Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 1, 1880, p. 1

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ion pdfcficv tin is vajttcosk olt n lu lug- isr ftffa ti4 otsr 1 cm but i mo moffrtv try tt tacii to b i wvt cfawruilj- rr to h 3m 0i ta fenc itfe tcstnanti i fu ths bkt uhl 8jff4nsrwj a rtlotcliss jaciuttrirtotirji i an gexeral rauha esrctaurrv j tannic mica- or itastos i jrvrr l srrrr rsusoti jitoraao pkct at tnj face toe tiafc tuttta mill street acoc out subacnbsn pes nam in edvane l so ilnot pail year f2 co ko trttar are iid rub tihcr fire i fkes nll be sent lo u tor tl 00 per an- f pud dannf ilc car till ueropbatiouof tho oucoktmaed till til at lb optica if the u i imier tli witts uttaucm oronto slims pack advestistko mens s cents pcr- tion ml 2 cou-ts- cent insertion o olceterctt r 12 net 5 00 6- nonlljs ffu srwattbtouce it to pa mot the ladivdialcccotai she tecme t olei 1 the sp scale clsoitdxoanil lions iniertcl till cordtogl o 4ct fee a tatt he im wiitic ki i no le tcc even ftjtu job i itctirg xcuctt illas o chxrg troacrats caatl tdvcrlue lac tor tle fitst laser- lkr ine f t cah tuuc ih pnifct weal cards xurencam i square er annum ptjabc in ate o insertion apv the object of which p o marj benefit of any j to be considered an number tfltuec icfc- ouptd u cisurcd b ir f k t rem inds ithehanlan ft gtt2unne ibhnuw hr ffmfe tubvf i scrcu saw 1et ce cn m icie lassie- s pittt loot c zr ecrcil sitveri i dxk paiierrj iecgn eytx rsb- wsf rxb giver tllt to h totrit eufccerrtiaat to jed ar co- 1st itorcnto i t l jxbel ii lie f irqan le hagce oji e ctjnd or f rv i eui- ir- tctl tai tierf tai r cj3aui2 of i t ostler fcxre ic3t i lki d pici i j 1 ihj tt ft lowrt criis of o oslcgo of osoeiod- tnct st artaa s udftuiqcnce nt ifcaaeru dene cainir of ccctrftiuoa dxil fron z to 6 p tc i quebec branch oft1c e omcx orri arxx pcidit a w p5fi li ifctwdirt clnli9i volumk v no f eelioio0s attaiesl pittotthe anlioa chuich o kcnungtou i 1 fco ipi ot jo0 coq tjiliitwokiiairrd cd icteoly eight itctdjjj l 1 tin frcewi 5ipuatt n iluoiett iu 1s30 aanfiiy m f ruif n n nt ihrir deaoioiani tnor lot hub jor izii t no ujaitf jn iij i j y ti ffui fauijuili jul c iinjcltlo 27mvnork no 23g a0t0n ont jat i 1880 1 00 per aksdm m aibtanob qthutt tp al mstroc bd wad charged ic doiuhiuc ilcram3kaft othcrnte tbe p jbl sbett blf fiitfatfiit tto l tlin j d fmcy eipeiicckd ttorktner rjjf prwtct gco p u00re editor and fropneor 8sitt4j fntffif me b it c p s gra cnnity coucje iltabcr pbji cuat md suxgat ttthehtidof fred i d m c p s- t yktorut college ren if ill md fredtnck ttrteu from 8 to 10 1 ra uid lister sl fulrb barrister 5t guelph in lr atthew s it hptstrpt license i auctioneer for tis graitimo u elhngtoa md htltoa ordert lft it the ete pees office acton or tt njr rtodeoi in rockwrod nll b p- npfy if ecdeto tcrcic rexxosxbse natcts foe dmorerr i di tie united tcit gnxnnteed pnntd irttractics lea yeire ilechraial ecji tid dtcgbtxxia r d kathej j lxv sobaco next doo- to vtsll hotel j common acew proputo fittsi ep ltt f tcrc coemerci toco aimodtioii fiooat specui of tbe trirellmg tbe beit loji ttafcirft k actol robert tbe new hotels itjle with new fnrni trtvelleri rfl end good id commcdioc sunpte sftention pid to tize wxntl bit ispphed intb icirt goodstxblmg p ibhc cystidcii oiit rotai esciisee hotel ac- tok jas impbell proprietor mr curpbeh neir gte sujm roirrng to his treni flitt be bu fitted tbe rovtl most coccfortib tccommodxte su tbe lioat comfo wmee lqnorr drintc ijxy in tn ittazhva botb psbbc a respecifc ily till derpireito ite cf tbe re n house firec pleore in an om fnesds and px fccently purenzfed and re- e cfctrge io the ceitcat and tjle and u prepared to irho in fatonr him m tabe mtrtxr cbce ehgiri and cool rammer i xck stable m charge of the patronage gf the collated and na effort ve the very beet attention jis cihpbxii aash for sks zi in prepied pnee for all cbu ifcint delirered letther ccnitaau a it- the beat local fpqr of haltca co births freeinths loeal paper of 3amges fubss rillhi w detcnption fete fifes oscf haltonco aoustdxicatji j interest actok feu walton co petfe tjk elopes eh alati fete pecs tbe ten co if yon bare adrertue the bert local pipx feechams tdrertue d j prtf tbe beat if qtraied or i o tbu nitnre n acros feek i haltonco w e amies we 1 and cutttn in on bert noti doce cbarea n and set g re bii i let ttrtes oppoct ikvektioks expe- properiy cnrei in can ute and enrope pa no charge send for agency in operation essbx grlbt oturi canada icer soiatctcf patents os attorn el at in chancery c ofsce ce s hocl miltoo o pty the highest cwh a of lamb and sheep at my tanney