Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 28, 1879, p. 3

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tb j and aitst d fcloajj i are on hi ehultd ipulrooov tire tn5w re o on ion vmsmer he snr for t bestowed kerr bust- ijmost op- i hetidcs soltrt a the past oni atsttincs frompc vntetl tf v vjiotes tor inj lu idaii ll- i to eritii ops- kcrojr i spetciuiv- j fard actos stdals bates rigs fasxdti fenddellter 6lel establish i up without ews- frcprictoe i jaiwnsad loc can five wilton er- irtocit t ever j sjto wctfc i or ele ocux in to t ti lrp here ir on if ro ji matgreat be ttcmeii a for irpclal rtieriwe mail 4ia of bard- -ti-cc- ad- jjc maine cii takng jsratuue iareom a la to insanity e gra rajppolet ali toevrr lii told it- loo receipt ft- chca i aud mrf stales by- is h ukavo tblxfc tluc tallu rrainsleavo actonatfollowat g9inuwkst v xiht ksprese i l0saot trnu mail p 10am luy kvprcsa i 2pm impress s 15 pm galtmived- 0pm ooisc east sight evprcsa 4loata 1 gait minted 9jam pay uvprcss ht3qatit western faait rtopta r mired k 930 pm jivllttjle table walls ttbcelteb frflm the km- ftltf am ami frllajs fmm sivsytrd s30 aoi on imctday d frldcrr kulsclosgtl goinc vpiu am- uanz kjic tls p ni mu for toronto 1110 m 1 kmkciisautaalllomaaionrocilaya and sioyvide toail i a moatedat cidj krilsvf kocli1 httcir mnst t mailed ti ttftn- ttmccucnck4actttnp rvict in the xctholist church ccry kibiiath buh maralni and evpalugat laj5au i cry- oclok riettvty 1 kk u uviuu patter xki in vertiseuexts central etliilutioag murlonsec carjqtitifct tlios mshnckqa mischjcfscott k bourne a slujjbocu hacc ililburo beuuej pearson tacrsiat roirv xxd corvrr 5lirsig arc 2s 1st go3d5 that you cyi bay it the eifia aftue big watch it totj uraat mi rcuab9 qaad- ruple iai triple silver plated crects fkrtle stands bdttr coofctr kapkin rings tea sjkwcj knives anit forks call at george hynda jealerv atore axd if yoa inut fine combs dressing combs rict comb cireilar gantbs twrforatcd card bciird mottoes fanes note paper eavelb purses crochet xceiues albims seetaelesetecillatgco hyuds jeirervry store acton pice ceeil at tclakc i- itirraetrs d roc owofor your paper r foe oolseet pears go to clart sutttievs best rtlae ia scatct in acton it j w umala the utpst srtyies ia etifftelt hits at fyfe t mexiljs bora titwckgroen apples and axe ia tieir tcttt attackei i qvixtrrt of aste piper fof eile cbeip at tth osce j c hilt for tbe best eire- twajrhin in the county j ckt fettjlh toxnit sictlitts bjkery be ruieidti try tlteo iuroataxt hoar to beep yxirsitfc umbrena ouly lend yevr cottoj me always resd tlie kdverti omenta in- the tco prxsi ttcir ptnual nr sire ycauiphej- i hop- pickirf fill commence treek in 10ts hop teeservupcdllls beautifypjroathcr tler mtncbody part lit sidewalk mils l vvastrpapxriivacetila pr dozen at tills olliec qms at j c liilli tin shop foe nice birdtautci thksb rt beautiful niglits for lovers to go or itroll for evchud ripe penejim go w clark matthew aa tub nckeat thldgtla ult felt uiuat k te t uccab fockikd a bor ia to cocteot hii faulu u faults imptiionmout ice orkak hj che diab or quart at clark i jliluieva parlor nonujjo io burpara thoao leu dollar suits atfyfo t mckaba asotuer new supply of sslfcol- inj preserve jare at j v uauiij for the bes aud cheauost fly traps ia town ro to j c hills ua shop a yise uisu will epeitkrcellofhia neighbqr love his wife- take home a news paper and pays for it in advance if axr of our eubscrilwrs should fail to receive the feex vl ess they will please notify ut of the tame and wo will endeavor to rectify the errot we are indebted to mr arch campbell for copies of manitoba papers oiriug to press of other matter we are an- able to insert the article requested lost a pair of spectacles set in blue tteel frmea aud enclosed in a red nraroccocasa fiuder will be rewarded bf leaving them at the vital pmss office mr r litje haa commenced tiia new residence on church and w ilber streets we have not yet aeen the plan but we understand it ts to be a very large and handsome straetnre ossap 1vta0si1te qic for 9rvl claas