Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 15, 1880, p. 4

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i i apt pt r pjfc5fbt riu- the pool fi nd smitei efcknovt the guldea uiw he ikt bopet i ta their dff their burwe f r v v jfe- i h tbbbbi mkhm m f utj 1 i 1 j fji krir i 1 rf j ii i u kj h ii ffvi 1 ti mlacs kotfc tehere their crwn tea nvcf tho coldness ot their eat e r fct fcu cl llclit their n o numec all uioacho ott his sought loi by h inwuinc thought tt cr cljrtsu dwuace y no tanra c4rra crura um tte soaii not hire their day to woimoa utt occay ke lent their rcjttetftstt ltd uithiclr tht pec be they minute hu rtnina irvufcin their rdtot ckv fcs soon ferret tke rarid they bathe hs lorrtj cojcjs lu uc loft itftt cc bloodc tvxy lcie tu uncmne crealncs tendrsh etnpcax as one xo axu1 til dir mjcc dart nr ix tcrauidetapiaiicciasanieichip a ni to may ftniftit forjct hi nrfoew im tret fco ice la the pt heart those uliad i ju und al content to loot ub ihccc he utctf twiijoliih tell io in tte hopclcm cml i it if virion u cuoceh i ttf ctwd til foci wlh let anj h ho ctwf teach mt tw hiictcf be q tso uisc if he nju chw its d fu o c sfr itl cte tad km una trxrj oer the ttm ji lie rctrff ere cirbt hie fifes u hit 4itut fat tiv oait tl jit itilil ttey tachoc la ifcc fff t the tay bridge disaster a horror without snrritors and witk only feir drttui knom lodox d s the miaircr of the kortli bntah rtdrtr elegrtpaiog tool lreciuat it four oclock thu ciomia uvt several utko gtrden ilong tith the but tria from eiicbaixb vera precipitated into the rir hit night there were netr lj- threo handred piaeageix betidot the companys ktnctii all of whom in be lieved to hire pauhed britc u thit de- ipiteh if it tells tboat ill thtt tuy uriag pcctoii kxott coaoeroisg the n o the txy bridge disuler it the nrfd moment of the cthunity dirkaetx csnoonded the bridge tod the tnin ud the mott uut mj- living min tit nt t ihcver o iptrti hion it u ugte dovu to the inter tad the tniluxr at the trainc bxhtx tlirotifh perpendicubir fill at nme eighty feet then tter dxtkfless follared tnd e ciea ho hid seen the filling lights nntble o com- prthend mch aliniityu hi tctnilly be- txlea the tain fell to wonderingjrhether they hidresljy teen anything ohe mott thit tny living penoa hetrd vis the nnin terrepted tvtr of the firth ind of the wind thiotigh tf bneec othe bridge the stop ping of the noise nude by the merinf tnia or tbc crtsh tint icccmpsnied the rst tpttld hrre beea droiraed on tny ardtniry lught then the roir of the firth cm be hesrd ornuny miles i the brief despatch from the msntger of the rilltiy caatiici sufficient tt to the ex tent of the cslsmitt to give it t pisce tlooe in the snnlk sf nultiy d inter even if no additional fact coold erer be known ah of wham are believed- to nave perilled r there is no other record like this ft is probable that the number of penans lost u mcr m the first official despatch ud that it irfllbe ccdercstimated in them- aoaneemenlsptlt forth by the company later a- despatch from dundee to the press association at hilfoast four thit after noon says that the nnmeer of lives lost does not exceed ninety a later despatch from the same place states that only fiftysix tickets were taken np at the last stopping place before nrmrmg into dundee tbeae figures do not cover the number of yoong cinldrea requiring no tickets nor the nsm- beratpanengenfor bronghty ferry wlioac tickets were not taken np nor the number cf nilwiy employee the scene at the bridge today was the saddest that has been witnessed m scotland for years the approach to the structure swarmed with cghtseerf and among them were wives husbands other rmdmf and lovers all despairing 3iny steamers sad small boats were near the scene though the hope of finding sny survivor has been xbzzidaaed six bodies have bees recover ed divers will shortly be brought to begin the work of removing the debris of the wrecked bridge sod trsin snd removing such bodies cf the victims ss may be found in the submerged coaches the excitement in edinburgh is hardly lees than that ia dundee it was through the anxiety of the group of mez who stood near the telegraph ngual box on the dundee side of the bridge snd saw the shower of fire while speculating as to whether the train would venture upon tiie bridge on such a night that the fact of the disaster was ascertained standing where they were the curve at the north end of the bridge was st their tight and then iwis nothing to obstruct the view for a con sidersble distance towards the middle spans of the structure thefeeiinggrewaponthem that they had aeen the tramx bghts go dawn intos the water snd they sppealed to the signal man to ttrivttin the truth for them tie told them that he only knew that at nine minutes past seven the train had been sig nalled to him from the south end of the bridge the tram did not come the sig inal man became alarmed and endeavoured to get telegraphic signals from the other side but there was no response conunu ttwv had ceased then the wildest alarm possessed those who had gathered on i the dundee side the interruption of com- 1 municatian strengthened the impression that something terrible had happened this fear spread like wildfire through the city cog great throngs of persocs nnrried out towards the bridge the set wall was black vith the multitude that gathered to i peer orer tha roaring firth and the rtu- pnsewhile awaiting tidings of what had occurred was mrnful somebody sought matter of tie lay bridge itatioo james smith and he snd the locomotive superin tendent of the road said that they would venture out on the structure snd learu whst had oecurrbl- it was a perilous un dertaking the tracks rest on top of j girders snd there was nothing to break the force of the wind as the men advanced