Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 18, 1879, p. 1

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is ml t this or ttaxrts cjrtrnf ever rkvrsdar at tier free press priwriao pjbiiil iec ueatc sett to ik vithcaitv dure mill strrer acton out t tekw the frex pttssrill be stutl rebtrnbm postage paid forfloo per ttt nam ta advance if paid durag the year- if bit piil uu after expiation of the year jooi r utsswsdiscjliwae hill ail srrcsrtatc paid except at ihj arlfaa rtyc rfcbitlur i ttnrnm bbjmbktbbg iy k- 1 eknusa rxtisrcaajl advert- s cols per 1 no for the first inse et m forpatat atvk tcritx s ciots per 1 no for lb first iuic von and j costs per litre for th subsi- cvv ir annum psatbie a rrs ai dtic of ally notice the viqtfclvm lirtikh jmotc the pcrimiirv benefit- of any qtcnt iurrtuaettb irgffrtihulgud 10 lxri or itft co fcrtonufn tqvss li per annum pijable a 0 mounts tv ditc spcviil is tv promote uic pccimiirv bcadiut arty individual or conipaay toft- tidcrtxlija aneitisomc t tiomirtor act roil- oiicd by the sluvoc n iiutvl by t filo of silj xonpir ii- ailvcrtiscntnts without tpccisl intttu lions inserts till fotbid sikl charged ar- cotlinrly orders fir lisoutinuin advertisement t must bo iu riticfiolhtro the publishers will not ic reapoctible wos pxixitxa krory facility for rook plain and fincv lob piintirg kspcricnotd workmet newest ttvlet- of type letses gvt ohlrv ti omenta it p mooue waartndcropticta iss jrtrttis i m ten- t stcgakjvix if d m c v s i guduaie ir victoria colics resi dtccectccquill tcifrcdcrick strecil cassciutioa diily from sto 10 t m u fnni 3 to 6 p ra ttii f dlrccftrl i it oiirskulk ri president hv jutmvs em- of tfoha wjtfie i co t i barfinjtoo yicprciident tlcqit ucekir7k itimiltod tuos rusiitjrk eii kclioi oou joick lxx iiirtoc i eoct dtsoax e itmulton r k cttiuaut esq oitvilw g a ssovr eiq ma cotton mdt dtthdu jfaxfy fd zdn ck ti etitu in icuait to nut t7 h-l0wr1- ya jlcps gpj fl jdle ofitriaily celiege ucnbtt of jcohogt of phyticati tnd sorpmnt- 0i inii iisidui frtdtrii st acton in h house utdyociopfedby xl litflk l- f i listeu if clck baerbte quebec st crtjelph srinceoffics fa lr uitthew iildlns ifiust- actoa troffkt ores evekv fhipay r i hfj1street i licensed auctioneer kronto for the conciof wcllicgtoa nad htltos orders left the fnct pexss oteee actod or it my residence laroftttooj rill7 jironiptly iueadad so tercu raoaible crit- 3ware alty into patexts- con jxreyrioxs exp nmoctrmd properlyeioawi in idx tie ceitei stlse iad europe pi te gaxrxnteed or no chirc send far printed indirections agency in pperttian ten eirs t r liesrtgfitst v- otunntcinidx mechinicsl engineer salicitsr of pitenti sj dnngtteyib v p uatheos lxw solicitor in cnicceryc nert door to walkcevhoteittltoo j- doudaosotel actok gobeffp arewr proprietor the ncis hotel is 4rttedp in 6r nia g g mi tcre ooaiiaercijj trxvdiers riirfind gool fcccoxcodxtioa and oonimcdipztsizapli of thfltistelliiig ptdse jb sapjlim irith the bs ljcsis cfgirt gocrfstiblin d ittcstire hostlers i x u wrks m l ajoil to dotal fsceairae kovic- li toe jas campbell propnrfbr mriaseatiecttediiin hecd netr 0 t e suicn ujkcspejsare fn taf- corjicrg to bif mxny old friends md pif trons tiit he has recently pnrchisd and re- nttai the royal erchxrge in the neatcjet laa most comfortable style and ts prepared to icsdiinoixte al whoinir favour h in the meet cornfcrtable oaaifr choice win l ciriri and coo nnilner crint5 aiways ia fitrch stibls in charge at an attentive bottler tne patronage of the pnblic i respectfully solicited iddno effbti will be rparea to givethe very beat lpjpa j a cakpeell riashforskixs i am prepared to pay the bigheit cash prjee forili clasaes of lamb and se3ep sfciniv fleliterai- lj m tawry liw leathercohitantiy oa hand 4-iy- james mq0r f i tjcltffx sfiee idrataement tmerfsc a in tie acrosnt res5 ttjjwrafcil the beat weal raper ot saltan co tjiethsmirriages ti heishyvxix d free in the acrpteapastok paper cf haltnrijffik taeds b01headatieirailtidfiverf description execitm wwtjyit tivi alyht peee peess office otjbtlt lclpperaf haltonco v liz rijkliirslcjljbna on toal oiaiqoi rf u interest mttgbiaitx recently the acros feee a2b5s4e belfclsfli jper rf halknco i -ji-z- nxvelopegpnoted beatatilyl and at wieloirart priest t vie istaf fax easiiihe beat locaf paper of hal- ton co v r j f yoa bare farms or farm itoct for aali advertiktbfatiijhaprrukpra ioton ont sept 18j 1879 100 pee akhvk ik adrajfce oanada savings btinlc u if jues xsi vtixvts 81 lercjat titerest paid on deposits oflnd upwardi safesr and best se ubirv a oflioa- open v veckby r et to s pta d desiee manijer- 1cm aog 11 is79 feberali bask bfeadt fuelplt braibii a cexecxl eiktlsxi brstsjss doxe drifts iti bills otexceaicqe depositors alcahoredinteicat at the rate of five 5 per cent per annnm ia the sivingi baat department and sir g per centl per annnm rill be allowed oa depoait receipt provided the money rcmaint in the bant not