lubricating oil for oeta- per gallon worth 50cts per gallon wholesale go to j e ic3artin drug store a gftiaic sorjcrrap ilah mcdiarmid f toronto fireaihed to the disciple church on sunday ast he alao deuvered lectures on monday and tuesday evenings iu the same place which were well attended t a ha lut of gait is about o iarrodnce a bylaw to prevent the town from being a cow pasture ilr late must tie an audacious man if gait bears any resem blance to the majority of the towns and villages mus skelton who it vifll 1 re- memberetl delivered an eteeneat lecture here last year will addrcsi an audience in the temperance hall acton this thursday eveuiqg her subject is temperance all are iuvitrf a miihiciui imly wante to know whether or not it is honorable for a yoanc man to ttind idly by and w itch a girl pas- out o her teens into the twenties and so on diwn to the shady side of forty still bearing her maiden name i as open division tindw thi rub pices of acton division s of t will be beld in the tempekaee hall acton on tuesday evening aert the programme will ccast of vecal and instrumental mntie readings recitatiols c come oueandau mpokhontrndila t mtehht fo lllilw jvcitilt for flcstcw tinware do voo bortov lht payer to read b0gjatuiyw oris it your ownl a lare oek of 8tdvej and tin ware at jchills u pouxdb of good presecving 8ortr tor tlqo for cash at j w kfanas a man caught a tod ut the other night it wal a briokbat and he it now tryiuif to catch the man who threw it tit ia propoaed in orderto be per- haps a little ahead of the spirits of the age by one ot the qpclph cmrchea to hare a corncob 8oclai4aerorf menta moh 8apaiatatwvaoh the sttvoc wedding of tho eav wheel and genuine chltled moul- mr and ktrs torrance guelph look place i boards that will oullut tix of any oa monday last which event brought to- oilier kind and ihli with prtiou im ss maomne shop robfc w king propr i so now manufacturing a new and complete qaxo ptxiw gananoque fat tern with ever important iniprote rothera large number of their friends a parutrs excursion to the on tario awtcuuural collcco and city ot gnelpb came fcoui woodsloek ycrterday a large crowd availed themselves eta cheap ridctoguelphi mr archibald campbell of kaa- aacawcya received a letter the olhcr day from a friend who recently visited mr campbells son donald in manitoba the letter stated that he has one of the finest firms in tho country is contented and do ing well v a heavt galo of wind visited ua friday evening last causing considerable damage to bnildings fences and especially orchards briihclc ot unripe fruit was blown off the trees the smokestack of mr r camerons ashcry waa also de molished durinc the gale son lova me 1 echoed the fair young creature as her pretty head oiled the collar ot his summer suit yes he laiov tenderly you are my own and only t- hathr she interrupted doatsay that be original that- sounds too much like barnums show bills at the 6ns on sunday night last while tho contents of mr mcuickous house were being removed some person took possession of mr d mcmackons watch whichwai lying on a dressing table upstairs this may have been done by a fnend for safe keeping and possiblr he hss forgotten to return it if so the owner would be thankful lo receive il as it was a valuable watch as well as a keepsake penenala mr john white- of ililton was in town on tuesday kirs dr bigger of indianapolis indiana who has been the guest of mrs s- a ac cord during tho past few weeks left acton for home oa tuesday last eev mr smith who has been actin as a supply during rev mr hobbs absence left town yesterday oa the uujo train mr hobbi u erpected to return iu a week ocso advertisers are requested in fntnro to notice- these facts all changps of contract advortikuients must positively be banded in by noon on the jfuuday preceeding publication all advertikeuienta intended for tbe local columns must positively ho hand- ed in by the tuesday eveninj previous to publication unless these rules are observed we cannot insure the insertion of uny advcrtisanleat in that weeks issue matthews old yard uelt jjickers