j ji r moti qhureh directory nrraootjf cudrtarcikin k rf4iti imjj nwrly cnnlqe e- p wbsj trtawkpttt ksrkuoiibllasti j rresnrntitu gztivtca l iihmw it ludl nra auwnoinmnntwtctf i utidar norutuoslw satiutufclicotat ijsam hr nil ciukont taster oosamajtrixat on kftitutdir voolu- isi m itittunii riweuui lt p mwto k ixeiucacalient wtr ktkwb8uwtsrlitmmtl uamimd p sb4lh sew l itt iwj mallei otttucviair and tkutidar cttulwcs sispm i pnarlt rstvicsa i puedai frfe him tu am and t8ttttccrcuiictllovs pk 1 ttswosat rrtscorat iucworfi ofoirnotttim o v f kiixvtccsaudaj tktchlt cat 1w sdbhajll school wn a 1 cxtltouc ok milt wli wt w oswti3 rt wa ssrviasfwrlu caoasy in wtmirlb al loita saudi be ool it pn cvec suu tv 1 1 rnftleiorttsk 1tuir 1ctox i ree mea fob lisuwd every thursday uonuar si far attaunv in advance- ftdmrfmlfcess- ittcislrmtbsc kr ik9 fko war with russia this year the dieat of lha russians in central asia is consrmedad the invasion of india is thus delayed this sill give eiigund mure time to prepares for s strugs that ucisiing- just sure as it has uotytt cum butheniinelistbatengliud evennow doe not appear to be buckling o her armour if iudia is worth keeping it it worth miking well jire- piruba uvill tnie the rsk oc rttsnt no child pur ker ein ire ia cnad hope to csapo the doknjtteaeo of saeh ooafliet w mx aad rill heexpected to defend ocr ova shutes foe nmmt kwp uve ti the fct thit riusi is eyery dr jecoaiiag more powerful on hsr pacise tioi when the r come ujs 4yiirai4heojtpotaient by thtowtug lit inay corps lata british columhu tlw retrt murdfft crimes of fte brattrniturecoinmii- ted by saa eenuwy roi curke brova fortimttply bat jel jocfahpck she worli- one of these tietims of ptisioa r execated tut fndsjv the nunktpnl and fiendish cittieter of his crimei leaver no loophot for reg- ret chat a min ho u hid bus prett hi- ute ampementif ttoneaieng he to offinded society whether xhe jieith pemuy iof n desitxhte as the punishtpentof eertaitt crimej i a grave qtttttiot bats long rs it exists sneb mhrderers as clirfce bcofn eoald nit hope foe etcipe susia keuoejy miy have beea detinged and forthe site of her sex wehgeeihere cill yet be sufficient reason to- believe so but guike bcokq hid not even the pocr ilei of drdnkenoess to set ap ginit eiii- of the u0sv aaaaturil msrdtxt that ever ifisgraced the name of mco e kiug dodda is- to uctura ih the coutuuiuf catlloatad rustouypiitut lh8wtac v the eiecatioii of olatvbrowa l cornwall on friday last and iu dying ccnkasioa of guilt dosei notl tofct a i nj time fa tivfer tiatyfue yeani or tnduronce hu coutin rvloii period or at nojance md uvlmry mr ji j flond ol uancheatcr n h aln going through u ail krltoat ine tontitutlonl calarth kewedyhai reieued ms fram uaohtercfukv rrr damper of execuud utminala uu too believed ira was forgiven tbruugh thn sactiliwof thosonofood ituujt foe na to limit the mcicy of got a well teultued liff haaever livsi iu haunrof uod and ul tuetcifnl plauoi alvittjoo ia auitifiiuuiyaumtikerevw eu9 ailvtion- than a cowardly fith ia the fact of a ttimbhi doom the rood tiiuca will bettcfit the eoun tty generally iwumuocktwtsoapeciaur unt tvey hixi not likely li ufflct pepl diua biutiuf excvptfor the vcurmj for a whtuv vet tin- iury leuiaittt she ittiiie while bread nd all the- lx- uriei iihi mctaaris of lif are riringin a more or hi ilejpvc ko doubt some employers vtillwo the jusuoo of making their cbployeca profit or at least not jaffer fioui the general prosperity ud it it to bo hoped that the whole will kite ttio mailer the cousidemlien it deserves 1 bauekatd- krtutir ealjri vellnir oil it the belt rem edj- in the airld for the following com ptiinta cramp iutho lirnba and stom ach pain ia toe