Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 1, 1880, p. 3

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iksiekilb b ihffljbst dlatd srumfof taeldknd of kine dohmi fty dot rukg- o om ollitv i isiko iking find quire en i dollar ia leton i athoafto j orate vfao re hereii tuuojt jcct above of b ovee t tan torn shall fcrjsvsisl- j- sty yew i lessssot bed to rata e 1 i be payable oiihud enl of tb j thtraoci ollarhil in each ruling the onthtf r ia votes bl be liken the after- hall m imbexof the- lelolkjwim i paeeidr the- by the iathe ivrhjeh will j ooc donth i which int 1879 and i thernou la rfsaoaryf ckmi tktitik tik takue trains leave acfcoa as follows aouta wist kight repress j toronto mail day eiprcss express hlt mixed aetxa task ml xight express g sit mixed day exprcsa western mail j london mixed ill sutruvko from the mu in it05tm 810s in htpm tu5pni j 107 pm an km iitm us0 m 4ri6pm 9pin e table v- fraatnroou tit u mwj from knatchbull 8 sm on and fridays from sneyalde sjo sn on tuesdsyt sud fridays j suiia tease doing wutfcii awi mar 8ast415 p m halt for tdtvmlo litis tin i i knainllmaluimoutuwliy friday i swyside mill 110 m on tuesdays ui bexutetedv letter must be usaflvi 15 min utes before eouug lime tuesdays thxestjav orktro las 1 1580 sa oommusrelttds from hessegi fy lu notind too ut cot ihu iuu are too taking pin to make otae poor penoa hippy during tstkotf- t v- rer prompt dli gmtntidiottoatotseiitvipuerptibluhar 8n47oar ibctiptioaot 18w u no sreatsa class a meeting oe the hita ot acton u ttmttt4 it mitttawt hibptudisveaior jn 6th 1880 to mtn drot huriagton ud decide n- trdiig linking clw udtaa btioging oat w opjk utviutken orth oratorio olllaaieu one oc both boat in mm tuetday evtnini jan 6th tu mat- th hall at30- proa kirrntdtox coqunuaiodtion tkia neek wa rt etivod a eommaalcatian rota seatdtnt in refetewe to taxation itmptioni bit u the uama ot the vtite did iot ieaompanr tie wmtnnoicatiott wededlne tobiert it in our whrmnt w hare manr time tn- fonned oar raaden and tha public that nn- lua th oano the jkrtter aocompaniu hia 4tter in saanot gite it pablicitr w do not teajiir the name or iniertioo but adr aaanendtoce of doodfulh towxxd gorjtl lr j 0 hulhm 00a1ttbu70ainat atu ilt4 iwojt of stetti tf trr iueiljrttaa boticolaaaw4 nagtacia ske fccat w ap tilei a u ppiil te mu eiup fw cua- twajiwtnaatuoamjlat- 0 m sf tsu whuiie l btfftv ur- buv iu tlm 5leaiil lot ctlaaja hatwai taamzttalaciaiaiiua tiavwi oitllkiaitcan cilltal seefiiia- j we wlh yoa til attappy hew ytr yocxa probabilities say were iiaviok a good deal of weather thit week ualtbajc thinks ahe ahotiid be the next town in canada to become incorporat ed aa acitt- j we weleoma to oor list of ex- chahcea the chatbtm tribune ajonmalof ight pages very neatty printed and ably edited f csristitis sexkosc serrias was condncted in st albanv chirch on chtiafc mas oicrnid ai iq by eev 0 lee 1 he chnrch via beintifnllx decorated ix sottiff cities ererf loaf of hread vjias ita weigbi atamped nboiiit to indicate it tae bofc if every loafer bred in thit tarohad a eiut ctamped on him he would be tappreaod iveec or pkifncrserriefl will be teld eeheyenng dnriag the week of prayer nthe fethqdiitcliarch aeionj jcoedaxeoc it at 1 30 the firat meeting will be held en uaaday ereninjr sth inat hafpy subscribers in icrce ninn- berc hare becd calling foe their renewal rcceipta a wj good piethl of celebrat ing the haliday aeaeou as it tends to happi ness on ucth aides happy readers happy ditor the toul tuimbcc of tnarritges jaft year in ontario wax 300h kelt year jeiinr leap tec of coarse the qomber will be pearly aacmented bepn early in the jear udiesto ptp the question and we shall see the nomber