3- r- ha sis isff iffi riiibtf 13 i sagbaobttiahadd i l ll iujl ti rij8ja r istc ll i v n ii vs- oouroat bousraubvsyiorrmcrjrs rvbtftrrttesrjenisnutftetaf nmusxatriaduitturirle aidioir look obits bmhlas it ill bat ahn bar t ttanlzx tor last t tinef van shin thow nr tee stauds leader fa tbtcirdvtttxcomfaiioe nu assy teoujt 10 beast ux sac toortiosmufetfiortdblres r una oof tebintlar bfcte ax kect foe iofictoc to lbu imlr vatctlkfc these jrtfts bar turtc nor nli say buy kor qk tnllhoxjlw richest l an imti bmlmwrafurtatordvorou- wjv ths tortat bar offer- whsrmc he ta i tttlthosuttd r it tcoald fo thst tow i lulls mors 1 it ihjtttrhmnutrtvmth tries rivet ret i u is tttu field vr tit the store r r- ielow trilr it daffi0sd primrose m dot nil if fatsrotev died not ere the dries dtr ufwtutttu qtntt lata uk s jh ilea owdrt ion jelm it the alar tfteti irotud tmackjn heart to be cull fond bi en a utile httcsrtmd but tinot t tar i tat but nynrd trie and wjirim tate lir love uwtt seemst 10 l since i toae day nut lictt tor sometime net and cicb dsx tzwu tor lifes moaotctiy prithee star here m rt v cw too f aa i ailet mepiutuebtt bfyori msmm ttlo ttlxxtxix denh pirtt kji iad my tore of ui st k tint ye trt uioc nitn bat mjlore cone not uy jtv- n- ax rotes vhea ut its vest blaxx brmajt to full sever jkl metea pticf la ttia- 1 listen wtuiinc 1 nd be it kit rutpctlat wtulvtjr kj- lore bjt aottiof lay iitr i oxlbi lie puos tbre c sa uia itj trne lore to mj- dyinc j- ft 1 i- t r 7irfiv dspbbtouisi bttofee d battle enitaa cem in cotstfraji assq- tionsto moc3dtiffblrt a maastar ei i iyffltpmowlut r a fiw ij tgoi wtisi roctinkieic fcita- flu her stteatiaa iu dlxtn tovudf tke r door tticit i jtindinf open tiy t-peca- sflbrhlif aaik jtfe soonup uy titie mj pftit tnlkti mitbtuh rettin- inr her pnteiee of minj poter riul toproichii autioaii eifva fore- t the 1 other tvo vith ioiritse rui t her uid 5 ttemptedo c6h themselves iroani her i tve forthem botrrrer fqrfeeplil her foot oa the head rrfjqti lijahag ttr fcillerlt the li4tleritnf iserfaiooiitaeie killed it tiriiookeere iheibigtttever kci is thit rerioo the krgtittnrunfoi ortrfocr feet in linjtii f ai old mm nxoied whey fnzeri cf sin sihi iruinjchiiigi titeziag piteeibr deerheahie h- three lure ud he duehmfgedthe conteat of his gna throci fee foremost atthu the others checked icdiet tip fsch cries thst ther slsrmed th dogs of theneighbbtzthood tad fifteen gxiered oa the spot the fight uitedfbr caasidep- iha tiffle but the yelit of ihe dogi sad ea- otigmihorrti of wiley stroke the citi xessr thohexeaviui gmusad fright- esdnrtha vesriedputhers amagemeats hsra bae mlde- byfhe srrri ysiiershoafingcliih for i beir haiit vietrweber like tfloontfiiae sii dsjs besrsrs tery nameroasuithitiectnra sad deer qnxil tni grouse srs sbtmdsot not vuir front the like it he home of old bria tas urgat gnzsly bear in ameraa ietghibgboitsoop poandi he tsi ciaght bj g rizzlr ditc st his rsnch on the kenness biu roidia ls5f bat tore the trsp to pieces sad mifr his escape incase the beariscutared theehth propose harmg s gnad barwrni sad if he unt cught uef hl nsft some less emiaent member of the besr fsntilf 1 the isrzost snake etcfoand in cstspbell ojnnttv h7 trss killed one day last veek t m tie csna nf r r gegnsa cacg near coh i ibjcisjm sftcaiyeanlqgojrtriteoersloog portedl baring sen a snake measuring tfn uep fkema irss sdrised to join a temper- v sstcvsocieyssidthe sffvir waskforgotteci otttpngtmn at carri costs vii found r dead inhessall jqthaigk not chained lfpiihvbad baring tmjiinnjtoli to 1 aathm being atiesjyisusk ubnnd th neefca its syesvetseiiet6ottt three dirs jftrrwinli f m ntlnn found dead sad smtifcfo mutilated rlmy icr gugifotatablesaif a iooster snakeooiled about the neck of one of tjfe icortwlfthe boor smtna ttoad patient- ibdnjteagkedtodeato atthsppear- anos of ccrr toe snake zaisedr its head and darted out its ifsnz and then slocly un i coiled ilseif sndglmedsnybehetthslsrgs pfle ofhay carr raised the slam snd jerersldokn persons gathered- iyr the eentrtof the sfcscfcthe spjakeiwasioond it yss inclined to show fight but all tremble wir ended by aotai ou the hesd in the deajrsdathersmaaatsosynabg pig thisniki trsatotindtobeeletcdahi a half fes tin ipirgur andsa thi u a mans trrisfc i fi rrr itrb boksitys that the fouwinfiia certtm caxf coc niasta bite tii tars fie- leaves front a cottonirood tree make a strong tea of the ssnte use 1 freely internally and bafhe the troended iphtttorlisl u notksd by thm la il- isnoe r railed hi wfngi lad rtroud tmao cackling all ths tims the wools crowd then touo4 io tinnuuhsd goose hisitag tad itritmg him with their months udfoniiig him inrty the