Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 21, 1879, p. 4

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mpaarjii t r- i r issriii t i j tik set saamar 9nt kto ut rlpor tier dhiir chrr ihc thkllcvt ws liar tod shout eufldlncttuitooitic rocks thtblt b tkta at tftettwoa tide is cat kaeof lh tot tt m in their r ftt j qou oc the tun tt tu la their htir ftsrtrst thcr uflftmjvfttf tfa ntldeot fcrtff vchj sfcotm uny imiut why aed ttr 1 so tuthler murkwoich oily l ittfitoc of losm lor cryru lou lhabuacui racks to br strcre ue fccw bsit la jrail then does tosses etefc tsua iter many rycodhiuoiaiprttthircfflttoafrju uwmsrraoqkicftcbr4krtfe a4 mtmudrtq- uu mil ah uy faqtot lilt um udt hid wrwd t siyttn4owjlto taw the rfwr ow dnltwd to fcrtf osly i noiselessly rolunjp ltruo 1 outy lh turn of ue ewjatt tide guuy it bored u the wautetdrotm vhea the quids st u hor ouisfcly died flwicrudbtctf itwiftlrrtou ocwtfaf tedfec sad batch of mm dtr tad deeper li ters roll 0iryji sacra to those oa isai aj then t ctfd lu ih rrf tftltit fcaed u the starts ooouft fcat ckace cifctc cutdaac drift wute tic the taaattjiflu etca hots of rtoae 1 addrtt co ft 0t- set crbrt rtea lh rtduat nwcahrtt ut uailviliairoaum hxantdsf oft tuve i ttflcned to thy otaiatirv viols a d cond j i bee ctko my sleep denriid bedv k v hirj lktf hair ufloqlntu boat karl ofailokrtdil oooua oaootrj vvt diet uxao nc i i nblt nicbt ifotidecrhwmfiutbatmrr- v hr da ttha amk tb rut a it ai fistc jtad ri ui tiit md mart tadeu d nrcu- dothoantutthnretot wlwa rotj dtwrt sftatitiy jfardtdoattqdotsetyeroat i n i k iwi 1 0 t 1 vseb if tlffp pfclth flfetd ibcli ty uiap oc uxa rooder tover bcxbiclt uwrr uie rcf 1 etetifiit umfa uafou rre r ejjdtbfcr wtt cotr tiris th ty diaolre is tatrs of frief fordrtrtkfcefocaiilitqocjide i tnie ptuence ad thefx i pt jlflflc tie c rw at th eiihiac tids thedilcf xjreurla joy tcuct tbe o2ct ic uec d kin wrifi hiruy bat c d ih batd eit ircrld ibot devoir loot to te tut vtere cpthe toe d iky tcartniceiabt t vhcdtj- liaiiytt be tdrl eeariv t6s fooj of ffahaxf sad his snr ia4fi vhearaeoym bluouta tho toald bo its cert nler oc fnaer lord kormiabji told llni pilnnntottuiit te pohtidiarj of li ptrtiei but iilt tor tbe presses hit cuaoo irere oita oat of th c the questioa except on oae memonble oocuios la is73 he ciald hjtre beoame fcbg rf faiictt fci he irilltd it aftw the arerlhro o thi ererytfciag yru fpdi ij- irrxaed for hi nitontian a jeu4 ic the bcs da u pz ihored ne s pittars of tt gomcsiv tuh whidi hvttieca oder- eat for ht texjesty faebitifd one it ni toj suhmg yjth itimonrt led gold a iut cutujs hid tuo orderaj thee cxme the ckfarteiute dedintioa ibout the ihiicexf nd nea mjikihan aormr folly icfcaowlsdjei tht the prinoec iajtt- didssi cpmch hvi triblcd the diffiailtiat of the caarritire prtj yet- there xre mea who ixacied thst bti hearr cpet boidly presented htnuelf before the kstfontl aieniblj ia peruc ha toihetce bja pro cuaed ciag bv sccumxtzoc itoxybskx whxt ctrikes th virciest sdmfrerc of the comte de clxmbord it tht ft lick of isui utios ii the moit cetiou defect is hit chsr- icter gt2ies sight tbnevt be decaed is ajiitatexisa ix u vks enetiiieg of im- initjvr a mia whathiscc grcttlj or ereh picicrsojiey ini u tree to his ihcughti ta vard sad dtti is s msa of geeisc ifhe hx merely eobla thought mice- their embodiment ia- sctfatt ha is s drstmeiv s iafty imsinef if yoe till bet ooihtngmore whssfctppmsk u iroeld be oaoe tsid the comte de casmbcrd to s friend to chxrge it the held of i ttgi- eeatof french cinlryt there cpoce the oti laightlr shot royil hood taea the dlickostal geatleeoa of the nineteenth oeatcry svwvi of coetva e mesa i wir era ibsolctely nececiry he ix brsre eeceh this descendxet of henri qutre icd of st inois bat imittea vith thst ier ceisie modeni disesee of bett sad ifs sad icds las tord he fills belor the eoeiage of his cocrictioes it wis tins doabting rpirit which estrseged from the eoyilut cseee the mjxi3xct3e 1 sokcjusaloxa whose sneeston hsd repeitedly lsd dowa their li- for hooie of fnece it ix fiirtoiid thst il de is bohejiqeefeia ptre rther beming coccsels to his sorer- pie bet is anwld finely slid there ire 3aotrnti wbea folly ii witdoei asseredly it is pofibtetb ooeat the cost too csrefally 1 niifer sueyen wapesoefolesgliihthiet ejore fciediy of theo tithitis thin of the wslpqut of oer inntlf htfilut hope of refgrmrg his iacmscd rneo ijlixiaae which hss befsllea prince lieit ipoleon in zalelsetl jim bonier de cirugmc t co sty whit they asy will cot trtofer their ilhfjtn re ta plonfplaa theezbinxpirtists msy oca- at to become isgitimists snd thee if the repeblic cdmes to grief heary v msy pos- tihlycifc foe while ca the throne of his s then oneihoeld idd thst he his herer looted enlrindly on the bonspsrte of coexie the two kipotaoni were utarperc in his eyes bet they were aotcrsitori hre the orksases snd they tried to be civil towsris the elr bnnch kspolaca xii eafertsin ed s triage fsscy thst the comte de chsm bord mintbe ladaeei to slept the prince imperisl sod so win for hit son the