Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 15, 1880, p. 1

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ft tlfl m x 1rt5pjnj n catkin o fls i slfobal eh 1880 ttib rnct i toronto manent gompajiy s4w v hliri wcrslsor4- j jcfh rcda i tt fii n btsil k l l tad uoir triage t rc of ir sua iror torcato- zander toroato csrojaoi st toods faysejal nds o u 1 ldtlieeanlazl vi ts-7-keiskaa- st- grtkinaae ire trade -etary- e si bjks li ltuca i fa turtywio afford lest ming jed er ocx est toronto avar a ta di- fose rrti izjdv ircan ill hague aavi eigeetnerf der ic paytaent i fr ai yea i usf a strie aai i atpfci bsarpn- t rcs wl deep satf rr xmiii tkta of igiil4lioc their i art aa fcat iim truiv g- hagce imi it eroris- is7i yzix lx ceutru- utc diplaa al ist rorcsrti fro- xct lr trax ajli- ik lgo in ess- sot stint gww 4 rtktcijl5s uk hm5 titshal riuilv jonrsjl rciojsunn rlrrcrliv ts tiic txrirrjcrs ortur cmmtt or 1ultox cihktv eier r tt rjrsfl 1 jcoektkq mtkcfrltpniis rriatiat ai palliii- int houw nctt tit uio xtcthodut church mill sterol actai ont p itxblts tut piua pkksjwiu be lent a tubvoriben totu0 pud or 100 xr ui num in idvuce 1c uid ddring- theyeir 160 iif not pud ill tur tmiiltioo oc the ju f200 ko pvper dikokliaiod ill til cruel ire ptid ictccpt it thi option of the pabither- advektisixo kate ca cxnu cents per boo ud 2 cento qacnt iucttioa4 cuh profei 10 liset or 1sj f00 per inna 12 umx jj00 volume v no 29 whom no 288 ioton ont jajt 15 1880 7 i 1 100 per axntjjf ik advance i l idvcrluc- lino tor hoc fiut tawr per uae fonenchiaw- fiiboij ourdr tu luun pr ianaml piyiblc ia 6 iffioathk crcl ul of micrtiaa any spcciil koticc the object of which jlto promote tfcepeccaiiry benefit of lay sdir3uxior6mpt5 to iw cbiktdered ia idvcrtacmciit rhc tumu r jf line reck- octd ty use ipceott auarcd by icxleof botidxoapirciu adrcrtitemeau rithoit tp dtl initnie- hoax mscrtci till forbid uid cordittgly ordt for diumtiouiog td muttfee in writicj othririie tee pcbltthert kill not be rctpcoriblc uobfklxrixi erexy facility fcr book vliiti tnd fmcy r iitatcg eipericnocti torfcnioc keitttt ltyhw of type frcec good cnctt moderate it p moore editor isad proprietor charged tc rcrtiietneau canada aimar ooiiaaa loin bahkhflicolffaniiaaaiffmaaiqaooii savlujja bank- cukskr of jaues isd ttke ctf hamilton sttiavilta 0sta8i0 isfttt giug wh lowevjjlb ucps gra- eritc o trinity fouegc hentber of college of puytlcamrittfi sorgeonr office and realience it he held of fred ericfc stactoa t ucgaevik i i gridtnte t4 victoril dence comer of mill ind concikitioa ckiw from trenhtogpm f i c p s- college eai frederick ttreett to 10 1 ci ud i lister k clark a i i quebeo jst quelph i branch oiticbin balldusisfllinstj ffia omce orri tvrxr fejdav tc barrister ttriceeifstreet licensed auctioneer tor lis coznsiei of wei otderi left it the fux or it mj- recdence in ptanptlj- ittended to termi reuonihle illin on ind hilton acton will be hi as office j rcctsood patents for dc nmocslt ind proj ku the united stiles itct fnirinteed rjr printed imtrcctiots afe wrl yeux hexrt rioks expe- teenred in cm- id ecrope pii send for icy ia operation grist tn ctnidi jxcchlnicil enginser solicitor of pitentc ifid dnshtccaiii t d kathesox a j ti w solicitor in chini uxt door to willicet hot doildciox hotel ai anetr propcictor mtted cp in firccvsx ityle tnre comnerctil trivelli roorrii speciil intention of the tjxrelling ptnrjlic the best jrjucrs ind ggu md ittentite hostlers ox eobert 6 new hotel ia th nev fnmi- will find good m smjtu id to- the tuti rapplied with goodstibling eotal exoeaitge hoieii ac- tok jas campbell proprietor ir cinrpbellj ixte of thjs eoetai home ceir g t h stitzcn titetc pleiscxe in in- boonang to his minf old jfxicods ind pi- fzoni thit he hu recently pcrduied tnd re- ttitd the hojzl etf hinge in the ncitest ind roocteamfortible tjle saa is prepsred tp leoommodxte ill who mxj fironr him in ihtf acxt comfactihle msxner choice winw licjuorr sgin md eoolsnmmer drs ilwiyx in itck s ible in chrge of in ttteatfre hostler the pitronige of the rrablicis respectfully solici ed snd no effort will be spired to gi re theory best ittentiou its cjtrmrr hash for seiks s iai prepared io psy the highest cuji price for ill csass of limb ind sheep letner const snu on hudj thyv jajjfxs ilooee auctibx sal it idrertitementx inserted in the acros jfeez pes itlowrtter the best iocsl piper of hslfen co births mirriigei ind deiths inserted free- in the acrok fitxp peiss the best loesl piper cfhilfam co aaeds bihheids ind cmcalia of erery j description eiiocated neatly it the acrok feji pklss offieel the best loaf piper of hiltonco j c osihuxicatioics on locil questions of interest will glsdly be fwseired by the aciosfeex pfaa the best lool piper of hilton co- ekvelqpes printed in thenestesi style ind it the lowest prices it the actok teh pejss the best lool piper of hil ton co j fc for sie ijjfezzpkkss if you hive firms or firm advertise them in the the best locil piper of i merchants ind firmerj slifce shoold idvertise mdjsupport thi attor feu eejas the best locil piper of biltoa co strayed orstoiei adteriiiementt of this tutore inierted terjjcheip in the acroi teez pe4 ths best locil piper of hiltonco 1 pttmps pnmps primps w e auuts minofiotarerj of superior well snd cufern trntft wnic will be pot in on inort nolioii bepurw promptly done chirgei mwente al iiwi iitd lid set gire bini ell shdfrtn freder- icfc street oppobtejdr 7i idbbee w- e adams j kill zoicmisl i tell oki be iccjtol r k 1 t f i h s i roeosto 166 ouwiaxipmqw ifjlde at- crowes iron works izih is iheid of ill cr inpctifon for generil rr- a weelf in yot r own town iadnocjpiipsll ttone a cite file bosincm i frill withent fxteoiv thetes opportnnitf rrer offerid for