etc from rhes s u acta 4m trnir to nptumlir nt titte 6 eutwr cittktv at the fri pmjj iwirif and riwuv j int hnuo tut to iht htlhodiu church mill street acton ont i m ten- ronto- rfiere lcnia fur oeks lfqkos lws ifirt i nrr offf ui di- ciilear atot qr tcu tm fiat pisss will be scat o itbtcr bar postage paid for u per in num in advance it pia during the year s1s jit not paid till titer expiration of the year 200 piper diaoaliiod till ell smart arc paid ejcept at tic oction rt lie jb lihr anvi rntv raws c advertise- rccntx s cttits per line tnr ike first inset- uoo ami 2nu per imojar etch subse quent insertion- omh professional cards iolceorhoclrraunum 1 sqrurc li met 500 yet arnum pataue 10 6 noaits frc date at insertion- any fciu kotico the ahject of which it to prvoxto- ithe pecuniary benefit cf anv icdiv dual or ciiraylny u lo considered an liveitiscrrcnt cccd 1 tbe spic scale of ecltdktt nxxil adrcrtisebitau vnthndniccial instruc tions inserted till forbid and charged ac cordingly orders for discntmuing advertiaeneuu rrrat be in wrltirg etacrcue the publishers will not bo respocshle job pritag every faruy for bo4 riant and fancy job ptinuog experienced vrorkmea kecctt ihi of type preuet gved ohirprs nojersle- i ilphpooe editortndftoprielor volukk v no 13 whom no 222 a0ton ont sept 25 1879 i u x id menurvd by k sjf vtk m d 1 c p s c it victoria c3ouege eeti- of ifilland fredericfcjtfaetu duly from 8 to 10 m tad pv u icps gra- of trimly college ifember phviicianx ind sargejjax ideacc frederick st acton utcly occupied byj r little j t lov tlcite of colege c 0ce aai pi m the horise fustei tf clark barristee quefieo st quelbk eraliss qwlcbln ilr ktthew built inga hlusi- acton a jraci w hem street lie nsed auctioneer for the coin aes of veuiagtoa and halton ordert left at the fix peiss office acton or at my rei idence in rocfctood will be prssptly ak ndeifj tennx ceaaxable j ores evtev feinir qt fstocts for ixtektioks expe- drrtori r and properly lecmed in can ada the uniled statea and enrope pa- teat gcarantiei or no charge send for printed lsttrirctions agency in operation ten vears hekrr grist ottairx canada mechanical engineer so lntor of patents and draightj xao d sialthrsok attorkey-at- ulk so ictor m chancery 4c office nert door to vallacet hotel miltoo domrkio hotel actok robert ajne- proprietor the nevr hotel u fitted cpio telax tiyle tito new furni tnre coxm rcial trxvtuera till find good accommodate a and oommcdioaa sample eoonu- spei3aiittntipaidtothetaat of the travelling pnblic bar mpf liedtith the beat lro3t and cigin goodstablntg and attentive hostlerc royal exchakc1e hotel ac- tok- lis campbell proprietflr ir cmoltl late cf the rottji hock near g t ll sution takes pleasirt m noncmg to his maty old fredf and pa- trena that he jhaa recently parchtsed and re fitted the royal erchatge in the neatett and mott cucfortlble ttyle aid is prepared to acconunodltej ill who may faroar him in the nurt comfortabe marncr choce wines lqaarr cinrs and cool tanuner dnckt a wayi m rtck- stal le m charge of an attentive toailer the patretaje of the pcblic is respectfully soucistd and no effort will be spared to give the very beat attention i jas cucnsnx aash foe setks i tn prepared to pay the highest cash pnee for all classes oflmb and sheep kiina delivered at my tannery lace leather constantly on hand g j james moore auctiok sale advertiaementa inaerteel in the actot fete pbes atlowratet the best local taper of halton co births marriages and deatht inserted free in tte actos feu peess the best local paper tf hilton co aards eillheada and csrcttan of every j descnptionerecafalneatlyattheacro feee peesi office the best local paper of halton co commcxicatioks on local ipeatiotu of interest wffl gladly be tiered by the acrx- fes perst the best local paper of halton co ekvelopes printed in the neateatstyle and at the inwert prices at the acros fete peess the best local paper of hat ton co canada llliubaimjooipait savings bank xjestr ir james an vtsc rrs hamilton i 8tt per 0nt interest paid an deposits of iand upvuds i sxfesr akd sssr secimrprrs leari f dirccfatt d r ctnsttouc q presidtnt wit hjauej esq of john wadie t co barlihttoa viceproankut j v rosncean h d hamitton hcatt mcttsxr k o hamdtoc thos bt4xcttaed esq kelson cou joav lakdbirton rottr desrax fq hsmilun r k cnaaouf ksq oikvtlle wic fsaoux m d georgetown h 8 grtrtk st d a b snot eq manager cotton mdi dandaa unty 9 loan a kiaz etuie ra turn to tvit oerraawr ata aa ttuy fensx i office open erery weekvday frtm 9 atn to 5 pm i d dextee mijucar- aug ll 1st 7n federal bank of canada quelph branolx a gluhl bxscixo bcsixess dose drxfts hi mus of rzckakqe botlkt ami sold depositors are allowed interest at the rate of five 5 per cent per acnant in the savings bank department and six 6 pee cent per annam will be allowed on deposit receipts provided the money remains in the bank not less than six 6 months and three 3 months notice be given at its withdrawal thomas y greet manager the travellers ha accident ins co i or kietrordjxo wntea ever thing desirable in the way cf life and accident insurance bates low security tjnuuestioaed ample deposit made with the dominion government fcr the secant of cscaiian policy holders j paid np cash cipiu1 a00o 00 gross assets 79sst77 