lace on hand james 5i00re 0ctiok sal i adrerbkinenu rcierted aerov ha an and deaths inserted feet peess tie beat co ex edited and circoltrx of every neatly at thft actot the beat local paper of ons on local qneationi of laaiyte received by the the beat local paper of tot gladly be i panled in the neateit style thelotfeatpncee at fie aero bess local psper of hal fxriia or farm stoct for aale tbeicui the acto feez peess of halton co md loeil carmets alike sboald inpjait tia aciok feu paper of halton co jtoen adrertiaementj of iiljerted ery cheap in the the best ipcd paper of fompsi bimps pumps 1 seaonlcctarer of aapenar fumjft which wij be put if kepairnjr promptly odsrifo- alio aaws sled acatt ufcop en freder- dr lurtva reudeace vte adams the cumitx plow hade i cnrmas zsril te tif rececnic m ue lis iz bj ulez hir bestorer thf esn be testified vvjlsl et orotres irtjit ieahrtdof all pos r iron shear made ofj wcub nirtr kraai4cjtinli e at works tiuelpli ottnpttitoiafarfiooeralpiir- lim- steel vatri ui soial bard iron cheap eaftm stvu ifttil let 4dt j0h1tc5e0we 1 mi r sfereorirn toroatq erer offered for tl o lioald try nofin yourseicwhitjoc offir ifo rcom tp i deyotftallycnrti uj the iniiotar etery noor tilt yjra i ac mnci ax men se termi and partk ilara sonttfe ar while yea bare oh hjlllettirco m your own town kipitotriffced yoncir jieicnacai lrl without toe best opportomty ie wtjlng to wcrfc von r ae tmw j da see for caxrdoat tbe faaaineaa wa eipaia bert yoa can i je or only yonr epare time nd xnare great pay for ii work women make send for rpeaal pnrate jjara which we mail free- it in complain rfiini time on a chance aidien e portland jtaine canada loibmkutlcqmpmi i strivings bank i coirteor jauu vd nns rnu j hamiiti 1st 1 8ix per cent lntretpid flu deposits ofjlmd nptxrdi i if j 1 sjfsr jlsd sssr sectrrrr i i board f dlrtetut ij b camtout eti president ic kiekj es of john wa iio l co bcrlinctoa vice pr ddtn s w rcsairook u d hamtltjjn kcai ucaeir eiq hanultoc laot blikceted esq nelson cot joss lxir birtcn roit dvncxxi eiq htnultcn b k ciushoui eao oikrille ytic fxrotsi il d qecrgttoiai h s getitrr if d o b ssow eq iraia cotton mil s dandss jfasry to fcck on etcl eltxse is saa ta nit i fiorrewerr oxd ok y trro i ai office open every wcckli frcm 9 amto5pm d destee stapger aug 11 1st 7 gm federal bane of canada gruelph branoli a gesolal bxiexso bcsikees doke deaits mi j3illf of exqeihqe bxtu mi seu axsaar oollese aahmar school depositorjs aje luioircd intercit it the nta of live 5 per nt per inaun in the sxvingt bink septrtmnt tnd tit 6 per mat p e- tcnam till be tdloxt d on depoct receipte poriied the nioaey rcmms iitthe bink not lets than tix 6 montiit ted three 3 rcostfcs uctcq be given of ju wilhdrwtl thomas t greet miniger the travellers life accim ins oo or hietrord co j wntes everything desirable in tie way of life and acadeot insurance ritas low sacnnty tjminestloned ample deposit made with the dominion government for the aeennty of canalitn pohcy holdeic padcpcashcipitti 600000 00 gross aces t79sg77 7 total lubihttet 35u7jt37 scrp ns to policy hold m 12sss 37 james ifatthetvs agent acton one bakery confectionery kees b e mceli kon d mti j mate tiat tiey have opened op their i new bake shop ok vee corner of bull and mahf sts aoion kud rfitt they will always be supplied with a 1 bread beuds bon cslct paatryl c c c x liege rrocx or choice confectiortry will be foend on bnd which is all new and ffb ntrwvtt i c0ehmeal j j btjoxtthsa flo oeacked wheat c always in stock i this will be found to be tbe place where the brt roods will be kept atttbe lowest prices cswtaus cxsa i b e nickijn harness i harness ny pereoa in want of a god set o hinttss either sinsle 0e double should call at creechs saddlery wheie they can get beter value for their rrcney than aoy pace in tbe county a grod assortment of teuhkb akk valises on band al of which will be sold cheap tor cosh js3 repairing promptly attended to r creech acton feb is 1s79 manhood wj2 have recently pabliahed new edition of dr cnlverwees celebrated essay on the bjmrrst isd reeitiiest cxee without medicine of kervous ue inbty mental and fhyucal incapacity rmpedimeflta to ilarnage etc resulting from excesses s3bnee in a tealea envelope enly six centa or two postage stamps the celebrated author in this admirable essay clearly demonstrates from thirty yeara successful practice tbatslarming con sequence msy be radically cured without the dangerous ose of internal medicine or the application of the knife pointing out inod of cure at once simple certain and effectual by means of wnich every sufferer no nutter wist his condition