tfcqiewijiiag tc irorfc yon ihotfld ry nothing e nnlj yottk for yself whit yoa fr 4 fm ofcr xo room toopl bejk jo to the buiinend muefereit pr j inn -mai- end for p termi ind pirticnlm us nu vnfl yon hire mifei jf addi six per cent interest paid on deposits or 1 tod upward safssr xsd best secusltr ud f dbccurt d b cuiiaiout etq president wk ktrxs eiq of john widieico burlinitod vicepresidtnt j w rcsuuegh m d kimilton hccfc mceeiv ekj tho btxxcttutd esq nclsoc cauloks likd birtcn eobx dckolk kwj himillcn r k ckehouc esq ottvflle wi fstrjctk il qeoruetawn k s grirrin si d c skow esq ittni cotton mdl pcndti xaxty lean tit rial etltu m ttau a tvit 4rrwf and or eaty termi 2 office cptn every weckdy frxiu 9 mto5pic d dextes fitajuger aug ii 1879 7 federal bake of canada giuelpli branch agexeexl rixirso bcsikchdoxi drafts mi bills of exqbakqe bttfit ami sau -deposttors- are tllowed interest st the rite of fire 6 per ant per inncm in the siringt binfc depirtmentpsnd sir 6 per eentcr innom will be sllowt don deposit receipt protided the money rcraiins in the bink not lax thin sir s months ind thiee 3 months notice be grren of its withdnwsl thoif as v greet sliniger the travellers life i icoiclbiit ins co or hxerracd cokk writes ererythiag desirsble in the wsy cf life ind accident lasunnee et lcw security tjnqiiejtioned ample deposit nude with the dominion government fcr the security of cinidisn policy holdtit piid upcuh cipitil gross assets totil iiibilitiet sorplus to policy holdir james matthews agent acton ont i 60000000 i79ss7774 s5ll7s7 i2sm3s7 bakery confectionery utisas b t e keclvlik iroad icti mxte hii they have opened rip iheir new bake shop ci tot corner of mill and kain sts actonj and cut they will ilwsys be rupplied with a i bresd besides bunr cikcs pistry tci it it or chotcc confectionery will be found on htrui which is ill new tnd reth oatmeal 00ehmeat euokwheat flotje oea0ked wheat c ilwsys in stock this will be found to be the plsce where the best goods will be kept it the lowest prices t tssxs ciik b eniceujn- harness harness i nypenoa in wint of good set of hsrnesi either sdrelb 0e double should cill it creechs saddlery aotojs where they cn get better tilue for their money tlum iny plice in he county a gcod us ortment of tbohkfi ahbtalifies on hind lit of which will b lold chcip for rash r repairing promptly ittended to r creech actonfeb6i87s maniood ttte hare recently publisherl s new edition w otdr onlterwell oelebnited vto7 on tho e-uhcii- akb rseijutiat ctm without mednine of nerrooi de- hety menul ind physical tneipidty impedimenta to mirriige etc remltaig from excesses price ia c leileo entelope only six cenfior two postage lumpt the celehnud mthor in this idnurible yy cleirly dimonitritef from thirty yein succenfnl practice thit ilirmingion- eqnenees my be ndicilly cured without so dingerooi ate of inteml raedictne or the imjlioifjon of the knife pointing ont mode of cure it once limple certain ind effeetuil by meini of which every sufferer no mutter whit his condition miy be rrnur enre hinuelcheiply priritely md radjcil- hit leotuievoow bo ihohjm every youth ind everww 1 addxeii th oulterweu jftj n ror post ofipt box 45w tku svsoof oftrt the folhichtg airanfa jc lit ttitaiotilartoir erery year candijilsi frpm this acliool ire piuing the eiunlni lions ol the liw booiety council of rhyiiofsni and sur geons unrlculitirig into he different unlrorjlllea wilh few or no rejselioni sad taaosxss in 1877 1878 ind 1879 nearly ill tn students competing nude moit uusfio lory ezamlnitioni and the lehoollinow prepared by id enlirgedttali to give hit matt thorough grinding to candidatec for certlgcatet of all grades 3rd qolqcssouisiplolcaa the adrantages includai not only he complete practical curriculum of the celebrated entrain college at pough- keepaie h t precjjely u taught it that college but giret the further id vantages ot araramar history compoii- uon etocalion or the languages if required at no additional expense ttrrnonj iciduulmat rtifary trinity is weeks etwees- toweecs ailrinced tuio uoui ttsi primarr tju sjo bjso b01xo ul koails can be had in butldtac or oauidc it tt63 per week s wtkt oommretl tratntite for 4900 for partlctilsrs spplr 10 j rjsjdsdd ph u resident or it st davib commercial ussier c t htill -for- groceries lryoa wint a rood end cheap irttcle la znaz syson japn buci or ana- porijr sugars stnips spicea and tobaocoa 01 all kindi fkesh 1kd sweet hardware of all kindt paints and oils tf ikges and locks nails glass k puttv salt br the barrel all cheap for cask ao ta- o t hills mill street aotoa beattys guide toi elecavrwamitc beattrs li i rerftet selflnstrnetor in pjwnlanbhij rnrnv iiy the aid at which rounr uu1ul people mzy become rood writers in i jerj snort urns it consists or i soci of fifty wi eoauinlni lailfits end x pli 4 iirre number of copy ruixlbr pnctlclnji a beutinl orbaaitaieii4irc7 ind a nandsome ease to eon- slntsln tne whole m pricepdstpaidi writing address i bobtnaoa johnoa ontcrto buslnefscotletf lbeitertlie to elegant organs sewinc machines mot robt craine acton is prepared to cu oa penoni reiainn attbar sewtujkr nachlhek or otsnnu he has agencies i from the best maunrictarerx in the ooanirji juul will puitftiiletf iaturacuon to pnrcniierf- ternii very reasonable oniar left at hw realdneeorjdreisediroliini to acton po will reoolteproraptattontloa scohabownes tf preoircd in a farm perfcaljrajrttaue lo eu- the prowrrtitf of the oil thu produce pafa j pwin timinhrif itti rendered not only dm ttdplmit ia in tetfoflbut oiswiattly uucuim nd pajxiaijia- ititftitmkiauifsbaettua- dre tai cthtic knovn and u i nmtif for co- uvefltm contf tod ill inl dcrtaxv aesa it b tmcqotllwd ud k dauned is uk im ov crad oil tad til dnalq pflli ud