Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 22, 1880, p. 1

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irriages xhin wltpv xaiider toronto teamams is ctanios n idthehanlia ist- cs thirties htliufe x r rxi3 c a tlgo i sopro or wbi wir u or irj rrzlrs sec free ih jtf riv vv rirco t rai- lye w h irgan til haiiceuvi i- cvuiej- or- j a ifbjtctiss incilpi gsrmursaku tnc ixrtsre orntc anttxs luc s 6 ttlglt iprvir- ciiur- si pvsa t i c 4 i p-j- co- reiss- bt eescorer s t i r e smrt t kaltox raursu at tar fro pbxss rrurtiifi d paliltjlv ioc koate nert to the jsiethodit chiioh jfill sire aelou onll teejcs tttk fere piedra will ba tlt to iabiribirt postage pii1 tar 100 per sn- nucn ia advance if pit dancff the year ljvc wm tluauerttnusrati or tke itjtc0 jvoiupit jiicnrfiah4 lllllsll trtk ae paid cayp it the option cftho liiu5ur t 1 aotcttttstko ratts ceuel ijvcltlm- mcatt njupr luc for uto fiitt iascr- juan ssd 2 cents ptr line for ah esljse- quct iuctdi- call l 10 i 1 or 1 s ft 00 ric aocatrt i equate 15 fc j0o icr jinum jujtbie i lil fi iroatf rcw itte of laieruon any sccil sotioe the object ot irliick icto proicote uie pcccaury licncfit of coy itiiiiv dau orcooapxity tn t cosridercd tn veitueutrc- w aiat cf litcct- otcytlicipimiwufi ncirarcl by vcikrtoljjkoapnil ajlcrtisotneou rithnqt epccial- untrue- tioaslcscrtel till toibtit ana ctirgt ac- cordiaiiy omrtfcr ihixjitiiaiiag tdrcrlieeuctttt met btiinrrwbg ctbrtctti tbe pssmtherc viil not be rpotsble evy ilit- for dok tltin tnd ftncy job puctirg evpeiicfiotd workircp ket itylu cf- type ytttt gk chxrrtrs noocrtte h rixiooke jm canada aibssx oousas loilt ba5k1 00h1h urahuar sasool iaictvingsj j3anic hamitoni six pc cent intwwt piid cm depoift ottlsm upwirds hditar end propritlor sneijsi ittii we l0vvrvwb icps gra- pcitc of i riniy collfjjej kembcr of college of fbyticiics nd sargtona office tad rtsudcnce at the had of fred- crick str aewn t mcgaevik m d u c p s i a gtadatio tt victoria college eai- dtnee oner of mill and fredericfc ttrettt conmltatioa daily froai s to 10 a a and from 3 to s r m 1 lister m clark bareister quleo st jgtjelph b2ance office iri ux ltattaar btffldmssmiuswacton jjaa omct oris tveer feidar t w it heilstreet laoenaed auctioneer tor tks ooasties of wellngtoil adhaltoci tlrdert lft at tie fete pbxss office acton or at mf in rocfarood will be prrmpty attended to ttrnu reaaoaable datekts for ixtextioks eie rrnotiracdpropeilytecntedincia- adi the united states ad eirop pa- es caritd or no charge send for priatid inttnrcticna agency fnopcratioii tea vexrs hexrygeist- tttx canada mechanical engineer soicitsr o patenix iad draaghtsaian j d hathesos attoesey-at- w litr sojiettor in ciuacery sx oisce ceis door to wallaeevhofcl ililtba j domixiox hoteu ictox robert icir pi9prittbr iejleirhptciu ldtil up mfiritcuss style tith ncr fcrni- tcre coimeixuj tinn lien trill cl pjod cconodxtion tad cdmmojjggj sinipe bao spec ttttiitioa piid to the txeu of the trilling pctiic i br reppiii nifr the best l tnd cigars goodsttbling iad atati7fr hottler royaikcaakde hotel ac- tok- 1 f as campbdiproprietor 5rotmpun uitbe rauza hzsm cexr g t r suiicn tiket perfe in kn- eosnciegto hi nunjtal frrrrtirwd bx- tfccj thill harrecggtly pnrcfcd odxe- 1 tt i the bayil exchne in the cettcit tad nfoct cotcfaruble etyl- sad- is preyued to tccommoditc i vho miyfjltoar fcia in tie inert ebmfortibe iricatr choice witl qgifi icd cool sanuner trick jwff io fccfcj sutle iaehoge of ta4teatite hbsllef tfie stroo5e rt the psthc ii rtipcctfnllyscefittd icd aa eflbrt j tribcrtogirethtiviuyixittetitido i jiil cijcrstli riash foe skiks t aai pteparrf o pay the highest caxhl price for att lamb and sheep fjtiaa delivered ai my uanery lact leather ecmatintly on hand lercorbyii torotjw x wringer lt tijj clitii if lit jicaslie i riiktti rial worisi ltoit oki i uctiok saleadefhaementt interted a inse atospzrbewbsatlowrjttr the beat local taper of haltcc co btibias uifriises deaffiijijiijfior free in the acrox feee pecss the best locil paper of haltng co sifbst ssd best securtrr tkit aoof oirj ifioemf atfoimfaty j j utiatiaotriaft6h erery year candijilei from this dhool arc ptuing ths examinations of the lair socioty council of fhysictani and bar- isoni matriculating inlo ibe differeat unlrerilltes with few or no rtjjctiooi in 1877 1878 tndl8t nearly all tia beard c dlrttuct d it cuisnout esq president wsr knnrsekj otjohnwadte scoj atudeafs competinj oa4 moat aatlafao borlioctou vicepreaidtnt j k risascecn lit d karaitton hrtlimrkear exi hamiltto thos klascujlco esq kelsot oji jotrk lixp jjirt n robt jltovcxs eqjluniltrtt u k cmanotjit efq oikrille wu fktncas si i iccrgctokn h s getrrtk si iv c 11 sxowfjistanter cotton stilt dandac jlmy q lean ca iual etiale ts cukc o tvtt ijfrcirer- a flit etty ferwx 2 offiee epeu en vreekday fr ajn to 5 pm d- dextee kauneer ang 11187 y tca r federal bane i of canada gruelph branch- a gtvccjll exxclxo bcsiktssdove drafts mi bills of excqikqe bnfit ausiu depositors aie allowed interest at the rate of fire 5 per cent per annum in the sating bant department and ait 6 per cent per annum will be alio wid on deposit receipt prorided the money remains is the bank not less than six s months and three 3 irocthc cctice be gfrtn of ita withdrawal thosias y greet sltniger the travellers life aociaaiit ring go or- haittokd ctat writes erecyteiog desirable in the way cf