msy be may cure tiimself cbespy privately and radiral- y this letfae sboald be u the bsnds of every youth and every man in tbe land address tno culverwell medical co post office box 4686 7xk 9caoo offttofonnj7 airanfaow every yeat candidate from thli tchool are pissing the axamlnauont of the law bocicty council of physicians and sur- peons hatrtculitid inlo tba different universities with few or no rej actions 2n4 tea0sess in 1877 is78 and 1879 nearly all tfao students compoluij mads most satisfac tory examinations and the school it now prepared by lis enlarged sufi to giva tha mot thorougli grinding to candidates for certificates o all grades 3rd qoukesoialorploicas tea adranuges include not only the complete practical cuxnoulum of tie celebrated eastman college at pough keopsie n t precisely as taught at that college but gtrea tha further ad vantages ot grammar history composi tion elocution or tho langnages ir required at no additional expense tuition jficfaefmar ijiiiry rniuf lsvmka r weeks 10 weeks advanced tujo tio so sijo ftlmary bjo bjo tm boxed and koohs can be had i a bulldlnc or oauide at f2 so per week b wak commercial training for 4800 far particulars applr to j rjaqtje3 d d ph d hrcsloent or il it ua i commercial kiuler c t hill -for- groceries uroatintitoodiindchettpttruele in to w stsohi jtpsc buci or ui- ponior teasii etwars syrups spices and tobaccos ol ail kinds fresh ijid sweet hardware oj all fatult paints and oils hinges and looks nails glass m puttr salt bt the barbel all cheap for cash go to- c t hills mill street acton beattys guide to elegant writing beattts guide to elegaatwbitixg la perfect self instructor in penlfanship br tie all of which roane people max become good v tilers in a very abort urns it consists of a soot pi fifty pices containing analysts ud ex planations s urt9 number of copy s u pa for pracudnr a beautiful ornamental raeec and nandsome ease to eou- alntaln the whole efilcepostpaidsi address eoatnsoa fc johacoa ontario buitnetrcaue beutrllie agents wanted- organs -ajxtx- sew1kc machines jbtsa robt craine acton is prepared to call oa perfons reqalnnp eltlier sewing hachineg or orffani tte has agencies feoil the ij bat manulhctnrers in the cpantrj and will enantntee latlgfaction to porehajer terms very eaionable orjer left at nu residence or addressed to him to acton p o will recukc promptattentlon r okunes scott bownes palatable castor oil u pccpaicd in a form perfectly agreeable to cu dreainaracstiobiute aeaoas lnhsxiaaacbm lie preperua of the oil thit ppduee paiatntlgti pisrare dwm2ittnaitim rtndered oot oaijriam mflpleaiant ut i aoo bat luoiatelr mtelea ad mkfjble it v fztemaamiy lie fiaat 1m utc ssduartc fcooini tad x reradrfarco- utent3 consupadofl ad nil rn dacioj- bents 1 1 fa aacqadicd tnd daumd lauxziu vhcccccraie a mad all dnsic pjii aad pvm uml rorttjebytlldnigxm5c it doatculottyit to mr pet hon iio yoa ma ur a whoppdv bit ejx on eroo dit uctix tee tiki ot your fivior out aatttiacoaiauilii ootultlnjhoat t oa roui4 gnrtv foar rljhtlaiuxsuju i aint ttitcath tureladjaj n ton jes ci 1 uuk rott j l icr oraueroa iua elr us troablad ih 43- tike oll side dn1 be w nutioi to fafpjvrtety of yoa re uw oe ho i n pit- wttboot ay doott ouri bel at inr nte try im tcry mceh troutltd for fturjoulildl qrittl lassies ride for life the story of a cunstmas eve chapter ilcotivded leu know tho raid tie big wood uhcer t two roads met half way twitt here an t mills wiel they re to viuh for bimijatsiiig by thocr on bis b acl how and oh my lady tho thot nil cxim from behind tbe trees when when l i almost shrieked tonec she whispered hoarsely as though tbe veiyjralls would tell jim of her great treachery theers no toime to lose thee mist go thtesel tiey n know summits up if any other body goes by tv hich o the roads does tho meeater coca by she added with a sudden look o dicad m her eyea that was mirrored in my own sometimes oae somoiinms the other i wailed oh i cannot tell when its hard on thee she and with wen derful pitiful lovingccss how wilt thou knsw which wsy to gang how indeed one two three fur raog oat the btte clock upon ihe bracket by tho win dow we both started and laa gathered her shawl about her i must gang my way the said her htai drooping on her brexs bet tie bngerdd a moment mote holding my hind close and peering eagtrly into mj face if jim ketches me lie said if be murders me if i see thy face co more dcu oa forget my iittla an for hen ens love 1 ivo no i cried hit do not speak such words 1 they break my heart god keep you from harm lie will he will 1 i she shook her head and a tear trickled down her cheek tell my errand to