Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 18, 1879, p. 4

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v mm 1 j i y i k nvv a ii a hi l nit iiv c s 1ft vh kh n ipic i rv suls mu it x ii- wr 2 oudot human nature fcitiiyl 1ctc rulinduihtt wc toe ud about the flowers dw v stlwjthc killmr lwart irtov y cttmmd twtwt i fcxit lfccyocfigt lt am n xr xs it rert till i bs uld lhtn it li v filiy tt hut hi ivs of chlwwd uicy cf fiect and tt b lrdt sp rejcrfrdcirltocjvtlrtr tiieuw udwdlsrateirtrhcr aadav istfuihckiaot niche ftetite m kit trtitt salitc i nd ttnocg wt tnd rvect tiic it jatlhoufut of heart with h teas jj to part and the crcitcr hut wu thine u ra sua ist eyelids cwy tay valoa tbey beat at tt- tarry sutaawr cventcc wtallkr whea joe wi ui and uss together and velrcwn ud wtfe torethtr auho ruwr breast ooee bou jflthi sag foe id and cold brtitath djwtrt nactt and wrds uf ht feet vet d i by thr tomb ari i siptte the gtaot with o gs cc lertag filth acd ajrww t ct and 1x4 aactdatvusg gittt llaidroam da ctit that tbue sir ltf luag kept dcffalr end ceihk vcerve an j wfe lather t l bxw tilt the atgcmcat befcrcca the petunia ironcui ilusmsr ind th ghiliaa axmtd ships iuti coefttxc aad zanco itu- tdffii t ok pk ca the sth of october wd his ast beca called the grcxtctt oomlut lie- ticcca iadl ships uut the vcorld ht retradmicilgrka cotomiadcr cvcr oithoiejrtriuithegtcr portioa of hit offio md mca dial tightlag by the y tmrcnedtn two pirtr the pieces utng side af iiecr gqas tb chiuta tasseu w kik ul j titmtgoa bet owing to their taperici aumbcr ind itraiglii ncetoirilj- guced i deciaire victorj- ovr the unforla- cite izv lcud itti r mm time ia thrt oclock on tie moi ang of the dy of tho bttue tht the hiu tir crrmns o antofxguu ci- nxlled t j hr consort the dnim thxt the enemy is ia ciit tad immediitely pro- ceecw i t fall fpsed to tho aorthcird hop ing to e sde the sigiltnce of the- chiliftiix ted tre ticg to the rapericr tpeed of the uuok t nrnvjtfthe opposiatqoidroa in fsct tie kttcr vesiel nthec iarited the eaenyi ittectioa ia the hope tint the etacti ntigtt get ftr enocgh sictd before dxybrei fc to csczpe the chflixa vessels were t cr ia cumber one iranclxi sad three x codca stetaiers- the mificcorre promise i to betcoaofcj ormg to the dtok t jliitxiveted the ocesa but the crhili hsd csaht glimpse of the esju ec saiwertfhlrd apbn hcrtrscfc bj sevei 1 the morning tits chjuns were still this tor ns cot enly literally in pen at sboot a00o meters from the tnocked to pieces but the woodtori took c sec d the etaetr thai bit when fi uiside sndtnstesd ofbtiej protiott toadmirsl gsttu setved simply sxtrsp gipta of tie hiusear i itctminj ia towint shore kitkt fell nd thkhiffjiappoircd auinionccof bonjeo j lures were aimed but no rcuoa ooulcf b given fvrthe grioff ve ihtt the rebel shin i hsd come into couitrou with the sktk ind xatliyit which wen on the loovout or iter on icoouat of dcptecutloni committed by her upon tko roysy mill ttciaiert tnd hertcirurecf cost trotn s btitish mcrchtnt ship it iiugus this proved o bo corrtft kcit morning throe of ileajlts sdhcrcnu its off in s best for the msmtxac siy- ing tint they hid mtt the kaglish ships the uight before lad hsd been sttmracacd 0 turrecdecin tba nimeocuieqaoin the aktk hid then opened ire upia the hukv sad the litter vest el returned it 10 fir ss it wis possible for iho limited crew on boird to work the guns freicntly sho no in shore sod he english vessel did not purtue her into peruvian wtcrt sines he oulbrcik of tho present wr tho ktuiatr his pliyod 1 oonipicaoas put kot tven tho lots of the itipenciiietedii triycd tho peruvians while this tubiuntiil iroulid reoutaed tothem when the flsueirwii fioiuy taken poi- sessioa of by the chilians after her galliot strangle she hid tho appearance ot being dilute more than 1 hopeless wreck at the tilerlice ca the ituboird tide five balls hid completely pissed through her sxmour four of these it short distances trotn b poop sad toe other penetrated the part occupied by tho engines but as the latter ate blow thesarfac of the water ticy suffered cd injury the pirt of the bow with the figure head wis carried tway the gua turret which is the ttron jeat yart of the ship being protected by live and a hill inches of iron cut out cleanly as if they had been scoop ed out of cheese oce bill struck on the starboard side and p through diagon ally traversing tevca inches instead of five and 1 half bending oonidcrably two of the side plates and littinj up the one which forms the roof the other went throuh the fotward part of ue tower cnttiog out 1 large piece ot slate and striking aad bunt ing on one of the 300 ponnaerr iiilin eighteen pertons iacida ta addition to these two ahots the turret hit marks of five othenj two ot which ia contcqueres of atrikicg very obliquely did not cater but acooped out larc pieces of plite while the others limply indented them on tlie port tide is diitinctly visible tho mark ictt by the shot from the uc a little aft of the gua turret is the watch- tower of the commander hexagonalr- and composed of platetof threeinch ironoauide then eight inches of teak and inside half an inch of iron leaving juxt room is the ia- terior for the easy movement cf the person brwkiaff ia thoroughhmd when the young bpmtanray li told by the breeder he la duly handod over to the racing liable in which hlapurobamr iniaa indit it itlhi atag ibal the svila tfthe traklniupproceia bave lobet grappud vvilb the colli itnt lo iho itafacr by pri vate breeders are in a natural condition fcr work butilio fitted piiio aniraili male up for tale requirea a preliminiry coutio before uiey cm be pit through- ihiir pacta one of tho fint proctaaes uadertalea bytho trainer it the gotlini rid ot tome at