Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 22, 1880, p. 2

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5ah f sjik 4v 1 rts s -j-sifsp- 4 i v v h iijj r vl 1 1 v kp- uvjrs l i v v ssiliv f- ssfvjs- af fcftsi i fe 1c iej- ljph gistik- bgggjj ov mm j i f i urltll tlo hands of the purposes car tied on motioi this council then adjouru d kc ovc correspondeinoe the editor whllo wllllna to own jhl col umns fir tlw fre ducuismuof ll mulcts it numiclutercii dcee uot hold ulmsellln uny y rcnonslbie drills optuious oi hi eor- lobo lrler towtllclcftbljiilil on on lid- afthctrpipcrunly alt idlers tnutlbe sc enmraibdby lite- name and eddrvs at uio wrltc not nctsary frjc iiubuatllauy but k aaevldcuee ot cood tallli racititsirmorxlkc jit stlssu treet lamps at the meeting of the council dti xloaday evening last the subject of placing lamps an the main strecut of the- vtllctra w prevented andfavor- aldv iltsiwi by tiro mcnibora of the council tthis is a subject of special interest d the cilttcus attd vr are sure that iftlut project is carried oat it till bo wclcoinej by tit the proiiqsal u to crt camps along mitt sltcet from the gtr to main street along main street from agnes itrvct to west bower avenue and at the corners of the streets ncsrcstescu of the churches of the village this would tequirc about lyclre uaiit cd tic eott would bwtidtuittkl coiipirwl with the usefulnera ud comfort ifforatd of eottree tlier wah retire lobalijuted oaly oa dutaiguta nd this could be secoaipiuaed vcttb very little expeo- diiar annualrport fiok i the antiol rviort of the minister qceducsloa just published grest deal of useful infoctuitioa cn legiidod inreeicct to tho highaad putihc sacols of out province the export jdeita ptinctjnlly with thu re- ceiuts snd cipendilmcs foe tie year 1s7s the number of icichcri sad puil connected vrith our schools dur ing thst period some of the details eoncercins the xoroil schools and their work the superanniistion of teactets tad inspecprs reports i ki editor of tu fm ptuit deah ste yoa ra undoublediy aware th clcisinf welci of 1879 and tjaopetungor itso havewitucuscdniany uurriages in this ricinity a ctrcuui sunoo which is held with reason to by agreat proof of cturniugpcoperily now ir i see no reason why tie lumber uf weddings should not hare been greater tha popular fiugtjr points a aevortt wellsiio but pr- sumahly lonely indiriduau hero who might havs doubled tlieir joys and dirided their sorrows era ihia but ho have from motives bast jaiowa by thcmselvcb hitherto pteferted to bear their burdens alonn to those we sty beware as nature has beroom pensating laws- so has society and thaladits will during this year- have the privilege of inviting those demented individuals to change their condition let us hoj they will not sparo their blushes thanking you mr ejitartar tho space kindly allowed uie i am yours etc oscwko caigbt i bachclor acloa jcti tstli 1s0 yqlags coancit for is80 qnaliflcatioa of oibcera and tjieir firat meetiqk thp srtti utcctrng of the new munici pal council whs held in the council cliatutwr matthews- hall actanon muuilay evening 19lh inst- pnaeat mr d hendersqn reeve in ths chair moors ilsoy d thrutie xmcgatvin andc s suiith after the iitctratn of offiw tad lieeu ufcrti bv the various members of tlie cuaucil bufinss wit procetdid wish tiie iecijl committee appotnud to strike the standiijg committny for the barrityear report as fnltaws v t srottcr futm coil j d d oiiehtie d hzkiieslk s x jfcgiktir street sidcwilfc j c s surra dileyosiscr movedby k mcgarvin seconded by d dchriuie that the report of the special cooimiues appointed to- ttrike rhe standing cgramittees for the current year be adoiited carried jluved by c s smith seconded by x meuirrin that leave be jrantcdto introduce a byuw to ajipotnt an ufes- tor for tbe village of acton and acton school ilivision and that said bylaw be now read a first time stdvtd by ddcristieseoanded bv w storey that the sani of three dolkrsijeruioatli for the months of january february mafcr and april tie granied- to ion mcphee and toat the crme be paid to mr jat campbell carried mored by k mogatrin seconded by c