Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 1, 1880, p. 4

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hiv ii v k- fij v jf- ttjooominw era t ottvcs wrrrrtr nouate if t ihil be bute tt icon lo 6r 1 if win oatnttolet wt mene citfuesigctiimlhewirrtiertrtetcouiticn i va trill cron taittatueat tnxt nwatictkrjdiitlcuiotnict tfc totfahop kemmcr lcre lite reiottrct eltlre nanure rttft uermer iltutuc frolics out evetskill iwleolie till lf leers ma euin cs in k mkc lie kctnrt toulnulict qifc 19 rdmn to lltt wct xft-wceo47irewttdejreiitti- ttclrichoaevllh rotate ptctiballtrr deft rcr fir eeoeireecrvlttieetteeie teecli wtu tl e lortercj bcule to die me ctatillt how macetplolfif s wit oitdr lett rtrt lie beeili era loafer hot it tuaie wfcomwm- llj etyt m iteri it flk jiff- ieo ibc been rutux lila rcturues wiih their sowery hit ttlcro joiall in inois or wholesome matte- ttotil5rkb waekboari sad hlc chilli xoiffewtfettirleaeteat 8ujlicm tomocmugut jraltt u rtfclwoej tcx bat ti4 br tide the bearer sni the bonnet stroll calmly pcalcricr oa rouie problem e r the avce wlm ot icrtcien calculation shalt rood the trivial ori tin ftr tar lasjumrrtaretfikjrfflhitia oneeelitiaic sarwrfronilhe- tips ot twol svtetwtsrtontc6ortiiuifal fttientjeetetr ukoriosj car cxiet jtioeccrmtioabfwtor-llr- ttev icowee md mnach the thlstln crop e- hu- ao4 ret were msseitimee f rai it talker pjeestst to drbi tta tlco ma tht siujrflrt tivmiclhhuuuitlithsottihliat idaartto uiiie trt irttli nanilefi ttcv ti imto nhilo th dttllcht oj tto rttl ledbr u cujia ot tsrt tej far thctuy ikuuoo 6t ihf tlfc ui- ttbo lijht lixt ucrw ri oa toi cr lin j kv a tist tjjoe ti kr lie latirtl cot lia sdc fctr leda oqz cbilirca ell the fccott crt fci ia vivue iwi jci ketrti lie ccun iaj jaas eiil nx forrt her bhifhisj rec anii lat51e ot el liej ue h hrfcrt5- tnee c bvu eoi iet cc en eouni at tjtil ttp ic dt ine eocc ciil lire the iec cc u beeit k v i during looff abeace 1 see t j txae na bftr ic tt of the citi szt lhoocb lie wtwc aa loar i uua ukm caaen 1 fltcxsxzfttbe ri bet thctzh imthell do locc nniibftlie hearth- jbspjer f xrreti9tiame tad- rai 6sepiafkat 1 tmatt rrjfw iuwsewse isejeijut ajtrtklrilsedkelenntv t ncafetewotfctn left lemai u tttxihttsuln tifvcuvell f ajmgadh ricimiw cntan ludir t twtieeifibreetaweetoiean ceti j sft ii ctairdi u taoe r 6ecotf oenorr of e fdeoo ktl deed i twfcaeaer of e winner ettoe vtthisoarisprlacooelettnftil jjij5jrg t s i i trp d s t 5hb james boys ersrict erom- hiftarr ot the lifts jiikt adrvstottt of tes4 srs- i tfotad bandits fi j- b3r f rottr ixnl ealstoa became ta wlfaiof thacjatiawwl fracj jira jffesp6rlia off i detacvo la eflsiiaf 0ieboi4 i waymento corer- a pabliihin hooe in st lraii ilo hix ic prai ml irill iaie ia few iy oor lindrej page rolsrif which promuei to be of mora tfcaa ordiaary intereet the char- ictecof ti wirfc i rcrealed bjr it title ftfce tffiiinl afreatett of faofc tad jejfe adthor uhba j a ijf3i jwio ia literarj circle aa toe sathariicmral worfcx lrhich hire met titc a ear receptioa bf the pnhlic kn3ahrhabeea- lor moretfant tinw yean gatfceriagtos acta cor thii wait aad e rairclt ia he hat brooght together a mata of er aad iiilereitieg uilanaarion coiicsra- iijtie remartahle octiain who hiitory he presectr it haa been iatimated that the aether haa had to ocfgfnij aoaxoea of if ormation in other worfa that he haa had otirect comarfiaicauoii with jeaseaaief erea xiace the appearaace of that bandit chief at glendi ott the iice of theoueago aad al- oaeailwayiajaeksoiieona gaofootober be that ac it may a per- pttl of- the proof alipa with whichhe haa fa- roared yoar correrpoadeat shoira clearly eabigb that ta mfonaatiaa he pooesasd eoaeexajag tie afliiira of the celebrated ottt- txv brothers must have beea eiteaiite aad iccarate i i xhebcofctiiljiefaljyillaitratsdaadpre- aeated ja tooiajyle the aaihor haa trat- ched much aad soaght all araflable eoarcea ef fcnoirledeeconoeraicg the boya aact the ieaaltia a boot vhich tella all about them it relatec how thef became membera of qaatrelf a bacd- of gaerillati how they be- rm hftak aad traia rabbers ho7 they or their baadt andplaaaei their raida tfc tellaof fi midragfat ridea to evade parcsit of oooalight aighta aadcieetiaga in loaely pcaeea of deaperate eacoaatera wiiti deteefeea aad hairbreadth eacapea from arrest the domestic life of the oat- uwtiidriaceitrtrdsboofc thecoarfihip elopeaietitad marriage of lraak james to vbeaafifolsadhighly edncated yotiazlady aad her rhhseoaeat reaiotal to hia pleaaaat isoraeoa thstroctiers of texas affords a theme of romanti iaterest the followiag crtract relates how the fair girl j eeciice the outlaws ehiik batthere came a time rhca a shadowfell ailiwirfcier ptliwx edipeei tlije eter o tietociairmameot aaaies father had beeairdeat ia hia atthnehtto the aouth- jerilcaniev ad all who had ecateoded ia be half of tbatcsaw were ever welcome to the hospitality of hia home he had suffered mach from the ooaseqaeueea of the war and perhapa more from the general coaviralitiea mtraichae iadalged aad which had ex tended beyond the bouads of propriety frank aad jesse tames with their coofeder- tex becaaufreqarat visitors