Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 3, 1879, p. 2

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floe 10f on free fresh r uutsatd every tuajuv iwui for amimfl in m sur u irrirty mchnenmp htottre ubut- log tvfettti naewjfnw booknd job prliueifs dud ushers ortljeacloufrkeniess is tfclv dnjjdteoltcd hy mutual eansenu t thebuslucss trill tn the future bo carried xia hrh p moore trho whldfscharc nil and eouctt all aceootits coatrticteu by ihe lalefirai daiedni ietott onlic3oaida3 rjo isi c fl txrttl koore tcilnuvfkuijii swn rmuuily ofthe oops the favoniblo repotia lately received trom ill sections of tho- country ire welcome- and doj canadian liisru ssffls-rtjlwjmjwjjtftiuy- ifrpcent the cttlsee tnir renders wilt jnave su by the lasc issda that a change has been made ja th uunagamant of ihe free press willi hi umbertbe free press eutera on the fifth jyear of publication and wp hope lomako it tho best vol ume yet issued at it bit been in tb paswith these rlkf lradthtt editorial manage- menlaftha journal m will it ia tho fataro be oaraim to supply aacrcsderr yitk piper accbad to none in the i tho season u mat kcavtth p drought cokl uackwawwetthbrrliud ikouueojusffliuiasa4uyi llovevpr the aspect of thing has ieceullf clikilgw mid ibundiat ralna tid21riil wea gives us hppo and a ijuuyeragflpropj eoiifideatl- foplr udiusalturwuniitl yibld w es- callcut and a- possible dcliijf h the tfntoltiog of tho grain- villi bo of small aecouurif tho result is a fuilcropjas expected lu eonnahcan with ibis subject tiff- alaoihsl gatclh srtys at litis juncture in commercial auaitv it i of lb utuiosjt impotlatop that good crop should be reaped we are it is cofldeutlfjsltettd emcfgjng from ilia oag period of depression which ml lippit cionds in comuion with ill other countries and oar hope cf nvivinj comuiercil iclivky rests upoa tho tnauunitioa of a national pahcf ia fiseil legislatioo couplod with a louutiful hatrest but noilhfr cjuipf itaetf roalore t da ths hulcyon dira of loog njo uiovingti thcr do hand in hand and dvalng sttcajtli- ia opera dou- be oca from tha other that a tariff iffurdiug the lullest oncoursg oiant totha developementjif homeia- dusttitsit ai r in opcrauon it gener- oil admitted but it annot fail to fall short lit ita reaulu of the expectations tormed if llu maiutay of out mliouii profpciity lie-cro1s- a dsjscaetrt cnfj by gatling toiflb o lea cream en paruci2iar aitenlioa ill be i v- j sa it ia therefore t canib of rejoiciog given lo afliira ooaaeced wa uunl- j r kg andoaiiy toirhlclfo peloog arll oo iooal colamnsvrin iirits taincorrect wporta of eifirjuiii of joeahbyoriadea whici tflar transpire ia pottioi we oontinaia neutral atid ilaiitrot he jderoted ia any poliucil partf or actioo bui siitil at all limct aaiander all areamilancca cctuidcr ewtfwes frj to dijoosi midlirs of nqbllcintreav on tinir marila tht fie being ad ablr and cffioienlljr- filled br the metropolitan journals irhereih partj jolktd is specialty and wbert- thii flp ffvftia timff tie hatvast pioniiaaa to be fait jarertgaon ninuuqj6lioojtiinitv it ti npordj under couteaipklionceruin ttropoiiel changea ia dcaliog wilu national affiira llini- ar olloguther tadical in tlwir cfiaricur they are doia hit because uicylnad that uia tho fkue pbess ua it ia tire bogiuniug of itaw roluuio rt aaiiimtiiiithai afjifr 