tide rheumatuni in all iu forma colie keuralgia tleah woundtj spinal ooorplainta rpwini and bruises dont fait to prouireil lit equal las neverbeen known for pernor ing patn itt all case far internal anl eileriial use said hr all duileit it board of education boardoftrustees of actpn school division tout in- the school hohse on itoudav eveciuj puaaant to adjuura- meat preseut mr w h siatey chairman jletsrs d henderson s iloore sl speight and a lfiaby xlinutea of iirevious mectiiij eui ind approved the resignation of iliss moora was read and ace ptcd slored by i- speijht seconded by v- lxshy that mr tfaoa iloore be rc- eniged as teacher of the first de partment of icton public school for the ensuing year at a aalary of 55fl with free hoaae and ttut the secretary be instrttctcd to prepare ibo proper agreement and that the chairman itgn the tanie ou behalf of the board carried sloved by d heudeison teconded by s iloore that miss uckelnr be rpeugaged ai teacher of the seocd oipartmfntof theficton puhtie school for tlie ensuinjyeaffjiij salary of 3qj aai that the chairman si agreement on behalf of the bjard carried- ftaaace commiueo broaght in the following rehire and reconimenled lay ment of the following accouttls thot kourel aalary for sept ttiu mrkcliar mioore mnharlica thot sfuore for oct muajmceuar i li u ogre j mnhckhet i p ilccaan work and ititerial emwo i hall imnherelc how ft woman read a mews- papor sjmebody sayt that one wha will wkfeha wotuan read a newipaier will get some idea of uhecharacteristiv ideas of the fientfirse she takes it np hnrriedlyi and beginttoscan it ov r rairdly at though she was hontingfor some patiicular thing but she is not she is merely taking ia the oucure pragraph irhtch she half believes were jult inoawfthe way places for the aife pttrpoae of eepirig her from bering tecni a she finishes dh one her countenance brightens wuh the comfortableresection that she has nqt- witted the editor and the wliole raeof nieafoc she cherihes a rare belief that cbwpapersare enemies of her aex aed editois its chief oppressors she never lead the headlinss and the huge tele graph heads she never sees she in greetlr fur local news and devours it friqj thft keenest relish marriages atd deaths are news to her andadrertis meets are exciting and stimulating sho cares titue foe printed jokes unj5 they retteet ridicule upon the ntect and then she delights in them arid never forgets thent she pays jiatiictilar at- tenttda toaay thing enclosed in quota tion marks and considers it ratlw better ahlhotity than when erst hand- i led the columns in whicvj he editor airs his opinions tn leaded hifalutin she rzreiyreade views ireof- no impor tance m her esttnsatiqh irtit fteu ae ererytiing she generally rsads tire loctry she dosent always care for it uecatise bbe thinks sfi oaghf to she reads stones anf eketehes- iailtscrimin- ntly add belieyes every word of them findlfr sxtershe hii read au she iii- teadstoihe lays the paicrdflivu with n air of disapaintnt and a half con- tebiptuooi gesture which says very ililnlytlijtt ehelbiijksiol newspapers liimvalilefsilures wituccruiu lliat if she bad a chance he could make the oalf perfect nevrcpaper the world eret j thaosiprilous ar or a persons life is when fiais teinpted to depaai ko onfi chptdefffosdaot evsa rtie young man who iseofeeblsd uothment- fcliyaud phyiicaurbf liablts of early indfsbreiog syeorisecjn and iks ursi will ciirefftjeinst djilreuing case of kidirathtavgia formlleby all dwlermlfpeffcoure 2t 2500 6s t7 v500 61s 117 70 3m53 total gloved by d henderson tecondid by xi j speight that the above report bedopted carried moved by s moorr seconded by a lis1v oat the sereury iks instrccted to advertise for