Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 25, 1879, p. 2

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jps 1 jht it yij m- j j -1- v h ftstt j z x hip few x p j ptutt jp3 sfs8 tiak f-t- j jyvjoi ml at ktous t si ihc 2i 1879 dot t b dliodnfwhtod xow 1 the time when fottuues ire rapidly nad- so wo hear on every hstidv- mr so and so hot gotttth i ni told in till lit throe months if i had inly gams in with hhil kcmrfci of this kind allured with a sigh of regret are not uncouinion and no having goad in with mr so- uidsv ho disappointed man enters into a di fenent spccnlaliod but nit all ventures praipcr alike weckt liu finds tlio modest htch he risked all gaue and ia shoulders burdened with a h willuuketheui acho before off it is tdl lo bear in nttnd that there a tiuie whin it is not as easy s to tuske and that genrralt j icli easier beware of thu tn speculation in a fei- ctidut perhaps debt wh it is psi is netci to loss it is o uutelsui a rum which euguu ful bo they c they ax e island and russia fear are entertained in london of throughout india an event ould bo a- great calamity for and might not even if success f rreat benefit to the rtktircs uld scarcely be worse off than however fir thev too hive their periodical famines if england checked rosstaa career in turkey russia is in turn playing england an iigly trick in afghanistan russian nniforns biro been found on the eoldiers of the aineer and russian gold iii his buried treasure this intsllig nee most hilp to increase the bitter tostiity already felt in england and mty precipitate a conflict between t e tb two power sooner than even ii eipe tei russia chutes she is only fuilowii g the example of her tieal who it is ell known supplies arms and money to the enemies of the muscovite wjere r they are to be found holiday pmmntt tie p trentiand friends of the children have c ver heretofote had such an op- portnr ity for secaringtxppropriate ar tides i ir christmas ani ne- years preseu s as ckn its ottsrfjlbd this year ia acon the shop windows of our a archanta are resnlhttdent with beautilal ihings mr j e mcglmhs his a plendid display of ink stanis dclutn great variety toys of every descrintiiirt silverware and a large stcck f fancy aad toilttiarticlcs me geo hitcds erhtbi s a fine assortjoienc of tases of new design f gtncy artlcies iix icjiss i ai chitui and t splendid selec- tlou q jellery clocks etc mb arfrr secokiis windo vs itre als3 very attractive and telt lie passers by where- to kcura anj cheap presents in fancy evtitulnatlori and prcscutafloa a public cxaminalian was held in tho toooiid and third departments or tho acton public school 6uxburady uth inst at ilsclost missljlooro the teacher of the third deparftneat wna prcsetitcd wtllig hiedtouie stiver cruet and fickle- 3uud 4glkeljwmi an address- miss moojovt tabre it i teacher havu been eminently succersful iid sho catties aivuylvith let tho best wishes of the community the follow ing is tlio address j deak tfacttnti k have been given ti undikuudlit in utue while hence you ara toiakeyaur do partnro from amongst uk about sit years ago youassutied the duties of teacher in this choo i and the cict of you having tusutinw your position as teacher with all thu trills riid pir- plexities which are ntturally connected and associated with tltc work of touching for so lorga linienuut give you the assurance that your imicck have been sttisfactoiy to all thj principal parties concerned asydtt well know from your experience- as a teiicher that ichtldrcn ate not ctp iblo of judging as to the essential- q lalificatiant of teacher we may bo ileased to day and displeased tomorrow and might wish or a new toachci en ty tima wortoeive i chastisement w naturally otilj see things in tlm lijbt of today but the ttuitaes the ispector and bur parent look fuftker ahead so thal your star of six yetra amoueat us as tenher must give o the assuruco thst you btvo rencerod entire silts faction to them b it we yuiir pupils feci that we cinnnt tlluw you to leave us and the relation which has existed between as far so lungs- time to ter ruinate without in ejtue wiy tendering to you our heart fdt thiinks for the patienco and petseerance which you bare exercised loxrds at in your arduous datiex as our teacher although we may soou ptrt aid present