the gale seemed to increase in fury they were nearly swept from their footing wi ithey got down snd crawled along the track clinging to the rails with fingers al most benumbed eighty or ninety feet below them the firth nung its tngry waves against the bridge supports proceeding i slowly and with great exertion they made their way out to where the superincumbent i girders began half a mile or more from the throng at the end of the bridge here to i fhtnr inexpressible norrar tbey ccnmd tbxt i the stractore cams to an end looking i ahead into the darkness they car that i about onethird of the bridge had gone i down there was not a vestige of it in j sight save portons cf the support upon which the superstructure had rested there wis nothing for them to do out to turn back with the awful tidings they hid found the excitement in dundee was intense as soon ss the gsle had moderated a little the provost of fnn city sccompsnied by several other prominent men went in s i small steamer to the scene of the calamity i their return was eagerly awtited in the 1 hope that some sumvor would be found who could tell the story of the csumity bat til that those on b ard the steamer ttw was what had been teen by junes smith ud jame roberts when they peered over the edge of the broken itmrture the sup ports oil which the girdert had retted hiked by the waret of the firth liter vast qusntitiet of wrecksge sppeared oa the turttce each it doors of coschet pieces of the bridge bsggige httt and other articles of apparel kumcroos small boats floated aroong the tupporfs of the bridge ho trmeotanymtvivorwufcand tit wtter it about 22 feet deep where the tnia unk it it not yet known and it prubttily will never be whether the girders were blown down before the trtin rtn on them or they tnd the train went into the firth at the tame tunc the trtin conaiitod of a oco- urotivr tour third clatt coaches one tint dux one second clatt and tht brtkesmans van it drew out of edinburgh tl halt- patt four oclock in the afternoon atlhu fcason of thr year when the hunting tu the north is sttracling many tporumcn tnd holiday trtvcltort arts pusiae to tnd fro the passenger trtffia on the north bri- tith itailwty it very heavy to thota may be added lie many merchants manufac turers clerks and commercial tgtatx who frequently journey belwnea edinbusb the second city of scotlsnd in point of popu lation and dundee which ranks next snd is slio the teat of the scotch liaen trade the london stmitri in an editorial this moremf ssys when the first feeling of horror which hsngsqer the oountry shall have tubtided a ttricttnd severe invtttigt- lion into the ctuct of the accident will be demanded by the people and nothing short of a coutplcto answer will bo accepted the gale to which the bridge tuccumted wit not exceptionally v iolcnt the train of cart hiv ing ipparently nothing to do with the sod- dent which hid occurred before the cart reached the broken portion the national reputation is st stake tnd the investigation mustbcvarchisg indeed loxdox dee 30 the government hat teat two rurpectort to ascertain the particu lire of the tiy bridge duaster snd hts directed a formal enquiry into the occur rence divers hive thus fir been unable to dis cover the wrecked train tbey will nuke another effort today the place where the train lank is full of quicksands snd if the bodies of the drown ed ire not recovered within t few days they lit be embedded with the cars beyond re covery sicawero fottnod ot immense doable cylin art of irooj whlob wm let down apoa tho river bottom workmen inilde ot them canted the ground beneath ud inbedded them in their placet then they ware filled with broken tone ud liquid concrete sad tho columns of tht bridge won built upon thorn noil the short t hago brick wall connected tkeso piers the brick work of the pian tu hold together with cement and thit ud the concrete became to ttroag that whoa two piers that ctptited in the otrly part ot the work wen dragged whore they could be broken up only by halting the girdort ipuning the eolnmnt were put to gether on shore tnd hotted out to their placet in the bridge these girdort are of hairy wrooght iron brtcod with ugle iron the road way u carried by cross sleepers 12 by oinohett planed s feet apart where the roadway runt below the girders it it carried by iron cross gilders 5 feat apart the rails being laid upon uinch longitudinal itocperc then an double cylindrical columns under molt of the tpirs but on the dundee end of the bridge it the cuive tht 66foot spilt an upheld py throe cast iron piles two of which an vertical while the third it a raker with a baiter ot one foot m three and ia placed outiido the curve whan it was built it wat the longctt iron bridge ia the world throughout the king dom muypxpratiouof doubt at to the wis dom of building such a long snd slender bridge found their way into the newsptpert ud ware noticed m the psrliamentiry de bates of the time j ri v mf r a sketch of the fltyleh hoke ukmvi11kiku the groat lot ot tho manner in which a drett it made in what dioumakert ctll fit let the cettlioit mitoritls look ihsbliy if bodices ire i 1 1 1 1 ti a q tnd skirts hang awry therefore in cutting can tnuil bo taken that pattera and goodt tie laid at true and itrtight ctj the cirpenlert rule and plumb in bxitingj that neither tide is ttretohed nor yet halil unduly full sndi in ititchlng thit the tension cf lira tewing machine are exactly right on these three poitu the moceu of tha work chiefly de pends j i a thit day of perfectly fitting paper pat eru it it easy lofit a drett j indeed if the the bridga describea the plans for the great iron bridge across the tay and the novel and ingenious me- thodt by which the engineers coatrired to execute their project excited universal m terett ia europe the