Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 25, 1879, p. 3

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i v tiftta tttlmk tike tabu trains leave aetc at followa uetyuwofr night kiprcss v toronto mail pj- kip erptess alt mired cottru ias i lwim pwabw lipra 5t5pni lotpm sight eiprcsa ojtitma day ktf tm- vcesleriraau rondos siittd 411 1 m 8t4aat 11 30 am tttopm 930 p m lit tthe table iuu rccstyko- f roralae kstslo cow rmoi teouia nd the vl 5dpnv i krnsr ruaiehliuu fc jtt aa vucsdy fr speyrfde fc amj m tuesdays and frldayr i kuucimu wnittmlistti m cctutti p v mtt toe toronto u p mt w am oa tuesday ii kecmeted tetters nnt be matted is rnln- ultbrecntjtuo vlv 10 ferttpeuexts l hilt ig4rktol m itroxriex sic hog watnd g r k toltoa auction sale danihxrclelurt boot isuoe short w williams mlllinerr store reopened kiss c smill- j the goons tht yau can buy at sign 3 uw big wite j tx toe want 5d wiwble quad ruple and triple siktjc plated crtcts kckle- stauda itfcr jcoe kapkin eiajt tea kpooas kniviki aad forks call at george hyodt jewellery store i it you out fine combs dressing combe fact cataha circular cmba perforated card board mottoes fancy xdte paper envelopes purses cfrocstt7 xeedlcs albsat spectacle etc- iajlatcim hruds jewtiitr- store acton towxasd carsir taresdir mocsise jsstt 21 1s7s i v gxtsra sutuaia leaves lots of strangers itutawn the nights are growing looker taeioecreiafaumgtotsdesjioad- at- j- ts ue fifty tkmewednesiays tiria year bcttei is exceedingly settle in dor markets i tae weather appears rniioos to please ccerywie tite thanksgiving fowl sill eoaa begin to psct it i tin eruiiugs riv soaa begia to fectiica eery seaiibiy j tkc merchittits ire ilisnuytng thr fill stuck of fivkit ls the vxc aoasphom tliecoil ecattfe is ijculc rtutitatai foe ti mane lie the hit oats coh ety tn fciuii tcuxis til u2 at tint lie iu is rer r hijti will prch eennoa ta the scanty cho as suadxy t ittas w tte time bf ie yeir whtt i ke ttdii bo ivr 6 i lerc tper iracxt rctca fur dallxndlel gnil ryoc a claritjjoar riin rter bv pattiag iota t4eiterii from one to ttq occcet a pardepfri xiaea cd tte ame miititr of twrsx exeste chtzrdii itr mcken rtcsl ksasitkert vi4 oasan clir uitbr fier ifc wtiiixmi of ouclph riiranff of tae disict gejie sres are boat te heat tcing to nutfce one eotnfortihe jest nov hcxry frost iux tloadjr tppexwd isnd tie fin t tfcing yoa fcaa veanorii be predict- kor for cttrktm inrul ctwexs we notice in fh iirt of tnoepreseated to the slirqnutcd priaeeii at tte teoeptioa iit gnelph on cedoesdif ixrt the nmtx of at rt- c s smttft if re j h smith tad eer c e as iktitirtok toill bad the sdvertisemeau ui thix isne orer cirefallr i yoa vxat ta pnrcuie cnthin they tfl lie interwtinc tn voa t ther nnmisuhy iadicile vhere the cheapest oodt sre ta be parchxsed jttegit ltqcoa sellisc john xftcurrietxs fined 2q snd 375 costs led fcirhird ierlihk tu fined 20 aad ftoo costs for telling liqne in the agri- caltanl pxrc gaelph daring the veet of the centmi erhibidoa sad a0cidekt itr jstnea hett eon of paisley block rtu u kicked by i boree en the exhibition groand on vednes- day isit died of his innriej ott friday morning- his wife died atont a year ago he ieares uree cimiir of yonag childreii caeektraa eiefaange ays that rnresvho will go ta another office for tills uecansethey canget them fifteen or tveaty cent chejer ahdthen send taetn one iritfc a reqaest to pre a free notice of the matter it refers- to are possessed of aaperahandance of cheek we qnite aarec with oar contemporary fqtt information received hy ft a hartley esq collector of inland eer enne that officer