purct- sra for tfiil drufffuuit tjecnttatct- doucciilw tryl a word to the wiaa tuaol tx i c micff i why tun our ind cry ind tiuil atidwte lalktrlhy hxlrt tue urtt of lue uimi wprcirtfi laijte tf ju t tc tain ciid tctrii ibuut ltluxindulb urr and ui luktcft ruu to ct our ocn htm bear sbftll we liana the tarretx o duubi to hod lh drtfoa dwrnift- wbeabewtoariy ft ftth ctl t fur t githcr ap uiy pliuao0tuot crt tb future had thee nudie tell ai wui wd ion o itw wicj oariytfenurun dab u4 ivijsimi lac tveep tbe iklcc wta hc unncc ttui i ou a iptw is lkv atifut tar the oilnd tu lcn upon t kir ibea uoa u t uvttju jjul twtlbtc ill ycf tit i suit thttt iv ibr tdntn to fln1 vxs rtial mn iii why ilulur th od ulkf tu1 tne t er l looai to he tree stall tbcisud rho ir- s itictillfd asibriretitik- from ibo iproctlox srtd to tbc eaj fota piulfln ttoier tr- we matt put oa the hither euc tbeftcpmefet- qo lore ex ell to tie caet and the joy aar dead lovv kacc our lorcf rha cmlt lad fled and paicd rota rttw oareied b2 stoeke bv uks may agkes fleudcg ir or a kjuj kaaaiacc t i qtjezkdx- ttc ckatteii il costtvuld nce to rice lie coos dain to brifiblljroot acd reaches a fin imyraouiorto taahotal e enter thlf hoaie no ha t kfathawonu and the matter of ab- loondol time he kill tile into eternitr heart with dospalr and ramorae and aont and t m loae and lore and fear all tafgtng atnu boait- itrlngi together it hai oometho craah he has elvayi feared thtrthnndarbolt hai fallen and riran nil boarth qilct sloaford la bff sratc baa rfjien to atenaa bit fiteri wroari the laat yellow glimmer of tho wtntry twilkbt fadoa oat la gray darkneas alia on the world uanr ft naa hia door a mrtant enton ta light the gaataa librarr will be neodad toalgtt joan abbott rtombxof paii him in the dark and ffoec to the room that la ucred to hlnueli alone the room called hif itady where he aeca his tonanta tranaacta bnalneaa dgna cheqnea part exyanta and amofcea plpot here ha will be on- diitnrbed br hia hrranta hia wife hl dauihler or their butterfly frlanda tblapartr of ioi u friend of oljja yentnor txire for the continent it la cajladlebli 6all hot in reality it la not merely a yoan party many dfttlngnfihed people are preeent her mo- thotf frlanda beaidai tba great folks of brteht- brook tba vantnort of oonrae an dowri olgi from bar finthinf ichool tail and imposinff even at ilxteen with jwondly poised head delicate lorelr face perteot rapoae of mannar mare beaauful than bar moat ifpiltur trtends exer predicted a trifle imperioua certainly eatbongh ihe ware indeed a princess oia looking with lata la the afternoon the mnset ipcrfcune winter day is fg ita crimson l tai wngtnc irfih iu ruby 6lo the troea the bras the wwtorn windowt of the great haaac he en- en the avenue on foot and walks cp under tboae noble trees with a quick firm step f for the last time he thinks us he looks around and it ins to have been his hia home thfw myasimjo this goodly inheritance j for iu ioaa he feels no pang a far hearicr blow ho fallen upon him i the loaa of forlane can be bcrna the loss ot honour la all and all t lost eten honour he aafcs for hr abbott and is shcrwn into the librsry faere that genueaian site peruiinethe etenlac paper and nnoalnjj a dsar he smokes and drinks a greatdeal 1 at sight of his stepson he starts cp throws down the paper turns with s radiant lice and holds oothothhanda what geoff back dear old boy haw wa hare miaaed you andidiare bare you boebsll this little far ererr j he stands with thoee ireloociing hands out stretched a glow deeper than the glow of the sanest straaminc through tha painted oriel deep er than the port wine he drinks on his nicand fsoo he glad glow- ofwekame j bat geoffrey iamar pale stem areacinge drawsbaei froor thoeacer hands t t ko he lays wo hare ahaten hands for the last time i stand in this house and spoaic to you far the last time it is the bitter blight and dis- craoo of my ufa that i hare aver spoken to you st up l the n facs buck froai him hishands drop hia eyes start he stands staring stupidly ac hia wlijit h4 rhat dye mean t he staauuers whatrsay on hia deathbed gilca elaaford sent forme and told me his itoryand yours- i know ths buck secret that has bound yon two men toeather i hold the papers that coat him his life- i hare been to saatranelaoo and bare tartaad the proofs of your guilt and joh ab bott ecoanditl and traitor i hare returned to denounce you r ceaptebih the hut light of the fair frotty day graining in myriad hues through the stained glass fills on th piatnre wlthia tha librarr thedarfclrpeh ed floor irithtta great rose red siuaw of carpet ita pleturea brnnxea books and outhe ngurea of the two men j on john abbott mihionsira and magnate ut- tinc huddled together la hia armchair hia face oorered with his hands hiagcllt bro home to tty i linn fie rim thtsiii ittwt fiery area of goawy iamar on eeoffre lamar standing haughl ffrer wiathfuu fth gleamlnc eyea com and and knotted f arehead j on that high pale brow the teina stand out swollen tad purple with the suppressed paaaion tithin h and yet little haa been said and that little in a tense repressed tone lower eren thannaual i it la only on the stage perhaps that people iu these s momenta of death and decpeir make long speeches only in fiction that the dy ing lie amonx their downy pulowt and mate ez- n mntfff uwmm ia real and low child life fa the hour of our utmost need we are apt to find oanelyw mute 1 john abbott has not spoken ana word hehar attempted no denial no tjndicatioa he haa fall en into hia chair and erouchaa there crushed by the toemendoua blow that haa fallen upon him geoffrey peeks at interrala in a harsh un- tteadytoiam rery unlike hia own but the aery truth that coniumea him is so deep so deadly his hatred and