Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 18, 1879, p. 3

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call a s jfe fttai-i- j rfli t qeoftge sr vnd au king ptw to dot 1 pii i w kh log fund i in ur ia on icton to ho i herein otnine ad of- t above otdef cot jess at um i ahail be said yerr r effect at- j bed to j rate of i liayiwe- liheaud r jra tl tsk time tlfc trainsicavc j cton m follows i oixo vntt ikght express r j t05ant tomato nuil 910am day- express 112pm erjirtm olsptn jalt mixed 7t07pw xicht kinross 4slflani gait mixed 84sata dv express i hisojlta western mail iitopa london mixed 930-pba- i jtttli cihb table jui i wscie from ih ran wo m from toronto i nd uw vs krpm knawnt all ts nv on tuesdays a7nds jewellery and f ramhperttdel fc30 sum- on tueidars and fridays hmuclsie ooinf wato ituc gatu 1 is tym mall fox toronto itaiun- knilcnball ma llfcmajsoutuosiar and frtjtrs scerstde mall 10 a m oa todavt and frijn besjtfcred teu rt mast h malted 15 min der fctareeoin rilme asct uretteelksts- kptiees a uc secord locals a tv g rccn photof tishs c av kill furniture john speight xbuces 51 lbumbcriluy i peaott locals chi istie henderson fc co social mrs d henderson jjoad cacfal j jtqrthrop t lrjro- apprentice ivanted q tttviil attention b- nictlin local kol a ilcleoji anderson dco hop poles- jarup suuutwir christmas i ireeritau5eakjnd that won rfttl ilan john hogg j seal acton stove depot g itavill i- oc the ctea c utn mfter- alsra trcfthe icvic i for tha- bjthe ia the roirv tie toalia amfor qalstaiif iatustts ipresiats juit tpui el ia zoa a txk ef sniltona oriatt ici t suads s1sstw mcikifiii c- s ifottf cup toy ijipi ill ei occtteti bolls iaad quiftinu or is rta etc- at ocirja stucj jsvto rstn ietca jcst crj nj c george hynds jeeuety tni i incv goods su ciroalxr corfbt uiics i raid pius dressing coadis cram 5c to 5tv ftu coml hlir bntihcj brfooct ea ilnpj sad paper wade fc batchers cdcun cdriijrcsliivisciirjsiica a ure ftnek oc purses izd fccfcct books pocttt kaii issors a tpltadid ttoefc 6ire hvd a cj k rhca y it any of the mbove upc o goods jlxd curstr tktespia lotinlst- dec ipv ls7li th vkti sst isi eiwssst stesi cilristkji t div re wct si ycs tcaa rrs- f j as rou hrae witii skates gta land cln istmas time comes ou qcrrn k baarr try oat if a raan ae f mith s ol udd nercr dn ifc stfiio a hl t jut the tirinc l1i tsotas cfiwrt at brjokvillo amsaiwcva on monday evening norl a full ultendnncfl oc the ifl6ni- ben of acton dk sjq yia teqkoalcd for nctt iaclday evening jafas dut8o conti per pound pd as anjr 60int tna ia the uutket at a w grwfna cuh store mr oriffin xlip grand cintion s of t lectunft addroasca a meeting at crcvabna oornera toniglt mrs d hendersons 5ocit ou monday ewning wit the fltblio arc cordially inyiloi alex secord has tt special line of toifetsctta and fancy cupt which he offer cheaper than can bo parchatcd in the cea- wood wakted a fevr cordi of rood beech and jupla corwood will be ukcn in exchange for ucar atihjcripuona to r rrts priss olr issue ofnoct wtfolc till h circnuled oa wednesday afternoon 2f th init it will contain a supplement contain iua urpi aukfnntof titcnirj matter j e ircgarviua blood purifier fotsorecaond cattle il the beat lever usnl ever owiier of horteaaud cattle should use them iuusom adams actou oiit the pcltir iter jr ianrford of aurora oat preached in the methodist church here on sunday last nioruin and ereniefv ljisscrtougj were ctccllcnt and were much enjoyed bytho kmregatian x a- stock or panoyijmdfl store for nolo worth atttntlon xuas prescnu at 6 w hills fixe exhibition of stoves ej 0 utlps- f waste paper five oonu per doien at thii oflice j i bet value in sccito in aoton at taw manns i tus latest styles in stiff felt hats at fyfe mckuba secoxd llaud stoves from fjl00 up at j c hills j uxdeeclotutsa good and cheep atfyre t mckahi j 0 fihllt for tie boat eai trourhingia tbo county att the noweet ibiogs in soft felt hauatffotmcxah j otstehs frosh oyster received