victor- otiitfttroderiritiserainjlj ttku iato ml membenhip their ormsr cunpsntoa bsing binishad thi igrabbidg in tin mild hole was then ctiamei i alittuohild whose ptrtsu twr emplov- od is one of tail most respectable families in jicktonrilla wis in the habit of playing up on ihe piiau kur by a mkiug bird hid its nest in the ortngt tree and sang most beaalifnuy aadthelittle child would thror crumbs to the bird- daily ere long the child was taken sick and the bird fit for- gotten in too satiety for the sick oooi and uotvithsuadingtilirudone thai could bo done tat child diod vhiu tha childs body vaa iyioftnpon the cooling board tha bird tss lata to ptrchapon tha list of the trindor blind laar forth one of iu matt thrulitg songs snd then flit stray some uaeaiur this the body of the utile bitd vis foend dead npontho eoor aad ko aro informed jnipfsccdopon the coffin of its utua frttni ai intorred srita it in the asms v eiooohets the old km olthii klwit in olabuoy once l r o are considered letters oe credit in greatbntaio rjovi rtmarks married pangnpher eta eicasesterything ctropt a missing shirt btttloiu if mens morsla vrere half at itiffuthcir shirt collars trhat would the world do far icnaationa a ixoirtxi orar is one tiiat is over dew iother debts sra heavy sink to the bottom of therpune snd gctyoa noder wster arajfttlvt of pnteaded zulu on efbib- ittbn in dublin were rooted by a womtn who showered them with paving ttonw she had two sons killed by zalos a kircnai danghter of thcjlatadaio of bruntwick hat by rceouno to law obtiin- ed onefonrth of nit vart property all of whschhe btqaetthedta the city ot geneva bsxchtc lays tiliaago it a frcnohman in niad kow let talmtge fell what he thinks of beecbtr tba boston put pro nounces him bmcher a- turk in some respects if ks itoxkoc the widow of the dcanof bttuflfuuluk mexico vfitiumnr maiico aag at hlvs juit wilaeued a ball fight in this city a itaxalir icons vltbia a mils or two of the lunited sutes bosadary una tha sgbt was to iiffersat in many respects torn siml- lsrioeneala souta amaticaaad old spain that i dsscribo it for yonr rssderi the tests around the arena jariulud- with the lite of timiulipai inowdiog many womtn omo beautiful somt prty aod i good many ugly tha ball it driven iato the areas 1 thin gtunt inlmi pile yellow or emm colour loogpgiatod homi short hsai aad fiery sye bat young not evidently more thaa s ihrco yosr old and sadly weakened by long fatt ing he snorts and taket a hnrksd tucvoy of the icene a picador in red tights runs uait him tad lunats a red -rig- in hit ftoc the bull laorts rant hit long horn with s quick lnhing motion through the ted cloth and tears it from the maoi haatc other picadors repcittho umo thing tha brute becomes excited and charges wildly at hir louneatorc j they ipriaf lightly to oao rids buadiogths ball with ins cloth or bound a p tba aide of the high enoo beyond the reach of bit sharp hotel the crowd hoot aadycll far the binltriai arrows with ilroag barbed iron poiutr winged with a profution of coloured piper cut in itrip the picador mott slciltully seizes oae in etch hand and when the now thoiosghly arouied and maddened animal ruiues t ivigely st him planta tho two baadarias iathetko sides of tho animals neck who pitihea roars and charges taroond the arena fiowiai freely the coloured paper ilrcsntert flyiag sad tha crowd yell rag sad hooting like demons when the bill worried sad bleeding hows sn iacliastioa to make his escape from his torturers tha crowd yell a prvxdut lufiaju light him with fire thcnsnothcr bringt whst look like two short rockets with huge barbed iron points each coatain- ing severs loidod rockets so amoged that when struck into the tall they will st each discharge drive the point in deeper and deeper tho match is touched to the rock els and they are hurled or driven into the aeck or btct of the britc ho bellows tho fuse hitsca tho rockets eiplodo one ater another in rapid succession envelop ing tho animal in smoke the hsir is boraed frost the akia sad tho akia parched sad burned by the feu ill explosions re sembling a srnail caaaon tho sharp iroas sre driven further into the quivering fiesh st every diichsrge the blood itreamr from his wounds until it it happened to oae of the bulls on this occasion he falls to the school of oratory at boston university therouad at though dead overcome by t thejtortaro and loss ofblood kowtheclown trill tmcupy her lata haabaadl chair at iutumn term i she ii-siid- to be perfectly capable of dotag her work well the pew which w h seward used to occupy at auburn bar been made iato a cup board and is owned by a citizen of that tows i the plats it dtaajjed tprt down in it fsttheaalce