totil labilities 35tl7sis7 sarplnt to policy holder 2s6mx37 ja51es matthews ajent j acton ont b a kery confectionery uees b t e xicklix wonld lints mate that they have opened ap their new bake shop oe rax i corner of mill and main sts and that they will always be supplied with a i bread besides bnnr cakes pastry tc tc ie a lxeoe ktock or choice confectionery win be fonnd on hand which is all new and fresh i oatmeal xiehheal btoxwheatploue oeaokeb wheatjc atwsja in stock j this will be found to be the place where the best goods will be kept st the lowest prices i ultsaaa ciic be kickiilk if yon have farms or farm stoek tor sale advertise them in the aero s feee peess the best local paper of halton co richakts and farmers alike ahontd advertise and support the acrox feee peess the beat local paper of halton co strayed or stolen advertisements of this nature inserted very cheap in the acros fbee peess the best local paper of halton co pumps pumps- pumps vf e ada manalactnrer of soperar wett snd cistern faapr which will be pat in on short notice kepainn promptly done charges moderate aisoutifled and set give him a call sbop on freder- tadims posea harness harnesjb a ny person in want of a good set of a harness either single os double should call at creechs saddlery aotojit where they can get better valne foe their ijoney than any place in the county a good assortment of i teottks and valises on hand ae of which will he sold cheap or cash j s3 repairing promptly attended to r creech acton feb 2s 1879 ol1maxplow made at orowed iroa work cfualplu u ahead of all competitors for general irarj jtar made of special hard iron cheap jtib ifew fences stoves metal let- t ind castinc of til bods tars and uastrng t ctbqws u n r a week in yonr own fosn vlllt and no eaptal naked ton cut snit eke the bnsinesi atrial withont ajuu spense the best opportnmty ever offered for those willing to work yon sid try nothing else ufclpwfe vrranelf what yon can do at the business we sets wi to tw here jon can devote all your time or only your spare time fa ttht biainess ud make peat pi for eryhonht yon work women make unmofras oeo seni special pmate srstidpartiailars which tre imajl free ssoatntfret do while yon havetnch a chto addiesi h halotr k co portland itaine a leottjee to young men we luttj recently pabhihed ft new edition of dr gulyerweirs oelatirated eflsat oo the radical asd fcekairest cuke without medicine hi kervotu ue- bility mental cad phydcal tncapicity impediment to mirrugej etc requiting fiora eroeeff j iff- price in a wiled envelope only six cunts i7r tiro postage bums the ceebritel aathor minis sdmiraole essay clearly demonstrates from thirty yean ttweeaful practice tbatalannidgoon- ieqtmices may be radically cored without ts dangerous uae at internal medicine or the application of the knife poin out a mode of cure at once simple certm and effectual by means of which every sufferer no nutter what hi condition may be mar himself cheaply pn wtely and radical- iy icta u fatjie hands of erery youth and evey man u the land post office box 4686 new tforfc the turned loaaoo liouglit i leper it r ib ttjd titoqtc t had taint it qttj 1 baiuifrcu nehtrthaolcheraeid vi ia tm r t lonac k flit la tlie eji uut uh oa ih nulurucd fxce as the ctte ura bock wild he taut rull ic la ui nf 4une p t uwyif fct i knev it h aid and ihtttj- iur kit 4qxo at ih tanrtd vnj vilk uaiint tid vet aot or kproof or tracn aadttoc far th laima tu ttra u8 or uie pkrlwur lotl it u omlmajt 1m ihu it lh pua sh ctiflld sot tun put tt a votdc suukr uaclr ttodrttood a 0tj urtdcri tiadt iha chirp of ilia litwc la ihe dtih of in mtama wood and i ivatftxoadi oa ue rtddqic chuk ko bfid to qawtlga no ad to iptxk xaitidisinnlleroiccvu hard sotr rlu trr ywt itln aad th kmoa n muttcrd trtry rord vu it not vortlt tin ftlax wic li cot under tfa tut to tab ttua to it t pus y act lost icctuiitiatihcdudlatlitra it tt cot oftca to ttut calf leva la pert aad laa uutrt tdaacusic niijiiio ttttrmnot qatlrt tylwirtf tteahr1vf lahlcklmuidpcttcctetvo tua leaoa niin wlti uadmirtttdlht lathoisdf txreo pktra onlriujbjlikime tul the met li tmllr known it mxj b t uilcd bame we tried to irn tt ill tjoce acd oov uui ho oold at tet uc loco oaeleaotioclove tor b ktioct the iom an re refuse bt1 eh hoccoald rtdrctm ttut x kar tt ill to vtll retainr fluenur u re deem wtit w cotild oot evapu acj oh her coald jrierc o niflrc tint pctieut one ho hu tcmed 10 auof uit trfoce ttut riitia one ran aor u letttor us try iila wuchf rx ttf rtth the pktlect txor ttut bore ii rreftut o thorouctl tamcfainp rtut be voclci tetch line ttpaa i me tikrcocjtlj docac hix rati la etch tfaa let oar hotrtc be ttlu thotuh oar tufc be totraed todf qhj let him ithdr ac h he rtu in tic ora mac t ctcdboc rty till ctttioc oalj- tt jai ft ax re iccra each uite tbe turdest tc fooad til eletr cud nrt sunday o blecced diy ttx tika s pdea le cucpcd far cioodlecc ricj tod nacy tec liawc midtiwtuccof tana lluxetadlecaty frtt waad choat in rell micht thy deep nolle our rcufed rnnlt into belief becuiic the mrth rtre toned to ireeoct hcrmoo we dntt of ptsttcr pekoe cod ihoidd c tree lyorn um fxtee dul tempettc for uttie hue in usee nuned for uto prundect iter of til ttux ihiaimenaf htnr oa hictt hiee ferertd car fore brief hccrctidec