4 1v t tibjantxkttat tkbul thiulve aowoes tollowtt aotsawtvr ntghfkspreet toronto mail dtyetpreet express jilt mind to tat i tbattk8iting day ths wulc itne jingle ot tuumerr natty sleigh bella dour salutes our eart as i flycatcher jack frost out- j nak wr bun bill pltyer in the eouutry uciam i now is tbo lima 1a tuake out your 910am i account biu scads neatly printed at thia l44pm cmlaiidieetpecimeu sltpm mb crccdoiair mof clmlliahij ootxo ust jurat express gxlt rairei i diy express western uisil lialoakd i j mail tle tabled xiiu rcccwcd frnt the atfclq iutn from toronto s4ih isfatt it frn iciutl et4 frmar 70 pm mam 012 a tit us0ant qpm 84a p ijun krxm kjuueuboil ws am ou tuesdays tt4 frmar v from xptytiaa thka on vueadtrt and fridays iitutiasu witfoi atii a su mc uast cli o m hall foe- toronto 1113 stn i vtetib3u blit ifcm saootasaiat and friday t tme mill 10 e m on raetdsyt end frusjs reentered letters mutt be matted is mlo- ulstefore cuklagumf kfav jluyekismexts slotesjc kill seouri iiliartux secocj mieep astray vvsldie call and ex imitie i llavilt calves ietrij davtd itooce the beat pspermunn t co bologna faustee alvx seeorj reduced icrlhsojna camerotioo stuhbora lacu wilsons tv iu tc rry alcenliooj sawp- tain scog that coufio icubdm bealley fesnoa liu opened a general grocery stare la lb mud opposite alt s av sacord v nqxcof ilia teienliati have ex plained vhy il ia that a iu is always ua ilmuiul jiut broni lia ur it built in tha tuorqiac tiwse arlio wuilijto dead beat id- rtttiiomcuu iuoul1 rcittcoibcr that tpapar ie dublithcrc firm wbichit ctuiiia a very hovy culltf to kcp up ho jiruat arock it ot abrv t seatiku quiu a uuralwr ot our voaug pcoula btvc bn out oa tha txiuda imtu jiic ia tho plruut putiaia ot itniok aurittc tha pt few dijt wo pecfer to iit fr wedex yet until th ico become more fc c 11 love jlcisure and abhor lector no otic will chdoia l cloudy iky a rough path but ute cvili he uicic good part ahd thoao who really long ur pctca ud htiiune will try to aadjattud tnct them itnleid hurrjinr idoti to- iilfltj- or with fgrccd liey rerwtau- 6er mr euleloo of othiwtiiintoiro we aadentiad that the official of th baptitl churchei of actoo uiltoit ud uonilj are about concluding arranjemcou vith hiui to preach at the above places he purposes to reside here if the engagement ia tuaae j nohom worth attention rlid tbedotiecaia ihii column they mean butinou tad a parual will pay yuo i goods tut yott ctii buy at tte ign n the big watch it vac want pod reliable quad- rople and tripw silver plated cruets pickle suait btfitcr goolent icaptin eiot xcaspoona knirm ud forks call at oeorje yada jewellery store if you nut fine combs dressiufgsabx bick coinhs roireuiajr conthl permeated joird bjtrd mettoes faacv kate paper eareiopcs purses crqchet keedics albuois spectscles etc call at geo hyuds jeaeiiry stored aeloa to wx akd co rftl h tkckstttr itonsisc 61679 anotber oiook of stfltrarjust ar rived at j c hflli tin and stovt depoi r wasti paper five ceitu per down at this otllca 1 6q ont to worth 70 eenta al alex kcoorda birr value a ccc tui iu aoton atj w manna lasiaooa herrinjtagoodauppu ati seioit4i 412 ponada good sugar for jj00 at a w arwaa v tu k uleal atylea in atift felt salt at fyfe t mcksbe secokd hand stave from 100 up ltd u hiu tug lust valuu ia 60 cent tut ia awn at alex secotds doxr forget to go to a w qreeus far cheap teat jo hill for tits beat eava- trourhinjt in the county a v orkek for cbeap te go bent ten selling for c alc the neweat things ia lotfc felt hau at frfafc ucnibs a8plixdid atoefcof stovwetc oit received at i 0 hills komtka to arpai tboie ten dollar suits at fyfe t uekaba for a nobby stuve with or vriib- lyianfles mantles atth right mmb ifvtk 11 wn will rive the free pus and farnuare goto jchliri lcudatt adtrxiucr and watty mcrl froai a j- till th lit of january 188 1 tor iqo cash a copy of the advertiser aqaual will lie pceitettted tn each one who accepts the above offer the fazt pecs regular rates for uj month itf iju the adorriua- best t2jcent winceys in canada at christie hcndimon t cos actoo new stock of irtmps lampshades and best coal oil cheap tl j c