Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 11, 1879, p. 2

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if aetett fchueeh stuctory ttinamrisn ritirsk rli h matui tn 4 hall i j stnwsr nirkvtt or irrnruuuuda tcnjili citvw cajjsniurnnim tuuit ccnliio r q mmt rt ijk lnjcrrim ins eri- wdiftiiicliiu i ucihs llriytwishctvtm clitrlikv lirn 1 mo7 kfcv i itdslw ivstat r rkkabltkt ioc t4niyvr llwchlt jalll ani at4 e t- garlic kriu0n imi edlktelv jt- r miwsv iiuhuittclkrvtce ha rtalusclwolat v3r id v v kavdrc moflsvuter i v msgruunoka sxivtassuiatay lriimii nl tl sra and m fitutiu tfcnnl hc i any lrajcr vvuluson wiuemuy vcht 15 ms i m orbital or ivou sn itrr ltwetrtc c os put ibor8motisj3f n i rv5 jtkv u it i txtocunjbnl v jtr vknwsssowl uffti altttmanug rw sahtwtu ehh i 1 p tu itnyor mwhiutuljiud jvi jr cvcnlus at vpra sisrtric sgkvicwn ill pi s j ni orturmc- uncttmwn r nt s pnv i tturttooisr u twv -xc- 0 mtsirao tj17xjratt ii a vaia st isjutvlrt niuj rfcaehlur at 1050 tn bxb6tl sctuolnl hw a ta cavllltlc jse mile ia f cv fkki icijsronrth fmiw in ccli nwlli at pi t every sunday l salute pctajlnlv isfeyg iflfv hfi3ggjf it- slpsra jf5 luvtvni at tituoriuw tl ne acton tkei press nt listed every 1 fer annum g-btett- ft tuckmay uqgkisc falseaurxs an akrot of fire mti tlis intended to- tuuke tproulo tlic hwdiwrlcrt oc the sloff of j tie clwud trunk rxilvxy since tlic u cquisilioi ly hie govemrtsgrtipc h iiivrd lau section iwfifflijtgqv vj coiuicclioin ytmv ot4qvijtvoiio fucititks for thelfviioti ov held- qjuirtr business thuii uauuil bcuco mil ra iir iktittck on idcau toirif akd coukti j will itcscli in upjli hiluiatille 6mk1 of education thvrskl ftttwwir faom udijidiy horuiag advance tjms wb be ftfe vros sanadc fit gugonil cbhrch 111 oa kst liy eoma persaaj or euppose tleoujeot it- do cridt title sport it it 1st cb pwvcj to in the congee- moniiy night persant we ng so wis to ant roaibly they satissed at tbs re ult when thev siitticssed tjie ficefcit r igelher the cittatis to gud tte i jos t of tie aurm kor tve wculd adnse tlesi jereons iot to npeat tbi as ttie will probablr licit esrapc eo easily i est time besides ifcontinued our citcen will in time ufce co notice of ilii aj tin and prub- abjjrta timo wlenj tte r rssistjtnce tst rtbjiired ihiatmg na xteat of some ot jjkers will not deci i itiite lueir hoaics wi le nuneeessiry to far iikporkmi ulj ct sotislay earions uudcr tbe rule ci a mgwitate riio ietjji all eteuriicnisa aad sonday eisiresetkers as oaorfetraveucrt tlo city of hiaiil on will oot liave acl f a sawistb icft it short time eicoviragrtl by the reotct decision in ifuxor of soaday tra as betweeu haaiil- red dnndis t le sortb- weston biiiwjty cotnpaoy at s eonamenced to cjrtylosds of sibbi ti rexkers to tire esich tljey will uot itand long there igiing t abe wl er steamers wil 5onbs at their sirris theosoaie other eurp wilt be t ike t towards entire secularization which the hot distant goal of that mo recientr- ff in- ewid of the cfcristttn sabbath people prefer sunday 2i ho iday theu they that the alarm lie practical necessary to hope it will lucre on this cvinndt have that fitter it will ia- evitibly dteceralia into a worfciag day pantduijilidii indent early sowing a- htve got through i rhich u now eonsid- fe ysts ago wheat as the- middle of oc- ieediog while osier are yet busy gettieg the grount ready the early fccrvvst has given a good opportanitv fer early sowing eredthe best x wak sown as late itowty and often siqhjlate sowing gave a very fair yieh i l put is earl the crop will not is i p to the average