Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 28, 1879, p. 2

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t ipillipssiss sfeis ivw m 0 il tfue jlctttx tkce prckk tiuiticd every thursday morinr si eer annu in advance tuned at mormko avrs ist9 the 8c0tt acit the decision of tha supreme contt of new bvunaib in the co4c of grieve vie tlmltho tettipenanoo ast of 1878 is unconstitutional tu no doubt been joyfully by- tbe iiqaor sellers andi ibvir friends and may fir moment have- a discourag ing effect on those wrfo are taking alep to introduce the scott act iti ontario and other pjuccs wv have not as yet seen the judgment of the court giving the full reasons for tie decision aud constqiteully cannot state on what pounds it if declared vlltwvirts it would t a mistato for the ftiends of the scott act in ontario to become discouraged or rex their efforts to secure its adontioa because of this de- of a lest cite irixew erucswicfc tins judgment is byj uo means intvll- ible and will in all probability lie re versed on ippcal to the supreme court of the dominion atany rate it doea not follow tint a similar viear of the law will be wtin in the law courts of the province of ontario the ylea regal reception the pfogrstutue for the vice- regal reception it toronto is out the fol lowing is condensed front irthey will rrrive on friday spt 5lhatil50 a ui at the foot of lurne st and after re s csiving a welcome fiora some g030 chil dren tilt proceed to tae horticaltnrat gardens where tint civic address will be presented they will then drive to the industrial exhibition when the same ill be formally opened in the even ing general illumination of the city wilf take place on sitorcuy the sad- iugregatu and lacrosse match will take pcg la the evening a musical enter tainment will take pice in the horti cultural jardeps to be given by the philbirnionic society when their ei- crllencis will be present on xlocday sh they will attend the scottish games on tuesday 9th a genertl review of the volunteers willbe held on garrison crvuiiiniiuid in the evening the citi- tci bill on wednesday they will visit- the public institutions and on saturday a rowing regatta will tifce place georgetown college we re pleased tobe able to state that this institution which was opened 1et september under tie able princi- fajshipof kevk eumf bia has closed a rery successful andsncourag- ing year the primary- object of- the school is to furnish a n ligions hamf far schalars- w mist- pursuing- their education and with the careful oversight fcxtendedpsr- enta ruayrrst assured that their children are safe from the evil influences otbei- wise encoanten d and while parental care and sdiciliids aie cot fully equall ed they are substituted as far as pos sible the- educational advantages of the institution are fully guaranteed by tbs standing of the principal at the uni versity of toronto he having taken five scholarships a gold sledal and other prizes during liis collegiate centre also by bis exierienee of many jyeare in teaching high schools he bas had a large experience in fitting scholars for passing the different ex- sminations- ib law medicine and the arts whilst the fact cf his being s heather of the county board of ex aminers eminently qualifies bitu for i preparing intending teachers for ex- amtnationi from tile annnal calendar we find tkac every department ot the insiita tiott is conducted in a thoronghly systematic manner and that the rules though in 6ame instances- they are strict will be firmly but with kindness enforced a great advantage to those m attendance is the literary society vhtch ts in a flourishing coalition conducted by the students also a paper m lied college lsarxt edited and pub lished semi monthly hj the scbolas aniread befoce the school on the day of pablicationi this itsr-lf- will colci- yate literary taste- not otherwise ob tained and is highly commendable to institatiomt of this character the college