to the bals- ihuaie people saw- them there often aad it wtu- irhispered softly at first bat ihoatodaload later that pretty a nnfe eal- itoflwasanittraetioaforthe oatlawi aod reberjoifroni them withoat reblce their openly expressed admiration and then her kraalttar paled and finally went oat frank james became to her a hero worthy of her love nayr hearta deep- adoration she watted with impatience his coming aad when he was away aad she thought of the hazards which be might make and thede- strncrbjrawiiich might overtake him she grew jfaiotthroah appreheasioa to her he ww aaaidaoaa andehfle andkiad what- ever might be his disposition toward others and aha gave her heatto him long before aa opportunity waa presented to her to yield to fim bet hahd one bright day ia 1675 acme friends who had known pretty annie jsstoa from the days o bar childhood inether at the tjaion jdepof emaasfxiy wita many valiiea and travellingbagiin charge wottia she go np in towat coald they reader her any errloef were oaestfona which were askedc kprt anotirr tunc its would go up town thtnr wat nothlog ihcyjtoydvfofiiet sioiiht wajwnjnbj p g g glf uiw s h v together they took i trail lad procooded to laacawoth kaa whore lha vowi which they had made to each other were re- newtd md tita uy lgil aalhority and fait annie lutstoo became the outlaws bride aad wilh hint she oarnejed tow uo yellow atatham mvatkemih la wann and tho wttswbilrdy vi itwai t aerificj to llfcsmifciiilf hei dotn that society ia which aho wit 10 well cited to shiat u one of its brightoit orna- beats it waa a trial to mrroadcr up the irkndiend auooulcs of hergiclhood to bid adieu to thote who vrcre near and dear to her it waa heroic to cut herself unoa the care of th man she loved oa t he sliirof bcr sflrctili therefore she placed alilht idots uier sfcolk metittlk vottoa ihe -jweoedoi- to diwullep grave ia whictlo birjiffenrwrtlieimigw whloh she had rttrished and soannie tyilitoit became an outlaws wife lijth the outawaare married aad both were lucecetful iat winaing haadsame and aoeompliihcd young ladicotbrujca each lut aleaasui hoe i2tyiv pra- espectuly is a matt ot concderable wealth arid earnts abeavy bank aecoant in st louis chier another name shepherds adventure in tho terries of ho marshall ot kaaaas city which tcqccaioaabiv eihfbita the nirve of the mac ap nnf fhitful bt msnlia jesse jamoa rode to teiat uascathca alu that memorable sunday evoaing shepherd severely wounded jim cumtnirgf bit did not shoot jesse oca of a wellknown physician swophrinf irr a tew da jrc went kit way jpiatcrtoubaa always blicvcd at icitt he hu ottcn cxprcesed a conviction that whichcr was bctrsyed into tho bands ot the outlaws by clay county officials the chap ter which records the tcafcio death bt that unfortunate man it oao of deep interest how he fell sivtctim to the men whose ar rest ho soasht is tally ciptaincd by mr dacue the story lis perfocuy conaiitent with tho known character ef jeseo jsmet then when we are astured that the informa tion upon which tho aarrf tive is based waa deritcd from persona whd were at the tiaie in a position to know we are forced to the caacluawa that mr rinkraiaawn5rgel the clay coantj- oteciak j- j l bat the pages of tho to jc tell best how jews jtmet ani bit confederates ia that bloody affair learned that whichcr was a de- tictire and because ha waa a detective they deliberately murdered him ifhe callowiag extract tarowtnew jjght upon that iacileat in qui locg aia7n waged by thcotsirs of justice agaiait the noted outlaw the nrobabtlitiea are that whicher the chicago deteetite weat to his- exeoutnet by the oetjiirt jabouriagucder li relfaf that ht hvi6ar tatrajed by either mr adataa or col ileascthe true siory of hia seizure aad mardcr is for the erst time made pubhe in ther-ragea- of thbj votraie tin folkwing ia theoouat stopptag at tht6aaraela plsnoi perhaps uagaeatcfjoae jaatea atthattime was anotorioas chjtracter froiateias who wsi knowa si jua latche he trai at liberty whea the detcctira anived 7ticasjjjtak0rjlsts becaass whichcr waii stranger saw hiax go to the v and dsdi deposit waited while hcsaferref with mr aifaaa aad then tracked him tojdoi mosa ofuce ue came to taftoncinaiotrfiut whicher was a deteetite and wbehftrwardi he saw that the strasgs had cbaa hit elolhesio wsa cootmcedthat ha wulrbiatche haa tec edaway ta give arrabf j3isrl heard and obterrecj- ij srt when whichet artettsritjjibe jaraeaa knew o it jszgfaiti truth ooncernin his tniaaiqnr xt waerlflte evea- iag jim aajeraon jeaifiid brad ley cbilmt were ue waitibfliree roadside deaoe 8xm after jftlieher came slang xte was carrying carpttftict jesse jtmea cims bat ot their eobceahnent aloco and met whicher in the road gcexietetuagtirtiidwhicher i wlereiah i are yt gag t rjiatapdj d th other wellitti rude reaotajjixwill nottaawer aa rudely again jwmekirg wort can you teu ra wherfi cia get aoma work oa a farm v ho not much you dont waat aajj either yea drithiet old pinhertaabas already given yon a jobthat will latt yon u ioufu voatite i woken and jeatc iaaghcl a cold htrl laugh thiflfxtst dtitil ti to ivurs pr najtsaxo j maktionmii jatae intt lleochf at to the luajjhfliiik