Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 18, 1879, p. 1

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i f i 59 bit at j f fceiir jocrsil mtlxittp istecixllv is trt txnkists or rut cinttss or iultusiojcsty eve kf rkursda rat tks ikk press ittnling and puolisv ioc hue icrtlolhi tdethoditt chuieli mm sfcw aolftn 0t itiuix tut feu rtts will be lent to subscribers postage paid far 100 per an num is adtinoe it bud during the year i5q if not paid tillafter expiration of the jcarsco kopinfcr dire eitiaued till tl srrcarssre ptid erpt at the option cc the tub iihtr j alivkbnstv5 iutes csuspsdvccuse meats 8 cents per liio for ike flat iascr- lion nil 1 ceati rir liae for each tabsctjli vent intcrtoa- csjh irofcutocsl cards m0 10 lice cr kit h cp tr snnum i squire 12 lices5w pit unun payable in 6 mouths fnjfc due of insertion any srxciu xblice fx object of whick u to promote thepecimiiry benefit of any individual or comnsny to lo considered in advertisemeot tinnumlr of liucs reck oned by thesnaee qccuuicd measured by scale of solidjcoapartil advsrtiienicntr without special instruc tions insertel tilt forbid- and chsrged sc- eardiagly orders for disxmtiauing sdvcrlitemenu must be in writing otherwise the publishers till not be responsible job frrixruro er eryj fscility for bock plain tad fincy job pnctirg jesperieaotd workmer keweat ttytes c type rimses geoc chsrgcs moderale ip u0ore 1 editor sad proprieor voulifk a0t0n ont decemr 18 1879 frwtw4ct8g we lqwry lk kcps gra dcitt of ti icily college- if ember of college of phytic acs tnd scrgeoat ofi tad eetidet ce it the hi id of fred- erick st aetoa t ilcgaevik i gndoite it desce coraer of jdii coaialtitioa dxily from s to 6 p ra ii d u c p s tctori college kcri- i tad frederick ttreeti ifroni s to 10 1 m tad brikch offic a omcr ortsj i lister i clark barrister qtjeseo tt gtjelph in ur matthews bulldln iust acton cvtev ffidxt el w ll hesfstreet licaaseq auctioneer tor lie counties oljwciuagtoa and haltoa ordcrtlfift tt tfaepce pfccss offiw acton or afc mj- retideac in rbctod till be preiftly- attended tcrnu reaaoaxb patextsfou dmorsir aad tent guaranteed of printed tatructfrrf leaycart- ixvektioss ekpe- iproperty teccsd in can- adithe united suites andecnpe pa- no charge iiad for agency ia epentian kekry grist ottavy of lat kechixiicsi ecgitecr solicitor of fitents and driflgatcatn t ixv solicitor in cnanccrv c office next door to wallaces hotel milton dosicciok hotel acton robert agtscv proprietor the new hotti h fitted ap in etsfciisi etylewith new fuaii- toe coainercialjtrtviuer will find good tccoaiaiodxticc e id coannodjoat saazpe roomx special aitentioa paid to the wxata cf tha trixelkcg public etr cnpplitd wilh tile best iv qaors aid cigars goodstabeng and atteatire hosiers royal esc tor jas xge hotel ac- dpbell proprietor ic campbell laie cf the hot sin hocse tear gt r su icn tikts dc csre in m- ooincirg to hi n iny od friends aad pt- ttcasthit te bxs rceiitly pirchisd acd re- fitted the royal e ccbir ge ii the neittat andj moat cotafottxble tyle aad ib prepared to aoboccinodate a fffco cuyfavoaf him inl the meat comft rttbe trti n r choice winea cigsra aid ccil tcmaierjl dricki jtjk in t- ct- stxmc in charge ol aa aueativehoilfcr the pitriilie of he public h rtipcctftuy eolicittd ttd n effort will be tptrea to give the vei y btlt atlentionj j as cakpeelu aash for skjixs i am prepare so psyjthe highest price for 11 caaes of lamb and shee afcinx delirtret at my tannery lxe leather comtutt f on hxad jlly i jakes ifoore auctiok saee idvertiacmeou iaserted ia the acrds parr frrss at iowratej the beat local yaj of halton co births hamxges and deaths iniettejl free in the actok faix petss the best ij ptper of hfltoa co j aards paihekdsand gircaan of every j deacriptioajiecuted neatly at the acros feie psiss ofce fche beatlocal paper if haltoacp canada bmt ootlso blfflqkoohahaaiadft sokool savings bank rouses or jiucs isn vikc srs hami1ton li per cent interest paid on deposits of iuii upwards sxresr afd best securirr tut vc dtkttin j b cittsnollc esq pcesidcat wk kkkks esq of johawtdie tco barliattoa yitepretidiat w rckkbcegk m d hirailton scott urreir eq himilun tlnos buscnxr6 esq ncltoo clot- jons lxxd biruh robt drjccxs e htmilttn tj k clikaolit esq oikville yit fnocjtk m i georgetonro e s grutix il d 0 r ssow eq miaxer cotton udl 1 daadu sca to ice c reel etitit in tvkt to out krrairerr axd an ecty ttrru t ofeeft opca every reekdiy fnm 9 ijatto5pm d liextee manager aug u 1s79 70m federal bane of canada grueipii branch a gcxeeil biktlko brslkes5 dose drafts i bills of excbakqe bnil mi soi depositors kie allowed interest at the rateof five 5 per cent per manna in the saving bank peptrtmtnt and iig per cent fcranaum rillbealloidon deposit receipt provided the moaey rt mains ia the bank notices than tii 6 month and thiee 3 mouths nt be givca of its withdrawal thomas y greet manager the travellers jiife acoiieiit ins cq of hiettoed coss vintea ererythicg desirable itt the wiy cf life td accident iotcnaoe elates irtt securitj- uniriertioried ample depotit mxde with the domioioa cioteinaient fir the iccurity of cinilixn policy holdeii piidipcuhcipiui goo00000 3ioq aitelt 479sg777t toui iiibililiat iiittlts sarpttst policy holdir l2s694337 james matthews ajent actoo oat bsllgtiltrr ootisio thu sdwt ofert the following admntages lit hateiottlatiok ercry year candidates tram thl teljool are passine tiio aitminationi of the law society council ofthyiiclin and sur- rcom hatricttlatipe inlo tlio different unlrersitlea with tew or no rejsclionj 2 tea0hes3 id 1877 1876 and 1879 nearly all tha ttudeabs competing made most latisfao wry examinations and tho school ti non- prepared