s smith for leave to introduce by la ko to appoint auditors be granted and that the same be read a first time carried thel finance committee brought in their bret report and recommended that the following accounts be passed and tnst tie rcre iwae bia cheques fpr tlteaame j e iloginria eejirfratioa service 570 stiliouery etc g85 h p hoore printing sdverttirf 20 t easton col statcte labor tai 206 ot hih hardware 70 jr ivs total 5795 moved hy w h storey socqaded by d christie that the firat report of fiaiam committee just read be adopted and that the reeve issue hit chequesin wynient tbcef carried mcvcd by n mcgarvin seconded by d i jcuristif iht by law fe the appointment of an assessjr for the vil ltgeof actonand acton school diriaioo he trad a gecond ximk andthat this c nnrit cp idto committe of the whote on raid bylawi carried moved by w it storeys seconded by dl d christie taat bylaw no siiointing auditors for the village of actonhe now read a third time and passed carried moved by c sismith socouded by n mcgarvin that bylaw for tfie ap pointment of assssr for tho tillage of acton for the year 1880 be now read tbetbirdtituff and tdikt the eml of thai corporation bs attached thereto car ried i- at this point discussion was indulg ed in in reference to the ertction oi a number of lamps on tha main streets of tfie village but was left over for ttirther diwussion aj petition was read from a large number of tb raifpnyers praying that the muuicipal cauncil be pleased to make arrangements with the trustees of the congregational church far the tise jaf their belt jtp be rung- at such timea aa may ite deemed neceisarj mofl by vc storey seconded by c s smith that the petition of james matthews j and fifty otiere re lating to securing the seitices of the congregational church bdl for the village of xcufaf be jeferred to equtmittee coniiiatug octba becye ur mitiaftd djdchriatu who aliall osoertoiti upon vfiat tiruis- tb saoe ciii be arranged anil rekrt thecena at tiianext sitting of th council carried hovsd ty if megarvin seconded by curialie that the sum of ten mr haddan victory in doubt to ae ediior of the fne prrit dcais sir allow me to say tbtt mr haddon justly complains of beinj npresented as having quit the field before finishing bis agreement 1 wrote before finishing huijiiyumrntt the correction you make in the lsam uf the sib inst shows this let me ask few questions for mr haddous benefit 1 was bo not urged to continue the discussion ucut ho could finish his arguments i 2 did he not refuse to do si but nstcad thereof repaired to the prrsby titisn churcli and spoke- two hours trrccn- trof uct qltotrid to rrjjy i 3 did ho not do this after he was protected jfroui my replies by a public announce ment by tho frrsby terisn min ister that i would not be allowed to liscuratbe question with mr haddon in the presbyterian church t therefore was not there an3 mr hsdoa cmj with none to molctt bite what a victory to boast of t is he now willing to repeat the discussion in acton or anywhere ehrel 5 have hiabrethreo aatpeliere faitb enough in his boasted victory id invite him to repeat itt 6 if he consents will he agree in writing not w repair before finishing his arguments to some building in which his opponent is not allowed to reply 1 t can it be shown to his satisfaction that it would be for the glory of god or ate cither to dlacusa the matter again anywhere i am printing his srgumenu front his manasrripfcs month by montb in otir paper does ha desire the mana- scripts returned before they get into print i jtm sending his arguments back to bjtn in print free but if hs really waiita his manuscripts at once to keep tkem out of print he shall have them at command but litis manuscript matter is simply thrown in to hide tbs qseatioa tcill ha debate again t 9 will be tell as haw he fairly won sn offer made pin rice ville it foald be interesting yours truly k mcdtaejtid uairjmeu association sfvteat- en outttrto the attnusi conytnliou o this akia- tiou will ba hald at uadon ou th 18th 19tk and suth of pibwaiy 1880 tad tho committm hop to makt it bovh btocsgial cd nttirmtiog jo cbanging tfig pucu of racuua