aour lbs said etrneetly th sua lava tie sight o thy bonny face even tie rough est of them but theyre not theinels now theyre loiko wild beasts mad n tie taite- o bood theyd sbcot yo down like a rat if they guessed yoar errand i had hcrneily fetched a glass of wine and now held it to her drawn figs drinks a good servant but a bid mas ter she said when she had swallowed it and happen til get whoam the better far that good bye my lady i have always been impulsive at ieist i believe so at all events in another moment my lips were pcssed against l z nes sunken check snd her tears and mine mingled we sood thus hand in hand no longer divided by any thought of class or caste only two aobbiog troubled women then like a thide that hsd come and gone as a strange apparition might do tbe tall fig ure with its shabby ahawl gathered thraad uke over its bead hsd glided nwsy smoog the snow snd the trees snd i was ieftslooe to think tune preaous lime wsa passing by i hsdwhow long to reaci tie milia scarce an hour how aiould i go by which of the two roads would john come i stood out ol the green velvety lawn now whita with snow where ol siti entng he smoked his cigar witts i sat by i remembcrwi this as i stood there and hsd to crush bsci a cry tiatrcsetamybps just at that moment once gore alow soft whinny came from liesies stable then i knew the groom was crcttsjig the yard j and speaking measnredly ts one in great has e i told him to saddle tbe little mare i am going to nde to meet j our matter jou need not come with me then i turned hastily toward tho house fearing some express on of eurpise uiji the mans part i remembered what lrzie hid and let know we know thy erraad to fiy rather than walk to my bed room to equip mjielf in my riding dress in so short a tune thst it was a wonder mortal fingers could achieve the task and then just for ona moment to steal to my dsrlings little bed not to when tears weaken at such a time bntjoattoiass the cheek flush ed in sleep an 1 lying in such sweet repose upon the tiny tien 51110 oh baby i cned bowing my head upon my hand as i knelt i am going to save him for you md for me 1 and i sobbed though my eyes were dry who watching a sleeping mtsar has not seen that sudden ineffab 0 smile that like a sunbeam playing on the petals of a ilower parts tbe aweofc milk bedewed lips and paaseaswif tly salt came i chose to take that smi e cs a good omen i chojs ta think heavens angel in my hour of need stood by meendthe closed violets of my darl ngs eyes taw the ministering preeenc i heard tbe clatter of lassies hoofs apon tbe stones of the yaid l staid ona sectii instant st the nnrtocydoor tai then down tie stairs cufcthroogh tho pretty porch ore spring to the saddle oh it did not take long and we were on 0 ir way on our way upon tha journey that metnthfo or deith for him and for mc worse than deati it tis worst befell i dire not hnrry much at first f i knew that the hedges had eyes snd the trees ears how they sghed above my hejdts the win ter wind aieayed them to and fro i cinched my hand oa the handle of my lldiagwhip l set my tceti hard 1 fooht for patience every moment was it a jewel of great erice and yet i dare not harry not yet lace the horrible goom of the thick wood past and then the terrible choice between the two roads viald be before me ky heart beat so thick and fast iicarce coold draw my breath j and just as we were near the thickest part of tie buah and trees something stirred while laatto gave a sud den start and then a bound 1 stcsay iteady little one i taij sii akin out loud ut 11 but 1 poor 11 1 sheep that has strayed into the wood lane tremblod at i could fel but tho utepped ou qnietl enough and heaven i knows nhcre a womans a rengfh cojici writers woo unto pereoi al boroa of i themselves open tire wa cvusat buttonholding with the pen tola 30 mo tofc tej savrfce he d la rome a prtaent bwaatfftiotldfaetpoa5htufnif ker gimla sc- girtflnaoh ftijtc of miniitcri in groat britain etficepd 25 163 j copftrnguiui 545 rnthftenan 4 951 j lie hfldiat ssg9 oij op tie unzhih iwieyan tmu9nj and ol 0e008omc200 i frata at mch times t lei the rcmi drop woc wto caonos p the most casual ac f i l i l t i 1 l ha l i tolcdu foreign mtanoo 01 this turn thraroiatj ofrmjljlc copv la the 000 will bo used to pay cs hedebtrf the i iko of tie man ihe 6 ed could thej we hxd reached the fork ot tho tuo roidt the darl chidow octhcwoi laj b h nd u k toacb and the mre itood still which which o raj gd hip me uide mai i payed then i let tha re jx drop on lu l s neck cimc ray cyex tnd gently nrgnd be- on s took tho kay to the left the choice ria made maddening ihcaghu throbbed m