proceeded to the village of streetariile and fpnnd in a bonding ocenpied by one richard jjcntsomerr tajtitkaatry to jftrtliuir htua cvhtngi ttd uvgruings- rtue swu act wliliouii mu wujj cirwulcd clot utsa mea ra iwginaioj to look happy- get in yqar itil fui oc tit that your ucirhur does wttvr is the post office uka i mc matttt because it furnishes ihj yoau men with fenacr linet i ltave yoa recorded your name on the oetitiou for the submittal ot the soott act dout reject it i sit hislcttrnew huiwinj i te inj rapidly pinhed foiiard the brick otk ill be completed in a few data scxebliuot ourcitithqt took ad inntgi of the cheap citunion frotngcorp- uwa to brtcebridcc fad rosaean on tues day hut uitt at the fkke press office for your eale biltt yon can have them horns with jmit the aatnc day and t good local oa vottr sale in the next laauc of the paper koke agaix mr john rama af eden millsf lias just relumed front mini toha where he has been prospecting sinoo last rprinf te has takctt up a quantity of laadaeaj kmctson tttllitees wok froin today knd then christinas the joan g man who fiudt himself impecnaiou and unable to buy hi lady love aprescat dont waut to come oa ut for not having given timely warning the btictwotk of xcr stony licw residence u fradually sdvancinc and thai far presents a very neat appearance wich clearly ahoirtthat the contractor fur tins part of uk work mr bdtardi thor j ottghly undehtanda hit batineas i the smnmerdayt have glided by bright autama ia t handi and aooa youll hear thme dreary notes throughout thia nlesscd land my love whertiia my overcoat trs fanny that jwlrcn you sit t aua to advertise he generally daclinca with the statement that nobodv will me it bat if you advertise some little caper of his iu the news columns gratia he gets indignant over the certainty that everybody will t it chasge or bcsinesa mr avt leithwho hat been enlaced ux the tinsmith business here for the put two years has disposed of his tock and trade to mr geo ruvill of gait we wish the hew proprie tor success ifr leith removes to beama rilie- accident on wednesday list ilr dujrcan itobcrtson of eramosa met with a severe artdent he wasustng t sharpare intcakins a wedre iby a slip the are lazcd off the wedce and nearly severed the hand at the wrist it is thoeght that tnehiad can lie saved corkespoxdexce is solicited for tee fccj pj23 from everybody items should reach us on tuesday at latest for in sertion that week give us firm notes petkanal mention of utw arrivals births marriage deaths accidents meetings social orgxiixitiaas and other iteais of interest bauj- sppeewe are- informed that the volcnteev ball and sapper held in the drill shed oa friday evening was well attended and vs a success financially tnd every otfc wsy the supper which was prepared hy mr bennett ot thaketsin heiie was excellent in every rwpect so say tliose who were present the neit fmiannnhl nneejtirrj of the ifaltoa teachert association will be held in the pablic eciickii bcrhitoo vn ttiursdsy friday and saturdaj- iid 3rd and ith pror acuiaber of addresses will be delivered arid essays read on subjects of interest to teachers an invitation is ex tended to trustees and the friendx of edu oattoo to attend- i the jtoronto graphic oames to hand this week in a brand new bib sad tucker looking ts tresh as a healthy coun try girt at a cent husking it now contains sixteen pete and will be more acceptable for binding or preservation we congratu late the graphic one of the best literary and humorous papers in tie dominion on this new evidence of prosperity loog may the graphic wave to wkojc it xiat coscebx give your