leas than air g monthi and three 3 mjnth notice be given of iuirithdrawal thomas y gpeet manarer we the travellers ins oo of hairrrocd coss writet ererythioe deatrtbie in the ray cf c life icl ce bates low tttcurity tjnqnetianed ample deposit made with the doininioa govenunent for the- aeenrity of canadian eaiqrholdttef paid np cash cipital grim i 00000000 j51173tr j25j337 total liibililiel surplus ti policy jfojdir v jailjyfrtketrrj aireat i 3 ti j sj v i atiionqnt bakerl confectkjnery uckstts b e xicklik would iatt trixc tint they hiirli opened npthcir new bake shop j os ntc comer of wll and ma ik ss acton j nd thit they will alsriyi be supplied with a i bred twiidcstjiniv gtkei ftry fcc j a ixege stoccof ckolte confeotionery will be fottfid oa hiadrvliich u- dlaevumd fredj i c0ehmeal r gpckwhrjat flfo i f tfeacked wheat sc always ia stock this till be foond to be the the belt goodx itrill be kept a prfcea y tattzia case lace where the lowest t tie beat local paper of hilton co irebcgfft8 md carjurfjjy n j iif ettiiscii sctppotrtifeaeros fete peesi theoeat local paper of haltoq ca btjiaied or stolen adferfiierheata of this nttare inserted very cheap in this acror fee jees thebest locrl paper of xl jt iumpsiv pomps w afwullr ilanacactarer of ssperior ellaadcttteni prapf which will be pat in pfp rmmn ict streerjpjggsi sjw txaffi jf ti ed crows rrn jit sdiea roil sfwl sietn made of specol hard inm jjj ohm ogowj a week in yoorowntoi j irpenae tb test opporfonify i ny person in ufc goodsetof 2j harness either 1 j isfiragigf p0ltele shonld call at v rembdanrfrjqtua htl utll re wmember vtuuhjiweigcft tol the ihlulnc iocl clicriij- by tuiup wtu lull e tttatmlkc r rythjhocst evy tctt fottctt ultle fcwy buufift dwili dotit by daodt ud ttecilxiurt fvrcwiroukf t seed i ut l i whit fnll cc romttclkf t koudar tint rill una tttsbtttiijiaitidv j kochlnf thxt vtll ortcr act tfie roajfiu prt whitttiflbcfirxotton kttrrtialor liit ttun kttmliliyetitthriosiu old acsoea icwt evemtilnc tht rttifckt j etwyuilac ihu ttlat ictktci room far trcuan and ail lxuaqaithlat ai ve puc tloaz t ercry jailoa fcoilni eterrcrnd tnd rocc it ce dace qoftoanic with oa fti4fotlya ercrythiat bat utrx never doapair r i xia vrould imprest oa ttio tar lad nd tnmrtjlwicif chi still la ufcc locnwy the ertreft do dtsct still oq ufet jourcey we htikcrfocrwt tcuooeat mcrrisient sfecffeticuietxjlc t17 tbc crpcriincot oaofia fcirliqe fk 5 ocr foe feret j- w hctxr ar di trtti ut a terlily uttuaoclvue chir tctrdropc tre icaes tint aifotf y ills ttkt naen our unaci till tukk a hillt acd uoepyriow crev fptusduy tpciakled 2rv fptsftdllr tpciakl tttutj foe wikf hotton ny hxect yoa bat foci buy crow ui dtocmastdisatyua ittq verily miy jait u yoa tay tie rto tolli atrrilv csnicstbed3 serenade i ticf bcotliyijur lutice lore a wee of jrttt record for yoa the coac jnrufcr wj tee itteiet ia t ttidow 1j whre frojt mice such halijj4t- i thiatjtey cac k trifle 0001 -r- ajhl lore rar loa tu hjmata oftiihipumiifcfte atckirnooodtariord- ti rnii lac cowrc tre milusr dt icy lioen ttx au cotiotek tlv cedfflf tfct4 ja aftctcmatxait luafinf lhroat lg- ob could i icr oa lovlc iringi and it yocr wiadoc citjy woo but lha tficr lutioe yoa rauld bolt so ill bolt wo gbinb qreat wall crieciifayfsailar vval vtbert they oin jet bettervalaa for ffisr meney than any place in the coacty k iisottmiktdf tmibs akd 7ali8es ottbiodv 4lf- of which will be- soldchg for cash fieeisiriflgpft3inptljlttende4w z arfon7feb2bj8 e creecht tt men huahed a jnevreol tioj ixn reecntlypadtiahed a inevr of dr cuiverwelta oelabrated baity tssnjot smcefiyiiffincapacii impoiimeats to harrfage ef bssafr tnemtebrater t n- clearly demonstratei from thirty- ss tbprfaoat km f ever offered teotewisiog to work y the ppuco0b os llajj should tty ngml- yoaralf hit yoa calo if tasveffecjul by neans of zi osti xohxjmtoaxpvuoetixjwsu derote sll yoar tiar bt wry yoiir iptm to the bntioeat and mite great p3t lr erery hoar that yoa work women make uavfhuma seai far pnyaje terms sad particnlarf jpaciie mail tr wueyrohiraiciacttieei we halxett i co portland ilune- ona or tne worlds wonders the 11 on- gollsxt oosst not so ranch of a wji j irassell yoana writes from chios bat to come to china and not see the great wall would hare subjected at to adverse eriticismforthe remainder d oar lires consequently there was a relief to oar sas- ceptibtuties when we were told that the great wall eaae iu in end on the setcoast ortpar way to chefoo and with a favoarin set we coald ran ap and go on shore this was resolved apan lad is soon ti the vice roy left ax theenmbnd steamed slowly up the coast the ashaelot going direct to che foo the contrast between the richmond and the modest litkft jjonttelot was marked and we had a sense of shondant space or roominess of opportonitiet for walking bat the axhselot u wellcoaunaaded ship sad we left her with pleasant memories and it was not without t regret that we taw gen grants nag