hills best d cheapest heating drums 160 and the annual 20c making fj20 in town made to ordar at j cruill 4 1 it f- rv is o t if hit i far ttacf pod ttblocksctuxodsy lets go for sl ueiclt ride tac shops jail baatness places ill be closed today dooit step jiad fronvgate recep- tioot and visita are over for this eaioa toajctiathirrl service in the methodist lnrch this morning atlt tm sacred concert ia tbo tfntper- sse risll tha cveuii dgac fail to attend ttte only loaseworfc tkat some pirls do u when ihey bejin to dtut around after a here ls seodtdg lettersacross the tior der now it is necessary to mention the state as tell as the town or cty in the address mast of oar bars cendec them- selresv cuisance hf coortecatiai oa the rsrioas stxeet corners to rtpest profane history volcxteekatte3tlas tale ptidiix of 2vo 5 company voluateersi will c lenience w monday 10th ioit a nuzn- licr of prases wiu be cvvtn- bx escagfjcestfsir tfios sf qe tu mo rectxxrm fo- tu 1st dcpirtnent of the acton public schoa sid iliss ilc- kellar for the 2nd department bfect to think ahoat tbaoksgiv- ing and while yoa hive eoccjih to be thantfcl for temojber that yon aighi nike at least one pooc eeirt cbi by a trifiicg tee jouog udics are antioaj looting forward tor the tear 150 when they soil harejhe privilege r putting the qcestioa to some of our rusty crusty old liachelora leap year yoa know a potilt waver came along last week canaftiz a general brirhteoing of old scovevd baying of new ones toe cold weth seriously interferes with the plans of theyooac folks who delight in moon light rambles and rides cat yoa change a 4 bill is a qnestina aifced every hour in the day by merchants aadotbers what has become of all the lilser andsmxll bills there are more ti bills sroaud here than jicand very little silver of say kiad vtee fbee peels will be sent to i ersoo who sulscrihe now up to jan 1st issi far flou plyalie ui ad rinse- sub scribe at obce evetr mau ought to have the toeal paper you can ot fail to see somethifif in it daring the fur that will benefit toa more than the coit i people in the tisbit of placing resins in their mouth would ssk themselres thequestiow f where was the coin last t the disgusting hxbir of transferring a coin front purse to monthwould soon dilajipear it is dxugeroos practice as disease coold eirily he corunuueated throng the mc- dicxa of coins- lectcee a lecture under the auipicea of theladies aid society of the methodist church will be given by eer w williams chairman of tie gnelph district on uoadayerenifle next ui the methodist church tfis subject u elbow room and the isetarehia beea weh received rf til who iarekaci it admission is cents ock nett skwa new featare ie added to the general psyawpionir of the towolrr the new siga we erected on our offioe list week tb letters are bold enough that he runt hut readaad the aiirance of toe sips reflects credit oa the manufacturer ur iofau crowe of gaelph tast the letten and mr chat speight of our village did the punting and bronzing bgbseb 10 ieath mr feaeoct ct kassagsveya feceired on saturday night last is letter from his saamkwi mr ptolemy of the stale of wisconsin which eosreyed the- sad fatelluence that mrs ftolossy witile runnmg to escape the prairie sre was overtsfcea nd burned to death her little bof four years old which she wss earryutg was found the next day srithoafy jskt injarietv r p i baebei saror hrjbliii worien ieof ourtaealiwys oaf oposad s shop in the building opposite jv c hill a tinshop afeiajnstreceiredx new chair froin the eatablishoseotof mean worsfou t wdey guefpfc wmcfc u atitoinfortble- aad saaiabie t the feurwjeirhi- of tbe business ud scrttfit ij tbo mseirfactarers kr word solieiu a share of the patroo- agfrof the irillaea anej w aria trfaa suoeest taasksgtrag cosoebtra c- ertjuider ih aaafvieaa ot st albani enrct will be n firis thoridih even- ingiatheteuipeeaneehstt mieacreddea the uleateil organiat ofst cuorgea enoreh oselph odthefoilowuj qaartette of fsrorite teiut iaa foster sviprano uia kehie fetter alto- mr joplint tenort mr i w beoton bao will be present and miaa swatandmiaa eaa- utt of aetoa haw kadlprobiiae4topuy