off nortueld mia- whebt oolcman younger were eapturod aod iitta chad wall and miller wore killed ills a chapter of thrilling interest in the sdjreatures of the beyt the story haa nevor before been told the following extract will ac doubt prove interesting to your readers i throe oayt after jthey had separated front their comrsdes they cams to a wilderness rug loo where the timber was heavy and the uadorbiilhahlcav i ilett they proposed to rest for a season but they were racked tolheir hiding plkoe aad fired upon by a band of partners itfraak james received a wound ia ihelhip the brush wsa so thick taat the punuerf who wereoahorioback coold make no headway and thro of them dumottntedbooqunua ths chasttoa foot the direoitati led koa swanp bat the leuoa buug dry tieve was but little mud la the basin the bushes were dot plants were high resolved to elose t timet the hunted bandits could hare kilted the citixcat bat for the faet that their aav able ily acd ttroagly reinforced he reports that iheooemj in his iicinity numbtr 30000 nghtingms sad be is liable to be at tacked at any moment b uvtrifbclafng ttnaery aielefrrfnboaitst vfaaroy ot india ttyslhit communication with gtn eawdwr ttt lea i tttai mw kerned outvwghirthatltlnrribca beyond un-wlta- flanomikk srf cttuelgrtiis adrnce the irjopa under ger gough now on the way from joualabad and gtcdamuk num ber two tegimeuu o cavalry seven regi- mena of infantry and two batteries of ar tillery such a force at this ones free from jlhe defiles should bo able love a good it- coast triurf and railed its way orwarj fiowerer largo afotce mahomed jau may detach trout cabul to arrest its advance munition was givieg oat tad they deir4 to ske care o what remained for the last emergency it wit getting late the sua was low ia the west acd thtt ahtdowswera doepeniag in the forest the littee purrttura weredelermiaedlyfollwiag thorn osoeor twioe the hunted mea were tempted to turn sadlry uuioatwithtjiarfsos f but they kept on jaitwheb dajlighl laded avay they efnerged from the swsmn snd foaud themielrea ia a travelled high way they had ioit tkur detuuttxid rou ia llit darknoasotto soenbte if aaip behind them they startsd- down the run which lay along the baakjoi a ilrcua of coniider tblesixe weariediato a state cf eiticuton they hopd to snd a snag plica where they could real and wcf w food but tbeic trials were not yet it aa cud lathe lonely depths ojie forest with the dark hill river oa the one side sad the timbered ail- deraest oa the other they heud theorai- ncut sounds of hanot hoott they listen ed thertwere botaemeo bhridtnd be- fore thorn ia another moment sounds came tram the woods which iaoicated that they were being sarroaoded the iwearled froebootert qiickiy atepped into tho deep shadow at c great tire wtich stood upon the bank ot the stream to await farther development that the horsemen were gradually closing around them they were speedily convinced thar tituitloa wat critical what could bo dene tht itream uiot thom th eridcotty deott aad daogtroaa to ford their ptaasworii qtick ly formed aad coatamauced they quiet ly dropped down the bant to the margin of the stream which at that plica flowed close by aa abrupt bint they war there by that tree bat a moment ago they itari ocp mac renaark at a party came du to a spot waere the oabajn had stood trst mo ment before it was evident that their numbers must exceed twenty ilealthflr nit liuiiilu ssotrrrit mtyjd rjqwn thi stresmtttoef the toargfn of the- wilcr aau ctoteupdnder the over hanging binx ttey heard their pursaerc discnti tho situation they are still here at hand no doubt the brothers heard one remark then the aiatemeu iadicaud that they were preparing fcr a mora careful examination of tag aitnatioa where they were sooa soversl reel came riding dewn the road last over heir heada they had reached a placeher the rirer flowed un der a shelving bink aad th brothers could go no further without taking to the water foar mea came down the bink above and came towards them the bro- thert were constrained to take to the stream the water wit about two feet deep they cluaitclcu to ute fcinfc addtflently reached wpiaoe they deeeaed taxa ia ev oarelikt ax- cavalioa nude by that water under the roots of a great tree the hunters ease to the place where the bank aad tht waters met aad apparently t4tissed they tarned and went back the brothers heard the clash of horses feet oa a bridge below aad than they knew that the croattug below wat gaardcei after a time ail becazae- atill around them theyooocladedto i twnr aa wiot tint evee from the poiat where they were aad oace 03 the opposite die to strike through tht cocntry silently as poasible wilhoataay splashiag they came from their placet ot c jacealmeat and waded oat into he streamj until they were compelled to swim tht cifjii was quita dark and they passed over without bctag rloacvered ckmbiug the op- xi armyla afihnijtn mtauiat to bntlritatta ro may do annhlatodaon boberta and hit troopt now holalntj t potlton in salrpur but aravo doubtt exprou- od whether he can uola it long thenswi frjmafghanistsn grows houdy more serious it is ctred ibat ho lrgedy ot im2 may bo repealed and the