rlth ra cwtje till put the ftlr blomcms xlch decide tt btov ttut oa tx peaocfid bctrt ncrcfiod imsq the rtdexprexd becveac died nth cod lrccxtt diftae lost alice chapter i why did i marry hart i of tan aakad my self the question in the days thatuoeeeded pur honeymoon by right i should have married na one yet l love her as i lave herstia she was perhaps the strangest character of her age la her girlhood i eonld not comprehend her and i often think when i raise my eyes to hjt grave qaiet face as she sits opposite me at dinner that i do not comprehend her yet there are many thoughts working in ner brain of which i know nothing and flashes of feeling look ont at her eyes now and then and go back agam as captives might stesl a glimpse of the octet world through their prison bars and turn to their bncswalled sohtnde onoe more she is my wife i have her snd hold her u no other can she bears my name and sits at the head of my table she ndes beside me in my carriage or takes my arm as we walk and yet i know and feel all the time that the darling of my past has fled from me for ever and that it ia only the ghost of the gay alice wham i won in all the bloom of ner bnghyouth that lingers nesr me now she was not a child when i married her though she was very young i mean that life had taught her feasoos which are gener ally riven only to the greyhaired and had laid burdens upon her which belong of right to the old she had been an unloved child and at the sge of sirteen she wss left to her self and entirely dependent on her own exertions friends snd family she had none to she was accustomed laughingly to say but i hare since found that ner sisters were living snd in happy homes even st the urns when she accepted that awful trust of her self and went ont of the great world to fnlfil it of this part of her life she never speaks but one who knew her then has told me much it was a time of struggle snd pain as well it might hare been fresh from the life of a large boardingschool she wss little tted far the bustle of a great selfish city j and the tears come to my eyes as i think with a kind of wonder on the child who poshed her way through difficulties st which strong men have quailed and made herself a name and a position and a home she vu a writer at first a drudge for the weeklypress poorly paid and unappreciated by andt by brighter days dawned and the waif went away front the door she was admired read sought sfter snd sbove all paid even then she could not use the wisdom she had purchased at so dear a rate she held her heart in her hand and it to wrung and tortured every day i may as well stop breathing as stop loving sne wonld say with a happy smile dont talk to me about my folly let me go on with my toys and if they break in my hand yon cannot help it and i shall not come to yon for sympathy she was not beautiful bat something whether it was her bright happy face or the restless gaiety of her manner bewitched people and made them like her hn did the r things imaginable for her lake and not only young men in whom folly to pardonable but those who ihoulhavb been too wise to be caught by the sparkle of her smile or the gay ringing of her laugh she did not trust them her early life had taught her better but i think she liked them for awhile till some newer fancy came and then lie danced past them and was gone it was in the country that i met her first and there she was more herself than in the city we were distant relatives though we had never seen each other and the fates sent me to spend my summer vacation with my mothers aunt in a country village where she was already domesticated had i known this i should wo kept my distance for it was only a fourteenth or fifteenth oouiinahip that lay between us and i had a kind of horror of her i hardly knew why i was a steadygoing qaiet sort of lawyer and hated to have my short holiday of rest and quiet bfoken in upon by a fine udy i said as much to my aunt in return for her announcement of alice kent is here with which she greeted me she looked over her spectacles in quiet wonder as i gave her a aughtsketch of the ladys city life u i had they had pasted away but one thing i had hadit from th hfs 4 ifri jmndy her not knpum one thing i had missed save in m i my dreams and that was a womans love vtellure and learn they say bat whoever wonld think it wu our aboe yon are talking of frank i however 111 say no more about her 1 youll have plenty of time to get acquainted with her in the month you mean to pais here and wc are glad to tee you and your bedroom is ready tho one you used to like i took uf my tit snd strolled sway to have a look at the farm by and by i got 0 cr the orchard wall and creased the brook and the high road and went out into the grove behind the house whose furthest trees were growing on the side of the hill which looked acj blue and distant rom my chamber window it was an old favourite place of mine a broad waggon track led through the woods out to a clearing on the other tide where was a little sheet of water called the fairys lvrtingglasi snd a beautiful view of a lovely country with the steep green hills lying data ia the diltsnee wrapped in asiftlleecymantlerfcloudindhate leonid think of nothing when i stood there oa a fine sunshiny day but the long gaze of