n t if aefoaghuich directory i kttttmttatrraioirravin fervlrva li k to and t3ei ciibriurmtiuuc service iu mi hiuily levcmistar s m stllxdh tkltottt iraienueetuus ucietal- titacvjy cvctluc tvm itfttlp eu vrtiuj cvullhs tuw kkv ivtkqflbj imltt raisnvrkrtai gcrvrcct suikiit ilcacniuiat llatn ted 6 piu ttielle vrraott luiuwltmcly rtlrr tundav raotnlnafcervlee 8kbtainsctxtiu imoam i kkv d k cakeros falter cokoregavioxal tnviris suudijv prcteuticat p ftatjniib scivuuwb ant itajcr mieuuc wednejeveatoaat 8 h m i j cxttkcu or ksouiko fravicamid 1rcaculoe at mo pm rtv o kjtxkllscuinbot hiktlst kkrviro-sof5- fivtculacm it a m and 6 n fit fcalibaik scliool at 48j ptit lryr itruicertfartndfrullly evenlbes at i lusartx i kkkvice stladaypttttchllcttt h am tad spta l pnt iinnomst mscwriu 0e ifc oortjt of cirioraor o vatk st kckvtok uutay pmtcutuc at 1gw a m eitbihsclwlal33 m cjltmluc one iifr foeta irrrf i oarporalio os irf w kfkvues lourtu mmday ih racu tnonlu at 10 n at tumlaj iotool at z pm every hutnloy rv fatkejk lvuukilck tie k provii u- fl he xctoxfeeje press tttutied every thursday moraine 1 per annum in advaace i iciattfcgij fless tucuaxv mocsisa iiirr is is7s im w s ixri i 5kha ek00uragk9 reports the annual graud trunk crop re ports which embrace the neighborhood of tie whole tine 6f route from port- und to detroit hav always been lxked upon s most valuable eontri- bution to th literature of traded em ne rce md banting nd tiiis year forms no exception to the rale the aie compiled ritu great care by the agonts of the comptnvr idiiire s6ntirely ttnstworthr thit they may bo looted uponwith the eime amoaut of coafid- enee as a blue book shich contains in formation only accecsible to the gov- erflraeafciiid flsofsaals and which ia 111 niter of things mnst be the near est arpebai to the absolutely certain and exact from t cursory examina tion of the rrporta we are led ta can- elude tiat the harveefecbich has just been garnered is the most proltec and abundant that canada has been blessed vtirii foe many yearstlib xeneral average of cereals ha ia soaieicstan- cs exceeded by one- third that olor- dinary reare while bay and roots on vhicfa the farmer ta much depends far olttle feed hare turned out to be er- ceedingly heary crops thi latter fct aojuires additional importance as tending to help the dereloptanent of th export o cattle trade- whidi has already acquired considerable proporl tions and vrliich in the future- may form a great source of natiooal wealth and proaperuy altogether the coun try has thiayear beeeaigrully blessea hy providence at wimbledon well as tu icoros made in tho recent annual provincial matches wilt show lit athlctioiports cnadi is preetuiacut on ttijj ooutt- iient both thawvywci jht and light weight cliamiotu of america ire diudlaus tua farmer being chief itckinnon of bcllovillo and the latter e w johnston of itamtlwn in scullins wo lead tho world hanlaa haa beaten the acknowledged champions of england and amortca and- warren smith of halifax has beaten tho ex- champion of atueiica in cricket and baseball the canadians hare obtained an cartabto record tke woodstock baseball club has recently returned front a very successful tour in now york stale and the hamilton cricket club has within tho past two or throe weeks defealel tho heat jciuis in the united states and has becnpronouno- od iho champion clubof america by the new york prcaa canadians haye never been so suicessful id athletic sports and scientific pastimes as this year r m sv h k cejotitj and township agrf cultural exhlbhion the county and township fairs are now commencing this is a season wnen the farmers and family seek by attending to combine plcaiue with profit it may always be doneh not poly by the fanner but by everybody who is interested in the agncultursl industrr of the country- in years gone by fairs accompliahed i noble work end have continued tado so- every season they haver given an impetus to improve live stock and by he er- hthittoa of euperior jfcodacts and im- proved machujery to improve farming as well it has been claimed that our fairs are mere money making