i-vieli- whether this is owing- to the i cliniatfi cnaogts or io changes in the character of the e il- iy longer cnitira- tion or in the viriatie of the wheat k4w xhe seed mutt a istptember or else sown we have no asertained- bat it is probamy s j mb nation of these hciuses wnaterc m ay be the caube it is certain that rbcit must be sown erly in septemt r if eke the yield will be considers bly less than the average roihmi dmiiion me in bio tkliool house on mntiduvening puraitanl la adjourauiciiu itembcrs leut jjmsw ii stat ctntireg headetsao s mooro aui jj speight uiiiutea of- iwvious mooting- read and confirmed till fiintuof committee jrongut in the following teliottvnd rooaimerdod panmulof the different accounts nainedv ttj mtte ilar- july t aug s3m kti mckellar siloa miu mckiw met kuittei vv e adami pump headt piirjifc total s1078s movedtvy d itcndersol seconded by il sjicight that tha abovo report be adopted canied eitimate of monaya nqdired to pay sjiurioa and meet contingtnt rnd other expenses far acton school piviaiou for the current year j tvjoaiia-xtwre- 1st dept aataty hii 5flno ism ii3 6w a mckcltr d iliss moore 3rd carctater secretary wood interest caatitttcuciea total ijss utmitipal praat clergy reserve int lxiilative grant tp oltry reserve iat wubiciuil graat total 0 1125000 jloved by jf spight iecooded by 8 xlckiie uiat the village asked to furnish far taxation on rate- he property of acton 8chkl divisian the sunt of twelve hundred and fifty dollars per prececding estipate car ried on motion- the board a meetagxinon monday e 6ih as 7j0 oclocfc 850100 3oo03 27500 7500 xim 10 00 s00 iso 00 tlstioo fiqioo iwoo 2000 s5aa 29200 292qo ijotiraed to tiriag oct tcct irot ofif 7 will bs totimlly ko cfvuitti 1 toixjuto last uigbl ji antral esliihitioii ed by tho governor- tjcucral nu the 17lh ititt- j winuuo aooooiit r at carlctoa the 910 mail torn th cast iii uot arrive until uoou yeitcrday a special excursion tooiielpli o vc rt lie jrt t r will jak ejlin ueadsymxt parertromxctotita vjaotlti aad retorovobiiliji cit j caupeettkarfacamptnieotingfn comieettoa witli tlio m eiburcfiof braiuiitori cfrcajt jvill idv blilii ou lot 9 ccav8 veit ircfiittiuicousyoimlot howmopntlioaut cf ofkocvil mciiciok m thottaay ibthipat at one oclock it- it expected that for lliecpu- vcoknee aclhois who kith u luu j i itatioii will tn opened about half a mile croin the g tove i watlslko to fawfesa lie other monrioj htl mrp s arrastfong went to ait barn found twottampa quietly repoafntln t lily mow findiog that lley were diaoovcrei tbey made tricks as fast saiiottitile v woaid advist hr fanneta la atp uieir bart aoott lecarely loekod at algiit as karly all ilwo worth- leraamert ar imokera and matatiny time drop a- mateh in the barn thus caaaiu aconflairatioa a opeveo at last aftr long years ot wailio the credit valley railway hat ikcatna a reality and waj opened for pas senger traffic caaipbenvihc and toronto pa mocday laat two grains rna- ningcach waydaily and patlica gqiajto toronto on the first train can have eijiht hours ia the city sad return the same vivea- in g traius leave mqloa at s am and 2o5pin retumiiik leave toronto at loiso ah and 530 pni fare durios exhibition 90 cents for return ticket which is kpod for tiedfy followiuq tho bay ef iasuc the trains will start ruauiug between the bnxk tloid and toronto- m afew dayt the nckisia good wudltion sad the ran r n milton to toronto is mide in i little tr an hour aad a half champujtt a crowd of noisy young mn and lioys engaged m what they called a chiiaree on church street near john on ilonday evening