Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 23, 1879, p. 3

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rv i f s mies r its its t m tab i i ir m 02fc every t t shade f i iznd is ttu tbi vn niik rintt tniatlcavc acton ufillovrii 1 goixu ttinr nirhlktprest toronto matt tur repress kspress jsllraivcd xulit ixprcn oitt ttuicl piy kvpress wevteva tnsit l hdou tniscd uo3am a 10am v e have wwtvtvl a cony of tbe bm ova p aa illustrated weekly ot 16 pajres oontaminic tuuiyjood and amur init ihtnp for buyi tl is published by w n arwick toronto and no doubt will tt cclvc a wide palrouage mwt titte table it it i kixcttto from the cut rl aui lnsttt tm2sm ihsoala h0pm 3a p oi bwca twinia sna the vvott wtprn rtvuti kuateuoul i 845 atn on tuci an- friday itk ant oa tucsdajrv ott tuesdays and kcviiakptrtme sl aca frwaya xmw rlped tusuttitn m mall cat toronto lliiasri i knvemallmijllih and friday x soeydde mall 10 am on tacsdavs anl fruass f reentered letter itvut be walled 15 nitu- clcs tetorerolnrllrae 1 tite trump urackcf tujnrcd bo- i i i twota tiielib tul ilocktvood in tlie colli itlim ou a couptc ot weeks sgu says u will sua s- p l n rrallt f otopjuy tor 1000 dam r- i apt lie tays4h1t ithc stealing a ride otm kvsr i the railway ludruu busiucss twasliiuic dim up mit a w j i eon formerly of ktutoa haa opened out a itock of gnkttil lit anil itcjci in the hp laitly veea- pied by mcuriikcuuyand uain st acton aud cultcisc a starii cf ilic utrvmago ot the citiccus g actou aud surtouldiui country tun nwtuliera of the uctlioditt church at treuouvcnicis aro putting aa addittott to their litiudiii there vvhicti will mate it alntiwt twice a larj as ucnicrly the meiubcnhip of the church at this ap paiutmcat hat materially inoscd duriujj the past year ot two tlte cktuegatlokal cttukcttes uerj f uilcolu ot whitby having received a utiaitiinout call from the aum aud churchill ixtgrcatiutul chirchra hij accepted the call aud 11l iioicli in zioti church actuir evetr sabllth at g10 iin aad it churchill at 230 tea estettfbise messrs mcquillan i ilamilton of the wellington ilnble uork ciclph ire doinc the best aud cheajjest vtk incajiid being the lirt to introduce tintiaai work at tavr prices h- importuic itirwt the beat qualiuc of ilarblo aud oranite 0t xfax j i i if tiss it v v rc coalics smirtx lay ure alex ecord hallo tketnif kill siy wanted fitkk pkar oiuttb j p hounnin clothing fyfe sccsab rikmofrtpiit o- w uttl fcwrestqteath liavill saeep eilray w wtaldie cash system 1 mann jetrellery etc n tlynjt icta suingle still for ajle rrinling kkki ckcss office vcr cash store av rerf sronchid syrup je ucqarvirt loci xuumi qtriaue hjtarsoa i co gknsthat you cap bay at the tjga of tie bigvvatch it vot want pwd feliaue quad- mpie and triple julrcr ptatid- cnmta pickle stands bitter coolcnr kapkia itin js tea swn kcivea and ivfca call at ticorcehyada jeceilery atorc -and- if yn wiut fine combi dreaaing comlis kick tbtis circulaci comlis perforated ttnl boxnl mauoes finey kote paper euvelpei partes crorhct keetlles auidnispeetaces etc call at tco hyuds jeiefcry store actoa tqwx axu ocrxty tiirtsbir xlocxtso oct 3 1st christie henderson co will i orkn nrxt witfc vitlt k couiplete new ttock of all tbo latest nareltica in fabrics cotore and combinations ttierr stxk is widl lionbt ncll select cd rich aud decidedly chcu xo trouble to euow you tbtxiugh wonder whettier at any of tlta ctadiid fsirs there- hare hecn crhihits like a pumpkin which w shown at a numlcrof kansis shows it u iched 30 pound and was- sevcu feet iu circumference and had taken a ood tnajiy priles but when a far raer