtressionto the moat irajerufjmtirud fori4tebisjig cdrfe vfhice arperrorlae arid we twoulb be pleasjdtoreieaivees- ttirhohiasl froin all others wfad us tyirxinirxrrndlairjoatffec trol dom t relstlsofipari 5aeassot8ldn e 1 tt if oimy it tpour hoes ata itwlu ip- prays blcsujgito ypnr rgaltijiia fjiepaa r y y jrogffisu are setttngi epormous ouantities of it therever introdac 01 lchalleng6 tbatkbridwjlroanre lits e6unl l tujp wholesale drmjand patent medf- jcipailousesomdtteal toronto hamilton toi fjpndon 1 l it i 1 w wlm najoubqumup ftiurbp n i niyftbndgca ii- bbn attfjtxls stffbn fcwtrikv ttelrifreal ffrtakwolor booki speeunea ubhhriimjiibllsliir -i- u m

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