1 qliiaufaicjfftii of 0 oauitplraid lo ioj liieeiuihad iuvvii iarcl isttbv hfttnan ttho wu1ni ralhor lia uiidera shade trtsa thuicgp oatock hen tnrm dayh after dlpuer sjms4 of ita jupjor boi of ouv villagw ra tndoavotiog to organic a uerflsae olub ejiidt givethtoi tha bold shoulder thptu jwntui daja- 4 yz linjerslanil hiit l mr vrii pdrrjuiaft plfeuvci- ciov vrho yut hprtied out u fuw yretka jgf iuutpdj ieplacine mi hotel witk rbiick one miss murlhicouiuiiikp baa our tliauka for copies of tiia mtlbourn australian skttchix and kw boilth wulra tuun aiikitfryyuiirual arogud iho tbat jf r jap storey irho atcw wafki g rewired a sovere cut in ha bat wiih u adi is alia to go about a little od crutches iikvl mr bicliaidtoai forwerly plor if h methodist cbttreh mik ion preiiiheda yen ablp and cfogtwnf farewell seraion on sunday- ojvniiig last lo ulmngrfgitiqlw mk w h storor iiluvlnghia eureka glove spring works fiued p ih new aischlnetj capable of manufacturing ji njuchurcar uiimber ot springs jkir dsy witiitho sametiara- her of employees jhn with ik macliinery inuoloforo aid wjiabr indettedia sir obit k sltpheus and ilaiis armstrong for the deljeiommrkwmnei tent in d fil left in he vtrkwtefry iociliajv vevkv thty werp tlic finest we have swu uiis ssoo but were an- likathe trudiriorriilatrawtierry tbeift wiysnorittla dneslo bi fputfd at ibe bottom of ibo baiiuc than they will atk1nsuu8 a- neffest ibadea of ooll heir actual raluif iful prioea which i if cjfir c7hrbtv l u d o itnmijiltftiiihn areo ervchee je ib tu oi7tafrf v jjfrij n0 iert cheap before being bou 0 ok tlenh anb bovf 8aibrhua8 shlrti about tetnty per eenf leu licotkit h roflt ust ee and riit ihiru of all unds made r atlkori riolice tbefb has been grt run on tl- tt rse to itbbfalheiid flower e ptricjlaflegre b taken off every custome bill when sold abotrt four but iroffonntlh up io 81 iff ratteovsil undrediof ladhs fana value that udiei are aajodlshed at tb iterlirig good qualituahber idow ivd qettoa totiajhersqtblbka4ntbabldg tkcatpeu af and to naiy eai art telling fully u per ti leu than tkey mil nczt tab bj i yucipyia ii 0w forrv isuiejsf sidney ausd ameliaabtfiy may m 9w a fed itdoea dot intetfetb wjtli exfttirigcigbu v 1 i j jni i itahfrtli a priiijioii ailithflttkejrijfce mrreiltfurrta of aaprj- iti acan ulcho wifvir mr jflha8nctlui iiflaiatta hotv distiller ic- i ii thiliab rci i in ernoa t thejraildonoabf mm divfd hikeava odtw s0hiolti byiha hot v u oi1kih1k1h mi jolin mnnno ctberin dinthlcr ot alex hart e allot trhu j pw it lii tclnov on thel 2jtri nlt- he icjmfpeflot the uriddiuthef mromi slivv ti hvnhvvaadeu miilca lylhi luy jaaiea cirmill mr jimrtlfrii editor withi nckiibw 5ri tiidii liizie relict wuo late i o boyd triretojitt in fieorgetcani oa tttrd ultvt ft ibxr ei iji a f cir days ago we were shcrrji k nojr ageiuci 6f aunsj called jiha birtlcltiug- seti lately discorered in 6onh ccrolinav iu liothar qujlitiaa arpthat itiasoraewhat oftne niture of cljtufio or iudii i ubbcr and by taking hold of both ends a person can- present policy instead of teprcsamgis iik it cons longer than its jibaoiirtely fosfaricg cominatuaai 0- actual length wonder if it pbaeaaea dalism aud itihliianc it ii enderatood pcctiliariues similar ti iuoie of tbo that tb cdnmmplalod change of base its been rcccm mended by a gefcrar high in the crara