poultry double rations in view of thanksgiving if intended for market keep them well supplied with gravel it helps to digest their food- there is nothing that so liberally repayalinvestrueat gravel caa be eotior haaiiaa and bring a- shilling a pound when as praltry the farmer who sells a chicken with emptyginard hat mirttkea his ealling v x seaiesad83n thnrsdit evening last tht members of atfott bras band pro ceeded to the residence of mr j e ife- garvin and very efficiently played a num ber of excellent selections of music itr ucgarvtn then called them in and introduc ed toenrto hi newlymade bode and after innrh had been partaked of speeches and general conversation were indulged in and a pleasant hoar was paased after again playine several pieces the boyi quietly re tired to their homes opes thtrisiosan open division naderthe aaspiceiof prospect division so 233 s of t wie be held in the union hall brookville on priday evening 26th inst the entertainment u in the hinds of a good eomrnittee with have prepared an excellent programme and we hive no doubt bat the meeting will be a success this divitioa hiaveu foe itself a reputation for good entertainments and it u expected that he approaching one will be fnllyap to the dsnslstadard j f tke icorth west on jionday everting iaat hev mr yvarner otbeamsville who has recently returned from the korth west territory delivered an excellent iec- tare in tae methodist church to a very mmmamtmm x r hiakey still in full tanning order sad also souautitvoferaiuintheateepj the whole was seuej and destroyed or taken away by iat officer it apfeared aa though the still had been in operation four or five months terse lata sifcrook of toronto wax m sfooday sarret of the watoa aetcf gave ioa saturday last kilhuzter formerly miss aeuie paying- her acton friends a riot s- wm canniophafe wd wife spent a fewdayj ritiitaiir friends in acton last u jiaggie eosa cf kpriaghiu is the guertofilrrrhoaritoofpnacipal ol the udv he accataat of baak of comtoerce berlin accomfaaied by vlrxjenaierdoftrwlpucf the guest of ma s asewrd o rhunl- srfctwarner of beantfvide pwjt ed in the msthodist chareh on sunday evening fast the reverend gentleman visited aeton oat fortyfive years ago and say ifha waaidenthly unprovedjince ll traemaa hu nmaa- agemeaof fi derjiathu viilige dandr the put three year left tiiiveefc m orangeyille where be habeea eogml mtai v ifoooer fonueriy of acton nor of ewowan brace crutto5 laatwwk we look hale d bcutf ui au hiabu frietidi we glad to 6m sirce ieavioc here foor ye p- his three aoa hare clear 70 aerestpu their i firm k urge and ppreciatig audience iectare he described his journey oat to the rocky sxoaauiaithehardihips hs- endured duringlhe 7i days he was on the road and the mode of living while therp he gave theyoaui men of this country some good solid advice concerning the country of the north west aid we think the majority of the people present hare a more extended knowledge of that oouatry than they pos sessed preyiofls to hearing the leetare a kr- gibvewsxeetare according to anaoancemeat a leetare by mr joseph gibsoa of tdgersoll wasdelir ered in the temperance hall oa tuesday eveaing23rdinsi mr elisayder occa- pied the chair aad oa the platform besides the lecturer there were revs- messrs warner hobbt aad e b cook the hall was crowded and the best of order prevsll- ed- ifr gibsons subject was profiibltioa and it variuos bearings before commenc ing the chairmaa extended an iavitatioa to any aotistott act representative to take a place on the platform but norespouse was made mr gibson than proceeded and delivered oa of the best it