otiaid rahg iyhe liu struck a tree in georgja to which a mule was tied splintered it to kindlings and t the buckles oa tha hsltsr aadyetthat male wis browsing oa tils lallen hmhi when hasted up are moles noaotidoxtoxs i aicaxtcaiuiisr pfoturerf bathing nun atttftxesladyclsdaaeieateotftoste dv iaat oat of her bithwiggoa the tain is detcunding iajtotiwrta jump into jzfyjf xtquickinsjaniiatyt he or yoi getyerseitsttwat i kixg altosso broke his srma fortaight sgo butaxtehttiost gaae on a viaitto hts girl the et loads nratwiraniii concludes it tauthe srm that he ttodc zxt fpr when the wojcit oat on the front stoop of the palace andloofc at the moon announces sftcr three animals almost pre cisely slikc in eize sction snd colour nil been thus baited snd worried finally las- jdcd thrpwn dpfu and the iron barbs pulled out of their flesh and turned out of the irsaaia- turn tint hey were moat profoundly griteoii and ttould an nounce the close of tha pcrformaacei and that another would take place on tome fpjawfcjar btvoioo irdnssaedat tslaroe toar jrbio the atowt of traigsh inarfos tnaaatk- bring a one iad jsfliinim the clow aaiftcft i tail iaj iovsrabm ctty and prmlssioironsturtrodtrn8a r op in his esof the j jie pirt bitten am pcluredabotti qisrtofihe uquid sthfot about filteea fg was up running bout and t he bnkht m fh woods or up another snsis s if c bridges of itbatgnmery county ga wtjtfine tow anttpig m a contest between fhrfnittififfwi ifdd sacke sxytbit ii 7iz poiieeaiart seeing aya how dog near tin nandsomelv dressed women spproaches rspeotfadysadayi fdcesthisbesuchiful ettle creichure belong to you ladies itercyrno f park poccemao kiting his cane get oat o here you beast two elephants eacaped from a menagerie atjvarxisgton in eoglsad snd there wis a ithianghthjtfrrbypca boys and dogs resulting iaacapture of thebeattaaad the injury of two of the men willte aged ten and jemmy aged eiz isrercplariag fogethsr joaa ottiwm vu minutely rtarniaing a fly i wonder how god made hint i he exclaimed god dont make dies as czrpeaters make things observed the other boy god iysict there be flies sad there it fiiea i ar a govenuneat bureau i wsnt to see the hell of the department he isnt b air twhen will heireturar when the head of te dettartraeat has given ex orders to say that he isnt in how can we tell when he will return i mould like to know tmv to a servant who has given notice three days sfur her arrival bnt if you oidt mean fcoatay why dtdrdatako the placet seeirjal vrtu mtwhea i see biting i bear afoaiful ac6uatrlq nortn oarollna foraat in the earl part of thtcotary the wtiterb portioot o korth carpbaa wsra infeslod by wfld gams amoae which was the elk nowsntirtlycxuaotiatlisiouui tae lt elk wss klllai ia mllohal county it i uld about i82 soma tlma abiut 1815 a party of vetstta and daring haatira were la tho moantaint of bancombacngagtd la haat for those animals ttoy irxnt levers weeks nnju la luch ezpeditloar iloeping in ihs foresls alwayi in dinger from wild bsaits cjca oveniogjast before n the patty rflluracd oae bj ooe tj the rondczvoos sll tiro one very old nun a most enlhuaisslic and tireless iportsmu liaow- ing hii habio hit absence ciutrd little emarc bat as time illppod on sad he came not it vrtt determined to make a iesrch for him while preparing to do this the well- known report othis rtllersniouton the air snd allthoa was sttlb the noise of the report leemei to come frirn a osnebrske a quarter of amilo away taking lights two of tho huetert mado their wi thither ml found their comrade but a few rods from the brake lying on thegroand to btdly wounded at to bo helpjest and wellrjgh eihaaated ia reply to ooqurcs he said he had tracked a bear and fire i at him jcounding the ferocious beast he thoujjht fatally on goirjg uptohit prito the bear rose and seized bim a tcrrtio straggle cntaed between the two toaiog iiiakaffs in trnscuntatttic hardy hunter had ho other means of self- defence than to seize bruins note ia bit tooth he tiidho had dohe this arid with sucaelfccl at to bite off tha entire end of his note the earth nearby wasbloodyand trzmplnl but hit comrades ridiculed the idea of hit having actually bitten ott tha bears nose- he c jutinucd to assert it snd tsid lint the besr discomfited hsd- fled and taken refuge in tho brake where he would wager ho then lay dead the wounded mm wis taken into camp sud his injuries attended to at daylight nert morning several of the huaters went into the brake aod there found tire bear shot through the body and with the tip of itt nosa bitten eff tleai hunter lived many years but always spoke with pecubar pride of hit having thru overcome the bear and exhibited a score of wounds