faror vrho has come tslliecbncliisiolithit what has beta in weryfacnlty 61 afforded for fulill- done so- far gainst lha rerelationary irf their nubioatnetige paper nary j- r ripr e effect 1 of augmenting their nnmbett and m it- fe- s- tr at ell content to let them do twbijprfc of lia craft ltseems co ui tee visa nanspaper cttt dbyote ka energies- u batter advantage hv gftflg laote sttsntion to matters of local import- ifkirs inwhieh the pom ersnity feel an irrterret we are not responiihla far the past eiatory of thia paper nor the coarse pannept by jit add what thefuture mil be remaina yet to be seen if practical eaergr eirefur tuains man- agtroenjabd persorerenci rill- keap it sr tpiiprtieiitsiandirilkire6f the barc yapefi in ua chanty it will maintain id position should ceat enj- time in aa brticla err in our jadgoient oar readerswilleuidly bear sitiijjt ojving to j the large lccil cireulatioii tliebeee xixks has proved iteelf ih iepistandvitfbw jbaad in tsp ft fare ftri eictlifal avertisuiit- tnediam ad iz birr riles are a law as any country ntwejmper wo solicit tie pat rouaga of merchanta aadbnsineamta of aetba imd enrronading eoautry 1 oar utmost to gtre 1 boot and job prfcfiiig- with th aid of a complste supply of th8 newest i ftyfesof typegoot presses aril first claks wors errual jto that ef the lest oity 0ffcejr- the cpni- jf i bemkuctfofalkrahdwewillfiuorderj j for all apt and colors on the fildrts poeaiwehotice taconciuaion oirrendeayci wilk bfe anil will do atiafaction to aukftithv esee paesi i weicorbe lemtoetymuffitjonlein secfidri of the pounfrv jliij with goci will iad assistance of aur friends are haya npioubfr one aim witbi a siiccesa j xr crop- mospjscts 1 jftmr citfarjforcarfaiinawspapcra ttlatthis to giye jlieirreidera jrbbecbjiofiliairopp foireapet6eeomg and give adew ifef iiereiartieif cmada njanacnlfnftr iii vol i hdhbupc6speriififliej ends on the qua hueiice ii is understood that onqpf lha relioreion will be la sire free dom- to the press and encourage ratherthaaothertisac paper fcr the discussion of tho views of the xihituls ta a moaarch ho hs generally had the credit of considerable enlightenment the eristingcoiditioa of unhappy rus sia must be sufficiently painful and un satisfactory to induce him toirisltfara beiter elate of miings which can- never be irrivd atas affjura axe if present adnunlstered metbimlutciiurcli the following are the appointments made at the anaual maeting of tie rnjoanfeenee for 1879 oa the gaejph dirtrirt gurlpti 1st tkorfolk street wil- ijivm willutmc guelph 2nd dublin street w1 liaraj marwtll oitt- kerscaw gamael leareupefahhimtfd ponisouhrrtwrav ip- smith fergnstitos u- wiikmaon- chltidohnvamith hesjielerblwin hoimcs charles ngowo l v 1 georgetownf sngh ilclean xel soir burn8j sla teft without a sta- fiantoroop year at his washinjton isaac crane piaibrviuejjohafisuer eichaid v williams i elmira johnw coolsy kipkeyar6iniel jl lickintie aelon ktcharduobba kocfcwood j- bf fraainan b- 1 eiid ditideojers j hi bennett girifraiiulinws laird j johnstcwarf cqlege j w- williams cuairbiaa h mc- b9 carriage presented to thiifcn casi iouiwuyiey4b5p t i rerarynia been kiiippeatohtbpd the neatbnfor cjinaai h a dtspahrom -wnnipf- jane j ltotsa1iavmrjimeaciotigail cpwmittea 8ipule tlljpotinjg berself at ixtdasjakatechawioj yrhiktii rvicia with her- ontario- f