abhorrence of this man so utter that all words fail and seem poor weak hare little to say ha says in that concentrated toice of passion i waa a l when thewrong waa done iamamannoand i do not strike yon dead before me and notr else can atone this is tha last time i will sp to you or tee you while i lire the last time i ill erer set foot in this aocuraed house i go from you to my mother to tell her the truth the bor- rihk uameful truth that mayfcrike her dead wafla she listens but if i knew it would i would itflltell her- he breaks off all thu he haa said la pauses and gaapa ha put up his hand to hia throat he feels aa though he was strangling for the cow ering wretch before him he neither motoe nor speaks u she surritee the blow she will go with me if i know my mother you hare seen her too for haa paid the penalty c nounoe you and it within tho hour h the should feeling of fury that words he would ut- he stops that hela repressing choke if she should not he resumes she shall boo menomore butlkhowher she wihgowith ma leo toorha is yours no longer tlym make a home for them far from here where your yfla name win neter be heard i will search for joanna ho too shall know the truthahall know jour crime ehall know her rights another motheri wrongs and to her and heaven leare tengeanee do you think she will spare you john abbott do you know the penalty of the crime you have done f blx months hence in a felons oell condemned to years of labour i fancy your milllona will avail you little lam willing that my name stainless hitherto should be drag d through the mire so that you are p ojourdaaghterandtobeavenlieaveourwronga go now tofind my mother j r p john abbott aays he lifts his head sad evaa geoflret in his whirl of rage and shame is ttruok inr the ghastilneaa of that face i his roieetooishoarseandguttaral ihare no right to ask favours i donh ask any but dont tell tonight geoffrey stares scornfully a moment then tarns fdoitt k it far myselfto be eparod i dont want to be spared but there ui party to night leo v all his vrorda come thickly and with a alow effort the house la full of people down from ixmdonher wends yourlmo- theraau this is ready spare the little one f or one more night- only one let her be happy with her friends tmtfl tmnenor come row corneas early u you use it la all true i deny nothing take them away only not to- olgfitlorliftle leos aaket e lays it all in brief broken sentences his need droops and he ia silent again geoffrey itande a moment for leos aaie that is a powerful ppiv and only until to morrow the houeejuu of guests too tfai ex- pofure would he horrible and far leos sake lstfsffibeuyiwgmlr ittugrait unturomorrow tomorrowat nooalwflliend for this party of leos is la honour of a young on the era of heroepar- blue disdainful eyes on tha sllmwalsted align u lymoustached young anai4 ho adorenar they write sonnets to her eyes and eyebrow her smile her form they paint her pictura they toast her at clubs they droam of hero nights thay grow delirious with the promise of a walla they kiss her glove her fingertips they are ready to shoot each other fara flower from her uauqast and aha laughs at them all with girlish joyous indifference and tyrannises over them with right royal grace that compact in which frank livingston la concerned has not been mooted to her yet and the family conclave begin to have their doubfc s to how it will im re ceived a young lady who haa such pronounced opfa- fons of her awn at sixteen as to the colour of tier drosses and hats and gloves will be apt to have pronounced opinions also oa the more impor tant subject of a husband frank at present is abroad on a sketching tour it is understood through italy and switzerland and sends long racylettcrs by every mail but she laughs at tha letters aa she does at the adorers and flings them aside as indifferently whether she walks in maiden meditation or not she l certainly fancy free tonight in white silk embroider ed with pink rosebuds with real pink rosebuds and loiesof tha valley in her hair and corsage it la needless to say she is a vision of beauty that goea without saying at all times leo too in rose thk and iuuafon looks like a rose herself her bright black eyes shining after their old joyous fashion with the delight of the hoar the rooms are flooded with light flowers are ia profasfoa everywhere the guests are numer ous the supper and band down from the city and krc abbott lap sari moire and those fabu lous diamonds that might rival lady dudleys ownquite an ideal hostess for highbred beauty snd grace outwardly thai perfect repose leema abora being ruffled by any earthly emurtianpt but inwardly she is turned nevertheless far leo haa just told her with wideopen wondering eyes that geoffrey has been snd ia gone h impossible p mrs abbott says meredulously l why oa earth should he do that- there must be some mlstako vn ttffjiir rribfmni phtis let him la ho wentto papa la the library stayed half aa hour and went away without ward or message to me and after rx weeks of absence oh this is intolerable i geoffrey never used to act so what cfla it meanr dont know aiamma leo says it is vary odd certainly perhaps hearing there was to be a party he did not wish to star bat it is not a bit like geoff m here is your father now a slight frown coatracta mrs abbotts smooth forahoid her- husband haa given her to under- stand that he till not put ia aa appearance at this party and now she misses joanna as much perhaps for this reason aa any other she waa a most useful ahecpdoc to keep this wolf at bay these people are nearly all strangers to him why should he want taioiu thomf it is hia own house certain ly but i wanted to see you a moment sort he says approaching and evan she notes with surprise the grid leaden