Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 20, 1879, p. 3

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i m s iw wtsu tins tblt tratmlwve acton a tollowa 1- ootxawsst mjhtkrprcas i- 1 xocoalo mail uij- etprmt fcrpreaa uallavircd sirtvt evprcst clt raited i day krpreis vcilcra ntlit ljulcmtttirel mill tihe tablfc j ijuusteckirai fremiti east fclo m umia piru 410vm 9r2itn ui30m 4qnm 530 poi viilt ttopjtlr john frost tuutg wi brisk tuoyetnetit iu tor hut week- coal and wood woio pmlly active loor orricut ssiiurk lome pnjk m0m brampton haapsaiod iulo the haudi i l4inm i ou aasijiee under mcuuroeflucu i a little hoy caiua to bis mother jtcectuy aud said mamma t should think ilhat it t waa made of dut should get iiiuddy iusidc whoa l drink urrurnilucr consider what e rmcm tn do ourutv tun ksckea if ler bo doing oc others the ilurici ot aur nciglt tars errors loud bill utile lo lie reforma tion of our own from tmtvt end the veslmrpm tfm kusiebbullsss iiu an tuesdays 4 friday ftmnisineyslde t m un tuwdiit nd frldar ul closed aoittwtan tia lur kailmis p m txalt tor toroklo ulon kwauhbtill nulllfcwanl oatuealaysand friday 8iistdc malt 10 am on tuesdays mi fridays p 1 ketlsleted letters itu be mailed is mln- ttlesfclareeoluettrav xew a d tss usxt- the i i hill v green r jaqucc irwra dinghim local notices local notices a elegant writing rabiusna jphci ton albert college j machinery broker jfcco xervoasness mubarn beatley k larsan qutarjo business college robinson i johosjtu dissolution nf partnership john xorefold ic6 1 i 1 rricpfr sec gn3 hyudi stocfc ut oatets fickle stands batte coolers xapkia ileus the best in luvu see tlyads toekaf kusvcaand fdvka table dessert ad te spojai tbe ist intott awiyi ciu at ifyndi for ytafi combs drcssicg cnmsis aetcamtu sieular oooibs pcr- lvrited cjti ijoird mottoes kbte apcr ettlope pectielex j panes albums tcket kairtsrawlaiora wetliiagaod uifthdiy preseati alrava in ttoefc at george jfynds jctellery aioriactoa toyx axdcorxrr tarcttu woraciw xov i is9 ih i th 3 vlttkgcndfli tta bia vin- iovu skites are liojfnriing- to be dit- puyed in sap nindoax it is ntyit t eirlr to commence skiboacrutsiabppen i 7wkaivheto reiiort conatant aad ratjyjjs jmjtitiaivi totjgrtnlueriptin r lervx jororders at he fbe pxivofficcfcr ymiocnispriatiu firit come flri tee rrd srosr tlie altaanscs girinj the croa5 plirzres and vlvmg u not kiod ai patent nimicincs to biy will leotit a bachelor bitja ultra is no mdder aigbl than a line wonuu with bin- ftd biir but we dunt knonrwby auyoao tuould asiume ihat a uni penoa aould xfr baurjsi hilr spurious tito dundos slditdanl wirui itj tcadcta ajaimt aceepling counter tcitft billa no the dominion bank xo such bills are usucd nor can they be all billa bt 2 aui undue being iasued by the government atj ottura xin w amornhrp wbo has been engaged at teacher ot the cbooi near brookvule xaftaeawcya resigned oicinc lo- ill health he left for mnnipej on monday int mr tv stoiartof uuclph lja been curaced at lecher ia his place oca imp bus of lata teeomo a poet ot no small order ecid his latest attempt i ai t tredged throagh the mud t with my arnifal ot papers lateppeduponalittlc tnd andhc yelled like a taper fckxiture mr john speight ia stiiitf uii shop on the wrmr of wiuaw and ague streeu near his carriage sctp vrherc he iutends to keep an assorted stock ot furniture tin t- requiriui nnyihicg in this liua should call and see him caxcegr the ohoir of lo xfelhc distcjuirctt here nro enptged in pro paring uf t grand concert under the leadership of priif harrington goclpb the concert vtll le held on thursday llth dnsmlitt and pioniucs to be one of the ikst ercr held in- tha villigr more anon xitasixb saktactaus christtnis is coming four weeks trocj licit thursday iiaqtacftusaiay br eipectcd to come to etcpraorlcrto ma his anucai parchascs