last about 11 oclock thy say they hsda big time and after continning their dis turbance for about an hour were paid to dry up dnrini the hubul60tna person or persons who should bars had more sense and judgment- rang the- fire alarm of the conjregational church bell causing many who had settled down for a peaceful nights rest to turu out thinking that a fire- was in progress some place- 5n lbs village we would warn those who rung the bell to keep quiet as they are known and may get into trouble for their actions eueotrjoity etulor eolotrlo oil njv irorta ten titnt it lfjfl in op ibeipnlt 6ut cob hardaee theeenfrilexhfblhonj r the enfriesfor tha guelph central exhibition ire bungirspidly made and the numbef eo far tsjin tiie excess of last year this steaks well for ttie-es- teat entire satiafac been i hibltors and shov e tion must have pzkiliitionatue time looked the way of tbe e are pleaeed u of guelpt are- ta given at past toronto show was at ipon as an obstacle in cntrals jsucoess but leacn that the peopfe tingso much interest n their own fair that they ate hound nothing will interfete with its success tiiere may bea few who prefer going ta tdrdntb but hia deficiency will be more than made zp by other exhibitors a great attend intd is expected and everything is b iol dpne by the man- agement to makj provision fpr every- btdy the vjsi octhe iaeenp dauglir teriwill bring tl ousands out who tnignt otherwise have dte em tmed at home tttsjpis hassagaweya council this council met at thecatt of the reeve on monday the 35jfa dsy of august the minutes of last meeting were read and oonfitined ifr idney hay ing presented an application for the refunding of part of his tavertt liccnre it ras moved by mr wlieelihan ecc- oaded by jlr hatcheon that tie reeve issue hir order on the treasurer in favor ofjames kidney for the sum off is being a refund of about one half the amoont6rdje years license for the current ycar4iv petitioner only hating had the nss of said license focabout- six months jxr watson moved seconded by mr hutcheon that the tarn of 515 be paid to t starrett- far tirioting 200 copies of voters list fai 1879 and a further sum of 250 for advertising the posting etc of said jltst and a further sum of 1 00 to h p moote for advertising the court of revision rried i ifr kntchcoa mbred teconded by mr wbeelihan that leave be granced to introduce a bylaw to astees the several setoql sections inthis township for thejeseat year in sums thewin naujed and that tfie saiaa be cow rtid a lirst time carried- i tjy law reid the first time accord ingly r mr watson moved teebnoed try ifr wbeelihan that leave be granted to introduce a bylaw for levying the necessary amounts for municipal and other purposes and that j the same be now read a first time carried bylaw read the first itrne aord- icgly mr wbeelihan moved sesonded by mr meniiee tfiit- the sum of 5 be paid to a jackson for fifty yards of gravel furnished to koii division xo ii carrriedt mr etitchean jiatectj seeonded by mr menaes that the bytaw for levy- inctheipecessary amounts for munici pal and other purposes be now read the second time and the blanks therein filled tip carried bylaw read the second time and the blanks filled up mrwatson moved seconded by mr hctcbeon that the bylaw jnst read be now readjhe third time and passed cirried bylaw read and- passed sealed and signed which provides for the levying of a rate nf four mills and eight tenths of a mil on all rateable property mr menries moved seconded by mr hutcheon that the bylaw providing for raisine by assessment certain sums of money