pallor of his face the trembling of his hnrf he husky break of his voice a moment alone there la nothing the matter v jurs abbott in ruddea alarm damanda geoffrey it is nothing about him r it is n rnng about him but he has been here and tsgoae what does it all mesa you saw him why did he not come to mar oa account of this party hva coming to morrow at least he intends ia see you i i do not foe well kara i am going to my room the study ishau star there all night yeav she says indifferently you had better you ia not look well excuse me i see a new arrival shake hands kora and say goodnight she draws back frombim intensely annoyed has he been drinking more than usual shake hands with him before all these people i what a fireposteroui idea i bhe draws decidedly back there is no need of handshaking ux abbott i have no wishto excite my friends to laughter nor make a scene you had bettor go to bed as st say and as aulckly as possible you really k extremely ql and are attracting the atten tion of the guests his hand orops he fakes one last long look as she moves away to meet the new arrival she is hke a mieen he thinks to stately so graceful so eafac mocg n the women present thera la not another so regal j then he turns away and at a little diftnoe encounters hff daughter f why papa aha aniatm juicily vtal is ths matter you an looking awfulit pale far you are you 111 i slat well leo im going off l my room the study you know i came to say goodnight thats a pre dress my girl and you loos as fresh and pink as a rose i am glad to see you so handsome and so happy you you are a little fond of your poor olddad aint you leo r whyvpapa j oh yea i know i sint like your mother or these heavy swells about but i have been a good father to you now havelnot i dont think i have ever refused you anything la my life now did i and youd be sorry if anything happened to me would you notr leo looks at him anxiously the same thought alas i crosses he mind as her mothers has he been drmking hr abbott is apt to be nuodlinliihiscups so hia pathos is always open to doubt you had better go to hod papa says leo aa her mother haa done k do look very badly andperhaps you had better send for doctor gflj- ktlt 1 idontwantldctorgillaonmygiri i know what you are thinking about but it aint that i am not drunk goodnight little ana kiss your olddadp hiss loos pink lips touch daintily the cold cheek of her father then she toofiita away to meet her partner for the flrst htnrw mr abbott is not a subject to be entunental- ised over eren if he is a little pale much drink ing baa alienated from him even the respect and affection of hia daughter although she is fairly fond of papa too but it is not in the same war or degree in which aha is fond of murnrnn gad gecnc mr abbottgoes to the study followed by the crashing brflhant music of the band ladies and gentlemen glance at him and won der who ha la his face strikes them all with a sense of tra gedy and discord that jars upon the scene but he disappears and is forgotten he shuts him self in but be does not shut out the triumphant swell of the music nor the sound of the dancers feet the joyous tumult of tha boil mocks him in his seclusicn he has shut out tha world with its brightness its gladness its joyous life and the world goes an just u merrily without him it comes well home to him in this hour he has been something he is nothing he will never be anything hi this world again he alts down and haa it out it does not re quire ion tonight ends everything tomorrow he will stand alone wife ion daughter home friendsr gone and ho hasloved them all after tomor row au who have known him will fall off from him his name will be a byword and a reproach his memory a thing to be execrated ha will be denounced is tho girl joanna likely toflparehlm i there will be a trial through which his wife his daughter will be dragged their name dialed there will be the sentence the prison wails the prison life the prison labour the prison fare the rhfiini tho lash the prison death that will be the story all his wealth is powerless here he goes to a drawer in dosk unlocks it with slow deliberation and takes out one of the arti cles it contains it is a revolver 4 handsome weapon ailvcr- mouhted perfect of its kind he examinee the chambers reloads carefully and with a face that seems cut in grey stone- j and itol as he labours at his ghastly task the dance muslo swells and sinks joyously the sound of the aaneers flying feet the echo of their laugh ter reach him sad ha listens as he works then ha goes to the window opens tho closed shutter and looks out it is a lovely night ifoflowfng a lovely day the deep bine sky asparkle with frosty stars the moon flooding lawn and terrace and copse with crystal light never has abbott wood looked more beautiful never has he loved it so well he is taking bis last look at it tt the cold far- is lieariceaing o the sweet t of the the wild j sges oi iin- death is herrf the cowards cure for all the ills of earth tuicidapu at hand he will nevir seethe scorn the hatred in his wiftii eyes the shrinkiag horror of his daughters face the abhorrent gate of all men for him there wiuboto felons cell or lash his lia has found him but and tha retributiou is now i ha lifts the pistol a gay burst of laughter just outaida his door greets him on tha moment- over that marry peal over the last sofr sttain of the wsitsars another sound breaks a dreadful sound but it reaches no ear aad only the solemn eyes of the stars look into that silent room chaptee un irrat tiixr sight itudoseunon noon of the next day somanine floods tbi charming breakfastroom of abbott v ood ghats km crystal oa silver on eggshell china and on j a group of gay guests on the lady of the bouse inexoulsite morning