made by the animals claws u proof of the story int4llgmit workmen nseded ifrodtlie dcauc amcricui koflce wis taken in a recent issue of this psperof the experience of a largo shoeraann- tactazrr of thrc sutowhoadrwfised ia boston sad kew york for twentyfive shoe fitters to work in his fsctory efferiug full ztfrrent ratcl and iloady worfc the adver tisement broagbtoae application about the saxat time a- boston firm adver tised lor a bookkeeper and the next days nuil brought three hundred and fortyseven answers duaogtbe sais moafaaa advsrtiscment jforsoiea mietnitpvntfirught oae rstdsy persons antbrtdt sssasal my tatr ptg tarn the old sowsttacied the taaii aod iniurtcniwattjittaa shesuc- ceeded in killing the snake but when ir bridgureacneithespot he foond thejreo- tie and the two animals lying side by side deadr rvehate sdwsyi bees aider the im- ptrasion thatahogwu impervious to the j pite rfsintheanake an eel nieasnriogelevcaaad a half inches mdrcumfrdtnceaadtliiwjfeetmd a half h waticanghtin the i sprint nrinih of iflniaairni sbove dilferi the other day one peck of brsa was put in the akin of the monster without stufitug oa vftinttiiy a fight two geese occurred in a tscanflbfrii surnlnev street nariaauaianjrrr 1 wnocfcfof geese waw extracting from a large mhi hole auch j s fave bird when strann goose made hit tp- airaihatultgansjn5tf tmobtng for torawnetinuthe ameafaade of tha sfrsng oi cat nctboused bat at last oao of the gee looked np and beheld the intruder vrtuiuition ni held and oat ip r 4wac tb triiner ad exteadod a chal- 1 prorkoobfed and the frwobeu tonrttiatftjio gaote lurroufld nigthatwoanrfciabiiigsercily- for ten mijbrrunjkhtslm iatrud he wztnaisnsider sffer i following his opjioneutaihctf disrtaneo returned to the do you know d j eocruired a penpir- iag leading citizett of another on c street one pothing sara d if fyes friend v yours aint he well hot very psrricalacciarrccmixriend you under- stand wonld you indone a note for him 1 for a reply the leading citix n drew out spolioewhistlft aact hewif a rocso man made his appearance at deadaraod last week in a pair of white trousers he ww promptly escorted to the cars put on board of them andaa injunctiou pltced upon hint never forevitit the place we can stand a kledjihirt you know a miner erciaimoov but when it comes to wearinbiled drawerx we mustmsfce them gxpandgit a rithee has puicaattd a lovers alarm deck that works like a charm at ten oclock it strikes joudly two little doors open and smartwith a oressing gowa and cap on glides outf holding in his nsud a card injcnied goodnight as he bows and tmaiauly relires back into the clock the young man takes the hint says gjod night io the iair daughters and departs olo ifrdoubleskuu according to the 3oatoti2vfltftf iuivieea poring over a map for several r4ilei tne trbullod ibot otthiaface shovingthat he iras wrcstline with a problem that bad got the upper hold of him finally looking up tie cloud psrrspreaghi testnret partly gone i- nndentaad nowhow fhcae lines come here poihtingto theparailela of longitude ahd latitude apasd down and across the atlantic ocean lor t know that britannia rules the waves but how them liacsot on shore too- beats met a srarrntrstai youag lady says oh me bonnets of my girlhood tie kind i wore at school i really though them pretty i most lira been a foolj and yet i csod to think myself on hats a jaunty miss perhaps i wis as fashion wen t but what was hat tothia ohv- the lovely little pincake the charming littte raattt makes my head so -fcrel- andtdveryi very- flati 06 asittets tore is ctiarcaiaj tt everybody knows and a handsome consias love is nice that is i soonld sappotel aad the love of a true over is the lovo that cannot pall bat the love of a neir bonaei is the dearest joys of all ik the preaeat dayititoot always leaiy to tell who it oletjymantaysjthe london ffirh tmt srdiag to a witness ia the newman jlall divorce case the other day there is aa nuallible aigu showing when a inaaia not a clergyman this lady who apjieared to haveaworaaaseyefotcostame tud i thought fc first that the gentlsmaa had a high gharch curates face fjaugater but as hs wont upaiairi i saw he was hot a clergymtk from the cat of his clothosj hit trousers were rightabout tho knee to i know he was not a clergyraih uaghteri after this should think all young parsons who come np to tho ifay meetings tad take tho otoirtrinityofjgdiog tascjoriai 6fhe theatres and ijatting eraas and places where they sing will be- careful to have their trousen made fight about the knee he boadvj the tht testsof jhacialt otthajcifj- aad tsii penaiaioa with hst in hshd- is of ted r hs thoresglt ecl ludfeioatiy- thobtulcaiea is