attempted to cut iuto it to get rotno of the seeds he found it was made of wood wisccrs wixccve wikckvs we lute na hesiiation in saying that our stock of wincey just to hand is belter elue than has tercr been oflerid lefore in canada and we believe the public will endorse the fact after close inspection they will sell fast ciirts- tic henderson k co acton of coirse they alws throw out the wonay apples whea oiifcins cider tjtbgaelpu bicjdt- and catlec tiosify catiutshenfe in oiered or sale the bricc work of mr r littles ce- residence will be completed ia a few days dest sc wnt ta in 5 lb lots for ceats at christie ilecdersoa tcoa acton i tuttepiv koycitber cth has lea k apart is a day of thanksgiving for oatario ybc cant eat enough in a week toiast yirafyear and yo5 caat aiyertiac- on tbit phia either mjulm tamer u erecting a bricii residence on his property attfce comer of jubo asti aglm strwta iit joel lolie informs us that he harvested j7i hesheis of kew jersey pits from live bgshezs sown jili wit wcrfetrdreugfttttrtr rnesa of preen peas yesterday that was iadeed a novel treat for october spoetstex rho came to acton and vicinity forgsme say there ts ay xaosnt of hunting bat very little game me dcscax kennedy earjirised i last week with a full blown snow hall which looked as fresh as tnose which ap peared list june the montreal telegraph company have opened osices at cornell co oxford williamsforditxton co grey qneetis- ville ibjsc col vork reopeaed bceglirs were engaged ia gaelpli ohiilondat isorflma last ifeasn smill- pieee arid cittteat residences were entfred- uid ifr cutten waa si ot at bat nat injured fall graic in this section of oar coantry the fall wheat never presente 1 a better appearance thaa at present a preat anioaafc haa been aairn and so far is crjmingon welu ijtcet canntngusm a bor aged aboat eight oc nine years wis oat in afield of his father wa cannineham of eanot- ville with a hone whit happened is not kuown ercept that the boy was foaadin theeld qaite dead- i ocit especial caauk are doe to virs s a- secord for a bouquet of beaatiful cowers it is seldom that a bonqaet caa be gathered as late in the year aa tiiia in any gsrdea but it seems that itta sseeord has always a variety of flowers ia bloom ia her gardea iay time of the year when the ground is not caveredwitii snow os monday last mesar5mcqiiilun hziautaa gaelph erected ia the tillage ceaietery a very ixrge and fine white mar ble monocent over the grave of iho late edward ifoore it is one ft the finest pieces of workmaostud in the cemetery and reflects great credit on the maaafacturers who do a large basipesshere and viciuity we will givljtfie feee peecs and london advert tr ami if cfky lvxral from hair till the 1st of january i8si fori00 caslt a oipy of the aivertiser aaaoal will be prcsetfted tcfeaeli poe who accepts the above offer the fixe pkie regntar rates for h4 month is jtmthe adctrtucr jlso aai the aandal 29s tnakiag 3ih and we give all for iog tae ecfplejcext- we this week issue a supplement containing a report of the county shir and prise list which to many of our readers will be very interesting we would direet attention to the advertise- meats ia the supplement aad feet certain that those who cili oa the badness men hereby rspreseated whsa requiring goods ia their uaei will profit by ap imuf hroaaooi bstbasdeecaittsa naii u baarainaton of pupils for admis- 1 eioa to the oakvflla hish 6chl will be held dv on tuesday the ifith and tt el- nesday the 17th december 1s79 at 3 am candidates s s wedd esq oakvdle po not later fiaotheith kov of their intenfaoa ta present themselves