cai 3000 beforeita doaec i i sleightjc tee eccellent eleigliing j oi thtr weehcid last hacdoae a great deal i ta improve besaocss f arsecs and others who hxye worl to do shonld mitn the most of it at onoe before the roads begone drifted and less passable as is csaally the ease abaat midwinter grain i now each a coodp ice that fanners can aeareeiy aukea t mistaheby selling at once if the snow lasts ait enomoos amoaht af ceaauag thciu ikldodcin ahort time tfcrsw fbrctc ao ckk qeta wheaurhr stctittaentttilts that little imlcretkjd atxant tin liuiico nd tge ladr tot toi wct eg in ber sleep u is vnr iioctttl tiit iir uscblh wjnlduaveexclalmecitmw phvsietnihe fcv it tnejundant ijacl piwooe4 him sfitii dot tie os sorts a beraes rauutte dtalarou itia one of iue oert axtflclnmt nanr 1 toe o drdlce aealaat che exoarati i properties oceacttc- all are foae rr wltn bf tne lac ilia l ihs izlauke etscroltt trne to tiie nint ati is rrajtri a4reea6letathelale price licnts we bare i-ecnvrd- the jacnirr rermlals bjmea tcarren p l- s ia in town i- wr h thnrtell dregrfit teeawater paid hyvotoo friends a visit lut week ilhr t alport moore breached in the methodist church on sunday morning last url a e matihewi eoalmaaverielon has beea- ipeadintc hit christmas holiday u ftit rowan 7 ee vcaltio d d principal toronto unirrrsity oocnpjed the pulpit of knot chnrch aotoo laat sabbath kiaa lottiie speight ot thk tihareliaa i finrin woola at b haaletta new store nosleee worth attention i xkub prteabit 0 w hiuj waati paper five oenta per dozen atthiioffioe ailvtb dreu battoi at b has jettinew itoe otitbu by the can or quui at iicitlifti bakery pest raise in 5cc tea la aoton at j wuanna tin lateat style in 148 felt hats atfyfaamenaba umjbrclotulsa geod and obeap atfyrfcmcxabv goocralutt in 50 bent tea at b haaletta nsw ator all rnsneweet thtngainioftfelt batantyyfekmokabv u pounds good sugar for 1 at a wgwnioaai atore omsm ftrab oyaten received daily iljmfcklisvi bakery ioutt and eooitoa lace cheap at b hailatta new itore a 0 rent tea selling for it cents at a vt qreeni eaah store plctdbx framing done at less tban city prices at 0 w hills nothtsa to surpass those ten dollar ittlu at fyfe t menaba cheapest motofntiip4 in the country to ba had at c w hills fnxait currants and raisins just reoetred at chriitie henderson tt co full araortment of berlin and immense institution f there are many reasons why the people of acton and surrounding townsbipefind it to their advantage 10 nuts ibeir 1 dry goods purchases at that mammoth fitotvi the golden lion reained her aitaation as teacher of second department of limchouie public school which positioa ibahas ablr blled nnring the past two years miss clara speight baa been appointed to fill the raeanor school eieotqht the nomination of candidates to sit the vacancies canned by the retirement of ifesars w h storey and the laxe edward ifoore from the board of school trjutees took place in matthews hall acton on wednesday 31st inst at 11 oclocki when the following persona were nominated 1 jokxkpkicrt komlnaled by s jloote sconnded br aa hsll i edwatn kickltx kotnloatedbr toserh lssbv reeoodea by wh 8torej- jo n it 1 asbt n oml nated by e u 8 ojder seeocded by o- 8 ssatln- w hi brokrr wotnntd by 8 moore seeondnl btjos lnhtwiudran i an-x-eu-nnit- nominated byttlstnltr seconded by tn moors oirinc to the fact that four candidabrtr are in the field a poll was demanded which will he opened at 10 oclock am on wed- nesday 7th jattr 1s0 in matthews hall since the nomination considerable con rersatiod hasjtaken place amon the rate payers and jpnblic opinion says that as there a at present two tnuteeajin ue board tavcpreaent the rural portiou of the school