Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 25, 1879, p. 4

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s6f- i a j vv nl- 1- f el ti- f 1 rci i3 ii ft f li i t i i- i i la t p tba owawof oaurttup tosdnylariirttitw tfta tea the candied wossubal tlcft itn seven tumaik ma tdtelinadsu totiatrootv it tf fatal vaan tar d7 rr ud tul bm t ood fir fen uk tpolic from bit vdca it mmbtbt kc ttvr jtftn ba fcd coltt or uttic krt did obedt my wortwr am uutal wd ml ih btd ttkta nee ut wwcd tkx los uh twice ram tuj- uavwn nnto wb h4c ih t itxtmtl vialcrc katv cui nr un um mr udtnt hut be tuil ud from bc lawful ptttvoii buklui fit i t wo4 or km with walnut o the couoftut irt wa m almmo t iymit jmr hid run uttl mr endtt tmai um prompoan of mr wrt am ul r noor ftoi r tow vu don i i ireoad aj- tort to polbbftl period of prow wb ftp ud tfwdmwtr jt ktchd calu it end br 9jm opdo b tmunc tort and mkcd m vtmr i uvmd bar to pmetu 1 i oocd tar n vub vuui ud cutucf 4adk in wliifl jtwtmwhctd ai town both sm rat d nafc trd lutlrfi tad whfilnt jit of can vert d vrtt to wd t loth i cootd mr lore witit ullcc odcrt wwinit uu fteki when hi i wotary hid ovr at rocm bat o abe cll btieix toootir tct la empty mine u dte see btdt ih kocrij tali aedkov- tmrfctitiimfmoftf recrct for i lut toqcotd the fmlstt cimoct ko xod her bo uitfcrtic outk dot o tho ttare trtt for tbc u dead tie tvtat yert tad more thos hppr ik ages the fiuwxt ot ute printing tnde cptd tgtit wiponnbilitj- in exciting orld uiu quiiccuaiij- tnaquxi to u looldsg bict upon lknt ant o uie tight thomailiidirisg lafecioav- ly drouy 1d1 tha internk of thow tctivp opentioat viuch ire karcdy raited to our quieter mod uitas eudi fighting fi- ninag rtpinc ripe tc it ppen to us tint time mart bre drtgged ilocg very henlf la relity to the cm ot those irhojuernt better thetiiae ot cnlrer al igaoruott tad torpidity must hire beea u letrt negrtitely igweihle wita the m eroeptioa of tame solitary itcdaat of ome tchemxag churcham or tome stttec mm ia sdruios o his tge xe msy uke tt for grmted thifc nobody thought very deep ly there trttoo wetr ad tar of the mem fihree uid cooiequeauy there rare non of theta ptiafal brtua uid nenro dir earn tint fill our ijylucit uid sxe taasr mftted by descent so the itomich hid s ifmitir immunity from ttnin ind the zxt- impaired digeskoa nt oever trocblod by lbitrua thought or tofetched tnzietiec ftich by the way m most heneficeat prondoa of providence when ire reman oer the chweter of the medisnl aanxc ud the hhtc of feutuig uionz the rich ttdidle whit pissed for thougut with so ciety geoenljy tu the mechaical ictioa of i iuguid bruu trorkxn in the auroirest circlec of its immedate interests md cret comera with s future tute tu tha rpeqii are of the clergy the church hid settled the dogmu whieh the devout hid only to receive gurtfa toe iwiseherd for enmpfe in hit lively philologicil chit with vtimh tha jeter in the yorkihire forestx of cednc the hixos it tfr the most fmciful ind unlikely creitiouc of the rich geuiut of scott we miy be sure tint he kneir or and ibout nothing beyond the pgi thi were nil psxtfcukr charge or the bodily tni of the moment even the thrifts hotheaded muter or the neighbouring biron of t ituuiuicne hid no more the hihtt of coasecstire thought thin monkey who in t tnbal of ippirent preoccnpitioa mkec i clutrh it camptiuocs till or tnrni iwiy energericiily in in msect chiw it next to impkjcsthlenandiyt lo rttbz the caaditioa of the nhlemin or country quire uuihte to red cr to vnte who groped hit nj from the cndle to the grtve jn the profonnicst aientsi dirtaesx he voerer trocbed his had ibout fcipgn poh ticev unlest he vere penouihy cummonei to serre beyond ku cr when ime itrolliq tiyfirer lire wilfred of irinhoe brouit ucn of the tin tu frmcs or cilcatmc xor did he concern himself much mare about domestic hrii unlc they seemed hkely to cot him his head or bring him some tdiitoa to his dommx sachoo tertiticn u there wtx over tie heaxytiin seting beyonu reaurki au the coating of ft fomfx and the qutlity of the htsdy isoaorir tuned genenjy on mitten nivno rill or pirochiii the guexta grer excited orer the enczoschment ot tome neighbour on the rights of freefcrectry the litest ioed of audacity of the nexrect bend of outlxin a rid on the droves of swine or murrain in the herds of cattle hen were forced to drink hard and long aft r tapper tincetht tu ngthm else to be done and so tht hesvy brains became slowly sodden ted still more insensible to intellectual stimn- iants wlit wosuu is angurt igller young german came to this country three years izo u the result of s family feud at home and went to wort on- a farm near woodnivec subsequently he married a widew with children older than himself who had constdersble money and she set him up in the milk business thej did not lire happily because the children who hid bitterly opposed the match man- aged to make trouble all the time and fre quently separated them his wife was fearfully jealous because of the stories told bf her cnildren on one occasion he best her andru ened 50 and fulxog to pay it was sent to the penitentiary hrs ilifler sold alt the cows and broke np the burinees then she relented paid the fine and