tebaye heard it tlyly hinted that he paf- rcrares only those urlja adveruae ixiach it the cite e urilt ebdly help fifties oat of that difficulty and assist them to get a fairslavof the wcajlh in store for those ko are entitled to it soke people pablietyj make state- ments at public uiceticct and thcu hen their wurdiit visdora arc civen tn the vorld thej- had that they du not uok so veil- in rint instead of thinking that they i nloi worth ahlhilon fikb blbiiioq of slovos st j uiui v i t p t mofpofgrllciiat w qfli- per don at this ojhee i i bibt value m ten a town si k w q ren i i feslynliain5tox6ji in actoo atjeiaoni tke latest atylca iu itilt felt mala it fyfe t mexibi j i- secxixd hand stoves from 8100 up at j u hulv i fisi ltkdeiiclotitika good snd ohoai at fyto i mcnabs j jem nt u uiln for the best eyl lyiaifips mantles athe riqht flotise ti ibii retuba ttafl git ii hnpmerou jk ri voji u x d buok ol s2 lnohrt lonurt sttfteltar mantles at ji till bellevatw 00 arid rtilngemcfilpree froi 25o to 50o i x j- zl k i i roi p k f- abftat4q motlm madr by one of the largest britiifa mnnulacinrriand imported btfure the ireat wltmee nii sf ipnatrabuloualr lowprtoei lryou irant to ib nipney buy your manuds t the kkjhr house oii fang ttreet east blmntjeuv 4 mh wii m t l 7 ln canada for rash when be wa prid for monay and coniequently aol h blanket trracitlnw boje price to raiie tb oasn w al4uks leila tmtnlnr behw the adrenliod prlcei ofother bousea eery pair ofblankau baa tie weight and price hiattmontovffllb bfaio flgoreiio j i aee exaotly what good ralue they are seltln silkssilks silkadrfkry iaiii- irlaotfif ttjltitifaloolored silka received tlxis vej9kto tho foreign sjaanfaotttrerfl trouf biug in the couul all tuk ueweat thiiiijs in toft feit hats at fffo t ircxibi 1 jcotutxa to surpass uioao uti dollar taita at fyfo t mcxaba j for a nobby stove vth or with out furnituta go lo j cuius callnnif see tha- koyal coal ftnealjc best 12 j cent wincays iii canada at chritlic hcuderaaa t coi acton new slock of lamps ltriipsltiaes and best coal oil cheap ai j c uilli j best and cbeapot heiting dntuia in own made lo order u j c liiujv best 5c cent tea in 5 lb lols far t5 cents atchristie eeadenoatcvtj acton i feesh butler and sausages al ways on hifidit ihciih sloro a w gracn j coal oil best london coil oil only 12 cents at christie hcmlcnon t cos acton dokt forget lo go to a vy greens cash slotts or cheap grocerielr boots and shoes new and large slock of the hst and cheapest stovea in lite narktt just re ad ted it j c hills i prevention better than cure4- liay l too dlercoit and prctcut citilujg eolii you can ftet one for ci00 at fyfe mcxabv axotuek ttook of stiycs just ar rived at j c hills tin and btoyc depot lagaeft stock of boots and tjhoes at christie hcndeouicv actou a discount of tire per cent oil any cash pur chase of lira pairs or upwards iltlllvebv and mantlet xercit style and cboiccat goodi at cbruxic hendcrsou a cos attoii- aad prices guar anteed louer than in any adjoining cit tovn or village ooal oil for the best and cheapest coal lit it totvn at reuvced ralei when targe qoan- tities are purchased go to j b ile luanufuctiircra i ktour hook and j malarial at prices i ud jet black ttte might zolfsi so dnisz king stmeait hawltoxjutt uhcre the verandah i dmcmafsuijhmsir- hamilton oct 30 16 c t eeiali- thomas c watkln himilton co i rejioees rlia ire fceefunr poultry brer tbonld try txdir toosts ffhicliafesaid iuroaaded ciuu ooald tuitlc fo2ni rlatp the feet c lbs fori frooi lrin j pedrlemireiiivieed not to stict pcstarestiaip tu teft inside c i letter itrhlch oiyca cicscs tbelr iestrcclioa bat io pin thee ta tlc clett an editor ts s iisn vha- cirrys a px7r jtucrs in his rest poctd s tid tcnci iihstirriet pjefcet s mtajcmcilani in tis cazt aockti zcj tis wcallh ia sonic- thntcirk hid