etftutr the leading periodictl devoted to tuch subjects in eng land in its issue ot april 4 1st 3 contained no other tlliitrstions thsa those pertaining to this work gai in commenting upoa this unusual fact said that no analogy was noses- tary ia view of the importance ot tho pro ject the picture of the bridge gives an ac curate idea of the boldness of the underta king because the width cf the tay is shown to be very great at that point and the height of the bridge roadway above the wa ter seems to be ss unusual as that of new yorks high bridge the other impressions that an formed from looking at the engrav ing an that the itrnctsn is exceedingly slender tad that it is not at all ornamental it loots very much lite a long section of the third avenue elevated railway spanning a broad sheet of wstcr dundees growing importance ts a mans factoring aty increased the need its people felt for a bridge across the firth by which the korth british railway system in fife could reach that city all the freight and pssengers had to be transferred by bolts aerate the tay it great expense and with frequent delays occasioned by the magni tude of the traffio uid the frequency of storms the completion of the bndge con nected london with dandee and the nor thern soottiah towns by a direct route which wat a continuation of the kortheatt- era and great westers railroad tyttems twentysir mile was saved between edin burgh and dundee and dundee became the shipping port for ih immense coal soldi of fifethire in is7t charles do berguc sa experienced london bridge contractor entered into an agreement with the korth british railwsy company for the opening of the tay de bergue died toon afterwards snd hopkins giliet t company of uiddleboro took his place the engineer wit sir thomas boucb the knfravnr of new york dwells upon the peculiar plan of a ntaear nfmm austin who levelled off tha shore of the tsy on the site of the southern end of the bridge and covered the ground with con crete flooring oathia everything was made before it was put in place in or under the bridge ud the usual icafialding was done sway with on the other hsnd the etji- ftr lays especial stress on the fact that huge artificial foundations of iron snd stone were utilised by the contractors sa has since been done with the east birer sus pension bridge snd that when some cylin drical piles wen tank to rapport one por tion of the structure they were imbedded by forcing wtter through them to displace the tand as they worked down into it t this method was adopted in bonding the ocean piers at ling branch and coney island last spring the bridge crosses the tsy one mile snd a quarter west of dundee oa the routh side it joins the korth british r near leuchars and on the north side it is connected with dundee by means of a tun nel snd a short line of rsilt the con struction of this tunnel was looked upon as a considerable undertaking it pastes neir sfagdalen foint running along the great docks tai partly through one of them theesrt grey dock beeidai psssing be neath one of the main streets of the city the bridge had three spins of 60 feet two of so feet twentytwo of 120 feet four teen of 200 feet sixteen of 100 feet twen tyfive of 66 feet one of 160 feet snd six of 27 feet the ertt three spans go feet on the south side ire on a descending gradient of i ia 100 feet the twa so feet spans are level the bridge then rises with a gradient of i in kj f wet to the centre cf the 200 feet spans finally it dsscsnds with a gradient of i ia 7366 to the north ahore on the south ode the rsfts sre on top of the girders ss oa the new york ele vated rallroods snd ue 7s feet sbove high water in the 200 feet spsns ss feet sbove the wtter the nils were beneath the girders u is the case with the kew york central railroad bridge aerott the harlem river and indeed with a majority of the iron railroad bridges ia this country when the 120 feet spans on the northern end of the bridge are reached the rails again run on top of the girders it was at the lories of 200 feet spans where the cars were nearly 90 feet above water ud ran be neath the tresses that the breakage occur red from the sonth side the first five spina are on a carve of twenty chains radios the line of the bridge is then continued directly north snd south as far as the end of the 120 feet spans thence the whole of the go feet spsns the 160 feet bowstring spant and the 27 jeet spins trs on a curve of twent chsins radius forming nearly a quadrant of a circle the length of this northern curve is nearly sjooo fee the bridge tif nortltward sxul would not thetown except for thit curve which brings it into the city slongside the cala ionian railroad line tha bridge was building nearly five years ud at times at miay u 2000 persons were employedinthework its construction con- tumed s600 font of iron work 2600 font of catt iron work 35000 cubic yards of brick work ud 87cx5 cubic feat ot timber the contractors estimated the cost at about ten millions of dollars the bmlders found the bottom composed of rock in tome placet of a hard material resting on silt in other placet ud of tand covered with ahingle ui grest boaldert slong the remainder of the route across the stream the ttream it sbout 25 feet deep ia the chunel stornur hindered the work notherly ud touthweiterly winds tweep with terrific force down the river ud because of its great width and ttrong tides the tea it often vary heavy once a gale blewr for three weeks tai all work was sus pended until the rtorm ceased it vu on account of these ditadvutaget that so much of the work wit dona on there there the greatpien ware built ud from then they were floated out into the rtraimud lowered in potitioa by great hydraolio rams these taking oaxs of the bed some general ideas of bedroam hysnene as under