banyans pilgrim through the ineiietdi glsss at the beautiful city towards which he was jnurueying and it seemed sometimes u if t could wander over the hills and far away and lose mvielf in one of tha fair valleys st he font of tbose hills sod be con tent never to come cut vid face the weary world any more i walked sowly through the woods with the sunshine falling through the green leaves ot the jouag benches in checkered radiance on my path drawing in long breaths of the fresh sir and feeling a tingling in my ties and a glow at my heart u if the vood were flawing newly there until i cimefo the ullt circaur grove of pines sad hemlocks that led out upon the fairys lookingglass something lurted u i pierced ray way through the branches snd i hesrd a low growl a girl was half sitting half lying in the sunshine beside the utile lake throwing pebblea iuto the water and watching the ripples that spread and widened to the other shore a great black newfoundland dog wu standing between me snd her showing a formidable row of strong white teeth snd looking me threateningly in the face she started and looking sharply round and saw me standiog in the little grsve with the dog between us she burst out laugh ing 1 felt that i was cutting rather a t idieuloua figure but i put a bold face upon the matter and asked coolly are yon alice kent people call me so then i suppose i may call yon cousin for i am frank athertoa cousin frank i we have been expecting yoathas week when did yon come just now she made room forme beside her we talked long about our family our mutual friends snd tho old homestead of the ather- tons which she had seen though i had not she told me about the home and our cousins who were then urine there snd i sat listen ing looking now and then at her as she sat with the sunshine falling round her aad the great dog lying at her feet i wondered almost u my aunt had done if this wat in deed the alice kent of whom i bad heard so much- she waa dressed plainly very plainly in a kind of grey material that feu around her in light toft folds a knot ot plain blue ribbon fastened faer linen collar and a gypsy usllykix buslda her waatrlrrt- med vita the same colour her watch chain like a thread of cold and a diamond ring wcro the only ornaments she ware vet f bad never seen a dress i liked so well she was tall too tall i should have aa d had she been any one else for when we were standing her head was almost on a level with mine and slender and quick and agile in all her movements her brown hair was soft and pretty bat she wore it carelessly pushed away from her forehead not arrang ed with that nicety i should hare expected in a citr belle her features were irregulsr full of life and sp nt but decidedly pun her complexion fair her mouth rather large frank and smiling her eyebrows srehed u if they were asking questions and her eyes large and of a soft dirk grey very pleasant to look into very pnxzlins too as i found sf terwsrds te my cost those eyes were the only beauty she possessed and she unoon- eiausly made the most of them had she been a carmelite mm she wonld have talked with them she conld not have helped it when they inched it seemed their normal state he brightbeaming glance they gave but when they darkened suddenly snd grew ofter and deeper and looked up into the face of any unfortunate wight with an ex- prersion peculiar to themselves jiearea help him though i hudknown heroulyfive minutes 1 felt this when i chsneed to look up and meet a curious glance she had fixed on me she had ceased to talk and wu sitting with her lips half apart and a lovely coloux- mantltng on her cheek studying my face intently when our eyes met there was an electric kind of shock in the gate i saw the colour deepen snd go up to her forehead and a shiver ran over me from head to foot it was dangerous for me to watch that blush but i iii and i longed to know its cause and wondered what thought had broaght it f fred bring me my hat she said to her dog affecting to yawn it is time for us to go home to supper i suppose are you hungry cousin frank yet no i answered with my thoughts tt ill running on that blush she isnghed goodnaturedly snd took the hat from the newfoundland who had brought it in his month how fond yon are of that great dog i eaid as we rose from our sent beneath the tree fond of him i she stooped down over him with a sudden impetuous movement took his head between her two hands and kissed the beauty spot on his forehead fond of him cousin frank why the dog is my idol i he is the only thing on earth who is or has been true to me snd the only thing she stopped short snd coloured that yon have been true to i said finishing the sentence for her so people uy shi snswered with a faugh bat look at himtook at those beautiful eyes snd tell me if any one conld help loving him my poor old fred i so honest in the weary world she sighed and patted his head again and he stood wagging his tail snd looking up into her fsce with eyes that were u she bad said beautiful and what was better far brimful of love and honesty i doubt if yon will keep pace with us the slid after we had walked a few steps and fred is longing for a race i always give hint one through the woods wonld yon mind 1 oh dear noi the next moment the wu off like the wind and the