not the best temperance leetare we have ever hid the pleasure of hearing throughout his dis course he bronght forth plain fact and notloo worth ahntlon 0 hill for bwc1mtltifet vasts iii gytioenia w doieti atthisouio fmmt vrmiuoccttik iii aowo at j w manh tug utt tyl k itaff felt ittu itfyfotmcnub fixi blneplunu 60o pt peck at mrs tv a jwoordi 0 litui for the beat eave- troafhing in the county an tat nowest thihgj in soft felt luulfftetmcivibf arlekdiu stock ot stovee etc utt received at j c hult notuiso to lurtmh thoae tea dollar suit at fyfo t llcnabt fm a noliby stove with oc with out furniture go to j 0 hu1 desrbukain town it kicklins bakery be bare md try them new stock of irtmpa etc at j c bllt borgine san be had call nd tee ihem cill at the frsk puk office for your sale bills yoa can take them homo with you the day you order satisfaction guatantced i j beg woffingfno cornuination rjcarf and hood ladies- promenade clouds wool cuss- wool hats etc cuetpat christie keridersou icas fahheri requiring ptoa- shntes ofahy descriptioni can be supplier at the uaargewwii foundry agency in the hseg 1kess building at tko sooie prices as at tie foundry ooau oil for the bett and chcsapesl coal oil in town at rectvced rates when lirge quia titles are- purchased go to j e ale garvins drug store dont forget it james muttbews expects all of his customers to pay him tho amouut of rtiir note at- account on or beforu hie 12th day of october now remain ixr u- 3t enterprise hessru xicquilun sz haaultou of the wellington marble works gueluh are doiagtlie best and cheapest work in canada being the firstto introduce firstclass work st lrw prices by importiug direct the best quslitioa of ilarblo and granite i 10tf our millinery room is fc full must we do the leading itilliaery and man tle trade in this section of the country kothing can surpass it in oatai io i cr etyle cheapness and get up ladies call and give us yonr order ilclrad anderson k co georgetown christie henderson co will open next week with a complete non stock of all the latest novelties in fabrics colors and comhinatiops their stock is well bought well select ed rich and decidedly cheart ito trouble to fhqw you through wikcets wikcsvsi wiscers we have no heeiiatioa in sapng that our stocl of winceys jast to hand is better value than has ever been osered before in canada and we believe the public will andoneuhs faot ifterclow i inspection they will sell fast cliru- tie henderson a co acton i immense arrivals of new snd fash ionable gxxjds at the manimpih houe georgetown xfcleod anderson k co we never had a larger cheaper or more fashionable stock fvery dep- attrntntctunmedfull ordered elptti- tng nothing to beat it in ontario bargains bargains bargains auction sale reqoftt r wlc hutttrlct acctiokaxtt an anctioa hale of farm stock and im plements will take plseeon the farm of ifr daniel kclellan lot 20 con 3 tp oftrln on llonday october sth at i oclock pm sharp the farm will be rented afthe simelime if not preyioua for particulars see posters uev jlillinery new hsntles new mantle cloths new felt his new tweids new dress goods new win ceys new flannels in fact everything new at the glasgow house christie henderson k co where yon get the famous 50 cent tea la 5 lb lots at 45 cents the healed olc oat doxeitklirticeokass ttie most stubborn rasa of dysentery which la ueumoc more noriess uian inn mmalln of ih rectum produced not dntreqiieiitiy by sltune oa toe crilss ruay be cured br ttiat most effictent ca castor oil it soothing anl heallne ptopertlts are wonder ful but tta naaseailne eflecu oc tr- it tm- poctble for the patient to