lhat hit breeder hitdepoailod oa young spank- iways ribs to that cad he bogiot to break him and give hiav penile aaewise this earlj- procomct ot bleakinr may tia watched any morning oa tha svral and other con- ujenttiu at newmarket- the breaker alwaysa udotunrtlaagc butot ap proved umper aad experieuoe puu fiddle and bridle oa tho iky ikittjii jiung crea ture aod by tht aid of leading teia grad ually icacheit him t trot and caatet round in obedience to bit biidle and thut gradu ally mtkei- hit mouth as i is called this it an operation ot uie greittctoii- cioy ctpeeially inltefiritlction at it ii during uiii part of 1 young racers education that awkward habit aro contiactcd per fect patience and kindlinets are required trora the horsebreaier who must above ill thingi avoid fiigbiening or startling his charge the slightett accident itirtles a youog thoroughbred i have seen a ittnt- pede amoni 1 troop of a dcten ot them brought ibut by ja auddca paff of wind by degrees tie timid orcatuns ar brought by frequent kindling and working them with the bridle u a partially tame condi tion when they ifo comparatively quiet and their mouths partly made the bst ot training boys is put up tots is another slige of education which requires the grc-a- eit care 0 be trdatelqa the back of 1 yearling 1 toy mut hire ran patience 11 well as courage his mount must be coaled into eomptaccc not coecexi into obedience this ia enly ike general rule a weddlnrblnr ricttibadatuk 1terpkaty the otlier diy j whoa a vouog tnaa bad pulled off two big mitlena rotn nil lundi lud tuck one into each ttati and backed up tjth coal hove in a wood nu jevelloiy here he hid hill lofficlaat itrcnith lo uk it they kept lingsrrrngs there uie jeweller might ut as hii4 rtpued that he did not bat hat liegcrriaga could bs found at any bt aud ibcc ikie yet he wantai to mke a sale and ho antw- crcd wo do what tort ot a mis lo you waat it ii for a wcjdiur alii will you luvo a tingle dramond or a clatter 1 with al highbred acfmalt agrerhocuid ia ruined with in erly orecdoae of whip iutt u the moulh akd temper of a horte may bo deatrojel vy a heavyhauded ul-tem- pered lout the very beat boys therefore are lelectcd for mounting the youngsters who lhat they may become lomewnat ic- cattomed to the burden aro led about foe 1 while before they ire turned loose at last young spsnkaway fs allowed to go without aleidbut iaoorcpany with a steady old the oj lifted utere appearei directly in frontt ctptrifrring diviikia of the enemy a liecfc a lother armed frigate and three cor vettes 1 r transports the sitaason wis ex tras h alirmmg for the perariaa vessel hfnd was tha squadroct first ahtolr oc the otl er tiai jc baira and cungeroetjt 001st 1 ad stead thedivition last ditceraeii bciriat dawttitfull tpeet against such odds it ippeared useksx to the commander etieiaiuocrtomaie 1 rtaad while the opporti ritr cf escape preseatedrjtself and tie v 3 pernviia vcsseli continued their ooorse north getting well ia toward the store ii with seme expedition that their greater vetoaty might yet give them aa advant igs to no pcrpone however- the lsir rat half past nine found henelf ia fror4c the mbrro of mejillaneav and the second iroslad withia caanoaahot while the tin i waa coming raphly up eanaing ia tow ird the shore- m the very bayof ilejill aeade bolivii the monitor iwieted the ad anca of her cearest antagonist and let dri e her two taint gnax followiiig up the di chiarge bj in attempt it ramming which provedansccceasrul owing to the power rjunenedby thechisaiiato tarn ia their swn length with their twin screws the a was instantly returned and the mi tnills set is the tops of the ffaeaen- and heren rat rrrmm their dreadful cattle tntrtpmwemgfhat ahe could be of ao eervict wfaimever 11 her loss wbaid hive been c rtlin exposed to the fire of the heavy aisctseiroacljiaaai rnitile to cope witt t renanned wooden vessels of herown clisf aoreor laez proceeded oa her way north 1st iroen time to time awaited to see if the fnefsiliaa corvettet followiag her would give battle this was deiied so tie c tac escaped tfissneadytei oclockthat is after ths kiehaiteted half an j hour when a lieav shell rem tie cxhae struck the tower within which admiral graa always took lis place during the action the ter rible i iusrile estereathe tower about half a meter ccder its ttthtt hcirht carried with it bro en pieces of ircn aad wood exploded withi ttte towerand the fragments of iron aingj set with at quivering mass of human ftb ell en theotner side of the deck while ship 1 7s filled with smokeaad the of tie c sstaoyed balwark the admiral had been irftotate bis sution iathe towerat tie b tdncing of tie action only shielded by tfc tower from the waist down tie shell cnt b 3 bdy campktely iatwo leaving the feet 1 ud legs in tae tower aad carrying off tfc c adaad- beat to sea what could be re rovercd of his remains was baried by the c lilians in sf ejihotua with all due hon- a ording to ojiliia acccuat which is the n ost circumstiatial that has reached ns tie fi ig o the eaitcer was shot away at 1 twen ytve minutes past ten and it was snpp aed that the vessel had eurrendered unci to the eurprtee of the chilians how ever whose ships had stopped firing and the e 4abegua cheering over tie victory tie 1 emvian coaura again appeared and the sllint uaifcrr battered to pieces and the 1 etier part of her people dead hoisted the i ig which had been intrusted to her valo r firiugs blank cartridge to show that it wj s still therev the story runs that some cf the tiilorj and machiaiats aboard tic i nclad thought that the time had ar rivet for surrender and that further leas of life ould simply be 1 sacrifice indeed so far id they insist upon this idea aa to end ivour to force lieutenant