seffnge of theflegitiniirt party jfegos tiocs were sctesity set on foot for this per pose cor did the ccmte de chimbord show nimitlf sltogether indisposed to had in esr to this nwiihsble feaoa schema the cmtexx da coimbord wis st leist not hos tile to the propoal she hstes the orlesas peopleeven more corliilly this her ha- be i does who iniaed hsx forgirea them oc fsacieihs hie mowotct enthesustic nsrtiua is the is of her hnsbtnds ri jhu hr roysl highness does not in the opinion of heriitihate frfeais gresxly csre to see tec f da ficto king of ffiooe hais the istrfel sitereiga sad thit is sooegu for tattortulaiutii 4 siacat chrlitua in kfculreuillttptettioo btukoudet butuad psthimtst of uilim licet the cinoalll kitty who cia clilm thst merit la i lettorho the lite bithop da plflloun it u aotoworthy thit h sddwusd tutprelite u hfoaiisar lero not hfoaseigacar he itsamptioa of which titl by the french episoopicj hu btca ilighlly nsetited by th old roycl bee under the iww ttfimt the style of d oa osigoeer betongeov only opriaos of the blood to ministers of itite to dekst ud ts shhbisaopi whose set hid ba formil ly aud ieto deoil pocrsges the brinks lift st fmosdar 1 is of the simplest i kind ht gets tip very rl mbxtlmsw st foar or art sad whta he joes sat boat works bird till bttiklist tim or rtther lencheoa si we shoeld ssy sooastimtc his moraiag iftkpeht fa wriunj iomtiffles tpln in driwiei he psiatx very well for ta sauuerj his fi- roarite lotion ire uoaltigao moliere ud mmede sevigat he hu ttadied he list with eroelleat reselts ted is one of the ncileit tetttrwrilec ia kawpe bet he osn wd dry books too two sabjsctt open which he is psrticelsrly strong ira sociit in tad the oranialion of the qermto srmy kiogly stedies suerodly alter leach which tsstrrtd it aooa the prince will often like 1 dtire ia i closed otrriige with his wife dinner is it tit snd rsrely lists raoc thin thrcequsrters of sa hoar at 6t5 coffeo ic serred ia the dttw itfrooce tads hemdrem ereaieg of pisno cirdi sad gossip dotes the dsy 0a tvea- 1 ing rotr wit present tad wis of coane re quested to plsy brndby the priace oia ed him in t fsmoet dnofcom fifle de begtmeet bet whta hey cims to the pststre 0 frsaoe o ms pstrie rigt toanahewuiiagugsloae tho prince hid broken down snd to put it pkinly ws hiring something tery lite sisoi cry perhspt sechtesrt msy bo permitted to tu erile burut icrt she wis t nntkauid togirinhsmiltoas toe alexsnder bora ia jely 17s5 ind tho tiw him through terertl itigei jof lnfsney befaro lesvieg his koese her fsther wis s ssiloriat nraaee cutter stttioaeditctmp beqtawn near the tonthere cad of cintrc she hid spent some of her ciriy yeirt it loch rsszs ia the fsmilyof the rev dsrid cimpbell s relitioa of her mither she left borax on sltf 1 ao doubt for cxmp belltowe where the spent the summer it is beliered thtt she aid letters from him tod the two toagt my highlid luiie o sei will ye go to the fladoet my lltrytre likely enough to hios been sent to her then- her mothers cqeiia wti s sirs siscphersoq le gweeocfcj her bro- ther nt to be tporeaficed to llr iltcpher ton who wis t ship evpenter ted ia the temma miry icoomptaitd him to greenock before wring bom the hid igivti ta tike si plsoe in glitgow st if irtinils sc thtt lbs tud thee girta up the idek of ttilint with buret taoazh she msy hste beea still wfqfngt4 nurrytiaa before h ft scot- tiad after hit sppreatiee tapper nerbro- ther becsme ill snd uiry eened him sad csaghts fetor which berried her ia s few dirt to thebtre beforjfhebaj sickened sstooheadaakl igrtod to perchsse t lsir j the kirkysrd lad it is likely enough thst the perchsse of the lsir which is registered cs october 12 hoc msy hire been com pleted between her detth snd her funertl it wis stmott certcunly coecledetdbef ore the feeertl tad s mere srrsagemcat to purchtse her vtere he tjtiarase pjwer h might be pn or there aught be mother rerolntioa snd some enplesssat little drsms ike thst of 53 bereetcted one is not quite etrttin whether the comte de calm- fiord himself it very tnrioux to lire ia the chiteta of verssihet heliketsgooddtys spirt wooed epwith s quiet rubber tad knows thtt i s teijmng monsrch he would cahisre qeitesj mach time for hisfxroer- itewuteits the diitiaction betweta ruling sad gor emiag is to him inoomprvhecsibfe and yet he would gorern 5meitf tationilly only his roysl highness is aot psrtunlsriy tacceisfel ie his endeiroerc to trice the boundiry line between prerogitite sad pri vijoje- pnctiasuy il de coimbord mesas thtt he wishes ta hire ts atsch power is wit esjoyed by louts xvtil snd chiries x but he wiuld shrink frsm the sntocrscy of ltuis xev robtbty too from the retpoeiibtlity sttsched to tcj daspctu s swiy he deniet too thst he is if clerical i should not be s crowned monk wis his obterrttioa to tleiians libertlwho tea- tared to qoesticit him oa the sub jot of his reliiaaes opinions korwisthesetwer ia tended to poaciliite it wit rtthermeiiit cor s rebuke at to toning down t liogia oat o his prfnctpetta pletse men of modern idettthe idesiwould neef occur to him it must not