life aad acadeat iianraace rites l6w seenritr tjntiuestioned alcpfa deposit made with the dominion goteniaest ferthe aecarity of canadian policy homca wd ipcaaa cjjnfci 60000000 gioataaa it677l totillibjittts s5117st87 2zrifui ts policy holder t2sfl9j7 james matthews agent acton oot bakery confectionery hesse b t e sickllk wonid inti roata that they bare opened up thelr new bake shop v os mi corner of mill and main ste a errors and saii they whe always be sapplied with a 1 bread txaidca bans cikcr pattry ic fce tc itaeoesrocxor choice will b fotmd on band which is all sew audi fre-i- loryexamlnatiaca anithoichool linor prepued by us enlirgedititt to gtre th mot thoroagh grinding o wndiditea fbc certificate of all grades ad ooiotsaoiaisirioiafl tha adrasugea include not only the ootnpleta practical curncalnm or tha celebrated eastman college at rough keepsie n y precisely- as taught at that college but gives tha rurthar d wntaget ot grammar hulory compoti tlon elocution or tho languages it rcquire1 at no additional expense ttjtnon iicanefna hilary i lswetkc swcelu advanced 11 jo tlo hi primary 91 w3 boasta aact roohs can be 1uls laboildtne orauuide at3pr week ib wsekt oommircia trtdiitig for 4900 for partleularc applr 4o i r jiuesddpp itetlotnt or it hdavlf commercial master trinity iq weeks ism ta c t ibdiidid foe- groceries if you wane n rood and cheap arttete n tcue hrtsa jijiit mci et hta- pordtr tb j9ls ii solars syrups spices and tobaoooa oi all kinds fresh akd siteet hardware of all mlt paints and oils hinges and loces nails glass butty salt bt the barrel all cheap for co ta- 0 t hills mill street cash acton beattrs guide to elegant writing garpsgajissds tsuccnxaao erery deacriptiou erecnteel neatly at the actok jfeee pelss office the best local paper of hsltonco 1 cosikosicatioks qa local qnestioosof interest will gadly be peeereed by the actok fete peiss the best local paper of haiiiica- l7 z exvewpes priirteojaitienestfltt style tail ttiurwmt piwesv at the acroi ferepaj be paper of hal- toaco j t if yoq have farms or farm stock for sxle fertiiethem fttthe actok fergpzess tit best local paper ofiilian co mekchast8 and lrmeajikeahonid adrertue and rapport the acror feze pezxs thebtstlocalttptrof flalton co strayed or- stolen adtcrtiaemcnti of this aatote inserted rery cheap in the acrcr fesi- patss tie beat local paper of jg trjmpg 4j5is l pumps 1 tv ijaliuis itatufiotttrer of sopoiar tet end cittmtnin which will he put hi on inert notice- jrteptirinx prcmptly 4ocv ofisrgei medecate auo srw- bled shdvfeafitehiniiaall stopaifrtdex- ick ttreet oprosite drj lgwrys residence i w el adaits oatmeal coesmeal bhiik whtia qbaottotwtteatfcc always in stock this will be fonndtobe the plsce where the btst roodi will be kepc at the lowest j prices i vswtttkscise b e hioicuk harness vharn any pen in want- of s good setrf htmrm either sikgl oe douulte shdulcfcail at t oreeclis saddlery actoit wheie they can get6etiervaiaefor thoir raotwy iiao any plsie fa he county a gcod assjrtmtnt of tectkks ahb valifiei on hand ad of which will be sold cheap lor cash i 0 repairing promptly attended to r creech acton feb ig 1s7s beattrs guide elecastwbitinc s a rerfect selftnstrnetor ta penmanship by the aid otwaleti roanc peonte may become rood writers la a rery short time itconstitaof s jsai of rifty pai contalnlnc analytts and er- o taxations a isrre number ot copy ups for pracuetnj- a beanttfdl imamental theet and a handsome ease to con pgjajsraiijsi address sobjtsoa jolintoa- ontario hailna collet e belletue th unwrittan shott tiitwioixi w lotrucj irt lilt ftom i ntfuui4 ijc ouia tuthowidi jouunltl jfiu luiug uianjair ivjcrtipnf i ivelcaav m wu itta4lrr cio6 iii cm licttftt i uoitmciv tint r reitmt face tul prwieit jrief aua trieit jij irodtial we fcnor j rt kn wula- liij t an e u odrciu need wo fcaor jet nojdlc proahy niid wfccalrt4nrfcticatiect aod he klon vriofpcsimf lirsc and w- etc n wiu ud 1 trtiiuur tu arij a uiaa md mttc itau o fricod u ymirrt u4 ot pti o rtrtrinf nfla kttenw mea tbreaia ill car buiritud a fctiff yoatmlla u aaci fay vcp va 1 ismra ot ut lad nt but uvtjiipocrgxiihuacltui lc ai 4 rvd ui uuwmwn p a 7tirpatlmsreomcc iatub fit itd hi mcno uc tiwjrtrof r hva orjtt teiji toadeopfuf casffltatje j votue viicarqcocideuc j u uc kiy ute its culmife u i me aod aite reply for u votxdire itxltocttcatfti t cinjl witu afii4 a cjichu r4ii voa ire ithinntlivjij rj lathery or in tocff ktrmlciritiytiicnu jar t ihftfaj hi the tc rff t aal hit j ttt cgm dfffcce uid lu tlwci toter ttwlirtw uj j ttt iciu wly b vo toori to y vrrtt ra rot chaks ltli uivirorii tc injfbt tad l srrow r tm mutrt rrup life tnljfitr jiii itc rtorrt ipnnjrt roa kno j kxit the rooazi 00 the nun ardecuj rrtrto cat ii j tn dxfo the v rwcett tert thl ecttu rua tin bcir fttltuever mia ut to wntt ictt yirtwlrtfcasililindauc o aoa ac ill rahexiwrilitn a atitiia hh chlac aad com to ia xhlal f mr ta one vdk cntorur loo jod jfrcs cc freeljldsr tnd hecis e uod thtra i loci lfkt andluulciioltlnittcitikjt wfctt ccv we tifj to w lie taielcsix it turned lad e mosc it op tto hcirjldc pen u fjh and ererr t 1 ctthrcd up 0r txot of m w fiu- xo crtrtr chuxe to teiu t jifen ttta tftii uncriucia ifceoe beaftlb te ihlaicf nift cc heevcu ik rcrd attoii cund cunpictc vei h tloco who ipccctfeii iij actl tarwt cjctt au fi win heod 1 wircluj ill cool tlw rpcr ctzia pvl carried by storm