dog taring after her barking till the woods rang again i saw her tbat night no more chapter it- i was as i have slresdy ssid a grave tteadygoing lawyer verging towards retpectabla middle ago with one or two grey bairt thoiring among my black locks i had ay dreams and fancies and my hot eager generous youth like most other men and 100 per annum in advance if i ever gave my visions a body and a name they wen totally unlike all the realities i had ever wen the wife tof my fireside reveries wu a slight delicate g ntle creature with a pure pale laoe sweet upt the bluett and clearest of eyes thi softest snd finest of golden hair and a voice low and tweet like the murmuriogs ot an italian harp and the tat by my chair in silence loving me alwaya but loving me tilently and ner name wu mary i dare uy if i had met the original of this placid picture in life i should have wooed sjd von her aid have been utterly miserable i so u i matter of oonrte i fell into danger now when alice kent went sfngjog and danang through the house leaving every door and window open u the went i used often to lay down my pen and lok after her and feel u if the sun shone brighter for her being there when the raced through the grove or orchard with the great dog at her heels i smiled aad patted fred on tie head when the tode put the house at a hard gallop on her grey pony fra diavolo and leaped him over the garden gate and shook her whip laacilv in my face i laid aside my book to admire her riding andnever thought her unwomanly or ungraceful j we grew to be great friends like brother usi sister i nsed to ray to mysef how that liking glided gradually into loving i could not have told i met her one day in the village street i toned a comer and came upon her suddenly she wu walking slowly slooj her eyes f graver and seen her before attight of me her whole face brightened suddenly yet the pawed me with a alight nod and a smile aadjtook her wsy towards home seeing that flash of light play over her grave face and feeling the sudden bound with which my heart sprang up to meet it i knew what we were to each other it wu late when 1 reached home after a mating walk the farmer and hit wife had gone to bed the children were st a merry making at the next house and la solitary light burned from the parlour window which wu open the full moon shone fairly in a sky without a cloud i unfastened the gate and went in and there in tbe open door sat alice with a bahi ahawl thrown- ova iter- thoolders her head retting on ithe shaggy coat ot tho newfoundland dog hit beautiful brown eyes watched me u i came up the path but he did not stir i i tat down near her bat on the lower step so that i could look up into her fsce alice yoa do not lock well but ism quite well lastg tomorrow going away 1 where home to new york will what ails you cousin frank did jonjnever hear of anrcne who went ti new york before yes j but why do yon go v why 1 she opened her eyes and looked at me for many reasons firstly i only came for six weeks and i have stayed nearly three months secondly because i have business which can be put off no longer and thirdly because my friends are wondering what on earth keeps me here to long they will toon say it it you frank they vow they cannot do without me any longer and it it pesaant to be missed yan know and to yon are going back fa the old life alice and by and by i suppose yon wmewrp i would not advise any man be he old or young in case he doee not think it wieeor prudent to marry the woman he loves to linger with ner m the doorway of a silent fsrm house snd hold her hand and look out upon a moonlight night the touch of the small slight fingers wu playing the mischief with my good resolutions and my wisdom lit i had any alice i said softly aad i almost started u she did at the sound ot my own voice it wat so changed atjce we have been very happy here very i took both her hands and held them close in mine but the would not look st me though her face wu turned jthat way there is a great difference between us dear alice i am much older than you and much graver i have never loved any woman but yon in my life while yon have charmed a thousand hearts and had ja thousand fancies if yoa were what the world thinks yon and what yon try to make i yourself ont to be i should uy no more than this i love you bat i know yon have a heart i know yon can love if yon will andj can be true lfyonwol and to i beseech yon to talk to me honestly and tell me if you can love me or if yon do i am not used to using such questions of ladies alice and i may seem rough and rude j but believemi when i uy yon have won my whole heart and i cannot be happy without you y t going away morning is venice little by little badness began to take pv session of the streets- bakers shops and butchers shops snd f in stalls were opened the din ot oonntleu blacksmiths and copper smiths filled the air it every turn u though the makiuiof locks aad kettles and chim- neypots were the one unsurping industry of the world loudvoiced women called all the people to como and partake of baked pumpkin fresh and hot snd the melody of mingled street cries grew to a chorus of sup plication lately risen maidens lowered baskets from their balconies and fished up catmeat or bread or onions or other household sup plies