haaled down it wit oar goed lartana to ham a smooth sea and vheo the moraiag cante we found oorselves steaming slowly slong the shores of northern china uning the horixon kavigatioa ia the china seas is always t problem and the coast past which we were sailing is badly surveyed ax a general thing so carefully has aqeace mappedanl tracked the ocean that yoa have only to seek caonsel from a vagrant wndering star and yoa will jt abb to tell to the miaate wben some hill or promontory wilt rise out of the waves there was no such comfort an the china coast and the eichmond had to feel her way to grope along th iwairtv and find the great wail lit best we could fortunately the day was mild snd clear and we could steam dose to shore au1 morning we sailed watching the short tbe urown receding kilrrthe leaping jutting masses of rock the hits of greenery that seemed to rejoice in the son the ssiihi rieages in houses of clay ttst run towards the shore it was a lacely sea heretofore in oar cruise on the china coast we htd iardened with compaay theeoistnig frsck is so large thatianks were tlwsyt in tight junks tad fishingboats and all nunnerof strange clamxy craft if yoa are nsedto travel on the vast seas where a sail a week is a rsp- fxr- fl t njtnyihips it istioa it taker swiyr the selfishness of sea life and lr yea think that yoa are t part of the real world but it it tt the same time a trial to the sailor the junk is an awkward stupid trap snd stojfodff ing your bows or edging npaiiistvyea the chinaman thinks it good lack to cross yoar bows and if he can do so with a nar row shave jott giving you a clip with hit rodder as hi paisei behas had tjojjbt a venture tffaleegpttlrvfcjoias coast we were always on the watch for junks bat never ran one down it was trymg however to naval patience and we found it tpjiuphtietterrrto be alone oa the set and jkbk5pjlr p w we we cottm undisturbed by the heedlessnejs ot chinete mariners about two oclock in the af ternooa lieut zzzttkiun ndttion tjp7l eriyjwtiwdywiw pi tic tad jtihrftfi zti fort office bor uiiobvering amenca he nan fouai ott wall by carefully looking through the classes intimewe awifcjiek brown thebicstnmttttnmibwmfax tie betci xffthoboatt were let down could be spared from jthsi retsel weni uhore tt ifropw of tla briffl0 soaaj s theoapltip the odjofrt- satrs ia their blue tidy uniforms uii ta especisl stilor with l pat of piint to lascrihe the fict thst the eicsmqad had visited the great wall the jrcit will ii thoonly mohunientl liivaaeeu which cbald ba im proved by madcra ucrilcge snd which could bo vsiutcd over anil plastered without compunctious ot conscience from what i read ot thirifupsittdsat achievement it was built aadcr the rein o i chinese emperor woo flquryahed tr eentkriet twfore christ this emptrorsru kliattxbtd by 1 1 ceutaat iuvatioa of the tartars a hirdv nonsdic race who ctme frorn tho hills ot mongolia and planderorbij jeopte who were indeed atearardj to ootnc if soly the erspvorooal 1 fovecijotwb kifwb and rule the eoaatry audi fouod the dyauty which exltttsfur a funieaitluuso his mtettyroirsi to bjildtwall which should for ever protect his empire from the itivtderjtirh wall waauniik and to well wjtdant that hare srsoome wanderers rrom che antipodes twenty centuries alter and find it still a subitaitial impoaing fj qmm ftoderk science a useless wall it is one thoussidwojhundred snd fifty miles in length and it is only when yoa csniider that distancoaad 7 incredible unoont dfltboufit icgosod that the mtgnl wde of thelwk btetks ttpon joo we landed on afjioolh pebbly beach studied with shells vvbich would have rejoiced the eyes of children we fouud a tmlll village and taw the vflugen gtindiug corn the children a fewbeggin and a blind person csmo o welcome at the tod of the wall which jufa into the tea has been beaten by the wares into a ragged shapeless condi tio a there vu an easy pent however up stone itept at the top there was a small umple evidcngywea to piaus uki still forthere was a keeper who dickered 4bout lattitsjps int j thcrwallsaeemed to be m ohsicicaaund painted lthe vsll at the site of the temple wsx seventyfive or a hundred feet wide but this wu edly t special width ta accommodate the temple snd present sa imposing presence to the ick ax far as we wuld stis the wall stretched over hill tad valley until it became a line its average width at the surface is from tanoiytatmrtfuve feet at tkcase it variesfrotrijfottyfcet iaji hindred it is made of stone sad brick snd considering thit twenty centuries hkve bbea tcstbg its workmanship the work wis well doac ax a mere wall there is nothing imposing about the great ws ofcajna tiertaa a hohdrwf thjaipdtirafls thcwacli jlter better bdilt and mare useful what im pressed otwat the infinite patience which could have compassed so vast s wonderful are the pyramids and wooderfal as a dreamthe rtrfm of 35bor- there yoa sec mechssuoal results which yoa cannot fol low or solve