by hes ujly agkes ttxilixg ixttuoa of l hud kuisiaac a utt part nr ckaptee l uov the btobr jiedcb asct and aar my doarest hildt having nrrstad til th laetosanu of the tcmr i pfocood to umr well rttetascotufu 70a tens pocrvrsnii ii itili busrc ctill hanrcrin u the math troond i aune to trruito yaor rilher hstckaered tixzhd halolknred ux doni here trco london atxeek so tad u poor muixus orraiurr tcnarj ari to tue tfcrj aoart detotod of friendst tnd ccrisiad friendc ud conihit i tepot yon ned no cafle ho will nexer bo taotn ajfthitroawt of ait good look hie chenninc nunnott i fcnir tisiriec i amil etill lookx ud nujif nors tnd tssmper axe cat tttj tint one requirw 1 thuibsjid ou perceive i pirt roar deiiettlt reiiad hlat lato pula enplkh i ejtt not a sea ttoenui parson t rend raj tccayian ted mr novels uid dimly md ulnt dream i nttiiz irhxt it tc all ilont this ptni ptasioti irriterk iiketlmbcxdoaotulfilrsainx bat i hta neror ttlt it tnd or frank lviaton i never xiil l litis hiia too irall ever ta ove fcio arid jet mr hudiihavv nrf ideal tha pencil princea 01c had lmlles this tfth a slender coldeo trinket tnupended froai hexcbmtalia patuec here trith dreaiaj- ararri half mllin ertv j sba alti as ha lor m inui oc abbott wcod her ikaichbook on her up and scribble on thin tbreiga paper thia letter j tiks eec hec beibrs her dimpling and cpark- ung ta tha lately light of a jane tlvraocn- a great voioy bendinc over the u droop its latherjplnmctneaiitiahtztxkhead her hat a on the crau boaida her iha hat been iketchlaf btltaathlilclauia rler u ovelier than herseii andiad it rod be no light of eaiy tatuc ghe tiuhere a uataderinoit craeefil 1 bar pulm no pjfi than k fran wwrp iwr pet j 0ia aiff odthln tut a sortof glorconjcjloto fpauol bljga i jujiafaoethit kuowitohlieoatja lujiwitiiftiinrtngj i bawthini aida paiartinfrtthjnl itomtounolto bat a taimrod 14 vnathiatjny foot hetco aiookihat ii never there orsopttbon k try mutlaoiu a la j sho hiteos to kido doedhoroc j mi oan be u exupertt- he ei of the itoff that mado vtifolss ot old ttaiiaurtngmunh fioei on ltringfton trfth npufwd notton on initatod hapatience and lovcrriuwect niidcrtherun a wrt of sir oaia- li he rooks 1 bad joakiioirtorido to the aid or dantteli fa utjt olfa mttitereir j diatrow wftnet hia adoption o sjoafordr jo- there i taiaktha vflldo borhfldsvui ttianlt mo in her ocm ktui for thia tjcature r 1 ataucy amlle dtrnplet the perfect motrth the il cljli dqim lanshinglrai tho siting in ilxorlxfd tahupoea v bni trank llvrafjiiui rtfli oh waererf grftce la heaven r in your moat angelic face with the namaleaa oner leaves lea t of blood and conrtlr- race kna j i ouuieirfaiaeev and rou kept it and rou raid it befle toxquiie til ttnrdai muit have been wrxtlen for riru in tiie jim of the inaraiave that fncoavonient iemeattalwaaleftotrt i ithlokl hate got yoareaact expreatfoncr rathotucalcsoecoawmventnorratryljttir kith herworfc and evidentlr qalta deaf thu j litotch u ttorth t of bihiff unroffltlid iholu and j forwarded to ho fatoma exhibition whtt 3 era toitarlnfi moment o bomoihinj an vil i think atrom tbla aouod bat wtinerili are tmcivli and upliaaatlr perianal n voar ro- inirfcz t pieve io ovaervo an yoa do me the honour to addrtw mi xothiajrhi the world mr 1 doar arank u in versa tonn thaa vtfnpertuion i and it pain me to observe that foa are failing ttdijlato the habfc and poetical vituperation 4 rorvtaf tli too tiu excnjemf montioninc thia the cowlnly t mar aitooet aar the maiflr- nai atereet i take in you mail plead i otrobako i the pardon btehhe bre 1 tondtr wbatterhaa be- ootae ot vud joanna- 1 mait ritep in nnd of jttlitwei lora one of thoso jdarsuot that tha ulotoirtoknotr i vrtien did ypa boo gooff tie abhotolojt 0a inqairea m bjehanoe the ukuaiwir h- apt live tnare bat somewhere out of the world where bo fa workinf nimaelx to skin and bone fudging by hia lookx ther have aunttlni abbott aad tail thamaolvea lamar -how- the old rrrido yoa know i do not see much sense la iv mvieif iter tjiiht at v uartaae the prorertrcntil the missing heir turns op i would havo liked to fo to lee loo bat geoffrey manner waa cold and aicourarnfi and one cannot force ones icii whether or no you know i do not know sf r eiperienco cf yoa is par- ucalaxl3r the reverse but 1 sapposc eouains arc alttys aa oxepptfon ax yol are here prank- yoatnayas well make yoorseh asefai and oany mr sketchbook home iamrping- she riioa a loftr alendcr white ngare pick up her oaahm ere ana gold wttp pat oil her pretty hat and turn to go j f come prank she tarrjandslanocs back with one of those brilliantly iweei amilea that are as fatal to men t the srea song of the fabled lariiir whatlstrank that he ahoald resist t fie la hut mortal aad the cpcil ot the enchnlreas la apen him is ha in love with becxeell y fn lotc haaaki himself that tiaertioa boiretirnee j bat never when by her iac i l then the clamour ct tha white- wiefafiry trp- oii him aadhij hves but odo her bidding coldness coquetrv arc forgotten cow ea pfctejip the bit flat oock thrown on his hat asd to know an about tbamosioad ftor 61 am atglu tsruyv tia tswgiibth bar jaha hii kfii n sin llasjinia imiiiminu 1 iwmttcapcerfuicantrahlfcwlthafioauawrtof pathos in ititmoappie mutfratn by bo hear bar ling 1 han msd bar ciranearly a iiola etaalnfi eotertajnmaat- hawli ilnfm i long aftaitkas tociinct4jrwuiarapiditytod power quit amaiing it it fery fooetcrf