by its enlarged staff to giro tha mot thorough finding to candidates for certiecales ol all grades i iti tflvummrat rifftnwa ff tha advantages include not only the complete practical curriculum of lis celeorated eastmin college at pough keepsis n y precisely as taught at that college hut gives thefurther ad vtnttges ot grammar history composi tion elocution or the languages if required at no additional expense tuition itiduulmat hilary tkitif l5weks eet lotreeki advanced jujo ho so tsia prtmary 8j0 6j0 boxjcd tad eoohs esn be had la bultdlac or oauidp at pr53 per week 5 waaks commercial training for 4900 for particulars applr lo j rjuoesdb pn i treilaetit or uhiavicommerclahlaler g t hiil -for- groceries if yoa vmt a coed led cheap article in trcae srsss jijic blkt or cun- teasii eujjars syrups spices and tobaccos 01 all kinds fresh 1kb sweet hardware of all idtujt paxktaimnntiji hinges and locks nails glass puttt cosiiluklcajrioks oa local qnesuocsif iatertrt irill gladly be received by tie acres fans pfiss the best local paper of saltan co bakery confectionery mcssu a e kickles bam inti t i nate that they htveopencd np their new bake shop or rm comer of kill and math sts acton ard ittt they will awsys be sapplied with a 1 bread betides bun ciacs pastry tc tc c csonfectionery vil be found on hind which is all aew sad frah oaimeair ooehmeal btjckwheat flque olvioked wheat altsys in stock tkia will b fouad to be the place where the bst fcoods will be kept at the lowest prices ittrxm ciwl b a mckjau cash salt by the barrel all cheap for go ta- c t hills i mill street acton beattys glide envelopes jpriated ia the aeateitilyfc and at the lowest prices st the ackjs feei pbxss tpe beat local paper of hsl ton co if yon have fctrmx or farm stock for sa sdvertise them iathe acros fees paass the best local paper of halton co rreechaxte and tsrmers slike shonid ill i advertise tad sopport the actos fnti petss the btst jxtkayed o it siolen advertisements 3 j this ttifeiri inserted very cheap in tie actos fees ijeess the best locj paper haltonco pumps rt local psper of haltoa co pumps pumps ftr e anaii ilalattctarer of superior well sad git ra praps which willbe put fa oti short i otice repiirinx promptly dooe chsrge auo saws bled ladsct tiive him acall sbopcn freder fck street oppftte lfr l g harness harness to elegakt writing she cotiaomes nut ikw r ccrae unit or to ru ujc itoue r tn the tciuhixl ucirt sty km ill in it- tn tiijjil fatut ve riimj duur cuftil viuu land or te dlxuo u jet iuu uri thytiiitdom inmrhiart thti vuh the tl- 0 liriitjclytkhftraitrinoriititiu tlicro rcln icprdme until ainio julnjireith tlctrayt ia w ihc ctlnjiuc u ditth titnog tticttj- lelt caj ttx mcta soorvliat fir and tltluo riiiuiit llnccrt mi my btlr lla inz ijo brijlt tupo iod jnvouttrutt filtct 1 no thttr idpt oactaou ait wnoo then iho twpelctc dayt htvo drtlud ty whhfiut cne thoiijht rtih out ona ushg jli forlaeocfxifmielp til wo iclt knor tut jirttcnt joy out btwd ica i futun toe 1 yet wheu ttiv ifp toaea minein thtt mjco hour uyuumurfnf hcn tcxracxi iueif a power aroko to lomi ihtt li aculd furcrmaoo wecr he kcmd ley coldueu u befon kunscotce and ps atar iinl v but jet tlie tary ot ooe iaroavsr k wixtar ti tuturo hold it cin iiot lw tiittricueniitefotuoacttriac the beaten tali roll ay ilari fide and u and one week vcsnuc lvo ouuivet ihtb ill i hitiax deuttict vzx caimclally giocoi indniv aaeea 3iszaiy ifisd it hlunmr and driving tha aloct in tcrvo ilimtinjt linci irlo mr slcfcrdi iniamej anil kltliij tlcarm eye a aedl bltniej u ujon uta the taiiitv cf all ifilngw earthlj of ij tctto in i articaiar hus lroiorceduioa him rudely the can ho hnt laclcad jin boca ixatiu iislicizly anil licr- leisly anddamid np jnircc tjznu lt nut yojr inst in irircfrjhtfr ha uu iadly lirolit uatnc to ur oilc sicictj ireanzfclosnncnliii jislhirw ftit ir at every until at ila blsfila and tlccty kicler nffiht u clois ia ho rwichcs tle llcl finn the cheery hcht cf fre azl incup ttrcami fir est over the iron louod road rarmui nod aavoarj unallof kjfper pec him but xr hcafiirdf pitcrrui grccunat is crukled ctj strorailyintprepnitcdiriih wnitky fecand ii a cni command tor oaaan lo coma and paji tl lhiibocfta kikadiectirc j lands arc eo adjectival 1 fromthdt blctti hj adjcirvef eyes if hoctndo ithhntcltl thero u a imasc alt and the tiro piru cjchfinge i ciancct they are all afraid of their father eiccpt xjaneoand iteliua loot at br and with the why didynasayyoaiad no frleadi whea yoa via and dan at tlt present moment ii not intuluve instinct of chlldrea and dogs mo la her have iho cdneauoa and manncrt and drcacoc a there keither is ioaana sir saofonl ssjes bat 00 per ahkuicjk advance oarsted bx storm bvhrskavagkesfleuikq arruort or a kid luimjaoe uttxt qcees etc tc chatter t costtced is which j01kna fisexs not fobtum it is cpfouxpairt aad very loafi pairs at that abefaou as thottjb she could never reach ifco top they da reach it however the boy opens a door thcr is a flood of llgbt a guih of warmth and they are there r itu now after elctca but lata ts it the hour theboyttnothcr u ttill purtuicghetavocatiaa upon a stove flowing redhot rtmds an amy of tmoothinfi tronfi at a lone narrow table in tbo nilddto of tha floor the woman ttaads polishing tho front of a ihirt- tho room u ixrfoctlv neat and clam two lamps lififct tt tmfihtly tho woman berssm is la arpotleasi obttaa drenw and ioa whits apron and looly both respectable tnd likehex sec goodnaturocl on a tnindlebed a s corner two chlldrea lie atloen blttss us ted bow into jtki ro r tha biffin tnca aho ra his companion and stops lnqulr- iady but to no surprise and tables a welcome goodcvcaiagtaisa comoin andtito an air tic thaddcrs