however be supposed thst the prises itoel4 citholie in nime like taa mihyof the iegitfinittx he it cot fussy md it not tlwtys titkingsboat the ciarch nnderi tilths uret in th world is sat likely to hire bees completed by tuperttitioat highhutder while- the boy or usry were iyias cq tad the issue uscertiio i thmkthe eridence of the buriillsir poiots tolitrys desth is tomewherelibodt oct 12 the story of tho immortsl fertet to sisry in hestea wis given by hrt bcraa to if r ilcdtixmid boxes hid spent oce dsy ia the axes work of nxrrett sppirect it m excelleet spirits bat s the twilight deepened he sppexrsd to grow rery ssd shout something tad it length wiadered oet ieto the bsmyird to which his wife in her society folloted him entreitiag him in nin to obserrethtt frost hid et in snd to retire to the fireside on being sgtii sal sgtia requested to do so he premised cam plulaoevbet still retnsinei where he wxx striding up snd dowa slowly tad coetem plstiegthe sky which wis siogtltrly clssr sod jttsrry at isit sirs burns foond him stretched on s mist of strtw with his eyes fixed oc t betutunl planet test shone like saother moon snd preniied oa him ta came locusts is food arecent writer an the curiosities of diet icconii ta the locust the cut plsx in the purely insect world ss s eoatribefor to ha- msa slimeat from the remotest satiqeity the locust hit been esed for food witness cce scellnrn u axxjci wxttl tm ab sent dsy they sre devoured in enormous qusntitiet by miny dfferent rices yet there is s widediyerjgeaoe of opiaioa regird- ing the rtlee ot the loceirt is food some trsrellers describe locettt ss s despertte etskethift others is psssible others sgsin is resemhlitg shrimps in delicscy tad fli- roar they compete with mett ia the nur ket of bsgdid they ire ctllel tend in yemen snd suae ia irtacti tud they see eeeduently used is tbodby the wtnder- ing tribes of asts tad africi who siter brofliug them sepsrtte the held fro a the body sodett themes western nitioes do shrimps ie some parts of africs they m ground sad nude ieto bretd ia sesegsl they sre eiten by the highest cksses they sre the msin support of the buihmen of 8oufc africs brzin eepkced over s shop in the hue richer psrit so pesn the following snnounoement ici as resipzsoe ic ttac it r6- pun the hesds of childrens dolls 1 if this rrptsnifinn were aot gives it might lesd to the belief tist it wit s brtach esitblishment of theicgeoious english turgtou who hid invented s method or taking out sny ones brtint setting them to rights in sny wiy thst wis required thee replacing them so is to be of use to the pouctsor who hxi hithsrtofouedthemtobe of ao use stall erceptfur produciag s crop of haslschesl it is nkted of s mia who west to see this clever sargeon to profit by his discovery thst the brtint were ttkea out sad properly cteutdiad improved awtekeupsed snd the emptyhesded one never returned to hive his brsins renlsoed soon sfter thfe doctor- met bun m piumh why ssked he hive yoa not been for your brtint they ire ill resdy for yon oh- cried the brtiilett cne 1 dont wsnt them now i hive gat tatppointment under government ilia clieat enng foo wtitng the chinese hive loogregtrded telegraph wire st s very coareaitat source of tetbor niils while tome of these childlike ihdiri- deibt ought ia the set of cutting down the potts hive beea known to pletd thit they thought they grew there the cotes tills hsve hitherto shown s pecelisr t pite tgsinst the telegrsph fioth cable snd lind line lad it ic titufsetory to icsm thst they ire now much better djipowdto it the telephoae hiringopened their eyetta iff slvsatsget thetsctis they did not understand lite for mer telegrtphs sad hey were easuited to the caiaote iiagusge wtiich hit na ilphi- bct bat now the telephone enibles thein to eoaterte trsasmitswfth jpecauir fidelity themetsllie twiag of their mono- tyllsbic tiajesja they ire tsstly fie lighted with it ted fas rejost discovered for toe first time thit it wit oriziaslly caiutse j htriagbeea tavenui iuthv yeir960 by kuag fee weing taiaaouncemeat which will sstufy their ftlfampltefney without distarbicg tiuequiniolitr of prof bell -tv- i r s j k lair ssvt mint b ill to mske the coiaije of mooeyi gbveraineat minjifiefate inskil oft priyite indertiking t system cow is vogue oily iafahce biljiam ted hollind kit psssed thesate xaiitr la iniuait it is mtouiibft thtt the increase of la- iioity la england hu occurred during the operttioa of ow ud bnarovtd ijstem of treitoiat ko oae would tttara to lis miniolet udftn o a tormtr tge i bet it wti upeeted that early idmuslon to tiylum reatmeat woajd ptodaoe mare rtpld reoov ery tad thereby diminish nthcr thin in- creue tai number of iaoarible ia expec titiea ot spetdier cure from thit ctese vut loan have been expeadtd oa the construe- tioa of eejrish uyluau a retnre rtoeatly pablithed thowt thtt daring iwtaty yir more thin 5000000 his been thus em- ployed the repairs and txtncnrty broz the turn to act much under 13000090 1 saa uktag lata icoount the tauail interttt oa ot pital the mitateauoe of lunatics most cost thi country 