bar to prcpetftia jn thia way but theh tfearu 1 good ltd qaityko her sh 1j tha moatdsr ou amiabmrtoi omaataw fnt veriafriim t boron d reproach i assure yon lh all qnarten uiaa wliflumwt highly spoken of yesoitfa says ftsdlfferently ghvis notmtwh faterawted naturally ia jiisa wlmwherchaxaetar fiee glua swrefpa tha hall and ab la bajr ttinvniirifiag boki it li somethhm of a bora to be ban at alb a a a prtu aad miteaw ahroad owl it is for klr lamb aod she is olga veatoor and nobum oblift- i r the cartaia rtsos the utajo li haadsomsy d- ooratod 1 j 1 y a ilim dark yoaagmaa with seat italian ayes and owe fit spposxisjdiliyilrt we lira a 8oiiiorfalliaavtn7fiae baultoae taloo then t uitjroiaaplaaoiktoi4arrtbhapodien t i perf omed in amaaterlymaiiaerbyaarrrloaor r then mfsi jenny viva 1 befor tbton and lots my lore it ringing through th eoneert room la aroico that makes 010a vsntnor do- cnltcabbeisloox id la pleawd sarprlse taok- lag oom ah imis agaia theviaisttn toa- iyrormed yotmg woman dreaeed strnply enoagtv in daaafli it i person to oomhundfrom most- pooplq a seoopd glance it illiardly a handsome i aoe bat it ii strfdar one the eatarn are good tha eyes dark and briluantj and with aa intensity nf ttpftfaatonaot ofwmsoca thete u virl4 dramatio power la har read6riag of the song the voioo has that rwwt tovching minor tone olga has baard ot btrtsomothinibetuqdaathiittiikeaijidhohm maaventsar as in a glaaa darkiy aha seemt to teoognlze that face that voice she karla her brott and tryi torecall laiain ifia jenny wfldraaastob plaeedt she coneladea her song and disappears 1a tb iaidft of a tnmnlt of appiaoe throw t aadhotikoira tltaag aaplet thoaghjro- iketohboafc but the tin or her indlffereaco rtjl a recent reotiketfieo not qaxlt- oathepanriiinthal tou towoff year wchdllk a hatamaa his eulaffewattatumea shell rnoty tbu iror yoa know wluia you wdl yoa can whiffle ladiffsreot to htm t them bee k t la her beauty her piide her pra and her power she fa like some yoaaglqoeea looking with scornful blae eyes upoa her adcrtre and tlaret aa tie tarns 04 leara oc u olokvixxik tat i taddenlr ttopa a look of surprise of pleasure of 1 mcnitloo noahec from hit eyas a touch of eager calm comes in to his face ke uk oat a httia thneycuowed fidod pencil drawing from betweea tho leaves yaa remember t olat says calmly yoa did that vtho ecatnries ago it seems and i have kept ft all this time i wonder wfarl it has no iatrihsf vslne aad certainly it cocld not have been for tha sake at tha artist ko frank yen need not pat on that pathetic look i aseens you t wu not for the sake of he efttat- what adowdy uttle thing look and wkf wfetfal eipreanon you havo given me wdsjrpailylook like that at tea years old r v rj for tadod vauowed dha it ia the peacu sketch made by frank fully aloven yearx ifor rriacea olga with the love of tha most tayul of her ugo ha toed at the- bottom even taca oleten yean ago i vtu in love with ywl princoas ojga- ten irero la lave with lora ccaford re- tarna uiaa ventfaorcom poeedly with her ham- ledcliawia aaidiaj4ilark hair ion alwaya were a person of atrocioaa taste i regret ta ramern ber loa were s shocking boy la those days you used to star oat until tha amsll houxi plaving cards txngjiz ioagc and making lora at sea- fords- and you used to lie awake and watch far mo i- remember that tbapriaoess olg oithoae ay to vcataor villa olga 1 vj silent andthoughtiul i tho con ia tettingaa they roach it aadshe ung- qat she is nothajdngmacji of the sanse- not at all of the young cavhv by har side like a paladin of old shb masee dreamily ye it is true ho is coble great good seltaao riscing1 wi4i- ottia i wish i coald seeleo abboti akents wantm- organs 5ewinc machines auaocialadla my mind with mr getting lost la the woods and that wild ereatare joanna goirg to tear oat my hair and all the mis and ttlneaa that followed ilwxntodyoalo take meto play croquet with leo abbott that aftraooh l re member drt2icut i also ramenher distinctly yottwoaldnot flia eyea are apoa her-troabli- loapingr im ploring m thtjrplotdiag bat the la not inchhed to spare him yon toaldjnot sho repcata a somewhat hard inflection in her voice yoa vera lora hoaforts lover la lhoao dnm tea wan td to go to hex no doubt tan broke yourpxonuae io me ran left me whistling s tnne with that tketcli 6f myself to comfort moaada fhifdh ache and losellneu that i do not forget to this day yon are right caatin frank i mast have beenfoadof yoa then i wonder wfcit absea couldgiro mo a heartache now a tnamphaat smile lights her face aa exultant sense that it ia in ad aiaas rowor to totlslt or move or hurt her xoae i am sure thoagh it were the ab- senco troni which there is no return he aancers coldly 1 t wandered away she goes en retrospective ly aad lost myself ia the woods aad youbow little yon cared 1 ah well all that m a decade of ago and lora sleoford is the butchers iady over there with awafrt and no end af little batchers yoors lady chapter i irfzs the g0x tkz lamps am h in the of the villa dinner is over the bev igaatiaa lamb alts sofa talking earnestly the exrector of st wa bent of a beantifal httia now not so rich or rare a wilbargert in the day of drangroom id tha one guest sir ids yen tears li the irictim- nr the tillage oertbtnlyaa at t abbottetfll an gothic as 4o style 8ne sita aere a wlu tmimtu iuw agurs dressed la light muslin her pale goldea hair piaitod ahoat hex hood