an kstruavaatal dae ladmioum f snd we give all for 10g taedi winter has at last arrivid and spologiscs for ling so late delayed by dallying with a stray tcphyr met on bis way frotathe xorth vvheu shewn gtean grass and dandelions ur bloom raixrks i ce is frecsrigty cool grand welcome from over coat and ulitt dealers thick boot and indiarublier shoe men the coal andstove nten will rive him a warm reception- before raartixge oh my dr- ling your voice is sa mnsicsl tom s4 a vesper bell whose touea fall softly on the perfumed evening sir 1 speak sgsin snd say those words uiy beloved for i ould liiten to your voice uutil the stars are eitinguuh- ej in everlasting night 1 after marriatre lve had jttst enough of yoar clapper old wuinan aud if you dout let up ill leave the house wees a taroier picks up a home paper tnl sees every reliable business hrux represented in iu columns by good healthy advertisements ha says to himself at once that is a business olace the niarchints are cnercctic wideaake aud up to the times they aie trying to build up their t iwh and eubauce the interests of tne sur rouading codutcy they deserve a little patronage aud they shall have mine as the time for rwiving wems referring to the beautiful is baud we ruhtnit the fallowing model to those desir ous of fame on the subject its chief merit is its brevity soft indusht pure and white cju the gruund x at a sound 1 kywweknow it is suw akotbek poitt hopcdailr we hare received a copy of the daily ajrf hope ntneswhich commenced publicstiau isst week and welcouie it to oar erchanre lis ft ia a oeatf fourp5 tweaty colaaxa sheet published every aitecuooo it gives its readers a full report of the latest news of the day incluclins- telegraph sod cable owing to the try hearf dun clotblng of all kinds waikus ii niitiiifaottirlnw fata mntlw olataas dolmana and jaekelt thuaesaoo and 1 jiving hi nomeroua ouatomers much betur valu neater fllilng aarmtnta and vary mooh betlar aed mantles than lb liiporlad ones which frequemly rip to bii luesns see his hamilton mad mkntlmvrn nloe blsokoloth mantles 31 fncbea long at814o twrlafisnllaa atl 60atil betleratioaandrislngeaciifncefrom 2ife to 60o all ihsway up io2700formaroilllforaprinoesifar abtmtwlmnufaniadf brenoftburgibritllimntltacturrandimporld belira the great xiraoesf in the duties nhioh are being sold ofl st fabulouily low prloai jf you- want to fare mt bay jfour manitosat tba luohluouab an king street east blauitcu blanlteu blanket ait iee the beantlfnl blankeuta watkina window thu week hl to4k or bianleia u enormoutiy large nut bought from one or the ran bwl blanktt makers in canadardr oaili when hawaa preawtl lot tnoqay and cooaequenjtlywui bu bjankeu much below wholes pnes to rinse the j cash wat1us8 loiliuiein lir bbt the adtertlaodprlcw of ptber bouiea x3erjr iair or blankets wtbe jls- p m n in puin tigurea o lhcummeioaatauyiiutoodmlulheyartgelt bilxmibllqbaibkbfvrntri iadf rjr cheap a full tlwfif prenckind koillah blank silka ranging from 65o to j3 bilks amid by tba drf ai at wholes prlont buy ytfnrshkeailje sight iisjo andyou will b pleased irithje imia colon and price tmy ere beauutul arett corpcufcarpela lt of cw canet awltetl tbb wek- dlreot from the manulaouirera aoenomioua stock ofcarpeubn band very nice tapealijr carpeu only 66c frossleya magnificeot jpeatryaipejlnsanli- lie aud ploei haodaojoe firaatacapew only 1 brintou a cromleyacooka acd uthn makers boitfire frame bruaaeli iarpeti t the tert lte pnoet ham therare qaarmtii geod wlkieer wlaeets w laeeraaa0lher thfpment of tbotc ibeaaufal cheap itluceyi direct iroai be hcotcii maaafaclsireriiohandthliweek about sboue yards of ffinceyr good and durable to nesr in all color and prices rrotn jotosoc buy yoar wlnoeyaat tbw kiout hoontandyoowilllomeof hemoit eomrortabla and cheapest press joods you erer had diaens of cnes of mourning eooda io almou trei styl w malarial at pnoea so lor andsuoh good qualities as to surprise eoatomera the black caabmerea from ufa ioll40beoxpormouisele they re kept betb wa d jet black 1 tntmamriioc hamilton oct aoj 478 andss king strut sail bllliltonjnt vhentht ttrandah u ioin rear eughrnn stritt