ny braid wm ohn eren nor u lustcv nllicg hootx raag out oa the bard road con ing atoa tha almoft parallel route each step of hu fruity eteea leiding him nearer death or had loms bleacd chance de lived him i sboald i find him afc the anil wotfi htarcn ba so mtcfal as tbrt to ran- three miles three milcal dd ever tbe road g eimin palely whit before me seem to long b tld mhc hke a eo car la 13 wu filling upon the world i biw a k ajle itar glimmering above through the falliog no- he robm sang do more we were in the open conctry ro pas ed no miro dwelling whe light iwmlled through tha tre a and acemed ti t jjeal of ha nun compatucnihip aod happy hi me aloao in tbe drkneif and the mgi two bohtary figure myhtiotnace and i on lusie ml icr ed to her va-fc- er faster i saw the saicky canopy that overhung tbe town hcagh now ominous sign it is lets dense than i j woat i txud hi e cned alaad for jay lassie lassie i mate goxupeed little man we have not aa instant to spare the toid seemed to rush oa bcatath ns quicker quicker 1 make gocd rped make good speed little mare in i toachei htr flanki lightly with my whip she tossed he pretty head flan off the white foam that had gathered on her bridle and iftsng forward with added life and spirit lassie dear lams t bonme lus e 1 tec the tall chimneys aro in sight wa are getting near him now lus e we shall save him yet 1 i knew not what wild words i ntterel in my mad excitement hitherto i had man- sgedta keep the curb upon my terorssd my pain bat now as tbe goal of my de- tires was nearly reachecl i conld have tosi- ed my arms aloft i coold hire shrieked out to the night i could have ben guilty of any mad thing- at tbe entrance to the town i drew rein and iassx and i triad to look as quiet and respectable aa we could as ve pxsd throaga the narrow streets where men stood about in little groups and women with poor starred looking children clinging in their petticoats stared at me and my panting st the great gates that led in to he mill yard were closed ho w strange i contrast to when they stood widely opened aod a swarm of mea eke ixes cut ot a hire cime pouring hrocgh i vhild egnuthefjy that mamt wori is over canged ont its welcome message a man looked through a grating and not withoat come cart cxprcsfiocs of smsu hju the master goae e tslcd iaa rioe that did not sound illc mmc koa my ieddy he answered in thi north country tongue occe insida tba yard i stepped from my saddle and left lama standing thra pant- lag and foam qeckfld gathering mj habit in my hand i went op the step into tbe cold whitewashed passages and 10 on to a room i cnev well johns room he was writing at a table aod the flrng git above his hsad showed me ha face grave and anxious chinge to a look of uttermost surpriss as be iar hu wife stand iniatha doorway perhaps tha moment cf relief is moe try ingthaathesaffdnugwc have wihed through to reach it i cannot tell but i know that as i met my husband a eyi as i saw john there txfore mj as i realsed the mighty truth that he was tx ei i ave a greit cry and fall dam without sense or life at hs feat these things happened a long fame ago people have aimest lorgattan the 3 car cf the great strikes i have not baby is a yocng giant now a head taller than his motbc- and owns sfcr whose inches reach wehnih to his stalwart shoalder john still imokes npoo the lawn of a summers evening while 1 sit by bat i tell him ha is growing fat and lazy at which he laughs aad says he shall eoon turn otway muls over to his son altogether our mother rests now from ae earthly sorrow and her memory is like a beautiful presence among us on tba table in ay own sitting room is a little hoof shod in a silver aboe the relic is kept under a glass shade snd i always dost it with my own hands i am sure you will know without my telling you that it is held dear for the sake of lusie tha little marc ton will drnae that it is one of those willing feet that carried me to oway mills through the dusk of a memorable chnatms eve to sava a life deader than my awn that dear life cost another for poor lime loft her baby motherless and i had to fulfill my promise weakened with fever and her recent trial the strain of that errand of love that she ce cut upon to warn me of her husbands plot against mine proved too much for her feeble frame i have kept my oath sacredly and no one save john and i ever knew that jims wife with a noble disloyalty spok up agea her mon thi ksd 1 nothing lika success there is nothing said little mr birk- ingdth havss jnmpmg at the top hook in the hat rack with his new sdk hav- there is nothing ha panted with an other desperate jomp succeeds and up he