machines in isolated instances the assertion may te partially true in the majority it is not and the history of our agricul tural societies will shw that the officers at a rule are actuated tiy motives for the public good and they iutve done gooiasone of the most important of many integers in the developement of alt the countries where held let us tay then to oar waders make prepara tions to attend your respective fairs this fall and go prepared to- leant as eniiy examizie the stoct machines grain seeds plants and flowers witn a critical eye and wilt a view to im- provementiwhen yon get home make notes of what you see for future refer ence tni everything you possibly can about thediflecent articles shown sna you ere sure to-be- benefitted by the knowledge 1- canada firf wss w mm v- i eim r i 0te9 7jjitt i r it r isess3 ap t il 1- wr j 1 fvi vs ts t bfc ctuada has cooje decidedly ito the front this yearneverykilid of athletic and scientific- pijrtiia lacroane of eotirre westind alone without a riys 1 the tjoif math puyed tietween a cundian team and 1 foreign one was weijelieye the tpatrpal and teamianthhebnnervoa with ease in riflsslidpfidjs ca8a4unfiava aide long steptdrvrarl am yearj as- the record of ike canadian reprwntattves addrw and prntaton 1 at the close of an examination of the puiils ol s s no 5 esquesinjj mr w h grant whohasliad charge of tho school for the past three years and is now leaving to attend the nor mal school at ottawa was presented with a beautiful gold chain and locket iccompinied by the following address i- eatcctaed and respected tcadier yoa a about to leave j aa to our rrcat wrraw and regret j it may be forever although we all imnrtly hope not bat rather owt at tonse fatare timevottniiy lie witltcs agaia thit we hope althoagh it it tme- have tried joar pa titmice maav time ad hive ouaduct- cd oureelvej coiitrirj- to tha example set before ut tty so worthv aa t retpcted a per son ac yourself 1 icor dzsr teacher pleue coeept aa a tatea o our great tetpect jfratitade aad regard or yooi thischxiaaud trjehet uot oa acceffat of iu intnete valoe but litnplv ac altobea o ocraoetioa we all now join ia uyng that wherever yotz ttay be joa carry wiui yott otir best wuhci fcr ycer taceeaii we hope tiiat providence will deal with you tiadly aud wath over and rue foe you that ruox life may be locg tad happy u the earueat wish of your affecticcate pcpila signed on behalf lrrax glllrrs r i axxir blict 01 i j sine hcur the sehfart batla maoax the following is a resolution passed by fie trustees of the same section it it hereby certit that sir wh grant has held the position of teacher ia 8 xa 5 queia for too put three year aad during that time he hia orarcd hiosetf to be a faithfoz and ecieat toadier he fiat at alltimes maintained caid order ia the echool and has ahowtt a marked interest ia the work of hix pupils vhtch asx eained fcr tunx their erteeni and fauectioa and the good risiea cf the parexta he hai becu tacceatful m brmaiag the pantft forward ia their stqdies asd bac always lent a helping hand ia the general iniereiu of the sectioa therefore we the codengned trcttees wha hare bed 6tscedaring the laat three year can with caofidencc recommend mr grant u a coaracatiaui aad succexafcl teacher jxnwa hame jno sxiehie tretfeea tl hampshire a kfcdouaw cojc th vorcal rteaptlen cuelph1m m0u0ay kuik tjic central eihibltloo ibllsat lvfcux of visitors ttvorojal vlsltdts the marquis ot lama and princess louise arrived in guciph yesterday at 12 oclock noon although the people of guelph had very littto time la which to prepare foe the reception iho manner in wbith decorations etc were made was credit aula to any city on ilia arrival of the train t nooa the vice regal party were received on the platform erected at thj hmbiaon street crossing by the mayor of guetph warden of tho county president of the agricultural society and chairman of the teneral committee the party were conducted to the- curriagq and the procession moved off to the exhibition grounds on arriv ing hers they proceeded to llio lnd stand and thence between the ranks of school children