wiated trie woman who paints face oners ta nttiaiftakatile insult to nature and also to the lips of man cl7is verv remarkable tbkt every time the viaj oirscian goesw t to low the water rmmediately gels filey i oo f the next meting of qx grind lodge independent order of oddfellows il hed goelpi r oa ti tajond weiuesday inangust issj thk nsnieoe tlie hattiiloti crew is leander vcmrlswptin u tay to start te calls out leanler proceed to meicder and the leanders mea ider luces lecnox bad a pamerer working foe him and the plisteri r went to acuji james writes that the plasterer trok with bini mytroreland crush anil apcat gutki itiraii qrdfx your clothing at he anl- motb house georgetown immerse variety lo choorertom new roods ar ruing daily popular prices fcilyle and workmanship ansurpisecl ilcleod andenon ico 72t ile j c lane irell knawti io gceiph as baring been fa tie emlploy of the guelph barrel coimybae 1 itely been epcndiag some ticte in motoo r knssia having fallen in with a enssic nobtennn in england who toot him home fust for the fna of the thiias mr line ia t roected to arrive home in a weeforur suke sicr whenirtrv ni meet at the fence there lir no birmai ong at the tilk is loud aodthe tones firotrj ut themo- mentthe head begins te nod the voice drops- to a murmur and the tinea sound hnrhed and muffled then yoa may know- that scandal or some ones character ia made a sweet morseifbr ther occasion wisgets wrxcts wiscots we have no hesitation in sjijng that ourstrjek of winceys just lb hand is better ralue than ha ever been offend before in canada and ire believe the public will endorse the fact pfier closes inspection they will sell fast chru- tie reoderson k co actonj blsisess lies theruercbant who is wise will advertise stall times the fanner daringthis season of the year has little iir the way of news save what he cets in the newspaper and the locallnews sheets get well read at the close of ji hard drys wort adsreriise aoe and catch the fall trade at early tide dont wait until your opponents have taken the wind out of yonr pilr by their announcements advertsa early and advertise of tea taasks it eometimes happens that the rpirita ot our staff are greatly cheeredby the bnithougblfomess of some friend who pleasantly enteraith a basket containing aomeurinegbaj to teas onr- selves- upon8iich an interesting incident occurred theotberjday wbeh a fnend de- dositedinoor midapa basket of splendid kpple ya iejeminetayf utonienta iticea tha speed at wbi they disap pearecfhe woali hiie blessed iunself for a week for giving so generous a treat bttte3 tkeouch drtrk one of those terrible catastrophes which we have oto toehronicle through a tio t ise c occurred on boards tue pasaage ay it dent of ardent spmts teimer armeniarjdimns her pi from toronto to thru city on imondsv appears that mrc armstrongj a resident toronto was walking up iud down the saloon with a child in her armijvhen a drunken man whose nameisjnnfortnuatety at present unknown approached her smot- ina cigar thetnau staggew and tat s the agar out of his mo tb shoved it stione of the eyes of the po w little infant striking tbe pupu and instantly blinding the child rheigony of the youngster and the terrible grief of its moth x can be better imasnedthin heseribed the- passenger o to- arrest vaa madeumffet tm x aay b ye st t p fs how to succeed dj you sell cheaply let the public know it haveyea anything social to dispone of i tell- the public aboot it expectinjr to work up a trade without advertising ia like trying to run a locomotiye without steam advciiiie now mr gbo murton secretary of the central eitihition has received let ter from tbe citadel quebec in which it is stated that the governor generaland prin ctis louise will visit guelph oa wednes day 17tl cptemlcr the day will be a redletter one in gcclph cleapisg sa of remnants of all kiod summer dreta goods millinery jisnles prints gents straw hats linen and lastra clothing great bar gain niil to girn to csect adearanm coma inspect and be convinced vu lead anderson co 7 2t model scnoot the first term of milton model