daily at kicklina bakery picture framing dono nt less than city prices at c- w hills t u pounds bright sugar fee 100 at a v greens cash stare noritixa to surrisas those ten dollar sutta at fyto itcnaba for a nobby stove urith or with out furniture go to j 0 mils cheapest motto frames ia tile counttr to be had al c wi hills call and sec the koyal coal stove at j oj ililts stove dopot yoar phtfltnas fttyata ths tttgatt salctlom of qhriitaa pari toy ei rtttrto toutl immense nstittjtioi l fv there lire many reiisons whythqrpeopjeof ac and turroundlng townships find it to tbmr xdvsntiige to man tlielf dry goods purchases at that mammoth store the we have ivbst cottiblete t i colored silks uahllrt 44ii t jb hr t suitable for weeding he- lhrutov at a w prcca t cuh store other good suitable for wedding 6c cations ladiea and gents can be fup- j feesu canants and raisins jnst plied here or just the thing iccleod received at cnristie hetidereoa ifc co best and cheapest heating drums in town made to order at j o hills- anderson co anxual estertatxstexrtlio annu venarj- of the sabbath sch of tic melho dist church aclon will be held oh christ axotuer flock of isuivesjust ar- mm eve- 24u inslthe enteriunvent vcd at jc uma tin and stov depot wrill watutoc music by the cbarch choir quulvesz ovatere in townfnali dfiifrgncs acd rccititioas by the children of ft 1t ij m i- mi i the -school- ni cbrjsunaa lr vht be daudcant tbedosd of che catcrtamiacct- tex served ifc 7 oclock pm doors open it 60 for paxticulim postire death of kcvjis luxcckrtrxc dc hc jju r fiieciafdx crebjterifiil church 8ttcctc- villv died sjura vrolodgluins7from typkoid fever on tuedr tcaa3r lnt ue ts m ililo ilinistcr nd highly t stccra- evl suduii lus il ik itly felt unimg tfaoi2 vbo bad the pleistire of bis acquxint- tcce he is rcll fcuown in thu coua hxviiie ficat uie reitcr portion af bis lite in cvtuda ia iiiitod itrr ltajart srucswx- y lcgics to ba il ot enov toot puce on scdxy atfct aid noir deigbs tre rtnming fqk cii tiiits grucerut cbeip far cxiit ail it s w grcac cfil3re trococbi s the xis at jlr h miidfitious 01 ilondty ereninf 22nd fast baes of duadtts cottons bes of chu couons bcr- of durtfe shining iialeeot ontuun ductfia chectc etripeind plain without douit tlis biggest purchiso ever mide atne time by any ut goods flouse in halwn kcired before the recent advance on most faciorble erms viube sold tic decided barpsiris ko blottvp- chruue ticudenou it co acton strauattctf a cittr- w two thaefc- rj viikdotr m ores lorlh riinc airt iiiiuvittutvitnrtxfculatuh orofl rfttbe irorrcrealie ruck eiyc- j tbd um aceavriincd to itickciatjcoiir- 1 tilhicd oitttl of i it on tuuhe ie lie i actt it jt odv f t an ii tast and ia ie tplp ii woicown iiow co rojf itakd acrlut l fe i aukwrcu i lad jvciliiwcua taij v ss the reply tu tbt ijulhwi jar- etiirfctiiiarea ruvclaucju u i o 9icf cmalxattorcod ltrer oilctuioiikd dtti ufpliaii4iitc oc llatc sud fcodx whjcli lor duuij it i tificiitml antitojis nicnninrjiitluiti uirivjol it is njo acceptable to lbe most aitiicaxe tlcaucj pomrx socials art gtiriing pep f ocr charrfcei here ilccld odam only ioofcat birc- r eye thea ue u tlrifc be m t ufctni ap ta aid of tfce ip i r l juaj j rret fofiba co i ia i d lice of wri dwk for christmii trees cheap foe caa at ale t ieaird sir gev siy af wuodskct oil iejk tnll- ft ptracha the baptist chapel ou scm ixy next nmrnincand cren- igi- r edward iratthaws livrr rnn acton sajs e i ifcciarvina b1m pcrifitj for hoi k and cattle is fr super ior ta any cccd tion pqder heretofore litd in my italiea wenotii that the secretary of the board of booi tmsteea haff- poaud ootieea for a m ting of the school electors be hefdtail tthe hall ott monday dec 3iat for t e pcrpese of electing two croatom 89cal lint h hraderon give a socui n theereniog of monday next 22ad ins at reaidenee cia gov house aeton jioceeoiaaid of knox cmrcti jjahfaa bfschoat fhepahacere cordially irrrit dr siaif ro pic to mike rojqi for extensive