culiro britith force now ia afghaufilm be snnihi- tied geo ilobcrtt with his email bat gallanttrm- hu lakea rofng a stilfpar cantonment two milet north u cabal acd there sre grave doubla wlohor he will be to lofo even this position uhcaa tpced- the cantonmenta of shirpur to wliicli sea aaerlt hat withdrawn are ret ile piece f gredad oa the road to icohieun and arc surrounded by high brick wells loophole j wilh su outer ditch bhind the walia earth haa beea thrown up adding o their strength and making a platform for the dolor dors t fire from atthecornotjarid at inurrals along thj walls are baatiocs for gaasj tht stmmri uyt that against a po sition such as this held by tive fhoataad british troops with abundance of artillery aad donitioat o war the rash ot a savage mob fctn do nothing aad their numbtrs however large would add little or nothing to ihelrajgretilto force sir william mac- kaghteswu atsaesiaatcd la 1m2 6a a slight eminence cve hundred yards from the cist ern wmpark doabtfeaa our aubttqueel aaaikiiationaaidaa eagliah writer tiirty yean tgo v may be ucrjbed to the asac- coantable abteooeot jedgemcat or military ikill which selected tah a poaitlcn for aa army ia the heart of a half coaqacrcd country caotoumeat which troopt could neither quit cor enter without running the s nutlet ot a tremendouacre poured into ut romfbrtreat garjea village lull and wall which hemmed iu aad commtcded every face pt the iltjjntrivc 1 aad widely scattered licet of cjjurte witiclierwmhdjleiaror the other had ander covec ot a jiital iroia the moment heearflrnlght ct which er waa dauntless acd wary and without ex- hiattmg the least trepidation he exid who do yoa utajiaaiabai what have i to do with piakertca oc hia busiaeas i sm a stranger in the coantrraad want some thing to do i dont see why yoa should keep that piitot pointed at mo i dont know you and have nercr done you any wrong mkr d n it you art the kind of a doshhst tnetka u sad bites are you yoa wul carry ia the- james boys will yoa att are a nice met king cur tint yoa want work do yoa what ay you my snett- ar the tautflixing manner of jesse james did act disconcert the detective he sa- swered these tsuati with perfect coolaort i doat enderstaqdyou sir i am no car and know nothing ofthejamttbojt i addressed yoa politely acd yoa did not retamthe same i said i wanted come cm- ployment and jon tanni me to r i t i must btelyoagobd evening witlx this whicher made a step forward- hit progress waa arretted by the harsh voice of jesse jarhes you shall die if yoa move oat of your trackal keep up your hands 1 whicher realizsd by this time that hit chance of escape was small foche knew that jesse james stood before him and he had quickly made up his mind that ne would tell his life dearly hewas cool active aad expert with hia pistol bis right hand wat almost involuntarily ezrcrsoro cetef hit wixpok bat jesse jsmes evideatly had him at a great diatdvaatage instantly realising this he changed his purpose well this is a singular adventure i de clare kow why yoa should make such a mistake concerning met- is more than x can imagine yoa are surely making sport of if i tell vol i know nothing of the per- soniof whom yotitpeianctwhy should yoa interrupt met if me ro on for i rnhstlind a place to atop tonigw anyhow -jejametiaaghcdiiatright- what saidhe yottdoiagafc liberty to- day whydid yotf deposit money iauhe bank what busineii did you have with adfcint and moat where are the clothes yoa wore plotting to capture the james boyr eh 1 and jef se laughed aloud sad jim anderioaaad for anothercctitedcrite of the boys came from thefr concealment with pistols in hand poor whicher taw this and foe the first time- he fully retlixcd tht helplessceis of hit porltioo betrsyed he thought almost said jesse james ssid in hit cold dry tone young rata wewtnt to hear no more fromyoo wa know you- move but a fin ger aad yoa die now boys ire said addressing anderson and fox i dont think it best to do tie job here it would not take lonr bat for certain reatoas i dont think this it the place shall we cross the river teniihttheei there an- potitebink they ea wood with could ttako they cuid themaeirea la an op- all the harte that hey proceeded westward a mile away they name to a cornned and ia the field there wis a thicket here they fonnd a hielingplace and as wet at they were they partook of a repast cf greet corn aad lying dowajoa tho grstt they slept soundly until the sua wat up waiting some time in a tunny place until their clothing had partly dried the brothers started on their weary way all clay they travelled without being molested ia the eveuinft while travchictg along a country road they met a man leading two horses one cf which waaj saddled uiey spoke to htco and from hit meaner and tat answers he male them they were convinced that he had not heard anything aboat the affair at xorthfiald they aaked him if he would like to sell the hones ho wat leading he aaswered that it wat his baaiaesa to deal in horseflesh whit weald he tako for the pair the man named the price and after some bantering a trade wat effected aad even the saddle on which he rode wat trans ferred the horsedeilerj declaring