baited and worried as before described a picador seizes a short straight doubleedged sword makes a lunge at the ball kiicta an ugly flesh wound in the neck he circles ariuad aid again driveithe blade down the aide of the neck into his vitals the dark blood spurts out tie clown executes the movement of the staggering drirca animal the ball docs cottsli but looks so sppealingiy with his great brownjiqaid synit hii exeautioacrt at if asking whst they would do next he is only terribly wocndej a rope it throws over his horns his head is drawn down to the ground and the award forced into the back of the neck the fifing moans the screams of tenor and agoo- attend by om pear creature are heartrending io those hav ing aheart- scotch nniyersitiei the perceutage of anivcreity- stadenu to the populatioq it lsrger in scotland thaa elsewhere beiag i ia 700 or more strictly speaking if we deduct the imported stu dents who come from england ireland iadit and the txlania to study medicine in the srumversityichoott i in sco in the german empire the proportion of university students to population ia 1 to 1c00 in england i o about ix clear- ly then the smtch universities sre popular iastitatioas like the lark of sjotlsnd they ire characterized by severe simplictty they rot no toocs out of the sack of the romish caircn at the reformation and daring the greater part of their career the motto which waa suigtstedfar thcitifs- hvrgk sebnr might hare been applied to them jfaios laud autliuwr wepaltirale literature ajncltcence od a little oatmeal of late private munifi cence has begun to be eltrectedrto wards the univertities especially of- glasgow and edinburgh by means of spleadd private lubsaiptioas eked out with pirliimenfary grants the former hat pbiamed a complete set of fine new classrooms j laboratories libraries and masiums with modtrate fcst- decccs forthepjrofessors attached and the latter has ia eottrw of crccvioa buildings for the scientific teaching of its gres medical school which prbolite to be oftheir kind nearly perfect bat the endowments of all offices attached to the universities are mod erate and generally meagre and it it only owing to the large attendance of i students snd after much hard work oonkquent there on that tome of the professors have of late years realized handsome incomes the fees charge i to students hare been extremely moderate aad it has always remained- possible to follow a liberal course of study- ui arts or a complete professional course in medicine taw oc divinity at a scotch uni versity for very small coat originally the students were quartered hi collegiate domi ciles with a common table and under- aca demical discipline but during the last two cturies ifaa collegiate system has been gaduaily snd cctirelyabaadoriodizj8cori land and now he students excepting the mall aunority who csnjire it homeor are phuoodtolxinijnprivae fsuulioi fight jho tittle of life for th snd acquire the arvbtmihngbtxes3i meet unchecked and onaldid ia iasepfadenl and often soli tary lodges such areiiaufaacea aredpubt lest trying they sre very different from hoie iahklta- yeutatrlterlhxaeoljeje afc oxford ov cunbridgv and sarroaodod by all the appantoa of jrypt orscoatj bat tes dinners tators and proctors finds birhself plaood but the 8ootou students at a rule show thotiselfet cruitettroagenooih for their poiiuoo thsteslrt temptation and keep their heads ttnighti aad their aai- vertity life is a rtarn reality for them and not a niere- idle ptaytiraei any due who looks atlhetaoqj of a wf gei aaserhbiy of scotch itudenttmdttfesl- this tseyhifs plenty of good spirit and fan ainxmsj them but there it i eoatpieaous absence of vanity wdaectirdritrif somewhat doncieat in fa pw they are manly aad simple and hi point of wortltseeais totjethe cts hst there are prormrtiooatdyfeiddwsmong ssotch university ttadents than ambrjg ts btirttit of leptic orberlin gottinjon or bonn tho tnthatiaam of j ho sootca itu dents for their professors iaheartylandiot undeserved prcemori theatoolvrii are gentriily meaot lomo toilooace iaj their re- ipectfvo- llne and seotlaaa alwiyj tttatains at least oao or two profeasort ofierirapeaa celebrity i r nv mninbaiisfthe ablest wiae drinker is hungary was a guett st a recontwatldiag ivi before him sad ho wasiaformedtbit hobo jiuadred aid thirty ap tad a grejtt naajberof lotjejw applicatiotisthe beitclsy aa advcrftkraent for a week iu the tame tity catling for a good citpenter brought only four replies pbbtjkgettmbrcielhalnsay coa- sidertblectty ia the land an advertisement for a bookkeeper or retail clerk will bring fifty times ax many replies asaa advertise ment for s ftir werkmsn la any trade it ia also