thomajs ci wateothamlton g 1bll vifoe i dptcuea the qck joaraxl will aa tjoubt be wdcomtd xcd weu supported by the citizens af part hopvud ra witk it sue- cesdul cinxt l stubborn facts that in terer- xjid cliroalc cusst which tue itcetx a i oiter rcmetllef vllsoas coinpoandjnip ocwlm cbtiry gtves im mftjuie reh6t n4 ctteefc t tptdy car tux no cat tut been rc parted la thlctr it cillttf wcie retief thit everr fcmllj to fcep it on nnl ctn liacti tt croop wbooploc cosh colils urahchnlxtvi alt cinore t dt tati toil in ererr dltlcict fe re wlhont wkd ctierry his btcti introdaijcd u luu jimpcil into tirur la bu lnreilljlr tiwft ucie ttiui betide txlng t radical cui for the ibnremauoii aieaaccltisoaecifuie b5t tbalv la ac ttxt if yoa jlv6 not zircftdy doc 10 it is f aar duty to ixush a batfe stooce tnat yna c n bay it frota ui leading drac- cltla western outarto si opes uitiseojt as is the cse vith j1 free open meetings pven hy the sratof tetrpcxiiice thtfooebeli oa taet- tslv evening ixt vu arcll ittcaded the halt beinj nwt nqcotnf filled mr john- speight occcpifd the clizir the wiagtu fint avldressed by eer e hobba lad mr fitsmotti lecturer from best 5c rnt t ia 5 lb iocs for 45 ccnu ttcucutie haadenoaitcoc actua fresh ortterc sausage bologiu sxaujes cuiutcuy on faud it alex secordt coal 0ilb8t taadoa coil oil only 12 cent it chtutit eeadenoa cos actua kw itad lirrq itocfc of he jst md ckespest ttaves in the mixket jcit re ceived it j c hills eaakgest titocfc of boound shoes tt christie headeaoacov acioa a discoaat of gre pcf tent off my cssii par- ckue of live pain jr apvirds call nt tne faxc pacsa office for yoar ule bills yoa csa hsre them home with yoa the tttne dxy tid s good locsi oa voar ssie in the uext issue of the pdr lillukcer jaid mantles neves style snd choicest goods it christie henderson coc atoa sad prices gusr evitced lower ihsa ia say sdjoioia city toictx or village j- fxrkees requiring fidsr shares if any description can be supplied at he uaorgetoirn foundry agency in the cxe pecss building at the uao prices as at the foundry s coal oltr i forthcbet and cheapest coal ul in town at recced rates when large quan tities are purchased go to j e ilc garrina dru store kew cash stohe for ill genenrf j groceries freh and atw boots and shoea bf every descripuoa ga to a- w green he is prepared to nippir m very clitip for cash goods deuttred to uiy part a the tarn stoce opposite agncrt hotel extcrfausc ueaara hcquiluu k hsrailtoa cf the ellinrtoa sfatlte worfci gcclpb are doiac the best sad cheapest work in canada being the first to iutrodace firttcixm work at low prices by importing lie and groceries krouwsnt asood sndehsap article in tpue ffrkifssjajtajblkk i t e m 1 x7 evwats i sttops spioesf and tpbaoooa of all kinds f etslt l h ps wpqeft hairdvare of all kindt faints and oils hinges and locks nilla glass fceuttyv t salt by the barreu all cheap for rqo to- ao03 qjstk thib and following week an immense stock of cheap choice pashionabie fjajnott wool good13 bebbonsi flowees eeathbes stocs op wwoktsbvotsiu oa spelierbtil decided baialiisee thoi cottons flannels blankets tweeds j 1 shirts 4 drawers dress shirts c at prict auanartezd lowes son n ftny joining cuy torn- or 7ilage j cash c t hills 1 k- mill stfedq acton direct the best qualities of ifarbl srsaite 10- tf poe ilsnnfactnritfg pepartntent sach as mifjinery hafitlgi ordered tod readymade bovs clothing and clycrcotts are anturpassed we can suit the most fastidious lady inall particulars und we have msde extensive improvements ia our qathing department whub frill meet with the appro rsl of rarnumerons patrons we sell goods cheap to suit the timet mcleod andertoa co on vie verge ofitht graze r such ss bo candilion of ifoses a walker of nerry n h with congestion oi the lungs and chronic ourrn vnn bottles of the constitutional catarrh remedy entirely restored him to health sod to ate bis awn words built up mywhoje itttem the remedy it for sale by all druggists ovettwnctkikaevidfnce that ms lead anderson a co of the mtmmolli house georgetown hsre th biggest ssrjiichvnawnijkinetourjhniuchstoofci have the biggest place do the