ordinary drcauutuces one- third of human existence is psssed t ileep it may be worth while to direct tome ttten- tion lawixd the bed ud its furniture the period when a bed wat mads at a represent ative of luxury when the little uanuiae received hr vuitort ia bed rt onir hat patted jiwty mi with it all thote heavy hangings which were draped snund it ke one with uy ideas of commoa tense oaght to sleep in a curtained bed such hangings are nothing more than traps likely to hold the germt of disease tnd tbey act aa human extinguishers what men tbturd than to hive aroand the tleeper the air which he hat breathed which naturally ia the procett of respiration becomes fainted ud overcharged with carbonic acid gat there an no temptations which ahould induce uy one to aleep within a curtained bed if a room ia cold or drafty let curtains be placed on the windows bat never on the bed some what of the aame positive relet ia regtrd to hiving nothing tbora ones bed holds good ss to extending the bdovcrt to that they thall fall to the floor it may bt erthefac but it is not clean the ventilation of tht bed from above and below ahoald be pre cisely the lame there it i habit of ptrade at to beds which drspet them with valence aa upholstering invention which should not be encouraged it is not worth whie to djacaat particularly oa the mattress of a bed lamenein ingenuity his devised innumerable mechanical appliances which io away with other methods it should be remembered however that carted springs interlaced wires never prevent the in trod ac tion of vermin though patentees declare immunity from bugs aa to coverings very few persons sre aware how prejudicial it is to sleep even ia a cold winters night with to i much on one imperceptible pertpirttioa alwtyt takes plice it it true but u excess of covering induces an overpertpirttion which though it mar not actually datura sleep is weakening in itx effects people laugh very much today at whit were tht utiquaied ideat of making a bed comfortable in cetd weather ud such s instrument u a wsrmingpsn hat been relented with the flint ud steel tad the tinderbox among the rubbish ot tee past still it hat its use and might evea be employed tadey or its substitute hotwater bottle in muy beds it is the first shock of getting into a cold bed which often is of terioos oooae- qiecce to- persona of weak coestitution people put a certain time of life da not react rapidly hoars of good wholesome sleep an often curtailed and in order to get warn and keep wans reooorte ia had to immense piles of coverlets it however artificial methods are used to warmabed the ice ia broken not fa a figurative sense at all and often great benefit ensues from it the german usage of eiderdown coverlets ia not recommended though warm mi light it is insidious ia its sctioa uyh 1 lesdmg authority and in the eaae of invalids should be ntchjod for it is spt to throw the sleeper into a violent pertpiration it would teem slmost unnecessary to advise theainng olbeds at all good housewives trs isppoeed to have it done tliu it it it something which depends entirely an servants it u ufe u uy that thit the meet important point of til in regard to health is oftea neglected no one ever posxfby would taink of wishing his face in the same water twice unless there was no more water hut it ix quite ss disgusting tnd much worse for health for a person to sleep twice in a bed which hat been fully imbued with the effluvia of hit uody air and light are the great purifiers snd the work ia a bed- ensmher it worse than neglected when beds pillows coveringt tad mattresses ut not thoroughly sired m pesaohill the pnace of wales income will prob ably be diminished same s10o0oo a year by the hard timet while they make no differ ence to his mother whose 5000 a day come in quarterly ia hard caah thia does not include urge revenues from other sources if ixs vmr srixlxv who died a few dayt aince in london waa conspicaoat far chant able works ot various kinds she took out a detachment of nunes to constutinopfe during xhc crimean war ud was the originator of what an known as flower missions she was tha eldest sister of dean stanley ud daughter ot bishop stea ler of konrfeh peisce mjotexxicks tutobiognphy edited by hit too the present prince is to be issued within the month tnd it expected to create a flutter of excitement in the political ud social world abroad another biographical work the memoirs of kossuth edited by himself to be published simul taneously in five european langniges will alto tppear in january the comta de grimbergen oie of the wealthiest noblemen ot belgium who died recently had to invoke the intervention of the public authorities to be disembarrassed of relations who wished to compel him to die with tha rites of religion ha left a fortune of ibaut 4000000 and among his legacies it one of 100000 for tho construction of t teatide residence for the children ot the public schools gustive does it at present engaged in illustrating shaktpeara he it to complete ly absorbed in the ttudy of the great poet that he cm think ml talk of nothing else but shakspeare ud is patting forth hit whole trtittic power in the endeavour to in terpret him in i worthy manner he hit already made a number of drawing both large and small of various scenes ud in par ticular hat utiirjd some of the sketches ha made last year during hit tour in scotland for hit iuustrafiont to macbeth it ia believed that thit work will be one of ha greatest tchievemenlt ot hit life at the wedding of hi ifillsii who is a niece of hrt latter wauaok with idr james ton of lord justice james all the noted beaaties of london were to be teen none is ftgt ud none in tan but all in silk attire tha bridetmaidt all pretty and young wore red tongues miking the effect rather theatrical urt lugtry wore