race it purefias e will oqer special redac idn iniilines of tweeds- uress goods f 30 ercentfarnetcish dont let the plden opportunity 6lip ko btow chi ilie henderson t co lectcre a iectare acder the aus- piceatif the gn nd diririon sons of tem- raxnee will b given br hr y h griffin pray ig tt tinthetemperarcehall an friday even ig dec 19th at 7 23 p m a cjuoctionwij loe jectnrefahi ik our is xiaof tlis week weftgala e resent asrrppl mskft which is fall of ood unry product ions we would also again call attention u mr hycda advertisement and feel certain that every person requinnir christmas and tew rear presents can be sailed at the si v of the big watch wiisof 8 wfld errt oneaftnemo t thorooglilr rellible-medt- elnef now in x se by tne canaian pnblcls ttitsona comb and brrar uf cherry tnesaecescwh ti jtttendt itsitsflln cs ol coldc coogns 1 ronctillts crojp svnoopioff caoxn los of voice and weak laner ik moc remark i orteinallr prepared to meeltnedfima dforaemd medicine of the kind in ine rev ii store of the proprietors sxle loereaaed so rpidlrand become so larrely extend thitheraannfaelorerk felt ftwsaonlf nec saary to introduce it tin ooeh the newnanersofthe connlrr to eisjre lie iaoption as lh mllornil care f r dtfeksea of cne repratorr riraus sery leaalncdrnj sdstlflwvtemntjirfgowssff i ba wise in time get avillie and liare it on hand when required e laree botlles are toe eneepeaj 22cu r fermsals on raforiuyast we tad a call from ifr it haviu ol the stiff of tie gallmt- porter brother f mr geo hsyill tiotmith of this village mr v h ajtorey of this villaee pro prietorof the canada glove worki lef home ifoadxf mornirip for gloversville ifew york st u on vnainees counected ittfhegjove ftorks mr james t tlda glove cntter of the canada glovel forks left here da monfay for a few weeks holidays- he intends vjst t- ine friends in codingwobd and meiford we wish him a joyooa visit mr w hr leant f ooreillsre who has been atte idmg the kvirmal school ottawa retora d home on saturday last he inteods to i pehd hik hohdays here and theoaaaamfl ch rge of the second depart ment of the mi ton eafilic school and good at kicklint bakery try them ivcw stock of lamps lampshades and bestcdal oil cheap at j c fiills live goose wmted iqo pounds live goose feathers christie henderson k co if you want a nobby daralileand cneap suit fyre 4 slclvabs is the place to go i fkesu sausages ifljvays on hand at 10 cents per poaud ata w grccaa tiih store j fop the latest style in promenade portraits with handsome easel and frame cllill t all kinds of bootsand shoes and chriitmas slippers cheap for cash at a w greens cash titore new uijd larfje stoek of he hul and cheipcat stovej in the market just fe cetved at j c hills hop poles jttncs mittbewt wants a fek thociantt pood cedar hop poles for general fitraily groceci de livered to aav lrt of the toven call tt a w cirutuit lsvh store i a v osees of tbo citfix siorp bas tbt pnttieitftoct tif uimrt in tovn rayziu io prict from 2jcto ft03 a lahge in r stovp pecond iiatid aurt a cisuru punip ad tatcut qailtin frame cheap at mrs s a secflrd cs- lion elph ii iffiebdrivsr xdd overe the li3nis one of the largest eatablishinentfi in thellomlnion ocenpyingmore thnjt twice the room of any sfore oqtside oar larje cea trateilerg sre arnaxed to find dry goods boos of inch 1 magmlwdgiwmiirrvgeoeat thetion is a large wholesale jobberand la wa lytoi bandu largj lots nf goodsif rteap enough that smaller houses dare not look at henoe alnajs has special bargains the lioltbiij direthtly from canadian manufac turers or british agents consequently attves for his oostomrts the pronu j paid by smaller dealers to wholesale home de ihsir best ther cannot eomuete in priests the lion takes the lead regulates prices is in a word head and shoulders above his competitors the liqif cqjaprjlsejs every branch of the goods trade each department beings very considerable business fn- tleeu his customers no matter how varied their requirements