a teacher for third ueiurtaieut carrifid moved and tecywhtbivt the boatd idjount until itonday 10 th insc saturday kfg to fa bddircf 04 free prtui siahay iog a grievance and know ingtliat newsmper mn always take the part of the ladies l have determined to mke it tblie wilfc ysor permissiop ou saturday evening in company with a lady friehd i visited nibst of the stores la the village and surprised to see in each store a uttmbc of youug men yes and some oldef j ones who in my otiinion should know belter gathered around thestovt acd bitting on the counters kuiofcinfe talking and litughiqg ioudsputiog around on the floor and otherwise tuiacoudtteiing themselves 1 have no desite to inter fere with the tuetchjints in tlmniabage mentof their eatahlishmepts but this is a bad habit and t trust this hint will mitigate the evil without doiig hem any harm thanking you ilr ediior i remain iliss eeopejctt acton sut 3 79 to eligible bachelor to fa sour at i fnrfw iab sts as jooj- kindly offer a space in your paper for theiuulushra- profemedt ond eiijoynient of the young iieaple iftliiak it tuight be a nod iden to give the maaiiage guestion an siring as it has not been diiciissedin tha fkee peeks and t kcow of sever al bachelor in this tiltngewho might profit faf tlia suggestion as i beivo they have lost sight of the fret thai anohan institution as niarrugi still exists if the could oily bo brought to think seriously tnratr lllia subject they each might add co the ikeasure and hsppfueaa of one other besides themselves which would gurely be more gratifying to them i than- to live oaia selfish hnchelorliood litlje fhitik- ing tliitlhe very money they epondlo iudhtga oniyjn their own ples3ire wuld g far towaldiflakiiga com- tocwut hepfiyhomp where they could jend chair evtaiugs bi oongenial co li- pinionsripwithout having reeoursa to the skating riak or any other such tin lloficabtu auius01cnt hoping ttut soajebf tliosn eligible hacbeiois wiugiklhait viewi ou uie subject i remain dear sir iy4ie6lfiiuy fxresbtoyopsvprortii aijau kjrj 78j jt b s t 17 pt fc it rmo tint twice- five io thirty drops ol 1 lioiua edlccltfo oil will cilia com moisore throat it never tails in croup it ulll cure i oold or cough in iwenij fuut- hours ua holtlojiaji ruted broti- chttuof eiglil years itndin- rocai t c its ate cured in three to six daya it 1 hit relottlllwi voice where the pron had not spoken rhovaa whliperln lv jsjrs as un oatktnl oppurallod fnall ue of p un or lomenesi nolhtng lik it has over been known ona bottle wi i cure unt easier ltuie buck or crick iu th hack for dheajoa of lha spme auo cun ructiuii or lla niucles u it un- qiiailal in hheuuiatio or any qlhor pain the applioition doea you good it fclops ear ache and lha- pain of a- uuitv lit three minutes nn is altogether lha best and cheapest mediciua ect cbied la the people uo cheapest because it lake so utile to do t e tompoftdol six of tha bcsl oils known and nothing but oils is worth lis weijhl in gold why ool buy llloday a r dei uacheis csdttsnl postmaster ar- tlutbaskaviue i q arilos lhirteen years jo was seitel by a savort si- tack of kkeumallim in tha head from whiclr t hare nearly eohslanliysuflered and after havittj used thomas tclea tile oil ur nine days bathing lha fore head i hava bean completely cured and hva only ud half a lottle this leancertire uuder oath if you with kcv j miliary of wyoming k v nrles pr thomas eclectrieoil cured ma n brouchllit in one week euwitx or lurrjitioxi afk dr thuuav rceclric oil see tivl tha signature or ti k thomas is on tha wrapper and the uame of korthrop k lj man nre blown in the bottle and take no other sold by all medicine dealeii price 25cta koiuukoi t lysux toionioont tiopt