went again nka and ho nilde a jump that a kangaroo would have enred hke hflihotiw he slapped ju hat fairly over toe hook hung on to the brtra jqatateccradtoa long tore it clear off pull ed the hook through tbe tide of his hat tad then as the whole hat rackcame over on fop of him aod he thrust ha bo id hrough the mirror in the middle of it he roared in desperate and iegtmsta eoncu- b oo saccoss and all the rest of the guests seemed to ihink that way too for the enthusiasm was tremendous p ox feb 19 the anniversary of tbe aboii tion of serfdom in russia the city of st petersburg is to present to the ctu a silver casket containing twenty five water colour drawings representing the great public build ing and monuments erected in the cao- itu during the twenty five yean cf his reign this giftti to cort over eight thousand roubles toe prose awayisb ut whatever bsheca running in tbe r bends about tba r wics their cacdren tbt brothers in law their invcsfjnctis tha most recant movement of the british hast the flunal pericd in geolo py cr their arrangements fcr next summer ml this jreems si ghtly impertinent in the strcttr ween taabutuaheldnctrm is in a hnrry sal has a mind full of othe- tnint every one has not the prince of mufti of char es limb who being buttcnheld by colcndge in a country line cat off tbe but ton ani made ha escape when lamb re turned bi the sime path in the evening he found gtvendgtj still sawmgjthe iw and contentedly deca ming with the button be twecn his finger j the bsb t of buttothodicgu a very ah- cieat ore and the common prosing bore wts deaenfied by theophrastue npi fcuca lut tbe mucu mors tersa and hrclj classical writer jbid cs tle corfoni is in cooiinau life is- 11 even worao m hterirare whert it has ioagibeu rampant iastiad orwriiajf abcut his eubjc arcviewerpaessayisr c eren a jioet sotxetunts finds it eisier and marc flsat to chatter abost himself bis likes and cidikes h s re a hu tailors bjl my tbe jlic and c rtamatacc in which hi happeas to find hinlself when he tikes upj hj pea itis an oajmouly eisy to knbble aboat such matters and generally to fake she p ubjc into confidence about tbe first nocaeae that comes rab ones bead 3appcsethit the hteiary battcuholtier reviewing a navel by mr jtrouope ssy there is n rea aa why hs should elaborate with yains ani thought ztcfa cism cf the rcrcincej it is maca eai er jto wne hkfe this as we were leaving tour rosehang cottage m a nk of sunny seagirt knt- ltndsnire reader ycu will look in va for this parsdue ot cheapness uadscape ani good plaja cookery oa the caatymap or amcag qia advertisements in tadthsc w decned the rural postmsn plodding up he lane faw u no common postmaa this posimaa of ours bam indeed a post- woman pr a postgirl who oljteu tikes the place other father a worthytmai bat not the pedestrian ha once was hasan with a rutjal courtesy presented aa tntu a brown- psper parcel m which a pracused eye could readdy ietcct the presence of a novel vr trollopefs ust the battjmholdmg re viewer wis then giva soma account of his perconalj acquimunca with his author and be will get a paragraph or two oat of the shady ntjok in wnich he was reading the kit mastcrpieoa when sweet sleep surprised him after all thii jthe critique fs as good u finished at noj gtrat erpense of wit or thought jor judgment probably the most awfal butitoaholder who everwroiawas akhb lahfepuhnydays he asedjto write- essays in fckh remarkable places ul his stable for example using tha nose of a- favourite mare forafesk that the description of the steed and fthe stable en tirely swamped the reit of the performance there can be no doubt that jjarrulity unot unpopular for its own sake and that many o the ptblic prefer a picture makhb nr s baynackvcr of the tfewlafefna o the sands to the mo it elaborate and ingen ious criticism jthhs it ft scarcely fair per haps to blame these artists far drawing por traits o themselves at the mokt wo can only say that iihldiajointed chat fits badly into ui tnsawhii pretenda to dekl witi hinda pantheism c with grimms jaw when a reader is m earnest about a subject then he gets fierce with lbs batten holding reviewer as to the feelings of ihe author renewed they mav bs eaiily lmigined perhapi ha has composed a hstoncal tragady he pikes up a review he tees the name of h j owh pom at the head of six columns of clselj pnttcdlmstter ttus must e favsjurabie thiaks tips victim no one wpald damn my poem in six cclamns so ho begins and reads and reads while thectahofth but- toahloingcritie grows closer aad closer upon hi ie the critic tkes him mt j hit confidence about medera and iivsintine art aboat what mr