committed x cnt crmr f jaiinicnt they iu ibcir innoccqcc of heart garriafi druj kior a hive iitt that le repjirter the crripjr j mtiltlevk is cirefcny matched ovcr sud then wll tuixiiiif tiling- frimm in iiarut ngs up jiist tyv hecrl yczz fcia4 ith hirtj- etikc hu fice cff racefcer mki tater vcs czoirhiz ttll in the fill ttie year hes theuamat cfecctctkerj j loifees actoa- iidies comuia rf ihe tiamber of satanlay night loafers in tkt stnaof thit rfilage if the icafers tne the leatiaifeiits eutertiineil fur thfeti by the proprfetcri of tie stores j thej weald prujiuiy stx xtihoaii cluzutpiox k feoujkeit business man re- toarfa ittridiaifttflr foolifit fo vraitfor irntx1 itr the threicd mxo ili create ltninecs he ii crexft it by soffie tntsjj rf tdrectuidac- erperiecc 3i ibort tcadi fc tiiit ia jjo ouitxiy cn be reach e cany rexdcrsjia by xdrertkicg ia agood live ioess neicfrfrcr qcitetbt7etho folloviiij in ri ftftace to atl editcr j cnotaic jmore trftth than most people ife tpiilinfi to admit he i does niore gritoiitfaasly for tie town than aittherestox tle comnrcaity pat tflgether tndoftelieetaqiriedforct luwthe mxa vho deaoa tv jollad jsfuj teoiaiyttkmtjttedi vtc hare receded tf rflpy of afi a4- vance report of khe demmivdaiier 6t an- caltore 65 oajtarioj preflited by prof- bnnni tfie enerzetic laad able t apenntend- ejk of thoatirij erperimcttal farm this report it xpammzf at the teaalu of the vears mpemeata iix fnc prodtictiatl of ffraio beef and piattdn aod tiecud taferencea arerf ralae to tfaiinws c xajuiitf- j cojcpeolnsc from the fori foot of comtorwecfipthe fouorine o w scott general sonr brampton cname a xlilsisxe rtke lalit of tyiug fcirses afoaj the street is oljectiurjime lbt ecn it cogjcs t irsiig up teams directly icrtus the most frcacauil crossings in tht rillic it becomes a nuifiacc which thoam be dcr tinned almost evefy dav and epecialiv saturday several oa mill st are liluctdctl aoi gtrr are olilicd to watle thnibglrtleoad to cet airosi a top thocld be pat to th -for- if roa want oeooitadchcapaturlo in 0h2 sysotjapm elicit 0us- s i- 1 powder- sugars j i syrups j spibfla r anilitjaooosr of all kinds fr e8 il lvd sweet hardvfalte uf kinds paiuts akd oils uixges and locks nails clami flttty- salt bt the barrel all cheap for cash qo to- c t hills 1 mm stret actoti- aying in lare stock of groceries land ilariltfarv which he jays lie has lyulit ou very roasdh- able teruis zui hitcuda uitirijj bis viitiuicrs the buelir wholesale prices tft gfkjds a i very much higher golde syriip 75c pt gill at w greens esteklttlseiftark mcquillan 1 1 f theerossiug maaidljjuiur tha vitlihitouilarbic works j 3d fikit passctk guclphv re dbife the tct and cdcapjt yorhiarnnirh being the tirt la introduce firstclass uprk at low prices by importitig our mtihufuclnhng dnarlntcnt sacli kamtuiiierya slantlos onhredwut a ftall attdwife of berliu fonntrlv of acton treat to bintiiw to atteudthe fnneral of ii n charles wright brother of sxrrhall and wlnte there their youngest child liecaaie ill and died within a few hour notwithstanding the fact tkit medical aid was pnearcxl imtaelittely fthe child was brought kero and buried- in the village cemetery o 1 friday morning thif with the exct ptim of xl rather of ilr hall who v died inccriloo is the tirat death in the ujs tun hall fauiily daring three ceneratione- ceciecnee-opeiyg- the hetbo dictcburcb ttcvrhoiircimere which during the past few iceeks hss been enlarged and otherwise irnproid will be re opened on sunday s0th eenuoufi wii be rcachcd at 230 und 630 pm on klonay evening a grand t a meeting will t held addresefsand mtirie nd aa iaerbauet- able snpply of the good things of tbitf io kgor o meet his liabilities has stii effecting camiromismth his creditors at 60 cents on tha dollar the itock of the insolrent t ttntlentood to pass mto the trciimiioje