probable that ia any and every city the avenge earnings of eierka are no where near so large it the uraingi of woik- men of average skill in the various trades farther tt is fairly certain thtt with equal capacity industry aad thrift the yoang man who learos any trade will schievo a ifeajcniblii competence sooner thaa the young man who sticks to clerking while the eaancet for materially improving ones coaditioa are more numerous to the tradee thaa behind the coaater ir it the desk why u it then hat the bbvt ill want to beclcrks avhy is it that inuuigeat parents enooanga them ia looking for a rhsnee to u get into buiineaa and in looking dowa oa mechanical employments ss though there could be any calling more wretchedly mechanical than avenge clerking why is it that teachers almost invariably train their pupila to look above mecbaaical pur- tuilt what the country wants aow it workmen intelligent industrious thrifty workmen men who cm do skillfully the work that watts for tha doiag who can invent new meant tad better processes for developing the crude resources of ths land and for converting brute matter iato lifeiutaining sad liieeoriching wealthy mere clerks and record keapers are at a diacount there are too many of them and ths professions so called are amoat equally crowded with men who have uathiajt to do there never was a time when ability to do something realand pracacal watwotth eg mach aa sow set oar young men swarm after clerk ships why is it hints for the mother and nursa bteehixo ar the xose tie a hard knot n a haajfcerchitfj aacl jet itr press hard oa the upper lip jatt under tueuote securing the cads behind the aeck so sstokeep it tight coldapplicauonsio the top of the headahd back of the neck are very good also holding the arms above the head corebttrjeei ihrecgraiasrjf calomel cneteat4ol griin of tartaremetic these ia a severe cate are to be given every hour when the disease teems somewhat relieved very twtotirv tncrpuatjie very first symptom hsrdriaging cough tacnld be atteaded to let the throat bewoll rubbed with some volatile liniment metimes flannel wrung out of hot water aod applied very warm to the throit repeating the applies tim of fresh flannels at they become cold his a fine effect an emetic should be girca immediately sod the croup powders sdmiaistered if the diteaae does not yield aiwr neglect the croup taken early it is easily managed neglected almost always fatal remedies should be kept on hand in some convenient plaoeia every ianiily where the chfldreaaie at all coaititutloualiy liable to croup alum pounded up very fine furma agoqdemetie if ui uke foe childrcx wtrnlltwadceii z5owjxstwo dramtbf prepared chalk tweatytlve grains toasted rfctbtbnb one tablespoonful of bnrned brandy four tabo soonfalsiof water and a teatpoonfai o paregoric wi ths biory ofa oreat dlscovory- then it litiog sesr cttatsaqua peon in a hearty old ago the mao who dloof sd how to utt tathrtcits coal in ths mantafsc- tars of iron his name 1 david tbdnur tad ths itrry of hit disco rery he thus re lates oao litter night in tha old otiuntry i ut with mr crtoe a brother superintendent o t bast furaaee over a iratetire of tuia ooal wo had lalisd of ihs recent iorestios of ha hot blast j jatt patented by mr keiltbo a ucotchmao and oar converntioa bad oamed ui pre uy well along iato the evening tho fire had burasd low sad we were about to separate when i picked up the bellows and bjgan to bow it you will pat the fire oat laid mr crane at he ipoko it niioed over ma that il my bellows give a hot blast it would bring ths grateful of ooal to a bright glow aad with tho thought there name like an inspiration upoarno that lie hot blast wu all that was needed to utilize the rich beds o anthracite under our feet for making iron droppc d the billows sad giro atteraace to my thoazhft mr crtoe trailed then grew at tentive and aa i went oa baking out my thrary at t spoke he became interested when loohcladoi wo grasped baadt over the dead coals of our anthracite fire snd separated liius iloep wu got that niaht to me it was ooe of rettless anxioty when i rtad an account of he light before the execution of a condemned man i always think of my night with my new idea i the next day 1 posted up to scotland and on roy return i brought with mo the plans of a hotblast furnace which we st osoe proceeded o build for the purpose of making iron with anthracite cal it wis a great tuccea tad titnoed cipitai to the develop ment ot the aathractu coal beds of wilts snd the stention of the soiontint word before that or our furnaces we hid lruught coe frprfnhe distant bltumiaoas coal fields thereby iacrjuiag the cost of our product over establishments