a scarlet tightfitting costume which when she let her mick mutle descend re minded one of a certain character in fantt tha ehuroh ww made brilliant by a number of lighted gat burners h ud mrs willsck teat handsome presents a thit day of orfoctly fitting paper o eroi it it easy lofit a drett j indeed if pattern it properly teleoted it will fit ho tint time without alteration if tha printed directioni which oome with it are followed to look well the drral ihould be easy icrpst the butt nothing looks worse thin to tea a drttt pulling it the buttonholes a i trip ot tha dreumttcriil ihould ba ititchod down the front on the edge where tha biit toot in a be set this will oome under the battonholet when the drett it ftttenod ud prevent tht unsightly glimpses of white uqderaeeth which are apt to appear when this it not dona in order to insure the perfect fit ot a drees tcroet the butt the belt dressmakers utuilly place a fotdot wadding inaide whcngtting it the inside bell fattened to the tuck ot the bodice th the wtitt line is ot the greatest importance since it holds tha back in piece ud prevents uy possible slipping the best teat ac a wellfitting drots is thst while it displays the figure to the best advantage and ehowt neither crease nor rinkie it gives perfect ease to the wearer to use the wordt of aa etperienced ud luccetrful modiste i it fits uka a glove yet yoa could make a bed fait- i l the favourite collar ot the teaton is the eogtiin ccllsr an reliant mode ot mak ing this is to take a bias ttrip ot the mate rial two inches wide ud line it cither with the same or silk i the dress it trimmed with silk ud u interlining ot wigiio to give the required itinneas thit bud must be rounded st the coiners snd pat ia stand ing another tha revert collar it often added to this muy dresses sre made with separate rettt wtuch may be removed leaving a ythtped opening to be filled in with lace when daairfl bisques with points in front ud coat- ins pod backs are jvery popular others have a broad bias band added around the bottom giving the tffect ot a louit xt coat a fathion which sflordt u eay method ot remodeling last years dreetes i very few dresses sre now made with iefp- arate overtkirls the foundation of the tkirt ia ot cambric or calico alpaca or fou lard silk this is iced for a few inches from the bottom with the dress material trimmed with flounces or plaiting at far up si desired snd the raaterul is then draped to form a aimafaied tunic shirred fronts are very faahionablej putd ones are itill worn although lata liked than a few weeks ago most cf the trains ire squsre ud tome of them srs made to take c 3t at will thus making ot onej and the lime dress a hudtomt thort suit or a frame i dinner- dross at emergeuciet require if possible a dress should always be draped either upon the perion who it to wear if or on tome cine elte it near her lire ss pcttihe the tcaifdraperr is itill much used for evening dresses to drape thit property pin up one end in two loops baa uuiogaver the other where the fulness of the trsin commences behind sul thence csrry it serosa ike front putting in pint here and there faking care not to pull it tnd fasten the other end with loop snd end below the drapery of the train the scarf ahould be arranged in irregular graceful folds rather than tula cct flat style the new psniers sre mote scarfs thsn piuiers and are imaged quite low down they are put on directly at the belt extend over thehipr udoffeatang in assh ends to- down on the train shirred irvnx with the fnlnett st the waist drawn into a broad etnifec ot clotelygatbered shirring tnd thence hinging plain are a new feature thit seaacn very jnany tabs tnd tongue- like points an tec on imparted dresses these an often meda ot satin doubled ud sometimes ot velvet bound with satin full boxplaitingt or tiny knifeplaits are tet underneath them showing ia fiat between the tongue t a hew ud ttyhsh shell trimming is of velvet lined with satin ud let on in full dotble boxplsilt caught through the centre like a like a ruche the top of the plait then hat the upper and lower edges fssteckl togtther farming a tert of shell txiniining and showing bothine aatin snd the velvet this may be made as well in simpler fabrics tay of eaihmere ud sat f a grest deal of brioche goods is used for drtatrimmingt thit tattoo very dark materials csmelihkir caahmere and kiik tic used with it- it is slmott imposxible to give a clesr idea of how dresses i re made is men words ko two sre aike and changes are rung iujevery possible combins tion ot colour udjmatena kiltncn tinues to be the trimming most generally used this fkihiow baa lasted longer ttten uy other yet there are few dre set made into the compontionj ot which it doet not enter very narrow kilting known at knifeplaiting ud wide folds in alike pop ular uueh of it ii idone by tteant by regu lar machine plaitertj at great tiring of fame and trouble for ordinary fabric thit sctwert vary well slthongh some risk it slwtyt run the heat used is apt to be too great and tha material it aoma- timet scorched silk howemr should never be steamplaited for it lobe it of its beauty tad gloss ud makes it look u though it had been dyed or deuad while latin ud velvet are literally ruined j by tteim plaiting ud when done by hand should never oe ht pressed the hand hftm which come for plaiting are excel lent ud save much trouble in uiing thete for handsome goods efr ia well to put the ma chine under press instead ot ironing the plaiting if yo do mot wish to stitch your kilted flounce downjupon the dress put a tape underneath and rtitch upon thit then taw to tha drett by hud for a fbnnce it it always well to tot i lecoud tare about 1 third of tha depth from tha lower edge ud ifitch or tack it underneath before putting it upon the skirt i folds