at the bare contemplation of idea ot two things the it quite certain she ttrrcr po bct to the eleaitorls cor irill the be t wife cf george blake of the fire yoa look half froic joanna advance thai mother take la at the ton ha done the silk drcts the poldca trinkets the una crimson shawl and her face grows nrct rutcled then crave she tarns to her son with somet of a frown andmotioas him into an adjofninc room aho is this jay navo brought f the atk i dont know her no mora do l ted rcloins but chciall right bctyotta tanneron iti she aiat no slavey shesawantrycalandcxeencrtieram cutaway from her friends i believe aad oraie to london to seek her fortune they th do it dent the hope aho may cad it r 7 whens did yoa pick hcrup t the mother asks etol disatisvv ted explains at soma length tads mother listens neither tatianed nor coarinecd id rather have my room empty for ever yoa know that she says wita soma aspenty than harbour half th rack thats going if l thought she wasnt all tifiht td bundle her off- again and let her go to the station and box your cars into the lsargato1 iwjnt have girl picked up from the streets i only lodge respectable young wo men out oi plftcc j well she artqwetauto young woataa out o plaee says ted bus mother don let w stand hero jawio give araucwr his tapper cant voaand letbintcotobed- mayremimendine withoatii a friend at onco torhoik you wont mind totting your awi hrcakfartr nays ifrt otbba l raibusy as you p theres the teapot on the hob and thi dahec and lhj bwad and- butter aro in the poai try set tbo table yourself and takoyour brext- j ifoeltwiftweroajurdentoyouscriglbbsl joannaaiributi hope it will not bo for laud i have no money cow hut tho very first i cam e will giro you j fihaiaysitwiuiaahonestyandearacetncssh- hosto iocs is reii mrs oibbs finds tho likas th look of her h ujlight though tho u an uncommonlobtfn j youngwatnaa somehow too vhat do you intend to do rthe aaks rubbto away at tha shirt iha te at work upon i sba tmilca a uttta to hencll aa iho aats aho i tnowu so well what cap answer will be j ah these girls who ran away tram their friends mem to have but one idea to ro on tho stage and darxle tha london pnblifc as fallfledged jffli- ther niay leave homo plain and unattractive enough but something la the air of tha grei t city u to maka them beauuiul and talented an 1 wad them home to their relatives ia a few yea a dazzling visions of loveliaem fame and wcaitp it happens like that to- their favourite heroine why cot to ihemt it ut joanna rcpl y u not to order i intend to work the ttys rteadily there o kind ct housewort i think i cannot do i am ver troog and very willing- i can wsffii froa cook i have done ft ah my hla kra giblc is so astonished that she pauses pi her washing and with suds up to her elbowe gases admiringly at the speaker weu upon my ward the sajx then tho laughs and vigorously resume her rubbing work la the btrt thing that girls that rod- come np from tho country seem to think of i have known lots of em and i never knewaie yet who wanted to work theycanpcteaaughof that at home they want to go on the stage and bo ballet girls actresses what not theyeem to th that the london fiagstcnes are nv of rntd poor things they soon find oat their mis take sometimes they go back ashamed and half etarved sometime they stay on and oh dior me loodouisabadpliiceuarafriendlesmuntrr girl and you want to work oh well yoa ill get that fast enough alwaysplenty tado for will ing hands and heart acd housewjrfc eacr go than most things than thoeo places in she or seeing or genteel things like that i bjy drcfis you thoald have been pretty well on uo thcro wherever it is vott wont mate enough at housework let me tell you to buyeilk drecs like that and gold watches and chains j joanna looks ruefully down at her dress ini nods assent i she is fully alive to the fact that she is net like ly to be able to earn her living in the most ordi nary fashion without conrderabc disculry much men- iadulm in luxuries even such as george blake could afford her but she is alone peaalleai and among and something mast be done aad done at bace if goodhearted mrs qibbs can help her well and good if nit will the lady vb your musical edoeaeoa must ehve ia bet place is a t trapping country iua of fifteen cost a lot or so whom ho cycwith rirh- amire and dii- i luppom it did i told yoa i hid one friend favour the lady who gave me the watch i when i was a well bices my idjectfvc crca rercata lfr utile half starved iilused child the heard me slcaford ferociously what the dish do you lug and thought my voice worjh cultivsting j mean by riaadia there lika a poijclof ttucfc she has educated me lowohereverythiag she j plgn anditirint why the dbut you call that would have taken mo for good long ago only galr j i r ii i ji u looty tcze dad nid aif fj whom the girls mutely appeal its no gwd ihikicg a rene but joanna aiat here shes cat and run there i hey roars giles sciiord staring in fierce- amazement at his ten beattis guide to elegikt wkirisg is a rerftet seulnstraetar ia penmanship by ihs sid of which joctar peaole may became eood writers la a very short llmt it eoottcts of a ssciofnftyse coatalnlot iaaiytu acd ex- olaoatlona a large acmber a copy mips lor practlelaj a becattftil ornamental sheet and a aaadsomeease to coa t pricepostpaidsl address eobmson tc johnsoa ontario basiaetscolle kcbnthec3i gom efaain and lie boat om clothe and is willin to put cm up the spout first thing to pay you butmothcr you cant tarn her out so cheoso it alccid give as tome rap per ho returns impatiently to the kitchen whiro joanna still sits in a chair near the fixe the warmth tho rest tha silence hive lulled her into sleert- her head les