oiren o fitreetanlk the above gentleman fonnetly earned on a general itore in this village- j kewspxres decisioss1 any per son irho takes a newsiaper regolar from a txrtt 0fbefctber0irecfiifmsoaie or motbeya or whether he has sabscribed or not is responsible for payment 2 u a peraoit orders hk faper disgnttnned he must pay all arrearrj or ihe fphtisher may continue to send it ttdtil oayment ut made hd then collect tia frfiole ainont whether tie paper is taken from the offictor not- sciekte h a good piece of frrmltdre for sfman to tere in irwapper chamber prorided be tuttconjaioa ension tfie- eroond floor anf a bottle brtaagards pectoral balsam- otr the shef u for tk to a sudden cold oougn orj hoarmoess this canadian remedy i misarpassadas ftirafita agent in- eraoty bfonchttis- life will l prorided sniiciaxipii tt- xfctovl school haafttoscn friday ust srhils in hamilton we called on oar old friend mr john roeij fimnerly prineipal of acton public school note held master of victoria school hamilton mr fioss has a very good situation and is giv- fng general titlilactioa in his present office he his a reftopvitle position havini in idi chirre about 24 teachers each having an averace of 50 scholars nnder thcci matins about ifoq teholarc under the supervision o mr eosa we were courteously escorted through the various departments of the school by- mr ffoss and it is- a pleasure to visit aninstitution which eahibita so much neatness and order on every hand mr eoss baa been reincafed f of neit year at a aalary of isotfref anaam we wish him every success stubborn facte that in severe and efcmntc cares wlilcti nave defied a ether remedies vthsens cofflpooaidtyrop of wftd clrerry elveilm- nsedste rellecand efflscts iiedr cur that no eas3 hateen reported in wnlcli it railed to it re relief thatavery tamllr tua lcer it on nard can lanrh at croon xhooplne coogu golds brooesufisand all fchidrej dleasea tnatuieverr district whravrilkina whd ctherrr n been introduced tt has fumped inio fisvorlu so incredlbfr ihort lime tost besides blnt a rarftenl cure for tne- above meattooed diseases it is one ol the best tomes fa ue- ttatlf j oa have not already done so it iff roor duty to porchase a bottle at once tnat ran can buy it from any leading drue- utln western ontario u readymade boysciolhiiigandufercbat art unsurpassed we can suit the most fastidious lady in all particulars aodite have made eilensire improremettls tu our ciothirg department which will nicet with the approval of ournumerous patrons we sehuoods cheap- to suit mcleod anderson i co xat as be feet sines if the tmfctflnaxtc rnduiiliapiy kirk white crp alive it is more tnan probabe cht ne would ieve cninnt his join pinmvrjdrk conle consarartlin jakstlv thronf as lu cu6 ror lhlfcii disease hxnor lisen disctvtred i is ficatts cmalalaa or ced tiver oil with the rfrpaphcwritiucv or ltmc aod soda 31inr sa tailed remedies uive been oatred tu the rubric bur nonehme pruved uusl worthy until this preparation was civen lo sufletinff bumsnltj it oot oyly re lieves in every case but in tnoit cacs per- manintlyenres i at te same liuid la perftct- i- palatable he sleeps with a bereirer rcdrr hll bead ok a wiss f kecacttox onthe borders of civilization it ia eatom ju lug wlutl ui uuumuuul tb www good time is nry witli t mpn tw ffh a rnldr a isa aai af fffif- 1st i tie niee wklster sir s l tilley finance mimrfer vts- edgstlphbn fnday last after apetjduis the day wkh a noinlier of his friends -ih- spectinz the virions manufacturinff estab lishments oftseeity he tvu entertained at ed deeewrviinare ihe wrftli- of tiielr personal proie i ly the sajaclou liouscx lie lo- prepare aearnst a soiden uluo ockick- nesa in ber faitilj ocjlltleone lalces tue wite itc aalloa lo arm liemelf with hie ra st potejt re mar j ktwwti loscielceforflieroi rnruddpiainitlfnmeii blgbt