Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 23, 1879, p. 2

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x- x 1 1 1 st 1- l o i h jtf if iip a sri- u 6 f wj acton church olrtory ktthowst ctlctktt or cakattf fcravu- kundvl lj0 iind saitvn classes aptr niuiiuiipirviee mut on nuijr j vente it s iv in snuiwik school ittn prayetmeslirss foe vvcdal v e wnlns s p m oawr rv p ev fntonltvclni7tvm muleclmfrma- jtrcnlns spta ukv it itouss iaalor dreuhtkriax svtco mmlie leeliltt at 11 nl auisiin- uacuhttaoulmmealcu aure kundav morning spruce bblmluwlot 133 a ra i kkv d u cxffkuos tkitor cosorecatcoxal tkttvrct sundar ieeaclitpe ct 1130 pm sabhath kcfcnol irj am htaiceiueuac on wednesday evening at s p w cc8cu or cfcuixp ricnvtcw sunday frenchlnc al pw tptn u a lax tncotnbeal mir r 8btnltt tttkool 41 ml bantttt kervicts 8cndy irearhlocat it a at and tpm kthatli kcumt tslt nayer ueeltct on tuesday and frulsy ewalngs at s pm i rvrsnrtt r ksavictst saftday ireuehtnt at u a ra aud tpm iraeerhceilnreiuaya s pm lurntorrsr cnstxjnt- luf mifr norfi crfiorafi nc llai st skrv irr5udii frt nbbitu school llh a m catmouc j 0 wiv oia ktjrf of curpororiow o irf cm kervlctstkourtftmitktuylixmchmamuat laanx pander sebootnt 2 rnivrrykauir rv kttitm ucltoktttr rrtrclilrc at 15- i mde acton free pbess puv kicdtry rtirtdiy uominc si bet aaaani ia advaaoe ioiattluo3 ifcss thckstit moemsa tvr c3 it7 our orath markets during the past vrcck thegraio tnr- let hccclias been very ctir md tle yjcniat of iheit brought in us iktn urge ni of excellent qttility tlie price hts gradually rtseo rnd oa jloa uv 1261 tot2 vispaii ujkj hoverit itbua fallen don to 123 to 125 our buyers ire reoetvinc lsrco quantities and are ptying higher prices thin moit coantry buyers thus acton is one of the be6t griin ictteu in the county snd gnin is brought herefrom all directions the quantity of barley r and course grxins rwxived is very fair 55 to 75 cents is the price paid for bar ley today and peas brought 55 to go cenlf the average ireefcly receipts of grain on the acton market is 3000 to 12000 hostel wheat or bmley a year and nmka the storekeeper whom ther may owe wait luttuiikfor lis pay tba inks tun by holding gtaia till navigation u clostd of arc of lightning ot shviiik- ukad this twick fire totlilrly dtops ot thomas eoleclrio oil will cute com mon sore thtoau it ncvf r wu in croup it vlll curu a cold or cough h twenty fourhoun on boltlo hai euftd dton- cbitltof eight fears suntllne i roce ul oiiui art cured in three indlnlj to 1 ra ui uwi tun wi iv3 thft p- age of rata and ulhcr vurttin m dot no t a1j0t w in fir bta realored the rolae hhera thft poiwa jmlified by bighef price pig astra v cnmi on tlift premliei of thoiubicrlb- cr lotsloon 3 kiqulng on wed ncsdny 24th ult th ownef by pror ing properlrand fnylug exponielmay y it v it away tho indcuttio hops of a jeart a an outward oppllcailon in all oaces of pilnorlameneu nollung like it hat eter been known one bottle wil cure nj cuorlniebackorcjrlck in ibe tack for dlteaien of the siilue 52000 were taken id at the to- and ctn ruciiin of tl a mmclei u ti ur- uit b0bt oidbclks scott fc bownes route exhibition lc than f20000 have beeu cxirended lor prites and 20- 000 on general espouses learing a msreitt of 1200 w apply on cupiul account or fifty per cent at the expn- dilnre on biuldiiigs tbo total number of visitois- was about one hundred thousand an important movement has jitkt been inaugurated agaiust inteoiperunco in great britaitj i it is the formation of s joint ktk company with a million of capital in shares of one pound each to provide teinjurituce etffee houses and tenktncsj pltots all over the kingdom it is expected that tlisy will bo succcsslul cauiktitqrs with the public houses sud will also return a fair rate of interest ou tho capilxl in vested better butter v we clip the following from the globe srd consider it worthy of the attention of oar shopkeepers and batter makers as it an- evident fact that nutil reform commences canadas reputation as- a producer of butter of marketable qosl ty will cqntinae under water a leading engflah agricnltdral jour nal the ajriadbcral gusdtt makea this severe assertion that as role cassia butter ic the wowt class of batter that is