started him anew they soon quarrelled again hawerer and she instituted proceeding for an absolate divorce xtid presently had them suspended her next move wis to bring suifi for c limited divorce snd only a fort night ago she terminated this nit by paying the lawyers fees in a few days sfterwxrds he beat her again and she had him arrested she said she would give bun 300 to leave the country and never return he took her at her word and ihe placed the money in the k hands ae justice betta with the understand ing that he should buy augusts ticket and give him the balance of the money when he west on beard steamer on tuesday last august sailed for germany the vessel was hardly in the stream when bkwifespproach- ed the pier and an indescribable scene en sued she is going to germany sfter mm lotf ftdad democrat about tha flies krw that the fiy season is about ended the boston zvaucnpf finds room for these reflections you can sometimes catch a base ball on fty th xin mme fcr ittia kind of 5y i teaptufcpt the fly it tit uttor see tliet on hurie yoa cm lwiy it thi iewa of the jrar fin i ii ex on tcttt it the rutiuttau fuet m titty onhtndetrly in the mora- v yo hive til seen t kite sy toogellow ipii of t fly u bird wiea henyi fly mood bird of free lorn some people eapuy the blind to keep fliet frotn the rtom 5f a ctn dnw t fly witb t drop of mouties better thta tntb t criyon t tie ipider ii the cnsy erenare which in- rite sy to hi pr our state file tre piiutcd iifvi oonurrtttte in hit rttdiig he tl- wtvi iticfct to hit on piper there re nuuicil met people eftea ipetk of that hue fly 1 1 tttxvrx lewiss betatv wtt nnrirtlled in the neighboorhood of hot spriogr art ind htrry fuley it idito hire mtrried her for the espceu pnrpoieof potting heron the ittge he believed tint the wonifbe tttncfire enough u to tctreu o brioi him weilth bnt the med whea he took her on theitrial tour nd he toon left her then the oommitted niade ttktsa frlunet br kifflrt kott tat kftr slff sept sit word tod stm th uf f bit ctputt fnm lutrumtl rpt trooper btcken ulooginf to one of the oorpt engued in hottluutt ininit sesoooeni tni wh eu been mining lor toat time hit oome ia with t rttnukible itorf ot hit tdraxttirtt during hit pertgrinitianc ht tu ciptnnd by the enemy ind taken to seoowenit when ht wu right roytlly i retted ua tent twtr with t preitnt of ii from the chief ud t tetter to prove thtt he hid been ia the kntl httiyt iir hone being knocked up i wu ordered la rotniin uh the ktffin it iiordtr kop with mr ttintoa bat it i did not neatly ooapnhend my initrnctiou i coa- iiiied on the mini tad rejoined my troop which wm b troop femint hone tad i remiiaed with them till the ertt lot of citte wtrt tiken after lhi i got leptr- itcd frets the nuin body tnd fell in with ave 0 hut who hid iuo lott thenuelw they wen peter grtnt abrihtmr buckbam george tad tit cecil we roda through out the mornin without coding the ipoor of the mtfa body my hone by thit ume wu k cihicitri thit i shouted to the men md tinted them to ttop but they went oo tnd ere frequency 200 ytrdt thetd of me at leogth i wu kit tlone tltogether u i could not keep np with them i rememotred thit grtnt hid told me thtt the ftnimi fuu were on the other tide of t hgh moun tain but before i got htlf wty up my hone gire in tad i let hist looie titer which i never aw himtgtin till i got toseooooenic 1 then wtlked over the moantiiut tnd on the flitt in tetrch of wtter bat found acne until noon of the following dty the titer where i gut it m tmiuer thin the olitint river tnd i followed itx oaane bectnte i met urge troopt of ctttle nobody uw me i went towuat i high moanttin but wu too tired to get to the top thit night tai wilted up the next morning when here i midt up my mmd to follow the ertt pith i while going tlong i iiw urge troopc of tittle tsd it noon i observed i ktflir town in front of me two ktffir women ttw me tad give the tlirm i then hid my gun in the buih i wu beitea tnd tcrttched by the women tnd tome men ctme out tnd took me into t krttl i told them thit i hid left ifiddlebore drunk tnd hid lott the roid but they lmgtwd tt me they how ever give me something to ett tnd drink after thit i wu mircheol off to secocoemi town ibout lil unlet iwty here the men etmc out in thoutudi tad i wu beitea with ttickc a brother of secocoenti cime out tfterwirdt tnd took me up to secccoecit krul secosoeni tent to ay thtt t matt sot be tfrtid tnd ordered thit i thould be uken to i hat tnd tied up in the eveninz i hid in interview with seoocoeni tnd toid him the ume itory i hid told the othert ibout the reuoa of my being in the neigh bourhood the chief aid he wu not luch i fool u to believe thit he then give me txne beer to drink tnd diimiaei me av- tag thtt i mutt not be ifnid u he would tee thtt i thould be teat to the fort tifely the next dty i did not tee the chief but on the dty titer he tent fcr me tnd told me to tpeik the truth to him i wu thows four uirtmihenry rifles one of which i reoog sited u mine which i hid hid twty tnd fifteen cxrtndgec secocoeni then produa d the inn mi hind of i white mm tad uii the five men hid bees teen tnd two were leid he tgtin uked me to tpeik the t ath tnd i canfetted thtt i belonged to ferretnt