to tho pavillion as thiy paued the children rose and iaug thu campbells are ouiuing and god save the queen j on the platfotm were asaemblctl the vice regal purty and suites the i city council the county eoancil the direct orsof the agricultural association the members of tho several couiniiltef the members of theontario gorernment and members of parliament the city addtess was presented by the mayor the county address by the warden and agricultural society ad dress by the president of tho society hit excellency then proceeded to tho raised dais at tho front of the plat- furs and formally declared the exhibi tion open after infpecting the exhibits they re entered their carriages and paaed along ihe main carriage drive on the inside of which was arniiged the itvel stock leaving tho grounds by tho lower gjtothe party paned along kirkland street to sufflk thence to glasgow thence by oxford to dublin thence by dublin to paisley thenco by pais ley to norfolk along norfolk to mr luymonds residence where her royal higbneas remained for lunch his excellency proceeding to the public lunch in theeity hiot at 2 pm on leavinymr raymonds residaoca the party pwceejed by suffolfc and woodwich streets- and market square to thi city hall where at 330 p m his excellency and the princesa held a reception in the council chamber at the close the party returned to the ears in waiting and proceeded to toronto it u estimated that the largest num ber of viators ever preaerit since the orginiiatioa of tho ceritral exhjbilion were in attendance yesterday few drt goods and grrogeries the undersigned has juit opened it plo dry goods and general gro- ory store in the stand op- pcallft dr mcgstvins j residence hill steeet aotok ont -aitocfcot- new dry goods amrap fresh family groceries hoi j tut been opened and will be sold at reasonable pnew a share of the patronage of the resloeftu or acton u respect fully solicited b haslett sept is st0ye8s stoves i cheap at hills electrioity thoffii mlalor eetaetrfo oil j slephertoo esqucsinr sept ii 73 is referrinff to oar adrertifiing colamtis it ill b seen that mr b halett ha- opened oat stock of staple drf ghoda and fimilf grjceria in the fiundcpposite dr xlcckmnv residence his gcxxls are ail new and fresh and ve bespeak for him a fair share of patronage k bzszvtti or the press tho editor of the st thotass jovrzei an retir ing from thxt piptir to icccgt jl poditioa oa one of the tnrtato diiliwj wxa eatertfiaed tt firewell inpper ttvlich he raxde the fflhoirick tppivpnite- remark respecting the benefits of toe local press rennrks irhict apply with just is mcb force to other jflxce as st tfaoolu it it xw local paper hcaraid tbit writes roiir docal hutirj tfifcadocite yocr load in terests that promotes vour iociundaitriea thxt educates the people la the politics of the cdantry whit interest hire the city papers jn the interior towns every citizen ia the country should feei it his ftatyto support at feist one ot the local pipers and every baticecs msn who has s sense of gratitude in ms breast will teel that he otizfrt to adreritse while thettcwrpapefs are writing up the town andstriring to make it itniness ceotre there are iasi n men who prtfit by the enterprise of the newepaper and boast that it never cost them a cent 1 the uevripspers deserve other datronage and he was pleased to observe that the services of the press were better appreciated dtrrttjj the last ten year thri coantry press was now independent and trot spafcen aad notdepwtidenfc for ita inspira- tiqdapon farciiit sources incnmrneatitig on the above the fcterboro review rery tralyaiid forcibly says ttelifebtoodf a newipiprt it ita ad vertistnt- and thisis not done to nexrly the ertenfc it shonld be someofocrptihuc bodies too are fairly opealtf the charge of acting m very mean and paltry maimer toxardi the press by endeavoring to get their work done at a lower rate tfian s fair honest price for thai work sach a coarse however is neither jast nor honorable seeing that the local press eictciifis aacit aa impartuit ineuence on local prosperity fall exhibitions industrial j exhibition