cahsda wss theu introduced to the audience tnd dehvered iniost iiiteresting lecture which every person present testned to ap preciate and enjoy excellent music wss discoursed bj misses clara watsou and higgle kictlln sod hra e matthews miss augusta xicklin presiding st the organ the division continues to keep up its good reputation for eutertsiamenfa thecarefuland pradent parchser always looks thoroughly thruurk the adver- tting colnmnsto accertaiu the character and extent of the attractions and bargains offered by business- men t houses that ad vertise properly are always preferred and our readers wttl have noticed that many of our merchants are now every week or ooce or twice a month setting forth in a newad- vertisemeut wast they may have to sell the old idea of a stereotyped sun ouucetaect standing for months it exploded ar alto gether behind the times our advertising columns are setting to be iust as fresh snd attractive at our news colnmns and we he llers theday is cot far distant when erctj mercantile tidyertixer will make it a rule to write a fresh advertisement srery week or j atleasteveryfortnight then he will get the utmost possible value for his expendi ture ia advertising the rarind assortment ofignor- anee possessed by the aversee poet ir seeue- thing fearful to contemplate the more ig- borsnce they have tte better poetry they write they are gireo to asking conun- drams and as seen at tier atrikt a hard one to answer their reputation ft madei the latest ptthoveioutthft specimen i tiny footsteps on t6e stain pattering soft and low i what doea their gentle masic mean t ivhitherdothefgor the mah who wrote this thinki he it tinartj but we ia answer his conundrum itseenra that there stat comeany at the house and immediauty after topper the children were tent off to bed after they had been in bed f just tog cuoega to giire the impression thai they wereatseep they eune to the eoneln rjfctkinidtny had not eaten all the paints yarnishets 0ils groceries wallpaper sfaflonfeiv school books chem at the post office store jasilitpews acton febi6i87o- s boots and shoes v price ito quaattgtra shi 8ttxvx1 a iv jo o la i xj 0e3 k et zj y christie henderson g0 actpn ontaeip j all and examine the sultana lor islowitb either snuare roacd basti graceful appe4irnjicenlfuny fliiiiutti v biggest dry ioada buafnaf give the biggest bargains a this county or any other wattty or cilys their place u crammed full from cellar to jjarret of bit bargains andtirtcls8s goods in speetion inrited competition nowhere when oar great bargains are seen am fsiplnutft whn s pat composes a set of turset thai ktirraehfcheartk te af he i inxalred k indeed he s wanacelebruted itudents of 1 hygiene otter cai efal nudr irvcs as paa- ceacr maarof ttie iuc ibxtvoeati r iwlrto we say they cure made lucky b t w- are wronr it is equally au lot pi ratio uebluty oroaculalaflctiru and contamitlon dom- be rtbttlr victims by tltethrasnd but bow f ooq tfjese dlffieaius cnald be ameliorated it we owy knew it seotti emmittanac pare cpd uter oltwiui uie dypphoaphiies of lime aad sda u tfa reiney prpeirlnenlly adapted to sah eondluous and if takfn ions fcovshualmotiteure to efleet a care it is chiq jerfretlyncreeable o the taste important notice it ia admitted by allpartes wha have paid attention to recent changes in values that teas r advanced fatly i5 to 20 per cent and leather frora 2fr to zq per cent oaf stock of boots ud shoes u all boaht kforc the adrtaee and about a veefc before the recent rise in teas we purchased a three months stocks we make no change ta price bafc give oar patrobs the entire benefit of oar good inck aadcai therefore gtisranee pris lowe tfaaii in any idjoinicg village town or city coal oil only 12 cents per galum writranted good salt only 8 cents per hirrel an immense stock of boots and shoes to select from dry goods eeadyjraada clothinc miilintr- m titles etc etc at old prices christie header- ton itco ictawr wliile youiie live wimot j t eastois baeer i would respectrully thmt mynumer ant customers in aoton- and the ur rounding country andtiihgesfor the ooantiful patronage they have bestowed on me since ttatled