than is not it tooch of b la tha perfect tlatlag cf that paje gold aad her eyobxowt aad lashes are fairer than her hair her eyea sxs really wonderful fa their limpid unphlxa blue her complexfoa is eoloarleea bat has the vivid warmth of first i youth and perfect health a little gold cross claspa soma creamy white lace at the throat white eaahmara- wrap embroidered in gold li withherhat as she- sits there the is a vision of radiant youth and dattlinc bloade beauty i aha siu far a utile while watching with thtt misty faroff look the tinywavea slipping up add down the white sands then she tikes up her pen- cil and resamec i have mr idaal aad ho la aot la the least like trunk boantr shall by aa rdoans be an esech 1 tial nor a perfectly cloudless temper efthcre i 1 might weary of perpetnal sweetacet and taa- jihiaevbat ohttnymidjheahalib5nobia he shall be capable of sehsacrisce ho shall beja k rig among men tow hs shall bo tbova rjc a second tirno aha breols oil this time she ernmploc up the flimsy sheet of perfumed freach paper and thrasta it into herpocket forastyp comes qnlckly down tho pafli oehad her aad a mans voice afags a he oomaa with mellow sweetaeaa la donna e mobile bhe glaaces -climax- plow kadeat j sowee iron prkjt tfnelplu isthcai of all c- mpctitois for general pnf- fxis tfti sj steet bear aad shears nae ofaf ecial hard iron cheap tit cash kew fences stoyeketalit teit indcasttng oi all ki manhood lf l c a week in yoor owu town ylf and no capital risked yoncn mil giee the bcsiccii atrial wfthent ipenae thefcest ppportnnity ever ofckd for those wiilhjg tovork yon slouldiy nothing keniil yon aee for j j j f fh hniineas we you emu tr ti jvritmrt ken off r ko rcb u txu- devote ail yonrtsae 7 ttte hsve recently publahed a new editich u of dr oulrerwells oelebratetl essay on the uracil akd feenikisr ttibe withcttt medicine of kerroud- irtfity mental and physical incapacity impediments to marriage etc resulting rom excesses asr price in a sealea enrelope only six centsortwo ttottagesumns t the ceetrsted author lniiussdnjirahe essay clearly demonstrates from thirty years sncceaafnt practice that alarmingcon- secrtiencej nuy be radically cured ttithout the dasgerohe nae of internal meiicsno or the appltcatioa of the knife pointing cnt a mode of cere at once simple- certaiiahd ftecthal by means of which erery sufferer zz robt craime acton aepd to esll on persons reqbinnr i either sewing jucjitne or oreans tte hasjujiehoies f rom the sass scs- areeelvinijtlenuon- as much as men- f fljf crety boor tea yon ot asmnchavmen send s terms and partictlads which we mail free 5 outfit free dont complain of hard times wsue yon hare snoh a chance address e eaiietr co ebrtlaad maine cur hinwlf cheapyoaatiyiu4rsdicew l2staairl b0hawe mmm trafl howdudyovikaowiwaahere doat be eroaa olga saytfraak livingston throwing himself on the crass beside hr how- oaal tell borne spiritlknitfeehowlfl it bhelley goerfrled mo io the charmodfpm what are yoa doing sketching i fcome wiljithmdo8lgnbat i fceliere miser able aa it mar aoaadr hive been thinking ahldorathope ko frank it was aot of yoa so donotpntdn that oomnhuent look did mamma tell yoaito bring me homer oar momma laaaloep my dearest olra and does not need yoa in the lamt doyonknox find it difficult to realize alter all our wanderings thatweara home ooceraoref and here i this place seems haunted the lost time i wu hfro waawtttiofloiirtjytjamar i ho takes ofl his hat and the soft see wind stirs his dart curly hair j it t oewyruik liringston broazeovbesrjd- ol moasliiched maacular improved almost out ofknowlodge by yoarc aad travel and cnltnrod oasciation ho looks eraa ia her eyea handsome ac a iauer- day adonis tdhis grey tweed suit aad with a aaah of ma old bohemian ituouciaiuf npon him suq lying here with the flickering srinahine sdftiiix through willow plamea on his uptarnoa face ana anoovered head ha la wcdrrolly good to look at and he half amlle cornea back into olgayentcort avesaalheyriwtcuhihi- r ton look uke a picture aa yoaw jum frtofc aaytin aa amased toapq tuit stir ploaso i want to sketch yoa yoa are i thingof hoqatyandajoy for erer ybenyoataa into picturesque atutadea and hold your tongue yoa spoil ettgytbing when yoa open your mo you ought to go through ilf e poaiag and nvor deetroythe illaaloa bybpeaktagaword i shall send tali to hilda btinora la my aext letter da knot prank she admir yoa inmi eaaely p i rr hilda does m much hoaoar aaya too my dear con round up about her isawhar jestoniarfraak ia the midst of j her jewels aad thought of your first love aadj the baajo basiaeaa and laughed totnyself ko peony no pickled cahbafe wis erer aa retiringly pnrpie tt hereheekos- ftliat a nstake arrt lore it to be sure t f orlartlotoranylotcaitauxetes or aay lorfrwe are so fatally ia tho power of those we iove1 they can so wring our hearts their going is such miserrtheir loss lach dmpoir yoa see heaxilees as i am i can imagine all tfaat- hatistgsecna great deal of ifviag ceased wholesale slaughter wheretor yaa went only you took oare your taioledge ahoald ba fromob- m tfbttl i souna sarca frank bat t is very true oetertheleaa as to caurtag it your great gallantry compeli yoa to r so ao doubt poor utua yellow- ponml skatchl put it bach it is the oaly acravaalr of my childhcod and of yoa poaacsa let me charpthttttill hqdoecaa ha it told people do obey her aa a feacyal t u mora than a tride