2000000 per taaam it it tret thtt the worth of the expenditure it not o be reckoned by tha money vtlae ilone if when ht cott it highest the otro ud cure of laestict it the greatest hat tyttem if the best bit whaa the oott highest tad the cure ud care lowest there i nme right to complain for the lait thir ty years the eirl of saifteibofy ud the lauscy comatissioaers htvahsd eetire eoa- trol their recommeadatioai hive been car ried out their appeals to the humiauy led libeniity of the public hart btea oomplied with all thst moaey could yield ill that ikhitaotare could bestow ia obedieaoe to the orders of the g averameat oc the agget- tioas at the- medical prafestioo hat beea freely evta lavishly txtoated althoavh the pnportioa of reoaf triet ia til institu tions calculated on the tdmittioas hss fsxlen between liiq ud 1877 from 35 iz per ceut to s05s per cent ud tllboegh the recoveriet ctlculited oa tdmitsioas to ooue- ty ud borough uytems show no improve meet ramimiug it 30 per cent while those oslceuud ia each year upoa thetotal nam- bir under tnitoeet hive ftllea from 9c per cent ie 1959- to 79 per ceat ia 18j7 yet the comnxissiosere in laatov tppesr perfectly utissed with the results obtained thus while expenditure inonatet tai lua- toy tdvtacet they ire coateat to see cure not merely ststiousry bat retragrsle m i ain exploration letters from ziniibir up tc- tht 2nd of june report the ftoil tart of lit keith johnstone tnd party from dir siism oa the isth of diy ud u nothiat hat been heard of themsiace ftit laferred thst they sre get ting en wcll the explorers wilt put up the valley of the lusgi ud its ifaueala to usees ud theace to kyiui tad tinjin- yikb the four elephants preieated to the king et the belgtut by tht ladiaa govern meat hid srrlved ssfely sa were soded un der dr kirks persons superrieioa aear dirsalim to which plsne they will raircit sad there remain until ir cirter who is ia chsr of them gets his ptrty ready they will thea be takeasbout two hundred ud fifty miles inuad to- test their powers tai if thit trill succeeds they will be march ed back to take dp cads if r stanley had examined the river lofigi ia two bostr bet turned back titer s spending about forty miles hit coal having ren out sad ao wood wis to be got oa the biakt the river being flooded at the point when he left the langi it wis still opea ia front he hit linoe gcae north to visit fsgtei uombitt lsms brtvs uukditha sad to frsmiae the rirtr zabs he took sirtyfour men with him from zinsbar but whether the party returns thither or sot it kept a pro found secret u ire the ultimite objects of tho expedition tlbeit the general imprct- bco ic hit if r stanley u commercial views tad is scting u tgect to s foreign cempsay the sultia hss givex him letters of noanmeadstiea to hit governors oa the coast but evex his highness ii entirely ig- nonet of the future plant of the pscty wtea liiei for men to ammpsny sir stanley he told hint thst he was st full lib erty to eegige ssinsny free mea ss he re quired who were willing to ga with him since the sbavt wis ia type tht death of sir keith johnstone has bees uncuaced by telegnph escape of moajuya it sotieay the other week one of the urge man keys in he grounds tt rothesay sootlsnd forced out oae of the wiadows of the moakey house sad sloug with focr others msds its escape to the wojd bebiod the aqusriuei their utiexss they leaped from from tree to tree sooe sttneted s crowd of spectators the scene wss aevel sad smut- iag and called to the mind thoee primeril dtyt when oar saoettors neither cooked their awst nor wore clothes the crowd fallowed them sloag for t coesidenale dis- tsnee w bee fortunately the tniuttis took it into their heads to go bsck u the plessare grounds all tttemnts to cttch thm p utile ud for the whole eight they enjoyed perfect freedom they tooa wearied of exer ctsesnd turned to mischief they sssaalt- edthsother animals ia the groan is jumped oa the bsekt of tha llims tad donkey un- fsstened the ropes of a swing ud to ill in- teuu sod purpotet thoroegely enjoyed them selves in the morning itrsp wss msde witha urge box into which three were in duced to go for food the fourth ud main delinqaeat iftscked the keeper tai severe ly bit hit hind daring most of the next day they sq slept being no doubt wearied with their eight s eccspsde princes on a cruise the british navsl ship bscchiatea fine iroq corvette cased with wood hss been se lected by tie admirslty for the firtt rorsge of the roysl csiets who sre to ssil from euzltad tccording tap resent smngemeets in septeraber next the two princes tons of the prince of wslec albert victor snd garge fetywicfc were entcod ss cadets oa the same dite in june 1877 ud ss the adminlty regulations stipulste thst ctdett ihafl only remtia fur two yean ou botrd the brittaniatniniag ship it is only following the usual custom to teai the prteces to sea it the expintioa of their term a second esptain it to be sppointed to the bacchante besides her commanding officer cspt lord cusrles scott in order to ttsttt ia their in struction while the voyage