mybakery business in the well known stand stmosi opposite hills groceky store and besides offering toy thinks twonld solicit a continuance of theirimteemodpalroulge v it euforfootstfpt iito the members of no ff eotupanr are here by notified tousembleat ths drill shed actau ntr monday- 10th ifotr- t 8 oclock am for the purpose of putting n their annul target practice when a number of pruea willjjooveni br order john 8haw captain c ilye8 asteaf an lastrutaaatal htrared frotn the premitet of tho tsv icriber lot con7 inmetafireyearhng cslvet three heifers and two tteert the tteeriare a dark white m color two of the pahtry foraging forj mothe heirt are red and the other unaller and gentle nmafc 0 js aadcul red and white anylafewabon respectinr got inabetrf f jifctamexeof the 1mv will be thankfully received b ffftbetuppfie thj david mooee eoekwoos po or at nchfactt atthete that je can axu i fm pna qbce i j iwf tmwt j bottom out of tueh p ollal 7 airi sa es overco atincs -in- beavers diagonals miltons naps and tweeds comprising all the newest designs out this season- qootlenea intending parchising overcoats this season would do well to examine the magnificent goods a the cavxtn ctotb hau shaw mtjeton mcrtkavt tasort tatd econsmr and slmpiteity in wprklns in the- future a in te jrast aj witlr bbv secqjvq to rvftvaf whqemtaspprf br bbns akd cases are nnequalted rairioas sixi ersoutt orders for plciticscteameetibtti or social fiauieriugg protnpvy aadcheapirexecniedea r i sltort notice scontbownes the best pape tryltj bauotttcttt litdstaatjb l86tfa tear y thb atfitlffo amfrfoian ths poitctmolautikux is a largefirtl data weeuly kewrphper of hxleen rajes printed in the moat beulkul alyle yrvbky isystrered irta rplatdid af onuiapj reretenirftg the newest invfn lion and tba most recent advances in the arts kni scieiices inewdmir new and interesting tracts in agriculture horticulture the home health medtal progress sesiil soiecee sitursj history ueology xettoooni- the moat ttiuahl praotlcsl papeu by enrineat wtilers in all departrftenu of teience wih be lound in the o tebliats 20 pet yeari r6fl hair year nhiehincludespostae discount to agents sngle oopitu tea oecf soid by ah newklesers remit by postal order jo- mffss kco ers 3t path sow new vork patents in connection with the sfimtik drnfron messjt mokk 4 co are soliiytori of american and foreign ralenui have had 35 years ekperierice- and oowhsrtflhe largest establishment in the world patents sie d on the best terms a special notice is made in ths sclenflnc arflerican ot alt inventions patented through this agenoytltf the name and residence o the patentee fif ibe immense ciroulif uon thjs given poblw atteotion 1 directed to the meriu of tbi new patenlj and sties or introduction often easily effected jlox remoo wbohat jttnae anefdlsfioveri or tnvatiucsjt jjiaaomuiii tree vf cnairve wuether a paiebt can- irobnbry be obtained lywi1tlnttjnftm9i weiliokmiibit bcrepsredisaferm diss aad xsost leosluve ihsnroperuesoftbsol twift tiyllwtnhlm aadpteant i its acdeot wg y afreeabls w cha tp ty twattj jrfdaafatad a- aot flelyiaod sxirfcrnasoradsudtssuvlrjrlllodpuits- uvotrfor ssle brail srafftoat jujs wl lie poattiaiabirtt js t a largt amrtmentof ihi uading stoves in tu mattk ah tuidt tinware conffoirliy m kmi job workand repairing pmrnptl attziied to rimembtr the uhce natdiir to creech siddjiry ti uvsa havill s j lltert v salboarii iphttltfilfl 8tabvs8 mill street v aoton it whereryou cangef firstclass higs at reasonable rates good commercial aigs an express dejivary wagon will njeet each express trujn fa deliver good to ny part of the torttr- all parties indebted to this cs- tablubment tirejreijuesied to py op- without farther delay and sve costs- sdai ijsit-aifctei-ifej- ttfttoegajk- tents c aboot m ni j aws p- teat their cots and tralemrts l bow prteurad with hlblifiir procurlnx ad- vaiiori invcnttoria aovireua or tue paper crdtqeernlufhititiiii v i branch offloiyrtor f47tlilitsiisb- 1 jojtonvl testss taia boabi- the nndertignevi has rof on lotst coiii ksqaetlag rthoruugii- redheikshire bir8ich is a ptpi- 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