brocght ia tbe brituh market every body concerned in the handling of canadian butter knows that this as sertion conveys an utterly undeniable fact oac batter w the iorst in the world and that cot from any defect in its making or want ofcleaolinesa in handling fact btmply because of the senseless nd cowardly system our country storekeepers have of- lumping the good bad and execrable all to gether for fear they might gtre offence to some influential and longtongued dairy worn an if they preferred a neigh boors butter to bers we have insist ed upon the necessity of reform in this system hj long and so eacoestly that we are becoming as sick of the mbject as we have been many times of the butter- the sanguine have indulged in hjpes that the batter questioa would bo eolved by the institution of butter factories modelled after the aiyle of cheese factories but it cannot be denied that the growth of butter factories in extremely siov but there is now an other movement in the right direction the storekeepers and butter dealers of port perry hive resoked that here after theywillnot take butter in tride but instead will sppoint an inspector who is to grade tho batter aecorijinb to its qkslity and then the butter will be paid for in cash this will strike at the roof of the bad old systen and wilf indue some of thefpoilers of good cream to mend their ways and make better hatter we hope to see the er ample of port perry extensively fol lowed a terrible fatauty hr gerxe barbae orcaetpk- aitaac- j- kitted as laf kattwor on friday eveuing lust about g45 tb body of ilr geo s daiber who had the management of the cuolph pirehall was found ot tho g t rail way track opjiosito his residence cut almost in two it appears that the deceased pro eeeded to the sedes on the fair ground to weigh a number of pigs fur mr geo paturtsoo this was a fe minutek before six oclock the deoeawd bid aked bis liruther to rim the six oclock bell if he did not gt through in tiuic to attend o it himself about half ptst six oclock he irft the weigh scales to recross the track for homt as no prson saw the accident hapien itls eonjecturcd that he attempted to craw underneath a car in his iianda he carried a tnlera and pen after getting part of the wy across the trick the train undoubtedly started and the deceased attempted to return but felt backwards across he foutb rail no douut partially stiinned by striking his head ajainst tiie binding rods which extend front end to end of the car several cats must have pawed ever the body as it was almot completely revered the entrails being torn and flulodged and the back lione severed the wheels ran over one hand and badly lacerated the other death must have been instantaneoasj and the poor fellow never knew any pain no person w the accident mr barber was a highly respected saber industrious citixen one who per formed his duties as an official of the corporation most efficiently and with the single purpose cf doing his whole duty as well as one whe was a kind father met a model husband the funeral which was one of the largest which has ever taken place in goelph was held on sunday and was conducted br the ataaonic fraternity and the oddfellows firemen and milt tary toot part sell your grain the monetary time thus calls tho attention of oar farmers to a very im portant matter wilt the farmers favorite daughter orhiawife or any one who has influence over him exert that influence this autumn to get him to accept the current prices for his grain instead of holding it till it reach- j e the figure which he with bu gener- ally limited knowledge of merely local markets thins it otfjii to bring the more experienced and sensible ones amongnthem know that it is nskv and nnsatisfying often losing game to hold for higher price besiaei it it neither polite nor honest to keep dtf stt7pfs cquallet in kheua atla or dny qlboc pain tho spplicatlon does you good it blopt gar ache aud the polu of a burn in three miautei and li altogether lh best and cliepet medicine ocr fletel lo the people tha chespeal dfeauia it lakes so lluje id do yoj good and u compowd ol ilx of the bett oijs known and uaihlng but oiu l wortb 1u weigll in gold vvhyiootbuyltlodiyt ar det haehf ti msiflant poatmkiter at lhabajkafille i j arites thirteen