lowered the coppers far payment gathered their ictnty raiment about them and withdrew the vendor we knew him at the opera pocketed his money tossed his load on his head and yelled his noisy way down the alley in the piaxti vyand the bialto where early activity mott centres i took up a com manding position at an otofdoor table and ordered my white coffee and bread and butter what a wonderful place it wu for breakfasting just for once i what pretty bat carelessly clad women in black laoe head dresses came from each street and went to il ards the church what a clatter the wood en pattens made and what s gabble the newsboys what loads of fresh fruit and vegetables the women carried past how the urchins gambled for soldi how unlike everything wu torhat we see st home and now unreal one to feel himself in witching it all the cheap dealers of the ktalto were taking down their shutters snd displaying their lowpnced wares boys ut on the broad steps munching bread snd revelling in the yellow luxury of broad wedges of hot and uvory pumpkin the pucveyon of the adjscent quarter were elimbing the eteps with whole hesdlosdt of grapes or fish or vegetables over the handrail fillingthe whole width of the grand canal lay aneet of barges unloading with produce from be yond toe lagoons or sfowurg away asserted cargoes of white snd purple grapes peaches tigs lettuce chicory radishes shining white onions carrots beets potatoes the whole nah4learedaaofibaatofgre grocery on shore the market people filled the streets and arcades with fish and flesh and fowl and fruit and flowers snd the whole sir with a tumult of noisy trsflic i descended amoog the throng where custom ers were importuned on every hand and where sharp bargains were driving in sprats snd snails and in fractions of the smallest fowl j entering a little square abut in by high houses snd like most venetisn squares dominated by the urraniahecl facade of a timestained church i noticed a singular activity among the people i they were scurrying in from every alley and hasten ing in from every hcusedoorj with odd- shaped copper backets on hookended wood en bows and with little coils ot rope old men and women boys and girls all gather ed closely about a covered well curb in the middle of the rquare and still they hurried on until tbey ttbod a down deep around it presently the church tower slowly struck eight snd a little old man forced his way through the crowd paaaed his ponderous iron kev through the lid snd unlocked the sulk tin ksftlte went jsaglieg into it and came slopping ont agaia at an enlacing rate and the people trudged off home each with a par of them swung from the should er the wells sre deep cisterns which ire fiiieddurmg the night and it is out of ami able consideration tor those who love their j as ftctwrnlnmry tolt oemsundr oejnarons aooount of the mott clvillted eaoe iotcmtnl africa tna lbs uidoa tints at the meeting of tbe british asuciation at sheffield in augnit the wellknown african explorer commander cameron who wu received with applause apologised for not having hit paper prepared bat be did not bebevs ia detailing the manner tod customs of the people of urns in central africa this weald be a drawback droa wst one of thi largest states in africa it wu bounded on tie tut by tucanikn oa the north by indeptnent tribe ia van guema oo- the west by ulnada aad on tbe south by mountains strath of the lake of bangneolo the gieit chief wu keaoogo and therraee wu pert pt tbe meetcivilised in ceottal africa tie chief elaraed di vioejionoan on hit death all his wives save ont were tlaughti red at the grave and the one whose bfe wu not taken wu hand ed over to the chiefs i ncoeaaor the spirit of the deoeued prince jwa supposed to pus into the body of the mcoeesor the centre of the religion of the people wai an idol which wis held in great reverence the idol wu placed in the midst of a dense jungle sua it had for wife one of tbe sisters of the reigning sovereign under the principsl chiefs wen imaller ohiefa who collected and paid over to tbe sovereign tri bute he had seen this tribute come in snd some of it mutt have come from distant parts of jhe country then wu a numer ous class of wizards in tbe country who did a large trade in idols and charms many of the wizards wrre ventriloquists and in this wsy the idols wen made to give answers to tbe questions put to them cute wu very dearly defined mthe race no one dare tit down in the presence of iai ebief without permission which wu very seldom granted in one ease when in the travellers presence a native had neglected etiquette seven punishment wu about to be inflicted but the traveller ured tbe of fender v authority w maintained by mutilation hands feet tears notes wen nut listed and the natives did not seem to mind it much one woman had cot off her own this woman wu ooe of kaaongos wives he hsd about 1000 of them she uted permission to mutilate herself and she did it at once the bodyguard of the chief wu composed to a great extent pt mutilated people whose affection for the chief seemed ia no way decreased indeed it wonld appear that mutilation strength ened their regard for their chief the name of the idol wu kungwe a ft and pro found reverence wu shown to it fin wu obtained by friction from a fir block and in