kaskinrays andmrarnoidtbiriks aad about the tnnsitionsl character of the nine teenth century tvn he maanden away to the lufiuenfls of depressd trade this bnnss him to the cyclic year of plato which in tare suggest soma appropriate remarks oa indian theosophy ssanu and zogit and the rest while tha performance closes with tbe observation that it is difficult to write hisancaldnuuss ina period of s jiool boards and elementary educafcon this is tbe mst cammca and perhaps the most annoymj form of literary buttoahodmg a writer mar seem to take the pibhc an to hs cnfiienca7 and even to patf and fon die his uahappy readers through the use of same tedious tricks of style ihere arc au thors who not only twaddle insufferably shout themselves but who twaddle inonta neatly about their readers they are always saying yoa yoa do that o yoa do this and impyiag a knowledge of yoa which human naturej vigorously reseats this land of writer particularly rejoices in saying toupee when very haely you don t see at all and m talking your this and that yoar corccrnb l your cotn- inerctal taveuer 1 wearisome affecta tion he will also tarn round on his public and sty you too reader have known what it is ta love iirtha raoraing of 1 fe or he will so far condescend as to wk yoa ibout the skeleton liyour pnrate cupboard this firnuisnty has an air of the pulpit which does not make it more agreeab c there is a great deal too much afie tionate cess in it too much interest in the reader a private concerns a distinjjuished lawyer and morabstlias repelled with raie disgust the promiscnoas aflectfon of tho positiviats and their literary grandmotjie- jeanjac ques roasseau i do noi want any of yoar c take your enthusiasm for ha tnaaity to haman beings whojuke it better than 1 do he said in effect tee affec tionof thisfliuihtr wntef is notless disagree able it u generally the resalt of a pretty wide and exhaustive ltjnorancs of humaq nature andof afase following otthackcay the moit auicere adaurenjof that great writer must admit 1 hat m this nutter ha was an cunplor mini inuhitztf that he did battonhod the pt bl c witli tenaaty and psrseveranoe bt then ho bad nutter worth saving quail t and deep thought that cculd bast ba expressed pefcaps in this famihai manner no ona who delights in style in bomor m tfbservstiqa fares of this talk qc wearies of ollowing tha maze of tbe koundabout pspirs it dees not follow that the preaching and the familiar method is a good math 4 bossact is at liberty to preach but we dp net welcome a lecture from the cavaal c irate smith is a good compinioa and a pleasant talker but hu existence doss aot palliate the passing of brown who not onlyhaanothingto say bat says that nothing in tha deanest fashion we like moataigi whatwuw dnnk but it doeanoj follow that tha first essayist pr reviewer has aright to teaie the pubbcj with his ideas about matters which intimately concern himself and no ontj els in tht world f s3 oca 5 society ojneojhcrs luuccans emcastrania or armenians 400 moravians and 86w0 sofparatistf r old efortatd 3 ttxt blgjia government gnats annually tjtha rem n cshohcs who compnsa 99 per coat of the population about 900000 to the protestants 12 s73 ta the jews 2 2- the jews a amber about 150q l tmgnerd synod of tbe state church of prussia paired reaalutioni oondemnatory uf mixed scfoou snd gorernment exaaunataoil p choolopcaf cindidsf es the majonty ex- presel cordeainstcry viots of fanlku pohcy arscacaic hatc u annoapced to take place hi dairy scouand tvo preach ers are to contend for tm wtoorsbl yerdlrt of the citltens oa a ttitgeexeewjn tba pub be hall whether both are to pjeach from the same text is not stated the disctpes cf christ orcampjwlhtes as they aro generally called on the weat hare miaons m england ihnmart fratrce and consilntiaople with aboat 594 members tha mooey raised the past year for thesa missions sraoanted to 15547 tnx uoya ooxtu at georgetown bat- isl qua publishes a special law recent ly pawed empowering the flasncnu author ities of the government to mike- a loan of 19200 to th wesieyau missionary ocafcr this issomethmgnew laraisflionjxyannajs ax event at themeetiagof thflgeneralid- 1 t semb y ofj the tree churches of ftay was 1 tha presence o baoaaventura mitarelh member of prirlnmfent and juatitftt the si j gremecoart he was recei7oj intothe de- i nomnutionsixroonthb ago ha su chosen viitj president of the assembly bit wnrtair tftloa formerly known uo cimorais street preacw hs teat m it months 46 ansnoaanea to south america and intends to sand out 20 more i at the beginamgof the next year the ex pedses and support of these missionaries are paid by