Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 1, 1880, p. 2

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v s gas sllfe 1 i if ll t an eq3 frfiess ttucasut kokixa ax u 1810 i counciljor 1880 euottt y aoolamlvttok skh r retiring ud elect- j t cotuicumetu lut tmltb expaoes cemetery nd other matter disoumecl tke meeting fot nomination ot candi dal ea tot or v illtge council fur the en suing jntr look plaee st advertised on jtuuday lut the mull af the nolit tuition was satisfactory in evtry way u the council wst skated by acclamation and our village it ut be congratulated on bang represented it the cuuual rkmnf by luck worthy men it the following reeve dhbtdmsok nominated by memts tho eastoa snd wni worden councillors w h sroter nomtntw by meats c s smith ad d heudersoi 1 a s sutttl nominated by messrs i d d christie and d kennedy d d citttsttk nominated by uestrs j ahtm md s moore n alcgakrif nominated by messrs t easlon and d hroderaon when th time for nominating had expired mr j e mcgatvin clerfc rid lhu nametof those nominated an declared the council for 18s0 duly elected 1 our readert wilt ee that the new council it composed entirely of compel tot men ail eu versed in municipal matter all heavy ratepayers tit men of tnfiueoce it home and abroad mr henderson will males a good kseve and from hie extensive knowledge of all mtuert requited for thai official we do not hetiute is saying h wilt mate one of actont meat tucseasful rvet then hi la supported by a auftof t tirlhy men three ei- reeves and a councillor who for a number of years his sat at the board we think that it will col be far wrong to say that this tillage hat the moat competent men tils year ai cocncillara that it ever had and no doubt the huunest of the tillige will be promptly attended to and etcry rulerest will be lookrd after i the oockciuots srtecma mr chrntia ex reeve fint occupied the platform he referred especially lo the harmonioot manner in- which the taxtneat of ths t liisge hat been carried oa by the retiring council he had leaagned from the reevesbip became on account of bonneaa he would be absent from the tillage a great deal and could not attend to the office as it should be nothing of importance bad bees done at the county council but in was present at esca meeting and xprested hit opinioni on til tobject that wer ducoased whan he look offin tfce collector rotla for isi and 1876 jhadnot been handed in but durinff the year both theee eolls had been returned at well at roll for 1879 and now til collectable taxet of the tillage are m the hands of the treas urer and the tillage instead of being in debt has a goodly tarn to its credit after every account hat been settled he then read statistics sheaing that tura tn 2087 on hand out of which 349 wax for school purposes ind fti9 of clergy reserves hid to be tafceni which would leave 8319 for re pairs and improvements m the vtluge tor next year w then referred to the cemetery qarntioo and discussed the whole matter f root its tint sgitation through uiesecoiumna until now and thoroughly endorsed the action of the council m arranging for the purchase fir f950 19 acres of land from mr steels in a plat for a new cemetery although the property i is now under iease for four years he understood from the lessee that arrangements can be made to that immediate possession will be given he thought future genera jtiona wonld be tttenfcful to the retiring council and the other prominent att- cens who instigated and as far have earned out the project he then thanked tie electors fnr kindnest shown him and honors bestowed upon hist during his residence of seven years in acton cheers d hesdeksos ex eooncillor for 18 9 and reeveelect for 1880 then thanked the electors for the honor he had received and hoped to merit the trust bestowed on him ha referred o the efficient ciuncilcen tbtt had been elected and thought his official duties would be tightened there by as churman of finance commit tee for 1879 he read t repot t of the disbursements for the past year and explained several slight increases in ssjanes of officers and also the invest ment of the clergy reserve which has been disposed of for sir years at 8 per cent on good farm security he said there wss no nsa