robe and cap on her pretty daughter la amber cashmere rich with golden floss embroideries the guest have had a brief nae a cozy eup of tea and now j booted aad rpunbd and saying farewell to their gracious hostess and her bright little daughter the party last night was delightful all are departing in fine spirits vng sppotatmeats for the coming summer aad country meetings sb fife eoir ab 8hela not very strong aad last nights fatigue tolls upon her after her quiet life besides she is warned abdat her ion here ft is high noon aad he has not put la aa appearance to explain his singular cindnct as she sits muting about it her maid approaches with a note it is from the culprit and is very brief j m brightbrook house thursday morning m mr dear jmcnrxn i am especially anxious to see you but i cannot go to abbott wood so i suppose i must ask you to meet me hare at your earliest coavefaience i will remain in all day ex pecting you love to leo ever affectionately g vpima- mrs abbottknits her brows in direst perplexity aver this enaanatical note cannot goto ab bott woodp but he was hare last night must aafc you to meet me here p how very odd how extremely unpleasant what can it mean is geoffrey losing his senses 1 she win go iat onoa and sad out her hand is aa the beuwhen her maid again hurries in pale scared terror stricken oh mrs abbott oh madam something awful has happened p the girl drops into a chair panting with sheer affright on maam i dont know now to tell yoa mrs abbott looks at her a moment and grows white 1 i isltrenytfeingaboat mrson she asks al most in a wnipper mr geoffrey on no maam nothing about him its master pleasev ohrhow shab i tell you ifi drwdfuldreadfuir mrs abbott draws a long breath and stands erect again pale composed a trifle haughty rhinitis nothing about mr abbott that can very greatly surprise or shock mr abbotts wife do not bean idiot p she says sharply what is it bay what you have coma to say and go i am going out oh no mafam you cant go oat today oh i beg rjerdon but you doat know prepare your- selfeohj please dofor for the wont mr ab bottis very very ul j j mrs abbott recalls his looks his incoherent speech last night sad shrugs het graceful shoulders j i it has happened to mr abbott to be very very iu before ofjdetinvsi trenau hare you seat for dr gulsca she says aoldit aad mevmff awayaalf toga ohmy dear lady wait i it it laut what you think doctor gfhsan was herehours aad hours ago but he can do nothing nobody can oh ma am with si burst masters deadx deadp mrs abbott repeats tho solemn word aweetricksa aad gazea incredulously at the girl doadp that strong burly redfaced man i i the thought of death la connection with her husband has pereroome near her he and the idea have been to entirely antagonistic deadr she repeatt for the third time me chanically in plow wondering tones davis his man found hmi early this morn- lag maam the girt says with a hysterical fe minine sob and sent for the doctor at onoe but it was too late ha had been dead many hours than tie doctorfcnewtae house was mlf of peo ple and would not let darls teltuntil they ware gone he is ia his study still maam where they found him a lying on the sofa dressed and oh if you plaeee theres to be aa inquest mrs abbott sits down feeling suddenlysick and taint a paaaioa of remorse i aha covers her face withhgr hands and her tears flow idle tears no doubt not tears of sorrow oertainly j she has herer oared for this dead t she committed a ala against herself t hf woman hood by marryingnlm life by his side has been but dragging 4 lengthening chain she has held him mutter contempt and has let him see it but he who dies pays all debts f and now- for all this a very passion of pain of remorse of hu miliation flll her and last night he oama to her in some great seed and she rebuffed himl now he is dead i j but moments of weakness are bat j moments with this woman whose life for maaryctirs had been one inngbitter smlfraprbaalon she lifts her head and looks at the girl giin it is veryt sudden it is dreadfully sadden was it apopijexy fr the maid rammea her keeping as her mistresi leaves off it is not eorrow on her part either simply ths ahocfchaa i oh maam mrs abbott that is the worst ko it isnt apoplexy ft isnt anything natural it was ralcldar suicidap tha lady recoils a step m pole horror and puis out her mmr i ohldear htdryes that is the awfuipart it was suicide he shot himself while every body was danaing and enjoying themselves last night he went into his study aad dona it davis found arm all cold and stiff this morning shot through the hiart oh dear i oh dear loh mrs abbott dont faint u oh here is mr geoffrey oh th- haiweal mrgeoffxey sir come and say something to your ma far it la g0 who hurries in pale excited with startled face and hurries to his mothers side j my dearest mother the news has but just reached me idoctor gfllaoa brought it aad i hastened here at once 11 is very shocking mo ther do not give way so i mother mother what isthisr i i i have kfuedhlm she whispers and her head fans an his shoulder her arms encircle his neck and she lies white and speechless with horror and remorse j nothing o the bart her son says energeti cally mother listen to me i know what i am aayuig yon had nothing to do with this tragic off shinlntsky at the fair white earth at his and in one of these 1 home theths been bis pride and boart so long that vuih about it wusl i sawjum last night a terrible secret of his past life haa been made known to me and i came and accused him of his crime i threatened him with public exposure this is the result i do not regret my part la it i sim ply did my duty i would do it again i repeat- with this ghastly ending you bare nothing to do and mother ha dofiervbo his fate he