engineering schievementa we could oat even now repeat the great wall is a marvel of pa tienoe i had been reading the late- he sewardr lrktionithatthe iaboar which had built the great vail woald hare bailt the pacific railways gen grant thought that jfr seward had under- rated its extent i bebeve jie raid that ailastut uipsadei- da- thit wall could jhavcrboilt every railroad in the unrteisutei every canal and highway tad most ifnot all our cities the story is list mtillipox keffl employed an ihejwall that the work lasted teayeatav tktve oeated to wonder tt a story like this la thoancieat daytthe eliyt whichoargood poqta tre tlwtyt lamenting and a return to which it the prtyer of so mmy virtuour tnd pious loojs in i the tncitnt when an emperar hsd a waller apyramid to baild he sent out to the fields and hills and gathered in the people and made them bblldoa peril of their heads it reouined n emperor to build the great wall kopeopl idnkl ever have done such a thing vhen you see the exnreesioa of a peoples power it is in the schievemeats of the roman the greek and the engeshmaain the aehievemeau of chinamea trica fhey have been allowed their own way the great wall it a monu meat of the patience of a people tnd the misapphed prerogative of a king it never cauumvevbevqcf bach use it the most primitive dtyr and now it is only a carios ity we walked about oa the top and stud il its simple massive workmanship i ttid looked apaa the plsias of hongoua over which toe dreaded tartar came on one aide of the wall was china on the other mongolia we were at the furthest end of pur journey and every step nor would be towaida home there was something like a farewell in the feeling with which w looked upon the cohl land of niyitery which swept oa toward the hohhcdfd and darren even uadei- tie wana lanthae therawu something like a welcome in the waves tt weigsincteeteavthera sad knew that the tea upoawtticb we were sgtia venturing with the confidence that comes from long and friendly aatociattott would carry at home to america tad lighten even that journey with a glimpae of the land of the risiog run jji i- oafaneiwaur as bertngsi on board steamships the firemen employed about the furnicessxe iometimesgreatlyer haast by heat their profuse perspirativn renders a large onantity of water nocestsry to supply the waste the ingestioa of clear witter under these dreamitances appears to aaswer very imperfectly the wants of the sjtiem it seams to pass through the caculation skin percolate as through a sieve snd flow crrer the tarftoe of the body- streams a large drink df cold or eveii water under these circumstances on an empty stomach is verydangerooa tad liable to prodaco death with almost the suddenness b an electric shock great prtscaltdrtntanfhas been obtained by cnisngriqaecoat substances artiealarry oatmeal wjth ths water to be used by the men employed at tniaisni of labour the oatmeal u mixed in theproportioa of- three or foaroancer to the galloa of water and used according w mclinatioa by the firemen and coalheavers it might be difficult to detennrle why oatmeal for tics purpose tboold bet better than com meal or buck- whisati or xy ewheat mlllef etc bat the firemen themselves soemto think it has the efteotof making thsm as strong as horses wrniyjstfeiyaliowtoriiething for this sort of prejudice which we know to be very potent among the inflaenas 6a betlth tad tiiifufoi r jnieeonuar aroma of the oats is probaolyaisocitled with apleisant degree o stinmlati of- theslimentar the stoty of hu haligioua ufa and his mission to india kesuab chundei sen chiofminister ot the liraham gomaj of india delivered a remark- able addreat recently atcalcatu before lomo twelve hundred natives tad a few europeans including several rauaioaaries am i an inspired propbetr iu the topic of this preacher of pure theism in which occurred this personal sketch of his religious life and growth i i thca what am i if i tm not prophet i am a singular man i tm notat ordinary men arc and i sty this deliberately i sty tint candidly i am contemns o marked- peculiarities in my faith and oharactet ly singalsrity began whea i wai fourteen years of age 1 then abttalned from animal food that wst no doubt a amaluhing considered in itself bat it wst 4 momentous change coasidered ia the tight of what followed y lifewttdestioeikorisoetism tnd abstinence for ths simplicities e faith and life i was to be dsbarred from tbailuiuriet of the orld tnat event at least showed which way the wind was blowing i was constrained by the spirit ot god within a f jw yetrs i feltmore and more thjyitmtrinngitirwnr what mi it that mads me so singular in the esrliest dtyt of my lifes providence brought me into the presence of three tery aingultr persons in those days they were smong my eirlicst acqoaihianoea at i was walking along the psths ofmy life i met three stately figures heavenly majestic tnd toll ot divine radiance and who were these awndlookiag rota john thebiptist