colic dliir- rnorinhimmallonor the btveis cacsd by oolufi at w6at is more often to ease the tut- inrcrsrern apilef t oiler utrtie fruit be fore tiring tue weaica 16 scott abatfnes emauioaofpautablecastotflll price i3c- orettwheljtixc evidence that mc leod anderson co of lh4 ifammijlb house georgetown hire tli biggest stock have the biggest place do the biggest dry foods business give the biggest bargains in this counly or any other county or city their plae is crammed fullfroni cellar to garret of big bargains and firjllclass goods in spection iuviled comjietition nowhere when our reaf bargains are seen- lweobtast ifotlrftltrt is admitted by all parties who have paid attention to recent changes in values that teas have advanced fully 15 to so per cent and leather from 25 to 30 per cent onr stock of boots and shoes was alfajnttgut before the advance and about a- wwk beforti the recent rise in teas we purchased ar three mouths stock we make no change in priced but give our patrons the entire benefit of our good luck and can therefore r6aantee prices lower than in ink adjoining yihage town or city coal oil ouly 12 cents per gallon warranted good salt only s cents per barrel an immense stock of boots andjstroes to select from dry goods readymade clothinr millinrr msntlea etc etc i christie hender son tc co acton -a- ttol 23r-y- grojdb and groceries the uhdetslgoed has jhst 6pehel a stk pla dry goods and general gro- 1 eery store in tbo stand op posite dr mocawins residence ifill steeet actcw cniv kstockot- newdrycoods uakwrr- fresh family cr0cerie8 has jnst been opened and will be kold at reasonable prices a share of be patronf if of tlie residents of acton is respect fully solicited b haslett sepi6 9tf john speight undeft taker christie henderson c0s- acjon ix ontario the best ys ia oaxiaia famous- 5 ocenf tea ia 61b lots at 5o for net cash if tajeoa this iritlbi qoat oil 12 oenig frff rr riitcallqtlttl bobes hat lianis 4 utovea aappued a reasouablfl rate i g g 0 n s sleighs ic ic klade lo order and all tlnds or rep air- 1 n g 1goitpttv attevdtu io gtenoloiis oil etcaoboat iplftnk al- vays es tusii nd nuao to orior factor and shops poqt of willow st acton johnspeigat aewn feba a banquet in the wellington hotel in th stt2j evenioc about one hundred and twenty fcfro sndju purmmiary cotnp artibipsfiad in the hiattuet and a for sale by all dealers ejoi time was spent- thieaingwas oauil verge of fit gravt t j with speeches by the finance ae siss tho condition i of hmv i- slimster and numberp tepreientatires sa-tts- zf nz ir ie witli congestion of the maaufaatoruig banneasesof thecity wilrofrnvnnb ramofietielist of groats we notice the oftheloranttronicfu w j d header ad to do- libit bottles of the consutntionm kenredyenlirely restored him to balth indtoose bis own jworts badt up my whole tystomv tne remedy u for ssleby slfdruafisir acenoffsaie ifraltikoincdy jot 31 oau twfeir acton will sell 6y pnbfttfimetlorfbrtnesday i ho 55tb 1879 the followiiiff-pro- j xamber waon pair bobsleighs 3 pair ewe tiilw 2 v- searlag ives m aged tires sim eambe nd8 dumber pfsfcipa of bees terms- ikoo and andw- esshl over that kwountlmontiiberbdiiajf preyed fointiiolefc sslejo commence at one oclock wm tmsffrlurtioneer p- ioendkagnew of our village saforfav last we had call from ifr wm winterof stratford agent for the vtabaah railway he it a gentleman rf nleasantacdattable manner and wjlwiff iwcrnirmelf friends j5tjk fm mrfbdwatdlucas who has ixtn on thi stafelrlove cutters in the ailsda more work here for the pastrfive yean eft for enelahd- where his fimily resides yesfer- tfwalfaoe bohabatt gbt operatorrthegt jjwj tnepsat two yem w j geofgetownjthere hsl mrr temnneralitesiioihod ijvitiia sdrry tolosebtmftomonrmidstbndwlsb bun 0tersncyes5 in bsneif field y iiv vltiiijuil ca fli in eifi on friday evening last