merits no pity from you he wash rillaln deadaa he is i say ft 1 look up shedpo tears for him ex cept in thanksgiving that you are free all this the maldhears akshs hurries from the roomj bhe sees tha stern white face of the piti- lees young bhadamanthns and wonders what nameless crinie it can be poor master can ever have dona v four days later they bury the master bf abbott wood in tnat vast grey stone vault over bright- brook cemetery that grey tnanmnimit bearing the name abbott over its gloomy front and which until time ends john abbett will occupy alone r it is a very large and imposing funeral and mrs abbott u trailing crapes and sables looks pale but composed and handsomer then ever leos tears people note are the only tears that fell there hfa been an inquest but no cause except that useful and well- worn one temporary aberration of mind can be assigned for theraab deed j t business has summoned geoffrey lamar to the city on tha day before and among the melan choly cortege no is conspicuous by his absence all the yentnors are down to cohaolo the widow and the orphan i c but mrs abbotts highbred cahn stands her in as good stead tow as in all tha other emergenoiee ft n platitudes would simply bo as yet aha knows nothing is free lalvr a very dreadful and oner truly but still free ieadmnandhlbwillis road saperblr dowexod her son in- ood and half the grpart fortune has left servants and friends are handsome y remembered no fairer or more generous will jraserer made people begin to find out his good pouts he waa rough and readyoerteinit ypjrtghbrook but an offha id wqolesouled fellow free with bis money all ays and if he swore at servant this rampant ie wajubvasreadytoup him tho next ha vasauuchabad sort of a man brightbrook oweshim everything he hai made the place boilt churches schools jown hab gaols alnwhoi sea laid out the park donated the fountain ereo ed model pottages for his tenants was eapital andlord if he was a lltttejstriot soalnspitet f tha suicide bd is after a manner canonised in he village astothedfrthiwljroplersw shirk that hadldnotlve happily wtth nlswif e- she and her son looked down upon him from first to last and he drank to excess and he had had d t and in one of jthese fits the deed was done and the day after the runoral geoffrey larsw re turns lie woan no okmrnlag and settled stem- aew and gloom restdn hiiface i tbo ftm lnqulrlmj h makes are for the slea- fords and ba jwarns the slsafords an gone driren away the fan h- deserted and thol house otppty i j j j lora haa married s luvbstrkken butcliar aad gone to lire hi thnnext town lis has lifted away to london uw boys hare luppearod loneuncts reigns at klcaforus j tho bod farm is to be 1st geoffrey rides over and looks at it already ft has the alrof a de- wrtal bouse already desolation has settladupon it aheady tho timid avoid it after idgntfall al ready it is hinted sleaford walks it is rery stranga that these two men oormect- d in some way tntheu lifetime should so quieuyilndawfubyfomowoachothettoa violent death i they were ugly ia heii lives says a ghastly wit of tho village and ia death they are aotdi- ridod no news of joanna as yot and of late the search has rather beeu cironnp george blake poor faithful foolish fellow still nvjarna snd warchol geoffrey proposes soon to reeotumenee but ho has another and sadder duty flrst to ful fil- i i i 1 ho has yet to ell bis mother tha frightful truth that ihe has never for one hour been john abbotts wife that loo uhobodyschijdthat neither ho nor one bi them have any shadow of rightful claim on all this boundless wealth- the dead man has left j as the night falls of that day that day sever to be forgotten la their liree ho tells her they sit alone in her sittingroom with closed doors looktugutatthe falling win ter night the red gloom of the fire flickering fa the jnow and gold and ambers of the injev room f inflnltejy gentle infinitely tender are his words he holds her hands he breaks it to her this revelation that fa i to drag her- pride in th very dart j for a long time it is impossible ito make her coartireheril the horrtr fs too utter sheceinot ihe will liouake it in i i then suddenly a shriek rings through the house another and another and she starts up like a woman gone mad aha breaks from him tie beats the air wlthf her hands her freixied cries resound for the moment aha is mad i what was john abbotts suicide secatomb of suicides to such horror as this the she t sways aad ullaalmeet for g first ths ii her ions knowledge of hex headlong in a dead faint- after that there are weeks that in all the future time are blank i she lies very hi 01 unto death frantic deliri ous burning with lexer talking rapidly wildly incoherently shrieking out at times that she will not believe she cannot behave it r that john ab- bott with a pistol hols in his head is pursuing her and that oeoffrey la holding her until ha comes up to her 1 her ravings ire continuous arc frightful sight and day her sod is beside her lao is kept out of the room by force it is too shocking for her to see or bear jaryonerdoctcrs included think she wl die but her superb unbroken health hitherto tare her life now slowly the fever subsides slowly life and res- sod come back and pale spent eak babe white safe snow spintahe looks outone mayday and sees the green young world the jubilant sun shine the sweet spring flowers onoe more t ia two or three wees she is to be taken kway- wbod is to be left in one or two of tbaser- son aad daughter may throok that cold proud a little for her plebeian th fever ia this way by and brightbrook has and hearttofa at e mistaken 1 nothing is sallto her later and then only v hwitfaf for her health- abl charge of mrs hill vaota mrs abbott beaheestt for years after