that he did not own anything which he would not sell 1 otarligat another leecrsm from the viceroy of in- diiaayt gen riterlahaa 7000 effec tire troops who hare been withdrswn in alter shirpnr ciatanmcut with he slight lottn already reported the enemy must sonar very severely if they make any at tempt upon soirptir i consider gea hobertt poaiiioa perfectly safe he con- emalaiea retaming the offtasitt ta srou aa heus settled in shirpur bat as ho taya there it nothing to b gained ia captunog the dimcolt distant hills while the caemy l i- w acmi it i pir six 75 ceau shrtly disperse or food but meanwhile r ssss flonp soup is oniionally rggirdod i the ind peasabls- beginning of ersry wall pielerrd dlorior jn ellicasnuk its lauiuu sir u thotuptou lays i some rejanut at ei- cnlatod o dimiuiili digestive otcr on the theory lo muck fluid til en atllit dilates the gastric joioo but tliero ipjr to bo no foundslioii for tbit lolicf i a olotr sotjp fluid coisilatioa 61 a fitit dtappcara slmost immediatelyettterentering ibo stomach being absorbed by tho proper teaiels and in ni way intetferoi aith the gattric lai which is itored initt appti- prlao calls ready for icticm the habit coimeaf itig dinnor with toup hu u itlioot doubt it origtu in the fict that aiiinootin thla fluid fonnin act ready digestelj soon eaters tht bd and rapidly refrohes the huhgry mn who after a consiejerklie fiit ind much tcivily lit down witti a lenm of eribauitiou 14 comrtkoce liis prnii- pal meal in two ortbreiminulctaf jer taking aplats of good warm eeiuonsw jie feeling o exhauruon dluppeart thd irst ability rires way to the gradually miig sense- qgoodfeiowihip with tbs circbx somo persons have tho cottom ofillajiig exhiuition itha glass el sherry befjiru tocda cutroncrnic no kit thin a pbj lorical blucder iojntlnr to itomauli tm dopiaringthe paltle xno soap iotrcdocjee atenceinto the lystetn a htuu instalment ot rcidydiiresled toed snduos tho ihict period o time which mast be spent by the tlbrasch ia deriving some nriia ot uutri- ment fromsclidsliincnt tsell u iudireci ly strergtheciag the organ cf dircstion it clf for its forthcoming dntic i how a snoko killed a qtrl- frua the fort bead eni- th horned i linger ot the stikcd riaine is one cl the mitt deadly tcakca ia ttis wortl though luckily itisteldom mot ib ufa very qa in itt movemmls sadjis said to le provided with a sharp rcniaoiix tail which it briogs in coatict with any ob ject that srouict itt angerl while gaiter ing berriet a yoong woman of eigbtcen daughter ot divid slicer of dutch cross koads on the little big sandy texas vai allicked by one of there snakes terrified she fell la the ground when it futened it- tclf to her fcacd ribnting ita dcady slicgirg tail tompelled the persoar who raunc to the por arirlv isittanco to keep awsy of courso dcitb ciiurd in a few miautec the eistate of 151 kingstreet east toronto i grood advice l- ku- it tba tunc of jtur for lekiitictti4 lu feicr kc kvay fimily haald fcatc tbotuacf boscneefltjkauxxsrkrr dont bought ox the and j will be sold at onrtr klnggtrect east commencing saturday december sothj at about half price petley fe dlfmeen goiaejroeirpiir totouto- ladies at their aw ht out hi re ym ojv i tuoja teeajtd an pc oil spediltr diseases of wonier dreratrxstonrrb the canadian air ga3 kachine- i tiii nucmre it for uhliaj jairifa deiunfl milu itciaxdxr clijircfa ptjwlc hlu boteii tu ocu ra remfru ha mthsat la openllan ai joiepil tuilupi miwucuirtr plomvr mlitmttut lis rortc street trfi to fc sad t draiur nd prirt hit a ble33ihq towomankijid rlinttettiwsat rapnej by tetri ulerlne- jwdjkter blel eskblesenrr tecnan to tnes ted w ewv ftier ewa tewi seal jc hasp lor etrrilir eeotualef foil jj- tieobra atarrs wajtro ioaim axe- li ttm md hearth eenwireor nee of jirra aad- oerrirdstrcett tonmln r all this ffmelwhichef had stood still not a muscle moved notrasingle wave of pallor had emvered hisifeataret he knew wha thsyvmtantby the job and made up ha taiaitb irnproya aayiieideat howetereighf- hi mur derers revneorraixmur buttere were no favourable ijcideaft for him he had beea tried andcoademnsd ia a court from which he could not appeal at what time the seateace weald be execut ed ht wild not tell th winter evening sky is now nary at ita greatest irtlllaccy of the fifteen erst nugmtude stars visible in tbit latitude twelve canbe seen between 7 and 10 oclock p m ttho only ones not viafbla within those hours sre arctarat aatares aad sracc tilt arrty of tat chief leaders of tie firmament families a flue opportunity for a study that receives little attention aad which yet possesses peculiar interest for those who deligh in the pictnresque sspeet of the starry heavens to learn to recog nize ia thejeading stars individual peculiar- ttiet by which they csn be distingalshed from one soother very much at one 6lk tinguishes sees mt crowd is perhaps hard ly t scientific pnweiit yet it is by no mesne an idle intellectual tmueemeot no better time thaa the presenticould be chotea for this stadyjot whit might bocalied tho phy- riogowy of thf stirs kohody for in- aiance coald misuke yega the bright star that can be seea ta aeaorihweet early ia the evening for july