dfnajbn and u the tillage raises about two thirds of the school faada sod also that the two retirine trust were re- chiaiist oysters in town frenti and good at nickwi bakery try them ltvkgooss wauled tgq pounds lire qooae feathers chriatioj hendenon tco j qekjik apples by the- bag or barrel cheap for caahat a w gteena cash store j if yon want a nobby durable and cneap suit fjrfe k iftkab a u the place logo j foa the latest style in promenade portraits with handsome easel and frame 0 hill hop poles james matthews wants itir thousand good cedar hop poles pane ixvtss james matthews want 60 barrels of dried apples paereknos better than cure buy a jood overcoat and prevent catching cold you can get one tor 800 at fyfe mexaba i be aure and call as nickliaa bakery and examine theitf christmaa atoctofcjonfectioncrybeforelpurchasing elsewhere i leavx your orders for millinery at once ererybody will jranl a new the lildn is one of thq largest establishments in the dominion occupying more than twiee the room of any store ontalde our large cltiea ttutrllen are amaied to find a dry floods uousa of such magnitude and general arrsngament the lion is a large wholesale jobber and is al ways ready to handle erg lots of goods if cheap enough that smallsr houses dare not look at henoa aiwiyi haaipeoial bargku the lion buys directly from canadian manufac- lurert orbriluh agentseonaquently satts fur his enstomeri heptohu paid by imaller dealers lo wholesale holies 1 lhlr bast they cannot compete to prices the lion takes thelead regulates pricesjls in a word held and shouldera abote his oompetitoii the lion comprises every branch i of the dry goods trade each department being a very considerable business in itaelf h la customers no matter how tarietlthelr requiremeota naed sever go elsewhere lor their purchases it has become a standing theme r that whktererthe lion baa not got isnot worlhlookingfor eleewkjire presentwot the rilla the two eorpora- i gator bonnetfoc the holidays wmatie j- i 7- henderson k co t tion candidabsanomiuated should be elected s s assttebaart the xatjhodist sabbath school annual christinas tree lnd entertainment was held in the methodist chnrch on wednesday evening christ maa eve and was a luecest tea was pro vided in the bamseht and the sabbath school children were admitted freej alter tu the company retired to tie auditorium of the church ber k kobbs look too chair the choir furmabed excellent mssle and the recitatioas and dialogues given by the children were excellently rendered and all received hearty applause zo prinlin- tou one otthe achnlara from the infant das gave a recitation the drunfcsras wife which wax recited in i manner which would revs str hazleton and d b tamcrou iixrai am- nunon na aade ahort and pleasant addresses to the 1 wct eg in ber sleep lehildren the chrittmas tree was well 1 l rfoei m m b v- sv x m 9 u iture and wib be aeessu else- iobercf the tti rtftatx sebaot llunzia mcnthlj- pcbiicioai 6xobcd to the inter- et ofteiciicru md stadeot and if ire inis6 jiifle jtrota j tpecuneu before tu are tkatit will be of gntt sacviauge to tliree for wiiw it is cbpecuiiy iuttstl as it cqntshu ijjfoniiitiua ttxt is not bnpylied by iay otijer pttblicttira vs ctnzx th- ab8criptiqa pnee u oaly oae tdollir ft yttx i ftdrxece kiarie utimber 15 tt the ketpafek adtimseiesr the netrrpftpec fttirflctisetneat u never tir- ur rbrfcer in the iaicrest of its employer when the iu dlsiftfctztor hxt dsuppeuasd iroat the trtreefc ui hit lill bxre fieec va euctu tlx warn sj m srsg- vcaaj f in h fs performing its silent miaaiaa in the family l circle it appeal to a conatitueucy three or faar times larger thac ka represented br the actual sale of the paper