wusecngoihgtboutnoteiactly in the midst of the gloom of night but ill the morning twilight in the wilderness o india tajing repent ye for the kingdom of heavenisatiand i felt ha j was speaking to me as tarn speaking to yoa here icon- fronted hit spirit i hctrd his voice it wis rcal it was clear repent ye for the kingdorapt heaven is at haad those words stirred me the mans raiment was oc camels hair and hit meat waslocosts and wild honey i fell down and i learnt eon tritiot abdropeatanceat the feet of john tlie baptist why oame he tone did he really one to -mat- yes he did oom totne he whose voice wis heard io judae tevoral ccntarretago and he came tome becsnse god sent him to me for my benefit and i hcacdhls wotdt and profited greatly he passed asray and then cameanoiherpropfaet fargreater than he the prophet of h txareth standing on a high hill he addressed to me these solemn woroi words which were even more toncaingind thrilllngthan those said by john the baptist take no thought kiii he for your life wbktyo shall eat or what ye shall drink or what ye snail put on- tajoe no thought for the morrow these words of jesus found l last mg lodg ment in my heart and hare ever since con tisoed to influence me v hardly had jesus finished his worilt when came an ntophct aoavthat wtt the travelled ambsassdor u christ the afipng hsroiosmovsjlant postksal- and what did h sky ts tut f he gsre me aae lexson and that was enough hetsiduntome let them that hart- wttet be u though they had none rtod thete words came iopon me like burning fire at a most critical pnci of my life rwaafrahtatwmsiryjct had just gotmirried it wiiray irnpreioon ltthe time that marriage was the gate to worldlisets snd i was cud to find a response in psuls epistles vrily verily atpaulaayt thoie hat hava wives fry to- plcaao ftnem they thick of the things of this world and not of the things of heaven they are worldly minded men therefore those that hare wires ought to be like those who have none in others words they should dichsrge their hocsehold duties but ihould love the lord above all things they should nor be im mersed in carnality and worldliness i en tered the world with sscefcic ideas and my hsneympoa was spent amid austerities in the house of the lerd from that time 1 was determined never to sink into woridlinesx the temptations snd allarementt of the world were hateful to me and i said heacea isilsama- fmol these traacherpaa snares i pauls words slashed liju lightniog acroat my whole heart and tool and i hegaa to retlire my desfiay more vividly from tnat hour i was to live in the midst of the world snd do my work and fulfil my mis sion there ilut fwu not to be gtthered among worldly minded men i was det- tincdtobosmlnof faith i was destined sad commissioned by god to- be a spiritually miajedand not a worldly mmedman ft siare as many as enisbiferi jciingeitionamcffw redef wlowal by prointeiitej of wfpirtboa aridldditlonsl eihaaktiontl tmpsinter itrgrtssays to gwe tfrte poise to llje flgure iecotsitates sn upright stepl dogiwhis iheircomntends long walk daily with a pitchurbfwlter on tho head thatitbeng aoted upda 1y the ladyijjapilt of laa eatiatuit fxanch ac tor wbmea sad ths sfega theyaaoi waraea of- philadelnhia never grovr old a theatrical manager who ad vertised for twentyfive heeniiful girls com- plaint tlitt old women who would past for bis grtadmotbertud he it not a spring chicked bimielf answered the card these were women who had caperedbeforethe footlighufor yeaxs tod mated their ring lets tt the treat raw for a geserttioa tna yet they still fancy they are young spright ly and beautiful i f ell vou remarked the manager in a confidential chat with a avcord reporter although this may seem to be an easy wsy to make a living yet i know the lite is fraaght with hardships sad spikedwith dangersi know it and know ing it i act accordingly now today two young girls called on me pretty little girls tooaad wtatod t o go on ths stage they wjrewiinhg to go atjast enouga to keep them i took those two utile ttagsfruck girls uiii and talked to them like a sunday schooiuderihteadeat thexjaid thoy were working ia atrtfactory and were only making ft sud could not get along on their wages when i found that oat i doubled my argument and i think i have persuaded them that stitching shirts at 4450 s week is better for them than to undertake the hardships pf a life ia tights and tinsel woman get it bad sometimes there is plenty of tan with a young man who wants to play kings and tyrants bycasting him for a poiioemaa ia s pantomime and whanging hini with stoned clubs aad property prpdnce one week of this effects a permanent care butr whea youny women get it the only thing to dots to t ik earnestly and honestly ito themi m i i i the funeral of herbg s socialist mattor toroer was the scene of a great sooslist de- monstratian it presdeo seyeral thousand sym pa liiari lellowed the body to the grave batthb pokoe took advantage ot an old