she- had ouly beenaboattltree -weekmat- tied lo sfrifacdougaliwlki is a ion of the hoa il n- i- or ux or ttfhr the orange i rpejiorrfleboairatori fntend iwldurf a aijrtpixsaiishii otbrw orl july j iantlpnjfjtlvpffenniav iciof the grange iksiui cjiijili inj tfddiftwilf b lieaentedtoitr mae- trtrzio boen ifimsfer 0 ciiwofaj y9iiwfss- if y pf lhta tgiy j8 felecgftd oravd s67 jreisiif thoiorafigcujeii bfthpaniteraejirfti8 hnrianftblhatmfbpwehwillibe- ijeiishflh jfeicih jmy iff jcpnneptipir wtji jbepartpenlal- jbitsiaesaj bjdt jafhedierheiwillbo ablei to 1 rtt urn id pnwteijrthesejlibnofbatid prej aeviltct doainipi hi and8ccqrina the teqnisite rumbepbf- flow- olifali wheat- spfinpwtwt sew pill wtcav birky oita- 1 iaat ciirterftrmti lard- tv erkv iatatocr per bag appier per beg riyt clever seed liniothyserf ltrxmltst u- kaotjiwr 0 00ta c 75oo m 0 85to0 90 pl ii r a rrrt olaaa hao yi aucbd funeral pultibari51ottihat aauit a yiom yacgon s sleighs 4 c uajc lootjtfiiibdaf knai of rep airi n g i tlkliitt attesdevijto eteiov etpkouoivirtaalta- wyebud4a4sfl4iito ojdw- j j ripp footbr riilcrwt acfoxi edmrnetresiebsl 1 has eo neaa as baker j inttat rj wbllrknown sand btoreitrr6 iresh baisj can alfiy behadatbejoweat eab prices i5retfd brtepciat thos- baatons reucnc near he jlpw fad tory for liio accomodatioii of citiiena 1 imnrta fno western part of the yillaep fefme gni aw ijf fj r and see the efftct-ofthah- iivfation al pollby 1 afji j y m v kenny sons bkshoestobte- owwtlfii a bo to a sd 85lou0 fllffivo ih 0 id ma o 1 05ic4fc 0 w to i r dtrjl9 ejto 1 tstosoo fitter r treadled cretrir akitttf rr 101 j- 2 s5 to j w vvuhawfeaj ferboalt j da bpring wncat kfd chaff oit rirler- pcai 1 hay prt ton 1 straw t eft prunt botur piutiefptr bag riprifptrcwt lluruay sloae 1 adrartuiirs 10 reel es led in future to notice uese facia j all a changes of contract advertimmeabi ffjjv most pasitivey be bunded in by noon j bnjhe xfondayplecepding tftnothy r alradfartisoiuenw inleuded for lie local colunna aiuat positively bo hand- 2 in by hetucsdiy ereningprcviopa lo publication- tjukas these rules are oberredwe cannot insure lheiakiori of any advertueoieat in that weeks issue j osuesday evening isit t f ware uf lineoln citynabraska aoh- inlaw to ilk a matthews of this village amred itre on his way uiitisr whik 1 crossing a railioad bridgs in some part of the states the bridge g tvo way in the eenlre the cngin aid aeverarears had gotacfoes and two or llireo remtinwl on the opposite aide of cbe breach while two rcie saspend- edin- midair by tho coupling of the other cars svr- ia oxio of the saaparidod cars and with the oou- tasaion hid sotettd ribs broken 0to 100 0 90lo 0 0 mtlo 0 98 0 to 0 otoow 0 h to 0 ota loos foolo 900 8 00 to 00 0 m to omo ffotoou o70 0 86 0 s ewbm 0 23 to 0 2 0 71 too 9s hootoooo 2xt00b tmmmmmmmkmmmmmsmm aoid wzc iti ba raio by coucjunr ink bac loaned prom ft ttfoilunm for taxtuor prliculi ddrf peter r laaib co manufstctiurei3 i i tonesra snstalswsebbiew r iv trkwbfrrihs i ii 1 ol first nshsul- since tmehthf irp llsi smsit has been bqrcohofe 16 b 7 aljsbraljigrnihbr j choice frnlta of the season aaibeyppehvw0 btraaoerriea thliapaibn tnt tere ijatimnv siriiuhtrritt tyh batlti ar buh- orangas lomons etc ve ar cbfiltfantly roceitingirmlt goods irf thpsalihea and eboscijuentfy ihfj arp most appreciated by