need nevevr go elsewhere or their purchases it has- become a sundmg tbetne tbi whatever the lioic has not got is not frorth looking for ejeawhere the lronsxiiusinfess is continually growing tjits falls aaleeijwjjafe increase over former fears went of space cheap tw l cheap ychbap ii to clear out stock t fr bootis shoes 4t old prices dress goods liistres v winceysjplannelti tweeds no advance in prices blankets j 3 bales of factdry cotton just in secured before the recent adrauce at social price and dont you foroet t7 the famous 50c tea is still i selling at 50a i prerents any jpeaajboyon hut your wants and requirements in i- tclo whm iced reopte- topass from poverty tow- alth is only chingtdg miserj- but 10 pus from illnes toheilth is like flying from ihirwond ro rimdiie manf atdri ofjlj lal are troubed with derangement of i he- urinary organs would ficd reliet by wln victoria buclu end uit urfi which u pr pared expresaly to meet their cases ni cute dies ofthe secreiory system gl per irfjtce tee attention of tl ldief acton aii vicinity is invited ti the adv- in uiis ifccc of mears john ifo t san d nclph the wunderfat man is prepared to upply the udic with silks aiid dress gooda at prices that cannot be nodcrioid cd which uustsuirjutce speedy clejrsace e the present stock he guarantees to- erery person ma s pcrchzse amount ing to ten dollars asavfjjg of two doat ful to call and make inspection when yon sreia ictlpu kctnember the ooldf n mffn i invatnalilc ualmeac for all iiurp ses of t imjly linlmeat tlagyntd s ieilow til will be found in- valuals immediitte relief will follow itausiiiaucaseot painin the stomach bowelsor fideikbeumatran colic cold spraiis and uriises kot internal and external use it has no- ejuat in ttie nrto forwjjmttlatcximmedrtoj sale by all dealers at 25 cents per bottle juaonff the luxir at life but a hrtef irij luts ikkmj ifiee wbrn a nou b time was lecefij- to jccwnipl a jjarnc of few tiuuulml awd then we trtt lanitrlnff over cue lovch titiuiry nijhwsjsonspnnciessecats koctucfcime 1 arury tsmelp taml tujustlrarlufniia cr wltifrli thecomfcrk and maty or the femrtes jjrvht to us by servaots onco upon ume wuen we lo nd it ueeejiry to oar fuaitn we set arart brief rertodto tfocior npnud tbn came fctrustflw ittt ussiawrui castor oil sow- we tip itirm uie hottlo while we coutlnue refinfarly nt or toollats hnt it is tcoll i boirses fslaf- sble cassorhii we take ft la on ot the luiarttsof uie thathanordedat23cenw a sessible clergritak rv jfinley benson of st tbomti etited oa saaday last in the first methodist church thxtsome one had asked him to annoeoee an entertainment which vas to come off bit he declined doice so the pulpit is no doubt a firstclass advertising medium but be did not intend to utilize rt for that- pur pose the newspapers were the proper place to mike known such undertakings in futdre no announcements would be made except thoje having a direct connection with the church and if necessary required to be spoken of mrbensons remarks arc both frank anisensible it is unseemly of any minister to make a bulletin board of fkspuipit i j geougetowk coxceet tbo second anneal concert in connection with the presbyterian church ceorgetown wa held in the town hail en tuesday and ra l decided success the music bothvicil and iristrnmeatil vu oicellent the singing of sirs caldweu iu the carnival of veuice being particularly fine the humorous part of the prqgramme was fully sustained fry ifr bengough of crip who kept the audience in laukhter during his rcadiiff- recitation and singint he made a good hit in imitating the affected stylo of singing so frequently heard at public concerts several partieafroiu acton were iiwn aod were hiahl pleased- with the entertainment- ikdia cosceitt a copcertiwill be given in the temperance hatl- acton on- saturday evening 20th inst by the concert troupe of mibawk and chippewa indian vocalists ofthclew eesenition the company are composed of jfr mabvkoodce thecnonnedprofnndfl bssso