at- toronto sept iottnisiv guelph cedtnil exhibition 16th- i7thl8thiaid 19tb sept provincial j at ottawa sept 22nd till 27th clifford horticultural 23rd and 24th sept northern st walkerton sept 23rd to j north qrev at rowenfeoand sepu 25th and 2oth western ii london -sept- 29 th loj october 3rd j west wellington at palmerston sept 3 th and october 1st nasaagawejra at bcbokvllieon 3rd october r halton county shoit milton on tho9tliandt0th soathernfair afcbraatfordon the 6thttbfthandstn october- j eratfss eiuesingi it gedretown pn sept soth i rorti tea ttw tt ftwjai ia 7os fait catunoc ttaf vkert it u cw it ii the cheapest medicine er made on dote cures common tore lhroal one bottle haa cured bronchitis fifty cents worth bat eared an old undirg cough it potitirely cures eatairh gwtbfaefc ithmaand croup fityoets worth u has cured crick in the back and the tame quantity lama back of eight tears standing it cures swelled neck uaicrs rheumatism neuralgia contraction of the musclesnlff joints spinal difficult ies and pais and soreness in any part no matter where it may be nor from what causa- it may arise it always does you good- twentyerecenta worthhas cured bad cases of chronic and bloody dysentery one teaspoouful cures colic in 5 minulea it will cure any cue of piles that it is potfible to cure six or etgnt applications ia waraiuud to mxr any cue o excoriated nipples or inflam- e breast foribraises it applied often and oouhd up there is never the tirsht- eat dincoloration of the ikitr it stops tbe- pain of a bum aa soon as applied cures frosted feet boils warts corni and wounds of erery description oa man or beast bctikx or ilaiittota ask for dr thomas eclectrio ju see that the si gesture of s kthomas it on the w and tbenames of tfurtbrop k lyman are blown in the bottle and take no other sold by ifotrow eton and all medicine dealers price 25cts nobtttsopilymaxtorontd ptopriftors for thedominton kote eclsctkio selected and elec- tnciied a large sixi fall imu of sto res t rorarfid aaxaaofaroi of at ifttt ipialitif of vwf- ticfaat faith a4 tv nott kakoau ebxx in the mrttt cookhstoyes j i t 6 off fe erf lie oery laextc prcca ifefcditoctof jtf tnv7 k e atiao7ctasra i k oosssd wjlut ass sts0ialtis3 and trill j aaxttd am the ihnxiat ooalo iii a goad dock owperfcr ovaftfy cheaji i ooksairasiz fertovassxitss 8tiniberlhjsto j mull foe sate at actoji korth of g x e sutiot 3 casta pap quart 2 cento par pint- acton people need not keep cows when ther can et milk for jciper qaart j- p 8 armsckoira asc a a kuxttl a lw i i j udijit liom villi ft j v men women a koxtti suarsnleetf ill borne mide br the m canttal not r- we will hart joa neabovc aud trtf tntke tnoner fiuler at wftrk foe oa toanaltanjtblnc ele the work fe urht and plesi anr aod iacb aa anrone can to njbt at tuom who are wue who te tbls notice will read at their addretttt at- oace and tee ror tuemietvet coatlr oatntanu terms free kowiclheume tnoe alnnr atworkarelsrlnrppuute iam of moaer addrem tkcc co aopisu kfalne hakd w0bk varnishe3 oils alass c groceries wallpaper stationery school books at the post officje store -a-ctotsj- jas matthews acton febki8t8 mew fall hats stock complete layard lgcrroi fficfrmond keiepcri lywn rariirvjion prettnet ayd trawller ssav wratatv ftulpi gnelph septit itlj 1ipkse attractiof i in cue lp h september 16 17 8 and 10l thecentrarsixljibi tion will be held t 0h weslfesult september 1ttb the marquis of lorne- and princess louise vyul honor the boyal city by lhif rliit besidas ihem attritions during ibe eihibiuoa week the golden lion has ok exuibitios over 300 packages of imported aad domestic liaau- i faotured ldetgoods compriilng the choicest lines ever opened in guelph bautifuyiteriof qoiored silks 25 stde3atlwortbl50 per yd suit to qccat 1450 wbrtli 2q drss goods shawls milliner trimmin call at the lion vjdfrv ja awi l li a m so tf c 0 v great bargains bargains ksr blace hlks krw every dor- baa bad alt tfajv- kvarr penon toat nat ehamtaa- to- do taoald baf aueorfoanca power weela tfaac wtlifmi euitr th owib or crana ebiinl tne eheacet t eastat and beit ranui he wheel j key