to tat well should alwtyt be catj ex actly upon the bits and lined with wggin to border a flounce or tunic with a tiik fold place tha wiggh ud silk together and stitch them to theorcst on the wrong side than turn tha fold over and baste carefully torn in tha upper idge ot tha tik which ahoald be oat wide enough to allow ut ihu aver the wiggin bute agiinon tha right aide udiew with blind stitches oa th wrong folds of velvet or satin or briophe mutt be put on in the umnwty neither of them ihauld ever be machinestitched j in hemming bias flounces great care should be taken not to itretchthe flounces a lead ing firm who pride jthemsclves on the ex qjuiite manner in vrdb tneir rails nunc- to order are finiihedi never snfteri a htm itraight or bias to be turned by machioe every hem being carefully baited by hand tne let of dreattbrtt depends much upon tha coop given them in trout at jthe top ot the gore french dressmaker leave the tide breadths two ioohet longer it ithe top than tha front gore in ordet to seeare thit ud most paper pitterot are deeply scooped out on the hip care should ilto be taken that tha ikirt it aloped evenly at the bottom in order to do tail tpreafl it eat oa the floor and tlope bothiidet it once from tha front the feeing ahould be cat to fit each gore then ititehed together tewed to the bottom of tha tkirt ud turned up and tawed againkt the ton skirtbraids should always be i shrunk nefora patting them on then ttijeh by machine on the right tide ud taming over hem by hand on the wrong t mnx sicca into attncepu put one sint of milk tour ipconttnl ot ingar ojt of our ud four yolkl ot eggs ud beat well t sat on a qoiok ore and stir oonitutlytili it begins to thicken whan it it ready to sejre a bbr medium j a ayorold child that cannot walt or talk but it possessed by spirits frcni tin iiftj comircrcul adurtirtr j about a ear sgu a mr tndmn mlrkic who claim to bo mdiuma wore made io uahappy by the inlcrrcrvoae of rochester loporters and office rt i in i they quilted thit city ud settled near richmoad station in thit count j they were visited friday evening 1 a reporter of tki waitriovn tmei witb others who found them in a rudo lut coiy houio tboat i hundred yirdt south of the depot at the front it the par lour which will tec immodato ten or a aoten persons tud lias a centretable in the middle ot the floor the will ii orntmented with tpirit photogrsphr these pictures sre a- duiary photographs and at tho tide ot the fit h painly viiiblo the outlines of tome departod frioad generally a child mother or father tu tmtt visit it described as followt we rapped tnd were tdmitted by hits hsftie t blcthing damsel of about sixteen she introduced at to mrt jfarkce her mo ther who tat holding a bate tne lady ot the house bsde us be tested after convers ing a thort time mir jfirkeo informed nt that the child the held wat older thu it looked she eiked tu to guest on its age some guested a year soma sight months tome ten ind la en ud ill fet tarprued when mrs hfsrkce slid the child wis over twoycirtold the little thing had istiuge look tnd ooutd not talk cr wslk it wit tha mott rrogulir looking child uy of the party had ever leen tnd therefore we all became interested in it- mr uirkes in formed ut that the child wat t medium shi told ni that the wai the mother of seven or eight chudrea tad that only one other be- sidet thit bthi wis a medium the other oat waa a young lady who uvrd in pulaski now she wat a firatclaia medium bat u the cpirifail butiueet wss not popular jolt now tha young udy would not slow tht spirits to oommuncua with her only enca ia a grest while the influence tha spirit had had over the little babe hid ttunted its growth snd heuce its dwsrfuke tppearance sin hfirkee ttated that ever iince the biby could lit up to a ttblei ud put its hands upon tha tame the hod been a medium mrs markec regarjca this ss wonderful and itatod that this wat good evidence that there was no tnckabouttneripiis the baby could betaken into any hraie ud oouid be held in the lap of any tfceptc when the manifestations would be es complete snd salisfsctory is those produced by say me dium in the ord mrs mukee then told hattie to bnng the urge round table from the kitchen into the psrlour and she would ihoa tha gmtlemcn whst biby could do hstte objjed ud ia a few minutes we were all sitting aroand the table smid desthifce tilence bibye hsodt were placed on the table as were the hands of all present after a minute cf suence mis market liked if there were uy spirits pre sent whenthrec distinct npi were hei on der babys hands the lady of tha bouse explsined thst tluec raps meant yet tto rapt did cot know and one rap meant no she alto told ut that now thit there were spirits present sny of the party ccud call forany spirit he aeiired tnd tnoie present would go ud get them one of the party called for the tpint of his uicu who had been dead ten cirt the uncle came ud answered all questions saked the conver ration wss very pleasant but it wat hard on the baby who by thit time had become lettleas sad competcty worn out hatte waa then aaked to put the little one in bed mrs mirkee then sud she thought the tpiriu would talk throcgb her conservative a french psper pnnu the tollowing lsdy to new gir i pay ho s j etr girt thst it not enough lsdy but betides you will get presents they dont gire everywhere 10 st esvter a aiw dress st christmas tnd 2 every time there is a hipfitm ia taa cimilv girl bat i can not dependon getting the last item every year for a cirtainty ltdy when i ay a thing i mcu it it has been the custom of our family and tt long as i live it will not be abolished r trood advice- kaw is- the time of year for pneumonia lung fever ic every family ihould have i bottle otboscneesgerhivsrncr dont allow for one moment uat cough to take