of the corvette will be of inch a niters at to embrace most of the princistl teiporft of tht world she proceeds in the first picc to tht west ladies sad oinsds ud will thence in ill frobsoility steer south sad double oipe era the biochiatc ic s urge crsft of 4130 toas t tie improvement ia steel miking several expertz repenseeting urge iron works ini anstris utely vitited englud in order pnctically to test the vtlne of tbe ne w process for dephosphorising iron etpeciilly with regird to the qusliy of the steel pro duced the repreteatative of the vtitko- witz company hst now retained home sad reports that the bessemer steel which he tiw obtained from phosphorous iron ii en tirely ssliifietory in respect to hsrdaess tai olsstiotty bat he it doubtful whether the proceu will mot prove too costly st least tor austria- the oott of the procet for thst country will be increased by the cir cumstance thit the ptteut right for ger many tod austria hsve been sold to the horde iron alining assocutioa in west- phtlit ud this com pur nstunliy demands utppsreaty considertble roytlty per ton for conceraiofli in connection with the question of competition in the international market this enhueed cott of thebmceii sbroti will seemingly be 1 considertble u rutage to the clevelsnd district w h foasim u p isyt in dealing with tht edocitioa of girls in thetnining colliget it hss beea found thtt they require little drinngto vork compared with boys and that they in mare tniceptibl o influ ence of tmbitioa ud t deetrt jo nocsed thedsnger iotbe trfniaiooleget forelpv ment try schools is from overwork there is no ieir thit young women will not tviil thtmwlves of ths opportunity ottsrod is enjliib 8tt oowtrt the pitliot concert room it noble one and it tppeart tt it but when flo jdtd with ughu lrrceiun peniuntad window ewi tatted with gampr by ron joldtn eandtubta thewfteoai onmton tttiapualt gist depth o colonr the mae mdgoll bring tafuunoy ud the raeollng ralrwtttirouidthe wflii npett the scene thromb endletf ristai in the- forefroat itanila 1 raw cutting iltghtly iciwttd the golden or it tniy bet chaltt which none but roytltrdart tit npon immedia tely behind are the crimsoa tutoiiu ooott- pled by ublnet mlaitun arcnushopt lord obaiotllor tnd jodgef udotbor tueh high ud mighty dignitaries their wires and daughters 0a tht right itreob tht peer- ettea tetttv bat soinuly ooenpied tonight oa tht left tn those tiered to the diplomat ic service ind in the body of the rojm are gathered together the general company with many a lovely lijnting tip the circle at iboattea oclock the compuybtgia to trrivetlowly tt firtt but toon in l com pact ud seemingly norofending itrelm- the ssmmbling of the guests it by no mum the lent pleasant part of tht entertainment everywhere irises the pleasant buxx of chat ud gossip evtry where jroe may notice ttrugt ini pictutetqae grbdfit i bevy of fiireaglith mtident ptats to exchuge ttiuutiont with the chmete ambstssdor u elderly dnchett detains a well known csbinet afinlster a thible conversation sorely tgtiatt his will at til can tee except her grtie j ud overin the diplomatic naka bnllisnt ss s psrticobored lowerbed ia early ctmner m utaras piths having by right of seniority taken postetsfoa j ftaiittmt of the top front seat ii gating etraotuy up it count wanster who isde- tsding it one msy well imigine the litest particulars concerning hit imperisl msttert pecgrest owsrds recovery at length expectation is roused there is agitation trouud the roysl enfnnce the goldstickt show unat of activity the eon ductor standi ud rtitet hit eette the tad ience ritet ud forth from s preliminary cloud of oueqoioui btckwudwelking of- ficenot the huusehold itdlei in waiting caambirltiat gjldsticks and silver- tick betmt j forth the gricicus pretence of the prineettot wtlet htltiag oa the three- hold u thouh so briuiint i spectacle might well cseto tmsiement the future queen of engisad bends low to her guests with t happy grace that of itself by mere power of geauenesi would impress t ttrug- or with a tenia of her sweet ud loving na ture advtccing ss it were half timidly the grtceful gesture it igain ud igiia re- postodv with tnsvering obeiiance from til round uisorut puhat gallantry ciaiing him limost to brush the royil tcbtt with hit f crowned head imaedistely ia he prineeass wtke come the prince of wiles leading princess chris tisn to whom is given tbe place of honour between her roytl rtutivet and enteruicen taea follow pnace christian prinoest usry iad her bjitbud the dike of couniaght tad hassan tai tbrihim pssha the royal party being seated the hour being ten ruin ates short of eevea st a sigisl from the prince he concert commences the pro- f gramme u made up of telectioas from the work ot wsguer ifossrt uscfirrea doni- cettt belllui auber beethoven beuedict hatevy fiotowudqouaodsad the sing- en- are icdme albani ifdme gcrtter ildrne herr heatchel tai signori foli snd gsyirre there is tlto i chorut ud si orchestra led by ilr w o cusittt slowly he numben tuceoed each other until it last the prince rises to his feet