ichool will open ra the inst and close oa the joth of oct the closing examination will bein on the 23rd cr 4th oct the second term will open on the 27th oct and cloe on the 20th dec the ckitjsg ersmmatioa will begin on the 16th or 13th of dec offiko to the earlier opening of college than was aaticipatcd kev mr smith was objiced to leave acton yester day the morning tcrvice in the methodist church will consequently be cancelled for nelt sunday mr john spouht will preach in the evening no tervice will be held at the crcwsons cornersappointmeat advertising ts tee pelptt says the strathroy xje on sunday evening last the kev j van wick stated that for the future he would not announce notices from the pulpit etcept those relating to church work this is sa it should be the pulpit ought not to be an advertising medium and wehope the example of the rev gentleman will be followed by other ministers of the gospcl o juwaieci to art swift when ti lov4lcfc borneo mtcted those words lie spcjke a truism sdmliua try everr- ixxf r wtotcvabe wlimr than ilie treaeu- eroni aitacs ol d sease lawnatever form whetfierdrspepaia ocouculai arrconuimp- llve and tae mlscbltt uan l these fell foctcfuealtuls lncalcnbhle taankii how- everto tneeeniusocselence we can eufcme tnetu by uie ok acbcaw malsfibof tare caa uver ouudaypophnputle ortlik aid u as a meiiioiie u tuis hie ue- rojlhsdieease it stands at the dead of tue lilt gake laws thettlowing are tha dates of tie opehins and elpsing of seasons under the game laws deeropens isth sept closes 16th dec partridge opens 1st oct closes 1st feb woodcock opens 1st aug closes lit jan knipe opens 15th aug closes 1st may hares or uabbits openj 1st sept closes 1st march ducks black wood grey sad tespopeus 1st sept closes 1st jiu all other kind of dackaocena 1st sept closes 1st may v a stubbors fact-dr- fowlers eitrsct of wild strawberry iv without a doubt the safest and most reliable remedy ia eiistence for diarrhoea- dysentary cholera moi bus spur atdmach seasickness and all summer complaint it acta like a charm its effecta are marvellous relief instantaneous cure speedy fuyaicisus and all who use it recommndit it should be kept in every heme at this season for use ia cases of emergency for sale by alideaiefs mausckbevtit4peanaos proprie tors toronto bess fjrerofi sonday last about i230oclock thejrealarjn was- rung and people rushettit tdl rectiom to find the whiiboutyfthe6re ituttl it was ascer tained that it waa in mr p s armstronrs bush which adipinsthe village mr jos 1osby whose farm joins mr armstrongs jiad been burning brush for two orthr days previous and it had caught in the fence and thence into mr armstrong s bush and as the wind was blowing towards the house and barnsthefire waa speeding rapid iy in that direction by the timely arrival of oar citiens who resorted to a free use of water which was close at hand in abund ance it waa put down in an hour or so very little damage being beyond the doi troction cf a few roda of fence provemonla make u the bet ganc plow in tha market hotwit standing that they are worth at least 5 co more than any other make 1 hare decided to sell them at as low a once as any i have alto on baud ivlerdg junior piowj jickcniles improved ctut beams one hone garden plow etc plow- repairs mattlar billed mcbtextirs siues abells woopbaiixie no 3 snaucs miuior snarss hiils fatixt shakes etc repairs 04 all clasbti of machin ery will reoetre prompt attention contracts for mill work kngine and bollsra valer wheeli io i hare also commenced tie manufac- lura of a new pattern of iron fence for punts residence or cemetery which will be put up clieap for cosn hot raa irraiij7emenf kith ifr e p moore o tap a ck gaq plena a sfocto tkc plov rrpairt mentioned aoo and kmpftfqftlxiron fitkinqal hi ojx ix a0ia vure farmert may g item at tie same prktt ufnmt ic at the foundry jfr jfoore is aj prepiirof ta taie ordcrtftr iroa f cueing millvxtrh ortrpalrttet maeajacry tcaici trill 6e at once attended b b w msg aconctownauit1 scon k bowne8 castor oil tscraaredclafariapafealyscneabletodiil- drefisnatdonkasiutcpcnpas