hone he then uid thit he hid area hit word tad never broke it tnd i thould tod tdded thit he knew u well it 1 white mux how to tmt i pcitouer i wu next uked if i recognized the us ind the tpcticlet of peter grtnt were held up bef tre me toe dty titer i uw secocoeni ttin when he aid i thould get my hone bick tnd in the evening i tali him thit i could nde without 1 addle ia the morning he ordered two ktflirt to ie- oomptny me with 1 white eig tnd i wit bnagnt through by utmilabe to thit tide n the raid to the fort secoooentt brother wu with me up to thit time tnd before le vmg hegive me tea hilftorereign io goll in the town i noticed there wre rnxny thouuadt cf suflin secocoeni wtnt- ed to know why the wxr wu still ctrried on tgtintt him tod hy petce wu not mide the chief whete ctttle wu ct ptnred by ut wu there tnd he tied my leg he toiled thit he tnd ill ht people would fight the chite mea to the lut tnd thtt we hxd better aot come to tut t de of the moanttinc u we waald never get uut tglin a piper tu given me by secocoeoit brother fcr ctpt ferreirt when e cken trrived in amp he looked more deid thin tkre ensiiin fain at hljaltfavgonxi a etble teiegrim i few dtys igo inaounced thit during the tnnatl ftir tt kijai-xar- gorod i fire broke act which contained erertl of the bootot kijni it on the volgi retyaetr the centre cf earopeia battit tad hu direct rtilwty connection with odettx koscaw tnd st petenbarg where merchxntt take la active interest in the nit ftirt the butineit in fort tad tbnt forms in important pert of the tnsuctiont it thete githeriugi a correspondent writot to the suk axi lustier reprrtcr u follows respecting tha fur snd the methods of doing batmen at nijai the rammer dtyt ire generally hot tnd tne aightf seldom dtrken into tay- thing deeper tnta i silvery grey twilight the sun rues etrty tnd by are oclock ill the tnrellers tre up tnd pauriag into the public houses where they bretkrt off tei mixed with spirits raw htm cold stuitges tnd other such light tnflet then the bati- nssi of tfie dty commences to end virtually at eleven oclock for by that time all the important salet have been effected tni the restof the dty it given over to nipping dming snd festivities the booth of kijai miy be coasted by the thouttad stretching from the centre of the town through ill the principal streeta in every direction ind out into the luburbt but for the convenience of tnden the different wire tre clitsed to gether the jewellen ceir the starottat hoote cloee under the eyes of the police the silki tnd clothi i little further then the hardwire and so on out into the sub urbs where their fngrauey miy blend with that cf the country tir tre the skinners stalls whose goods tre of powerful wrfome the r i higgle a good deal over their bargains not with screimt like the greeks nor with disdainful thrugt like the turks but with fiwning and persuasive banter the graver rnisitrc merchtats do their bargaining with a solemn brevity of speech but they hire none the leu i reputa tion for being sly customers chroaiclen tre in doubt a to whether it ir the rrmn cr the chinese who it hardest to belt in buoueu it any rate the bntsiia is so ia- crtdulous of other meat honesty thit he mostly keeps hit own hidden like i precious coin oaly to be exchanged for a full equi valent there it no such thing u having i pile of skint it sight and trust ia kijai every skin must be orerbiuled aad if the lightest flaw be apparent it most be ex- hinged for 1 better one thit system tp- pbed to other goods betides skint mike iiostnerit little slow and explains the fact thtt not much money change htads though there is much fattuig in tie booth teebji old turtle stories are growing very namerou mrsuthen hu just caught one down by the river whose back wu en crusted with old red sandstone which re vealed when trnped off the following in scription shem hear and jtphet mount ararat arm 1658 as aged piutttquaw deserted her hut- bind and children to elope to california with a white man the tribe tenttwo youusjand stalwart indian to bring her back their mission wu a tnocest and at lut account the white people of carton nor which i near by were interfering jo prevent the ex- ecution of a lenience that the be drawn apart by horses sutter la gtanuir rrod tha coauapcnry herb tht obttmaot of band and of houdiyt in oarmtay matt tttikt tht knghihtntn rsry itrugtly by lf work u orbiddtn on thus dtyt it uut inoh work u would be disturbing w othut till tht tar 1878 bowtvtr in many plaom tor inttanot in the cttholio province of tht rhias saadajs and holidays were tht dayi on which the urgat basinen wu done in tht shops altar tht tttaok upon tht lift of the emper or tht police ngulttloi were m4t more strict tad daring tht principal service of tht dty rum 9 to u a m ud 2 to 3 p m all shops ntrywhtrt wen ordered to be shot i bat there ut otly t ftw statu ud towns when tht shop an not allowtd tobt open at all tht postal nrriot u limited to shorter hours j letters and panels are not delivered so often u oa other dajs tnd there are similar restrictions on the teegraph hrvios oa the other hind tht nilvsy tnffioiimt quite free ud not only do the tnina run u on other days but by al most every una then an alto