referring to actions of the retiring council as the feee fwzs had gratuitioutly reported each meeting and observing electors would find a recordin this journal again thanking the electors for honor bestowed and hoping fur a harmonious council fur i8sq he resumed his seat 0 8 shits an old and new councillor was then called on as chairman of street and sidewalk cimmittee he furnished a list of expenses of hat committee which amounted to 115 he thanked che electors for the honors bestowed on him r adijts t refirin eourcitlor had not much to say hs hid cot done ranch hut had looked on much pleased that the other councillors managed things so well e kicsxtir member of the courcil for 1879 waa glad the new council wm elected by acclamation w h sweet a newly elected councillor wk pleased to see the una-i- imiry of feeling that exmta through out th ullage as manifested by this alairiion by acclamation he iial no a ptrations as a village official but if ho cmld be of aervice and promote the wullaui uf act u gladly uuld lie do so with regard to thn oemoter filauoo he might cuiui lo bo falhei t the project and of course was a learty sumioilcr of it the present lupldated condition of the old cemo lory with other mailers in councctiou theroaith were refured to awl the necessity of a new site being purchased ih thtu explained li mentioned thai he luul received several cffais fiom other towns where ha would liaia lucnused shipping facilities at well as other dvmiriv to uioiuhta eaublith ment there hut bis mlercsu tro tn acton lie had spoken putalely to the rcvcof this matter and lie under ktood there was a projrjt on foot to exempt his business frouv uxttiuu fur a u rm of tw but unless it was done beiuro the ne council received pocr it would not bo done whilo ho was a member lif that boird as ho did not auh the people to llunk ho had accepted office to further lus own iclcreats in accepting office the wdfure of llio vilug waa at bw heart and herc lie failed to advocate what was for the irencrtt good it would be in error of judgment hot uck of ill utt ilcoar tv bad no intentions of uffiethood until sttuidiy night nhcti a number of friends passed him to accept the office nud evun then hail lie not had a great deal of lutorest in the new ccmeury ptojoct he wuum tuvo rtfused the honor ho comuicuded the and hapcd tliu pur chase at the polls next mandaj al though there wag somtaliat of jin out ley in the purchase he as satisfied the vilge ould be repaid in ihe sale ot lota he could not congratulate the electors when tho chose lam but thanking them for the honor received would ever guatd the interests of the vilttge several persons referred to the pro posed exemption from taxation to be given mr storeys business all ipeafc- ing in favor of it after which mr storey explained ths duadi utges he had n acton from express insurance eta and which m krgu places would put cash m lus pocbe mt r iuttle wi thn called or he had taken creit lutetcst in tie cemetery and thinks ttof tho gtcateat importance to have a decent place in which to bury tho dud he ihui showed how cemeteries under the arc of trustees as our old one is are tot properlr looked after while if thci are cared fur by municipal authority it is quite the reverse instead of having purchased too much land la was of opinion tho error was the reverse and by u90 it woull seem too small he congratulated hu fellow electors on the unanimity and judicious selections thut had been made for the new council the meettni was announced cloed and the cieik gave notice that un man day next the polls would bi up n to receive votes for oragainat the proposed purchase for the cemetety plot that had bren selevsd ai the ratepayers would ratify 6 hasutt would akk0ukcet0 the c1t1 uvr of acton aiul vtmnllv thai ue ualuitopcaealntuiiv fiotulicta clt keteeted static or dry goods groceries crockery classware a grand opportunity we would invite the attention of the ladies of actou and luno juding country to thti fuel that on the otti day pf dtoomhtr we will commenoa a special sale and that he u prepared to sell st the most renfonabla prices for e h and would rcipectfully tollclt a ihtre of their patrousgo country trod uck taken in exchange netaemocr lie kkw stqbe mill st east aotoa