gtrewn to stril e tte colours but this officer patting j i ta itt selectedpasture agurdoverthetlag andseeing tfijtthe ja hechlerved u he once morvswept ssmth3 for hit destruction two 300pound bills passed right through knocking en tie deck two of the large plates of which it is com posed bending sad twisting the large maases cf iron like bita of cardboard and ripf ia the teak into thousands of iarje and seuall xpliaters were this to wcr simply compesed of iron a bill might by chaaoe pata throcgh at the tlijt of the person iruide without kiil- icg him but the ettectoa the wood is tuch j that deitli must mstratzaeonsly ensue from the large splinters forced sboutia all direc- ticni oi the capstan enly a small bit re mains the rest being carried away by a tiot the fuanel wit inverted in four parts by arge balls besides being riddled by balls froai themitraileuse and rirlef the enly boat remaining after the action had been cutpesded from the pop by very thick davits one was cut into by a ball in its passage and the boat fell into trie water but was afterward secured of tie otier boats there wax not 1 vestige left oa the maindeck lay tie boiler cf tie steamanach or winch with the libel knocked to pieces byishot- on tie deck alvis 1 iarve canaor occupying an opining in tha bulwirfci luffi- deauy large enough foriismtrigement a ball had entered just under the gua wifb- out injttrioj it bat teariig up all that it found in its fuaage oa the crosstrees or tie mainmast is 1 neat or look out where four men were stationed with a mitrailleuse these were kiuftd and the matt which is of iron haa several ihotholea ia it la addi tion to these damages there were rigas in all directions ot the deadly effect of rinv ballf mi m an anafaalinn model blaiop txlo teiejnfri dr ifoorbouae tho bitiop of ifellkiurae would appear to enjoy an cttraordinaiy po- pnlarityamooe tie laymen cf his diocese if we easy j udgeby tie cordial terms of draise in which he ia spoken of byoar antftvdean contemporaries hia lordship so the south australian bfiur affinns it a eufirmed smoker and scorns to cloak or hide hit pariisl- ityforthe frigtsnt weed bef ire lie faoe ol aoybody wiomsoeyer a writer in lie abovenamed eateitiioinz periodical breaks out into a rapture of isudatfon as he descrfbec the bold doctor putsug a inert blact day the bishop he writes good luck to him iikea his pipe and fcnowt full well that by iteppiag otfao artificial pedeatit and taking his manly ttand shoulder to shoulder with his fellows he hit achieved a sympathetic influence far beyond tiat of any priest or prelate 11 the cowaiet who would cot like to smokeapipe with tie pleasant aad wortiy gentlemiaf it wcrald ik interesting to learn wio are a baiops fellows from 1 colonial point of view there it something magaifi eently democratic in tie notion of 1 reverend prelate standing in a row with all tie great omcial pertonagea of australia and mewing his cloud with unassuming vivscity dr hoorhouse unless his journaliatic admirers do him injustice ia something of a humorist as well as an habitual rmoker the follow ing story is told of hint by the enthusiast above quoted he bad jorf dcltverei 1 most impressive cocfirmition address and was sitting in the baywindow of a little rural parsonage- signing co certificates aa he signed he talked the afternoon was waim and an uncommonly pertinahoua fiy repeatediy settled on the bishops cose he brushed it of twice or thrice bat ttill that hone whom he will follow about uke 1 lamb and that gradually gain confidence halt the tricks as fhey are called ot horis arise from itheir umidity which ia ouly to be removed by patient gentle treat- meat in their youth with aa erperieucei boron hia back tha yearling whose nature is kindly and imitative not only follows the old horte willingly enocgh but by degrees ieiros hia pees front him to walk with ttut magnificent gait cf tho thoroughbred to trot 1 very little to canter and finally to gallop for a colt rcqturti teaching his piece quite as rsbch u a child and bit feat time to itajnllhem in as tkt tar eaiai i ipoia youd wiut two cr llircu dolliri tor 1 real diamond tin remarked lie i iver at he advncd lo ie tray uo was carefully ad oalcrly infurmid that diimonda hid gone np considerably lince they weto uiodiu hit biby ntuebor and then he concluded to crplain 1 im kinder dawn on all such comento mweddingrinn whea a felldwhu to get 1 whole suit 0 clothes pay tie preacher come to town and ride on the tlrcct cart aad all that itt eipentc nutf i tpore though ill have to get one about what pricel oh fifty ceottor tic thillingt or iround ihcro it ita kinder gilded ftp to laat for twawceki thatll do it liaddt otter turn tuify under three or four davi anyhow tt ihell want to ihow it off on he tlroet cart aad ill the girla will be handling it ill look at the fidyccat nei drat the jeweller went into a decline he de clined lo admit that ha ever had imh a thing in bit tore he further aaid that he could hudly believe that there wat a young mm ou earth who would buy a riftycent ring to put oa the finger of hit btidr do you ipose replied the young mtn si ht reachert tor hia mi lien t do you sposo im 1 joha jacob attoc do you tpcaet im going to tell 1 hull crop ot ttn to buy 1 ring for my wife to wear wasbtn diihei md tarnin iho corteemill shat layia or now to have me bay her hoes hat muff and perfumery after were married and do you think i can rath ha here and holler out diamonds 1 and slim down wad cf grseubackr lo iy or cot tie jeweller leaned his pensive bead on hittand aad looked out ct the window and at tie young mtn cp ned lie doer he halted and continued fiftycent rinj 1 jutt sa if titty cents wasnt nothicg tords a bridle tower many ralniblo ditcnvoriet ltd mueh ute- tnl knowledge