forthre are few newspapers which do not pass frotrr hand to hand through threef of fsmr perabua with every issue oua cassim bora thwarts the srtt press carrierzboys present their annual address sad best bow to oar patrons in town whom tbey hope to find s flcisti j and fall of bedeyolence as becomes this joyous season thoee little fellows who through storm and- stacahine tire laid the weekly tjadget o news at the jdoors of pxit patrons expect to forget alt the t toils and troubles- of the iyear after sharing the iioliday boaoty of a- generooa fablic for any omissions of vhiyesr cbef are now devoatif peoitent much so indeed and will retpain in this state of arad for a wefrs leist majoslii4thfliuntial inanllation and festlrsl la uaoection with walker lodge ifo taf aid a k- acton uot place on stjijaa day l7thdec the eenmoav of installstion wu condactei try sro fettiford of unelpbf aasiated by bros scully and hani of berlin che lodge having been ciosed a goodly uaanber of the brethren f aetoc srith those of gnilph and btn repaired to the boysl erchange kherfl a table lades with good things was in waiting after supper the ssial loyal iod patriotie toasts were pro posed to which ue taestt from a distance 4nd the newrbuliad officers of walker lodte sererilly responded the health of the host and hosteas was drank in good coffee which alone was used- in all the thetoasta1 then after aingtog a verse of aiid lai syne led by the host mr campbell he wmpatry separated shortly after eleven odoat- the following are f hi of the effioerj of walker lodge fur bulen with presents for the children of the school as well as many for clrildrert who have laa since- considered thetnselres too big v- attend sabbath school as j soou u the pragrxntuie had been concluded santa claqx with uw long wbit beard and silvery hair arrived with a stock ot presents and was hailed srila sarprise and delight by the children he assisted ntrthe distribution of the presents his whole object being to please the children and every child in the school received a preseutitt the shape of in interesting instructive or amusing book the children appeared well pleaded with tbeirtecaent oeveralof the teachers were presented with suitable presents ihy their wsescff and bee- e hobbs psstor of the church received a furae coataining a re spectable sura from the congregation the teachers msd otbers who had the trazarogof the children deserve crease for their tuooeaa bra j susavwif dr lowiy sw d c bobtmbn jw w t smyths chap f b rturey sec jsa fuattbews tress b e bae 8d 0hynds d faecorrlid ofc j ssmsla ssi- j icimny tyler our city fathers zmx taum the village council met on friday even ing 26th rust in matthew hallj pursuant to adjournment tbeeecre in the chair itembert presett uesarc d henderson c s smith and e kicklin minutes of pre vious meetirig read and spprared- siocod by d hendnoa seconded by c si smith that the council again go into committee of the whole itfee bylaw for acquiring by purchase landy foci a public nernetery csrried i moved by c s smith seconded by e incfclie that the council concur in the re port of the committeeof the svhole on by- taw for acquiring by purchase certain lauds for a pubbc cemetery and that aaki bylaw he now read a tjbird time and passed and that the seal of the corporation be attached thereto carried the finance committee presented the following report and recommended payment of the various accounts xe mcgarvln fofyearssalry w0 jatueuufws nis 251 kpwnhalipunt 15 e mai thews refund for taxes levied jucaioslfajm by mistake m1 htorey and rtvoore rmtof coj- fee w r f sa att for ist8 and cons lab its salary for 1s7s p g armstrong and las matthews ralary fir collector ts77 thoe airlon