everyone follow his exsmple tad the ktuonsl anthem is sung first it a sole next it s quartet tad fiatlly is a grud choruf the ooeeert is over tbe three princesses sdvuee slowly to the pttform followed by the prince each has a grsaous wotd ud tometzmt more thin a word ot oommeodttioa for the sinren sod then the royii ptrty wth a slow reltcuoce thit whether real or feigned ic in itself a com pliment leidt the way is the splendid oom- psny at twenty miautet to one seeks the tttrtctioos of the supper room toe emperor nicholas ud sterolatioa the dsy of revdlutios dawned fslte cocspirtcics had formerly been carried out ie the dead of oitht tue kew rossis of which these pitriots dreimed wit ta ht initisted in the lifht of the tue this reso lution tt most friendly rritert ever be came fstsl to the movement better they ttj wtiuldit hsve been had theyohosee oneaf the long wintry eights of st- petert- barg for their bold deeds a portioeof the gustos tai seven compiniet of he hsrine troq ps sctushy folio wea their officen to he public place- count ililondowiteh u hon est wnrf i d seen danger ca many a bsttlcfield daring the ktpaieoaia win ud who st first hid plefged nimn i to xiehous for he security of the own now harried to the car with the ominous wards dire i things tre taming out bad i they lurtoend tht mocrameat of peter the grean but i cm going to sddress theml la vsia wss he wsraed aot to expose his life he soswered whst gooi would there be to s governorgeneral if ht did not know how to storing his blood in cue of needl sleaawhile tcenet o riot hid beea rife tmoag the people it wis not yet t distinct swskeoing tmoag the enslaved miss no populsr sgitaton csme forwird with words of fire oa their tongue or the promise of energetic deeds ia their gestures yet tcaeehow the sluggish soul cf that inert mul tatcde felt l ijmpatbelic thrill gen mil- codawitch teeing the dinger rode toward tai tddresied the mutinous solders who bid been drawn into the eoutitatiboal move ment by the use of coattinlinei name words which among the more ignorant served atshelpfei coufusiou ia themidst of his pa thetic tuiangne the tgtd warrior sll st once ssak dowa oa his boric his outstretched inn fell it if it were of lead i a pistolshot fired by lieut kihoffiti had mortally wounded htm- mattel of the popuuttoq seddealy tamed up now st pettrtburg wit in commotion cries trote for a chir- er ghott were fired at gea woiaod iy even st bsroa korst peblicstton itserte tgsinst the emperor kianolu hinuelf when he tried to bring hick the troopt to obedi ence in this dshgerocs crisis prince ed- geneof wurtemberg dupuyed u rottiu srmrletder the sternest coange he first sd vised t cavalry ittack whoa thit proved of no ivtil grapeshot wis employed agtintt tha body of rebel troopt thit occupied the seiuttascjusre eefore the word of commaad to discharge the guns was giveu gea siohoesanes it the order of niohoisi rode toward the iarurgeafc toldien offering to spire their lives if- they liid down their irmt he wis received with the cry hsve yo brought the conttitutioa with yon snd with a volley of shots yoor majes ty 1 i suehotannes reported these madmen call oat for t constitutioq 1 the eoperor shrugging his shoulders ud raising his eyes to heaven so he tiyt in his owe me moir now gave the order to fire tutim- distely tecallcd it 0 the finil order being given the gunner did not execcte the command taey sre our brethree t the simple soldier excuimed and ii i my self ttood before the gun the officer cried ini you were ordered ti fire how could you dare to hesitate upon thit the shot wis fired the battle was began itesded with the defect c the insurgents m is a jtt3ttgentiemu his utely written to the lidded sxpritt commenting upon the erroneous ideas prevalent as to the jewish ssbbithv intelligent recreation ud eyes unutement it then innocent deemed per fectly permissible binding rooms cil leries and mosennu am til daces of lawful retort on the ether hand lie teyi wo srepanotilioat ta regard to terrilework e weald not folr instance permit our ser vants fotuin outiidt the oharoh listeolog totagneighiqgofcxrrimhtirte wiaerthe devout conmtooqjnti4e tre urtning tq the bishop hlooaeutjjr rernlniag bji tbtsth ed liiteaon that the it of the 8ihbith musttxtendtoali tkt frofi ttailfonuttobj nowbort in the ihtmil kiajdom ii thtre to faroorsblt an opportunity for peeplhflnjo naterei workshop tt in the rottanlorptioitt of the fror this animal is a worarsan it oomtt from the ejg afai remalnituchlht firtt four dsyt ojtt life hirlrigaeltw eyes nor otn cor nostrils nor rcsplrttory br- gut itcnwli itbresthet tjifoainlts tkin altera while a neck is wttored into the fie a its toft lips trtharduad into t honey beak the different orgies one after another bud ont then a pair of brinob lag gilli ind list a long and limber tsil tha worm bat become sin three or lour mora dayi tlapte ud the gills cink back into the body while in their place others come much mot oomplex arranged in vucalsr tuu 112 la esoh bit they too hart their dsy ud sre tbiorbed to gether with their framework of