all says bi woman must hare husband to bestr the shock of his thought her funeral so easy it early in june the leo time enough to part ofthenuaerable she must learn thai they are poor of course that another claimant with a better right exfsis far abbottwood thaajhay must look to gucffrtn- and his profession noi for their support for it mneetoessttos ty that neither mother nor sra can touch one pee nr of that mans money the money that is rigt tfully joannas they are not going abroad to travel as the world thinks- they are going to a little house la one of the suburbs of london for the present while geoffrey begins bis new- life of hard la bour heavily handicapped in the race j for obvious reasons his mother retains the name of abbott loathsome to her ears but leo must be considered flrst now no one not even the yentnors are tq know of them or iheir plans the world and au fa it has gone far ever nothing but pn ty l artrttfsh sbime reniains j l for the yentnors ok finds it rery lojtely that vacalwn at tho pn tty rose draped rilla and mourns disconsolately for her she 1 nearly seventeen now- a fair girl graduate with golden hair glad that he t of her ua- lonable sehooui over j but this autumn and sinter she ii to go oai un der the best masters with music painting and languages lire nay quietly at brbmtbrooktand early in april start witb papa andmamma for that two years trip j k same hei hare lately been inarxying bril liantly abrosdmrryiag both iortuae and title and every day frank uvingstohs ohsbees grow fewer and farther between his mammas anguish breaks out whenever she thinks of it she writes him agoaited appeals to meet the yentnors and try try try with olga before one af thina tiilfsjtttngfifflyts sn1 noble carri off the prise i- but frank smoking sightseeing church visit ing hi borne seeing statuary aad paintings and froaooas a great deal going to cosy artist ftiiini sketching and p after a desultory fashion and hattug a good time doesnot obseern mm vary greatly aboat his fair faroff cousin- art is his mlstreas at present storied borne tbeidu of his heart his big hrewnnecrschaam rather mors j to him than allthe heiresses ia kng if olga has a mind and is pleased to approve of him vhea next they meet ha haa no objection if not i he shrugs trie ahoalden and hums that eoap- let that has consoled so many when the grapes were tour and hung beyond reach- i if aba be not fair to me what caw i how lair she be p f and now this record has coxae back to the be- planing to that wet october evening when misj yentnor drovd past the bed farmui the pony carriage and pointed it out to her friend ehles s la dead lara is married lis has gonflr- cityward the boys have disappeared joanna- has run away with george blake and as notio be found swtords is a haantod house at ah- bott wood silence and lonehaeea reign it too is a deserted msfirlnn ii raaater has died a tragic death mrs abbott leo oeoffrey are abroad tra veiling far health and forgetfuxnas at yentor ynijjscga praotlsee tings psln readi i- french german italian rides drives blooms a rose of the world- t fair a a stisr whan only oste t i is shining in the sky 1 and so with swet slow voloe aha tell her friend in brief this wet october night thaji of the sleafords i 1 the exi or f ibt n e co a weddaiiet cake if ladies sin agiiuit propriety in talinf the initiative they cm lurdly be usincd for bringing a shillynallying or orer-bfsh- ful lover to the point when a gooov opportu nity prescnta itself soch an opportnnitf sufficed to end what had been a somewhat tedious courtship the young man paring his usual evening visit asked his lady love how she got along with her cooking luce- ly replied she r wonder- fully and msjcespiendid cake now can youl said he yoobg fellow i4twrutiy rushing on hia fate what kind dovou like best vi like one made witk floor and sugar with lots of raisina currants snd citron and beaqtifully nsitevl onthrtop responded she whythats a weddini cake v cried he i meant wedding said she snd there was nothing left for him but to say he meant weoming too t l v the king of idenmajjc uereatly bjelored as a monarch and a man he ia more of a ciiirai king than even lonis philippe he has some knowledge of science has a cultivated taste for art has the inaten ill v intereits of his subjects it heart otata in a friendly manner th ihe citizen class on th poblic promenade and it is said seldom declines to stand godfather lo the child ot any dane whomakes the kqaest that he should dp so a berlin piper ahich vea a number of detaili about the life of the royal family iapediagmobiervta that the kinds daagrers won tf maidens an uouaual degree of popularity in their fatherland the good danes were extra ordinaiily proud ot the beauty of their princesser and rcjoiocd heartily with tfcem when tho herr papa whose civil list is cf very small dimensions and who hi com pelled tj be very thrifty in his domestic expenses bestowed upon either daughter a new dress or gold rum en t for a birthday gift- j r as qan victorit growa older theiap- peari to tike greater rjoimre in indulging in those simple ud astursl feelings whlci whether via hovel or in nail touch jun hoirli o all good people not long sinoe it the inoonl of one bt nerlilthfolienipts nsmed grlnt ihe drive f rom bilrooril to mrs gruti house arid iat with het whilst the oustomary religiaaf seirioe ftre being condnotod in mother j room attharon- clhsion hr majesty walked in tho prooos- sion hohifld the ooffln until it nehmthe cattle two of the royal oartiagerrbliowed allthe wfy to the grate the wiok ojithe hooiehola rnoet of the serrantiindthe balmoral birkhall and abergeldie tenantry wire present it her mijesty eipresi com mand v- i t

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