extra trains for the convenience of the holidaymaken for example the rhine nilwty runt every sunday ud holiday torn may 15th to oc tober three extra tnina in the afternoon i snd other lines do the same lu many places especially in austria companies choose sundays ud holidays for their treat excursion extra tnina art pat oa especial ly in the morning ud arrangement for dancing for the people popular cmoerti i- are fixed almost exclusively for these days thit it eapecially the caae in placet wlcre tht population is chiefly catholic in the province of the rhine in bavina ud austria the better duteaaviid making excursions oa sundays or holidays not be anie they with to observe tht dart mora strictly but because the throng u so great in fine weather at all the spot of becuty and wherever nfrethmenta cam be had any one who wuta to see tht lighthearted nature of the rhinelsndtr lad still more of the frucoaian and the way in which the old bavarian tujoyx hioietf mast visit soma puce of recreation on a sanity or holiday the church festivals which are usually on sondaya are opportonitiea for the clergy to meet at the house of the parish pnest for high feeding ud drinking till a late hoar ia the evening the people amuse themtelrtt with dancing withropedancett etrootals eating drinking ic quarrel which among the genuine catholic old bava rian often end with mortal blows or stabt with the knife form the practical epptiet- lioa of tha specially fine sermon for the ssiatt dsy triumphal archea bennen shooting with little mortars ic attest the good catholicity of the town- of work u a rule there ia none uoleu there be here ud there a poor tailor eamttrett or ser vant who it gltd to tun to tcoount the sunday rest in thi respect however many of the public office let a bad example for tt is by no mtua as exceptional thing for work to be carried on u usual in the government aad monictpil offices ud thi ia not only in timet of special presort everywhere the inn aad tavern do most boainea on sundays ui holidtya because the people have moat leisure the farther west tadeautit we get the mars da we and the above description verified especially in the fawn ud the plioe were tht country men after attending afternoon service walks quietly oat into the field to rejoice in the bleating of heaves matt be toaght chiefly in westphllit ud tha aorta if oa the whole tht protestant art man obser- rut of sunday rest this tht cttbohct the reason ia without doubt lo be found in the fact first that tht protestant population belongs for the most part to the colder ud quieter branches of the german family ud second that thi protestant worship ia sot at all exettmg to tht sense aad peculiarly spmbre u compared with the cathouc ri tual womt aad smoking owtl of uowti ilonttnor aa atlr of vmslrt jttntn phllto- tsieglit ltoaard icoauort ton ot nthtiil moattflore of uodoo eogltod grand- oaphsw of sir mtisi monttflort nd nephew bf the late sir anthony rothmhild oltfl tht othtr morning ol aoott thtumausm tt new- port ht wu only j7 ytan thoagh iu bi grudoooli devoted to tht wtlfan of the jewish race mr leonard uonttflort took bat t imtll put a pablie ittiira hs wu cf i literary tarn of mind ud contributed to tin ffluumk csnfrfy ud other rtviewfcpiioclptlly article upon wligiom iflairs he went to the statu lut jaly sad titer u extended toar icekiag renewed health tud tladyinij the iaitita- tioas ho wtat to kewpori where hi dn- eue auamed a severe form leosird mootegort wu oat of the princi pal hein cf sir mote mintofior that goatlemao who ia now nearly ninetysix yean of age it an tciaowledgtd ana ho noured leader ot the jewi throughout the world the moatefiore family came from knrthern itay ud sirmotet wu bora in 17w at ia early sge he went into the banting busloeu in kiudoa where he after wards started a bank ia partnership with the cohens loai cohea married the sitter of sir moe tad their diathter became the baroueu anthony rothschild sir moles married in 1812 aad in 1829 weal on i pugnmago to he holy ludhere he oca- oeivod a lively tuterest ia the people ot his creed ud decided theucetorth to devote himself to enhancing their welfare he and cremieux went to the gut ia 1840 whea the je were being persecuted at d imai- cos aad pleaded with the turkiah govern- meat to grsnt them protectioa several years later he found another coworker jn- dah tare who left i lsrge sum of maaey to build daelliogs for the jews at jtrusa lem sir mosea moatefiore added money of ht own and earned the plan into execu tion in 1hs queea victoria kaighted him ia recogait oa of hie high character aad pub- lis urvicet sir moses inoseqaeatly weat to st pttenburg ud prevtiled upon the emperor kieholu to suspcad i akue thit had been utaed tgsiast the jew he wu thea invited to visit poland ud make tug gettioa far the melioration of tha coadi- tioa of hi coreligioaitt in that country through the ioflueaoe of the queea ot spain ia 1863 sir moses obtained a firmaa tram tha empe or of morocco guaranteeing to the jewa ia hit dominions equal right with the christum he hid previously proctrred a like fivour from the sultan of turkey sereralyeart later he foonded a college for jewith youth it rinugateeagund where he resiaes he hu nude