la kipl from tlie world be- canto of the immeoic ciwncl in making them known to the opl- this ii riot the cato iib bosckcta dtutu fivncr al- liougli but afcwjcitr iuliodoielirilo iht country ill tale now reaches iu v rv iikh tnd village 0 thuuiud aittandciiau ill wonderful sjcccii in tutisf cioautnt- ion tevcro cough pniumnjit atllima and al itlur ducuct of the lliioal aad luagr i fint made kn iwn by d trihuting every yi air for ilret ye over 4009x1 bottle to ibsifllie cktrr by llruggifls ku mcia tctl of mert su over given bcfini to aty oilier prararilicn gould ycu tak morel oj lo ypvr drufgut aad gel 1 botlle far j ceiiu and iry it sample loltlca 10 cculr ijftjww gw1iitf iuruxtoi brush manurioturer barristers ss attorneys itilm t utrnrtatq ll haa -fv- v 1 file manufacturer fiui iteckl thai cvttlg ss shniiwrm furniture qtiavz cehinec c9j7 vmye titcl i bossin hous6 pshue bouui cvnait- jfsft if- ifuk frog pioture modlcikcs tfouxst hirrort etc dtslcrt nil u s kirrurrfcll tr buy only baki 1300 tt acres of pike lands htwaotriheoaiwattrriycrjcrcilir w1l htcg 6tlqaeenfftetvtsrt i pok ijlfit op yaluablkpro- i pertes a lleccuntrofotffrivt floes couutr la doqiliilou arptiq joitx beatdwccdhott pomk to delaware 100 jdua trull and pin tanna cheap tnild healuijclimitciajjju4fr ap aklcettff kirtjtfla dcltwu c j ting leys patent lightning stamp tlmckjtw itactaxttatilerallxrdtcrtvljert cllac fcuoy cifd arectt vtiited bt iisr c gteakt k co torottojtct living water aei feet per hour hotet to ts indbet hand ixhorepcr gvrt itqtr of ore fiirrd ater said use circular juvtvrfy 6i uartauamiitoti- cheap rirtt pnxa tt frwinaal fcxinuuaa uu- tiia tettiffloniau ou ippfialioa hatibtioa raa- rtcteal addmm j do as sos dnrtarooat rice lewis son hardware and iron merchantiv i toronto r mr diseek kuhdrawittg from the firm sale heavy pilot overcoats petley dineen aoiisbn qhijb3piw hagies oo- old store king street east toronto- end iad arrived descended to tie engine- roor and opened tie valves- so tiat tie wat r began to ruth in gradually sabmerg- ingj he vessel then caqe the boardmg the chilitns by main 10106 took the thip and ixording to one account ttey haa led dow the peruvian flag after reaching it ovei ahecatomb of dead dying and wound ed tie people who went aboard tie km reay from hejillones after tie battle stai t that the scene was horrible bevoad des riptiont eelowdecks tie tides were iac usted with hrrmsn remaios hair flesh piet es oi shell fragments of furniture and clot bing making 1 icbrit frightful to be- bol i jse first of the victors was slig itly to repair the noble vessel after wb ch sbe was towed down to valparaiso lieaatear was the pnde and depend car 3 of- the peruvian navy she was bnilt by mfflirrr iioyd oa the clyde in 1865 for peru ladwaa inferiofoacinly oaeortwo res iccts to the best of oar own ironclads he record has beeni an eiceptiouilly bril- liai toie she fjat distinguished herself by ca niringtwo swinish vessels trtwnr peru t wa with spainii is66 and alterward took par in the tlefeat of the spanish flee atcail4oj- bie has been con- cer ediii tie tnost of he revdafion- iry morementi itiiir have occared dar ing tie past tea years in hay is7t tie wu seiisd by tie followers of pierola tie reb and was forthwith declared a pirate by ie pcravian government thebtitisa me tofwar siai and aacihytl were mostly ins rameaul in redacing her to allegiance he encounter with these vessels wat tie fin tilt had taken pace between ironclids ia 1 hel pacific before meeting tie ehih the jfts near bid to encounter the ironclad fri git 1 tdejirflciacortefte ftiiion and gun- boi i piinrajyo- tie fight continued for an hot r anc a half at rifle range thai diric net i coming bs tie eiwvxr thought it id via blato escape jttilollb on te evening of i ie 29th firing was heard far out at tea ami shortly afterward tbtemietr nt seen it away jutt like a nuns wife always comes in tie tame place always has its own way in tie end it may be presumed from ttis evidently heartfelt assnrauce that tia lordatip is a very much married man an indian tradition of tne qreat flood- one morning water for washing was brought to ftftnn aad whea he had washed himself a fish remained ia hit iands and it addressed tioio words to iim protect mesnd i will save tiee from what wilt tioa save me a deluge will tweep all creatures away it is- frcintiat i will aavettee horf shall i protect lieoi the fish repiedj while we sre small we run great dangert for fith swallow fish- keep me at first in a vase when i become to large for it dig a baain and put me into when i thall have rown ttill more throw me into the ocean then i thai be preserved from destruction soon it grew a large fish it said to ui nu the very yesr i shall hive reachee my full growth the delnge thill happe b then build 1 vessel and worship me wien tie waters rise enter the vessel in 1 1 will save the after keeping iim fins 1 una carried the fish to tie set ia tie ye rx indicated wtrrg bout 1 vessel aad worsiipped tie fish and whea thedeluge ca ne ie entered the vessel then tie fish came swimming au to him aad miaa fasteno tie cable ot tie ahip to the horn of the t tb by which menu the latter made it pas r over fhs fountain of tie korti tie a said i blue saved tiee fasten tie vsietoa tree fiat tie water may not iwe rp it iwty while thou art on tie mountain id in proportion u the waters decrease the a halt descend iitnu descended with lit waters and thia la what ia called the daunt tfxatu on tie ifoantain ofthe korth tie delam haov srriecf away all creature and maau remained alone witlt th8 boen upon a first introductiaa to the boer all tse stories we have ever heard all the carirttures we have ever seen of vsu duaks dutch topers aad flying dutchman crowd- upen oar memory la