collector aarary t1 total 10 oo 2s0 4ox0 moved by d henderson seconded by e sicfcliu that the report of finanoi commit tee nit read be adopted carried the ckimc matthewi fu iadon en the the wife of if r jasmatthews ii tsl aital 29th art of a sou the 25th foebis sons fh acton on ultmbyirev d b caaietourkfr ed forbes j to vcss susan 8oper both ot crewsous corners biilit amsbxc in oeorgitowu on the21rdultattherlriiunceit thomas bailoy esq by- ber f iw watts mr thomas bailey to miss mary apple- bee allof georgetown j wcllic watsoh in aeton in the meth odist church on the jistultayeer h hobbs samuelmcleineldestsonof mr thoa mclam to elirajane daughter of mr wm watson all f ths village bociabk on wednesruy deri 17 at christ church bremptoujbrbev arthur braltbee assisted by tbrfaqj jobnitou charlea culrer boe of igeorgetown to bebeccs aon eldest dsnghferol mr john clark of bramptoi i to taffl jctall and sqe trtooon i a hare risen in price about 10 cents per pound a v green of the cash store ia selling them at bottom prices so cent tea for 45 eetits j e mcqarviqs blood purifier for horses snd cattle ia the best i ever used every owner of horses and cattle should use them hansom adams acton ont j 1gc pieces of dundasjcattons just received buaght before the recent ad raaceof 1st deo now is jlhe time to secorea bargain in uollons christie henderson i co enwittji matthews lirfry man acton says j e mcoarrina blood futltltr tor ztnnckbsd ctlfci i fr saner- ior to any condition powder heretofore used in my stables j ladies dont forgot odr millinerr depsriment oar sioclc it fresh new and attractire and remarkably cheap mantles made to order in ftntelaai style method anderson a co we are going to gire big bartjsins for the next six weeks to clean out this immense stock we want money now ia yoar time to make money by saving it itcleod anderson 4 co j loot heoe ordsr yonr clothing from he mammoth housegorgelown 1000 piece of the newest and cheapest goods lu the world to chooce from ier feet fit and prices right mcleod an derson tco i r u b we have a most complete stock of colored silks mantles and other goods bailable for weddrag oc casions ladies snd gents can be sup- plisxlhere far just the thing mcleod anderson co i mack rooit to make rojm for eitooaiva recent purchases we will offer special reduction in lines of tweeds dress floods of 20 pefcehtfornetcajh dont let the golden opportunity slip no blow chrmle henderson t co evteepejse nfowrslalcquillan k hamilton of the wellington marble works guelph are doing the best and cheapest work in canada being the first to introduce firstclass work at low prices by importing direct the best qualities of marble and granite i 1j bales of dundaa cotions bjles of wbifs cottons bales or dundas shirtings hales of cenadjan ducks in checks stripe and plain without doubt the biggest purchase etermade atcne time by any dry goods house ia hslton secrred before the recent advance on most favaorbte termr and will be sold at decided barpaioi no blow christie ueudenon k co j aoton if aek wsr4 as rsll the hectic cheek toe sunken ere the naek- lngcaasbtl beuaytheireseneeoctbatdlre foe tonsumptlon if oae of our irlenis or relatives ik slucked wdblthefe diseases tliem is nothing that e would not do lo give thm rellec but- leading- physicians prescribe tuvatn tbe only known remedy and one which stamps the discoverer as a pabllc benefactor is ftettri emutsa t cod fiver liandaypopawspklies efusae isi da ntverina larseraod varlcdezimjiienee ba it been known fa fall to give relief and in sflosteases permanently curie stop reaj this we hare the krgestandmostootapletti eioofcof goods onhand that ever was in georgetown they are not old or motnjealen or