buildings are large snd i cotnmodicas canahleof accomaifatmg a large number of smdenls the site is bear the grand trunk station and yet sufficiently distant from both town and station to be retired although ther college is denflmifia- tional it is notsecurian and is freely thrown open to all students can at tend any church their parents or guard- r ians may elect georgetown is situated at the junc tion of the grand trank and hamilton antfkorth western railroads thirty mtes from hatuilton tkisamediiitance from toronto and istherefore conteni- entaf accesavfromail pcinta we feel that we can heartily recom inendjthe institution to parents who purpose eiving their imis or daughters acollegiate icoaree and wewib the institution u the sneces it deerveg ipp s principal full pahiculars may beobtaloedi n gfhxsrflt jbports ore received from liemphk the yello fever is steadily ipreading and o large percentage of jebecases prove fatal temjeranob coavoationl hautom branoh dominion alliance deloaates from all eeotiorisof ilia county i tht 8eoh aeho b submitted large axd aiiwiatuc awlienetatikclsary iitj in 7if rctciiff hdrfu tir jattae oa f braatladil uaot hi skfltoa rtcato the oonventtort 61 the halted branch of th doturnlon alliance met j in thotown italu milton on holiday i last at 2 oclick pra tha president mr q h t kennedy gcotgetowh vice pretinvnt mr johnsonhnrrisoni and secretary rer m c csntncron j hilton took their placos on the plat- foriu aiid the meeting was opened wilhn prayer by rev jlr hudivgor george- 1 town after the reading mid cauiraia j tion of the minutes of previous niitt mgtha roll if delegates was cilledand the following responded geokgctowk rev 5r mcgrvgor ilssrfclf ii kcntvily llcnticlt crawford liarcky- browii and he ilierson tfoitsbr joseph lindsay hittis rev ilrpujiuinheren avilmolt bowes j colling j harrison j bowes uaillty ctnttv hm james huriisqh andjiliss wil- root j i drfaittk messrs kcutner and bites oittau hessis henderson and robinson actox messrs eli snyder and h p moore borlixctok rev mr fisher oakviclc rev mr mcalister dr lutfc messrs mccraney young snd j c gentrfer moxss cokkcks rev mr wright and mr bigger arilebv mr j b matthewman nasiaqweva kev mr mckecrie and mri c w abrey palcgiio dr biicfc lowvitle rev mr smith messrs hardbottle t colling j mitchell and d murphr the president mr g h kcnnedv and viepresident mr johnson liar- rison addressed the convention in reference to the oigauixttion and working of the association and the meeting wes then opened for discussion as to the advisabilityj of jiru- efeding at once to circulate tha neces sary petitions for the submittal of the scott act it was suggested by rev mr mc- keniie that the caso o dismissal in new brunswick be explained rev jss scott said tbatall the ex psbilioa that could at present be given was merely thefact as stated in the dily papers that it was declared ultra vra bcha says that rev e h dewarts editor of tha guardian advice is to take no notice of the xaw brunswick decision as it is by no means infallible and will in all nrola bility be reversed on appeal to the supreme court of the dominion mayor smith made several remarks questioning oa several grounds whether it would be advisable to 6ubmit the act rev james scott replted that every thing was favorable to the suhmittal and that sir s l tilleys opinion was that the scott act would yet he made the law o tue dominion- mr henderson ouirgh in long speech stated thatihe scott act was not what we want and that instead of doing anything with it we should at once proceed to petition the govern- mfnt for a stictly ribibitory law judge jones brantford replied that we all were of opinion that the scott act was not what we wanted but that the government had given us the act and would net cb further unlil we hid tried what wehategot and that it is commendable to go on and take action until- ills decision of the dominion government is received he says there