years ago t wni telioj by a lavcre at tack of rheumalittri in tha load ftom which 1 hava uaarly constantly suffered and ofter harinj utcd thomas rialeo- uiooil liirutuadayi bathtnf tha fore head i hava beenoompleiely curl and liiva only ured hulr a oatlle this t can certify under oalh if you wish kev j mallorjf of wyomidv gjyi wrles dr thomas ecieclricuifcured me ol bronchitis in one weekl bswiae of lutrmoxj ask for dr rhoniaa isclectrio oil fica thtt lite ignalure or s n thomas i on the wrapper and tha nme of sortbkp ljeme aw blown iu tha hot tie and lake no other frold by all medicine dealers rrire 25cu ntittthkol t lymak toionoont propt for the dominion sctcedcctrie selected aud electribu tub cute lu ersmoss on the kit li iust kir kobt lay rldeat ia ot mr daniel day aged 32 years tillpu mmirr floor 4 ii 75 to s 25 white wheat 1 so to 1 21 lrradml 1 20 to spring wheat cllascpw 1 15 to 0 24 itedchafi 0 05 to i w oats d so to 0 33 peas i 55 to 0 barley d 25 to 0 ot eggr per los d ij to 0 16 butter daiiy packed d 12 to 0 u batter rolls 0 15 lo 0 2d potatoes per hag 0 s to 0 50 sheepskin 0 50 to o 75 hides ncrcst 0q to 4 50 hay per ton 7 co to 0 80 xctasi habfclt white wheat 23 to i 25 treadwclh t 2s to t is spring wheat glatgcw i 15 to i 20 red chaff oau pen barley ecgsperdoc butter dairy picked baiter rolls potatoea per bag sheepskins hides per cwt wood per load hay per too straw per lead wool dressed hogs t 10 to i tfl 0 20 to 0 31 0 5g to 0 ft 0 55 to 0 55 0 09 to 0 12 0 12 ta 0 i d it lo q is d 40 m 0 50 d 50 to 0 75 s 00 to 5 50 3 5vj to 4 00 7 00 lo s 50 3 00 tn 4 00 d is tod 20 jooto 00 castor oil ripcwucdfaaforapcrfecilkrmabic to cu- rtoaamotad infanunomctiire lu npcnj o ilie oa ifuc rmxjuco pin wid cn- piair ue eliua od nd ft u rendered not only mild and pmnaat ta lit icuon lit iwlutdr ulea m palaublc 1 1 k prcmlticnilr lh finttl li tire ud tadianlc ktmvit oad u a tnedy foe co- feocrt corwiwiian bid nil inciintl diffin- menu it fat uncquilled nd if dctfiiwd to ule hs place of cmde ofl tad ill driitfc ptlu ittd pvr- tiro forulc by ul dnijiviifcu ijcenttilwt- dont ua to try new dressmaker miss haitttalhil ukcsplcsore lu inrormlnic tlie wiles of aetnn and eletntlj- llialslicliai taken llw place former ly oceurled bv miss kiota marritsws and li prepared w erccate j dressiviaking ta all lite latest itjles and at reasonable prices psstokdei mlictted miss uassavaa iwra paints varnishe3 oils glass sec groceries wallpapir stationehy school books i 0 tsco at the postoffice store aotom jas matthewg acton feb6is7s qlutelllplh massagaweya hemt the farmers id this vicinity havo re cently been surprised by the visits of a too friendly for which visits their bam yards plahders the hen roosts and marches away with the finest pullets this fox is said to lie of a new variety as it does not confine itself to robbing poultry but makes awar with potatoes rpples ec it ia snpposed to be under rthe training of a family round aboat who cook and eat the stolen plunder we think that such foxes should not be allowed to remain aboat here biit would- look better in p t barnauls mensgerie or the central prison which t the hatrizoctic the disease which carried awaylhreo oc four couple some few weeks ago is said to be ab3ut td- break oafagafn the parties affected ere now laboring under the worit symptoms their sighs-add- no etic outbursts are something ertrabr- dmry we do not wist these parlies to get better tf they pass from their present state of single lilrsjedncss lo a new state as doubleharness as did tbos who shuffled off ths coil some weeks sgo patlo a good plan itirbcdy can learn la rafc mooer rapldljr operktinciafiujctr fay tha rwo tfnerritss knlc jhr kaetwn in hefrffjkknzc tfc oyncwclrcaljir tqc comblrvlcm mihrtj vuietiuiuarm das made o iocsfu eo ahfcfrqneujiurfcarftnaumfiif orcp all the bntfltiifurrlcxptaiiiilbet4ltt ttwaiaodt of order la various iamt tre pooled into one txnsmoaat nod cpcrt4 a a mfstitr whatrt t tceoriqr lo cnea iorrbordirauuto4lniasctriae ixrrcit optior tmmeniifitredmrfedmoah- lf an j- unsaqt iram 1 to itat or mexe mnbeaiiraotjqhi cjlrtjfit wctktt tsrpu tuber jsiu s7i ray by lh combltia- uou trtem gis woaui tcajcc f75nrs crnt itvipajsswarstvcrepnt l0majc ftjxo or to pttm di oa uie