against the back her hat l ott her pale tired face baa the look of a spent child 1 toe woauta bend over her aad gradually the perturbed exprcsaion leaves her face no on that brow the dreaded brand of the streets has never rested she ts iittlo better than a child in jycart thestory sha hat laid ted mustbetrac sho is one of these fooh romance reading country girls who run away from home and come to london to seek their tartune there are so many of them so many poor souls 1 the for tune they mostly find it rain for life and a death of dark despair this girl has evidently been well oft bar area is of ricniit hicdsonier trimmed wid made iho wears a cold chain and watch a breastpin and ring- and tho shawl oa her lap tho womans eyes glisten aa tie lifts it all her hi it ha been her ambition ti oro a shawl ufca this all tool deeply darkly beautifully red all her life it has been an ambition unattained i will keep her for fortnight far this shawl nfiig jwntmngir ffthssg mind to make areata waited- o rcan s sewinc machines i ay person ia wsat hamtss either of a good set of 661 cuflfxplowi jfade at owvres iron work cfnelpi is ahead of i u cempetitors for teccrsl iv- poses trfb beaa steel baud ud shears rcade fisfecial hard- iron cheap it essh n r fejoes stores- metal let ters sadcaatntofaufooda 1 joek cbowq at week ia roar am tawnj t at capital rnked vodein vsfhtbasiacsi atrial without jiem thebertopportcmty er offered f rose williag to work iott i1aiate 2lro ilia prmr your tptw iirhonrtlstyoiwotlc tvomeu make ss tob ha r sneh a dance addxe h jjzhi co potthmd uatce singfle qe dotrblb should call at creechs sa4ileryi where they eaa t f moaey tbaa any place ia the county agodassortmeatof te0hkba5d- valises ou handrl o which wi he som cheap tor cash repainagpromptlysaded actoa feb iff 1873 lineood xttk have recenuy publiihjd mjrejjj cum vthctit- medicine of sawmi i uj- fmpedimeats to marrufie cte asrelflag etricc in ii celea enrelopc only six ceai postage tumpf h the celebrated wthor fit tha jsnf cletxly aawbifafei from s yeaci komafnl prtice leaaences may rascally cored t6ottt the dangtrou m o iotenul medioine or the ipplicttfoa of the knife pointaflr oat j jaode rofwtoiie ubpie pd effecttuo br meiiu ot vmci every jpffeter do nufcterwhat hi coodttimimfhy care himiejf cheaply priratetyid radical ly thii leclttre ahoald be in the hands pi rery yoath and every win inike und j t the culttmrau hedlcel co- 47 ntr bc nerw sort pott office box 4689 she thinks replacing ity tho bargain ited te eanihs lustlljrtcr iii sapper it la toon act before him soma s l cf cold beef some abroad aad tetter anagbw the lad fallx to with an appetite aad bit mo ther gently wakes joanna yoa mart be veirtiancry she says take some sapper and go to bed but joanna ia not hungry the dined late and fared well she is very very tired though aad will go to bed with her hoctcsss permission u us name la gibbc suggests tbe matron tak ing one of the lampa- mr gfbb will you tell meyounr for a moment there is a pacsc she has no name the hated one of slcaford u not hers she would not retain it 2 it were elate she thinks of givinfiv bat no she has no right to poor georges nanro the only one that belongs to her fa joanna wqd joanna then ttflaafietrpoa her he has only to reverse that and the is now christened for tho rest of her life ify name is wild sfxs gibbs the sayti joanna wfld andtoalookit thinks tfxs gibbs going on with the lamp wild btaameand willbynft ture i daresay but youre not a bad sort of girl i daresay and thats a beautiful thawl so its all tight the room ia tiny attid chamber with aslop- laf roof aad lit by only two lights of glass the bed is wide enough to lie down on bat certainly to tarn ialt would be a serious risk stuitt looks perfactly clean and that is everything tha floor u bare oca chair comprises all the furniture there is spaeo tor i hope yoa will sleep well says hrigihba kindly theres a bolt on the door if youre a mm to bat y iroita of s up here thank pu joanna says goodnigh krs gibbs returns oiherbon and her work two la her general hour for retiring gone to rooathaa shef ineliirea trjrastill going into hi tapper tith energy and appetite shes arnmun sha is iwonder if her mother kaowx shes out and so by- the mercy of heaven joanna la saved front tho streets and sleeps deeply dream- it s ilyand long in her hard htue attic bed chattebvix l wrncn jojjwa rrsps kee rosrexn itrt gibfas looks long and oarnestly at joahni as if tho would read her tcry soal ypu must have had a good home the tays ithoughtfally at last aad kind friends taifca my advice ilias wild and go back before it is too lata tho city is not what yoa think it go back to yoar good home no matter how hard jyou may haveto wort and thank heaven yonra got it was not a rood home joanna says steadi ly i had not kind friends it was a bad cruel place to live la yes bad and they werejbad people i had no friends in that house and yet your dress yoar jewellery m oh 1 the drees 1 that ia nothing the girltays with a touch of her old impatience the wktch and chain were new years gifts from a ladyjwuo iwkittdta me bat i cannot go back i never wtllgoback i am willing and able to wort fkt-uctbi- keep fera ladys fake ber voice falters a iitrtiev yoa have been kind to mfryotr have i sand ine from the streets as sure as i live you will find me gratcful there is silence lira g fbt rubs awar joanna clears ol the breakfast service suddenly the widow breaktout j look here ifiss wild i dont want to take no mean advantage of you but of course i aat afford to keep you for nothing but i willkeep you board and everything for ray a fortnight that will give you time lo look about von and t asod to town for tht rod shawl of tours