in th several school sections in this township ba now read the second and third- times i and passed carried j by law passed signed and sealed jfrl w heelihan moved seconded by mr watson that the following sums be paid the petsons named below- for sbeepkilled by dogs the same having- been duly certified viz w hns- hind 770 for 7 sheep j gordon 810 8- for 5 sheep gv lowrey 2033 fori sheep and gk agnew 6 54 or 2 sheep cinied mr menriesinoyed seconded bymr wheelihan that d fraxer be paid the sum of 150 for work done in road division no 17 carried on motion the council adjpnrned to meet again on monday tie 24tbday of november next at the hour of nine tfclock arav jokk easteibbook tp clerk kew ixdcrray mr r creech of this villaue has completed a workshop on his premises in which he has intro duced the necessity machinery and ap pliances for tie manufacture of all the scott ft bownes castor oil if po ia i bna poiroij- actccsile to dut- drenaadnoftkoiurcpcnocii inltiounqcture thcpctjpcrueolthcoilliu ptnducc pato and p- fiar m dinuutoi tad his readered not ooly mild tftttpicjaat in ta mcooo boc tkfolwtely uhslcd and piluible it ji pwemincniiy ticimcrtlax- ure ad cukutfc katnra tad u t rttacdy for cot- tirtaca cctalipadaatad ji lifatiml dcno e- nientx it is uocctulled tad k d to uic the plcicf enidi oil tad ikil daacie fdb ad porci- utol for ale by til druggfe u t caitt t bot- lis doat uh to ttyit m fob sale at acton mm derot sorlh of g t k kulion 3 cents per quart 2 cents per pint- actctrp4w ud ttot- iu con wbao- they em set milt for 3c per quart p 8 altus nioxg a ood milker wanted che eerriees of a person thoroughly experienced inmilkingoowj is required by the undersigned each day from- 6 to ld and 6 to 7 p in terms on ap plication 10tf p 8 ahlwtkofca improved stylet of rustic work ia the jr- rood cows wanted fortn of summer hootes eroqupt stands chairs tables vases flower stands hanging baskets eta for lawns piaizas and indoor ornamentation- this is a new indastry for this vicinity and one which we think many of our cittins willbe glad to welcome the articles turned out thus farare pronoanced by competent judges to be excelteat speci mens of workmanship of this natnre- mr creech has a loi of the different- articles which he intend to exhibit at the guelph central exhibition we bsspenk for- the now departure a- fair share of the patronage of thecoantry tseckxdtx in acton ottthc 10th last th wif of mr joseph fye of adaughter tbejaltajt in oraogerileon the w ioatat the teaidencc orthebodevmotherby thekcv j uclntjre jff j e ucgsrruj drugjriit ataato ilics uary daujhuro the late jonkeid eaoof itringernie tbejcbitti i j in limehoture on thunkiy sirctember 4th jfr wni wejrer it ared 65 years deceased was an old and respected resz dent of i above rflugei and- daed after a few haara illneaa this nndersiened wants to purchase a number of firstclssa milch cows war ranted to be good milkers ilust nave them by the ut of september 8 2t pefell akji8tr0xg a ttentton sadies straw hats bonnets cleaned dyed and altered to the present fashions i mrswm th0mps0h bower street acros paz2tts lelnetverajsoe bn sore roat roncwliwfty ihiribf oomjin oldtjiiom it positively oure bttarrh asthma and oroup kilty miilv wokh has cured crick in ui back and the waflmr lain mcoitfiiitjmils lacasemawae nutidingit cures swelled neok tumonr rhsumatism neuralga contraction o the musolei idtt joint tpfasl difflcult- ie and palri andsbreness in any irt lv naialrwherijmy bipor from what cause it may arise u always does r you good twealybve cents north has cured bad casoi pfolironio