tbst tc mad call and see tt atworh on baceritiiet baefc of benstl hotel hade tqdioidoblrbjtjfrjrbesaeloaotil chiif black cashmehis tcbhall bull thatubtcfibef haa purehaaedtie thor- oarhhred shorthorn bull srd jiuke of kent 0am imp 8oltanna7thbredby f w stone es qnefphv which willbe n ktptfor lerricejtra fat 17 con adjoreiiig the g t- r- sution tetmt 150 for grade cowa js00 for thoroughbreds j50jm i os smith jisir wkitkcarrons saibtikqs graycottohs chiar chsip cbiip chuf cloths clgiiis i i it the- i east wv lotheto store if you wast a e good aud chbap suit ofglothes isow is the time to pnrcfnse as we art defiroos of j clesariugf put our stock arriv before fall goods arrive the ttudlc in acton oa the igth iust the wifaof- mr james goodalh- of a son in emnesincc on the 3rd intt the wife of mrs micuic of a dtughur in acton on th llth iaat the wife of mr duncan mcarthuroc a daughter in esqnesdfk on the 8th fnst tha wife of mr jacob icmitr a daaiter atcrewtont cornert on the llth iott the wife of mr richard sherlock of a ion xi tjbciotjs w efj it udslwekbroidery cheap whitii cotton qoilts vhy net everjborfr havaidts of it when tec and plants are loehiap beiid eard wltti addreff and aet deforiptlre meo fni iandpn net and rotfeffree cata lorne ot f ru tandprnanieataltreaf3bnib vinea and roteffree eon ialnlntfals4s7 full afetcrlpuonor actot hibilt 5 2 21 to 2 60 0 85 to 0 90 085 o0 95 cb0 to 0 95 flour it white wheat lretdwu spring wheat o ittjow hi chaff oats peas barley eggt perdos batter dairy packed butter rolls potatoes per titg- sheepskins hidea ner cwt- havperton applet per bt woof dieaedhoga 085 too 90 0 30 to 0 0 0 50 to 0 58 0 45 to 0 50 0 09 too 10 0 09 to 0 10 0 10 too ii 0 to 0 60 0 50 to 0 75 t 00 to si 6 00 to 0 so 0 60 to 0 7s 0 18 to 0 20 5 00 to 5 00 fcrtxftt vitas keft v white vvheat 0 85 ta 0 beretrfs treadwetl spring wheatr qiasgow redchaff oats peat- barley etgrperdot batter dairy packed bnttrrollt potatoea per bagl- sheepikina ri hides per cwt iwqod per load hay per ton- strapericsd i wdpr v drmtedhdgr f alili 0 m to 0 0 90 to 0 95 080 too 90 0 30 to 0 32 0 50 to 0 50 0 5 to 0 60 0 09toq 10 0 08 too 10 0 10 to 0 12 0 0 to 0 50 0 60 ta 075 5 00 to 550 3 60lo t00 t 50 tv800 swtom 00 ol woh r6w6700 1 the early canada peach the eartletvtnd eardtestfeach known- a nauvepfcaaa4m3rifflnaieotatjonlan a few met rettoble enerretla am waod wbocanfatnlsbcoodcertiacatesofciiaracter 0klklit0ni7esefireas jordbnsuttonoac aifotireaco hair work j lim8 xok nqtice i tespectfany intonti ho ladle of the yu- scaf acion aadsurronnatnr aaantryitisic i will be la acton on toe 13th or naoa montb at aynaws hoter lryohwuiiyoorhalr doneap acood style by a practical and nit- nratm workmstl iekra fosrorderr-ttftiad- dreriplalolrwrtttenla care of mrs j afcais or mrsmeirlr eeiliof yoarownhfttrbackandcoodworic boaranteed pmcra 6c to 80c pe r oafbr raw eom binfl cauti0k doatbfl madibycatt rassera reptcnudj my name i i eniptoy do person a- r i psaveroai5mbinnclully uiiidrya yoorsteijy j inji- ht afaoralskyj w camden sutoroilto j scon a bownet fciceparedcnvlbnapeedyaateeasjtacliil 8reniadmeotrtjenoo blumaatakcum r fbfut r liitijrmfma lapleuut in tod palatable r tm ud eaiiarts torn lirpii k v- i tvwvt oa cookipjoot and all iftloaiotf pcaro lick meaoalled tut jdetsedvotatjie uce of end ol tad all deutie pu and pajra jreajjor ada by au draoiamt j cati jtvou 1 l- a t haw knr naw krw nrr sw tweeds tweeds bhis3 shiets ties ahd scarfs cosaets kid d loves tabfxellek3 towsiilkos chup cnxu caxaf caxar caxip csiar ohxat ciaur o o worsfqud wiley it d i 33 n w k l- tjit- s 1 wkxww ilelegasubif h now biug offered ost the conti5wr7 1 cortcais ths vwmi qnoii l t ra g e carries ptamos btenbteqo siqk of thjafavct h eadttonbloic upper wyndham fired- qvtlfb- t 7 j fj i i bii ui1uu1 jl oaseted 4 ill a-inii- i v 1 case tweed jacfitings iftbweitltlliings put for early fahwearj ud u 2 boxes liandsome brocade ridboni which every iw dozetlovely 2 button kids in every toll jgw iiidies locking for oholoe goods mrutkepthir ejeon th i j fcr vv i v r r 6iwaj nuiwwlaaia jturierv ftttgtssr vq isofib i it f j