there i like that thawl u you think itk fair exchange say so she looks eagerly as she makes the proposal evidently fearing a refusal that anyone can possess such a beautiful garment and bo willing to part with it is what the does not expect- but i joannas lace lights with relief at the offer i the red shawl r she giriaims laughing and again wondering what honest mrs gibbs would say if she knew now the had come by it t why certainly i angtad to be rid of tt r ouli not wearaishairliiwatttcdto- i am sura i do not know whr i bought it take it and wel come the widow draws a long breath tha deiiroci many years is attained ailast well cm sure tm much obliged tts a bcaatiful shawl all wool ott as suk and such a lovely colour i will tell you what tu do1 cries mxfi gibbs inaburrt of gratitude yoa shall stay jttb- f vnivs ilmndtosndtedthail those hved with would catgive nie op whj did rou not go to her irhen you ran t would not have been allowed to remain there were other reasons bcides but you need not be afraid i will work just aseil when you get ma that piaee as though i could not ting a note you work retorts ifrt gibbs slmostcon- temptuously with such a voice feihat i- will get yoa no place i will rpcat to lfr ericsoa about you instead joanaa looks lnquiricgly hr ericson is a gtxmsat sayijthe widow re turning her work a teacher ot music and sing ing i do up his linen his brother is proprietor of atheatro and ifdile axe fans slncr there and mates ever so mach money butudlle aselma is very difficult lady to get along with when ever she is out of tamper it files toner throat and the caanot sing that night professor ericson swears at her awful and says if h could get any one to take her placet ho would fend her about her business now i have heard her and do think you sing bctter the does sad then yoa have been trained to singing which is every thing tomorrow i am going to take his shirts home and you shall go with me and sing far him if hotakes a fancy to you your fortune ii madc but i dont want to go cm the stage joanna says blankly i could not i hexer was ia a theatre in my life i never thohght of tuch al thine i l thcnyouhad better begin for itr the very 1 thine to suit you with that voice you will earn tea times as much as in any ottcr war aad if yoa know how to take care ot yourself its as safe as any other life its a most respectable little theatre only not firsfrchusa of course fafmca- able people dont go there ifr ericsoa has given me and ted tickets often ifakef up your mind my dear that that voice wssat given yoa for nothing or altthit teaching either ana corn your living in the easiest wav i coine with me totnorrotvaad let xr ericfion hear you joanna is startled the idea is new but she is open to conviction she goes with lire gibbs on the morrow and is presented in due form to eerr ericsoa a little yellow man with a buthy white moustache anc frowning brpwj you can siagt he says scowling under his eyebrows at the girl bah urs gibbs does not know afnging when the hears it yoa can play there is a piacorwhilci i piy for my shirts sit down aad sing a sons j his brusque raahner sets joanna more com pletely at her case than any civisty he loots aj her eontexnptoutly he will thaw this cross little man the can sing she seat herself plays a pre uie and begins ono of her best german songs the little professor counts cu his lacadrcsse money stops suddenly fixes his spectacles mare securely on iiis nocriscs hastily crosses to the piano and scowls a scowl of intense surprise good he says k trifle raore snappishly though if possible than before yoa can ting- and you have been trained that it a very good toagand rendered with exprcsaion y w to go on the stage i joanna shrugs her shoulders i really do not care about it hen professor i nerer thought of such a thing unta ifrs gibbs suggested it humph if i get yoa a place will you accept ur 1 u f c a sitaatioa an engagemtrnc to sing at my brothers theatre the salary wthaotbermuchat firrt you can go on to the chorus and so get used to tfcestage and i havo a project in my mind yes a project he breaks off and walta rapioly up and down his hands in his trousers pockstts frowning hor ribly and biting his moastochej look you here r he 6ays ypu can ting you suit me yoa are the sort afjooog woman iha with a enap blark gpes jtwscome together ainas the jawj of a dog coe ever aboae- il without truo as f otyel dad cut and run a weekama days ago wuhgeorgo blake ana stole aicur things mr new silt suit and hat and lirs shawl r chimes in lcra went on- at bak of dsv is london with blake continued ajf pluckihg up heart of grace to face his fcrmldab lather cut dans head open with a hariewhin first tai allfor wonting her to ling at halfcrus j giles sleafcrds jaw drops his eyes start ss if about to fall from their sockets he is still far wide r he only takes in the cne blank fact that joanna has run away tnis is how it was goes oa all seeing his parcctt mytttficaticja and thereupon he gives a dispassionate and perfectly correct version of the whole proceeding he does not spare dauiahisaeaxt alt exults in the pluck joanna his thownjaud chuckles in wardly whenever he looks at his brothers woua i hehimself has never ia his sic lifted his hand to the girl i giks sleafcrd listens ia dead silence even after his son has done he tits staring with open miratb and eyes quite ricid and mute this is so unexpected tni jthrijlingthit the jfisacs slcaford exchange spfrreherisive loot3 they have expeciedaa outburst cf rare and- red- hot baths they hear neither r with acato as te theh ho takes dcra his short black ripe slowly lnstoloadittotheourrle aili a werd 61 comment- i ha lights up and fills the kitchen with volumes of