pencn aa iroad as he is long with his heavy features and inull ey slrnost hiddnt btneatit rhcqre lelt bat of 1 cross between a sombrero sad a billycock his thick legs tanned in gaiters ot untacned leather lad hit greasy black bair hacging about hia neck the detcecrdint of ifaritc aad pretonous appears tingusrly dercrd of all tif ieroio altribnlet witk which our inugiaatica has iavesled iim dcsocudicgfrtat his box tiis worthy begins a string f vituberatinns to bit natite bey a addrtsiiogthcm in fluent kafir iulenpened with tte whi tie white man anleia ek k6 edu cation has been commenced ia in fancy any crack his jaw ia vain meanwhile from a chair comfortably fixed in the ieatt ahady corner cf tie waggaa there ia being extri cated the wortiy vrow ierself a per- tomge wtose dimecrous sre not to be etli- matcd ia a linim and who it clad titer the eastern cf dutch matrons in black with 1 white band acrcas lie forehead and 1 hood acd cliak resembling those went by sisters of mercy at borne- it ia lucky fcr her that boer ftaliicns do hot permit greater latitude in the toilcta of elderly ladiet for the tute of dutch women ita dress is gaudy tnd vul gar tb a degree calico prints ire the favour ite wear yellows and scarlets the prevailing oloort 1 1 is almost impoeaible as i have said to ioofcatalpartyof yourqr udies with out being dattled to vivid iyio their brilli- ant ccsumt show up in tbeiatetae atricaa atthinc never bit it been ray lot to wir neia such sirikiogcouibicatiace tf colcar it thoie i hive met witli in whit i suppote i may call fstbionable boer tccicty end at a drcts of tome disphanrjus ambercolourcd material profntely trimmed witt ikyblue hows and a cbdoolxte sicuiarydecoritd with preen i shall i wars retain 1 specially adriiiricg recollection icstpi btr a dingeronj talent sett to 1 gift for investing there tctrcely any mare dingeraustiia that of 1 talent for tinging especially in the cue cf a woman in 1 fatal houra girl it pronounced by some one reputed as authority oa such points to have a magnificent voice visions of a future griti or center are aroused itt fie breast of her family snd it is present ly atsamed lilt if iho can bat be famished with adequtte iaatructioa for 1 few years rivulets of guild will begin to fiow in thereupon the rtaourcetof the family are cpneentntedien the fjjnia dooai of tae future wioee voice id niuetyninecuea out of a tundredr sofar from rivalling tie stirs of the cperilwute scarcely eni her after hirct toil and a world cf trouble temptation and mortifioalion to earn her own livelihood 1 a salient instance in point ia offered bjc tia cm of poor alii ehmann who rcommitfed tukide- fewdaya- ago- believing firmly iatn genial of her- hus bands neice she ritctiaedthe molt painful economy to secureher tie raeana o ariiving at fame initios robbed herself fruitlessly u it proved of what aimld nave been put away to secure a proviaioa for her own de clining days the moral of f aia ud ttory is that where the means of 1 family are very limited money should not be expended on the cukivatida cf agirls voice unless the mottcompetkntjaafhotifies form tia very highest estimita of it and not area then if tiers be any danger ocitoally jeopardizing the uvelihom of tier members of the family there hiri been coses before now atmost as ad as that of mrs ehmann duo lo mothers ucrifidng tietr all to diugiten who proved utter failures ia girl may ting charmingly to 1 drawingroom who cm ho more draw an audiesccoa the titers thin tha rucceis of- aa amateur actor can be compared to that of ilr jetterton the pithin pur mere brutality aad rcrahnt ttthe peo ple of afghaniitsn have no rivii in the world though they may be tie most picut of uoslem lisy diacrrniinite arcoog tie in- juiclioat at tie prophet ta exterminate the infidel it a dutaf welcomed with enthu siasm but the command to bathe is quietly itnortd tt may beregardelaaaaiuvatian of private life not to be tolerated by any in- depcadant pilhin accordingy he dots cot wash hix face in 1 month hi loiy never his great lead hit never known the ccmh his clothing of felt or sheepskin is generations old no tivt je hslfiumaa it to dirty none so thameleaa in vice look ing an these ferocious gents one mutt thud- der to thick ot their forefatheri part in hittory imagine licir oul ruah upon the delicate peoples of india like a twoopiilg cf fetid vulture on a tick lamlj 1 ira gine tie tack cf delhi by these brute t li have seen tie went savaee f every ecenijlat and i atcr tiat there are aone to hideout as lie pthsa inhii eye large but furtive hia marked features and tct mouth tie gentle feelings cf bamanity tare not 1 trace of ex- prestioc the child tcowla and ttrikes the maa has so tboagbt bat ot plunder and blood hit tasgh ia ready enough 1 hcane rode guffaw which aiowx the black fanga throoga ht unkemp beard but no one ever saw lie afghan peasant tmdejift lis rreor fwt yrt fait r 5o usealal cwlt footkee i in ltttt gump or euoarfc oltf prcvtoclil uiocs otf ensiitlioeroreliiticlulliti lisp rlta rklu joc infcmuuoe tree ki toroctfl oct 1 l rkirijfcrtmtil iimuma vw 1 w rci urt iilnja4m u bswasxcsi evj uckijruaay tt haliburton rpehmrnus of the i victoria l sihwiavtlarm aod thc iou for aala c i bijsltteld umcf cihidua land aad rrtify co ulilaraa nc acts v fcl ba act laxaiioft toronto j acres oa pttjniasi at the end of tt tin a oood lya cara ciq yot cure ray cyct iiid a man to pr brown vet h uii the dectcr if yaa will o law raf trectiptica oh ccrainly- doctortt tle patient i will da anything to hive my ccs cared what it yotir icraeay docux vj t yoa mutt ileal horse txi i tlctuctor very soberly steil none dctcr ttid the patient ia imiremctt hjr will that cure my eytv j voa will be teat tostatrj p oa for fire yeira where yai cud