jlnttsmsitocters iuue1 ltfcpregnfaeayuenae tire tad caueefic taoti tad a it iraedy c cot- tiveaes cqosdpattan sod all latntfiml dens6- taais it is naequilled sad k deaiccd to tale the puae of crude oil and all drakjq pcuaad potxa- utce for tale by ill druraiii at ts ceaa i bee tle dootciiltotryfc the attatt by kev j j preston on august 20th at the residence of tho brides father tter theophilus r earle miuitcr of the mcth odist church zimmerman to miss charlotte willmott of milton tttc geate atmilton in the couutv of halton oat on the 23rti inst john henderson iu tl a 76th year of his age deceased who was a native of noscborgb- shire scotland etuigrated to this county in tbe year is31 when he purchased and set- uedtou springfield firm in the town- ship of keuon where he lived eontinnoatty for sltfrat ks years and from which he re tired to vhe town of milton only a few months before his death ha was one of the earliest ecttlers in that part of the township and was also one of the last sar- vvor of the early pioneers of the section in which he spent the greater part of his lite h never actively engaged in any pubtio duty being naturally of a somewhat rerv- ed manner but by perseverance and frugal ity amidst the privations and hardships incidental to early caaadian life secareda compclaoce for himself and family christ- mafi of the current year would have wit nessed the fiftieth anniversary of his wed ding dati his partner in life as well is his family at five sons and four daughters all survive him snd were all proeent on monday last to pay a last tribute of respect to- himwho always evinced tho liveliest interest in their welfsre dcceajcd was father of mr d henderson ot christie henderson t co of this village actox auwaets fs5 to 2 50 flour j white wheat ireadwelt- spring wheat glasgow red chaff oats pcai i rirley eggs per dot butter dairy packed batter rolls putatoespcr bag sheepskins r hides per cwt hay per on apples per bag wool dressed hogs 0 9s to 1 00 0 93 to 1 00 c 90 to 0 95 0 90 to 0 95 0 0 to 0 0 68 tooco 0 to 0 55 0 09 to 0 10 0 09 to 0 10 o io to o a 0 0 to 0 off 050 to 0 5 i 00 to- 50 s 00 to 0 80 0 60 to 0 75 0 18 to 0 20 5 00 to g 00 chaiwhill photographer l aad dealer te all tlodsof mouldings frames and tint ait ooocj alt wort tusrant red tn h equal lo the best incauadaandlo give satlifacuon pkicis to sen the hari times childresh pictures and familt groups specialties oh ficttrcj cetltisd salareota iay tilt or t7l- photosrsphs malted to any address chas w hillactokont henderson 00 acton east wd clothing stoeej new felt hats in allthi leading 81jlet lornei letellier ihanlan ross j regent c 1st at very bottom prices jg areal nobby hat at 75 cents is ababgain just ik dress goods lfy6tjykt a g0qd and cheap suit of clothes now ii tbe time to purclwee ai we are dclrons of clearing but our stock beforejfau goods arrive ryfekwkb q q o i cd o worsfqld whey cb e muslins s etc at job prices dundas shirt imfis i lf all the kkaxd5 rare valde the 0kly genuine 50c tea iv in the market gold at 45c in 51b lots j cluistie ssoaiersoa co new boot shoe shop w williams would respectfully in- timate lo the people of acton and vicinity that he haa opened a boot t sboe uopnet r twbnilchl j mj opposite 77 w- e storers qlovb w0rk8 mui street l acton i any one in want of a substantial and good fittine boot or shoe ssould leave their order at this stand eepaiiogaspecialtyandpromptlyattend cdto w- wiltras acton febis ct i paikts 7abnishes oils qlass sso groceries walil paper stationery aile selllsg tuli newest seatest most elegant substantial vftrnittire kw being offered on tee continent p f2 pkicesf the lowest qnoted ft ra oiudreni carrtaes pianos ettvetc konoptheohaib- sudden blvpwtfmlmtitett- guelph just opened iase tweed suitings tot early fail wear- 1- case tweed jacketings newetriirigsfovit lor early fall wear 2 boxes haadscrme brocade ribbons winch every lady shoixld- see do dozen lovely 2 butpnksds in every fall sliade first quality itylsdies looking for choice goods mast kep their eye on tie fg- fas3i0xable west end- a ol bucham