several riaita to the holy laud aad he hu for a long time advocated the colooiattion of palestine by jewt but hit theory ud plant hare aot met with favour amoa hi coreligionists i the balance of katrxce it i difficult to convey an adequate idea of the number of mdiridnil fish which miy compote a shoal of herrings ud it hu been averred that they weald impede ntvigttioa were it not for the rait number of agencies that are at work to prevent an nndue lu cre of their samber at the result of recent enquiry we have been infamed that the quantities which man take from the wa ter tor food use do aot represent t tenth ot whit ire c ip tared- ly the setbirds or devoured bymsriaewitaiiei ac the her ring u the only fish ot which statistics ot the capture ire collected ud tiboiited we tre in potaeuioa of figure which iffori ut a rough idea of the numbers annually with drawn from the sea for food porpoae in 1 recent year sufficient herrings were taken to fill a million burel and u each barrel eontaini on an tfrerage 700 fish we hare that a aamber equal to t0ootfxm thia quantity it man be obterved represents cared aah only zd only those which are ought in scotland under the superintend kow that the kewmaa hall cue it over uyttheloodon fferli one ia at liberty to nomrotnt agon the evidence i mast say i am at a lots to uadenand way the practice of eigirettetmoking among lldiestieemtto be generally regarded by ooanael u the otasi scoompaatmtat of or irelade to immorality one aoald at be utasiahed acre thit can- c caioa to be jaa ped at by the ignorant and tilt rowminded among at to whom etch aaw ieptiture from the manners ud custom of our forefathenseema to be fraughtwithmoral tni spiritual danger but one ia surprised to fine enlightened men who aver ind orer gaia matt bite found themselves in the com pany of ladies irreproachable in character aad who ytt may hare occasionally taken a whiff it a cgarette pandering to the pre- ja meet of the miuon bat there ere yet graver matters sir henry jameai report ed to have remarked in hi opening tddresa and he then west oa to enlarge upas tha respondeat habit of smoking agarettet i can remember tome yean ago a cue of a similar nature the lady wu alio as euthas- uttic rotary of the chase and it trtcapired in the count of the evidence that the wu in the habit of smoking in the ittblt in the company of a favourite groom a shudder ran through the whole court and the smok ing seemed to be more objected to on the score of morality than the groombutlown i could never understand way although in thi instance the lady wu uid to hare tmok- edaclayptpe ud to hare placed her feet upon the corn bin since this hawerer contin ental customs hire crept in tnd smoking is now looked upon much more leniently than it wu even fiiteen years ago letuisuume that it is objectionable ud in manjr in stance in j unou to the health sttu it is no more immoral than taking snuff or eating bonbon j ud i hare been told by several eminent medical men that it is u a rule leu in jorioo to the female oonstitation than it te to our sl being a malady to which women are peculiarly subject ud to bacco in moderation acting u a decided soother to irrtable aerre a lady a friend of mine who had laffered terribly from insomnia for many yearr and who had tried every kind of narcotic with out effect from chloral to the juice of cursed hebeton in a rial tali me that the wu induced it laatto try smoking mi that thebenefidtl retuitwu almost inttantaaeoo it occurred a her it tht time how injurioa so stroag a narcotic must be to those who had no need of it bat to her it wu a reite rative to health there are may people who hare a violent objectioa to the smol of tobacoqjsad i am told that thia hi a good deal to dowlh the fact that smoking is con sidered to bt to demoralixing to the female sex one eta quite understand this objec tioa i object myself strongly to the smell of codliverul castoroil rhubarb ud mag nesia aad icannot say that i even like that of caloric ether but i should be sorry to brand u intaoral all persona who having found these drugs beneficial persisted ia the use of thim notwithstanding my dilike to their odour i alwiyi unded the wife of a great snoker remarked to me naively the other day that smoking wu good for immorality f but the truth ia there ia no possible ooniection between the two whit- ever objecticnt mty be raited to smoking upon other grounda t si a amncbibtimd title- is it right that casual ud obscure teach en should tear the badge hardly won ud honourably borne by such men u proi hurley ud prof iiddon ud should dnw to their awl share a reflected credit t ilea ought no acre to call themselves professors than to csll themselve queen counsel ud it i hih time such in affected tad die- ingennau pnetict should be cut uide i am aware indeed that it ia pursued by many peniot in good faith bat still it i misleading and it hu beea aeteued by an abler pen than mine mr matthew ar nold when elected to the chair of poetry in oxford university remarked with char acteristic irony how pleated he wu to be t professor ud to bear the ume title borne by these dirtiagoisbed men prof pepper prof beskwfth tht nriaimer and prof anderaot the wizard- of tht north m tu