cot gtt whifcy an 1 dcriog your mcaiceraa a your eyes wtmm gtt well wil the doctor the pa ieat looted soinwhjl iactcdut cf bat he did aofc alopt the tiotorc rcmtnly sawmills gristmills tbe indcafseii ae prcrctii to fsmuh uiroracfi- oatlhsiljre niiiaei mill wijij am tte uxtcim- prorcmctu u aa ttatriiaj lotjtuutc steam je2ngines and boiljebs ust scd for cjtralar j- neil sons v eontj focxdrv esplanade tjoronto tne sable mothers warning epiuahim icome to your madder boy whtryoubinlt piayin widjdc white folks cbillun von is ei i see tyir chile yotrtl broke your old mudders heart a bring her gray hairs in sdtrow o de grave wid reck- lnmnettan ciirryinioa wid evil- assotya- shuns habntr 1 raited yen ia de way yoa should ocghter go h yttium hibnt i roerened wid you and prayed wid and deplored de good lord o wrap yoa cp ia hia banam f yethum i f well den jdo yoa spose id grine lo hsb your morals raptured by de white traii no aah 1 get in dis lattep as if i eber cochoi muniettis d do white trash any moi to- de xbrd ngr- ill bfetk yonrbljoflc head wif brick ii i rl tnkkttv the new ppwdcr for whiten ing lie tcetbitinulatirgt icmouth and nri fytng tie breath lie brightest neatest meet perfect toilet gem extaiit ask year draggut for teabcrr piicc 35 cenls a bosroir preacher said the little gocd any of ua can do must be done with cur hearts thumping against the hearts of cur fellowmen f and every young woman in church looked at every otter young woman and tmiled approvingly filucecs fesdyour hores colt- co it fat cattle calver sicep piir and fowls fhrleyt emc mi cuttle iw told every where more tgenta wanted hanafacory is join st s hamilton wees you see i maa with i gun on tit ahoalder and three dogs at iia teela miking acrou lie country you neednt feel bad for the nboils hell mist a crow or two find 1 few trtxia apples fall into a creek and re turn home biueviag ie has had a thunder- ing bigtime 8wp that coogb hiaraaat pscroaal bilttr it oompoted ot the tnott koallsr htlnmt tod gawl nie nif vhieti sitter talaiu compoitujn weri asal br niltrts whea ajnertcavm test aueotena sad are ccm- toed it i ottor veniaue took- to bluda eve- thercfcu it is a ipidaj fr til isoeuotu oc lie umat ud lonav 1baanda of botuec ms ascd toaibiuttad tt eotuldered ooe td the ttlndani preptndoaa of thedaj- for couhs oiidt etc tor ale or u cloatai t ssvs per kottb stwnta ificsikis the winter mi- caiceitre now taking the lead iacacadi the great interest they created at the exhi bitions at toronto and ottawa this fill on jeeount ot their bght rrnning noitelesa- nets and timpbcity is proof alone the factory is running night and eiay to fill or ders venders or american machines are giving tiers up pcefcrang lie waazer to all others 1 tne met perilous boor of a persons life it when be it tempted to drfpteii xo one should despaid notevea the younr msuwho- it trtfeobled both rautillysiid phyilcallr lvbxblu ol early tndiicre- uooa vktonibacfitiaid ura ued wilf con the mcmtdittrcsdaccitoot kdneyditea e etc fur tale by aadejert tt t per bottle 1 fcacrrs ota grants tour rousl tie world fittest telling book now offered exclusive territiryi or terms addma at once obrboltrr t coi berl a a eotueaoltt keceeslty hirrarji fdlow ou ii the best remedr in lis world or ihe oliiur oomplslnts i cramp la the hmbssadromacb pain ia the side rbeuecatism in suiuformt cite neurima flesh wouuda 8pl- nai compuint fprtlns lodsruiaea dout ill lo peocura it iu eouu hat- never been known for re moving- pant a all cues for infernal and external use god by all dealers for genta anderwear ia fine soocbaod canadian goods at prieet u low u tie low est go or send to coopert rreat americas shirt factory 109 yonge tt toronto hoaltblt happloetb kaavoraszaa jl rerr larse number of tfaote m ihe middle and higher dlatiei o ndetr who with- to farmers sou cut kebptocb boiues 1tb catctck fat am ezxltjxx rr poxo yorkshire cattle feeder kx less cost tiijix toer cak be kept ct peflg cort ntriow withoct rr xt haa boas tested by tne most sua- oeasral stoek-reiaen- dnrinirwhe last tea yaan and proved to be wrowfiair re- uabk and saperiox to au otters piis5tt5deaad tlmltw box a ihuoh atttrwn 4 co lobosta the new north wesj if it ii ttfll tortngt ih tymnn- hnnvtaem tn nt tho old worm for tea freedom and inipendie of cha ktrr and to cito tha atctcrcnrded atocatioaa of tha eait a ehan to tent thea- wlviitxnitaicliuaandfortfiaptirieof the vew korthreat ft ia alio well for tha handf itwt li ijring ftjtii tha rich treaanrea hid in tha bosom of tha new earth- ujcdsfok the elkdlessbomes fob the homeless to laboarine menho earn a livelihood bj houeat tott to landltaa men ho aspfrt to that diciitr and independence irhjch coraca from poaaeaaon in cfodi free earth to ajltpfn of modewts meaaa and men if wealth cho wql acrt homea in thia bentifil and jnoaperota eccntry to tua plcndid ootmi we invitaroa and offer to each maa oter is yean of ago 160 i ol okxr tex porxipf oo eonditioa of utinff on it far oklt ttair tt at tht yoa get a gprcrnmcnt deed fcr roar land durinc the threwi jears you m4td aliaent all manthj l j each rear i tott mar alaaobtiaiiilfiqaerea more 4t half tho regular pri on a carna m tes txaxa if rca deirefrtmhomstdifortdmtteaandeof roar boyi vhere tou can live indtfrendenabd there rcroffln hy fnraiaere triflg a fajm for eaiihof ttrar children tnmwnmiatheni yorthrnaen and women we recommend yoa to go to the xorthweat i thintl ichor rer emu a jijo acre fartn torth ah acre caa in the kotthetl get 500ocm for its price anil in a few rears tha till be xortfa fjo per acre too look at the fartunaa to be m there by the mere risa in the valua of land see what the western state artthej did not exist 3t yearvasq see what ontario ii today yet thirty jean ago therti waa nothinj of