bank rupt goods that were puiohssed origin ally at three times their jralne by sealey men bnt fresh new goods porcassed before the isle big hue dress goodi 6oj6 1 2o 15c 20o 2kc worth bo 20o25e 80o 35c 60o winceys atocto loo i2r 15c 20c worth 10c lo15e 20c 25o wo blankets jat 2 3 c4 5 g7 worth doable the noney bufislo bobes 2 60 m 450 b worth double the money tweeds at 24c 80o 40a 5cc ooo worth doome tb taoney ladies muffs at l 115 150 175 2 worth 60 per cent more mink muffs and csps at s3 mammoth clouds at 25c soe 60 5o meos and boys csps at 87o 60a 60o 6 mens fur caps at tlm 2 2w 3 w w- worth double the monby grey all wool flannels atoo 25c mo 35o 37o the above goods hare advanced 50 per oen t more uoleod atjderson a co the i lrons business is continually growing this falls sales show a large increase pier former years want of ipse prerents any special mention but your wants and reqntrementa in silksj dsa goods loliiaeft mantles j sressmakig staple cottoris and woolaus housefmttisliiaga carpets clothfls ttreeds morchaat toiloriiij hats caps fur aoodf sosiery qlores otb etc will nowhere be so well serred aa at the- cc cuelphv saatjlu seat u tstitaf ordon ptemjuy svtwaaei to- j d williamson co tke assortpaeutat j i clearing sale on satuxllext we will commence an extonsire tale at reduced prices of trar firstdase dry goods millinery mantles and ctothihg on sieoountof altera- tionain the business extraordinary bargaina may be expected and iwill be given as this is s geuube sale to reduce our large stock every customer in the royal city and county of wellington and surtoonding conntif will rave timu and money by coming direct to j w1j stewaet fe gos and auend this great sale of dryigoods stlka jlsntles millinery flannels blanfatvoioyefc hosiery underclothing and fancy goods a special lot of cheipweeda which en not now bedhplicated also a select lot of rsttatmcrnnbla and cheap wolbe vffered a the reduced prices obliging snd attentive salesmen who consider it no trouble to show- goods during the great reduced said positively no goods will be charged unless br special artaturemeht we stewart co guelph pure cod liver htpophosfhztes of xxbke ahdsoda tui pewaraoos eorabbc ot tm best reanrset erst r sp chssuslmsiiisistaieswswla kswanutlasst sad dlsraaw oftb totmt aswl v sillwavrassatpnusrfckli5u lsedvhuies ccc3ljv oil to a fona that k psdeeny taiksisstalailsydka s vstrbt lie blood illsya ttiwfca oft umat fd tam rssfwa ft tefataojfesja stgsmamsskftriekt st rsubtsndraclisttsltaaiwua pants 0he4p j chblpi to clear put stocfcj i i i i boots ft shoes at 0ldpsi0es dress loods luktres v i winceysplalx blankjbtsjtweeds i i no advance in prices 3 bales f factbry cotton just iu4jeufai jsfqtci ji recent advauoe at special price isind d6ltt totj pobaetit ithefamoiis 50c isellingl at 5gc is stifr ri prices guaranteed lower than in any adjoining ty towh or villag ji ife tvqtoyr istjye ipseot aaotber tat ef stewrfs ctlebr rted 8tote8 jazecetied jbstibs krasm uteae ataves tw caak i rbestt ulsft rjill sand inspect befere parckatus jetaeirker sa every mere ii wssmibtesl u tire stisfctlo let lerg ipotjnext poor te creechs tiaddlery i sisbi mteroamie west mm silks and in ibis department out sales oahtjnne daily to jjn rirge bi lovely textnree never fail toplease sttistf dress 6oods pur m arlotjirftin of handsome french woolen material and anotief caseof those loyely soqtch 8jitaligs at preisent so isshionat le v i ijgrladies must come to na for the right textures we are boiind to do the drea goods business in quelph and have the eteok to do it with i millinery department our stock in this department is i t present very seleos business too is kei ur thanithaa been at any timb du ing