imperi ouaeveu la triaee this quawniyobat and liviag ttou if cot lacliaod to rebel he la consclaai of irritatmg pioaa always waea with her her words wound and vet him bhe is a merdlosa nustreeait is questionable if anr lover of l hart has ever been a happy man tvenm the first fieetlng hoar ol hia fools porsr- dise moat certain is to be ra miserable a utile farther on he turns the leave of the book mechanically bat ha hardly seea the sketches full of vigorous life ec they are olga 1c almost sx skilled an ar- tid 14 hinmfllf t m i looactheror aho says laying her finger on a page does that resemble anyone yoa knowt it it a young moa in the dress ot a moat ia t striking attitude his handsome headlhrowa bach oae hand thadia hia eyea his cowlhaa fallen on hia shoulders hia icft band rosta on the head of a huge dor both stand lat intently it is in water- colours a steel grey sky is above around no thing but snow a white froxen world uviagirtoa looks and is conscious in some queer way that the laoe of the monk it like bis its a monk and a dog of the hoajioa of the great bt bernard says olga i saw hlmone eremw from my bedroom window ustcning and looking like that do yoa aot aee the likeaess prank he la your image height featartw- eom- ioa oaly na waa more diatrnguiahed than andhadmoeh mare coartly nunnars- he extremely pretty structare ladiatti aa to painted tamta on golden beck- rouads arixocrtric aa to congregation and all that there is ofthe mortrifuahitieaa to doc- lac ifrt yentccr pallid languid graceful reelia- ihg on her booch listens with veory interest she ha a paw at bt chads arid is swpeeiauy an- rioct about the success of urjlamh s latest pro ject hat of feemding a eonvent and an orphan asylum on a grant of aaadwceatiyprtjakmtebvto thechaxchby ooloael yentnor the crdortii ita a new one the 8iseraof thesafferioa lamb himsef the foundef and to oetabliah the mother house in brightbnoolc with ah asy lam and a dayachooe is a project rery soarto tha revurtmd gijauemiaj heart i saw the rererend mother last week he is atying to airs ventnor and it was she who pro posed this concert for otrfioas reaaoaa it it more convenient at present than either a picnic or a fair mother bonaventon knows this sing er this lgss jenny wad knew her before aba entered rejigloa yoa under speaks of her ia tha very high est teruk aad her moral chsxacter mha wilds of coarc is perlecily an- exceptioaablo and she is more than willing to 1 tut hy ftfnf wj proceedst bha is said to t6el in charities id- need sal is especiauy mtereswyi in orphan chil- drtm la addition to her eottcert aha prthciseg fifty pounda ah thia with the noble donation of your excellent has band my dear madam will en able usto start at onoe without fncomng pecu niary liabihties evfcythiag fa arraaged aad the concert takes place on monday ensuing atittj wild it at present ia iwndon bat wfu reach brightbrook on that day hay ihope my dear ifrt yeataor that yoa will eadcavoar to bo ttb aentr i go nowhere of late 3irsteataor wsponia laughing yoa are aware jty wrutched health yoa know- but assuredly ifpoesible i will be present at iha etocertr i- andafiss olcar weinay i presume coaat op en her without tail v the door opens as ae speaks and tho rctig- natint pause and is consdoas of a shock not an unpleasant on he holds distinct rtews on the calebacy of tha clergy arid hat always advo cated them bat at thia moment he feels that gtjdffr ctttfrl tnflawice th tna an awhnam nrieet may be aatruo to tho coanctions of his life aadyetbeexcabable bha cornea ia tall tleader whitorobed hex chapter ux lovely hair falling like a bath of sunshine error her shoulders har gold and snow drapery trailing shout her a faint fiaah on her cheeks a starry light in the bine blue evee behind her comet her faiual shadow frank and tha ber ignati us frowns slightly and realizes that handsome 11rtr cousins are most cngarons and objoo- ia oiga stoops and kuaea bar we hare diaod withoat yoa l dr gillsonr yoa know is most per- when the fair aongstreaahaa krft tha ataga box 7 lookaher style her voic har arory moveme are the theme nf tiftrnrt dinst nt oaly by the yentntnor party bat by everyone ta the house t the impression made it nndouhtad and si rtriiiaj at ii ii cortaia there are many fine pure voices with a bright metallic ring like a waiofsutyflrbeuithjcbdlkar music to the ear but which do oot touch the soul ditiae but there are tbtt fair which poetess that sympathetic tone which appeals to the heart at once kits ftilda voice la emphatically one of the latter kind and the audience recognise it oteaee she is really a fino stager olga aayi to ta ladyiby her tide- but it is tha oddest thiall seem to hare seen and hoard her aomiwhert bv fons yoa have attended some of her coacertt per haps i tho udyauggeata l ko it canaot bethatthis it the first eanoert i have attended amoe my retorn home jraakr imperioatlr amjdaaatoeprbqiai ore you thiakiagof sitting there with that dosed look r of fbm jaaay wdd bamawheraiaaoraa othertdsneta- pernapai mast hare mat that lus wu4 wapreaart cowing gracssfto totw hearty call sho bmcscernil t her fine dark eyea calmly survey the hbass and lift and rest for the flirt time on the yentnor party they rest on frank lrrlngston and meet hia paziled glance fuh a slight flush rifles to her face a ancbt smile dawns about the bpethehher sssoefhl figure its drawn cp and she usiiigjag within a mile