general coptribufions tax samoaa islands have been entirely christianized out of apopuiatronof sbont 40000 soma 8500o or seteaghtbs are oonnectad with bristiuchueea the r london missionary society reports 55493 tha wesleyans 4794 ho eoraaa catho- hcs2952 themormons 126 pr is stated that the only point of daffek eace stpresen between the sossisn govern- ment and tha vttacanrespscting tshe-catho- life church of poland is tbe demand ijf bos i r sta that the polish bishops shall abandon all j ntes which imply the separate nataanal ens- tencft of thej poles the vattcaa ttsponda that it baa no power to compel the canons- 1 sions it is expected that tha matter will be aatisfactoriry adjusted sous french jesuits art causing- trouble in madagascar the are claunmg a large plot of ground ui tho centra of the capitn it is also stated that lh one trorce i they dictate to governors and native ojsotrv f bind and flog protestant teaohera break up j the schools interrupt the worahro 0 tne people in their chapels on the sabbath omci ally complain of tho preaching tbahynnm anti erta the praymi of thd native ministers and in one case at least they hive induced a chief to pull down a protestant chapet the government u m a dilemma andihe whale i cjuntry is in a state of excitement and tre pidation laugh meeting have been heh in ton- don at the call of archdeapoa denmsan 0 t the propod reviaion of tho jjrayer hook resolutions were passed dtclanag that it is act expedient at the present time ti tler the prayer book that if at any future time such alteration be contemplated the lower hauea of the convocations of 9 tebury and york require first tjo bo made 1 adequate represent ibons ol tha clergy ot the two provinces that this meeting disapproves as not coming from a responsi ble conrocation tha bishop of curhsiq t tjill to provide falities for the amendment from 1 time to time ol the ntes and ceremories of the church pfior jihesiegge chinese professor at oxford says in late academy that the namber of buddhists in chin is greatly overestimated rhjs davids in bis jbudd hism estimates the number t 44500000 in china and japan 6ays prol leggot v we lopoff 400000 000 from this aggre gate we sb4u act be doing an ujjnstioej to buddhism confucianism is preeminent ly j the religion of chna bodihism jias loag been tolerated and is widely spread among the peopl tstih it anas bean a strange systenu excepting those who ave adopted the 3addhist tonsure tho vast sw jonty ot the people however freqaently they mayte foand in buddhist cf tauist templeswottldclafulobe followers of the great sage of all religious systems con x lucisnism perhapsv has the greatest follow mg then christianity then hinduism thea mohammedanism and we would place bamdhum in the fifth place n 9 1 1 acres of perfume some idea of the magnitude of the business of raising sweetscented flowers for their per fume may be gathered from the fact that europe and sntish india alone consume about 150 000 gallons of handkerchief per fuma yearly there is ona gteat perfume distillery at cannes in franoe which uses yearly about 100000 pounds of acacia flow ers 140000 poundb of rare flower iaates 32000 pounds of lasmise blossoms and 0 000 pounds of fawrose blossoms together with an immense quantity ot other material and for perfume victoria in new sonta wales is a noted place for the production i par fameyielding plants because such plants as the nugnoneltej sweet erbansvjasrnme roie lavender acaaa hetiotrope rosemarj wall flower laurel orange and ihe sweet- scented geraniomr grow there in greater per fee lion thin in any othvr part of the vorjdv l soath australia it is behpyed weald afefe be a good place for tha growing of perfume producing plants though at present not mnch caltivatea always ttbs qutiigii i when you begin a sensaaal novel nevtv wep over tha troubks tte heroine la the very first chapter she may be abducted by a black hearted viluuandbethateneji with instant death on every other wee and swallow a pint of strychnine b the rfcdile of tha book oat aho noil come out slthfta in the last chanter and marry claude- edgar fitsclannce hoatmoreslci who turns out tfl ba another nuns son and falls heir to toooj- 000 by the death of an ancle in australia who went there a year previous a poor man end the girls father who wanted her toonar- ry the villain will put butnands 04 thesr heads and say bless you xny cbildrcnj it al sys turns 01 ifibdin enargta u tint way veternaliy the man who is eternally afraid that somebody will eoftsosp him doesnt know enough to rtaliaa thai green wont wash v wffn fcrmtsr

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