for the dominion kite iklviric schoicdand electcitcd pure qpgwver oil hypophpsphltesr lime avdioda soadllata lctoxia4kktta white wheat ft 15 to i is trcadwcll spring wheat glugcw lied chaff oau fcaa biruy eggs per dot butter dairy packed batter roll polatotk per ba sacipakius hijcf per cwt wood per load hay pr toa straw per load wool drtssed hopt ffe white wheat lradwll sprina wheat ghujow r chaff oau feaa barrey errs per de batter daily packed butter rou poutoea per bag sheeptkiat huea per cwt i 15 to i is 1 12 to i is t iq to i so a jo to o 3i 0 55 loo cu q w a 0 s7 0 15 to 0 1c 0 15 too 18 0 i to 0 m q to 0 50 0- m to 0 75 5 oq to 5 50 s 51 to i 00 7 00 to 600 5 00 to 00 o 15 to 0 so c 00 to 7 00 ctxtra sbkst fi 75 to j m l f itf ih wwl urta m imufloa kcdlhat ftifxifars buiuacanonnsfllr ta all ott sbevi li k x tr umtmit iqfnauo its ivuta lhaa lila cod urv ott wl but imlibwt bfikt tlm and loan nsurior ux lopalnd tacdom saa bid loan l r j- lpdaabluuhtiaatnrmpiiusaipma foe mitvt asdnalms al uo pr beula st0ve5i stoves yoheap i at hills a u rye stxkxfalt luit o to pti jul rrraoed oiaasocftrep achat ijtrahvy a icoktltefutu aila aurf if nut kandxme slore tn fa marhi co6kstoyes tf nil tiut at ac eery laictd pricet t lopsr r a n e always on ujkd sataraouaaitfii etoakiassvcue ae we0ia1tis a iri1 6e ewcirfeiea ike thariat notice ooaltoil a jxf flock tfifriar quality cheap c0h2aot sezfartouhablvsa u c hill ftptettiherllthirbl t reduced fori 1880 a ytlujhle prteuiam giren away to eterjy sybsrbat- 10 he kreal family serspaper ol ihe west western advertiser w liberal ton teeo siloaiidprixestoafftotj sottttor ofisroi la cuudsw the westecx airjistuw aip wstxxr s ueep estray camera the premises of the subscriber lot 23 can i einoaioi oo tharsday ictl irut one aed eve doe kgea ram and a umh owner can have thcta by pror inj property and payitg eipetuea 173c balance of ms free to jfeir sabsrrlber i 10 to i 15 i 10 tol 15 i 10 to i ii 095te i 05 0 30 to 0 33 0 60 to 0 ci ilmeiut i an efghlpage newspaper of n a vk llj i c pnnled on cosd strong x j n ja paper and got up in firitclsas shape ft 1 1 0 5rt ltaiecial features are a specialty edilea n i 1 n w teachers tlepartuentf iatmars page 0 to 0 50 fai iar- wi f- ci he 1 known ard jihlrttaitricultural writer in canada vekridary depaiuuent spect- allv i edited ilusia ilcturea etc original huwffmf kkatches temper ance reccirdere a nw marketa adiloriat writbg and repocriof h aprtetuas usacond to hope tcsuli foe 1smis4 rest ax5tw 0 50 to 0 75 00 to 50 v waldie t ax collectors xotice i will be al mv owu rcsideneebtwccn main and willaw streets near the flow fietorv on kitcrday 8th and wcdaesday 11th cfkov rnm8am to 6 pm each day to receive tatct ah tasanpaid after this date will he dealt with according to law immediately is2t th0s eastox collector vto hork baed work 1 cu chmst every dot hi hid wa dar every persoa tttat las eaarulni lo do stioatd boj- oaeoffaaaas kolselemdoefoircr weoii that wll ran ellhr tlje dasu or cranlc churn tue ehea peat eailel aj bt run ulnf wheel tiet is made call and oe it at wort on barsltiackorflenmiiskot4l made sntl tutd acl bj- a korbes acta ut wkupoproiflrfjeailuni akxitsl tr to erery cuuteilbet lot lfc iljnetoi u7t rrc to new iucrtberi scrttuctll uiliyear ifre nt or mtnet tp- tlon has been laa wltliprealltmt iveftsve now rcuuwu tt is i so wttn fcuuuk axxcai- xsauy one f our former premium chases recipe uojfc entianntx welilns- oaaud iwucoer or tlie 8aictcijrau cult b had actlescme tciorx vir i jc extra crftlnall aqestk wakteovce oder eipedlnoa ftlly liberal terms ibt season wtlte tor pirlltulata fre- umpti aud aceou teaao brrtthrntaatl address alt eommuclealtanc to j0hh camer0h4c0 jycicttsritcrricr