relation ship cease to exist between us yet we hope that the dearer ties of friendship and loveby which wo feel ourselves tu be bound to yi will never be severed as we are desirous thst these feelings should be recipiocatej we ptesent you with thesfl smitl presenwr hopinij that you will faindtv accept them not because of their jperuniary value but because of the affeci ion which we asa echooj cherish tiw rds you this little gif receive though trirkt t be with lest of w bes we i kow uffcr it to th v isxir iloorc on behilf of f jltsstc cisrcnos the school euul muoec pulea stlkjlet a most varied stock of gussware k storey clnvecisciiicturer of tfiie yil etiititb drinki ij cuis toilet sets china dulls and tl in toti mes mkt from b haslett r j ttroifldakkodkcetothe oitt yy zeiisof iiwtou and vlclnttv that u nauttalufitlntiuuw rictulicsa wou4jititic or dry coodsj qrqceries cropkery glassware and hat htsl prepared to sellafc the most reaiooable iprices for o fh and would respectfully toliolt a shaie of their patronage covsmv rribnuce taker ay axuiuxas remcmbcr the new stoke mill st jeast aoton- j b hwlett actonicciih is8 jhat jyjfcmbrpirl jan j tke ck1dlc in ecqcesirte on sarkuv- 2cad iast the wife of if r chss davidson ot a soq the iltajt in brarapioa at thi melhodirt eucojal parsoaice oa tbcrsasy llee t6ti is79- by the rev jamta a campull ir anld to miss sarah alpplebe loth of actm in acton oa the ctth iait at the rceid eoceof th briitos fattier by rsv r hobbs mr hubert ettiott o ciursct onttr mary atcjhjiroj ilrt jjraesbelf of this village tq acloa on the en re cf ii r v h fj hobbs mr fred h l u cepjstic scvoeesos k co a sue show of seasonable goods which rainy acceptable and dural- e presents ctn be chosen jit jahes itattnews difplafys toy chests of took cutlery skatfe pocket knives and a fine as eorttt lnt of cbristmas goods v messes b e kickuss stock jf christmas confectionery oyst r apd i ruit of every descriptiou cannot bi ei celled and they are rirepircd to suppi- ail kinds of cakes birns pastry c- t tbtirtest notice ite a w greek has an unlimited ttock of fresh christ- mas groceries and a very pretty line of or lamental lamps me j c hill show a nice selection of christmas card and stxtionery mr i w mass has a good assortment of fancy dry good and woolen goods mr chas t hili has receited stock of new frnite raisi is currants figs and otber christ mas ir to iliia aucie j jliie o londoa oat- has has groceries mr b hislett t iait opened a new stock in his new prsi dses and peoile can chooso many sait ble presents from his stcck mr- chas v7 hint received a selection of mottoes tnrrdboard both perforated and in mental colors of erery style with frac xsof every description to sait me johk t eistos k stock of christmas confectionery ciei j bans to and aii assortment cf cini iy toys just the thing for ctirist- mas stockirigs mas s a secord as i sual has a most varied stock of toys and in fact every thing that would pleisa the children so that parties wie tns to make holiday purchases can he relltxtisei with theselectlons to be nadein actoa without joins else- whi re fo fur as refrhihins the iririerman t j sjncernrd our bucfler stalls are ien pricgly adorned with thacliotcett cuti of meets in great variety also fu is of every description inproviding for your own larder do uot forget that th re are poor amongst us who ahould be remembered end to wbomtt present of a nice cut of tef or fowlwonld cnise them to forget their poverty for tin time and make them eel if tliey di not utter peace rnd goodwill to all mankind amfeer chriarjfas to alu gi as dn rhefailne of john etotsmatt a iciuent liardware merchant of ijib ont is announced t loss of 1000 by fire son e two years jgo is to hsve been tte origin of his piiaetil misfortune liabilities are kfj ted to ba abont 5000 irincipally to montreal and english creditots wkmht of commerce pigs watiat wantj tea or twe moatoiold apply li s2t a ppeekhce wanted a good st tiaibilhing busmess i hal cett dooj attention of all par inat at the resid- torcv by the rev r slrey ton of sir tv- ve shouabat two g t e toltox wasted ady boy to learn ti apply at once to ll to creechs saddlery a ttestiosn xvited ilessrs b t e kpcklin woald all the les owing them for bread that as the y r is drawing to a close all accounts n us be