of bdinboro town the old eterwelcoma favcuriie is utteood io with delight and a great basket of flowers is pro- sentod to the ringer olga hands frank her bouquet i abo deertes it she aaaguiatdeiightfaljy jiuw jenny wdd is worth coming to hear fraiikttorwtheclbrter of white roeeawtth anerri aim t lights at the feet of the sona- stresa she sloops aad picks it up aad again that slight glance flush and smile rest on irringxtan at the bowi and gaits the stage the italian f cii hezr ti perf arms a ringing rondo toad hia wild smga the grand ariakabaco from yonh quite- tf and again is rapturously enoord once mors ahererponds with ari scotch tpric ar moro 1 look arid linger wturvideat amuaemerit on i profoundly puzzled face of frank liringtco then tho conoert la over and they are out in the sweet darkne o tho june night s ititj is gw wild criee olga impatiently i hate to bo puxzled and she putxles me frank i common yoa i find oat all about her and tall me why her face and vtnoe are so ridicu lously familiar and she baa eridently seen yew before fihe did yoa the honour to look at you mora oaoe in tho moat marked raannet 1 i go tomorrow ia fraks answer and whether i shall erer return to diaoorer iflat jeanr wuifa antecedentsl or for any othttreavi boa dedends entirely on yon olga and what you 1 will say toaigbtr j i the hour hat come th two are alosmf hnaw- ingfor a tt air ant oof are aiyiqg goodnight and fpiagpl 1 v z r they ctaad oa the verandah tha june stars shine above them tha of midnight it oroond them t t she glances at btin in suipiiae she is ham- mine within a mro of b j fori nan not csuniowunnot rannot rwaa- not backlo tot she sings and breaks off to laaghwhtt tragical face what a daapet- ale tone i what a dramatic speech i yoa go to- moitowand whmher yoa will erer returnee- peads oa what i will aay tonight t really frank the concert and ute impassioned tinging of hist wild have been too much for you man- vrureally go tomorrow i am sorry harry ito re costusftd i ajtraefbl9- l olf who wot known among hit txiocdt at tigtcloafy tffitt alyjind endaiin arid wiq tcldom went to twbmigry ono tty- mrt a mroodchoppers oo in tbo toaceoa- tilitiea between bbyi tfld tolvea had bt lufpeodod for a short timopn account of a campmeeting in that rinboarnoodv attd the wohindtheboytoeroforvwtdowthfi a log to discuss the weather and draw clan ntht cat pi thw transformatinn fofnnr a bo v over hit rule had vetrtoeat tbfeh rere in the emptory on the point of my alwaytdinlng acthe same hoar fray make no excuse mjmmaiit does aot matter in the least olgbfytgayrr frank and i will dine tcuiicu we have bejsn auarrel- ling- all the afternoon tad coh recooimence over our soap anything new in brightbrook mr lamhf viliatot thflneweonvent oiga thiktnf rianciaziiaijrt4ked world aadcolhcm for mother alba the roie would salt eeri ihiaav she bha rather tha look at this moment of a vestal virgin a ionae a priestess of the ban that sort of people never cared for anybody bat thamaalwia and were mode of toa- watef morttdr leatx believe ify dear fraaktoartosihato r told you that sarcasm la not your istrongtoiati yoa mean to be cynical- hutin reality 1 am almost sure should like it- the habh ot the bisters ot the suffering im in admirable tater trained blackrobe a white coifaadlonb black veil are siteyipirtuteaojie aiwlbecomieg i what of our fair ifr lamb ar is it to be picnic f t- ttrlamb exploiat it it fo he aetther it is to be a concert ballad oonccrt with -uissjeo- ny wudaanjnwni4iandoaaisyuext lathe appointed night f jhta jenny wild jenny wflrt i do not know that name who it aher dd yon know hfirjfrank i i j xever hoapi her heani of her though sings in characterballads chiefly and is very popular good contralto they say hat arfdom comes to london it is nott to be anppostf you would know her hiss yentnca ttasnijimbielseflr the face of the earth aa yana been for the hut ft va roars come to dinaer 1 1 do uat kapwhe r aseatfaacatbu rbulmiv ham be tatoli every yonlh and erery man in the lano thoutexvu uedlc knkoa post gffi bo pfacsk eliaateak ifldpskt tire tfld e tireast ci 7 mflt cufelef- 1- ssssiwjaarenii ssfof cres and p tak dtarlt- ildy huda does n pstorttmeomplllmnts 1 have yon a black sad 4oos and i swmchlertjnilt in th present csm fur yoa and boo moon man aouiu uuuuhc uu looked as lf he might have been a young austrian prince coma there to renounce this world and livo for god and hia fellow mea i waa very much impresbod i know he mutt have boon of noble blood he had the moaners and bow of a oourt chamberiain- and sitting thoro that cold bleak gray evening sketched my hand some young monk and his dog how grave he looks at if the old life of coarta aad kings wore a dream the shadow of a dream with a touch of lonelhwss in the profound peace audi thought of yoa farik and faneginedyou m oowl tad robe and with that look la your eyea bhe broaks with a laugh this maliciout oo- oaette as livingston looks up certainly with a dtffereat expreesioa from that in the poiocfui plctaxedface i eavythom these monks of old their books they read their beads they told to humaeaknesa dead and cold- j aad all lifes vanity terejs aomething- grand in tho idea is there not- to renounce all that hfo holds of brightest and swoetett at that age end for that reason tarn another leaf i am tinldoi sketches he says impatiently inuturna aajheoays it this it t3coarey mar p he exclaims drawn