are strong ground for the pis- rage of the act that mr soott who introduced the act was an eminent lawyer of high standing which act alone guaranteed the legality of tha act and that there was no necessity to abandon what bad been done in the coantr but to go on and get all tha signatures to the petition that could be had it was then moved by mr hartley seconded by rey mr mcgregor and resolred that this coaventionmakethe nccctsaiy arrangmcata to recare the catues to peti tions for the submittal of tbeficott act to tue raters of tflis county ofttaton taid names and ctftiott to he broaut befonr a convention before the petition is forwarded to the governor and council considerable discussion ensned after this motioti waabrought in dr buck palermo thought it was not expedient to tabriiit the scott act ia hilton coantr tha county was so small and it would tend to make things worse than they are at any rate fie questioned if we can be successful in passing the act and in making it aw in the county the crooks act is a good liw and will do ranch in reform ing the morals in this cbimty he says some people till us to take tfap scott act andnseit hot so long as the legislature can get its to take this act they will let tts do so and giyg us no better but let an in abody work for prohibition and in due time it will be enacttd rev ifr fisher burlington said wt should go i on with the act at issueand by bodoing it would put lis patbi track for prohibition that there is nodoobt tbit jfjia failure the dunkia acttad givenictho scott actiiid that it we test the scott act and it is fbrind id be a fail ore we will havedvanced a step aid will prob ably get prohibition by the very fail- of fhe8cott act vsire sfceuonjtoioritojsaid the terafjepince people shgald go on and prepare to submit the act she had great- cbflfidence in thef aid- that would be rendered kjr womens christian- ccuijieradco uuioui and asserted that ilia women wtre luyjiiiiwt lu do thin harc wlilcliwiiujil iiii no tueau part in tbo wurk for au act and tigitncd inteinplftvribe sob eritreated thojtemj pcraikiulwujiiprsnbt to hold back but to go forward iu tbo suppression of tha llqmirlniflic at this juncturojis it wos netting latein th aftenioon it was decided tint each 6hkor should be restricted to five mmutcs rev mr preston milton was in favor of proceeding with thu act he saidtho wlure of tlio scott act j will bring prohibition it will render the trafuo nefariotu in our county the lampuitioa will be ukeu fiom the come of our strcols aud the licensed victuallers urn afraid that wo iwill succmd in tlio passage of the act and consequently will du all ia cbctr iver agnitist it llev mr fisher asserted that there was not one piesent who waa not in favor of irohigiiiun and the voice of jhe people ia for lotul prohibition whfii wo asked thn legislation for protitbinon we wero told thut wo hi d au act and la uiuke use of it j id oouwetion with liquor selling every body acknowledges it is a great evil and o must legitktu against i stip jpose the scott actjdoiy not gain all wcwould wish dor would make ihe consumption of liquor oue lurrel iran in the comity it would l duinggood ami ho would vote for it rev mr mcg regor georgetown knnwa there are a large number of men in his village who canuot give up diluting while the emplation is con stantly beloro them but if it were takeu from their midst there would ha bopq for tlieir refoi nation to quietly wait for prohibition to do this is to wai until wo are m our graves hut letus go to woik fith what we hare mr j c geuutler editor exprca oakville is not yet ready to be counted out ns oue of the cojinly paficrs eodeivortd to make it apjif ar but he was ready to go oa and work tor right the chnrch had given i him a plce and he would uever sell bim- self tothc liquor sellers rctv mr mcktinrtp kassagiweys stated that in his district veryifew were unwilling to aid in the passage of the act ho was present ttt e king