ss ion law against the public eitribitioo of repablicao emblems to torbid the weaziag ot political insignia no funeral oration was pertittejaad when a woman stepped for ward and spoke a few words an order was given to arrest her the execation of waiab war however rendered impossible bytho dosing ria of the crowd- 8everaf wreathk were tkrowurn the oonin bnstotrjofbre the policehtd insisted on thereavoyalof the red silk ribbons with which they snare tied ar s dinner tt the illusion house lon don throv loreiim consuls were ptesjnt mayor wished honour rw isjr healths he aiobrdjfurry utoastmsster to annooncethft ieaithtof a three i present ooi he how 8v on mlowingst s lotfl mlfor dtiaktthe health ot the three per cent consols victor hugos phopiecy simeextracts from victor hugosipeechst the chateau deaa ca the oecasioa of 1l lait bunct lecture for the benefit of the ifarseilles workiagmen have been published but the speech deserves ts be translated en tire f forfour huadrod years said h hugo- the hamanrtcehunotmsdesstopwhiohhat not been marked wo are entering the grand centuries the sixteenth century was the cen tury of painters the seventeenth the cen- tnry of writers the eighteenth the century of philosophers tho niheteealh of apostles tfldprophefi to suffice for the nineteenth century one must be a painter as in the sixteenth century a writer u in the seven teenth a philosopher ts in the eighteenth one must nave ia himself like louis blanc that religious love of humanity which coa- stifates ths apostolste snd which brings the fatare distinctly into view lathe twenti- eth oentnry wsr will be dead the j scaffold will be ortd fnrtewillbe dud royalty will he dead frontiers will be dead jjopnas will be dead man- will lh-e- there win be jke- neath all a great fatherland the whole earth j snd above all a great hoptrall of heaven let us salute it his beautiful twentieth century iwhich will possess our children snd which oar children will possess the sole question of this hour is iaboar the political question r solved the repub- bc is established snd aouutrg eta set it stids the social qaesfioa remains it it temble bat simple it- is the question of those who have and those who have not the second of these fermsshoald disappear to this labour should bsi enough- reflect would yoa cat sa isthmus you have let- sept would yoa createa sea you have roudairc you hive people and you have a world the people are diemherited and the world is a wudcrnen give the one to the other you will make them happy astoaish the aaivene by great thjogt which tre sot wart host this world be cooquer ed iso it is yours it belongs to civilirs- tioa it awtitt it xobody will combat with you go do march colonise you need a sea t create it j- a sea create a nlt-igt- trbw navigatiorx crecteil citiesi to-wnc- ever wishes a field- ssy take it the ground ityoart- tillit ii tutse- plains are idrnirtble jtheytre worthyof being french having been roman birbarism hst returned to- them and even sarsgsly-drivethemdat- eestoro africa to europe and at the same blow restore to their common life he four motheroations greece italy spain and france make the mediterranean oaoe rnore the centre of bis- tory joia to these f oaf fraternal peoples great eaglaad join shakesbeare to ho mer prepare yourselves for resistance these nnmeeturable facts isthmuses- cut seas brought in africa nabitable began amid ridicule sarcasm and iaoghter bat we mast waitfar them and jornetimea those who are most deceived are those who ought to be least fortyfive years ago in tho chamber of fcouraes a distmgaisned man if thiers declared that he railroad would ba the plaything of paria ani 8t germain another ailtiagaithed niao an authority in science if psnilleti declared that the electrio telegreph would be tnarrratiag ad dition to cabinett of cariosities these plsythingt bare changed ths worlds let at hare faith let at think in the equality of cititent in the brotherhood ot men in the liberty of sools let aslotg those who love ax tnd these who do not love us let ax know how 4o will good to all then all will be transformed that which is true will reveal itself that which is beautiful nil shine oat thatwhich is grand will blase forth the world will appear to us like a fete the supreme lawwilibesccom above all will shine that strange word old a word io mysterious that it can support all things from the most horrible affirmative to the boldest negative t all from the ferocious fanatic to iht hooestatheist tt the star flooded by clouds deluged lby tempests drawnelbyjiocturnjlsjpptjrisisihere beyond eternal 1 1 tl you let us have faith- thmgs exist itnd forces adjust them- selvet beings group themselves j every thing doet its doty nothlngii aseletf if we lower our eyes we tee the insect crawling in the grass if we reuelrar netdi we tee the star resplendent in the firmament what tre these doing the time things- working the insect works ou the earth the star in heaven immensity