for eiamuutiin reria v jlr eking dodd w in toira oa ilon- dsy i eev e- w if are oj iisieoln kehrnka wis iu town on tuesday kra dean u o cajedanu formerly ol acton uspwidini- afetr weeks among her if r dwieltleknn of th y actoa bays left here tuesday morning for i walked where he inunds to work at his trade noteat worth attention 1 waste paper five cenu pot dozen at this office 1 valuo in 5cc tea ia acton at j w manns f uk latest styles in stiff felt hali at fyfe t mcnabs secosu hand stoves from 100 up at j j hills doxy forget to go lo a w greens for cheap teas j j hilr for tbo beat eavu- trourliiug in the comity ratt the newest things in solt felt hats at fifo t jdexabv a sflexdid stock o stoves etc ust received at j 0 hills notifixa lo suipuks thoso ten dollar suits at fyfc t mekabs foit a nobliy stove willi or witli- out furniture go to j 0 hills best 12j cent winwys in otnada at christie hcudrrson t cos acton nevv stock of ltrnni ltmpslinles and best coal uil cheap ut jc hills j best ami clieapcst heitin- drums id town made to order at j0 tlills coal oil bst lindon cou oil only is cents at christie ltttersou t co v acton flower roots bulbs and bawai rntterns at mrs s asocoids at un pieccdently ior prices all iiutieg leaving accounts wild alev secord mutt call end settle on or before the t rst of kovcraber lakgest stock of boou and shots at christie hcndcrsou cos acton a discount of five per cent off any cash pur chase of five pairs or upwards call itt the free press offi far your sale bills you can have theta home with yua the same day aud a good local on vouc sale iu the ueit issno of the paucr peo woflinglon combination scarfs and hood ltdies prumenadt- clunds wool cuffs- wool iutftc cheap at clirislie heudersou i cus mllllkekr and mantlee newest style aud choicest goods at chriitie hcnderroa cos aston and prices guar srtccd lover than iu any adjoining city town or village millikekv and mtntlna suili stock our iihow roam is replete ttiili all the latest styles our mantles are unsurpassed mantles mnde to onter itclod anderson i co ooal oil for the best and cheapest coal ill in town at reivcet rstes when largf quan tities are purchased go to j e itc garvins drug store ouii general stock of dry goods immense arid remarkably cliean blankets blankets blankets at the right house i watkiks ha3 just received an enormous stock or blankets which were purchased from a needy maker tar less thnn inanutaturtn irieei so diuf he l selliiij the very best citnndian blaikew nnloh lower than oilier merchants advertue thqm remember bin blahvpil vera bought from iv manufacturer wlio was obliged to rrallio on the goods and in order o raiso the cash sold his blankets ru s great redaction on the piicej ha had been selling at prafiously be suro to see the blankets attbe rklliv house belore buying and you will save money flannels klntrtelg riunnelf at luc kkilir kotsb there has mien na enormous qunntity offlnnnels told at the kiohl lluue this all already tliey re so exceeditigiy cbeap lois of nlc aluwool scarlet iiaxouy flannels from ltolup a full nssortment of while flannels from i g fo 55 cents pilos of striped enj checked whirling flannels ircm 12iitorjs the whole stuck o flannels were porehased tor cashfir below ordiniry prices shj5kerfiannel very cheap prints prints pflnw reuicmber the wuleftut colored nrlllt at tile right hochk from ij to lhr thi prints cmhruerek crctens and patchwork p in ts ore exceedlnglyeli ijrrnw ieason and ah immouno itock on hand br sure ti sob he prints 1uy them and save manoy wluceja wlni winceys for the million at he right hocse 195 pieces