other ia the iky itt peculiar colour and brilliancy have beea ad mired by sltoaamen for tget 0 rer in the estt a little later betelguete udeigel the chief twiaklert in orion mty 64 seen with aldcbsraa in the bull shining high above them e lookt very much like yega yet a careful eyje detects a difference ot colour beielgseae and aldebaran aro fit once classed together tt red start and yet there is the most beautiful contrast cf hue between them- laueharsn it of a pile rose colour and befauv which vsriet re markably ia- bfightaeas ia of a reddish orange nearly overhead at about 10 oclock is capeua which seems to ho in brfgutnets with eigel yet the twttean never be confounded forwhile eigel blares and scintillate like 1 1 diamond shaken in the sweredwouhilieiwathu plessarc sanughtcapelu thinet with ttptdy an changing lustre that makes it one of the moat beautiful of all the stars birios which rises shortly after rigel it distin guished by hit iaperior site snd by the ceueleai fiaihiiig of prismatic cotourt tur- rounding him with a sort of halo well be coming the chief ot all the start whoever has cjiee loaraejfe know these itart u he knows the facet of bir friends may wander to errery corner of th world withoat losing the feeling that ht it yet at hoist oar eracaatiex ot- cabal will encourage them aad probably enable tliem to keep to gether ioeger than they otherwise would and tend to raise the tribes upon our liuet of eomataaicafioa toe governor of jellala- hsd has fled from hit pos but hat beea ssidsfactarily replaced jjetters frota afghan sirdars hive been intercepted detailing tbe srraagemcntt for sn attack oa cebuc mi inciting tho ku- gisniat to revolt similar letters have beea seat to the shinwsris ifonmuds and afree- dis geo gough reports frvtn jagdalsk ihst alt the tribes in his front have risea aai thtthit farther adranoet are impractical withoat reeaforcementa gen bright it seadlng what rccnforcemenu he can bit doe not like to weaken the ktberlne oce sad ahilf rogiments of infantry cae regiment of cavalry aadabiftery of artil- lery hare left peshawar for the front a reserve division composed cf oce bitiih and three native cavalry remeata three british and sevea attire infaalry regiments and three latteries of artillery is forming at peahtwar if the tribee da cot disperse on finding that thee can make ao imprcaiioo on geo roberts st cabal a strong force will bs poshed up lo reorea tho iiceicf com- maaictaion a dispatch from kuhat ennoonrcs that gen tytler hat attacked and ctptcred ziwa which was stored with the grainof all the ztiaakht tribe th british lots wai four wounded the afghans were badly cat up snd left a numbcrcl dead on the field eemnantt of telegraph wire aad ether brit- iih property found at ziwa show the eora- plioty of the natives there in the recent outrage daoud shah formerly commtader-in- chief of the afgbin army had been pro cessing fo cooperate with tie british tiocs the occupation ot cabal aad hit airest would seem to iadieete recent treachery cr the discovery of proofs of ht peefiiy in the saair of the slaughter ot the british em bassy ia cabal on which occiaiba he wit sent bv- the ameer to epell the revolt snd publicly recrfrtdthe taaoksoc the britixh onloert ffr bia- pretended eitoru to auiit sir looia cavaguari the fjatfif arars despatch from lahore atys the ciwf tad military cmhuc says ihst gen roberts was warned by a native chief that the tribe were meeting and that the inhabitants of cabal were disaffected snd were holding frccueat commscicstions with the afghan troot and hill tribes anatywfe of a cigatx to the world ia general a cigar is mere a tightlyrolled packet having brittle frsgt meats of dry leaves within and a smooth silkyieat for itt oafer wrapper when it ia burnt iand the pleaaaatlrasvoared smoke inhaled the habitual smoker claims for it a soothing luxury that quiets the irritable neryoaa organism relieres weariness aad entices repote science scouting so super ficisl 1 detcripiou exsminet first the smoke second the leaf third the tthi lo the smoke it discovered water in vaporous state soot free carbon carbonic aod and car bonic oxide and a viperous substance con- densable into oily uieotina these are the general divisions which chemists hare still farther split up and in 10 dciag have found acetic formic butyric valeric and propi onic acids cruasic acid creosote ana car bolic seeds anrnoais sulphuretted hydro gen pyridine viridiae picoline lutidinf colodine parroliae corodine and rubidefie these last are a series cf oily base belonging to the tomoogaoa of snilipe first discover ed id coal tar applying chemical tests to the leaves other chemist have found ni- cotia tobacco camphor or nlcotisniue about which not much it known bitter extrac tive matter gum cherephyll malate ef lime sundry ailumincidi malic acid woody fibre aad various salts the feathery white tih which ia itt cohesion acd whiteness is indicative of the good cigir yields potash soda magnoiia lime phosphoric tciasil- phurio soid tiliet andcnlaruje the in gredient extrsctibie from a poor and che ip cigar wouldbe fearful and wonderful to coatemplate hers is a lit t dorria parlii- insntary eeport