nod bloody dyenery uaa 4pootirul cures colic in16 minthm it ill our toy cw of plloathai it uposaible to cun six or eight tpplicatloof is warranted to cure any eae ot exootiaud nipple or inflam ed breast n for fcrufsis it applied often and rtound tap there is never h slight est discoloration of the skin it stop itie pain of a bum as soon as tpplied cures frosted feet boils waru corns srd wounds of every destripllon on man or bepst bswar or iiutartom asfc for dr timmm ecleotrio oil see that the signature of 5 k thosnsi is on the wrapper and the names of northrop k lyman are blown in toe bottle and lake no other sold by q e morrow aclon and ill medicine dealers price t5cta soicraruhi lyman toronto proprietors for the dominlos kota ecuctuorselecled and klec- tnciied 0zls glass o groerfes waulmpeb stationery school books csco0i cheap iai the i postffigstoiele jasuaxrhews acton feb k i8t3 u 01 setitembertie 17 187 and 19 the central ejtiiw twvillbeheld 0 h wo iv besfdai thesfl attractions durio the exhibition wv lb i su mw 1tth tub ls6ilteand princess loltigj wtlliotir thsboymcify by their visit tl col den lion itascrs eiarbmon otee cuelph cloth hall beautiful lines of colored silks 25 kflesir37gftlil6op0ryd are now rtlnr larfe qoanfl est e w i falll goods 0beat bargains msxn money faster at work for as than at anyihtoc elte the work i ltshtanl pleasant acutuch aa sjiyone can ao rthi at tliose who are wise who see tula notice will serfl ua their a4drecs at one and seelor themselves cosily ouust aia aw terms tree kowlstheltme tfaow already atworfcanayiucapiarte soma of money- addrsatrctxaunsta maine xctorklstmth flour white wheat ireadwell sprinewneat qlasgow red chat oats- pea barley efifis per dot butter dairy packed biiter rolls fofatea3crbag sheepskins hideser cwt hay per ton- apples per bag wool dreased hogs 2s to 2 50 0 85 to 090 0so to 0 95 090 to 055 oktoflso 0 30 too 40 q 50 to058 q to 0 i50 ooltovlo ooatooio tq moke oakbr wo ec jjlcncbjiue every d6j baa had his day every person that haa churnlcs to do should buy one of forees kottelesa ire power wheels that wilt run etuiembedasix qcjaraafc lehurn the cheapest eaaat and best runulux wheel tual is made call and see it at work pn borerstreet backoxikocetlatioteli hade aad solionjy by efybbes black sllss catltr d pblsahbtxl ksjv ksw ksw naw finr u lace cash j1eks the shbscribet has purchased the thor- oujjhhred shorthorn bull 3rd duke of 0 10 to- oil rkeatdim imp soitanaa7thbtedby o 0to 0 50 0 so to 0 73 i oo to 50 6 00 to 0 650 0 00to0 75 0 18 too 20 5 off to 6 00 ctelfii kajkketg whitewheit 0s8 to i 02 treadwell 0 9 to- i 02 springtvheat qitfgcw 0 90 to 0 95 sedciaff ffm too 69 oats jr ta 0 30 peas 0 66 to 0 60 barltr oftj to 0 50 eggff per dor r i 0 09 to 0 10 bnttcr dairy picked 0 08 to 0 10 butter rolla potatoes per bag sheetakina hidea per cwt wood per load if ay per tea straw perroadr o- wool dresifed hogs a io to i 12 0 0 to 0 50 0 50 to 0 75 4 00 to 50 3 51 to i 00 5 50 to 7 00 3 00 to t 00 0 18 to 0 20 00 to7 00 a good plan ajiybtxlrcaii leam o ratfrff roour nxf wly opera ting in qtoclcfby the tyro unerring rales forisncceft in murrt unrreree 4 cxf dew circular tbe fiombl nation met hod wblch this urmfua modi t sncceteful en- allies peo te with istrg ortmul meau lorbap itn ibebpnefiunnart-slcjipliiilandbestbkui- tlaraiinds of ordew in tarlous tami re pooled intaans vil amont ana eaapented x a mlzhtr wfcoielnavrfiitlnr o egcn shareholder ju hp pa vadufe of tie larjest ncralor immfitleplmxftedlvlt1edlonlll lyatiy amount irom i to fio0n nr innre canoe 0miacemfulliv eaptist