dodds large meeting at acton and faaud that the wntiouihc of tho mect ine w largely in favor of tho scolt act and he was of opinion that the act would carry ia hilton irer mr mcaliater gakville wanu todo all he can topmbarrass tho lienor trillic and is willing to go on with the act at once he was not prepared to say whether it would cxrry or not ia oikville mr abrey kasssgawcyt raid tbtt inhissection the people wiiottxl more light on the subject but the feeling in regard to the act is that they will oppose it mr james hurrsion ha is not afntid that the act will not ciiry and that with a very largo ma joity soiue people ridicum tho idea of submitting iti in so small acouaty as halton but if other counties j do stok- of prints at the right hqfsg arejnew idodk pl for he beuent of tht slripd volorwlawni idrcsaes darlngitbo firtt hands knd tall ing off by liolm j e mti qood but particularly tnoie iuk kinlshkrl fctrafjk cutkes at w 25 3d 4nd jij tejtnj jjg iheuiiieieiiictlrtbeyaro ao beautiuhr brilliant almoai like silktll lick cssbmeresfrom 30c to 150 hare n eliormou fil thom lire air jjjj itenifotklnutemod dollar black jnihrnerevaie going very fait tbeyaratt liwtyujtitliairrf merino wool mddyed by the moil eperlencd parisl jer w 0 are the beaiin ile world the warps of ha blue black gstlnim being died with- indlfi ate perfectly fait colored and will loci rich atfdjiink until they are worn outcorhpletely 0 w eheavt the black good but particularly thdblaotclulrtsna moo thfl caroeu barf great rim hrnaaeu tnpektrr two and threeply kidder i and hemp arc telling at old wholeale prices nd many of ihem which vfere markud aon jail winter nro till being sold oft at ooil prices beiuro to so ihacarpetiy aurgelolouadh coitumei selfine off nl onohalf the actual coil price be urc o examine thejl 25 pure luion costumes also the flofl trim costumh s an aiiorlmeht of ncautllal black laee hir r fowtefts op- liacarpebl a wrgelotol ladles colli rlco bevurc o examine the 8125 p costumh they alon1tbcutomr sunn is bought for coin from the manufacluren aro lelllng off at less than filf the firaf cost about twelfe doien of misses jxrdrd and fjimbridgr merino hosiery selling of at far less than cost prlcei clver icopairi of laca curtains are kctncmlwr ho hight lfoi and 82 kinjst cast just where tho verandah is taken awsy near ftuchsen st scotts emulsion pure coo uver oil hypophosphites of lime and soda chwriu cacg ht 8erolni ilhaml4nt tal diicami ofuie blood ancrml tlluftf w4ii vmtiflj llim of children jll not onlfcontiir the veil known and lugfe- j uprtvxtrtacsoflnat03mtidcloodindmkmui tlllketbcrc duaucs it knot onlybetrtoltnltc tut much mart readily aiwued by hie tyutm tfun puia cod urc oil ind utlcr tsent in enridiat c ctvlftjkiiivth ul tvoc to the hoie lody itunrcctmd uliuijielq the tmte ncrer icpintes deposio tklng fm qflal 2 percent im thaji former prices ererj cnilomtrwin hti one eighth of ihe price of the caruina hey bay tfken ofl their clfs jlwlj itiu of the millinery goodi being old ivfono balfcot prices all the bon kti have been put down to yorkshilling each rerariileaa of cost f the pattern hai ntiflrititft hav bwm redttcd to leu thn half hft coat as watklffiilai for europe ihu week to lay his fa land winter sltcks be determined topvlmtflr to such prices is ill makea regular eleardne before his new goods arrire 1v tho m c wat ext w i ld strawberry 23rd sfpt 1 northern at walkerton 8ept to 2gth korthtjrev at gwctt sound sept 25thard2flth western at london fcpt 23th to october 3rd west wellington at palmerslon sept 30lh and october in xassagawcya at brookville on id october hrlton oinnty show at milton on ihnfllh snd kith october southern fair at brentford on the otii 7lhsthud 3th october eramosif atrockwood 9th 0 ctober leject it hltoa will be a blight spot in the dominion i mr barclay georgetown sas the scott act docs not nect wiili favor j in geotgjlown and is certain that it the act iscarried it vill bo