ttasovni ooaitwltij jmaxt to tht action of rain ind rirors ootmt tht gnawing effect of cout win i tht ft taoadin against tht cuff wht a mock it uemingly impotent regt try dss i- ing it backwardr in a clood of fosm rod ipny but it returns again ud again ti tht charge until persistauoy win tht day the eut ocast of england whioh has for cen turies been fut yielding to the attacks of the gtnnu ooaan furnishes sir c lysll with tht majority of his illustrations in hi interesting enapten upon the soaoa o tides ud currenta that tmintat geologist talis u how town ud villages marked by name la old mspt now li uthomt deep be- seith the ware in on out which came under hi notice hoaaet bad within the memory of living men stood upon a cliff go feet high but fa leu thu half a ceaaw hoate ud cliff were all engulfed sad sea- wtttr deep enough to float a frigate occu pied their site as nuny u twelve church es each further landward than the last have been bailt in one parish aad all but one hare been iwallowed up by the sea churchyards hare coasequently been de strered la muy place the corpse and skeletons baring been wuhed oat ot their grare aad floated awiy by the tide sir 0 lyelt himielf uw humia remain pro- trudinc from the cliff at reculrenn kent ia1551 and ht hnmoroaaly allude to a scene depiced by bewick which he uyf aameroui point oa thtt cout might hive suggested the grareyard of a rained abbey undermined mi almost botated by the sea with a broken tombstone in the fotegroaad scrriuguaparca for the cormorants and bearing the iaeriptioo to perpetaate the mtmory of one whote rery name wu oblitented ud whose monument wu ready to fall into tht wire and he aptly thoagh somewhat urcutictlly suggests that aach a tombstone would hare beea a fit tribute to the memory of soma philoiopher who hsd taught te permutney of exiating conti nent the era of rep or the impo tence of modern cause a moblt esterprue fraia the toronto kew dcmtatoo for nomber rariety ud ioportaace the sanitary mstttutioaaot toronto viral thoaeof any other city in the dominion- among them a foremost place must be accorded tbe the medical ud electrothenpeutio inj stitutloa on the corner of jirnt ud oer- nrditreeta from a comparatively small begianimr tiiia popolsr health resort hi in three years atumed proportions of coa- sidersble aiagnitade while there is every protpect of u equally rapid growth in the lutnre the rectatl eaiirged mi com- modious baildiag which i every way wor thy of it beautiful location ia just now filled to its utmost capacity with afflicted persona of both sexes ud the ippucitioot for tdmiatios ire so numerous u to force the quetioa ot increased accomraodatioa oaoe more upon the attention of its propri etors interiorly ertry proririon hu beea mtdc for the comfort of the iamttet u well u for the effective trettmeat of their varioa ailments one of the great attraction of this lottitutioa it the preteace of edactted lady phyaicius and skilled uarees by whom patient of their own sex are excloaively at tended the department for gentlemen ia also ip thoroughly oompeteat handt una meraai expatient cheerfully certify in deed the meant employed in bolhdepart- meata are such u afford hope of speedy relief to sufferers from he most obstinate of chronic complaint compared with the adrutaeet offered the scale ot charge it extremely moderate any one desiriojg in- fonnatioa upon any point can obtain it by addresiiug the manager m i 8tahdaiu nke ik8tjeahce co- board it i pretty errnjxire captured fresh ush ud reds rketain scotland aad salt hemnga which igioo total ct 100000- 000 liuidrawn annually from the tea and even thia aamber vut u it it doe not ia- clade wbt uied m the form of white bait or thoae which are sold u spnu at cer draining the sea to each aa extent it mijat almost be supposed thtt there would bt scucely so muy herring left u would suffice for a hreediug stock bat the de mtade of aua art a mere fraction lot what are taken out of the shoal all that are captured u well as all that ice wittd dsr- log the capture aad destroyed ia the pro- eeu of carta tiak lata insignificance when compared with the rutnut of the quanti ties which are devoured by other enemiee of the fish cod aad itag are known to prey extensively on the herring mi a eel- colattcn bated on the aamber of cod and ling anaoally eaaght under the auspice of the sootlud board of fisheries 3500000 were liken in 18781 a unmet that there i a capital stock of these fish in the scottiih firtha and teat cf 70000000 indmdaala ud that each individual consuma m her ring per unum whioh tt the nte of two herringx trery day for seven months in the year thawx a consumption of 29000000000 mdividual herring kor doea the account stop at thia point the camoiuiooen who recently collected information on the scottish herring fiiherie aasame that in scotisnd sione the gannet a seabird will unually dnw on the shoal to the extent of 1110- 000000 herrings ia additioa to dognth cod gsnaett aad other teabirdt the her ring hu muy other enemies porpoises seals coalfish ud other predaceoos fishes tre constantly lying in wtit to fall upon ui devour them a female herring we know yield over 30000 egg but at the shoaling- time myriads of these egg