loodonont new bapbee shop hiii street acton tneukdehsrgei ras0peseb a barbershop ia the bdildiog opposite j 0- kills tinslicp and is prepared to do evrything in the toniorial art in the bert rnd most tatiafactorymaaner possihle he solidta a fair share of the patronage of the village of actoa sad ucinity sod will gusrautee satmfaction to thoee who cnrsge his services bartering bv the moutk at special rates give me a call terms reasonable igtf jotlkwoedek sslilliiiery maatlsi aai dbessialug establish kest misf 0 smith takes pleasure in apnouhcing fo he bdies of acton and vicinity that she is prepared to 11 orders fcr millinery- mantle or dress making in alt tha latut styles and at the most reasoaablerstet- call it saliciiid miss c s1th llntn street aeloh m a o p w p 0 q a c cataejbh caiarrh orssycttitftrntlinrcakctlir fjqnsutciuonklcaitaniv ramevt lirnrjpingrlnturo5l4lraotloctiotltic hcailitcuc ptfniutilinauirr bacc ana kwtwyiani krulre orekkhiff ijnira ff tfaa- flyitfltii efltvtl by oooiutauoal- crturrti kstiaetfa acehqfwycar br cm4tnuttotaalcntiifhraned ofttatrti witu prqcptun ut throaf woblnp cuujicqiffirgjndfcf ihczittt-ii- iafn fnbueaudwikofwqf kldctyyt immefifcterfeflctifsi icm ecmlni uttktf 6r uieof ana dottksof coa- flataitotl cauitfi kfitafdy a mtncuitd flf cauirh of 0 yfitrn htandlocbx uafjccciait6uoulcbarib tlciuftdy sftfadkatlf- mpalrod bujzyvlftt ujxdelilns ftlmoet jif itoafiletl vicli irinplitiin thrbtif ytctnunit brtiinf la tictvl ondfoka irtiaiti cured by cjnftuit9al catarrh lvided ciinrrijuht1uurcaqllarttinplonii fdrtctitehroil rerfnkf ott cowurap- luta conitl br le thmn funr bortleft cog- fiiukonaii cnzri- hte etfr- boncs mtkcr pne mindfmi tanl criutthbraedr carrrti wiiji all it lhiora fnj anfioured by kpurbomlehconrti lailonal cainrrhkrmidy for sale 07 j k tfcuuvlo dmf jitt hacyards peotorat s a- m for h i pdr a r nnao at cure of it is formed from he best known and mt reliable uaamkjtnnkand vr etabletontclii ehamteal union with lue extract tfwdd euerrr liatt and te4aoricef in ihlr fresh and unsdnlter- aledformc and ta ttie most puaaant amtflecilve cambtnaitontiiat can be secured with a view lo permanent rellf orcureof ffocrtoicu obttpax coldi qahwy hfiueoa whooping conga cterra kukkctjacvttauickrmic brm- chllii aciicaadchrmic pltvr- icy splumgoflllood and all divcatet of ac lnngc for sale br alldf alert 1 1 so par bottle mllburtv benaltr t feanaosr rropa tobonw atteatioiil atteatioa i genuine flarpcrls baioar pot- lerus fall eultgonly 5 cents stsavt ast felt rlm axcbdskrr do ottals autllartitsttu mes e rffa8s rtishes to ik kokmthe vileeoracioasndyietnil tbatsliq has latelr learot lha tteijcumuluof i cutttoc mrd flttliir and is now prepared to evfln 5njat jr etlsattloatii toraetly i wedaltrsiradrunralooaentmbalmoa i dresses arid fackuia rut osd a perfect fll 6uiranteed itla reftianableprlc for aijiuh and chtap tats aimhonieis ssuoto i j- ihksve hraas i i r teorsasooarb rjuelph tettlobivf slideslaop fi biulrttfi wwllfaas 0cld eespect fhiw uiumacto the poopia o acton mjwfsltin baorbh shoe sitj i abpioiftltt fpd pioastir aclooisepl 61st9rt r j i ijrs dbt gqoids and groceiaies tlie undersigned hat jtist opened a sta- dry goodi and general gro cery store ia lie stand op- pojlla dr mcgsrriai residence mill street aoton ont a stock of new dry cqods fresh family groceries has jasl been opened and wilt be sold al reasonable pnew j a share or he patronage of he residents of acton u respect- folly solicited j b haslett sept 16 lf c w hill photographer 1 tol dealer in alt ktads of moulding- prames and tia art qesdi wail work guantnleed to ba- equal lo tha best in canada and l itte aalisfaclion esjcsi to sure the haan truss cbildbzks pictures and