separates them and unites taeni- au is infinite why should not this law be the law of man ha also submits to universal force tnd it jab- kits u him doubly it submits by the body and it submits by the soul his hand penetrttet the earth- his soul embraces heaven he ia to the clay as an insect to the mpyrean as a star mt i s- a vermont parrots aespiiremmts among the many interesting accounts of smart educated parrots silo w me to tell you of a bird that is an honour aad aa ornxr menttotha state of vermont she isthe most prominent member in the household of oscar dix of dummerston as far as betuty is concerned neither she nor e hare any thing to say a strange uafdrtuaati habit which she has of polung out her own feathers gives her the appearance of baring oome off defeated from some henfight her remaining plumage is of the nsoal parrot green but mthis case it is noterabemaig of their intelligent possessor the charm of ber talking lies in her clear distinct esudr ciatioa and the veriest straagercauld saderh stand what she uys- she tings several tongs shoo fly little brown jdg1 both sings and whistles the suae of yaakee doodle and exeuatet with great spirit the oldtime round 8couandsharainyl scouinds haroinyj lookout lookout lire 1 fire firs fire r osteo she it great imitatorfcackwlike a first- class hen and mews as well as the kittens themselves she greets visitors with v etallo i hois- do yoa do f snd say good by when they leave her funniest escla matian is there rvejuf t toand outand the usually ends the expression with a burst oflsaghtor a rap on thecige will bring out the welcome come in 1 she ssks the question is it cold out today and threfflart opld ont here 8he will iob and cry in the most -heart- broken way and calls the following bamet uncle oscar aunt msrcia bert neltie- lou georgie lena charlie 8bt can sing ap thfjscile the wprds aprettybird a syllable for each note j sbe conns occasionally missiag a number tadrays polly wsnts her d5ner bow polly wants her brsakfastv mbuy iitanttoat oate or apple t4w iappens to think when she is vexydesi- roas of obuiniag snythjag sheprtises her- at by tsvttg- sweet pretty polly i ii a teasing affeotiohate way she calls the bows im bisa f boss1 host l at dtttinctly iand loadlyiasany newrkngland frmqr when she ehmbs up on her peroo in lll evening ans calls bat gobct night i nuniber v tlina she never ttys this in the dtvtime lc4fitrldum oi orinw utufflo a man with oatsa pgtausd ixthaxtohsdslurdthsmballets 1 toe lsut aiaaspaitur thst blot wanted a flnrra dootora fe at cleveland joseph janopch vu sr- rested on a warrant charring him with mar- der twoiuout by hit litiy plenuobsuer formerly wife of bjhemisn ntnied joseph tettr ons night in december 187 jtnooch and tetar ware on t drunk and it it claimed tatar was led into s saloon and filled with whiskey arid then harnessed snd made to gallop round the room on all oars until he fell erhinsw after which he was fed with oats ths next morning- tatar wts found dead on tbt floor of the saloon with ms mouth and throat full ot oats an set oil of damage against the saloonkeeper made it the time by the deceaseds wife wts won by the plaintiff and recent develop ments have led to ths arrest on the- charge of murder sla poptee of detroit paid i hackman leas than he demanded tnd he angrily struck her she drew a revolver from tier aatchel and shot him dead two jacksonville coloared men got into a fight on tharaday morning last and one of them shot the other in the head with a pistol though theoombatanti were only two feet apart the ballet flattened igainst the mans head and fell to the ground it knocked him down but did no further dam age j alux dreewmtrsyuidin stevada by i highwayman who offered the usual alter native of money or life dinger wu moaat- ed but unarmed aabr the robber had ft re volver dote- to his head nevertheless he was cool and brave enough to say i dont believe youd really lioot tab and take the chance ot hanging so im off and he spurred his horse sway he says that the ride was hardly enjoyable until he got out- of range but his reasottiog hsd been correct wdlhe robber did not firs c j j raise stid to wtlserfer in a barroom at princeton ind lets tip glasses for this is yoar list drink oa earth- walserfer thought it was a joke although they bad oace peea opea enemies snd laughed as the glasses clinked together but rambe vu in deadly earnest and iotfsatiyrilled him sigkoe mtcccci of spoletio- italy a man of- property and position called in dr domenicistq attend hit only son who was seriously ill if said marcucci the young matt recovered dr domemcis should re ceive 2008 francs if on the other hand the patient died dr domenicis shoaldde killed proved to be t man of his word for tho lad died and the lather there- aponkilledjomenieis he was obndeniered io fire yeart impritpsunent and the payment otvfiae otsoopfrs to be given is images io the doctocs widow notx ttowteidce whose twp sisters