fwmceji vscre imported for he lllnul h0ue this autumn making about isooo yards of winceys ranging from 5o for a nice irincey in darvshadesup to joolor theboi und newest shades vvatklsx bought hu winceys direct ifrotn he tnaiets for cash and is selling then much lower than last season just see his i0ind 1 2 jo winceys if you want a good decent servicihlo dress and eren his ic wincey looks well in dresses hlsjmmenge stock of dress goods commands kcilcral udmlratlou a larce lot o dress aoodi in all the news shades and very wide widths well worth 20j ilfe actually being giten nway at i2ip alt pomia- dniir homo spun tweed do lie piplina and various kinds of french dress goqls are being sold ofl very fait judies will please examine hisfjuilts the new styles orlaicli work and cashmere quiiu are his own make aud are being soldahout percent cheaper than haoould mlmhem ifiwught from nsuufactttrers the eedulciuens furnishing depsrtment is well paironiied ilemembcr he makes ulg own sulrts ofjttll kinds hugents silk ties nnd sentf and sells them tully ona fourlh than if botfjiht from ollior makers jast sea his oollsrs ties scarf gloves and socks before buying his canadian tweedj are superior value kxjimino hi 5ld awool canadian tweed ft wetri well and looks well his 6i 1i 87 and 1 tueeds are surprising good value the carpets are goidgob very tiist l idles should sea them before buymg lafullslock o all prices kinds qualities and styles from i0elo gli45- remember the carpets i the rigllt iloust so aad tinj sired rut liiltllton oaednortccti of tiugluon stnxi just tckcre the teraiulaliit down hamilton scpt30 1875 thomas c watkinsvhabixt6v o tl hill axoniek tiuup iyjrred about tea oclock on friday eveninr a tramp osnej joseph doutrie tts run over hy a ti t traiu x short distance veect of muss- lkin it i thought t hit lie vs stciling s rid tnii fxuiiz oj the tntia rin oyer ana foot he must hive tun there tome time i r t i j i pf i r t ul our uruercana readymade uatluac is he has ao iv rtiscovcrovl atlcr tie lidbcca t- n i yelling for stint aa hoar at the top of his j departments is incomparable popular voice a farmer hearing the poise went prices to his assistance he was brought toguelph georgetown -for- groceries lfyouwantacoodlandichcap article tn toue e7soajpia blwfc or quu- ipstitr tejfils ii sugars syropa spioos and tobaccos 01 all kinds ifkesnj kdkseet hairdwaue of all liinu points a oils i u inq es as d locks kails glass k putt y mcleod anderson co hospital on saturday morning advertisers are requested in future to notice these facts all changes of contract advertirunents must positively be banded in by noon on thrt monday precettling publication all advertisfcuents intended for the local culumns must positively bo band- ed iu by the tuesday evening previous to publication uuless these rules arc observed we caunol insure the insertion apany advertisement in that weeks issue tlie price of tvlicnt ei la onatfcuieu to a treatcaliivtiy fite furelen dtmand irrmisarcstort nptitla france and todtc kncanl niusl bo- inoio canadian vvbtal and lerriceeoaseiuenali advances hot lb price ocllaonscomponnd rrap or vvi d cherry neercliriav a twentj five enl bottle wlltctireiny rulrarr cocxu or col and fire tmrfced reliecinoldrtandlnc c2sso urpaefzlttfc id utudredst f enfes 50 cent twtlies tinte careu contlis inl cali- wnlen bavr teen i rncragelnstali tuerrem- edleai d tlie proittetjc- cfira mat a n 00 bo ale win ptyoire a lar family sginrt any danger frtira cmii tvhktrtt c coalibroa- ellls catartu loss of voice owghs and cold and all kindred diseases lor a whole tblf is ni empty boast