out custdlera- icexreamb ftc tful or qoirt fclabk 4jlitxuewh federal bank 07 0ahadaj a flrkekal btxersr tjrsiktss lkic- drafts- ud kill of eticlfavie liwftl aid jjui dep6s0bs are allowed iatertt rft the rale o are 9i prcoot peraananijin the-saf- fngs bank derartment anti firlc pet- cent per annum will he allowed on de posit receipj provided the inoneyre- mains in he banknptless thahsii g tjoyat exchii3oe iiotel niontdfinri three 3jrabrliis noiicebe jxltrtox jaicsdrpwomphrtor ri ohtalnlthdrawal- i mr cumpwl lam or the hosjln itonv mnrtjr rh4iin lflki- prtnsar in an- douaclcs la ills manj old fricnuslatiil plfoi uiil lie ui reccur larchad add rffltlad ilie vril xcliiis in ifaueaieil and moil eamrorub iirl and u prepared ip koiiiaiie baaotrs foitbw pain ceases swellinra jnbstde farer abate 1 and anairal and- healthy flatoetbu alter osinglbia great and wonderful preparation cowatt6maa electric otu cwuundri jiutjrt lho tipraali resiilliijfe from neuie or thbljrepara- tiqn vhy not procure aboillealdicp lha postu rifling and edectsnre one dose cures common brejbtaitoue bottle has pared brpocnitis1ftycpns wortii aim curedau old standing cough it poiiively- cures catarrh asthma and flroopfi fifty cents hiii enrect frictcia th back ffltt tbeoune piaiitlty tebacc afeiguttoratariding the follpwirgar6iirifjptnwftofthe inany lerieri- ihattilrre ben reeeved from digereiit rliich shauldbe sulecwrbstifyilipmoisi sccpfical ji i xfaonias binspprnjjacalcetjtjfs wntrriiisl- iboci- ifllicjed jsjoi kheuniaisntxprifae jaat teri jeaind hare tried madyjewediewithoutlany relief unlit tried jcttnoluspijc two vic and sincelheafisve had no at aekor it 1 would re coicmend it a ajiji j- rpnsftlheajcafaeirltyjsayi df beaiidbiphull br qjtttyit- yu bjveibid thbrnaa clpptrtc tkrffir iwp jfekr and f batehevtricol3 flmerli dnq jfticbasgivenworetbofpugh sat iafactlbn riiveateifitinmyaitjijcasa oriiirptnlag mdrdbocaraijue wkhie bestffsftiati j r j ahhreggmsnuftctoiojsfotvijig hacbinestrutmansbarjjfy tmy ibdmbwaii cau4fatrin aaaaahuie 480t bhy lpjoey einftajvayrora hom two -days- was obliged trf ajppiy 4ucbvremeaiea as tclfldge blitwllhj out relieving the pain immetualel ujerj ieaotiing iawlied hp b 0t jtthpt hiltanfrtifcr tobp larp ligto bs bghfed vmpjfj j k 14brit6itaxtliimw natnrjunqtveraxvrca tsavau6cptr witft an oxporrcoraljt flyer thlfly years is jircpawd lo attend td orders jjfgurauiiig kcritiagprhajig ih kalsomiaiagaiid itriitcwmoing jpn th shorust notice a1i- orders tpka ibr opvatry nrompuj attended to 42 in 0 hobk bahd tfort cnciw evcrrtk havlwa ayeterj porsin ll lm churoluj 10 do iiaw baj one cnfoana moisaivu oik pdwer whpali lalwluranejniprtbdasuorcrbnk chnm tne cbcacest enilosand bl ruhuinswaeel thff li tntecau at eiuiwore oa battattbmfcof8ibtlilevtoii wod whfcijtif storobs aiii6nii t his piirebaaedlfctbdr 3ft bnkwtlt iraeabfed shbrftdrt bttll kmrihibl frnp rea w kept frtrcrvfceon lt27r osovwajblfliti tlia gi t r sufioirtarmj i50iftr gtialesows 0o for thureojibf oa sosnt- ffshpa ofiljall dlpffi wwa pveyyoner oftbem keep it jj zbutisg iit ixitinoi bryjjrj etiomasbclacinphtifiaey thd irrf-i- ligature afsm fbomaa ia tqu tie wrtipjifffantilianbtjies ofinortbropi cmarj arenbrownin iia bottle ahdifciiii foo4ber wys31jsorow ft6fraria1f fnmimnealctsijriea korprlfieslidinjhldri 1 ipvf v ropmtorf tpr tnei bomjnion 1 1 1 rji vjrt