paid by jan 1st b e kickun puakles ca ekox main s aotba aceat for the bell orein mxnaftctared bvitetan w bjil gognelph ordert left at his reaidence cill recejre prompt at tention for partic lars eee adv oa other side- give him a trial chas cahe20n de 10 792t3m paklott obgin foe sale the undersigned has forfsals a new grand parlor tlr an hstops cac- alogne price 36a will be fold far small sum of 240 1 100 down balance in three or six raonthscfor further nartlcttlars apply rft this effee or to the particulars apply owner 23le new boot p s ieustrusti shoeshop wwilliast 5 tvould eespect- poltyloiaiktelo thi ril of acton and vtcliltv ibal bohxs orneda bootaaoekhopjn ae duilalntppposltow hhtoreystilove wiortsoa bill btuect actok aiorti any one la wandor a sabstanttal and gooinimne boot or shoe shoa not fail ioleijretheiroreritliistland j w williams gslrsfftfccflc hcdicin trade mrk i trade mark the great zagr iuw ttemedr an nofiillae cnrefarpemiixa weafcceiwgper mxlqirtjea fni- ppiet cyand all bfek8tsileg of relfaftjj ife nbupfc as loss w ofmemorf uoliere4ltwfiuadofaioiiithe bocfc imapftol viiooprcmtareoitl ace ani many other ulacaiohtbaterd in enkanlty oromsanmlnnnna ipremttturg grave svutl pirtlemans in oar raraphlet ihtfth wdettrelofendfrc bymalltoffvory 1 grand btz tlaw iro a we would invite tke attention of the ladies of actouand stinoaudingcouutry to thofact that ontho0fhdy of j 00mbr will commetico i special sale of silks and dress goods at special prices js ftaltfie thtrt o no mlsctlon of furniture wasitept in tiwn nl that it it always requited 1 have purchased a stock oi tho lariauj line required and am prepirerf to sell at the most reaion- ablo pricei patties wanting anything tint lino give him a call and bo con- in ed thst they au purchase- furniture aschei in tctohasan be procured in guclphor ieorfietown undezvfaking f all rcqalrcmintt in tills isfnarlmpct eoa- itantly in hand and a ttru elata uearto farnutied wtiea required kote all parties indebted to mo by cltliernote or ttttuceoml will ufe call anaseulektorcja i loieml lo cle my booxsou the 3lkt ie toas speicar cor ttttlijw i ajam ku acton onl before the recent advance in silks our baycry who wis then in the euro peaa maikets bought vely heavily 0 that on the i8lli we will offer about i 5000 yards blaok dress silks 4384 tarda colored dress silks we would not go to the expense of advertising in papers outof own city unless we had something to offer that would at once command the attention of every purchaser and wa assure tho people of this vicinity that this opportunity lor purchasing an elegant and durable dresf hat never been equalled in ontario a bylavrto raise by way of loan the sum of r f nine jhundredi and fifty dollare to pay the purchase money of land purchased for a public cemetery for the village of acton hat i shall be lawful for the said reeve to cause any number of t- to b made for such jums of money as may bj required mot let ucrixg tws sale rtf5ffnarant8eoatfnirrorobttau two do liar la every teu facts foe the 3hojelei black dress silks 72c 83c gf3c 103 119 135 colored dress silks 60c 62c 70c 78c goc fl colored pprsian cords 12lo tweed suititika 15ch8lfpric4 bateea clotha 20c beautiful goods- best materials 26c 32 and 44c j tteverr piece at above prices gaarinteads j thesa prteot qanmot be although this sale is con fined especially say that we huld tho beatiin tn toronto or hamilton to silks tnd dress goodswo would stoves stoyes largest saaqgpesta olieapest stock of furs in tbit rt of the couitry ladies isit this sale and be convinced tlut john hocc son sea tte best joods in queln at the cheapest prices sign of th golden man at j c hills a larg stock of all zirrts of stoves jw rtcrivfdtxantiijcilwtd of the best quality of jrv tk pnuh and ifc tcd haidsan slave in the jittirtfl cood stoyes all tixs the rrry lovxsi priect a vll iekctd tioek cf ti1twabe a l wa rs ov ii a xd eatzntotydma fcoieeseowoss i asssfsoialtiss dtid xcill ic cdeutcd on the thortct nodcc oo4ft oil a sood tiocl eftvperior qwiluf cluap c0usact sseicrtouasblyiis i j c hill heptern ucr lh irt wtiateas thelmunicipsi conncil of the village of acton bte tnobasedlind for a public cemetery from william steelo t and for the price or mbi of nine hundredand fifty dollars and whereai for the purpow of paying tho