from rnemory yes she anrcvers fjank where it geoffroy lamar f i heaven imows slaving at hia professioa poor fellow i suppose to support hit mother and sitter- 1 m never understood that matter rightly olga 6a vs except geoffrey made some greet sacrifice forhonomi sake and renounced for himaelf and leo all mr ahbottf wealih what wet it ahoat r heatea knows again l suppose geoffrey fiveyeart cmne u it may be with yoa bat i am eoushmwiiy nun- across the table bat that vypal drai and look them oror siterrarda e dgwooerved that hit commnion wojtwtoe tthaodiome at he wsj acdjheitct raaklsd in hie jeajoat mind he forgot that he had beea difttrenty graded by nttfaie in thevl- v gianra and be begin- catting about to tee bow he coaldcet erear he finally mide kp i obterved bit mind that uvu th beva rod ooat 1 made all the disereace ana to hocirelestly does he la the sort of fellow to know bit qwn riimd pretty thoroaghly i fancy the money waa ulyoaambyeoineoaehad a better claim then even leo and so geoffrey gate it up koble u gousay but a trifle quiiotic for the miathig air wfaootet he may be tt eecana cannot be found bui if the heir it narer found tt wul make no difference to lamar ho will work like gallyelato until the day of hit death for hit mother end sitter bat be wul neter permit them to touch a i penny of dishonourablygotten gala there are not many like that they quleite not impair his appetite to ahy serious extent if it exists it is perhaps ajoho of the eyea rids ot the heart for he is distinctly oondons of being much more oomfarteble away from hk adored one than with her t 1 she exacts too much her fdeal it too high he i can d3ver reach it it is always uncomfortable to dwell on the hoights 8tih the family expect it of him and to snow the white feather in lore or ia war is not the nature of a iitlngslon in aa offhand sort of way he had been mating love to hia pretty cousin aa long he he can ro- moniheiv but to diirtiactitopostajhehasnevor yet come j in hia pocket tonight a letter lies from his mother urging entreating tommanding him to speak before he leavos brightdrook bucfaess tails him away qa tuosoay next and 1 the bubiooar mtist be croskd between then and now j he it not ernorroda young man at a rule butv truth to tell the thought makehhia watt beat a uttie quickly j i- i perhaps it la nor to hit discredit that he is tv trifle afraid ot this regal olga he is not the first man who hoe beared this chill white god- dets i this is thursday evening ho hat still one two three f our dofi and nfehta ta sere w his conjv age to the stlcting place okd put hit fate to the txmcvwiaorlosenall- 1 i i wfll speak tomorrowfc he thii leaking at her ftoroct the eat flowers and crystal hang it all 1 why ahoald i be afroidp j praise at yoa may whin the bale is done sboitbut amoidtobeiwocand wou but tomorrow comes aad beooes hot speak he doet aot feel aehtimeatai u it chanooa aad no fellow can propcee in cqld blood and saturday and sunday aad monday ooaaet idenji boppoee youd eke to jfcrt with that old patched coat of youra woajdyowt the boy waa op to btrtaggirnet and bal- loan aceqiioni and heaeed with t a offer to lood the wolf hit ooat for a week if the uttervould guide him to a dim wherethree young foxes could be accurod i am toon tho wolf secured tbejojat be wrapped it around him k declared tho truce betweea thewotvaa aadttepoya lun erd that hsidheen hia little game boattlra start sjtrading his warbowl the wili summoned kia f aehdt to help nuke bologna of pay- tony but at the crbratet came pj thtyweat for the red i jat snd theoy went forfttree ko wo hta xwybaimeas wwingiboy oixistk evon if h would ld tohjabeaatyagd- thia one was scon cb wod intobedattian jtud bit lodea bung oh a jwvpins for toe yialorjolwith vj- looking down from fait perch in the- tree ho 4wy remarked 1r the first place doat try to play a twine gima in the second place doo t go on tho jruc that overybody else ia too uobjo anduonday oert and toer it ao longer chaneooxthne the whole yaatndr tamily go i obta in india mpfmr with touches here aad- there in her pale crip draperies and laces ta aa enr bewfldertng a fairly fsahiomible aaaambiy fills the ball and um tentoor flndi on ausanlnoe who aecmt pressrveavont last without ahgar ind your neighbour b jaataa much right t5 keej chidcens ai yoiharoto keep a dog i askbpifl cojuaibaa ga was putjon trial for a murder of which he wta inaocaiit bat to clear himielf it was necfoiary for him to oot fees that at the time of the crime he was o is where stealing a horee he kept aloatimtn it beoama crjdent tbit ho was to ba oonviotodi and tbtq bo proved the aipii and went taj ttatopikii fdr lea years sra koggu dacpyittley arwaya wre olotbes of the aame cat aad hid beeri in faehkiq tbree lerirju- timet a wtiteriw bkekx94t mtymmaox progrett sayt uediciae mova ina circle tljexe is not a peracn now in the downhill of hf e bat who mutt reoofteit when the priadplee bow in the bfidtaitnaodoiiuiuat haif a centnry ngo a tunanjattmtrmnw ia albion aodauttdattp vpnanoter of health aocn twudiwoyarsaht wbble wminumty ohwvetw ttinodce and tbst tbanrtirf 4u dufflttea and saturday arid sundry and monday oomesi r- and stijlgoldimsucenimaihiitauhar i hfve now r ji3iil oentnry hunbtyet been rdntroimcd there is no tolid gnarantee that it will not reappear fci fashion not- sciace ralestin nmcuoinf

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