b ha8uett acton dec ssthif fornitiire furniture fltng hat as no mlaetlon of turniture was kept in town an that it it always required 1 hate purchased a f lock ol tho mriout lines required and am prepared to sell at the most reason- abo prices farllea wanting anything n lint line give h m a call and ha con vinced lltihcr ciu putchtia furniture aches la tctonssean be procured in ouclpu orueorgetown undertaking v al ill reqturtunrli in tint utparlmont cd uuu an tland aiiu a llil ciulc ucarf s fdtnlii cd wuen tequlnu kote ml prlta ltjcled in mo vir eltiicrtioie or t t kecctfu win ilwe call aod f llle at ctnc kf i luttnd to cljce iqx bvckkoatiiesutice i johk hpecuht i oar wmaw a aefm att acta oot stoves stoves cheap is4 people to dtnfrotn poverty to wealth wonly chancing misery but to pass from illness to haallh is like flvinciroui t hi world to ptrtque many tgtd popia wbo are troubed with dartngemenu of tle urinary ortsnt would find relief by using victoria bucliu and uva urn which it r pared expressly to meet their cases nd cure diteases of the secretory tjslem gl per bottle while you live live well j t eastotf baker acton t would respectfully thank my numer oos customers in actou and the sur rounding country and villiges for the bountiful patronage they hare bestowed oa me noce started mr baker bdsmess in the wall known stand almost opuosito hills grocery store and besides obenngj my thanks t would solicit a continuance of their esteemed patronage in the future as in the past my beead will be secqjc tq mwe while m supply of sdks avd cakes are unequalled eaelsoab caz3 b fscultt orders for picnics teamcctlnes ar hoclal gntncrins promptly and theaplr ciecatcd oa short notice j t easton sale board 8ta mill street is where bles aoton iyou can get firstclass rigs atrea8qhablerate8 good commercial brigs an ernress delivery wagon will meet each express train and deliver goods to any part of the town au parties indebted to hit cs tablithmaut are j requested to pay up 1 without further delay and save costs ed matthoe proprietor at birxiw into 76 si ja bylaw fo raise by waycf loan the sum of nine hundred and fifty dollars to pay the purchase money of land purchased for a public cemetery for the viuage of acton of silks and dress goods sgj at special erices bcforo he recent advance in silks our buyer who wtt then in lha euro pean maikoti bought very heavily to that on the isth wa trill oftur about 5000 yaida slaok dress silks 4384 tarda colored dress silks at prlcat titt muit sf qqt t rpotr sutnaw ei th trlwla lot we would not go to the expense of advertising in papers out of nur own city upjess we had something lo offer that would i at one command the altentios of every purchaser and wa assure the peoplo of lint wctuitv that this opportunity or purchasing an elegant and durable dross hat never been equalled in ontario i driilve this sale wciniarabteea satlngfor onrjatront of tiro dollars in etcry ten facts foe the ifeojfiiej black dress silis 72c 83c 96c si 08 si 10 35- colored dress silks 50c 62c 70c 78c 90c ii colored persian cords 121o tyeed suitinka 15o half price sateen cloths 20c beautiful goods best materials 26c 32 and 44c every plse at above pnoes guaranteed tfiesa prleaa oannot be beatem n toronto or hantlhoaj hills large sxl ofsuzvtft of stoves jutz of it a tie facti anwa and cke nch latidfomc stvte fa lie vutrhrt cook tos of all ojc ai the rcry toicctt pnetx j vxll edccccd dock of tijntwabe always on hand sarcrsotama ass erzoialttzs ad tall lc ezceuil an ike thovfat notkc ooaltoil a good itocl oftmxwr qualify ccap oohs aiti see for totjflseiiyss j c hill although this sale is confined especially to silks and dress goods we woki say that ws hold the largest haaclsoo est aad cheapest stcckof fuxsi ia this part of the comtry ladies visit this sale and be convinced that john hogc son sell the best eeods inqaelph at the cheapest pnca big of fht ooman man john h009 k bon whereas l6o municipal council of ih village of acton have purehatedland jfor a pobliocomeuiry fmra william steele at od for the rie or nnm iklne uindrddand fifty dollars 1 l j and ihereat for the purpote of paying the purchase money of theaald ad it will be neoetsary lor bo rad municipal council to raise the nm of nis