miss ftnh fbvacdaj soprano- jiuruhbae2iloorqilai alto hrojejalikooncc tenor mr katanvfausung tenor i this troupe have been hiucsy received wherever thev have riven conwrtsanihave eivenjgeneral satis- faction proceeds aid of tfiv organ fund of new eredjjjissioniliwiv do0r8 open at7tfm concert tostothmenceat 8 t- m- indians 4o appefinwlljl national t a tume mies attlss james matthews wants 50 barreht cf dried appltf pbevestton hitter tlmn cure buyaooiltivertvtaudpfcvent catcbin coltl von csn ret one for egoo st f fc ilcabs i j cc sure ard calat hicfcliav btkery ftnl erftmine their christmas slockof confectionery before purchasing eisewhtjre xcatc yonr qnierwi tor millinery at once ttveryliody will wsnt ptpew llntorbnn tforthe holidays cuttslie eendersn i co otstees in a few ijtvs we will le prepared to serve oysters in snr stylp in ojrrtp t lor in connection with the eakety 8 e kicklrri v eaoccn tes baegjrpsenin prioe ataojoccnts per pound a w green of the cash store isj selling them at bottom prices 50centteafer45lccata icc riecesof dmidascbttcnijnt received rxuetit before the recent ed vinceotut dec nowiis thefime to secure 4 uvgafn inofirfiucbfisile llendersoivtfcp v oat meal pot barley rice flour tomimicmivkittdm aimkt osi -hand- a- tt jlreenscath store j ladiev dont rdrgetlmir millinery department bnk stock is fresh new and attractive and renjlrkably cheap mantles made taprverinllrstclasa style uclecd anderson atcoi we axe goinj to giveibig bargains for the tieit siic weeks to clean out this immense stock we want money ifow is youruma tomake money by saving it ilcleod- anderson co j rikes mattbews is laying- m a largo stock of groceries and hardware which he says he has bongo t on very reason able term and intends giving his customers the iwnerit wholesale prices or goods arc very much higher j i look heee order lyonr clot iring from the jiammoth flonse georgetoan 1000 pieces of the newest and cheapest goods in the world to choose from far feet fit and prices right hcleod an- dersouco golbex syrup 75 tents per gallon si a wgreenscaahstufe- eltterlelbeessrs mcquillan tt hamilton of the wellington iiarble works gueluh are doincthe beat and cheapest work idcanada being thejfirst to introduce tirstclass work at low prices by rmportiug direct the best qualities of marble silks dm33 jio- milliiiery maatles drossmildilg staple cottons and wooisub houseripqiskiftgbt cloths tweisds horohant tailorijig hats caps rur goods hosiery gloyss eto etc vjiilijpwher besowell seryed as at the groiqi id e ist o uy 1- oi i- cuelph j suaplc i boat uri ttrttm or4otrtaapq7 vtta44 to vi j dwlllaiyin cc clearing sale of is josftlw4air next we will commence ah eitonitve sale atreilneed prices of onrbnitclasi dry goods muinrjsi4ljint aadclothing on accountof altera- lions in the busiufijctraordituiry bargains maybe expected and will be given jhftmiria ageauine saietd rednce oiir large stock eery customer in the royal city and county of wellington i and surroandjfficonntiet will vkv timb and money ty ss coming direct to w co prices cuarahteed lower than in any adsjobiirig city town r village i i r actoi stoje- depot tts i ofstevrartg cebrailetl 8totes just reeeiretl harlu bexkl ihese buves for task i u prepared u seu ikessajal irrtcia and attend lias sbfhbf dry gtxdisuia fiannes blankets j underciolbing ihi fancy fjooda jl special lot of cheap tweeda wnich can not now be duylioatfd alf t teelecl lot of fure new fashionable and cheipr kll be ottered it the reduced prices 1 pty t oblioinff and ttestvve talesmen- ho consider it ho trouble to alow goods during the greathtdsau positively no goods unless bybpelartabiebrj rill be char iwgst stewart jt30guelp1il pure35q0 ltveibjiift ad l tie granite 10- tf a v gjieesot the main st cash storeys selling groceries boots and shoes below city prices igive hihi a call and be convinced j stop bead thi4rf l be lirgeatand most complete stock of goods on tand that ever was n georgetown they nre not old or motf eaten