onadulterationtlntobacc sugar alum lime floor or meal rhubarb leaves saltpetre fullers earth itarcb malt commingt chromata ot laid peat mots mo- lasses burdock leaves common salt endivei jeires lampblack gum red dye a black dye composed of vegetable red and liquor ice scraps of newspaper cinnamon ttck cabbage let res and straw brown taper r0 hemenhages and other fatal di biay let in although it it true cxkxsjc srscr it caring thousands o these dreaded dis eases yecit is much bitter tohsveitstbani when three doses witl care yoa oasboitle will last year whole family a winter and fcee yoa safe from dancer ft yea ate in con- iamptiondo not rett until you havetried this reracdt sample bottle 10 cents u sold by your draggssij m tm i 1 1 j trtsrncr the new powder for whiiea- inx the teeth stimulating the month tod pa- ruying the breath j the brightest reafnt most perfect toilet gem extent ask yeiar druggist for teabeery price j5 oentst faskiet cxi your horses colls cjws fat cattle calver sheep pigs aod fejwla ivrevys htxu eni ctillt sold everv- where uore amenta wanted m aaafictory s john st s himilton j oerdncata a to purity and eflscacr rejwttxrccrt cxrvcnsitt colxzoe toronlo december tilt et2 te uc victoria oemical ce i gccuemaa i hare examined the articles cm plorm in uie atctoria cnemieal woriu tec uie prcparatiaa of the victoria synrp cf hjpopho- phitee tbe leverax htpopnospnltec aeel are iimicallxft sad the bjrup tf also haliburton tpermlsub of the victoria l brvilwatfnn tad rtup lot for ul 6 j btoxrield ituivr cuaoua lul uj fjmotoart toroma- xcmui vad lidtll5 a bare 70a tritd crory motuu to cure tounclf iuor- asm o phyifoiosisaj law ta ltuaant- blo bat tf liouted esrrief in iu tnlq men tal and phjtfceu ttwizmu thlcii r ratnlu in opcleu imbwkility injanityor r j- detvt to kttjd this or to be mtored to nmd manhood wiax iotovx hocxlrat tend jtrarnuna ind ddrtcr twtit tt puin iiso lend stturp and jcu will ncaitt teu ptrticuun in eaei cxitelop hzuox- lom tpttb ojtlr karttt addtctt ipbof eoax toronto ontaiio i swmillsj- orist mills th ttadennej tt prepmrd to famiia umirlv at ths ibov- oaoed mla witix mil urn hml uti- xtiaeait it in tzsecdistfj urv tfxrt stepm knglnes i and boilers t3rbendiccwilr i soho poukdey stphxaoe itrttt 1 i vtorosto yocr srnip oc sypdfiho- tfkef medicine i qvittfitt few any impvrtff yocr 8 phitet till prore t very wlxti kkkrlf kckort pifcworofgicclitry u c agekt ga jnnti tonr kanai the kvorld xitcft ituinr boot now effered erelutre territory lor terau idtlirui tt onw obboilxkcd beriin invaluable liniment for ill parpotwk of g fimllj- liniment saerudt teller oil ru be found inxtluible bkujut re cm but ot a bo oeame vho ft yur or two ago poahed i iutlfl girl into a bonflrt ml caused her death sub- kqnontly h ciaied thfl death of hii oim iather bjr the limpla prooeu of tying a itring ioro t kith ortr which the old gtstlenun hctnly lell thii pnoocioai child would make an excellent play mitt for jm pomexor nhci miu foliar iu cks in til ccat ptfin in ctoniacb bavoli or tide hnaurnatuni colic cold sptifnf ind brai foe intenuj tnd cx- wdraii tun it hi no xnxl in um tarld for whit it u rocxrtnniendol for tile by u1 delicti kt 23 onsf per bottle j scwixa ilxcaiiyis the vtuuer nu- chidcs ui now uvinj the hid ia cudjl tne grcit intcrctt theycreited at the exhi- liuant tt tctcnia cd odici thii ullcm cococat oi their light mining noiicn- dhst ted limpfaty if proof etloae the cictery it- rannicg nigilt twidxy to fitf or- detx vender ot americta meiahiafre girtng tliem ap preferring the wnxer te ill othexi for gcau undcrweir ia fine scatcnjtnd dciiiin goodx it ricc is low tithe low- out go or wad to cooper pre ametiui thirt ctcicry 1m yoagc rt toronto affed people- to pate from patcrty to tctltfa is only chinir- tng miiery but to put from hii to naiubtic like qyinc from the world la puidita hiny fed pooplo who ire troubled with derange- mentt of the ariniuy argui would and ralietby uiiiiff victcrii bnclm ind unt crit which 1 pra- pared etptenly to meet their cues tad com diiotucs of the wcrtrtary lyrtcm 1 1 par bottle or the tux handred eaun erllee tnnt- ported to the iilaid of sighihen ind who were on ehipboud fally twomoathi only three snffeiel by aeuicfcaasr iccocdiac to the report o hs eapuiawo hit gotcrument ifcwoaid be of intertit to tnvtllen to ucr- uin whit meini wtre nwd by the cipuia tc bring ibout tiich wonderful retnlfc i caist un lcxa dxsejszs of ih diswucen terulch il hnminity li liible there ire none maw generally neglected ia their cemmuee- ment or more fitil in their tirminiticn thin tho arising from defecute or rtrppressed per- iplntfon whether wa regird them in the trltlil hehtot i tlieht cold or whether wotiew thini is tho tarrinc form of prijnioiiary conininptlon- the utter tilt i bat too frequently thetial of the farmer at the very nrrt lymptomi of t qai4 or u loan liter 11 pouible kiicyudvfec- tonl beliim ihonld be tvlminituired for tile by ludeixen it s5c per bottle j brush mamafiotuter ifgehntt bnuha iu fum s6 skerioitrnc tt barriflters fe attorneys waixn t gtyjart 30 jmuidt eal file majiufaottirer fa rtaiu xkat fjrcaaw ss shtrsoumt furniture- othavafcacnct co st ronjg rtrwf