liutidiod and fifty dollars in the manner hereinafter mentioned and whereas it will require ihe torn of one hundred tad fourteen dotuia to bo raised annually by special rate in the whole of the rateable property of be village of actod for pyiai the sai j debt of nine hundred and fiij dol- lars as qereioifier mentioned andjwherett be amount of the whole rateable property of th said village of actn according to the last te vised assessment roll of the laid vdlltga is on kundnd and thirty leven thousand twohandted and fifty five dollars and wherear the smonntof the existing debt of tle said village of actoo u nil and whereas for paying the interest and creating an equal yearly sinking fond for paying the snid uoi of nino hundred and fifty dollars it will irqmte an equsl annus ipecial rate of eighty three hundredth of t mill in the dollar m addilioij to 11 rates to be levied itf each yw bo it tberefoe enasled by the municipal councilor the tillage of aetoa 1st that it shall be lawful for the bee re of the said village of aetoa to raise byj way of loan from any person or perku body bodies corporate wso may be willing to advance the tame pon be credit of tke debentures herai after mentioned a turn of money sot exceeding in the whole tho sum el hue hundred and fifty dollars and to came theliame to be paid into the hand a the tceuurer of the said village for the purpote add with the object store recited j 2nd that t shall be lawful for the laid reeve to cause ty number of da fbentures o be made for mien turns of money u may be required aot less thtu one hundred dollars each and not exceeding in the whole tttovat tto said siim of nine hundred and fifty dollar and that the said debentures shall be sealed with the seal cf the said village of acton and be sijnsd ky lit said reeve and countersigned bi the treasurer of the said village 3rd that tho said debenthres shjill be made payable ia twenty yean at furthest from the day hereinafter mentioned for this by law to take essettt the office of the treafurer of the aauijlunicipihty sad shall have attached to hcoi coupons for the pj ment of interest tib that the said debentures shall bear interest it and after tie rate ef seven pfcr cent per annum from the date thereof which iterfcstshaljbejjble annililly on the first day of january in each year at the office of the said treasurer of the village of acton i ih that for the putpose of formng a sinking fund foe the payment of th saij davnturea and the interest nt the rate aforesaid to becows doe thtrsonr an eqml specufrate of eighty three liundredlbs of one mill m the dollsrjsiil in addition to all other rates be assessed raised levied and collected in each year upon all the rateable property in the mild village of acton during sit continuance of the aaio oibtnluns or any of them gii tlut this be- law shall uke leftrct and come into operation on the thirty first day of january one thousand eight hundred and bghty ard be it further enacted by the aaid municipal council that the totei of ths electors cf the said ivillage of acton on the above bylaw shall be taken between the hours of niw oclock in toe forenoon and five odeck in she after noon en uondav the fifth dav of jnqaary ad 1880 in matthews hall in the said village and hat llecleibof tbe council shall sum up ths number of the votes givtn fur md against the said by law at the same place on the lollowint day at nine o clock in tbe forenoon and further that the time and placetor the jappointmrmt of persons to attend at the said summing ap of tne votes by fbe council chanlber in said village at tea oclock in be day of january a d i860 j clerks shall be at tbe c forenoon on the second excelsior bafcebtz b e nicklin tike this opportunity of thanking flieir friendii and pitroni for their very lib eral support in the past and trust that tliey will continue it ft a hare always on hnd a lull supply of bread cakes buns r asrut confectionery frmts canned flan oatmeal oornmeal graham and bacfc- wheat flour c o all of which we are prepared to sell at bottom prtoss for oa8h in connection with tho bitery we ttave tart opened aa oyster parlor and will serve ovsters tn every style we have auo conpuntly on hand a stock of oysters tn both an and bul cheap tf b orrtar