smoke always iaswful and cmihous silficcc i presently dan comes in and his father eyeaia a peculiar way the longitudinal strip of yaister thai adorns his brow no greeting except grumbling sort of grunt oa dens port is cx- changed ifr sieaford sit buried in prof cund refiecticn supper fit mmogiced sang and eavoury as it is in the nature of the sleafcrl repasts to be fried beefsieak smothered in onions and grczse mashed potatoes and tea giles totes dut his pipe and falls toj trlihthe sharpest- air of a man who has travelled f orrj- m2esandwha does not permit the loss at forty rwunds and a household drudge to impair hu appetite but the slealord family are one tnd ail valiant trenchermen and women seen through the lighted windows is a cheerful picture enough cc rcugli honjaly comfort tad abundance the bountifully mrcad table the five healthy ckskinned highlyolourcd faces but the repast is eaten in perfect eiltzce except a fev wnispexedreinirts between the girls outside the sleet is still lashing the chk3 and the night has fairly closed ia ia dense darkness and storm thia is the subject of whispers and a matter of scrnffooacera to lielhises blealord who axe due at a dance some few miles up the village and the unpleasant weather is something of a damper to their expected enjoyment alter supper still jrithout a word g 2es gets np buttons his rough coat puts an his fur captwists same yardr of red fccarf round his neck and leaves the house the young people loot at each other uneasily did yoa tell the old man asts dan all did says loro and he never said a word not one singicl blessed word i wonder where hesroingr i what dye bet it aiat to abbott wood says ah carefally putting his beloved fiddle in its case that old red rooster up thereknows more about our dad than anyone else hes going fori money hes been pretty well shook for i knov he backed the brightbrook beaty heaxy and hes gone for aaother supplyjaf thaneeciul been looking for frrrtorae i1 sii thought heuraifie the roof when he heard of jot bali that u notliingl avoimwlthirat cultivation anavs being gone bat blesa yoar eyes he took it that is the lyoa have been trained in a like marys little lamb 1 i wonder where jo is to oa might fl rifiss hi a robt cralnei isprepared to callou persons reqannr sewloe macwneg brorens rsdeaeeo addressed taw to acton po tturecetveproaptatteattoa with the ruiag- o the next moraiass frosty f1xwheuldceads to the room j1fiscsssve which u btchea parlour xsaieuldrens sleepiae room fade sussbssi tub ta a ccraer inrm satisfaction to porcnaieri bjir -ri- for three weeks if youve a mind to and ted take you about oa sundays and m find you a nice easy place- in a small family as waitress i banogirl or soxaethiilg of that sort worfd yoa 1 inlnd wearing acap and a white apron i it appears upon explanation that joanna wocifmind those badcoaof flervitude although otherwise preferring the sitaatioa of chfldrcas nurse j vea then it must be housework i suppose says ifrs gibbs bat never mind th hud yoa anice easy place with only two or three in the family and every sunday oat yoa mast coma to see- me often aad look upon this as your home whenever out of place amicable relations of the warmest kind beihg thus established through the medium b ida brilliant rm shawl liainoretetaid butlaiehas decreed that joanna is not to get that nice easy place or begin life as a maidof allwork j v hex voice and her fire years steady stand her in stead at last in the very least expects 1 it begins by the cordial friendship that tip in the bosoms of alouj and melissa fi wild they take to her and she to tfat way cpittrfl wcaiderful considexiag the brtvity cf the aco uaiatonee j on the evening of the third day as joanna tits in the rockingchair before the glowing stov with melissa and her bottle baby to her lap it chances that half unconsciously ehe begins to sing it ts that little oofch song franklliving- stona used to like ky aln ingie side jfrs gibba is ironing outside wild light is closing in with high wind aad lashing sleet and rain l am joanna tings and rocks she is thinking how hi fierce tempest is surging tiirough the woods rattling the timbers of the old mm troublmg thr froten depths of blacfi dam j she 6hudders to think thai hut for george blake oh poor george blake 1 the- might be lying at ihis hour dead la its foul watersj what are tftey doing at sleaf ords jwhat at abbott wood what does mrs abbott geof- freyleo think of her ii george31aksj eecking her through the vast city to vaia j is prank hvingstone going to the opera or the i theatre or a ball somewhere up to these stately westend street- j aa she thinks the sings and as the saiga mrs gibbs gradually ceases work and listens with openmotith the scotch bong is finiahed she begins another a german cradle song this time a crooning sweet sort clulubr thai lob uied to like at this hoar the iran la the listeners hand has grown cold she stands lost in wonder at this and manner are superior gibbs greatly prides her ot hex rtation sad uiglurd the hascaged jajmels to coma j wmm ii prepared fn a forjn perfectly agreeable chii- the properties of the ou thai produce paiaand giv pay ar etiartjtdaatlitittsoderfcdifot only mad and pleaiant a4n actwo but csojatcly tasulest udpalatabler kb pre-tiiacouthdnrimrkxs- i tfvtod eatharttokbovo tag a retotdtjbrfcoi- menn u vtnrapjilled and s destined to take ins place of crude oil aad all drastic puis and purfi- tftea for sale byall drigjiaat sscentsabct- mr oti that romanto pimssk bosoms two wiae lxrta s jf nmadafter- isspssssshssl holds leuttttsnfta eyra wfntenjaty bless me icsa wild r she says when joanna ceases wherever did yoti leara to sing like that r the girllooka up at her vacantly