bone ud canflsgo to be kucmeded by in entirely dif ferent breathing ippirttas the loltiil of i lecond correutea groap of raiiosl chinget loan are dsveiopeithe mouth widened the nornr beak converted into rows of teeth the ttonach the ahlomeu be in- lettinet fepared for the reception of tsi- uul loodlnpliceol vegtubje four limbs fully epaipped with hip ul tboaldsr bonei with nerves ud bloodveoeli push oat through he ikla while the till being now tupplwtei by tbem at t mean of locomo tion it camel swsy piece deal by thesb- lorbant tnd the tairntl puses the bsuoce of its days it ad airbreathing and fleih feed ing b ltrschisa- aalc yaarfalf tliem questions are you t despondent sufferer from sick headache hibttoal costireoesi ftlpit- lion of the heart 1 hsve yoi diainett of the hesli is your kervous system de crested 1 doet your blood circulste btdlyl hive yoa cough lorspirittl comug up of the food tiler eating 4c it all of these tad much more tre the direct result of ltyspepsis liver compliiat tai indiges tion giurzxi arocsrftowrjt isaow ac knowledged by tu druggist to be a positive cure 2400000 bottles were civea swiy ia the u s throagli druggistt to the people is s trill two dotes will satisfy any person ot its wonderful quality in curing all farms of ladiftstiia simple bottles 10 ctt regular aise 75 eta sold positively by sll nrstdiss druggists in the united sutes and canada normans electric belt tnstitutioiil e8tab 1b74 ttittwcets hut i becttieapolisoew bin met wt4dcri6lsir mi u iteutmatlat nowlu the tstlmsua o li to hsietisl ttsa s suelfnlttflk a bftiulmof um dstj far fwuitev lest ihsr i nsit canufs srmloai uiu iuo4i ucatllecc tim tt i urulses swlicji tu mars sxpliunesl ind sis jidraet toaorto octotei 10tt 1k3 tirjtioallhretrtslisa if3iroai s udjcr itkwttrslr rrt settm its btuitee ot ht tui- ifcetl upidirhrchllisejtutiiirintittpiaia nj- bjr ind ila ud fr unfilutirfielirbgitaut ind fot tier uttk s4 unlirlumd w of rar ljevl fljuiaii i jcjl ktvixijr dtjlt tvvd ri likati ptjr offiijr roe hte retiered u terymaclt yoirlrar jour otms im toos etrttjt vcuotx viriiui korkit ek j uir sir i farciiwd oa o roar ejtwtrw- bel i nd irclei lift irlui ftr my irifiuz ho td iuffttiiettihf it rhrtimiutinis over her body l t he doctart nre her up nine fetn ijo hr iht b not 8h bs- brro to recotcr ifsiutliy ivwr fatti nhexlt ramply riwaered tmi inn i rkia ii rpnui inr my otvjfnucr yba hd m body- her jonu tued 1a i nil a her hein wu mtet hid hii bkl orer cirtl jvut bat ifamfc cod th li wji tiiit oa roar ikit tod adadaacd iteviilj- la uaprore id m rwocomrrki them ia ill ay frtenif qrutefauyxoari joaxkuucaoji ctrcairt ritti teitliaorliu rc k cisevy for caaraluiiaa a- kormaii 4 chieen st east torontor- kb- kfcctrle bjt ind sojphortuidvi pour ectm theprimiief fo ltdiw isd featietwo oinocortlrinc4 tnu i ut to be of sdoxdhorljla tunin ftxilnatibotirtkwi n the jceatrai tlwrt lirdipitiiui olmded pro perty trtkote quae vu roma or bcat ud tti et ui rtt ktma h um bslpm from ite rri fklsve- boodc uiu home cr the boyaa wu la u hsbc oc ttutia tjwvt fchf hlr ctmliy ud efwyuiinf oonnocted iduihim u tone beaaae cttoci tvry penotituduytaacihix vu remirkfaly ertr- r or tbeufit tf f put is l eutac a lh batotv the tipcwdou prsd orer um boe coo dry ud by 1km doc undent tdiac tht orttitt otafpqrauidtliatpplied it oojy a uy extn nfai teuas or nylaf it vu etrct4d lottr oae cord tad eotrcptad lata u hvmbaf trtlimt ttxuigut tad oibin tha tr catnlas their diet tod mtr freqaeouy thiild tjnn un nppy of dr f7wr ti net of wu fllffwry with uuna it uum ptimibcaemiattcnplklt tad by u lav prioe u putatd wlthla um rttch oc tit by ufiaaoir oje lh lortjas rttoll of dywotary tad astttie enolen nuy t t rrted tod it ta ui tdnurtiile enitin tfat id toor nasidi eue crttspt ricfcaetit rottuiac tad otatr lratliom of tiw ilo- mtci tail bonta tiw txtrtct exsttti tu tuot qc- ficbaons ipocific tad ittiitiry effect apon childna rlw ire pro f to coffer rona uhliie ooiicdur- rbtm tad otaertaia of ue boti rield to vt iniu- etx tt oosort soke coatrirucc for iumpiag prxr tiarvjlfjptjt etc is indispenxibla in every fjaciititighoaie tod pum o butnsiu 0n at the bt in tae market is tiic sslftalcing ugttohig stamti nuascietarad hy c c stirirt tco ottliif city it unoiulecc claui not utble to grt out of repsix ely irorked mi clicjrii the udie tuuxiimatuly rote cooperc seiiru the bat nude tba buttons recuun baltoabole porfoct altering amt4iry order them st oacs st 109 yoage st to ronto tsrlsrwiricii sends a bay at trtlro t3 prison for bid- boodaot samili mai his utaer sjoog- viut bim ocbsd goretumeat tke brunswick coal oil stove the brunswick la not of- fered to the public as a cheap oil stove brit as a 1tb8tglab8 stove the best is the i 0 gurney co 91 yoage st toronto ats5 itftitittge tobokto banisters attorneys rog mtomf ssji elaotrottpsrs storearypers f dittrtonuiiaf strut sue etc bnijttvcers eosstrj horxm pllc kx4 it cuu jfsrfc tt imk pnp buy only ontario bakl4 potorfct loua ask aitxrlsauutilk nomtv iran tiletnphrsluia domioloa talnfti ts- sti su at closetnec east tim1o for uems scsddresi