a ock durifc the mo t avardnt to th mnrfet ficivd lrjltns icccktktrrdkkrramt joriessih the anaxmcatkux method oraenlac toffcg is the mx aaceccral ever adopt wl yttt t0ttelvdcrcxdcxt8eptlthrtlieccinbt- tuuoaajrlniitrcrrtndel oioq fctitwt titisl- ntindpeandnoprionnetf be irith- miinn tntnc xhile whlu itlfcepttrorfclnc by kewrttjaimjoee ca hkrocltx jatrit- ku anth 3h u edtlttrj made a net rrofltfif 1125 rcai 71 a otw of ilestrt lawrence 4 os mmblnallnii xer cir cular mulled fro eipuitui evcryllilhf j grxrfkiaivlboada wanted qorernmentbondc fupplleti lainenee co uautcn st kx- chancepuce k v j ffw r jdktz goods akd geocertes the utsdersigncd has just opened a sta ple dry goods and general gro- eery store iu the stsn pp- posite dr mcgarvins residence mill stebet acton out a stock ot- new pry goods fresh family groceries lias jast becu optntd and wl be ad at rejimonablc prices j ja share or the patronace of the residents of acton is respect- fnlly solicited b haslett sept 16 9lf stores stoves cheap peesextatiox ix ejtoi ootteag we are indebted to ilr vts uetiyish of knox college toronto for the following ieni it will undoubtedly be ot interest to our readers who are acqaaiated wilhthe rv gentleiuan in qacslioa on saturday afternoon last bey jaa smith m k who completed his thenlopcal stonies in knox coueee last april and wboisnbv 6n his way to india is a miuiouary called at the aboye mentioacd institution snd although his arrival wa iotitpated lo the students only the previous evening they concluded tbat they could not permit the opportunity to pass without teuderiok fii hiin some token ia recbenitiod of the esteem in which ne was held bv msiellowsradents ac cordingly they procured at a cost of j2s a copyot alfordoreek testament which was duly presented to him at a ihass meeting o the ifidenfs prot tlregj oc- copiodihe chair eevs h eastmaa made the presentation mr smith made a ohable reply h eref erred to the work far which it was his intcntioa to devote his ptrgies in future prof mclaren also addressed tie meeting- snd gtve eotaela- f mc we te- addresset in meeting a cordial srewell was extended tomr 6mith sad his bride who scconipiuied hini on thisocca slon t i of all catarrh at hills new fall hats 8t00k oomplete layard birik rtcilkollj kciciwrt lijtton uariinglaa premier and traveller we have opened over 300 packaces of fall goods imported either direct or purchased principallj from lalanufacturers iathis country and we- v j are safe in saying that our stock of dry aopis rs equalled br rery few la ontario we shorr grand ralne iln colored dress goods from 10c up fancy dkess goods in newivud fasjiiouable ma- lerial black and colored- silks 2q per cent below j regular prices i plain brocaded and satin striped velye- teekall shades shawi mantles etv desijth millinery goo fis lovely slylesjj all the nojellieg mantle cloths and heavy beaveks flannels blanketsj and woolensi immenseistock of plain an d fancy winceys overcoatings naps and fancy cloaks tweeds in 400 different jallenis i r ready mads sxjtts cver cq ats our owi make f immense vaktetv jf j brassels tapestrjc wool unioa oarpsts 1- horciiattailon eusljiv guclph scpf 17 is7j great bargain bargains x urtj suk cf all luiu cf 9 to ves jut rttxitxdvuinv of the bed qvalttf kkt of iron tkejztuxt fwa ttitd lis hunt kancuoak starr i he marlvf catarrti of sbyeai mmdtnx cored by coat atlccuon catarrh remetir- drojpldji fit tli root almost to c got i tiff headache pslnc in bhoalderr back aud kidncr od entire sruuclnr hmvn of lie kystctn cured bj- caaiilhiudnji cattrtd ec-iiedr- i a cviojtt cf ss jr miajadiu eord hj coartltauonai cntnrrh iv medr- cmarrfc with drocplifi la throal canf nt fwllnrc of plranphnr otzzliipi iatn lu bfdeady teltevtd 8jtra ttemlatlr ud ke by use of oae dottle of canstltatloaiu cnunti he mfdy i a mux ctird of ctnt rt oid r ri rtandlnf by niofoanttauonalcatrn keraedyvf sn bad uut it itnttntrcd bit eyctiht- mode him almost deaf troubled with dropping i in throat ktnnjlnc dntiing in head and fetid uretlh cared by oanytutiotiuaurrtieraedy curra witu all its iccollur nymptomt for icn rearn fust verging tin cqueutaptuia iired by lew tliaa faar boctlck coactuatoaal cainrrli keraedy- j bonc in the ooie can cat memory pone mind impaird