notyesrc- tarned ironx dreamland ehr she says m waslsiiigiiig i did not know it- i- was thintingof jomething elbe i mrs gfbbfi stares upon my word ioss wnd aha claims yoaare a itraaga womanl why yoa sing lite a lite a like hademoisella azelma herseli p whote mademoiselle arelma a shes a singing lady a german who loomed yoa to aing in german i declare i jevcr was more isarnribed to my life i indeed becaiue i can sing qhjtesican sine i can play too although my hands d look like itt joanna says surflling 1 makej sstriisi are your fxiendsr l hare none mx eicson j good bsttcer ahd bctterl friends tra the very deuce now listen to mej hundreds would jump at the offer i am going to make with voices as good as yours only not the caltiviuion mind yoa youhave a voice yes yoa vglmake a tuccess true yoa will never be a great conia- ircx abating one nervous finger at her do not thint it nothing lite it j but a fair singer apcpaartoc8uttiitraawmbe andvoashall make vour detntt at my brothers theatre and you shall lo paid and you shall be my pntfajtv mademoiselle arelma shall go to the deuce but yau will make no cmtagcrccatlwilii my brother for i have another project in my head tapping that member latter you shall hear- today i will speak to my brother tcrniarrownight you i shall go oaia tho chorus goadday i he lums them out ot the tpam then flies after and calls back mrs gibbs for joanna the is fairlrtjewildcredwith the ranflity ot ah this i loa take care of that gorlj madame gibbs t the professor saye frowning fiercely mark you the has a fortune in her throat it all comes to pass as the professor wills he i is a sort of human whirlwind with no idea cf i letting any other uvlngcreitum have a will of his own where ha is he does hot speak to my brother a large mild mar of true german i stolidity he provides acostume for the itbv- lardc aad sends her oa ia the thorns it is a small theatre the performance is ger man the actors the ongerd the audience are all german joanna goes oaacd goes off with a rhlegntjbaternlfesscxericsonaslmixes she is cothiag daaated by all the faces aad is used to cxawing-roomrarmsnecs- i after a night or two she begins to enter- fnto the spirit ct tho thing and to lite it the prp4 feasor loses no time he begins at once to drill her la mdile axehnat principal njs she hears that popular fmmadvtnj and feels convinced she can equal her at least a spirit of amhitioa of rivalry arises within her the first time azelmss temper flies to her throat the miss wild is to take her place that time is not long coming mdlle aielmas latest costume fits badly her larynx u at once affected that evening she isjtoo seriously indis posed to sins- someone else must be substituted- kot e aa swears the professor and to a beautiful costume miss wild ta the surprise of everybody takes mdlle aielmas part and sings better tbia that udyerer did in all her life tha audience anplaudthey like the management are tired ol tho leading ladys caprices herr ericson glows with delight he fairly clasps joanna in his arms when she comes off you ting like an angel he cries in a rapture mdlle axehna may go hang herself i ah 1 foresee my project will be a grand success xertdiy the project is unlolded it is to travel through tho country with joanna and another pnrty of his a young italian tenor he has picked up and instructed and give concerts madame ericsoa who is also a vocalist of no meaa ability goes with them they wie be a company of four and they wih storm the provinces they will make their fcrtunesl jthey will see life they will cover themselves with unmortaiivy i it suits joanna exactlv already the is anxious to leave london twice ehi has passed frank livingston in the street and once on horseback la the park j on neither occasion h as he noticed her but the rtteiuiw has set her heart beating wildly biding in the park with a young lady by his side hehaa kwkfd like a ctemtgod to joannas dared eyes something so far above and beyond her that the wonders to remember she has ever spoken to him at all and her last words td him were a bitter rebuke she isnotsafeinlondaa he or george blake may mfet and wcflgnire her any day to all who have known her she wishes to be for ever lost early to may tho littleeompaay are to start ill this time joaaaa has gone oa living with mrs gibbs whoai she has paid had repaid over and over again i the rest of her caraingiani swallowed up by a wardrobe which- the profjssor insists shall be handsome and abundant she is to fte songs in character and m costumes are needed to fit them all j may comes warm ahd the winter days fly by sunny from brighthroot the has heard nothing she does not want to bear thai life is dead and done with it holds no memory that ia not of pain skafords joanna uvea no more miss wildapea and her new life seems td open pleasantly aad promisingly enough about the middle of may ther leave london and joanna la fairly launched toner new life yonrfl the most wmderful young rirl i ever came aeroas repeats wondering ifr gibbs who would ever think yoa could stogi like that do sing another oat load thirtime never mind iibjoy shei asleep i joanna dbeya she anhfu that tfine pare contralto of hers and tings bobertootucha adoro and the ifatliao and the compass of voice and bio thrilling sweetness of the ong itself eompletaly oonfounds good mrs gihbi she gives aputteriyan4aftadcrwn i sight of ttarn jhschanoe to coma chfldlnhwufe well wert she saya and biases blankly at the girl ri netetln all my itfenanother stare t do declare i never didn tay mrs jjihbaand gets up agatowith gup joanna langha outright she has a delightful uughirryjllah sweetbtrt iu sound isfeo wcaidextul thent she says cthl i charxeyrri j che teagebt it ezxatobn8 