retain u to scott bowtte tile public are indebted lor an ernulsfea of castor oil that u not ouly palatable oat la proooaneed by kiousands who are ulng it aosolutelyagrevable to ihe llate yofmuy can aflora to b without ll through the heated term irlco ss cents boots ajcd shoes immense stock to hand and to arrive ireat variety in mens womens and chindiens wearj superior in quality and guaranteed lower in price than can be bought tn j any adjoining village town or city see that celebrated oil cjoat button boot pompadourhecll and opera toe neat stylwh and cheap christie hen derson co acton advertisers are requested in future to notice these facts all changes of contract advertisements must positively be handed in by noon on the monday preceedipg publication all advertisements intended for the local columns must positively bo hand- ed in by the tuesday evening previous to publication unless these rules are observed we cannot insure the mertion of any advertisement in that weeks issue hamilton at if n 58 james st sh tbe ambitious city of hamilton the auendon pf uie xiayjller wlubeauraclechythetpleijdjd larfeiorug rtereofeursjarchdaieyilsou a covttn manufacturers and sole proprietors of wil sons compound fcyrup ol wild cherryy finis most popclar cure fir coughr colas rrun- chlus troap whooplngcoogh lessor vilce ac is havinca mostastonuhlng ran even at this mason wnendtw8ss of iha resplta triry orgalifare eomparaltvelyrare orders are eomlffe n for halt gross nod an lots t from druggists wno ha ve sold ouiof ion years stocks and the proprietors- t foa it necessary to pnretiaag hewjuijmproyej ap laratis to enabfcpiem wtorh dot re com pound gyrup i wodtwrryiplajinaietit onanlltvfomeet the demand tt toit ottifiinj bale of dif kods at last mqiithwah avery 4 van o7pfuqu j lljw0ol black oashilered from 45 ctoe pafiabol the cash salfis were greatly jsadvanoe 0f1he cor iwlkiiicllfir idontii rf last viar tftousiinda of pirtoeawri hav iteen wtva during the nionlhbf iuij and irr5llitufiedwlth the iiarglm theyie0nt4d romember you can buy cotton ioods silk uce curtains orpeusnd oilcloths very much ohiaperlhu month than thy ean be sold lor k few weeitilstsr tbe iu creued cuilotadullei will make theia fall uoodi higher in price usre yob seen ihe white dress bhiru at lh right house while shim a perfect fit from ijo unlundredjyhll bhlrulinooth threelply lioen fronts- at utje or6 lormsi thn 125 white dre bhltta are u good as any ooernlght wish to near shiru of all kinds made to order a perfect fit and ion prices are guaranteed catkins muiufacturei thtio goods himself and saves to the wearer the largi profits required by the wholesaler the special sale of lace curulnils a great success uj per cent disoount is taken off every pair of laoecurtains bought aniimsoaajars sod umbrequins tory chep bicl silk from 60c io 8 black drei buntirig ficra 1 13jo formerly 30c all 6al dress goods 20a formerly stjo bliok iwres ftsmgioeuu hamilton sept lfthlct luidlteen runrkid down and art- wiling off avifnf ruj liig- parsou ttamha union silk praols lmni625 bilkpstilsiioai 1125 aid ty jl mentlee theleyndii camoii nsaneln aiechonpri- rrwtiiatiihly sieliaelr in he laler on from jo ibejfliioctiub whfii cotif n rt itvfci oi valri hrkug from 8 uxfordjjiiirtiog from id good bown dck fioni uj- 16 rd of english prjnlforil browd holland lrorj8c limuuot lio j iroai ho ram from io ispanese fsocy fan only 1c fornterlj 1zj two bot ton kid u lore from 25o there las been a great rnhfor tkelarpr cunoni era knew that these good are likely to be higlerin price itliwowbsnd so aivu money by baring them now allwopl uply csrpeulrcra 10c jspeitry