with a vciy small mjoiity mr bennett georgetown spoke in favor of the act and differs in opinion fiom mr birly he thinks the act will cjrry in georgetown j i mr hardbottle lowville does not coincide with a remark mida by oneof tile speakers stating that it was apathy oh the question that nude tho tvnft- sontation of agricultural men so limit ed butthtt it was owing to the busy season of the tear ha tbincs ire should go on and submit the act rer mr mcgregor said he talking to some of the farmers and they said the convention could do jnst ki well without them but that they wjuld he on hand it polling time i a rate was then takea oa thetho- ti in which was cairied almost unani- n oasly it was also decided that- he central committee would appoint committees to lecture and explain the act- in the varioos sections of the county ind at the same time secttrc signatures to the petition j itunr mr erestoa remarked that he was sorry that his own town papers bad taken the etand against the act tliat they hitve he sail one of thbro had even gone so far as to misrepresent bfs statements and report that he had staled that 1000 mutbe guaranteed before the act could be submitted when he had never niade any assertion to th at fleet j mr johnson harrison did notkndw how in tha world the netu reporter eonldmaka inch a reiwrt as it- was ulerly false and unfounded it being six oclock tlra conrention toa adjucirucduatil ctccning i l thc erevixis a mass meeting was held in he evening when the hall was exceeding ly well filled mr johnson harrison was appointed chairman whichposi tion wss my filled exceileat ad dretsesbearirig on the scott act were delivered by judder jones of brant ford mrs skeltontatontb snd rev amen kcott- agent of the dominion alliance whica were appreciated by the audience after the usual votes ofvthftnks the meeting iroke tip at an epflyhogr e tbtuk that lbcee pres ent were greatly profited ny themmarki and addresses of the day and evening aid that the scolt act was more fdlly explained tq tb3 of all than at any pravions meeting oestisuctlve fire mr b rias1tts new building tfalt oonaumad the netiiberliiirdwelllnik sated by ardnoas cqorts of cititcus inceklarisltthe cause tiiictcs oa the scene about i iti 5 oclock on stindoy night it was iliicavfred that tho new stare and dwellingof xtr b hnslett was in flames twalarrn was at onw sound ed and citiru hurried to the scene of cotillagtalion but the f e had gained such headway before being dijeqvered wnd ever thing in the construction of not the building was of such a dry nature that it was aroncj evident to all that milton says noisils could save it the attention of those present was at once directed to the surrounding buildings which were also in imminent danger of being des troyed the contents ot sir tlios mc- mickuns home which tks oaty h feet to tha oast of the burning building and those of mr iigriniinlon which was about is feet to the west were temored liy toinwhiie others proceed ed to spread tho roofs with blaukcts carpets etc by which with a free use of water to keep them wet mid theaby ward off tho consuming fiend it was at one tiino deemed iiupcssibio u ave jlr mcmackons house it pitching gio in manyplaces and as sxin as oue place wis put down another would brcik out afictli the heat on the roof was to intense that those employed there were obliged to keep their clothing sauiratec with water to keep them from burning and the faces necks and hands of some were badly biirned but by their untiring efforts the louse was was saved the housn occupied by sir grialintoa wss also in danger of being consumed but an unlimited supply or water and the protection iffurded by the trees with watch it was surtound- ed it also escaped the devouring elu- cent nixrc8te iieicxts follow pain ceases swellings subtide feror shales and a natural and healihy state x5t alter uiinj lliis great anaswohderful preparation known at tho mis electric oil thousandi testify