cared oy cooiutalioaal cutarrh itompdy catarrh wub ll it lothloroe altendattti enred by koar boales of th coaitttalionai ontarrh liotnecv eor mle hy s e ktkanrrtn dnjjrlit acton icook stoves of all thec at ihr very toicttt prteci to manufacturers or qapltalitfs at 4 bargain the shlnele stave andheadlne manufactory delonginfl to the es tate of i the late edward jioore aoton orit is nowioffered for 8aieatabaritairi- the property is vnowtiss tfie icton ctongle mills and is in excellent tunning order alarga staokortaiingles slaves and heading has jiist been cut out and jhe mill is now tunqiog this yearit hat been thoroaghly refitted and a new sett of stave and heading ma chlhery ns put in making- it one tha mostcomplete fehlnsde stave and headinf milli in ihe country iaby quantity of titnbrcan be secured d- ltre red at tha mill and a good business in qastom shinglelsawingican be done hai the aiills tre distant about half a oile from the acton depart of the 13 ivk anil ready niarkefs are afiiim3 for the stoclc the millaw cdnlasns i waning ntid matching jmachirie h there ts gobd powerof running slil the machinery i jerrns eeaaonablertitie indla- piitable h for particulars apjplrat the mill ut 8ahuel mopre or to h p moobe v free press bfficejacioh a vxlt tetected ttoek of t x 3st w a it 23 always os sasp ea7s7s0t7qss7c1 oadebzd woas jlsz sjeoialties tf irih ic axcxud oa ihe ihortat notice ooaitoil a good iltxk of superior quality cjieap oous auto ess tar 7qt3zxy23 0 h1u heptemucr llh isn new boot i shoe shop w williams 1v0uld respect- pdlty luumata lo ihe people ol acton and vtctnltv that he haa opened a boot uo khop in ttte oatldlnt nppuslu wt hstoeejaaiove woras00 mill brsssr any ona in want of a substantial anil boodfllllns i soot or 8 hoe ihaaid not fa 1 1 la i cave their oroeral tils stand avairla spssiilty ad promptly w williama acloni pt 51 1ct b estk8iiir boak i ttre undersigntd his for service on totztn 4 esqoeelngi a thoroujh- bred berkshire boar which is priie tiilcer at tha gdelph central fair termi00oash i63m alee h bkowk 1 tossoma srorrslot21 a day in yoorowniocaliljr so risk vtomen io as well iu men uony mate ntore man ilia amount of i- i fered above ino one can iall lo make make mouey fast- aiiv one can do hie worlt yoo make rrom wets to x i hoar hjdevotlngyooe evtnlngs ard spare time lo the business utwoolflmlmt mebtislness nothlnj lua it fcvohey tonk ins- etcr osered before llusuiess prenmhl atsl sirietll noaotable beaderlf jotls antto know all about to best paying buainbafnrb 4e public aondns your addrss and wo will senii joafun particulars and nrlvata terms tree samples wortivssalso free jrca can thenmakenpyourjmiororrmif a i ijlreas oeorqe stimjon cq fortaad ont 1 maine v j netv new keit kew nsw sew kkw kew net new kew sett sett black siles ulack casliileri white cottoks stubvrijvas qray cottons uusux emj3roidery t weltil cottok qullts tlyeeds tweeds dfiss shirts ties and scarf3 corsets kid gloves table lin ens toweliiktjs everrtbodl should seeour wonderful 1400 suits sold regularly at from- 1800 lo 2000 qmd te te xfoa dtalgli aailvj save hoxeys j d williamsons co clothsk clothe 3 east ejfd at the olotemg store cnsar cnttr cheat cstir cnsar chxap s cheip cuxir cnxaf chkatt chkir caear chsir cheip if you wakt a g06d and cheap suit of clothes i kow is the time to purchase as weare desirous of cleariug out our stock 1 before fall goods arrive v -at- wm cheap stqrei o5 wirsfold wiley o m m q fr o m m stand unexcelled for new and graceful designs utility gbod- workmansbip and low prioea in ail grades of buy from them have elegance with comfort and save money iargestock no lack of choice orderedwork akillluily and promptlyexecnted sion op the ohaills hazleton block uppw wyiidhaiii st gtrbleh o hj or just j3 motj art i n 1 oast 5v79d suitings fo ely fall weax jli x l jjt 1 case tweed jacketings newest tnihgsout for v nearly fall wear r it 2 boxes handsome brocade ribbons wnicli every im lady should see- 50 dozen lovely2 button kidst in every fall shade jl first quality j- fc jgjrladiee looking for oholoe- goods mnst keep theireyod the j j a 9 bucham i fadamabh waten grew jwiirhrjiid jfillisew wvi i a rtjo 11018 1ccv iii 54 s j ff

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