about i oclock- tlie barn und sfdbles witii their conlenis of mr charles kirkpatrick pf 6th con erin were consumed by fiie mr kirc- patrick was absent from eomo at the time ebiiting at a neighbors where a death bait occurred- the woikwas that of an incendisry as he catlb nd horse had al been lied irlfh6 stable- early ori thursrray eveuirig and jtfterthe fire broke oqfr it wiih discoveied that the stock had all been fdrnsd odt inio the barnyard all jthe farm ittiple- marils grain and ftdl wert bdrned leavin mr eiikpatrrck witbdut his wihlerff bread for his family and with oat food for tlio catttibut ihefjrefierid ashttmane tnongu otifri outbefoic firing the building loss 800 insur ance on lock 250 tliftbuildifji w lotigedto diiiuedf 8300 insurance j t easto babria would respectfally thank m r hntner oua customers in acloh and the iur rounding country- andf villfigea for the bountiful patronfge they have bestowed on me since i started m y biktif business in the ivelltnhwn stand almost ppuosilo uills grocery store andbesidetoflering mr tbankl would solicit jtcoufintlanee of tcir esteemedpalrouage i ip in tbs ftttureas lilbo ray hndmysapplypf are aneqiallei1 aillboib l0ize a sibblitxt orders pieniti tkeclines or social gnthcrfiigs jjiompllr aud cheaply esccutod en i i short ttolice ijit w o q hacyards peotoal m r ax s a t tke ttirrat ana lp it is form ed from ha br st known and hibatreilablekalsnnis uim andv r- eumetoolrstft clwmieal onion yrlih ihe atract of wild cherry uafc yud liquorice intllrtr frcsli nd itcunlur- ited rorms and is oic most pkasanf aefleetlve combination una can be secured with a view lo pcrmaneol reliforcoreof 7rtrsae cbuflia coifs qnmiy ntctna whvv covlkcotarrhi a ithnm- able apd chroklt jlron- ehilu u reft arf caroaic ryir- icy spitting of blood and all iirtsrt of tht tans- forbtidi4ealertt25eiertollifi jhlumrnb a reahoh props tobosro yieea tt a tfc anyffitbti trryy in any adjoiningr gity town ot tillage call and examine the sblitaxa lor 1819 titb either square rr xonnd base graceful appeiiraiieebeantlfnlly finished and economy and simplicity in ff orklug r photqchrahbr ahl uealerin al ilnds of moulilags pxamesj and jjaijsijtotfa- kall work gnnranleed to be eqtral 10 the best in canada and to give satisfaction tbioesioserrthehaaiitisibs cmldrefs pictures and fulllf t oiiriefmes cjjfoa i sttuijw to any sisa or style pbbvojtiphs milled toany addrrss j chas- w hill apton ont aaro ihe leading styes m ihe t an kind of tinwame- constantly on hand job work and urpdxnw promptly aliended to jjciiinsim- tht place not dixrto omcht saddury u v x havill sconbownes twwi sues cast ii in a fork tht pfopertitt rttha50tlut 5aadciihanickovnddaiarein dyfercis 2nicopaiisnaidaljijrwnl dtnaiei 6enhaiiacntarwtojaleilia ocn3r2l and al pais aad pufga netbtlslioe ctoh and vlolultjv hint or has openedn pool bboe rnop liube ouudln pnpst2- fi storeys qlovo works on jjiu8ati aorpx- viji tiyi8immiti jiung j i 6nih dcit ol relb1rjprder wi stand aetoaba i attentiosii attention 1 ucnuilie htvrpers bazaar pat terns full suits only 45 cents stravr act intma3 asn bosstis doxi ovfbis aclthk lisbtfii mrs k h pass thiid is form the lalie9ofaelllulvlclllily tout she nas lately unrut the rteuehmedeof 1 cntaiqjuid fittliie iy auillsnow praparcdlogiveevbn sieatsr sattrfactioa tatoamriy vredolnaandwrsinomiaemblincd oressesindifncktla cnt and a pcrfncyil vukranteed at a reasonable price forstvllsbjindoneapuats and bonaeia joio mb8ehpass j 5 biigeortesstinareqnelpb trade mjjki i tmpi mark the clrcal bbc- luk krjnedv ah uiifalllnff cnivfjtsemimd wonki epur ninuirrlieainif lute ti and nil iueasas tbnl bafoibtaamvnraaaftertse rttck orcmmiirlinnasaimatnrforave 9srruialiiivala in onr liunpnlet whtenwktkste ioatn4 in e by msdi to evfryj ft mlil street actflji 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