bat a tact which has already twea provea by tncoktrds of canadiaa famlucs to their entire satisfac tion lil yoce local papek do the city papers ray anything in regard to jour own county nothing do they contain notices of your schools meetings churches im- drovements and hundreds of other itical matters of interest which bom papers pub lish without pay not an item do they ever say a work calculated to draw atten tion to your county aad aid ia its progress and enterprise hot a lice and there are tnca who take scch contracted views of this matter that nnless they are getting as many square- inches of reading matter in their own as they do in a city paper they think that they are not getting the worth of their money it remind cs of a farmer who took the largest air of boots ia f hebcii because the price was the same as the pair nwich smaller that fitted him o cokplutestaer sofper a fare well supper was tendered ta sir d ilc- mscfcon on sfonday evening last at the koyal exchange hotel by his companions and friends it being the eve of his de parture for vvaleerton where he intends to follow his trade ia futare a most creel- lent sapper was prepared by mrjsma campbell and those who were present did justice to what was provided after the dishes were cleared wiymr y7williamb was moved to the chauvaiid speodiesysoiigs etc were given by the members nvtthe company each one expressed his regret at losing so valuable a friend and companion as mr 5lciiaokoa had alwaya proved him self to be and wished him every success iii his new field of labor ifr ileilaekou made a suitable reply the speech of the evening was made by ilr joseph speight but time and space forbid oar giving a verbatum report after singing add ung syne the company broke up at a seasonable hoar all well pleased with the evening they had spent together ltrmealal a very interesfint and to the parties concerned basfy event took lace at st thomas chorclihaniiltoa thuislay at 230 oclock when jlr frederick sanders of st thomas youngest son of the late joan sanders of port talbot oat and anna eldest daughter of george decupsey rq of hamilton and niece ot sirs s a secord of our village were united iu the holy bonds of- matrimony the ccreaioayi was performed by- the eev w b curran pastor and a large number of the frends and relatives of tie happy couple were-pres- ent mr jas 1l mahott of lnadun acted as best man and the other groomsmen were ilr dempsey brother of the bride and mr patton the bridesmaids were alias demp sey the brides sister uiss sander and miss pattoo the costumes of the bnde and first maid were pale bine silk trimmed with lace the other two bridesmaids v a t white cashmere ua 5 vails- mr dawson of the o tt b pre sented the newly married couple withafree paton all tb roads ander hi snpennteod- see u weu as other handsome rreseats ts bridal party left the nest eveoufi for a trip to kew york and boston salt 0 cash by the barrel all cheap for rqq to- t hills millstxeetactoa christie henderson co this laud foeowing week an immense sixsck of oheapt choice faaliionable dress gobhds acadsrqxiesi j fjrsro5t ytqotj goods stock of wijrcetsbonsut oa speciartermsi decided barsalasee them tu11- lines of r cottons flannels blankets tweeds shirts drawers dress shists d at pricu guaxabteed lower than in axf- adjoining cifijtmrn or village y boots and shoes iff great vamety kice axd quality brjaliiireeimieti vf y i i 1 i be surb aijx oaiiii eahat3st j christie henderson co agto- ontario i t new cash sroitr for all croenl groceries fresh aud new boots and wines ot even description go to a w green he is prepared to pupply