the past thwje yearvl orders arer ing in fast andall iour hands are working extra hours stlsdies will find it a real pleasure to select fr the goods to do the millinery business with there i o bui aaiuonaole wte4 pnu mottle iti im bur etew wei have no doubt about that knery broofiaemeat 6vjxa oeksajhik boar the undersigned has- for service on lot 27 oonl 4 eaqheslng a-thorogu- brad berkshire boar which is a prist laker at jthe gdelph central pair term 100 cash imni j alex h bkovfn arcbibala kifsell for sewinj machine aid general repairs try the guorgqtown sovelty works v abiptf ejujkli v 22tl main st osoigstowh be sure and read the right hqusie advertise- j- lentthiotjbk i a g he at variety of hndsome silk and lace ties ilk lsee bordered snd linen handkerchlefc for ladies ftd g ihtlemen kid olbres jfid milts- tld gaunt- i leu both lined nnd onlined at all prices from a nioe twobnuoned kid glores st only jh to the beyictorlanewslyle of laoed ud g4ved which are eaater pift and fit better tban any ather kid gloves made be sure to examine the 50 tz 75 and otlo kldglovr rmbs first oholce tbey sre warrmied to be the very best french kid hooillonaaod other mak on oombs w a- i- ei they are bean iful goods the 1 112 kid gloves are mbt w kid glnveskep i in large qnantltiea ladies collars and cuffa in great variefy an immense stookdl ladies snd gents underolothlng of all kinds genu tfciows dsoaris and lac irs bows and ties bhesp i i udlas and jents- portmonies cheap lois of ladies pure linen hshdkerehiefs from 7o np to lllfi beautiful embroidered linen handkerchiefs blsck hxirtmed linet hsndkerehrrfs for lsdies and gentlemen ladies very handsome lacebordered cambrio handkerchiefs mbw esfianlkerhielsln reatyanety a full stock 01 mleiand boys kid tniua and sdoves a nice lot of ladies silk lies marked down to half price ladies should call eerljr to buy aome of those nice comfortable ulster lalejy maiked dtjjv u half nrice those black inihue olbths marked down tohaif price are an extraordinary bargain a lot of pattern insntles marked down to half price a beaautsll lot of new mantles ot bauraominory low pneta jnst serelted ee tbem by all meana they are far below their real vsluis being boogat rropja nuorrfarsrforcashatagieafiijttonvromb in many osas to leas than half price just imthcee afris and boys felt bats lor 12ta each b uooato w bitoieacbed all linen table damask only 2po aad every piece ttjoallt cheap op tt the bait atlj 6es tksblttkau v l j iirf low they are the bemialltj ttl bfofd guatsei ffcsbnela linen hu an extraordinary bvall means they were bonghtfrom a newymakerbrewabelo their pfir and are sold exloarr at 8w eoual to aaj at loem thiidty it wis bbnghtbefore theincrease in the duty and is rarbelewlts nl talnei seaure w ee ttbe j j ifei 15 itwaed 25okms iviji ila rt hn hliosibets have had an enormous sale theyatesold aoc- tii va so4rapjmdhehhadtoorderl3upilrrtbebrituhmknu fhevareallxtratoodi and vary very cheap his carpets have bad an enormous sale loty factawrs to soppl the tmimriie demand his stores and jtock ot goods are each abeat t p hamijtonnd bujrintjelcb nwnnoui quantl lies of goods for wih he geu them at much lower priors and henoe be eati wtl them a muib lof er pfletsi c1ejfea dlsionntii he got last 36 07 tor only one month lots bf grey oomons from im up to loe all at pldjsrleea hfijmln wiloeyb from 5 16 islue custonvcmeralmoatvnyandeve wbt house lasj twp and k trjahy dunces pheaper 2 klnx street east hamilton one 0oor wtator hogliwn atreet where the terasdalv to 4own hamaton deo 571678 t i yats cnth oti his purchases wta ao tbdj vm fcwiajbalbw real than elaewfeere tall at ko t k mkste i y t

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