mora favourably tita- ited the very hills underneath our feet wt filled with rich deposits of anthracite and the ducoveryof means to utilize it wsi like a mine of gold to tie country round our experiment waa a tuocest of course the sctebtifio discussion carried on ia the papers ia that country provoked attention in america and the few scientific journals bublishei here took up the matter and ieraby the ironworkers of this region came to know of its gnat value they were then using charcoal and coke at once they let to work on ray plan murdervilh out a few years ago august flower waa discovered to be a certain cure for dysoep- aia and liver complaint a few thin dys peptics made known to their friends how easily and quickly they had been cured by its use tae great merits of orjexxkau- gcst fcown became heralded through the country by ooe infferer aad aaother ontit without advertising its sale became immense druegiafa ia every town a can ada and ths united slates reselling it kb percoa suaertog from 8our stomach wm norris soil plafao fortes organs stoolsoversetc office vyarero0msho williutt nonk adeuidest east toronto- wabxmhotrls if you value your health m i1l0the8 osethtr best soap j ske that the wftcte is stasfpeo ok tee one side and on the othek tie iaat brovfi fijordliiaiy usa stamprt r i m ll srsi o h jltvi ri qiv dokt use any other i rjrnaoes was expected to emptlt as often aaaabrdi nary- glass was draiad by the host ho obeyed but tho feat killed him the celebrate hotair sick hiiby cortiieneitt pilgtutioa of tie h9rt tndtgeition low spirit tie ca- ute jttrec daset trithoat nutt qatayour drax8 tndgc bottle for 5 ceatt and try it sxaple bottles 10 ceatt a km ttrunn bxtc a udr inntnoc in sjrit a4 urn ualy ltnd fixe t dttaripiiaa at t tnrkiaik btih la the alaacs lull m nitel df- niiit c villi ctuhioox where oae tnp aae- itlf k atflk uod ohti ihtstru with limit nwad the had one uhja ciukst uinwrt 4x tnirble room q rlth irwed ucjuzhif mrt te fioon tad i fntter cut ia thai takt the viter off ilie fiat il lid onld room xhcaexj vum tha next winner uid on antu oa ntahet t rxot where th bt it tuxrot 13d dffrteat tod vherc th openticm fxaa- mctkx rtnt vat u tixwtbtlr runtd trotx faad to tatabr tba uedkitvi kh 4mcbj with tab of hot nur tlironi t tad orer one theaihsmpaoed d jotchd tsjauo tbsijrthea ttjr tte has ud trout nth t iort of powder which lock like ami tod mow one farnrd thrwiarh ocber nyitgi hot houtir hotritlhount here imdtbwbert it cinm to one tad tttveu dipped in t4mtr tied txand tae had tbieb parrentsf uintlnz here oae ktaaist tveatr minatat tad taen pee rndc ut the flrtrt rofm renufaia t than ttm taetch pjem od betox 4aocbod aat drvocbed utd daottri fs etch room krtaraliir ia the hat room oae recllsec oa tv dlrnu utitil itxiwu uttii iaverv laeense if bcmd tboat oae cape of xtrr hot tad tot bitter coffee drtiik tad oae ftfle uleep w find oa ink icr tnattc tnd dudaf ihe ru chaulac oae u- otisir etufif mrisiaiii cnefcine aatr tad enjr- lactileorttof tuo rrtrefleri tod touriett thwuld auttrtbe provided vi ia dr fowler extract of wild sttiwbenr the beal tttm rfo the world for corior tofferiaf awqaktoaframcauiiictniripsi or our tmttx bed milt impart wuer atote of wtier end c tbt rati remaf- for tu tataaiercom- puintt j f ti a i m the forest aesr dillon km hu ui aa cctamoa hermit ia the penoa c jaang tad dot cgh- iromxa who iodgec ia hat eitiregeublei iod gime of her qwh get ting ind will nafc tif a uord to permot who iotrnde opoti her it it cjttfiired thtt ihff u ioauna bat cde croai her ioatv ly mode of life there it nothing ia her conduct to tutula that belief to be or twt to be txfi the quettioa whether tit nobler ia the mind to taflfer the ttingx tvadturovs of oatngeoat fortune kc era the wordi of the noble burd thote who ga to coopext for 8hirts neter taffer from i miifit 109 yonge st toronto c6v ten- send for 3iastfated catalogue containing testooniils dera given on application address 91 yong street toronto buyohly ontario bakinj poteder haliburton tehjukusiof the viotoria l raliiwiltuna tad riluje loti for ale c i blojtftelo ituuer cmdtia luid tad eolenlida re u aeirv- i a bstiec torcscoct titavcn 5 madem one day agents wanted everywhere selling relitliie ptteoted trtidtj sellat irtpdr ilii latrn profll a artud baim tint reqaird it etpitaj senitro jaat cimpftouc arivrov 8u nonae oct for draijir tod jnetrttctibai wriitvu 03d9 iod mcuro rood tstqcf vht paj- a5u35 8hrttfge rogoyro brash manacttirer bamatepb attorneys riant gsrwrt iidcidt jsait bleotrotrpsra stereotypara f dixriju dt strut as zsnatravarir g tcbt btttuqgmt etc furniture tsfaim cuiiiui cal7 timet ttriet bosaln house ptuucbctiltf osyal jfgnr- g