ra- cently hanged themselves in chicago because they drcaied poverty it hopeiesaly ul the- tho k ot the tragedy prostrated her and fortwodaysfhe did not eatbrdrnit a pirtisjc shfisnowinsane idd dying a rego lay on hit back asleep st sajem ca witi his bare feet uplifted on i fog a bonier- made a wager with a companion that he could tt twenty paces pat a ballet throajbooe of tbt sleepers bis toes he shot and won bat the negro has saod for dasnaget saitgel kcbsbauk snardered ha wife at girardeaa mo and was stopped m an at tempt tokill himself on the spoi bate was determined to die and hat finali ac- complithed his porpote by itarvatibn tra widow cbhnotbapid creek mo received an offer of marriage from a wealthy butold ind ogly man 8ie wrota back to him that within i week the would choose between becoming hit wife aad another dis position ot herself that she bad in view a tittle later he heard that the had attempted to commit suicide atoci one year ago wiffiam hliott a coloared nun vu killed while gambling at knville turpentine farm hewuoriedin thotroods noar began t willitt still on the night of the 12en inst the grave was en- tered theconvh broken bpen-itortion- of the lid bdiiig found near by on lis 13tb inst a coloured man while playing cards wis htard u ay that if hs bsd one of bill elliotts fingers it wonld give him good luck thai night thegrave was entered agaii sjxt day mr bobertspn withjsevertl other persons visited the spot to see if the body bad been removed tbey drsobveredl that the right hand had been cat ofly tad was missing joseph mccrary coloared and the man wha frprrsvid a with for bill eqiout finger were absent irora work the nsght before i acateistair is the cause ot a divorce suit between a white husband and wife at peoria jhl- m hrovtl8 it np there was t compositor not only dis charged from the san j see ctl berim the other day bat also fired down four flights of stairs by the infuriated foreman of that ad mirable journal it seems that the typo was requested to liven up a certain speech de livered at the workingmens state conven- tion held mtnattoorn with the utnal marks innarenthesia tho jour who was carry ing i little more beer than was necessary just then got hold ofths wrong proboediogs causing the eloquent resolution of mr van armsitil referring to tho death of a member to read isomethirig like this whereas it pleased divine providence to remove from oar midst osr beloyed comrade axariah mcifack load applause who hat been cut off in the flower at hit usefulness flangbter snd promise it is besqlved that we tender to bis bereaved family cheers and friends oarsjocera syrhmthvin their hour of afaio- tioa cries of rat him out aod order j and atstire- tbem while we burnbly- bow to the mil of t voice three cheers for kear ney j heaven lament ourdeptrfed brother roars of laughter a fellowcitizen of en lightened mind statesmanlike views cries of 0b v shut up lets adjourn t and broad apd generous sympathy xor his kind eerrific cheers he is not lostbat gone fore deriaivs cries of oh i cheese it and continued laaghterj etc- infact the memncc widcw is hunting for that uiifor tjunotq printer yet and cherishes the eon- victioa thatbs u still hiding ia the hols r at welleabycbllsgkthe okjure men the prbfessort are women- i- a taof had issued invitations for a dinner party of twelve and on the morning of the appointed day wheii bonl erring with her tootsjai she discovered that ooe of the twelve silver shells in which scalloped oysters were to l served hsd been misplaced eigid search fpr the missiag trticle hiving proved niivaiung the lady decided that tooher than pvoup that partibolar coarse she wonld simply decline oysters when they were handed her and so the eleven sbells would ba sufficient it happened that when the oysters were served at dinner the hostess was engaged in uery animated conversation with one or two of her neighbours and for- gettingherdermlnalaon took one of the shells of oystere and sat it before herself if the servants heart fell m consternation at this he gave no external sign of it but respectfully excnsn me msisfn but you said 1 was to hiniadvou uiit the doctor for bade yoar eating oysters ltoxijan 21 ibavstwur told that in the last grea plague s london i in 1665 none that kept tobacooists shops had trie plane 6 it tertatnthaj tmujdngif was looked upon w j meat excellent pre- sarvalive in so much that even children vera obliged to sraoa and rtnmrmbert that i heard formerly tom rogervwho was yeoman beadleiayt that when be wis that year when the plague raged a school- boy tt ettyn all ths beys in thai school ware obliged tosmoakiinita school every nor morning and tnat he neyer was whipped to jpo much in his lite u ns wai aire ntornfag for l y jbnvykmgrgss it is said by the cologne ttatstts that kettwig woman bathad five rmdren ftrur boyvana ca g attatrth uvedabwtiparl t46ug very were well formed if jjfrfthi

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