fathumihh wetl end drai itattleand mutiaay etiabiuhnal ffaefni gbeat cuelph cl0th3iall guelra atakkltts whteiwheat 0 9s to i 02 treadwell spring wheat glasgow redcaaff oats eeaa barley ezgvaioz butter darry packed buttef rolls potatoes per bag sheepskins hides per cwt wood per load hay per ton straw per load wool dressed hogs fit0jlli to 020 6 do to 700 a good pf tav anybody can learn to make money rabidly operating in stock by the rwp ooerrm jffivs for soccesln uefsrs rerte4 cfs new circular- the eommnattdn aejuoui which thlsflrm has made iosnccesswiten ahlespeiewlthlargeotsmallmeaistpreap nlltnebenefluoflarsestcapllalancukslsalll tnousands of order in various sumk are pooled into one vast amount ana cooperated ata muhtrwhole thus seeurlne- to eaon hrthotderallttieadvaouigctof the ltgesl oneraio immense profitaaradlvldeo montn- ly vtay amount irom ts to- tow m eanhendnccesultf batiist september 26in iimmvjbcthecomblna- tlou system 15 woata tcake issors mreent tm pays sw or 8 bereentl 100 makes looi ctloprcentontnesiocirdnrlosuiemoin iecordlnitotbemarlrei faaxd lsaaris itlcsrit ated natvotarae june an j tne tomblflatf the tnrt touklvnttinrdeirt nation system is founded upon correct buil- nemrrincjplesandnoperspnneedlie wiin- out an infcome while whlla it l kipt worfclni by mean lawrence 4 co rbookltk jock- kal april at h onr edlu- mmie a not nrout ot s101s from 20 in one ormaws lawrence 4 c oomolnlns elr cnlar mntied free eaplelna everything cliflqse pjac eisi lted ketvapafkb juno bju iub tlon aiietliod pfpwratma toe j ttasifntwevioonied new dtrbsdest sept 12th the combt- irtrassagaweya lumber and shingle peteltsayers wouldintimatethatiehaa purchased the jittlatu wiskaawurarormsrly owned by h cargill and knowp as cak- cutamrll he is now in a posttloatoiarplj- tnc fabuc t wllu i j lumber lrth amd 8 i m c le 8 or aji kixbs asp ciuainibs cnxar bill stuff cut to- order au kinds ot tamberwd at one oolue per thesuand leatslaaa euewfcere i terms gash j p savees kassaaweyamay t s ch oolqook8 szg oj i at the v i post offigis store 1 jas matthews acton feb 61878 federal bank ijofi 0aka3a mllplftirianch a oisicaax biskntd bosrsass doke drafts and bills i of jsxchakqe j hrbcmgu and sold iire ajiowed interest at the rale of bvetsi p ll p anniim in the sar- ingsbant dejpartment and six 6 per cent perahnnm will be allowed on de poelt receipts provided the money re mains in the bank not less than six m monlhii pnd three 3 monthanoiioe t giyea of it8 wltbdrawal v tr0uabtametvv j- v manager stoves tinware ake now receiving largo quantf t -of- it ew jleiaj ioobs cksap rjlok sate iapayjnarejsriyeaa old about fifteen hands high good driving beaatwithbnggy and harness cheap for cask kor particu lawj apply to siinna moth or at thia office pw9x oieapertliaatle oliepest j bhill latethtkwartcol has on band a first class stock of coal and wood loookingand j i parlour stores of atery deacriptioti and at the lowest rates a well selected stock of alirayb oa hand and any person reqiiip thg good articlo in thiamine can t hoauiteci here- eatpotjghinc alio obdebel k0bk areepeclaltiesandwilibe executed in ill- biancies on the shortest notice a 1 mkteriav nsed all cheap for cash order gallelted satisfaction citcb i- f c hill may679 mill st acto istisirib c t iiltt bas tost dot is a yoxlfffocs of saythes and snaithsi of the bist mahuiraotube fores and rases and all farm and garden im- ji plementa j paints asd oils kkglmani3icks nails glass i putty- a alrt uiy of ll i staple groceries alvays oa luiad salt by tbebarreu klh cheap fok cash mh street acton rdstt a i atn bargains ifw krw kbw kbit kew nnr bl4ce silks chgar tjcxlji ufuitluuui -j- white cxittons shibtixgs j gkay cottons cheap cnsjr cheir udeilln ejibroidkry 1 chkat sew whitk eorrox quilts cakaf nnw nkw karr set 8 kit ftsw saw ttyeeds tweeds cheap dress shirts ties and 8c4bfs coeset3 icldguives table lihens towelling chkar caxap i f- ichelp i cheap i cheap i i cheap f -iit- wmilhl hstewarth cheap stlj -b-tio- vl tshmuw mmassmmm- jw13ii trftb 1 1- av

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