fauilt quo vps fiplcia l ties oliketmw cstiei sa saurfd te ay slat or styla fdotocrapba mailed to an j- add rets chafl wmul acton ont aa mobs wm stewart co 1jelph wa reapeetiully solicit the altenlum of the mblie to our new atock of brit ish american and domestic dxy cjcodtft which for nine and variety will fultjr maintiiu our past reputation for gocl and cheap qoods we recoqaita the necessity fcr selling at a close price we thea with coh- sdence say to the public come see our stock compare quality and prices and rely on getting lha best bargains eraroffere dot new goods cheaperthatt old stack at hall urice cueap because just lha goods wanted being ireah and new for honest people lo read the adverlisemen wo are aware how perpleihig il it who shil talk the loodest and brag the most seems to belhemaxinrof each but an intelligent public know well ibut that is not selling good and cheap goods oress goods and milliner y glulellipih we have opened over 300 packa0e6 of fail goods i t imported either direct or purchased principally from manufacturers in this country and iwe are safe in saying that i our toc oe dry goods ij equalled by very few in ontario we how grand ralae 1 colored dress goods from 10o up fay3y rbess goods in new and fashionable ka- lerial bliqk and colored silks 20 percent below regular price l plain brocaded and satin striped velve teens all ahadeiy j shawls mantles new den ki millinery goods lovely styles all the ndelties mantle cloths and heavy bayeks i elannels blankets and wooiieks immense stockof plain and fancy 1yinceysj overcoatings naps and tfanpy cl0ak15 tweeds iu 400 different pallerns r reajy5iade suits over- cojats our oyrs make imllensli varietyof brussels tapesfiry wool umoif carpets l eterybody should see out wonderful 140 suis sold regularlj at from 1800 o 2000 j strsate mojiey- d williamson 5c co cloths cloths 1 east ejd i lothig store at thep if yob wakt a t good aud cheap suit of cl0thes kow is tha time to purchtser as we are desirous of cleariug out our stock before fall goods arrive fyfe ft issfafew 0q- i 02 66 worseold wileyi ir 8tand unexceiled for new snd graceful tuslgns utility workmanshigand low prices hi all grades ol j webayein all the desirable shadea and make cloth and batr jackets i we are shoing now n lot of s0 bought at discount being a cable repeat order aud late w arrive we will offer at a special discount of 15 per cent for all jackets undec83 ovep that price 20 percent theaoare gnithargiiinilieini nev and beauli- lull iriiumed nobody should buy till ours iaaxaiuineov hosreby 0 my es and all unai irares full variety tweeds feannels jbats catko wijt0by8 see oorlq oentndi2j mnt winoajriihe eheapaa io canada- vafasart 0b 1 rfltbisriggjsmi g il buy from them hare elegance with comfort and aayejnosty kwnl cd iatge stock no lack of choice ordered work kiflanind promptly executed easign of the chailftt hazleton lilock tjppr wyhdhani st atjelph i juj gt ob- stand aside clear the track for the eitoiiiiriwest mi j- 8 xit c4rgbaj popular salb of dress goods bought new and lojttly tenures oonlinuas dally toattrsot bayers rotorray direolion i we show aa imnanw stock loaedwt iron all at pbgnlar frteea 1 miiliaexf popartmwit r btnine in this department la rapidly increasing ordan ara edmlflg in fut ahtt lidiei find iva real pleasure tc- mke selectiona from our loftly ioclr r wt tcn t m ra34qaufaiipai hoii ojid bonuarmditi w muta fot tkettaxn- i- tit vlr- just opofted otr 200 banctaoaie bucfeund white oacrioh pluraso and tips bought f j to b sold al once much below regular iirtoe eb eap tad a- oi nfliadies come to the faihionble west end lor ehoioa ocd bucham i ojaioaoiie wat etd drm jfoiflo ad afwhaptf atanisftaieit 0efc