hold of year child your family or yourself consumption asthma pneumonia croup heraorrhages and other fitil difitet rosy ttt in although it it true gtrjtix stect it curing thouiudt cf these dreaded dis eases yet it it much bitter to hare it at hand when three doses will care yon one bottle will utt your whole family a winter and keep you lafi from dancer if you ae m con- lumptlon da not rest until you have tried thit remedv simple battles 10 cents re gular siri 75 centt sold by your drurgiit tnainkr the new powder for whiten sf thetretb stimulating the moutii ami p ying the breath the brightest neatest host perfect tllct gemcttant ask your druggist for teaberry pnce 35 cents fiekccs feed your horses colt coss fst ciltle celvcs sheep pigs tnd fowl huityi uztu cndvac fecii sold every where more agents wutcd manufactory ts john st s hamilton wnahs expectorationf expectorants as dr good ktt true ex pectorants ire uioie medicine lrhicn rather pro mote the ieperstioc ot the vticid phlegm with which- tha bronchial tubes are loaded- bag- yards pectoral balsam is minnrsctond with this object in vtsw and when mod according to direc tions will leparsta or break up the phlegm and removes it from the bronchial tubes leaving tree respiration it is also a valuable medla ia ill cases of coughs colds infinecxa croup hoarse ness snd complaints lm f to consumption ax old maker declares that he has been using myrtle nsvy tobaco ever iince the second yesr of its nunuficture ud thatdur- ing that time he hat never luffercd frcm a blistered tongue or parched tonuu or uy other of the unpleatut effecti which moat tobaccos will leave behind them his ex perience he aiyt is that no other tobacco which he hat ever tried ii quite itt cqnal ud thatia value for tha money no other comei uywhere near it hagyardt tallow oil combines in ruch u emi nent decree sll the healing curative and extract ing eualities known to medieauicisnoe that it ii truly a family medicine tbateannot be dispensed with when spoiled to afiygnliing gore burn chilblain frottufes skin eruption ole its eflecta are magirs it it highly esteemed there over tnam and its enormous sale annually it the beet ceruncate of its merits srwrso machdrts the werner mi- chrnes sre now taking tha lead ii canada tha great interest they crested at the exhi bitions tt toronto tnd ottawa thit fall on tcoount ot their light mining noitelest- ness and simplicity it proof alone the factory if running night ud day- to fill or ders venders ot american hmrs are ginngtiieax up pcofemng tho wanser to all others tune never sets so heavily on the aged as when tbey are ui ud depressed a heavy per cantata ol old people sutler trout kidney com plaints ate brought on bx derangements of she secretory organs who wfu hall with joy the great remedy prepared expressly to meet their cases victoria buchu ud dvi uret it can be recommended with confidence for tale by all dealers foe gents underwear in fine scotch ud canadian goodt it prices u low as tha low est go or sud to coopers great american shirt factory 109 yonge it toronto nervous debility vital waakness or depression a weak exhausted feeling no energy or courage the result of mental overwork mdlioratlons or excesses or soma drain fn tha lyttom u slways cured by victoria rpbnhosphites it tones up ud fnvigoratat the tytteni difpeli the gloom ml despond imparts strength ud energy rtopstba drain renovates tha entire system parrying the increasing the tpixtlte and giving thaitceiiaeha healthy tone for food bold by au dealers a hsoso boy in memphis when taking for i ration the other day told tha following itory i lie got a brudder ud hat got free ribt broke u de spina ud hit leg ud leu hegitt tomething to eat hei bound to die he got it agerik gen grantt tour round tho world i fastest lolling book now offered delusive- territory i or tcrait tddrci it once oberlolttef 4 co ucrlin j i toroxto brush manufacturer itaekiiullrviktt jat m 4ri teshrrtxiv 1 flarnatera is attorneys tvrm t llsnit xswaifr si rm i file manufacturer furniture oladra c6nt co j7 imgt itrtet i rotrairl house paiaos itoccl t canajs martlt iruk vm ictuhe hocldlkgl huhh chk0u0j hotfcxa tilrron cc ueikrr ieor for lioteult u j mattutt kuo toronto ttovl list of valuable pro- j jtertitwittlbecotiati ofotfotm out fititcccun rftidomlafan- app ui jollsbeakv wocdftxa try it buy only devot afitrecitu food best ix use fjohn lumbtfr manaf toron tmptiiud fr m if ocjcg 4 co ci king- 81 k ttutita sheep marks ontario baking poxaler tififleys patent lightning stamp heaiatistc rstd chxattble rubber uitul he bel kllaifbuffl trade aensf wxntod iazls67 c cstkykt tfrco loronta oaf akuficial limbb vamtt lteuiuciod chap ftnt prtia tt prorlaa lxiuiiou lon- dorit teftimcniiu oa ippilalio ttititfictioa fu ihlmd j tlltm j itox t sov vthicim cmt iuc licin gimporcbcufia til vxorirdu iourt pj nit u 8 kcgiaii or furtljn uit t rimp kip wiux uhf soc laor makoa free ik wi iwoiaioa iftauvro water wattr 8tr a ajw for el borior bat tu tkt rd for qoick- ui uri p dsy tic xcfnili irylt tknd fwf cnaltr tu mtnufictorj i to jtur it k u tt ai avx lac tie j tvrtauit n atu trl vfwl lajtrkvajthuaftarurrtna aauio clltiafwttklili trr tlrfiii lit fi- ol iumrc ktr t childrens carriages cridl- hefcat eir w tti criilm bwjti e sig bl craall froea aollart if7ils wiw moofkarer iac orr id bbo ronia sl i i ah rtpilrt protniiirr i uiioi u i 8 lyon alexander 128 bij street toronto roe cmstimtjit jew tears cards tine velvet frames olfronios mottoes mouldings nod great varielr 6f other holiday goods s bl anfonaat qioutub emctlci diamonds w 1j iti ottt improteddiamond andtbehaiikii croat fturidu f isiat lad nr ia 6rder inj- er una in other u tnm worid- tbpy etc niiiu- e h- smith co st- catharines- md sold by the hardware lrade ererj- whdr- tie no other we iw mtkt