cefpeii from 55o brunei carpet from 81 illwool 2 ply stslroirpels from jiileiip ctrpot from llo stair carpet fromloe vard wide0iloloth mxi jnui malting only 60o per yirdr j 5j 3it and 33 kiuk atreet haitlltod class goods at low rates r u the sugbt bouse lor first- thoivias o watkins c t hill -for- if yod want ctdcd andchapartltl lrf toui ayssa jtpu suek tr ami pov4or sugars syrups spices and tobaccos i bf alt kinds hi v i tkesataxds jteet 5 of all avuav taixts and 0il3 ivv hinges andtlqcks in ails- glass i pdtt salt by the barrel au cheap for cash aa to- c t hills millstreeacton r one henderson co i li h aotoalsr xhiritioh i this and following week an immense stock of cheap choice i fashionable press gooids jj3stt3uh3s stock of wlxcesbottahtain speclalltennsa decided aurealhsee theh i- full bfnes or aottons flannels blankets tweefis r shirts drawees drfiss shirts ftt at prices guakleteed lovter than tit- nay adjoining citt town or yulagt boots and shoes ie gu at- variety pbice and qtjallttgnaranteed bigel- bh sure alrx oall ejatjc1r christie henderson c0 acfcon ontario pure cddliiver oil hypophosphixes of lime and soda tbhpeaarvkm cotntaibei the bra hat raaxiiet era t comswrnptsom coldf ad chinuic unrlu bcrvthix bjiamatuia sad pimsm of tbe bjafa pmgrml p hillt r 4 lu wksftum apism of children t potmif axuk tae wdl known md lutfc- etteoiraiaesflfcoddrer 04 tat focmualb pafoef tastden tod taxptht the lnjrttdcliaiii qnueh biitfaifttme the wob taiuc tad lifectttof ipropenits of the h to incarpor- jrdtiutiiwnaaerimpowtnorbosifjr uitly nrfxiiytirdictoftiiacoclckjftaod itkaocdbrf bcoatounad iat gsck men inlxtkmsixcd by liitpiem tad fatfz 6c klood hirnbiae irtsmxa c ptbaje krinjii tadreetaiiiawhoiebeij while you live j t bakek n actbn y i would respectfully ibsnfc my numef- ous customers in acton saa the sur rounding country and villages for the bountilut patronage they have bestowed on me slhce i started my bakery busi ness in the well known sutfl almost opi posite hills grocery store and besides offering my thanks i would solicit a continuance ot their esteemed patron course u wiw-b- figures representing 1 the evils of liquor selling and the benefit of prohibitory legis lation ha dijioot raqaireto go outside of our own domiatoa lor the pith of his re marks but produced the most pf it from our government reports he also took the greater number ol the arguments used at the meeting in august by ilr didd aod proved by solid facts how fallacious were the argument osed by thai sentleman t ths meetingwa decidedly in favor of the aubraiitl of the scptt act and we are of ooiiiion that oar village will record a majority of votes in fityor of the act in the future as it fast been in the past i my bread willbs second to home while my apply bdks- asb jcaftesf are unequalled railroad cake aspioialty orders for picnics teamectlnssf or social catherines prouiiitv lr and theup iy executed oa snort ttotlce j t e astcn lumber and shingle mills qf ihtereet f tarmer8 livery sale 5c board staflle am street aliass otdbf aso actotr houses lots ufthe villiage ofjactofl tbi foilowixo ppopxbttis au tob salxv- j for terms and partlcalars apply to u p hqork seal estate aeent free press btuldltu acton i fceokgerobx foundry macmae slaop robt w king- propr iain now tnanutcturirrf a nelv and complete gaxo pwr gansnoque pat fern with several imporufit improre- menssuchasaksfsaats tstsefif each wheel a6d genuine chilled moul- boards that will oulliist six of any other kind and this with previous im provemenu make it lh best gang plow in the market vrtwit stahding that they are worth at least 00 more thtn any