rui jroy pionma moouuxos fsaius chjumob hlaurtors etc debars irad for vtostali list e j marmsw a esot t johta w tome to uklawahe 100 0 dehtram trait and crsta htas eheati mnd hltbrdinulaeiialcsruifrss aarivrrth smyrna dsliihrfl living water efs orhonapavir jjirnpplro i ore altered waler sood forctreotatt bixti hafy 81 hamluoal artlflcjal limbs k cheap lint pntt a doo testimotuals on sprauoilt 3 op pbkfaiuu latu diinhlavlirrit ewj protthdal tuhtnliiaa hooprsococaeia its later stage when it c tob ionammitory x qtaett ralievml by the u14 of ttrong ginger tea at a drink welliweeteced powdzos ioev draktxrv half a gram of prepared chalk onethird of a grain of dilomel ind onetxteenth of a grambf opinm to bsgivoa every two three or four hours u required when aaeneraaia required use starch aod laudanum ia the proportiou o five or six drops of laudanum toatablotp3onful of ttirch whieh must be thin ia treating dysentery in the oate of a baby thirteen months old oiled batter has been tound the bast remedy tried oiled butter is that on which billing water hat been poured jo that it rises to the top of the water ud can be skimmed off it wat glyeatwo or three times tilut operstodon the bowels combined with the laudanum udttama enemu after every ovaoualion attatpoonfnl of starch and four sjcopiof laudannm made the enema the surch must not ba thiols m i aiuiiywashoerng field by the roadside near bethel lad when a puterby ttopbetj aad said f ears to mo your corn it ralher small cor- wjw uld the- boy j it it dwarf corn ibutitityllor coruinly said tho ogtllwe planted tho taller kind j but it looks u i yon woutdut get more than baut tho hmhiui arts sxpsrlsaos fa ourslns- his provlajd aeoccsraoda- uoa ix tonott orlsdks cturtas their ueoactiment nnbwtmirol ns osrue mnujm tani- ued halttokp jouottrae not said tho ia vl i boy wo planted her on shares ws bsluwlsi the b tucs and bt aajnas v- jssoxy gpy drajton oal u a8t kk n t1rg ikia trsci oiala and qrtas finns icr tale ntu mis girvarjlo health jraud climate ash tad ojltm la ibnoluict send st siaoro for maposctir-aaecirvalju- jso el lotuvow k co i so w atain 81 yortolk yirvtala p8 500 personals r ruutlrniarsjsptto toroolo p0 50000 j bald headed men wuited dariaz the ei- bibicioa to all aadcr wutercorbtn iu kiac st teef fie betor the onlf ooe tad challenge oonttsulictioa tinl hu naoeeded la ratorim bir to the bomlehtr uld alucttlmatiiil riclt tnjtiar uaimi- tu til tfflkted with dmdraff htlf ftlhoir ororertiem au- 4c do ant nil to diaries mftitland wintercorbyii sead tor dreojirt tod tettimoaltlt k0ti0eto hinxlliullst eainibrs ft besljlbiff oomigiiment3 oiflieea cattia produce iad applis thois8pencsltottfrco- ihrmi l eallabstfta ual qttlow soot- itad eetsvbuthed twl befeiioeualoa pv troiiitxte guspnw iurketrport utb inf beef fnxnluitean per ppaaluqttoa froml uj is ceatst pit poooa chiiijoefi eta drtw two- thirdi nine here treljt tlto peid br the eoaxlxii- ect oa trrittl of phlp btfaooo pejd or xtanitted ererj- mirketdj- directei bj woder or owner a frae ptu it gnated there tad baok tor erery 20 attic or sko tbeep smiller lot or toroato mtrkit bid aa tvnittiiimlnri ehtrffei rerr inodertte for huther afonuuaa apply 1 ll gordon stleemto qeo utue k soa tvroeto xajjeriet or box 1043 p 0 wt s rfsifsvyfh- atkttisfijsa j flttatta m m hxwxs tmev ihrte wlji vrt lv- retwfl mtcket t lyon alexander vlli 128 bay 8trot toronto ar i r r iv i leadls0 hpuatujtgtdluiniqvsfoa -r- 6v tmi ijaacieimpn i best in ths lsfmr ijftafssblb ontario agricultural oouece the hfrs vhstell sh33iok o toll lnstitalioa 1st ootobbht i when theriwiil beteccmaoiutiox for forty uldr- tlooix resideat pnpilt a special cfcarst3wdw otcrih winter seflffoa tioae hu beea trnvajei or parniers bons i v fordreaicintiiniriniofeitiilcd of tnpliatioa tddreh ww j01tx5t0n j preideac qaelpi auff utbs 1879 i m elora elevator wdjks stomp and store baetunev store bout tic cheapest and hat la the raaitte send toe oesaip- thfe clicabr addran i j w axdeesck ilsinlaetarcr i bore out simonds saws art sapefio- ia jettttfirk iwbnr pi testtf r h smith o0 st catntttpfta ott sols m daainioaot oasadk send for price list thebest lathe datnhumtsrrv1 manufaqtured at e- dixon co- 61 coleosss bt i torcnyoi 8edd lor pries iu and als- ecoata i h b kooe naoua aal with t star la 0m bead i tb rlrttk 1 1 i es stapjisfl coppered stssl barbed blind and diaolltsim v alt0iltilal fsnetnr staptett brsl etlflssbwshlndsra lliasimldotactuwl by toorotod ttichlurr and rtmatsi eqoal td amsrtcanmils ooasasitn ifll je i h io their tnttrest to tt omili iheir orders v i r ftss l j -j- r avanfain hiilaieterssi ce imiviiwslslaf aucalm oothis vrtann alailttes core 8asllatt 4 tsnsnl aoveiuts