one case a chief need the thin bne of one of the other chiefs who had bee oquered the dress of the people wu very simple consisting of an apron hembers of the royal family won three large skins and ju nior members of the family won aprons of green monkey akina le hairreteing ef thiaceep w ous vsrring mors with districts than with rank in some eases it was worked sp into four ring plaits croued at the top os the head like a crown and surrounded at the bottom with a band of cowries or other shells skewers wen inserted in the hair one end of which oculd be nsed in tattoo ing the people wen not a hairy race but they managed to grow their beards long sad plaited them like a chinamans pigtail usu ally putting at the end of each a lump of mod to weight it dorse of the beards reached to the waists the women not having beards to smure themselves with wen tattooed extensively tsttoomg usn- ally commenced st the age of seven and might be completed abpnt the age of twelve or fourteen which wu the time for marri age beautiful patterns wen used snd tbe tattooing wu done in raised cats some times a husband when he wu displeased with his wife cut off all these raised pieces snd the woman could not appear in public again the wu not received into society until the wu retattooed he uw one of their weddings which wu vary mriou tu ustivuiaa leied awvetal days a ring wu formed of the natives two men with big drums being in the mid dle the drams wenplayed andthe peo ple round danced the bnde wu brought out dressed in feathers and other finery on the shoulders of two or three women she 1 morning nap that they are given u good s was taken into the middle of the ring and es i believe yon the said but do yon love me and do you trust me v 1 she might trifle with a trifler but she wu earnest enough with me j i trust yoa sad i love youj she answer ed frankly an yon wondering why i can stand beiwe you and speak so calmly because i jo not think i shall ever marry yon yoa da not love m ul have always said my husband should love me i am wayward and exacting ead1 should weary your life out by my constant craving for tenderness i wumsde to be petted frank and yon though a loving an not an affec tionate t yoa would wish me at the bottom of the bed sea befon we had been married a month and because yoa could not get me then yon would go to work snd break my heart- by wayoi amusement i know it as well as if i bad seen it now she looked at me and all her womans heart and nature wen in her eye they spoke love and paaaioosnd deep deep ten derness snd all for me something leaped into life in my heart at that moment which i hid never felt before nomtthing that made my affection of the last few boon teem cold and dead betide its fervid glow i had her in my arms within the instant close close to my heart alice 1 if ever man loved woman with heart and soul madly and unreasonably if yoa will bat still truly and honestly i love you my darling i bat wio last oh frank will it lut i bent down and our lips met in a long fend kiss you will be my wife alios she leaned her pretty head against my arm and her hand stole into mine again do yon mean that for your answer am i to keep the hand dear alice and call it mine i if yon will francis it wu the first time the had ever given me that name bat the never called me by any other again until she ceased to love me snd it soundi sweetly in my memory now snd it will sound sweetly to my dying day toincorrrtxtrsd i l billv the butter is a 8avanuah negro to called because of jhis batting capabilities his common feat is ta break an inch board by running hit head against it therefore when he chatted aniriiy at mr howard with hit head sown mr howard natorally thought that his life wu in danger and hastily fired with a nistol protawy his fear wu well founded for the ballet glanced off the nenrot head tjaply stun ning birh chance u their neighbours of getting sn un- soiled supply it u the first instance that hu come to my notice of a commendable municipal restraint upon the nprehensibls practice of early rising few vtry few of those wno came for water had had time for their touefs their day evidently begins with this etcanion to the pubbc reservoir liter in my walk i taw a cistern being replenished a barge filled with fresh water isy in a canal near by snd a steam pump forced the supply through a hose to the tqusn when a gutter earned it to the wtll the water u of excellent quality it is brought through conduits from the euganean hills near padua but its distri nation through the city is carried on in the original manner indicated for a city when the salt tea is the scavenger when ablu tions an not it rifunr and when water is not a beverage the cost of laying distribu ting msins hu wisely been spared a moslem convert the correspondent of a german newt- paper tells of sn interesting instance of conversion from the orthodox greek church to mohammedanism recently witnessed by him in constantinople the oonvert wu jorgaki bey aristsrchi an official in the service of the porte under the title of ad jutant to the sultan it is an old custom that in sneh esses a prominent member of the religious denomination which the con vert it abandoning should bo in attendance at his initiation into the new faitbvtnd should endeavour up to the last