are devoured by a rariety of eaemiec beeidet which hun dreds of thonsuda of the ejrgt are never touched by the fructifying milt of the male fish tai so perish in the waters ii a ring of charles tl several ring stories are related ia connec tion with the unfortunate charles i in herbert narntive of the iatt diys of the monarch he mention the same evening jan 23 1658 two day before his execution the kiog took a ring from hi finger having n emerald set thereia betweea two dia- mon and girt it to mr herbert ud commanded himu lae u it wu to go with it from st jamess to a lady living then in canon row on the back side of king street in westminster ud to give it to her with out uying anything the night wu ex ceedingly dark ud guarda were set in lov ers places nererthe getting the word from col matthew tomlinson mr herbert pasted currently though ia all place where sentinels were he wu bid stand still till the corporal hid the word from nun being oome to the ladys hoase he delivered to her thering- c said she metleave to show yon the way into the parlour where being stated tht desired him to wait till she returned in a little whila after she came in and pat into hi hud a little cabi net cloed with three teal two of which were tht king irma ud the third wu the figure of a roman whioh done the desired him to deliver it to the same hand that teat the ring which nng wu left with her ud afterward mr herbert taking his lure ht sve the cabinet into tht hinds ot hi ijtaty who told him ht should see it opened next morning morning being com a the bishop jaxton wu early with the king ud after prayen his majesty broke the ktls ud showed them what was in the cabinet there were diamond aad jewei most part broken ud gtnrget ud gar ten yon tee asid the king all the wealth now in my power to gire to my children m mist officials are being discharged from the public work in india by reuon of low finance is there a greater questioner thu tht rettleu whiter f uka u exchange well we would suggest the telegraph whytr acme electric appliance t fftstlertrie spptliflm it made of separsn mlvfile llt coonecttd ilu f b e ite euunf i k plett ralttnlc btltetr r mt torn srhsoft esa bt rsiliry spelled to tar prt ot the rvwstlri mi bm b iwlujo msv be used to u lo direct the fall tort o lb onlmd cell elrtclljr ibrvort mr part rf ht tsjdr khtr leiiliwti tr screas or it can be used tlont r trootd tnr pirt j tw ml st attitiiimnlilkrttcmrixaunlf in sua eisf it us constant intent current ktl m lnerat5toipilntlbottuolillt to bt other tt la a eonstmtmud eomnt mri ttntirmuv ktdt tt ntti tod tlreiu rul it nam ht tht immtnt tdnougt ol u1 tppuanc ordtaevta in oat met kertoat deuikr tnd ui tbow dtttssn pwuliar lo jroting mm and sbtetiont ol um vokb ta otnn ilspsrucaltrtjrsdatjtedweatetelitieuis nctvettrt itemlted tnd uhorsait rt oatncltt wetjsor relaxci a tafotntorr itaehflient u mide to est with it wbtro it m mcevt nit tppbuot do not tod the mimiob el use puiftnnvrorv sad is bactl more erfol and beneddil naiiuisr iotcttcaiiroflier wu wilhoattor unlrdlttdvuiut u au u ttimiorpu ttuubodt dike roand the milt r dan v t tk rr ler ortrm to htl i- n w mod with t litnuj in aln whenclectridti itbenemtl fttlant cxrcutnu this tpplunce cin be repiirrdaliuiilledtt to a prsc icallrlt it iniettnittlble liejitimottte tcaieippiltnotlt jio m to iii w seoirding to power tie baspeutor iluctmnn uk curt hlort bells ct ihe tti e conrructlon t e mtde tnd mr o ss i bu belt um tnd r jo i bodr belt is 00 tnd fr m u bu 5 00 am b tit tt hetd be flic t oor belootedpm l- al inf 1ifl a da ittd in til cie whew he ll of ihe ume nunc m men i hebacfcleeoiiofthebilt ifccruvc pole jiudl tiloa wd urj ilixtiur tree a norman i bure nrmltit 4 queen street east toronto- i i m o rs es tuo best brovn soap in the market oa erery bar llanufactoed only by sold eterywheie name 8tamjied 3- 1 morse 8c co toronto furnaces e celebrated fttmflton spectator it is generally conceded that the experience of 1 fire insurance company indict tea pretty accurately the condition of commercisl mat ter during protoerooa timet their opera tion ire usually much more utisfacfory prerioua to thia daring period of depres sion a an evideaoe or a better state of feebncexiiti g we may uy thtt the studard fire insurance compuy of thit city u ibly coadacted tad most saoceesfal instita tian whose opntion sre spread all avertha coaatry in a rtceat circalar to it aceuu reporta a largely inoreased baeineaa being id fact about doable of that for the correspond- ing period of lut year while it losses sre comparatively few aad aatmportaat tha prtoideatudsrtretaryiafotmedoar reporter that the outlook in so far at least u their compsuys interest aad prospecta werecai- c rued it certainly cheering it ia moat pi- taut to be able to note the sueceaa of inttitation whose head offices are locatad in oar own city i qtrmaa 87x00 i no other medicine in the world wuever girea such a test of it curative quahtie u boschittgrkiltxsvkcr ia three yean two millioat four hundred thoaaud small bottles of this medicine were distributed ret cfcteryt by drugrista in thi coaatry to those afflicted with coaaamption asthma creap severe coaghs pheamcaia aad other diteue of the throat and longs giv ing