outario wert of hamilton and remember the korthwest is ietthnj twenty times faster than ontario settled v i ko acne is ctct heard of and though the win ten are cold they are uataeu ta be exoessitely to because the weather is rteadj and the air is dry vtbxlc the qaaiity of the iol is equal to any the ran ever ahona npan tha free natare of the eon- rtitution and lavs ia ao wide aa to attract in urge numbers eren nalitea of the unite stales it ii alao ngted that the religious element is itronff and au the ia denominations represented the people are religious and moral none of the excesses which hare made texaa and the booth infaxnona ire exer iieardof- 1 settlement it now painc on in the korthwest tery rapidly and all who wish to arafl tfaemaeltea of the present great chance must move qnicjtjy tate notice that sitting bull is orer 00 tmle from tha settlement besides he has sowars been friendlr towards the british who always treated the indians well o there ia not tha iligfctetf reafionfor fearine him or his t any young man who it wixijjca to wobx can if he haa when be arrives 10 to pay tha office fee os his grant succeed in matins himself a home in three years by working during the six mnntha be u allowed to be awayfrom his grant on the railroad or elsewhere and so earning money enough to enable aim to improve hit place during the next tax months for the last three years there has been plenty of work on the railroads at 3 00 per day board hwperweea thejob wi2 nc b naishm for three years toobme a family should hare 500 but an unmarried man could manage en half that sum after paying taju potiitrf ilietrp and pt of pood ends with you they are fcrarce it pays to take horses but it is much cheaper to use oxen the first two years dont take baity furnit ploughs waggons or horned cattia i the little sastatchewan river takes its rise in the hearily timbered slope of the rftiw ifeunt- ainx flows southeast through a beautiful and fertile prairie couitry into the aasinihoisetabogt one hundred and nftt milea west- of wisnlpec it is a stream of troui ltfl to 3x1 feet wide and an averac depthof 6 feet t fall 1000 feet in w miles this rapid descent gires a large number of exceqeni mill sites and timber can easily be floated dawu ittaxham hiring faresta to draw from that will last far hundreds of joars and having w mflcj of prairie country on each side of the river to supply witix lumber sair nulls must here be very prcfltaaljle ax there is no other stream for arex 13 iii to the east andaboutloo to the wo which supplies water power the little saskatchewan must be oome the ecu ire of manufacturing for all that fertile section if it is unsurniaaed as an agricultural district the climate is very healthy much healthier than the older pronaces aaustates we specially recomniend the little saskatchewan shoal lake and all that reef on north of the asatnibctine beeaase of ita great natural fertilirr the excellent prospect there isofharing the canada pacific directly on the line of which- homesteads can be taken built through ita centre within is months ud because of the eascwifli which lettler ind their effects can l earned byteamei on the arinfloina within a few milaa of any point in the whole section 1 i two large parties of obwqt 800 leave here on second train march nth which wie reach winnipeg in time to connect with flrstrteamer going up the assiaiboine bivorfor the purpose af ftartiagatownlat the unction of jtha arrow and assinitxanc birersand ou oak biver between shoailake and bavea lake far t pnrpofie two sarreyors will aawampauy the partyi artow biver landing tm the assiaibcine is the most ceatrslpomt from which to reach nvpieo in radius of 50 mijpt so must become a point of importance in connection with river naviga shoal lake is where surreys of the canada pacific meet eo must become important aaaailroad town grocers dry gods men provision dealers blacksmiths shoemakers and most nftu would do well to make totrthese points immigrants to rock lake can go by fayongo large partis uadgiugfrom oar correspondence about 500 ia each will start at least twice a month the firs oa uarch 3rd at iixs jun by fljrfrate cars under my own careftil m and will ijet through comfortably to winnipeg by rail all the way vix dtroit chicsgo and st paai n t wwh to drive from winnipeg to their destination ihould join the first party as the frost loare the ground very early in ifanitoba the best ume of the year to i am the bell organ thefouawiaeia whit me eliguk about the bell orjaa to j hecfaer fjh- aent for bets celelrated or- eans at ujatreal j dtix n in bandiar you cheque inpirroentfor the bell cabinet organ i piirccxied from j oo i caa- aai but sty that the isstroaectj is- of a st iracd cualit r which i did cot suppose ctpalle of being pro- naani iu ctcsrfa the tone uporf ridu tad dp sad the t fleets ttiit cut be produced ty mmbioauou of the stajps sre chanclrj tfosart bell co sre to be congntuated on licir tucceti iu dcrelcpingtbe minidtcumto iach ta ex tent u it aunifest ia the latfruaienl vou hare sent tne wishing them urge and rttninierltire sales i rcnuiiiyiiaii truly sijued 1 q hague general itaoajer iferchiats cack cf canad icoalreijaauiry mia ls7i r received silrtr xfedal and diploma at provia- cialexuhiuca i isti beceired tulvcr med i and dlpfcmx kt ceuten- cul v j 1st6 kcceived inlernatli oal itidal and diplcmiat sidney aaftrsl a j 13t7 eeccivcd oay hedsl fcr parlour orraas s pr tinctal exfcibljoa j 13ts recelrcd uc r uedxl for purioar onpuj it iadat- rul extibuioa toronto j ist9 wberilgo guelph tl rl i ill bllt31ress this thing ihoald be looked into u the microicppfl dealer itid the best uihe of the year to move to the korth west is from the 1st of uarch to 0th of aprfl aad from anh df august toiith of