to the happiness resultine from the are of this prepara tion why not procure a bottle at one the cost istrlfling and effectsnre one dose cures common sore thriat one bottle has jcared broncliitii fiftywuu worth baa cured an old standing cough itpoitively cures catarrh oslljroi and croup fifty cents worth hs cured crick in the backhand thesam qaantity ume bicfc of eight years handing the following are extracts from a few of the ninny letters that hive been rece t from difle out piru which we think should be sufficient to satfy the most sceptical j lhomis kobinson famhm centre writes i have been iffiicted jwitii uheuma ism for the last tea years and have triecl mmy remedies wiihoud any relief until i- tried d- tiioms liija- tcic oil j and idnee then dare had do at tack of it i would recommend ttr to all i i see whu th tiedici faculty i say dr beaudoin hull f q says i luve soljl thomaa ecleclrie xjif for two years snd i have never sod a medi cine which has given more thoroagli at- itfactionj i have used it in myowu case on a brolen leg and dislocated apkle with tha best results a ii tiregg manufacturer of sfatving sficbinals trucmansburf j v sals jfy thumb wis caught in a usehnie and tadly ipjued being away fiom home for two fays was obliged to applr tuch renicdies as could gel but with- out reliekng the pain- immediately upon reaching home i- applied the kcctctf p jil with almoiisn i relief- i hive ajlarge number of men employed and yoar jit- ins esuhlihed foriteif such a reputation tbt nearly erery one orthemlkjeji it bttrice or iiptitioia ask for dr thdmisj eclectrfc oil ses tht the signature of s x ihomjs is oa the wiapperj and the names of iiortlrp a tyman are blown in the bottle and lake no other bold by ci e morrow acton abd all medicine dealers price 25ls sjliahiful i ia ax toronto ont irpprirfors for the domiuigri xoiereclectuic ifeected aud elec- tricizedl m o cholera morbus fiea sick- nesit and all hammer com plaints yield promptly to tha ia- flixcueo of dr fowlern et- raet of wild strawberry cramps colic cramp vomiting hour sfomaeh aadeterv varietyof tlajreroc the bawjs ni cored by the use d this rteatvogetable remedy with out injury to the lyilem for children it has no equal thous andi dia anaaafly froai the above diseases which might have been saved by the timely use of this medicine for sale by all dealers at37i cts lcr botl lj or jforjf while you live i v- jlive well j 8 j j t eastonij baker afcton i i r i would respectfully thanlc nynmner oni cnitbmers in aden ana ihe inr- rounding country sidrioages foriths bountiful paironage they hare bestowed on me since 1 started my bakery busi- uess in ibe well known stand almost op posite hills orocery stors and besides offeiing my thanks i would solicit a continuance of their esteemed patnjn- prepared ftj miuormbentley at pear son toronto houses lots lstflev c village of ul tits followtxg feorannrt lei ron sait fortcrtn and partlcalnrs applr v a h i uooitt real estate a cent free lf ess unildlusr acton i fa the future as it bis been in the past bee id j vill be j second to no he while my sapplvol buns asd cakelf i are nnequalled j eailroadcakeasp9cia orders for picnics teameetlnss or social tntherincs prompt- ly and cheaply execatett on short notice j t e4i3tdn rtakb of tbixks i the undersigned deilies to express his sincere thanks to those or the citiz ens whejco heroicilly and attiuously as sisled in string his house ant contents ttom destruction by fire during the burning of mr hasletts btilding on sunday nifiut 21th inst j thomas mcjtackos qreuah bill the subscriber has purchased the bor- olifibhred shortlioni uall 3rd duke of kent ijam imp solunnalthbredby f wsloac eiq gueluhwncli wiirhe kept for ieniec oa lot 27 con 3 sdjomiag the g p r sution terras 13j tor grade cows j00 for thorocgubreds j0ini o smith to hore j3 inpasise hard wobk 0 1iis i fall exhibition indostrialeihibition at toronto jept iattai ibih j i 1 i grtelph