wexklt september aui iffii rayit lae combina- uou bjfiim j1s conld make s75 nrfimtcct 5tiax 63vl at s bercebmgloq rnakclcrjq or pin cant on tbe uckdarifixibainotita iwconlitk tp tbfl rnrrfc fsavd lesches 7ltctthtcd kewhpapek jane tbifc the combfoatlon method of oieraunc tocfts is tkermntt sneoeyefal ffrer adorned jfsv bjutha tosjclkdjabsdixt spc12lfa pen oatafftbcoma wnlle wntiailkkfiptworkjne ji4iiooyitern lp founded tieaifrrinctpea and no th9 combl ppi3orrec nwneedbe with by mewff lawreace fc co rjtnqzitf- jovx- ootjidlujt tcusi balf april fflia- foar editor nudit net profit nf 10135 tom fso n onp of stemin lavrcnee xs hittbinitiin neelr- cukrinjfciled fre exilni eyeribinff bttxioiartdbodda wanted gbvetninentbond tupplled laiehre4co ex- change plata ky sjl1lds f w stooe esq guelph whieb wifl be kept for service on lot 27 can 3- adjoining tbeg tr station terms 150 for grade ws 500 iff thoroughbreds 501m h ssutth white cxnrro59 shifitlsga- qkat cxlttolis 0hil cniap 1 caxap i cnxar 300 1 packages of imported and domostio maau fiotuwd- i conjptiing tne choicest lines vrer openad in guelph m ach- 7 suits to order at 1450 worth iftjrj5 ffifri j j shawls j j- gall at the lioi 1 v d willi amsos c0 fiii cloclis lothsl irrou vast a u j good- aud cheap suit ofj cl0the jf wifliefttne iff parefnte tinsn deeiraos of i dlearingout our stock i r before fall goods arive vi i i try wobsfold wiley mosuklilbeoidebi new uslt weitk cottok qdilts ghbap xaed oe thanks 0 mr benjamin haaletl desires ti len der his sincere thanks to tha cictens of anton and tiemity- for their kindness arid sympathy towards him in hisiate misfottune and for the practical aid voluntarily presented by a number of the businessnien add others to assist him in the erection ot his store and dwelling baaslett xi tjaoiorjs- cirtjit wtiy not everybody hare lata tjf u irben j tieeanndpunts are sort rtud potial canivrltnaddrewjxml ifet descrlpute cat ioguoofkrtr tand 0mamenialtree8bwbi vines mdrossfree iclalttlfls also a jescrfpuoapr tha early canada feocsi ir the earile17ftnihardte8fesh knon- natlyteaforiaadarorfglnatedat jordan fair mot reliakle energeue men wanted oeanfarnlsbcopd ierlibcateabf charieur oktabidiinriiseries jorddiistatlbflonv i acfifqtrffioo hair vyokk ladies i take notice v yrespeetfaliy ralbrni the ladlen of she vii lose of a clos and surrounding eonntiy hat i u1 be in aeton on the 13th of each moum at ajnows hotel al if you wish rour hair doueoptneood style byapraettcal and cele brated workmsn leave yoororderstitb ao- dresplalnly written in care of mrs asnew or miamtkirandron can rely your o s hair back andsoon work mnranleed rairae- to ot cautiok dont be rinsleadby can- vawers represeriljni my name as i employ no person j p iv 8ate yoar ennihtan enrefulvr loose yiurstnjy anidry m camden 6t toronto aaoralsky att j ij kxw ssvr ksir- krr krw ksw- xvybsds tweeds drebs shirts ties and corhkts kid gloves table umen5 towellikgs cueat csxap chkap wji 1 chhap chhaf chkap cbxap a1 jjafils mw g the bikwest neatest 6 c2pkicesth lowest quoted v pe siiddcm elxk uppawyndhatksfeet a vr ol rst- mostihesajit substantiai eatriitare 1 rulldw einq offebed os tflci tontikkot jmt opened i ij5 taiiiiiibia jtoralyeast v mjs tweedackeiinga newest tfcangs out foti s 2 boxes hahdsonie brocade ribbons lay should- see epipozen lovely 2 biitton kids in every xali istods t nwt quality qq v wudies icoking fotjboioe good must keep their eye on tbe c l -x- ry fasmonabl8 wim wpi vbdrain rj j j jbmowfaltilrto jfcafle and jfsgussfiogaw g m stosib

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