purchase money of heidpal it will be aecesiary for the ssid municipal council to raise tho ciia of nine hundred and fifty doiium in the bunnof bertinifter mentioned and whereni it will requirt the etim of one juundred sod four een dollar to be raised annually by special rate on the whole of the rateabw property of the village of acton for paying the saii debt nf nine hundred and fifty dol- lare as hereinafter mentioned j and wberoror the amount of the whote rateable property of the said village of acton according to tbe int revised assessment foil of the said tillagb li one hundred and thirty seven thousand two hundred and fiftyvelolur and whereas iheamounlof the existing debt of the said village of acton iinil and wliereaj for paying the interest and creating an equal yearly sinkiag fand for piyinr the said sum of niflj hundred and fifty dollars it will require an equal annual ipecisl rate of eightythree hundredth of a mill in the dollar in addition to all rates to bo levied in each year i biit therefore enacteei by the kitnicijial council of tho village of acton 1st that itshallbe lawful for the eeeve of the said village of acton to raise by way of loan from anyperton or- rsohbody or bodies corporate wbo may be willing to advance he same upon hecredit of he debentures herein- after mentionetf a sum of money nocexcceding in the whole the lum of nine hundred and fifty dbliurs and to cause the roe to be paid intoithe hands of the treaturar of the said village for thp purpadi and with the object above cited 2nd that i bintires than one hucdrcd dollars eachand not exceeding in the whole amount the id b m of nine hundred and fifty dollars and thatthe said delienturea abalj r sealed with thoeeal cf theiitid village of aeton and be signed by the said reeve and countersigned by the treasurer of the said village j x 3rd that the said debentnres sh 1 be made payable ia twenty yewj at furthest from the day hereinafter mmtioued for this brhiwtojtaka effet the ofeceoth6 treafurerof the said ilunicipility and shall hato attached to t poupons for the payment of interest i tb that tjiebaid debentures ehall bear interest at and- tffer the rate w seven per cent per annum from the date thereof which iuterat eball bepttytble annually- on the first day of january in each year at the office of the said treasurer or the village of acton t 5th that for the puipose of forming a sinking fund for the payment ojftt said debeatnres and thamtarest the rate aforesaid to becoini due tbtrtan nn equal special rate of eightythree hundredth of one mill m the dollar shitll in addition lo all other rules be assessed raised levied and collected in each year upon all he rateable property in the raid village of acton during- th continuance of the said debentures or any of them gtb that this bvlaw shall take edvct and come into operation on tbe thirtyfiret day of january one thousand eight hundred and eighty and be it further enscled by the said municipal council that the votes of the electors of the said village of acton on the abovs bylaw ihall be taken between the hours of nin oclock in the forenoon and five ocltck in the after noon on monday tho fifth day of january ad is80 in llattbews hall la the said village and that the clerk of the council shall sum up the number of the votes given for and against tho said br ltw at ihe saroephcdoti the lollowincr day at nine oclock in the ficcnoon and further ithat the time cud place lor the appointment cf icrson5 to attend at the said summing up- of tnerotei by ihe be at the council chamber in saiil village at lenvcloek in the i the iccoild da of january a d 1880 r u f i- john hogo 8c son gcelpff nisagaweya luhbee sd sh1hgle mills peter sayers would intimate jtnat bo bax on hand at bis mills in kaekarriwoja formerly fcnown i as cacbllfk mlmijalargoetoct of lumber lmw and shingles orjlirffipsndquiuticr joheap o i slilngtes 8i30 persnttarcc bill stuff cot to order teemfoash ietee sayees acton dec 2j 7s clerks shall orenoon on t take notice that tho above is a trua copy nf aproposed by lflir wbicv vih be taken into consideration by the citmcil of thw kunidpilityjilter one modtli from the first publication in the acton free pbexs the date tf which first dublication was thursday the eleventh day d december ad 1879 ani that the votes of