yon very cheap fur cash gooibt delivtrel to any iixrt of the town store opposite agnews hotel xetc millinery how mantles new mantle cloths ncr tvit hantvr lweds new dress goods new win ceys now flannels in fact cvcryihihg new at the glasjow bouse christie henderson co where you sit liic famous 50 ceut tea in a lb lots ut 15 cents tttsfs tie vtiy they rct to do it wltu llietnunibauunnser nu tlc noe r kay oar ratther hut toppraeli awliciili wat about tcikttftcfc wvcrcctvifcl colic tint aj ud rur utile latteilnem ictviu tiktmj tfyccnu tlint kftue ecjtmt no nore to as nettber viilour llfil vs evrr ba obhd totrtmil n therourti pith their rufiots troi ta thctr clillritiooj now we tiksctc tt b4iracs platjiliiccatirotiasfiiai iiie-u- ijks tdo ejcirfeneed mtlt awl it is just aooatwehcap ants bottle boots asid shoes immeasg atcct to hind and tojtrrive great ninety in mens wotnctis ttud clitndrotis vear sutverior in quuity nnd gunaitei ower itt price than am ba bcagut in any adjoining village tovrn or city see tht celebrated oil goat button boot pamnrtdourlieel and nponttoer neat titylixh snd cheap christie hen derson co acton scotts emulsion pure cod liver oil boy wanted immediately a- good smart boy to learn the print ing business iconn but those deter- mined to persevere and learn the busi ness need npplv apply at once to rlteli fkeis office acton s abfci esrittv cme on the premises of the subscriber lot 2 con i kaeaing oa tharsday igtb irist oae aafd efc one aged run and a umb the owner can have theta by prov- idk property and paying esrwtiscs na j v wacure c aal coals any person requiring chestnut or stove tjoal will ulcaeleave their orders at once with the ondersigocd or at the fkee piuss office money will be saved by buyionow i expect my stock in a few days i will deliver tt to any partof tlie village 171 1 c s smith xto hobk hard wokk jt1itrni6 j kvery do bas bad ma cay every person tuat has dturnlng to ia suoold boy one ocfoedes kolseleas doe power wheels that will run either tlie daslior crank chnrrj tnc cheapest easiest and best running wheel that is made call and seeit at work ori boier street back of bennetts ffolel muda and soldoclj- by 8fcikbeaacton0nt j 9 o m p o hagyaros pstorortal al s tv m for the speedy permancntcuri ofl coutlii colds and all diseases of the tttraat ana loop it is farmed from i he ibort known am most reliable kalijimsiunracnndvc- etabetimfstn rbemleal union whn the ixtract mwim cherry llnrlc and uqnorleefntliir fresh and mraduifr- aled forms ami is lioniotlpunm ad effective eomblnnlioti uikv oui pe secured with n lowl lb f portnabeuv redf orenreof ifoartcntu ooaiht coldi qiiuwjs influenza whooping cough catarrh aiilima aektt ana ctinmie bron- cliuir acute and chrcmicpliur- i icy spilling of dlooi and all i diaaor i forsalebjalldeuiersttscpertottle mlbarn bender t ptanan props t0b0kt0 it is 0ii3 7 aftnisfsfes with hypophosphites of lime ahd soda naiiteparilioaconlbbeslie m best reaedlh ever daeormd fa oomarapjtoja colds n chrooto ciuatui scrotla uraailua sad dlxmmo of the blood ooasrald buttr sadslt wsortisic ducmats ofchudnsu itoot wy coonum die eu kaaa nd hb- or eucmed times of cod llrer oa ia a fora out h perteedy oatfca slid iseepttble to neailelicato imacliliatfalbjdilianuieoederfltooicsikl hetwit proptrda oftho hrpo faeonxir- suoturebedlslpoisofbouisrelaiseltiicreaed tbticoas anefsdl tetaowkdlt lie t smenbrvfftnesofuqamliiedlbodandmcdiaaefaslloieabotfl feccx ltfatweoalrbenerlola- uackcaoreraaflilroaidbythesyaeffllhia plaia cod leirer oil tad a better areallaeancbaig- tadpunfrbc the ucd auaytoj die initsttaa of the tfarost sod