and at brightbrook it chances that mr g3ec sleaford ia absent from the bosom of his famfly while all these disastrous affairs are gain on mr fileasord is a patron of the ring ana a pugilistic encounter for the championship of a town some forty miles away takes place about this time t in company with some other congenial souls giles is on the spot betting heavily drinkis deeply rearing roundly ana using his own fists maleivmr sleaford tinna them freely whan occasion offers and to it falls out that for nine dayialter the flight of jcnlrmathat flight remains aiwcrettoblaciaflea on the evening of that ninth day mr seejordj retanu to his homeland family blacker thanr usual more savage than usual a sadder though firfi tbr cboui whintnue5l vooul par her out for my beautiful red shawl i if they could have seen joanna at that mo ment they would have seen her going en in the train of mdle arelma aad lacing a london audience for the first time t if yoa gala are coming come growls can i am going to get round tho trap fio be ready as i wont wait mind that the yoaag ladies jliaity off giviag sundry dj- rectians to joannas successor the stoutlim bed- rustic maitfan they will not be heme until morning she need aoteit up far father and the is to have breakfast torthem hot and hot when they return to the morning about sii then they ascend to their chamber to adom themselves for the dance envelope themselves in shawls and clouds and fiaally stow themselves away to the back seat of the trap and sxe drives through the white whirling storm to their desti nation their father meantime has reached his which proves to be as all has predicted abbotl wood he stil maintsiinrthst ominous composure which has to surprised his family bat there is a fierce light of dogged determination to his sinister eyes it is something metre than common that bakes him to abbott wood j since be first became the tenant of thebd fann fully six years before he only entered that hocsa once cne other etormy night heisgofnz there again through darkness aad tempest aad wind end this timo too its master shilrdo his wdding or he giles will know the reason why as before joanna is the cause that brings him he reaches tha house huge biatkbalkin tho darltnesa bat few lightsto be seen i be grinds his teetctjand shakes his fist at it ins he rings a peal that brings two startled men-er- vants nurnedsy to the door i is your master la bcsuxifly demands i the men stare but the fierce blactbearded face commands civility and an answer kot in- at brighthroot dinner party will be back tonixht baf do not know when i youre rwf he aint in v says gileareyeing the men ia sy that mokes them step hurriedly back j canse why youll save him some trouble if he is by tellia him giles sleaford is here and waatsto eee him uncommon partica- lar- i he ii aot ia bath men assure him withtho ear- ncstness cxperscnal alarm i hahl werry well then when he does coco to yoa tell him this giles sleafonfs been here ses you cues sleafcrd ses yoa come thrdugh all this here bloom to storm apurpose to ee you toaight and m see yau tonight giles slea ford you ses left them words mvxt k iwif a- nigkl he cant wait leastways he wont not here- but hell wait for you at his own place you ses till after one o clock and vwrd better ecinc them you ses was giles sjeafordk own cip- pressions you tell your master them words mymair when he comes from that era dimier- putty j v i c with which g hes sleafdrd turnsaway remounts his horse and rides back to the bed farm j- tfae girl hasjiot retired tho is podding stupid ly over tho kitchen fire i with an oath she is dismissed to bed and gdes iduadalllumpihcieatureandis frightetied to find herself alone with the rats ind black- beetles and this lavage man 1 she has joennat littla roomundertlietaftere ttdjolniag giles own aad opposite- the two occu pied bytbe sleaford boys and girls she gets in to bed and falls fast asleep ia a moment sho does not know how long she sleeps ail the events of that dreadful night are blurred and ccn- founded to her dullbrarn i she awakes suddanly to the sound of the cerce- iy beating storm the gltofreoririg as it falls lashing the windows lite lines of steeh the wind roaring dismally through the woods it ia yerj cold too and she shivers onher hard bed to be coxrrsireii i s- portuije ilanofvrar while bathing 4t ttaicipe a r boy i managed to get tha long j lovely bloc bmt- acc tf the first roand my wriat aad well kcorecithe attendant longenduriii agony and irriation while fhc blue mark ltteain- ei long on my wiut twcntyfive yvari tfarvhila b sating ma peninvula and of i- cntal steamcra marble bath in midiiu roada linddfeniy teceivol what beoncti aa agcnrog filabibehdw my jtit knte and jumped oat of tho bath vuh the pain ths cinss was a one afparea p bit of the fa tal bine filameai had been pumped into the bath and lait the familiar mark oniny knee sixtlbcreit for along timo jfaturt j t itisiovery wondexftu h iiian caratng hlslatkhii ijung rknoir i hug well i tea irell jwg weamhe ipsg- u methi- ad u certainly ntty u t u at this season of the year it is always owl weather st the markets a story is told ot a teacher who was lik ing to her cholara regarding the order of te i hijher bcirgs h ru very profllahle subject sod cue ia which they took ah un c mmoa iatcrcst she told them the aagcls came fint ia perfection sad when the sated who came next sad was readily aaswercdby the bor man she felt encouraged to ask what cam next to man r avdhere a little shsver who tfa evijently smarting under defeat in the preoediog queslicn im mediately diataneea all competitors by promptly shouting cut his nnrlenhirt hisunrlefibirt w r

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