the american people uadeniabte proof that onuos stkuf will cure them the result hu been that druggist in every town aad riliage in canada and the united state are reoommeadiag it to their customers go to year druggist and atk what they know about it sample bottle 10 cent regular tire 5 cent three dose will re- bereaiycate j whex apangrapher gets up something too stupid to go in the fanny columa he gire it to the literary editor who put it ia the column headed pearla of thought to be well draped your linen must be faultless ud to insure it get your shirt ud furniihing t cooper 109 yonge st to mato new harris patent j hotair furnace send for niustrated catalogue containing testimonials- ten ders given on application address e c gurney co 91 yonge street toronto- tia corl job m of offij in- eajl fori ordl wtific1al limbs v8igg chp- fittb price t ivttidaieililbjuoa lou- doa twtjmaaisaji ou lpplicttloq sttifiguoa fua- tutsmd aturesv j lqur k sos drtrtmy oat haliburton erminus of the victoria l r ailwattnii tad lubm lou tor nle o j 8lomficl0 icuuinr cuudun cud ui effiitntloa ol s ubaioa or oetr w a c btiaat tonato-st- toroaui- gltwratq to womankikd the oanadun air qas machine thit auciiiae if iir lifhtfar pnvf dttjiuan nflli facwriet otarlies pljiue tulli botli t oc1 tod erimio the uucime ia opcnuqo it jt sfh psilupy iot nuaaficiarcr plumber tai gu6lrt isi tar rrt ssnidforcrcaursusdpreehit 1 qstws 9ttttta brush uanuotarer i brnaters st attorneys eleotrotypera steworypersj ato r vote co u zuv strut gatl bntfravers b r64 a kay eut puraiture oaigg ca6rut gl 87 yavqt ttruu rossis house pllmfseul of ckou jftrtfffrua prop tjlotcm kooldwos raajtes chruk08 if ottoet mirrors tte dealen teod or vboetale bar g t aurretw si baoe toroftto buy only ontarifi- baking powder wild akd improved fasms for sale thmpoutatr terms tnthe bointvof umblon send tor dreolar ltd price itsll w uhostt hot 67 pelrotla c iomk to delaware 10q dtltnn troll and rnla isms cheu mild u aim bealtafcliauteoualjeni free tarrna deltwrt ap aalfftth living water star auttr brtt to test ptrhotr bole s toistnehea eud orhoneppwerjfooibipplrof ore tltend water tend toe circular maafwr 88 lurr 8t htmllloo i ft nicq tslfl t pertletsa t their ova stx eta hart teccss modatioa second ea sppllculoa 8pdut7 dtmuss ot women enclose stsmp ud address i dr emily h- 8t0we pbjtldavo ud aoortachettr iii church st toronto 15 made j one day argents wanted everywhere btltinr a noalila vatanttd trttdt sails rssldlr wtth tatnnrott a wod boslnan thaaraealrat no eapttai fsssl two sentaamia l a bswjton 8t tactnaa oni or etreutar aad tatsroeuoot writ at coot ud secure 1 rood tteocr thtt ptya every iffoman doctor inppuej br teffai cunntt mcustor i wale nui evrr vomanka trtal ind evrc kttkff ut hrr ra jiodic gead sc aztalr caaunlcg foil paxticuurt agextiwautted kddna e ame- hl tefrr iua heillh rorl nee o jrri tvad j twner n g err rd iteerts toronto qn4i- staples i staples f coppehed si birbed b md uid rphouterwl uijet qajnaual faaaar 5up buttl- hoopsuplsilbioibiuleft aji uiei taxa aiiiird bj- iaipnji sd uavchiaery tad jnatel oqail to aowricm make comaxbbn wul find u to iheir iaw to uvoar u with uadr orden oar hamilton ininstrial oiks 88 merrick street hamtty02c out uinuficterert oi ttapnitei wuhinf mvaiai ctpoiei mnllet cora sael erv 0 to m vttbu miolfobwauprri hatfaaireoen ooodcutnut paf a cjbooij ebarcbm u4 suiwu tuuiun hsssiiisbshsi ud ood ity luilroduidtntttiwllltsni- uat uim uid fall information fvee ddru buhmorssi luid catmuumirrsujjiaitiu the simonds saws arc baparlof to ill othn lire witi bitewnt la ptttr otuffiitj ii twptr r hsmith 00 8t caihawsia ost sola mauoisctarea tor tbe dominion oi cantd seid for prtca lhjt nonoe to merolmtejrmbrsdealbrs 1 wantbd ooasiimesta of sheop cattle prodace and applet thos 8pen0b bon jo eotamtttloa stletme edlabatfli tad olurov gcot fend tttablliimd uta belrai uatoa atak troojaie olatf it ttwket nnorf lstn sept beet ron h lo it cealt per naun l mutton from u to is wnt par poead cjntlieri eta diav two- tllirds tim lare frrijtk pd br tbe oontlis- tm dt trtrtl at thlp bouee ptd or remitted tojmutklv tsdlnctel by aeder or owner a lrmil tbtrt tad back or eretr m catfleoe ico sbaoo umalltr lotv or tshio market told 00 tommholon ehanpi vermodertte forturtheitiitoraauonappir w jgordon elora elevator works stams uul store mtchlnet store hoira ett t j w axoebsos nntdnr rlt rml tt r fowiers extract of wild strawberry r 00 a spedfio remedy for all 8ttffl- mer complaints inch a diar- rtkba dysentery canada fao- lera oiolera morbus ciobr pttatom 8onr8tomacl qrip- tttg faint aid all derangements ol tbe bowel csuted by nsiog impro per food such aa raw tegeuhlet jmrlpe or sourfmit bad mitt impure wafer or change of wa ter cbaojej ot the seasons expo- sure no matter from what cause or ia what form too are subject to toy ot the above c dr rowtasextractflfrtud straw- berry will relieve you asd a speedy core will be effected without injury to the system it is msaufactored from the wild strawberry plant aad free from opium aad other inju rious droo for sale by all deal- era at is lojdi or 3 botter for 100 1 sprejjxmtrecl toy mtamflyibarsi toronto rr

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