luaas rkceiitbelffipdpfuictosaad tiribrcntthaqdorui the whole body itisnradhltihmlhtitedetwloiiieaapota orov ucisnsiidukbrscotttslcmaisiaau forwlolijsildnispmis ilooperbottle openlastlqpeiiififfl sirce ic pass and earutallv int ue laiawcuouoiuic uatetat actoaaad rtclulty latuc drr cap a peiit acaofitnlialmrdflnvcrkix ttlta on er- h1lhtnnanl wvertd xuceoc war voffc vxfrultantifloretk tacfihi the jrena in ilarporfi baraar rattcra jar sale whole wills 23 cenlf dress hantlc dcparimenf tuu feiartmeat l caanovlwexcelllus my tepatatlon for the tit nine ycai hap rirorpd i iiavc uoicon liand nil the leittln krenli knciih ami arqrlfnu ktyteafor fall natiiitsr icii3il tstccm ltafrorfor th faile to calliuu inspect before ljtvine tbtir lanletr elsclfrc ill chartes moderate uhskkfaf 15 stieorcksoaaregceiph rheumatism nassagaweya lumber and shingle mills i pete15 sayers wwtld intimitfl that he has purchased the il ills la kassaatwmarormcrly ovned by iecaitgtuland knonns calt- celcs kitlv anrf lie is now in a ymitltm tosanrlythe fubuc ttttlr iomberuthah0 8himcle8 op all- ktxns axn qcaln tes cneat bill stuff cut to order ltt ktiidc at tttiaber natd c one dollar pet ttoaumd iet tliaa cuewiierc terms cash v i p sayees kassasawcraitayj t dstej milliserjrlimaitle and ltvss v salfi 4 board y8ta mlii stbeetr i aoton ii is pbere you aa get viafbea8dkablebate8- iod commercial bigs an exrress delivery vtagon will meet each express trainand delivefgootis lo any part of the town all parties indebted to this cs- tjuffalo bbe e8tpa sahea t i jhagyards tellow r for laternalextentalnse greatest fite in the world trivelf 0 me trial tmsol rcmmilcs la uio world iur ibe cere of renmnt- umikeoralgla lrmfaagd sptnat and brotithtal ctimpwnla itafnes hea1- e ricnniptfitaln uruiseioauf sttrxotntaireitcdhknci5 son xlp- plr suit kectccbnblaln teelr tiyi blieciaptel htod woxnd cuuj tforo tnnat sunfi cf inactf luutnei nf beith or ouy utsflase thalure ralnaloi mre it ik the only article evrrbrooghtbe- f ore the public that will do lis worfc perfietlyand ha bn nredby uico itnds and prono meei tn be the bott remedy for reiietlnt pain ever dls- ootered ept ally good for han aad beast fur i me v tt dealers xcper fcttfa h alburn ben ley t pcanoa prop toaoxro v bargai5 at holrle owins toa change in tliemanagoment of the business about a uke placo orajins asoii hate decided lo rash or their 6tock of j bdots andshoes tor the nsjxt month or two at cost trice under come at onoe and secure jbairains v i mow parties indebted to the above firm will kindlyeall and pay up ibeiriacequntj as a ohahee will taka placa abo it the ltt of october nnd o ujusthavb all jeeoemts anltle by that 0raine dc son ibessmaiii9 estabusu- -mblvff- jmwfta smith i fljafces pleasure in annodncidei to be ladies of oton and vioinily that she is pwpared to fill orders for miillnoyy manflt or dro making- in all thi lateslstylesjand at the most y toaaonable rates dill it tolicitcct- kl mi88 c smtthi 7 found limy bay lofta good bnttal6robc trsll lined supposed to have been stdleu iand left there by tramps who stayed there daring the nhjht ffhoosnier by proving ed mattfllve jtgitfixs tinsmithing the uvueulstgxeii would re- bpecttullv inuniale to the tchsblt- ants of acton and surrouadlnercoantryllift lie has parcaased the siocir and boslocst of vyifleitlfiandwllleotlnnetlie stove tinware business iii alt ita brancbes a nice variety of cooking stoves cheap- forcask z vikiitrjttiki it it3tjr ail jv- get theoest of alt base burners the sultana job worlc and repairing promptly atrehded to aematuioi truci toiaa ia eiange ox- remember the place kect door