central exhibition 16th t7th 18th arid i9th sept i provincial at ottawa sept 22nd ill 27th j cliffordortictillnral 23rdnd 24th the fire originated in the ktchen at tha tear of the main bulding and must have been started by some diabolical evtir doe baa bad wsuay eyerri person or persons jet thero ueverwas t person tiat has eiiamlot lodo stioatd bajr e jci -li- n uj one offofeaaa xoisslessdoitower wheels fire in anyihano oqform ui the build- win inginoei all eliaringa had tbeefjemsastestand but tuniine wheel been akenoat on saturday evening thwft amfle gau and se it at wort on nrpvinna onl nnlhinorpmfiino in nrnva borlrevtcklirbannmttholel undo prei imis am nothing remains to pto e lad om bcly by g aclo0i 0au that it was other than incendiary mr hslett l intended to move into the f bttildingoa wednesday as everything was completed except the hanging of a fewdoats the furniture and household goods of messrshcmnckon and giinlintoa t h e climax plow made at- cmocs ir0v works gttlfb tk uhead ocnli competitor i josec iroo krun mccl board ad slwsar were considerably damaged hj he hasty j jfvstosjlieul ssibdc i johx c rowe temoval the verandah of mrvme- maokuns home was torn away to keep it trom burning and tha cornice- and 77 windowaash werohurntalmostthioogh atactov ihjbouiepiaoes aqnantity of tools yorth of f t e station aadtmimber ot dreased ddoisjbeiongs centb per qnart j insr to messrs john and hugh ckm- j f v eronjarpeuters were destroyed witi actoppie need ot keep- cows wtea slf hasfttsbiildihg it beems tnit- thieves yere busy during thefireas a watch money and other valuabjes ard tnissinoj i mr haletta idsa will be iibodt ther can iretmilk for sc per oi -i- psar uarfc r mstbokg j tke tratelien j ufe a accident insurance c0 i or habirjiitn costv j t wrtub evenrlfiliie deslrawe ipate wajr 81500 msurancp in waterloo mntuali j lift and aectdirtliinniee- 500 he has the sympathy of the kates low v ieearhy rnroesiraed nii i ainpfe deposit made with tlie ivminton entire community m his loss itjovernment for the securllr ofcinadisn wo understand that mr haslett i v holders lrii ipaldopcashcaplwt moooooo inteuds to replace the buildmi with a gmtstiss ttt9s8it7i htiefc one andthit tin- in makfnir ar- lotat liabilities jsj11tws7 mice one ana that he is malting ar gis rangementa to do so at once cdob cows wanted the- cndersiqnecl rtanlsto purchase ft number dfifirsiclass milch cowsj war ranted to be good milkers muh nave them by the ktof september s2t ki feteit s armsteog pchps i ptmpsj pcsipsim i1hes ittbetts 1cevt tfair wmrk r xadlcs akewoi m ltotcttuy inform ifilavw te vll- lagfbr aclpf and mrrorrndlnffoorniry that lmlitfl in aotoner ibemhdipirti monia at rtfftitrwb hotl if yon with yoar alr do6uploirood uyle by a pmcucal fad oolo- bqtpd workmiri reave yoarorderkvith atf- dtflbpwntywrtlwnln care fttllw tignev or mrs mcxajr andyoacdrly nt aeitlnp leedv lc5n litronn acrs wuhrrnm isoabln fckicanaiiltn title fotiijpuuiwe ira- 3 on ttirrttretoptiafti dr tforrrvn oucfltb otan acreoa wijlclr ts tn xcelteai nrshcit huut j itttiid lurajci cocxl futern tndveu voaai otcird ofj nikicla frait irecs- eiky teinlx ofpar- aicnu jraag4wrra i on ot is con 5 uasapitfj- 2j ncrc- ptd vtrd twcllhjf houe and bucimilh l ujn krerjiiiinx ti pckcrtnj t oru a tetter ctirci coulj net bo bad ail buijioc mid ftrtcc inxclejconmtjol- etkslsg i fjn25 coo 2 ksqafflt iatcli itrm nf irtacciw4rtmdereahiyttlrinmcrts mtlte bum are itmeitge juarrfesfld re- niai txdrr zrod cer vu in p two pod beju- ingdcnarjit on ibe frn how laittafr artj part irntn bain tnd itabfet fov und iiia7yioni firm s cli well f- need tnere i t- iirictjardoi he aim inod koik- inofdcr- tt e prornj f about j of a mtl inm corpofutlon ii pi us oc tp vilace of fionaqxhvia smllf from fttcsuuoa ttmii an appucaliob to tbl office tartles havtrx bouse ardloi in the yd iet ifttiyrfn len for kij wlugnali in delrtutfrrft tohav- tum loterkl laililaiii ifo cbargt uiicsa tue ptupertj