stelc loct t 00 proiriekirt living water es- or harts power rjl app rot art tiursd ster t ifatvxr 83 user at hsialltoe frre proof ail d vtater- ntoor tajs w t only th gluu mina- tsal inounistodauieaxteed aaareat vit foe tiili district aptt j b6liitraiiuipo artificial um8s ot mtvi fint prui it ttsthnceiils oa spcyiarioa doa nateed dunbls uftt elsiti ud it prortneitl eituwuon lju- sttiltksixi fttt- aovirtsa jd0ax80rt drsrlca oat arratwriajthy bstuqesoculptaiiudiu in otasc fraic psafcages sail rsatnl iltrtecbssluumsdeittieoik- rmpmrity vtb rrott fscssti basket fte- tar ff bcgia po eos tt judge for yourself dttfaotmnti by kadior is oonu vitb tre bitft colour of j tai hilr yotx wvx reej by retam mill orjireet plcwre of twit lature htatkad oc vil with uat isd hc fotwgwctiiogrtiasy agents wanted biff uauning stamp- bestf xna ewoffertxt we tre nk niiaaftfltartrf for the dominiaj seus qaiefc sumereryileicrtpaoaaf siatittiaf c-r- caivtnulllna a 0 stewahtt c0- 10 sinf 81 etsctocoato out personal- ltdt tuo tus hid i isrce einkriflaos ta iiartibrt his bronded seoomomdi- ioa la tjroat i or sdies darfar ultir toooaeliaoat tie best medial ind oumc sua iidiice jatni- teed for rail psruenlsrs tpply to bolll55 toronto p d fhst simokds saws an euperiorto saetlmrs im fffri- ettoftf uiikmik it ttavftf rh 8mith 00 i oaisaiusxa oxt sols owiurictans tor lbs doaualoa of flsnidi seacltbr prloe uet mo r ses b a p tisbeirtrjorovrarlplaulsmuxrt on every bx raannlartared only by rfcll brerr hare hunt stamped g- d ivxors sc do toronto pcotuatetiiqulpillqsft- mirrors etc wwmii sad itoull low pricee b j xarrarwd t sup taon rmet toronn seed wheat i ct uits letdrfte rtrttrtiee u wtiit ouerr dot tatrodowl for the snt ume gf addreai foe cliwiur willu1c rtsaoe zctturaml toctjota 00mmer0ial college tia or utkmg tit west toronto eoopens monday september 1st for drcalsrs tddrew coxk0k opejl roroato elora elevatdr works 8 turn tnd storv iftdiiiies 8toa hoicts etc cbespeittnd btia the lurltet send lor desalp- uw drealtr address j w axdebs0n utaufcctartr i i cort0til ithevrrinoess washing maeljme ctntaun ptteot i the phlvtwpby of lu ooutnictloa sod twiuoa u to rem its the ttxiaj from etetam by orclojj nter uarottuutn wtthoattayfrteuia which is tooom- puthej ta u m6itidoeeedai mtnoer b tho tctioa ofottf ism ilna we4 taiytiiaily oorrortied rouor upoa the tntuyemtr dufoul oorrurtuooj of 0ortlsitkrout7 ko other wtihtn nuohlat tp- fftsotiei it for tpeei sod m nf vorklatt with it t wmnins- ia hi daw li ofl4th m uau rwoind by oo4 sad ma h to vt eujy wlui tht nrlai oj vesr to iotttet to vuoh they sre tabjocted on nsh botrd jld exes 4 a oost ofmibjae tut or- address til of d the j j hamilton lnitjsttut 88 herriok btrmt hunuvon on lyon alexaiidef 128 ivay street tororato letddcqh0dseixthkn5ktsiosfok photographic- goods of eterr de3cript10k cus tau iat te dtllmeyer latxht best in the worid 15 madejn one day agents wanted ererywhare selqxir t reuthle psteoled trtku beol nttj with bvy profit a rood basins tiut regains s txpital bead twrj jceotiumi tot cl bisrok st tboaas oat or dreniv snd iiisferactiosu write tt boot tad scata t fod acjucy thtt pvjt haliburton rpkhmintjs of the vltitobisv l eixtjwatfsnniadvillsss lou tor ah c blokf1kl0 huaja cuuduadud ud emitistioe co hfibttvoa or oftsrw aabsoes roroatoct toronto thebest leather if f- iallwlomiiiiooii- manufaotu8so by e dixon fciico- si colbosm bt toronto sad for piiit um md dh- yltit n b kew teutas ultsl via i star ta uk tmd o 1st rivita haifauiinc firilfd vxtiox pouikioj exnibi- rxnss rut irsricss or tax aoricultural and arts associatn otonraeio to be held at ohawa on the 22nd to 2ttli of september 1879- 600 dominion uedtua and 118000 offered in premlume eotrfts mast b tovie tb the secrefcirr si te roa to on or before tae uodena of ioaee dales via bones cattle 8heep swliie poaltrf arnculiartl tapleiafrntifla er beiore suurdir uust rind qoun levl boott sad ottur pine ptodieia au 8saarest offqsl plb i hortlcultni ro4acts buss wjrs fne arts tt oa or betors futardt bpteabsr qta pflse lists ud slut forca wrmitlns its tnrltt noon esicts oeulded at ta s nruru at llaireteai uirtlind ttarvealtanl 8aoatetiql hkiiaili sutuvitbroustfout tbe froriaoe osxa craia sec anfealturtl sad arts aesoctatloa toronto on ei3dnem be eared hl liea tsttitd ta 0 ifflriiuistir 01l tyinlereorbyii au ot e jl sjsl kitt ho bis lecoapusbed in toroatoud riab- kmdartai tbe list three jwi rbsthvsoenr veea donabj- aaj- idrertued remedies of tbe esfllsi7 bj restorint the hiir to s number of most aoetletiatea tail is no deeepuoo uhuedrediottbielllraio toronto himutoo ind ehewbere eu terur truth o his ttstcment the kestoruite a pat on ta bottles hl pi boi- leot lixlor j5 iv farther information iddreai ooirlm miitland wiatcreorbyil j 111 kins street wtsttcnao on hi m g- bsto0ks machineryohs l theusaaescshin ofonhattbeeapita ot aj taexraaiwt sig alwoftnr wffl oa inco- ueawwnrt fz tahwlthoatt atleholsadtheiiiirjtrslsb ot otto fared eill hiw tare i pes fj oa hofiurohbi torooto 1 1 geo b btoos wmi um

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