october those who cannot wait for oar partie will be supplied with omj low rate ticket but can not be ocurod tlio ooaifort of u ria cart wtx iha- go with nc ia tprinjct my deptmd oa barijig their ftrtrij iti red with great care at any time during the season tor fare through tatanipeff has not yet beau determined on bat will not tary ranch from laat rears rates children under twelvs years are carried at half price untie ave free- yoa should make special inquiry at our office as to the day and hour far starting to that ejesa connections may be madeuiere also as to what aeat you should buy from and the kind of ticket vouahouldbuy amcanadianboadsg w h canada southern and g t b join at detroit consequently thia will be a grand meeting point parties arriving by lake shore and ilicnigaa southern and pittas burgh and fciraynne e k win loin me at chicago those coming by the kew york central hnd- kin biterand brie eailway will join at ramilton i through tioketa must be purchased from your local railroad agents i i all persons thould correspond with this office for rates as our arrangements are special sign j tares will be received up to day of starting either bymaa or telegraph whea writing please state nearest telegraph office that we may telegraph if it becomes neeea- sary v we see you safely to winnipeg thoa the whole land is before you and you can go to what ever place you like when a cousiderohle party is goiag together we will if requested send guide with them j j our object s t get set into the country s wx welcome ill to thzexnrrrs or or aanxxgexextsi whxtiixs thzt uiz yisirons oa sxttleay axo we do kot hixd thoe who nox ocs roaica op applicxttox to oo to axr piitjcnae placs nor erea to stay ia tbe country unless tfcev are suited you have no money to pay before taking up hud y i persons going 4h6ad and leaving their families behind cai have them broaghtwhh the beet of care during the summer aad the fad or next season i baggage must be in locked boxea or trunks and com withthe passengers each adult is allowed 150 poaads of baggage free extra baggage will eostjd per 100ibav we take chargq of all baggage aad have it entered and passed through the u s custom house wtkoutijcttboceletuthkowkehand if anything is lost or broken we trace it or recover bar forit i i customs the law is that all baggage pagrfng from one country tnaaother may be examined by the custom house officers and though our arrangements have worked so wall that not one who has none with our partie ever had to open bis truaka yet to pwveattae possibflatv of trouble we- request every one to hare lock andlabela oa their baggage freight includes everything not taken as baggage and should be sent four or five days ahead la order to arrive same time as party live stock tent same time aa freight freight ttie regular freight rate are 3jm per looibtwith oorparties tha cost will be much- less as wo send au freight by the carload let us know at onccwhat freight you will hare and we wiuarrange abbnt it thoae having carloads on any side railroads can nave through caraient to their station to aa to save transhipment j so aa to avoid vexatious delays on the road and at winnipeg live stock end freight must be fppt- bvthe time the pixty arrives horses will cost about 2a from toronto to winnipeg j the mkixhan a paper devoted to newt ol lunitoba and other printed matter descriptive ofthatbanmyeofthedomhwai be seat free on receipt of 5c stamp and map of all thesur- veyedumdmlttanitoba and the northwost for 30 cents i if yoa are to toronto call at king street east and we will give you any infofmaionor write with sc stampaad we- will answer all- your qnestiona i- i r 0t before buying your tiekatjor manftoba always inquire at oar office for rates and the beet way to go we sell ao ticketa but wffl recommmd you to responsible ticket agenta our business js to protoctyotwklean toe journey from all kinds of sharks to aid you we have arranged that aa ondaloxeach railroad will accompany you safely we will hare much pleasure in givnuie neceaary information i r wjprittie l manitoba landoppiob r 64 eusfj 8trs8t ihaat toronto tbe atore tr portralu oi t b cheatum ta it kv s reet korih hamilton the first rentlemau uithe dominion woo recovered his hair br oatar wlnteroarbynb souvonlo hair bestorer riter a bauiett o nine jeira tilt can beteoinid tobjlboumndioivltntttca i u is vhourscontfaauylaia lower plane of uring than it normal la man who an weak all ortr though not tpedilly and constantly weak in any one organ who may not rperienee piercing and tind ing palnet tnflsr aljimea if notalwayaihat pro found eznaosuon wkleh in many itfpect b worse thin pain those in that lamentable sttte have si- iriyt beenireoetedaiid ratnf jpanmmentlyby ao tulor the victoria syrup of hypophospblte it bdor practiailly sdapted or those euea for sale byajiaealen for testimonials address j ohrlesmaitlnd winurcortyn u king street vest toronto nutchbesakd saxtsage-ma- i kebs fltat smal slrd or raunge cuing so cents ptr ikbeat iapwted erjiiifc ahecp casa m cents per bo rich boloarna ca lua 19 cents per tb- t boffliy hinulton out oaulioni ladies each vhtjq of the mm navy tobacco i stalots i 5eb in qlltletteri3 none other is genuine dcairdia n experienced pbyf idaa f their own stx cmn har kcorto- modatlou secured oa apphcuioa spedltyxhases ot women eqqiom stamp and tourtsi dr emuit h 8t0we rbratctu tui acenwbetu ui ttiurch sktoronto dumonds out am thb impmedditimonaandtheaiilan ctwcut savt will eul taster and tty is order to- er than inr otter tav in tboru ibwininna- taeturtd otuy by e hi smith coist grtlwinea aid soli by the htrdwetre irtetenrr wherej trte ne ettar vaalto mtki tneiaiks prund cbltepea suataiiessawwmk va l

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