lv nit h p moore ilea efap ajen atton ont john speight qakjtd a l0 ah and banking sayiros bank oorkeb orjsht iirn vixc t is j 1 11 t o jst six per coat tatsrust pild oa4opsslts ef rai upirarii safest jfd best secuiutt board of directors i bcnrsaorfckq pxesdent atx kaajooq of ijoha wamlo a so jufiuktonvjaj j vroiinicdir d himiua imcgii mckkav esq uamtltodc- tiioa btavchanq keiod col jonxlaxiiiitumi vi ronr iircaxf hamilton i rkcrnshoureujasvuie wjr fketkat m dj5eoreewwti rfkgiarnsh1 j c b bko- esq sfamier cotton mills r duodaa j iforcey to fodii on ralate in tvm totvlt i iqnvtttrf and tot tay ferinari eroffice open every weefc day fiipi 9 a m to 5 po l d dxtek iloinger undertaker a frt claaheakk will attend ranerala then rroirek- cffln caikel hadief plates bahal hobes fiat uands atiwe supplied atreaonabte rabciv k wl g g k s- streighs k it uade to order and ai kinds ot t re pa i ring promptlv attended io stctotoats aad stoasboat plaak tl- trars oa jtaad aal nafio to qr4 factory r fcxtofwillowst acttfjif actott reurrljtj loosse-xte- central exhibition 1879 cljt of gcefcph j ok the j open to alil r r tba gbrcrrnot general and h r h princess lanm irut be pxetent on weisesply the itth to open taeexbtbulon a fraud rally ofthe yeomitnry is exptcted lotte present on tuat occaklon pritotfftisnd entry paperaeanlw had at thetjeciettryaofllcetielpbiaiid alto from te keci ouirhccitlta unoasboqt ilaeprovlnce partly riot reelthje heir emrte tick its priortothestiow illinnoltoeiaat ui sec retarys office the eeveralhautayswucrtyfretchtand pnsstneera to and irom the exhibition at 6inle tare g iturtok wvthitelavt ipcitnirj j president qrelihaaff s5 19 i t y 1 i i j liyery sale board st a rtitis allaksoldstiasd j mu1 street ctojf is where you can get firstorasi higs at reasonable sites commercial rigs ah eipress delivery waksott wlllinet epeb express train abddeuicr goods to aay pa rt ol ihe to ft j all pirtles indebted tq this establish i ment are reqileted to pay np iwahbuy further delay and sae oosts j- r proprietor acton fb 22 179 j a week la lonr awo town and aocanltal riskqd yoo can ft the busiuesi- a trial wlthonyei- pen tte vsl opportoniij eir- haered tor those wllline to wort you should try noihlngelsenuw roo se or yoorselr w hat jrou ean ao attlw botlaeks wv ofler wo room loexplaujlwrft youcan devote all yonr time or ofllyjjoar spare time u the butloest sndnalw wiw etery honr that mu wcrtj ww- make at ropcb in ment sand for skflaj private termiamrriedmiwlilchiaij iree o outfit free dontcoojplalriof bard lime while you have suco a enalec ad dress a hallett 4 co portland matpe w r baranuracturerot cnargea moderate also saws qied and set ncpettdnv f give him o call tfnopoiyfrederlck street oppositfl jlr towry reaideneo e adams ate pbfiayeyoar eottiblgl eareiully loose mldrjr ftns dryj voumtridy jl cirmdcnfj tdrpnto aoorauskv vtf 3sying to aolishge in the tnaijagenient of tbobusioess about to take place g3aino bba have decided to ruali of thslr stock of boots and shoes for jlte next tnew th or two aicost prioo and under come at once and secure batgains nbt0- eartit8 indebted to the above firm will kindly cail and pay up their acooiinta as aobange will take place about the lit of ootobec and e must haveall accounts setded by that date 1 s qraiyeson gkarg f rtcific heoirlx i vl thade mrk thadt majt tfcecrralcs- link reuedv is nnfalllor emrelhrremlnai vfealtieasbpec sialorrhea 1m potedej and all dlieases thai vf- ttj follow as ft- so- uewro rtiiutq orseipifl i aboae j ns loss of njsmoruolversal j assitodera raek i imnessot vllonpreioirn ntiiianyoiherllseathaiiediiaaa orcousomttlonantl apremiloraorwej- h- btfull jartlontars la oor fwjss isw desire losend rr1ynslijf ore tiie bpe ibr medielnlf olfw m- drnirtat t 1 pe paomaae ot pj for b op wtli iwfiini frm by inalw ol the money tiyadrtremleaui whir is jsm txfi 11 wholesale and retain drvjalsts t st0 rst m

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