moment to persuade him to renounce hit resolution in this instance this duty wu assumed by a brother of the apostate who is a man of high position and great influence in the greek church and who with tears and en treaties laboured earnestly though in vain jorgaki bey remained unmoved replying i hope and pray that yon too may come to perceive the truth of islam and may close your days u a mohammedan omer seify bey it the name given to the oonvert the occurrence hu been made the text by the tnrkiah press for long jiomflies on the su periority of idohsmmedsnism to all other n- ibzions u a means of salvation big wmiiag bills the monthly wuh list of a pullman palace car is about 6000 pieces and the bill is up wards of ho east car hu a total equipment of 100 sheets 100 pillow stipe so handtowels and 10 rollertowels the entin equipment of the pullman company in the matter of bnen it about 50000 sheets 6000 pillow slips 116000 handtowels and 6000 roller towels the company also uaet about 13000 blankets the pullman company wash their blankets at proper intervals in the cities in whioh the division headquarters are located the wagner company nowever tend theirs to be cleansed at the mills in pitfsfield mass where they wen made the total equipment of the wagner company in the matter of lineni etc is s000 woollen blankets 13851 linenaheeta 12202 polowtlipi 6 70 hand- towels and 237 rollertowels the aggre gate expense of keeping the bedding of the warner company dean amounts to between 2000 and 3000 per month or 30000 a year 1 that ot the pullman company to 18 000 or 10000 per month or considerably morf than 100000 a year and yet the cost of the laundry work is figured down to the lowest possible figure sheets an washed at a cent and i half tpiece and pillowslips and ill at one cent each km head does not aontain a brain capable of culture and refined rearing but it is wonderful to what sn extent ithe other end of huf form can le reared was jumped up snd down on the ahoulden of the women the bride threw shells snd beads about for which then wu a scramble u the possession of them wu supposed to confer luck ultimately the husband came into the ring and putting the bride under his arm earned her o the meana of com munication wu by drum signala tbey had a call on tbe drum for everybodys name snd they could ask questions and convey in telligence over hundreds of miles snd re ceive answers slmost immediately in war messages wen constantly tent enormous distances to bring up reinforoementi or to stop their coming the mass of the people lived in hats on dry land bat then wen one or two exceptione to this he saw two lakes on which people were living in huts in one cue the people had covered over the long grass growing in the water with earth and on that hsd built their huts in the other the huts wen built oa piles the language of the country belonged to the tame broad family whioh stretched across the large belt of africa traversed by him and the grammar wu on the same principles u the grammar of the swseli beef tea about the year 18s2 dr weisse director ot the hospital for foundlings at st peters burg russia called the attention of the medical world to the use of raw meat in the treatment of chronic diarrhoe his method to which wu scplied the title of the mus covite method wu idobted in england germany italy and france in the last named country drs trousseau and bouchut wen the first to test it and reported it to have good results in cases of children severe ly aflted a little later dr lebedie of bordeaux communicated to the profession some fsets in regard to three ohilaren afflicted with tubercles whom he treated and cured according to the russian method we give below dr trousseaus formula for preparing the meat take 100 grammes of fillet of beef from which the gristle and fat should be carefully removed mince it fine and bray it in a wocoen mortar add 50 grammes of powdered sugar 1 grammes of chloride of sodium gramme ot chloride of potassium 15 gramme of powdered black pepper take by the tablespoonful during the day i a jarty of gentlemen wen playing cards a feir nights ago and the game went on smoothly until eleven oclock when ene of the party a voang nun got up and laid hurriedly gentlemen i must go my wife it expecting me dont go nrged another tm a married man also and if i can stay yon can the young man agreed and the poker continued until one o clock at that soar be got inpand said ht could nal stay any longer avhat the mischief an yow going to tell your wife he said to hit married confrere nothing at all shes in washington li wu a witty ntort the dnohesi of gave lord palmerstan when he exclaimed your qneeyonr beauty really kills time not so sighed the duchess after a thoughtful pause on the contrary time killabeauty bat he will be at least power leu to mow down the record ot a handsono compliment ik thettreet parade of a circua at may- held mo wu a lions cage ont of which sung the beasts tail a boy conld not re list the temptation to poll it whereupon the lion attacked a mad who wu in the cage din bit him dangerously whili charles harris of texas wu being hanged a very large crowd tang sweet byaodby mr harris last words wen s for jsearens take twiag me off i i ought to have been out of tars two hours ago i r ttpr m 4