other make i ivite decided to sell litem at as low a price as any i have also on hand wlerds junior plora 1 hclaeaiies improved cast beams one dorse garden plow etc low repairs idtibtrr shablis ucksxnsr saais ahstis woodbirrdge svi j skakes if iujovsoakis hnxs fa risr shakes etc eepilrsion all dassnof machin- try will wceite prompt attention contracts for uillwork ingine and bousrsriwater wheels ie i have also commenced the rrrnafsc- lure of a new pattern of iron fence for private residence or cemetery which fill be put up cheaplor cash is wtere you can get firstclass rigs at reasonable rates commercial rigs aa exiris deliyerfr wfcjaftn wlumeiitjoith tipceas train ana dclirer ood wn partotuietoa au parlies fnd6iedlo thlseaubiiah mentarei requed to pay up wlihoui arthei dflujr aadtire cosu j e matthews- aet0v 2 onetlilrdofai acr- vutrfrmhoiiselq gtmd cncaltlmi- tlue iulijpaubl imj m4it rcrtscbsida j un bltr btfeel oppalts dr mom oucfihliofnere on wnlch 1s d mjcellent ouxhcrt boo jrtui splendid tlux ana good cistern abd wu yotmie onjiard of urkclt6 trait tees kiy term of pay ment vabssaoxwtta i v oa lot jb eon safnwtrt 41 cre gurd utnd uweludg hontx and blaefcraltn i-hor- everruilnj in itoodeondtt on abttr tfaanc tool not be nad ail boudhiji tod fencer lo eioffueiittoontiltfoa jehodkhkq- petersabers would intimate that he baa parehased the lfilulnrfnssaowtvaiurmfrbr 0wne4 bx ii caroiul and kaov as cau- dtlla mrtis and he 1 now in a poslikratd supply tile while with -p- f j lumber lath ad pnclk or alx kunw akd iicinjixraj cmtyr bill stuff cot poqdkr au kuili of tamocpsmld at one oolittr pr thousand leax cfua cuertferer terms cask vrix savers itassaiaweya if arj s masy a youthful actqnun would like to live in tascarora 1 well according to the virginia city nfev- prue onion parties are popalsr in tuscarors si young ladies take an onion with them into a room sod oca of the number takes s bite of it- then a yonng gentleman is ad mitted and after kissing all of them if he wa ll e6rnpelled timm i fails totel cdmpellea lojjiss them5vrgjnthe chronicler for- getwnichlomof a ltosoaw patflftvt oil v allvnlsbs sbars f pecific jiedicly trade msric v v tsaoe ilk the oleut foi- t r sssw llsh bemedr- an oorulung curefbrpemlne weakness pcr matorrbea fm- potnr and all blseases truil b t m ll follow as aifie 5c5i w befaje tldag of self- iftsvalrmtf 1 abusef loss o ofmemory universal lassliudtypain i o the back mmnessot vwonipremalnrvpld ase anomanyothetdlseasestliatiesdtoinsanrty or oausumttlod and a prematnreorate tnu rjartlonlarsin our 1ampwetit which we desire lo end free by m8l to everyf 011s jsttiiespeelflcmerrlelne ujouty all druijrljual ft p paeaaae or six rntohses r or will be sent free by irfallon receipt of the moneyjiyadrtrasdia li varmlkvataircaa sold in aeton by suvdrutglsa tod every wherein canada and lbeljnlil ww by sll wholesale and retl dndjstall i vjoiy tflok sale chsap vv a bay maftffive yesnold aboatfifteen hands high gooddrivinj beastfith butgy and harness cheap for oaih for particu- urs arplyto 8aitca uoobi ot at this ofsce note f aate rhade arranganatff icith ifr s p moore to itep a fan ffua ptavr a ttocl of the pirns repair mentioned abort and tdinpltt cf vtc hen fehdng at hu ojkct in alton cherc fame n may ycf them ol im tanu prices 04 from meat the foundry iff ifoore u aba prepared lo falx ordertfer iron- rrncinjmifworfcorreporto machinery ichich viil he al once attended- lo ll w kixc ieoryetown aus 8 tw r fowlers ext j of 1ld strsfswberry s o f cholera mo rb as sea sick ness and 11 8tiinmer comf- jllatnts yield promptly to the in- iluence of i dr fowlers ex- mraet