to creechs sadbiirt mliil st acton g hayilis houses lots village of aoton the following properttjsare for sale for terms and particulars apply to ii i uoork heal estate acentd free press bolldiiic acton r i one talrd ot ah acr tuu fttirae tioaie in pkjeomii tvlly indiipuiabje im- mediate ptasealon r s uiibjutrstreel pppohle dr moirowa oirtflklli oran acre oa wujclils an excejjeol rooguesi- hoafe wltbsplendld celur and good cisiera and wetl yootig- ore tit rd of srsielaa fruit trees- es tcuru ofpoy meat irassao awkya 1 oalocis coiust kassapreyii a acre gjcd land uwolunj iinse and blacksmith iiop every thint in pood condltxin a better choee coaldnct be had all buildings and fecoeblueiceuebtionqdluoti esaursiyo i i lotl5cnn2 esqmbugnftiftiorm of looaces 52acrtsditderculiivaljcuj0acre8 maple nosa laerea umehtonfltiirarrjeandre- nialdder nood cedar swamp two 6od near lry orchards on lue fjrm bouk- parti loc and narurame1 aewqw htarrltmm tarntti aa wetl r need there is at a orfenyard oa the lai m in wod work- tng otdar the property fsabnoil of mile fritm corpotttlon umjw of the lhaae f acitioand milvifr6mitksviuon terms oaappucauouto his office partlwhettnpmuieiand louinth vil la ee or arms in the hdjolnlng townnip for aale will dud it o tljoir i iiun st to anvo lhem luterlfld in thi uatxo cjjarge uulesj the property u sold r hpjtiooiib healitateaeerilabtdiionf i i i civ tipeciric jfebiciy trade mark tbe c real eas ed t ilsk betnei sn unfallloa ears forseml nil wwkness r malorrhea bteny audali utenses that d iiintti a ulfc bafilib tabngonetiee at mtife jvww abase ns loss p ormembrr dnlvetiajy sssltodf palnliitne ilacli ilmnwsot vulonipreaainrepia ah uniimaajoiberdlhaaesthatieadloinsanltjr oeoonsmnxtionand aprematnreornye jfjrfoil parueolars la oar lowpmet hfch wdcalreiosend lire by mull vievfry one ttue now inr slcdlelne to sowty oil druiirlstaal tl par nacfcaie ot six alis tor t5 or will bssinl free bymallon receipt or the money byaddtrsslnir- toronto 0am u sold in aeion byall drtrstsis advrr wherein tdatta and thetjnlll slates by all wholesale and retl intrignoall j ftvrrh- 3517 while vybti live j t easto bakeijaaron 1 would respectpallj tbiiilcmjtiiinier j ous ensiotners in alonand the ur- rounding oountryabd vlltgeafqr the i uoiintlful patronage they iinve bestowed on me sinje t started tay bakery business en the well known stand aiinostopposito tlilis grocery store and besides ottering rnyimtitajonraotirarii cotdotinancet ot their esteemed patronage t in the future as in tba past my mll be- awhile niy aopplyof v bck8 asjcakk j j are unequalled i eailboad case a cpsoialir- i orders for pfcnlcs tcamcetlrlsbi or social gatherings prombity and cheaply executed oa -sltorvbomce- v u j bastok a john speight un deb t4 see- frst class bxaosc vrlll attend vrmeralb whenreonlred oofllns oaakets baudlt plntesbartalkobeshat hands a ulorea j 8appmeda reaaosablo mie- wiogoh s iaabmrhsc fc tfaile lo order ehdoii finds or r pja i r i ng pbohptltattesbiidm t5iouow aai ctbrt sloalt irsyi oa lual tad mido u oirder i faotoby and shops foot of yvjliow pt- aptojt johhspewhr acton feb 16 ie711 v a vvbiijm photogiraphbr mi anddjeaierlaalllrjiiflsof irf i 1 ill r mouldingg pramesj wid wiu artcroptar tarili woft to fee eqiial 16 the beat in canada andilp gl islhrfaotion i r- iairootdiothlbbnatbi i i jlh ch1ldrexs pichjretarid family orouts spebljtxli fij ow kotprts copies aarksfil toysua ostylt pliotibsinidledoanj iittfc r iffljj aotokyontil- l ilvioi i i i 1 i ll 1 1 1 t lta itlii jifi tllj iju wv4v us 111 ajnlruiii nil t iji tt

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