rosain house palsejsau canidf start u inih tp pk7tche h00ldisqs friltei cffh0ib mottow mlrron etc dilmifl8dfarwtiiie-i- rilellrt h j turrctit fe bioi tomatn j the emphesfe 3xj piiathi prctuoti lippins- la ftjowj or trotj- wetir xntx bv uqisti j wlret- w vvt c wewt crnimettul prrwnttabe heel from reuint dern kiket t eadcr ta nit on bird rot si crod i tenr fa tte ny tad oecd derer be ulea ott vtiuitmtoeraeptbiilopiireaef tuhbert ire cot rccslrale e goodhili sole yunzsuxtirt j lpfikiot sr vfcsu totaatu l ifaunudls 3 tqf ttte ly ill deilerr is booc ind ihoec affcu wuttrd la erwy tore in c scbd tsc larhiadioiie ihovearjsjxh hlnitniej frkellft md ept of iiapleil tbe wttol artit tie tr ohildreks carriages cndlec eiebrbi eciron vtirtur t btblet cndlrt from two dooirf on edktx vtilbt minoteortr rflkioxy i4 bhowooiaii kot ill- tad 111 bithmond sjtet wett toronto out aa repairs prompuyiueaeied to psmrlmd vocltlkkskp vkcii iiomna td caxffi iit aico huitnt tt vuxt tut j yoflkshire cattle feeder artjess cost tltax tuer cax be ktipt ijt poor sjo ditiox wttnocr it it tie been tested by the most ine- erii tcfcrulsect ctcrijisuie itst tea tfire ncil proredto tie pwrovjnly rr- lieef tad icperior lo ahothers price 25s 53c anl sljvj per box a luliiruix contain 2cu feeds hugh uilleb a co toitokta obmsabfbhhbfktssjhtabtn sheep ma butdnly bapptied bj u jl j yotrxa cohkinr seeltteronth ontario baking potcder try it the mrfiiiigei d lapps- wxxjij otjt7 lmproveddianiotidaiicithfihanlaii erocat t willea futer 13d furia crder long er thiaui j other ur la uw wcrld they ire mana- hedtrtdoaf bj- e h- smith co stl catliaiines ud bcrid by the hardware trade every- wtaeie like bo other v tin nui the luce toocb urbtnlnf imptored ctumpioa edlpee is ihort ill fcfodi uki pitteroi incladflaf the ltewlb prortd cbxaptoo- cataegsarfork fi oauti01sr each pltja 0p thee myrtle navy tobacco 8c b in gilt letters- niane0ther is genuine the ii bell organ the fouowinff iswhitilr hague y aboit thej rttt n organ i tfj j eecher e t arent for dcltl cebnten orgini it llontreii dun sa in buidxi jo i thttpu a eyaemt or tbe bell oibloet orjia l pnrcbiied irm jov 1 amrwt but tar tbit txn inifriiinfiat is of i ittie litl qmiitj wbjch i eid col loppoae cipible of ulat pro- anoenmciiidiuietoiifilapiit rich lad deepad the tfecu thit cn be pfodncd 1 coicbteition of the nope ira cbrnuaf unki bell fe co ue to be cotntahiteh on their cnocijia drjopitiff lhe nunaikctar ta ieh ul- eitsintis ie minlicst la ibe birument joo tun butlkse ti wufcini than iiye ind rernineratite tiles i j i rtailn yenn tralr jmd g flaouj cmril uinicerifdktunu bink of ouaiai tdtaterksuliaddipknii iu prorin- ciilexlilutioa 1s71 ueoriml surrt vediludlmpltjdn it caun- nw s ist cecdted interdiilonil hedil ind diploma it sydney amtali iff7 rsceltl 01t hed4 lor pirlour orpiaeii tro- tirieiiiexfibuicm- i 1513 bcejttdooirmfldjordoarorsuu it ife- dmtriil exhibhlo toronto uts w betj guelph baiiit133sss patektei11873 raebiemenoillntiefoaaioroaluu- ii ii ntibji ltne ri ire etuii best wuis kalfber toj devoutlire vaulefdot mlbnlsetvmbesbsti ibev rill ni eotoe best m use j john ltuntirs kmiil tortnle i t it is timlsys patent iilihtnlm b 8ttnnr wttti ebaereablesabberltiss selnotsamp rnida acealt wtfitd tt e 8tcwart i co turcmte lilt living water bur aaer boii 1 0 feet per soar kola 6 tatsincbet jhud or hone power rood rapplr of ore ftlurtd viter j seed for dreulir mi fvrj hiry 8trhi4moni i trl fttr old uiljlcnidipiiue iiw- tlv8unp or enooffbolii proribcjil tuaei i mti 0 sfialiihof foretro uitjcdjimp hiowlthbcluswoe itforauq3rw hosth irs domiiinnbiiurcotorodto pfat artificial umbb donhle urtt tlutitind cbeip flnt prill li prorlneiil kxhibluooi hoa4 don tmtlakmulieaippllciuon siuifirtlon jtius mteed addmi i j doax ft 8py dnyro ont j a rood ptu oraulrfltlucmnort i u i nak kat tywir utrmt f caraut ym uutlblniinsafwinrut leut pcwfludtu4lusifltl isnaibmiiual 111 w tiojm qrnlv 1u b- puttutoni bovtltcai ibmmdln kock dwunn jullnurt uhikcx k co u xcfau fl4m xtw ttu tninnlie 1 v the she v lhy will ot ome looie orencir j- iii- u ielffutunlbf whea an the ah miqf beidjbtied le inj- nte or i ia liraaot cf sprinpremire ca4 m id nn tt ot tab rtnn i the itroant of tiprinyprettiire letwdiaf to tht work to be tjone l itreinp preenra apoath roll when the wrlnjrer u reaored from the tub ihteh ui ktmt tinr of utntv the bwrtiikknterifulciaiuoi a dlou u the roil ire opined chin prec- nn propohtq4dtothertiesieoft2oods 6 it cinhot t loow oa the tub tn woruor u tie doable urenre tjbteni it bea wortta tit if provided wtlh n apron for oiprjiai the f lothee eeir o the tub j illirimd bat llihi ortod wiheh ituiu i hit cia be dssirtd u f olotx- wilgtr j is bur e other bore yea tte lbs tatpeitil uberei dlte mnt to deilerj thk hamilton industrial works bt merrick street sallixtoniokt the kbore ire poctntti of t 5 chemun ttftw kir juoet tforth uimjton the fint ft 0 the domioloa who rteotered hb hair by urinj wnrrleotutl dcutoxio rua btitoija ivcribaldrfai oi dine yeir thii ea bfl w r tobtthoaiindiof wltaetsee i fit i 41 rmleaibotulstellrt ri j 5airlomaitlil winteredrbyn 11 immetwet t080st0

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