f wud iftrawberrr cramps colic cramps vomiting soar stomach and every variety of duxes of the bowls are cured by the use ol thi great vegetable itemedy with out injury to the system for children it has ho equal- thous and die annually from the above diseases which miitht have been saved by the timely use of this medicine for sale by all dealers at 3 7 ota ier bbttl a or 3 for jl prepared y milburnbehtlevpear- 80h torohto at j s apqartln5 chas whill photographer and dealer in all kinds of mouldings frames and tlao art oeadjl arail work guaranteed lo h eciual fo hfr best in cankria and to give satisfueuon paicns to stfir m haed tnosi child ee1ck plct fjaes and fjluil t groups specialties old pietuioj ochlstl and enliisoi to my biio 01 styls photographs mailed to any addresai chas w hill aoton0nt svoobe shingle mills ii jttin st actotionl 41 laeos quaxtitt or flrtolass pjne shfnglet ontiand and wnibe sold cheap also j a goo stock ot elm and oak stares i and basswood heading oftberailitrtnalltywrvlui will be dla- j posed ilai 106 lowest casu prices troprletor of lomber yards and cooper- ares would kweliby ecaailnldafheslock coxkesfokdesce solicited address i edwaed moore 10tf bor actonsoat new joot 1 shoe shop wiwtllfams would respetjt- fclly intimate to lb people of acton aod vlcinltv tha1 b has opened a boot asbne hop in tbe taululns opposite vr hhioreysolove works on mru biasstr actox i any os in want of a substantial and seod flttfcf botft or shofe shoud not fsiltoleave their ordtr at utstand bopiiriaj t etteulty ul pwiastly attsaasi to r r j wwnlaiis actonsplsi 1ct drug v of 100 atr ei kjrrt under collltatfon lflacrt maiilt bokb imptti mtnestoaequarrlpathire- maloder jtroded t itam o ofoottbearj inforcttanft on tbe brm home put loc and pari frini bain and tablet log land heary touln ami tll yrtll neett tuere u iun a ttieyptl ou tbe larm idjood wbrk- initorder tbepropexti uanonifpf a mjln friro cortofltlon limit ot the vjllaie i actnnand ftboo 2 miltr frniltktcniou term an tppiicalioo to mia offlts parties bavnrbottaeianllou in tmlt ue or isr mi in ue tflnlnf uvnairpt tor kaltfwhlflnd it- to tbelrj tiifia tohatfltdmii intcrttd in tuji llii ltd charyb unit tiitf property uaold hrmoofibs beil eint ajent- aeton ontv john spci6ht un dektaebur a prflviar hmbsk vlll ftilond tanemi vbqrequtred cufflon casteti batdu pltebtt quired social koben hat banjs tttjlovt sappiletlai reasonable raiea waggons sleighs 4a 4c vfadeto order and auclhdta or r e a ir in a pboiutly attsndeu to stetitbsats ul tnebot puni 1 vttt oa aaid md aai to erdci fadtcjry and 6hop8 foot of willow staotojf john spelii iff acton feb m1k7h i fmf owinp tp a change n the roanigentifi of the busioes about to uke puue omul soa have desided to rush of their stock of boots and shoes for the neat month or too at cost price and under come at once md secure bargains i v notfl fartins iulnbted fotnx above firm will kindly calf slid pay u p- their accounts a a change will taktf place about the 1st of october afu must havs all accounts settled by that date- tu i craftfa36n tosaowiirihrt orfito tour rwn io isk wionni to6aauy mnrf than the i- mhnatonevintabovf si oo can fall to tbake money task aoj mo loandothtwok yonesnmake from j jl j j v make nun nuking evqronredt r ant and sirictlj hofiortble -kif- ll want lo know ail about the best faying bus iness befcre thspnblie kmnyonrilrt aod we will sand yoa foil parufnbr- tr private utrmt free ample sfortb t3 i free yotf can then make npyeortlni 5v ioiimir address georub trrinsu oopoitlnd maine 8tojjii i rsisssab wirter iiiiiiii

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