the unct tok ujtitniic iraprured chimp on edipur la ihoti ill kind tad ptlterns inelatti the jiet hnptoted cbrapiia 1 st oatluiriiies siiw workg i i nipft d tjar m eiptjnenced pirwdi n 1 ulllatis riftiniw cam baae ocoauno- wttulltiw dioa teeund ou ppeuion specialty diseases of women ehcioeuai nadsddreis 0r eiclt h st0wu pjrfitrt ml acoiacheur lit thwkh s toroala bees and honey tsxmg ittttel taal far ay crcnur of fpary lurnitm dliq kidittl m ernjutdokeota pt f ob i me oix gst say fa ptpcryvu iaie ikaiti tne canadian air gas maclune- t tfcli nuteblng li lor litittfl- pritt dehin mjic aurttmec dmrchai pttblie hajl hdteasetc qui nd exsunme ih raachiad ia tjpormtion joseph phuxipff wla manafkctiirer plumber ind etfittr lk tort scrtkt toronto staid for circular md pntmlirt- 1 yavih ind scddla afie hato you ulm xf ercry means to care oarscli it3or- rfs taco of phyiioitiiaj lt ii umeata ble bat ii nolattwl came in iia trait j mn indplitiic4l tukufitn tiiiiui it nelacted often retaju ta hopelks imbecility injamiy or erfr death to tvoid thu or to be rutored to a tonndniauiiicod dsiot hot ohx hocbbat knd toot snd iddreatr rit it plain liso tenri stunp and yoa trill roostre full pdrticulauv in cel6d entelope hjxedc lies tocb osit tarett- addtme psof egaktotcnlconuna i l banch ofi heaqdolnii r chicago hu iilver plating spooks- forks castors- etc- aspliated to oedsa millichamp co- ertablished 1s59 29 to 35 adelaide st- east toronto empress httt platis o axnsur patbfrd 1st prrrenu up- picjr la aotrj or frosty k- uiariwiaiutataitraaxpett prttntxliae beeltnr- at do j neter ta thi ir tvadnaed twterbe uicn ofljeubeionliutenibbtktifdtsird h ooaicadd oa mxoal 1 kinjr 6u v turcot for vk br ialdkrtbbooutiidhoei ajenti wxnttxl snd 2st- far rmym thaw curd mifl 1 lustrited prfoa lilt and ninplct the wtaole rurth sdx eriokus of the victoria c j bloxfielo luuifr cnudlm und rd rnjtgrtton co hilibartoa or near w4c eajaet toronto ttoraoia lie an acre tand for alo ix the ooc7stt op lucbtok enjeadoaaeestuda of cauiscilltia 100 ictcjl xi frfailfl sji ooncdiua c dn 100 icre w- pin h ta itll coosi m of dtwa 10 icrtt eitiad ej o w m iaattii c of diva 5 tax lou 10 11 nd lj la 6cd oia brvdc qcu ktix lotti0indila7tacjp bwdc wtf trw i appr to vacghx k fairbaxk i bunker ptroii hurrah for manitoba i i taa first excursion train for manitoba will stiat ok wednesday 3rd march 1880 for pixticalxri apply encosrtg s cent ftimp to r w prittie uaucatobi lakd off1cs 64 king st ea srlnttf i log oar litest improved erring nuchihfr cuf off b a log in 2 xninatec a iot pftcsdft will be given to two men vha caniat as much in the old way as ore mil am irith this mldinc circolan sent free w gazs lit w like st chkaso el caution ttoppms j1 ianar taeaid trpoa oar ihtcat wi kavre eaed ww boartvicfc u rmen miofeiannr co tor nuk inx tntthlm hit autf we hv tlao saj w h curic of but city ind fjrojmyial ttutud u thlj ft bell organ the followine i wiiat me uagi nyt bont the be lu organ to j hecher efi arat for bttl oekbtatj or gans it umtraj dkax sta- in h yoa cbcqae in iamut us ih belt cabinet orsu i portfujed irunr j oo 1 tan oat bat my ihil foe irutrament li of title ud tnalitt thidll d not tnpoosc txpabie of btn pro- dacei tacsiuiu tti taielspare rich tad deep tad the elteeti that can u produced ty ctmbiulicn ti the itopi are iinnaif ucar bell co ut to be crognlauled g tbstf accsti iadeelbpfactb nuaofjetare toiudnati tent u u msmfeit ia lie instrmexst ytu ute taut me i wali j- hem txrre sod remmaerxttre tklex i i reoutti ji mi truly turned g hague oeoenl iunrer itarinl bark of cuada mootwal jinnaryltti 1s eeoeitwt 6ct- kedad tad diplomx u prvntv cal exiubttion in rtxeird surer mcdfil and diplattsa it cenn- nial istw rsceitdlqlrtttiioai tfedal and diphwutu sydney amttadi 1stt eeoeired ooly medal far prioar qtfim at pro- nodal exhibtuoa 137s reeeitbd only medjd for prioar orgu it tcdra- uiil lixblbitjon toronto 1579 w bell co guelph baldness- the abort an portraits of t b cfcecnuo esq s barsiroet korth ttamntota tbedcrte teman u iha dominion who leootered nil hair by tairg wlntopoorbyub sclavonic hair hestorer xtux a bauneu cf doe tear tbu ema be tallied to br thoomad of vitneatra soho foundry steam engines and boilers saw mills and firist mills j frtred thsocohoct i shafting hangers pulleys c alio the latest tmproird j neill sons j 1 esplanade street i toronto to farmers tov can kbrp toub domes affd cattalk pat axd sjaxffslt st uhho i m yorkshire cattle feeder atlkm cot thaf tiikv oaj am kept irr pooa cox- aditioiv wirnodt it it hu bmn tnfod by the most sue- oenfidtoeknlnn dnrtnc ths tan tea maraud proftd o b thomughty re- uabt and laparior to all pthen prio sso 80a ud tljw par hoi a doll boxooataini sco f eoda huqh lollsb a co tonokto for teatlmonialj addrtm charles maitland winteroorbyn- 1 lalistnf scnt wtet torooto patenterv 1s79 this jleqme hajt no eooal in the foiloiqi u 1 the bolls are if the best white fe abhor aai i roloanliai to the sh k lacjcaiu uuftitm loose crcratt t u is self fastcaio vhen on the tub and cm 1 readlty hesdjoftcd loin stile oraje of tb- 3 tha amoant li spnnsbrossara aaiic rfguuitu looardlns tb the vutk to he done i there lino pressor apoa the roll shea the wringer is remoxed fcam the tub hich u ireat arluz of imc v he beartnjc lewr and inlcruni i aujei the urnx oo clow as thtf rolls sre opened priiir pre- iure proporuojhdiotbelhiadertotrthckx t h canoot set koe cq lire tub tn wortinp as ih double urerare t golem jrhca atatkuu t it is tirotijcd with i apron for canyit t tbi t tothes eev of the tuh 5 ills timple strong bqlnjhlindmb ofersud in ikwt it is ail that can he detnrd a oolh s ffriftftr 13a but moyioismtlielmpettil liberal discjoq to dealers the hamilton alnduirtrial work 86 merrick street

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