orbank rupt goods that were jrorchased origin- ally at tlireetimes their value by scaley men but ffesb newgoods purchased befiire the lale big ku dress goodi 5c toe 1 2c 15c soc i3c worth i2c joe 2c 30c 35c 40o winceys at sc a joc vlr 15o 2lc worth 10c i2c 15c 20c 25c30o blaniels at82 3j4 5 g7worlti doable fhemoney buff tlo kobes 82 50 3 450f 6 worth double the money tweeds at 2jc 30c 40b t60c worth double the money emnfis all 125 8160 175 v- worth 50 per sent more mink ilufrsindcapsits3 mammoth clouds at 25c wc 6jcj 65c jlens and boys caps at37c 60c6qei fur jil i anjr 83 4 i all oipst at 1 502w 3 u 6 jiiipstnorjsw orey iprlh double ifitfjinoi arool flannels ff 80a85o 37c the obo goodsrhiraaobced 50 per eeni niore moloa jrco in townjlcail andsei tlleassornien at j truo oflol hypophophites oflim and s6d a tafaaswws5ui fwtest rasegea tier cjscomtd ysgamaeajjda ud jrr erelstmafcaiaiasitum and dtwsme owawls blsiaau ofeiiuslren it not only csattebmad jwli- bultr and isaatasaaselrlct oaiy fefej lk jt ssklof1ueoouiine3wm itkom savsroa5siav pnnsitmwiii sad eoi to the wbblebb ortpout- besuresaaiskforbotfjl 1 1 is nmt aed pshuabk so tk tatta oewr sepantes defosfta eomlalon forsauaudensxteatlmjierboctk i dont fall f o mil and inspect before pnrchaslnc elsetrherr as every stove is warranted to eire satisfaction dont forget the spot next door to creechs saddlery i jtn o hav1ll i s evert dep4rtmext bust at the wip silkis and tlress goods i in this department oiir sales continue daily to improve our magnificent rsnge of lovely textutts never fail to please- jut opnd another in j of handsome french wot len materials and another case of those lovely scotch uitiisgs rt present so fashionable v 0laties mustcome to os for the right textures we are bohhd to do the drees gooda businesin guelpband have he stock to do tt with j millinery department our stock in this department is at present very beject businesa too is bet ter than it bas been at any time during the past three years ordera are coin ing in fast and all our handa are working extra honre willfipdita real pleasure tosslect from bur stjclr weht0 thegobditodo the millinery business withithere ia ho douht about that i j a o bughaitt i iioaaiie ttelt end ftrtu mantle and millinery eltabliikuat oxtipi beatk8bib boas r the undersignsd baa for service- on lot 27 coo 4 fisqaesjng thorough bred berkshire boar jwhiob is a prise uker at the guelph central fair term tjl00 cash lt53m alex h bkown jtibtos notice un account of 4 contemplated change in the busiues all parties indebted either by note or book account to ibe firm of fyfe 4 mcnab are reqnested tto settle the sahie on or before the ilstjof ueoeraber 1879 1 234t t fyfeamesb arrivalof three shipments 0fx1ood at ofblacfcand colored satfnfndile ribbons very cheap black saltnrbtackbroche silk a dmmunglosof bloekand colored silk fringes in he newest stylea4 shade another lo t of tlioie fine heavy 48 inch black cashmeres at 6hly 5061 they sell very fast tbeblack callneres from 20o 1 3 8125 have nn extraordjnery sale the btajck- lustres fromoi 5jc sell atanssmaiing rate ladia ihould tee tht tilt initked 0 and isctnututra tbeyaremsgniscent goods another lot of black drape clolha reeied this weelrj a charming lotofllrise beautiful eompadoar ribbons atrvety much lower price thrn the last thninmintth ihinc for trim mimriahin hnmi it very cheap another oonrignmentetwindow uoltnnasmi r rt hlnnketsius- tohand jjtyaiicilia got his blankets far below regular prices on aooount ofthe maker being pressed for movey and his telling itiiimoffnowataan l lower prices thaiimanteits were ever gold for in hamilton belore oudiess misses t est see them hefore bayics vjttst imported a tot of very superior glove foxier a box of which will be given to eaeb lady who pdrhase pfr ofujkitej if required i a furtheriplpantoxttaw i 17c scarlett from 50b idbwa tttne right rouse 30 an 32 king tml hithi v a llt j i iim i db to

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