sajjjrs supslioi it aaortcttastico aal woliike oaijs aadt to order b e nicklin take notice lust the above is a true copy of a proposed by law which will be ukcn into consiovrjtion by the cuuncil of this municipality alter one month from tie first publication in the- acton fkke press she date ef which tnt dnblici ion was thursday llteelevenli day of december ad 1879 and hat the votes of the eleclnis of the is d municipality will he taken tharton va matthews hall in the villse of ctm on uotuuy uibnrui 0j of january a d 1880 at nine ocock in tbe lorejnoon l i e mcgi ehud at adon liu ltl dai of dctmbtr 1s79 r j e mcgarvijf cmot full idnes of i gcirs cfecif1c meolct trfcdc mark trade mi the great ene- ilih kcmedr an anfailiar cure forsemlmu if you want new fears pres- waaferefigjbpcr matocruea im- poteny and alt m thai aliase ut lofis mjh oftneraorr universal rabitadrpanla the baclj imnffioltlaafrematareold ape anrtruanj a hflrutsfmoctbatieadlnlntanuy orconsamptlqnnnd apreraaturtigrave jaffull pixttcnlarf jn oar ramplilat hlcliw desire to send free b moll lo every one fl3tfie hpe iqtedicinc i wldbyau draffruuat i pepndcae o ix pactfffes for 5 or wl i be sntfrce by ma 1 on receipt orthemooei bvndtrcwlrir rnt ceat meda c trou oat can sold in coo bf all drtarciji and pwry wherein cfoda and tbe united sulef by all wnolesala andru dmcltsuail 8iy ents which are o ej m attentioa l attention 1 1 uenatne ltarpcrs bazaar pnt- cerus full suits only 85 cents stcaw wd frtr hats ivn bovrns dots ovra is aix vnt lrm srrrxs mes e h pass totst tue un 1shes to is w acton and vtclnll tdat slxe hjit lately learnt the kceuchmodeot cutting and fitting- and is now rre pared to give aven crrotor sitiifictloa thta fsntsrly weddtnjcand funeral floweisembalmed oressea anil sockets cat und a perfect fit cutranteed itl a reoconable rrlct iorptrllfhandcheapbai and bcnaeii ihs eh pan 5 fitceoreenaijuare quelph at home owing to a change in the management of the business about to take place grain son hate decided to rash of their stock of boots and shoes for ths next month or to tt coal price and under coma at once and secure bargains r i hota parties indebted to the above brm will kindly call and pay up heir accounts as a change will take place about the lt of october and we must hare til mooontt sattled by that data 8 1 oh aine son nassagaweya ltjmbee te shinclemills j peter 3ayer8 would intimate that he bax on band at mi mills in xanagswara formerly known as can ills milua urte stock or lumber lath and 8hinqle8 or all kinds and qualities oheap no i shingles 8130 per square bill stuff cut to order tbemsqash- petee savers acton dec 25 ts i overco atinq81 rakgkg froji 8800 to a large and select stock of tweeds hats caps 6vt the olothijs 1 p7fe 81800 cuelph c ite cordially little gentlemen new boot 5 shoe shop wwilltams ffouu respect- fully intimate lo th people ot acton and vlclnlt ihst ae hit opened a boot hboe htop in the oulldlnt apposite w h siorey glove woras on uru btaisr actox 1 anjoaatawamofa inbitantjaj nd ood fitllnr boot or shoe ihouid sot biltoleave their order at ulsstand spaitisff a epeoulty and 910019117 attended to i w williams aeton 8pt 1s7 1 sure to please rtllarles ahekon i main st aoton aesnt for the bell organ mansssctiired by messrs w bu co quelph orders left at lus residence will receive prompt at tention for particulars see adv on other side qiva him a trial cha8 cameron deo 10 79- m3m j of scold sailings qcrcoaiyigs fa choict goods to ie teen ftebckaxt b he 1st 2 s r gents furnishings leastelmlj gr store honas iji loth ttall lo teltd their clothing from our lifoei ii mecra prize undendothng alicays on sand shil vet c3 slttrtoli jtailobs qoelpa ittjee m o k 0 x m o j john wobjsfold c3m uanuacturers wbolctal i and retail dealers in all kinds of plain fjine an artistic furniture the children and 1 j ctje ffave recently added a number of new styles to onr una ol goods sai wfll t be pleased 10 exhibit them to al who may javor us with a call bnael al lis onvted carlos tbo bnlidat isason a iplcndulfiui ot rood snd rabstoual artkim anuabi 1 iroya jiomrtutadduiuroloesmnt f bls of the onalr ihttileton bloelt upiej wvndham bt ouelph til h cheaper than else-

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