idelfigate vomau acttatbfltooniarranjetbtsiffl wepe ineajjiaj r w i w e adimaatoanbruiwh6ru aheircnpuf 1 vjiijilrttri- vhtri tb3revmodladivwi in t 1 i i t h 11 ei rp9w t1i0uas y greet i ifanagrr k great mm for si5t we win send jou toon tn fdl tttep an nuauridid v- worcesters dictioiax 1 asituk t tfortnightly tltticivi- j- i kw oho fesri retail pr yrtrcsttr ulctuluirraitq sabwrlpllga trie pet ihnam rornucullj t m00 1 t 1 j or hewm ffv8a nnnbrvifiwd boaiid jn 5 jtarvriracrtbera lollrefxbtkiohtly ilbvie w ur tor inqr n jertr gibson be ri toihe rortxigttlyttkvicwk riil ijve t bofernatueax bblxqn acetb 1vivted lo whom wf tilt pa a poou edmmfainat6 conva tudrl lial- 11 rarpartlahnrvorutrbootes specmn copicszc arfdrpmuia liibluiiers bixfoufe clxrkk 6 0i j goyorttstturomo i i i i i ulgliwl h i ij u t fii sjfe w3ri gotatektlhxcticji8iiiramri e ca pttspbistotwii ainlantorjs ilj yt rfmnewsi hotel nnaibesstivrtoforia jya he cminij- of haltnn ilot he la pr- ou ladscscomblpgaipnlfcarprgii relas stjle wnd eoarceaocitt la s- v1511 actvti on 13lipjjormjan orererrmunlintorjs ili chv-ie-tlna- n dmnew hotix anaiiejs ladiesof the counljof haltn part4lo 10 firitelas si prosl ai ajr 1 rhrh rlftrfiwor rtau cnrtu remaoriitfli bradby mtcpsoktcar mrie to onjrjdl u gujrimiiatjidles will plense leave ihelr pruersax irrxdrvrmljln6r5f ifort an laajrwhlbeiirotipiljwlendedip jswindlmlekvlbfhwders proaia wfita aaiadisudciir il a it i 5j jroirisgft7sreel beah atoncni anerafitur rwmj b fbpi- bttci ubrra atoll 8aars bladeolicjiaibawroiiiamp u i fniol vnferinwdfitteaitioi hr iir i- wt r aatrtpmpud- wiet jhaajraraaaeathefirijifiueaarornv jtevlsm eat laukt 3cj a3wifujs j f ki id uai9a mtoalannefailihe olasland i i v 4ibwd bjiffiap qf aj ha 3tofirwirraioioitndi iiii e ju i i ttejitiosi ii3ij -ji- w it- ttli- rii- rf i r i v t n 1 toms r icleaaea dyfld and aueredjtoilmi pttu if p aet h i ojnfev c mrwyihpwnr a iialti tlisawerltreetacyii tt ad hi hldhori ij a 1 inr libipvotw j i ti a libisco 7 snoa r j t ai4v v 3 abixtinbyeaajr4dv ihbflljfteen taidalrialmgdd anwicjjxaj iwihobnimf abtesneieapdorpmj- aaea ilaci appllitor6buwaiioew taoltitllia x idq 3d 1 1 1 nc oi vtn- iff tv 1 part c ffjltgtf trtiiiif irr iti ofrpflj will be korijjn hand ceotrt rbllfjtuitrnlrf bl nwii ui 114 tiirrs pton uaadytd del vcie clo loparuflbe booth tgrroescbeajer jwiejit i84 0 lorefd and boh salrckot hotk jh tm copntv bandcomprltiliaall llniiftatv l usefjjtrarajrkaiijoeie goaisaar booi boots a airoxa 65t snoia i i fojtbf farmer 01 tuwersbaav bpqtj aguors boors 8iioi tdrlbejieebtole tortta bmti ebots4sua9 thrtibiam lorlhepodr iombmutoa boots hnoia formen women ohljajev iad ml cbeap far catfc af iv jv 1 ijt unifouebkneaamss 1 irij i i 1 i iincri aixt ufe uolmijf bi urdem ullptton trie eborunitoukiiai0uc fael triafctine ocmhoirriji 4c provic- at flftcf ana settle tnerr nceoirbts mtoroaiiieiuritiioim- otherrtlse thy will be handm werfwraiouecwitj i 1 j j 1 jktjj t 80oft i it v xilirj io rv rj ti cuo jinii a guelpil clotti hall 1 f f oirr i i ii ai iffartmwcr h rwjvrcsiidfajore rci i sffatt i jcistos ifachtultauortf lftf a 7rt ifqj 7 j r tu as flet htwautacoji lissoa sindnfirit class- stock of doaiandwood cookintafidi v vr 1 4 v v oir 1cl i mrsl oon i r4r overf duotueroitiijloactol mrs ilooai caurrfaxveaqlegvei 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