the electors of the naid municipality will he taken thereon in sfattrretv hall m tlw valiot aoloo aa afinftjg ltafittii aav of jmjluaft ad 1860 ii nine ocock in tho forenoon vlciacllt tku wk day of zmirr is j e jfcgakvtn clcts pull- lines of f mulinery mantle and uressttikixg establish- j met hiss c smith takes pleasure in announcing to- the ladies of icton and vicinity that she is prepared to fill orders for millinery mantles or drat making in all the iattsfc styles and at the most reasonable rates ta call v solicited ihss o skith 41a n street acton s axe of lod ne j3tfte kpe 4nupitsrti pe 1c medicine 3s tomby all packoee or kir pactnpek for orwm bo tmitfraobymm on receipt of the mncy hnd rfjlne rowatff oat cn sold in conby alt drtklsls midcyers- rt nd the unttd sucec-bj- wherein cfadu ill wholesale utdr udxvzttill ip you want l oarismas bfes- ents y 84ir the uadersicned has been instructed by mrs elhatctli stewart to wit bv public auction at atnews hotelacton on sat urday 27th dec at 2 oclock- pm the westerly half jit lot kb 31 inclietthod of the township of nataajiweyaontainio 100 acres mare or iss there ars about 90 acres of said land clear of bush and sbont 10 acres of good cedar the- land is well wateredja branch e thegrand river pasting thronith it and a spring creek with a fill thst could heuiftdfo drive inichinery there is on thje plsce a good log dualling if ottse and a number of fruit trees terms made known ou day of eale v flemstreet auctioneer 2341 whicb are attention l attention i vtlue you live live well genuine harriers pat terns full salts only 85 cents straw asd felt hits aso bosxets dose ovee ik all the laest stvles mrs e h pass rflsres i to ik- form the isrilmofaeton and vlelnltr tuat sue has lateir learnt the kreuch medeof catting and fitting i and is now prepared wclvo even smitat sttfe4tica tia fforastlya weddlncand tunral lowers embalmed dreea and jacfccls cut mrt a perfect 6t cninlntecd rl a reasonable price for stylish and cheap hols and txroaeu ilrshhpass j i hi aeoreessanareunelpn rargrailsrg at home owinr to a change ia the management of tbe business about to take plaoe oraine ft son have decided lo rusn of their stock of boots and shoefe for the next month or two at cost price and under come at onoe and leciire bargains r now- parties indebted to the abovefirm will kindly call and pay up iheiraccounls aia ohonge will lake place about lha istof datoher aptl e must hate all accounta aettled by that date slt sure to please nsjs overgoatingsi rangijtg froac s800 to si 800 a large and select stook oi tweeds zatsoags nrafiihid j atthe east end o jl qthivir g sti6rev dbmlnion exhibition as usnal hccrae co takyall the prizes lt tj ltx ji 0 l f th x 1st gh r a complete assortment artjfcirbest goods at lhe i jx bailer acton 1 would respectfully thankniy numer us customers in actonind the aur roundiogoountry and villages for the iouutlfulpatronoge they hare bestowed on maiince tatarled mv bakery business in the xtl known stand alttjost opjiosite lilla grocery store and besides offering iiy thanks l would solicit a continuance i their esteemed patrouage j inlhe futarea m thapast qiy wllbe seg9 to ttqwet while mr stfppljof bjdxs axdcakes are unequalled xailsjad case a 5p730ialt j 9rders for picnics tcnmeeilnes or social gatheringg promptly and cheaply executed on short notice j teastok saxiij 1 kens shirts drawers and socks all blret boys 9htrts draweii and socxs all aires cnudreas uaiiifand drawers in one piece also taerss ukeekclothiko i tsvp xsttcmtxr ftiions pissol0tion of partnership i kcnibalu eiddell xsl sjeabrowx for 8wlnf llachine andeoeral repairs try the georgetown novelty works r ab0h kiddell 22tf main st georgetown the ciiildreri and pppltllre att cost ityvitl forth ncxi thirty days ofer the uhou otfurtimiieve dock v eledant mb artistic furnitu fouslsungotsomarbenndtrcodtopciainlmr fnlte 0 dtwin noom atvf rtj cloth rep raw ilik and plush coverldas 80 hulr clot soan 60 lounjes in a varte vjrorvr ingslj0 ralfnt hockernnd pan ohnln fn ant wi mi r vptv descrtpllon ce st4ftdiand v stile can finjst mock tf furniture ever ottered 15 the province dou you toritt it wguofth obtlihbaleumblockinihwyndhamsiqnlph john worffoud fc 0 whiclh are sold cheaper thjan else- al

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