thli fmr thcqooimittce faava been actuated by adcaitolohild their coaveation ia the mott mktral place id at to make it tibl to dairymen throughout ontario iuuiuuch ai it ia their uim that all should hard the benefit of the volebtatcd lectures aud rueful discussion that will fjtm tu attractive feature o this yesri csasentioo as usual emiueat getitleroea irota the united states sad canada have been cot- ijoytat at a largo expcuia to bs pr4ot aud there is do doubt but that ia piirt ot mem bers sed iropprtsoos this will sieved any forrner cemtretirm aay psrtisi wishing to attend aad btccma members oliy obtain certificates by applying at one tout secre tary mr j o liegler ingtrmll which will entitle them owing to spseial arranfts- meats made with the leading railway com pauies to ticketa at one fan sod i third tha doable journey it is desirable that parties wishing to attend should apply to the see- relsryal oooe for certificaus so as to avoid coufuaioa sad delay aud it is earnestly hoped all dairymea will eudeavor to attead ptron of husbudry the grst regular meeting fcr 1880 of division orange no 38 patrons of husbandry was held in tha good templars hall ballinafad ca satur dav tha 17th instj commencing al 10 am when the following oiecers were elected fortha pseecnt year bro j ramsey reelected w m t campbull overseer hstmtn berturar j shaw steward 1 lane assist steward yfm tayers chap robt alkens bee k treos robt laing tiate keeper fis itrs geo campbell ceres mr fi smith pomona miss ii shaw flora mnrtshortelludyastslerard henry smith a swinaletiirst taul kennedy at the conclusion of business a grand dinner was provided by the ltdies of btllinafad granfie ano was hrattily partaken of by the officers and delegates pnent an open meeting was held at 3 pm and mr a swindle- hirst acted as chairman several im- poitant subjects concerning the grange vi ere ably ditcussed by the farmers and others who were in attendance flourfeed lawson t3rol fl0us ahd feed store and will iikp ocnilanuj on land a fipsejkltpx8in5loding lainlly flout s buckwbaal flour araham flour hals j cora masljoakueaj cracked wheat bran j coarse khoru fine shorts chopped peas chopped oats mixed coons j jet and paaf j and all kinds of feed usually kept in a firstclass store j fgtatl qnodt delivered to any pari of the tilltiqc as toon as ordered x call is respectfully tolieited lawson mm aetna jan 15 lgsstr r hagyards tellow oil edmbinea in such an eminent degree all the he abng curatire and extaeting qualities known 10 medical science that it is truly a family medicine that cannot be dispens ed with when applied to any swelling sore burn chilblain iroalbitea kin eruption etc its eflects are magical it ulitghir esteemed wletsrac known and its enormous sal annually is the best certificate of its merits b ratal oatrage attould aksouncetotue offl tiai just ooaskal 11 and ttefctiv tni is tmrw jfcnlsca i welt selected sue f i dry cc0d8 i groceries c6cehy glassware i ind thaua is prepared to sell t the most reasonable prices for ouh and wduld respotfalijrsoliolt asnaie of tielr i patronage attaatloni attention 1 1 venuiae harperi bazaar pat terns full bttlu only 45 eemtr strtw skd fixt hats asd botsris doke ovta is au the ltrcsf 8rvua mrs e k pass rtishes to ik- jjri the ttdles of ac led and vtel nltr tbaisbe baa lately learatlua rreuchmalcot cuttlnc and fitllaff aad is now tpared to stve sven crnater satiifittioa tua roiawrly ueidlttr and run rat aawersembalraej qreues and jacfccti eat cnt a perfect dt cuxrsat d kt il reoaocabl rrlce korfclrllth ud cbeap nu aad boaaeu pruo ti acbs ehpass st htoeonuskquaraaeelpb kabsaoaeta l tj b e jr c shinglemills pete a 0ayer8 woaiatatttnuteuiat h tus 04 tmni ct liu mill a sxumvey fvirmfru tnonra ck care ihk mllu uixa klocfc of lumber- lath and shingles orcil fctndc suiilgaalliies oheap ivo i shingles 9130 pcrhluarc bill stuff cuv t0 order fetek51ycbs actoo dc s t k eawhmwjmeartfroornofucffwfcewthe tahamtn utfaer of t mct iiwiniinc cfcim afir rit f ram arlolnl k race of croap irblch aaswir new boot 5 slide shop ceentalthoatiiaoretbranelcnlrthat iiuj io koftw it mtnu five the little son rer irax msdlats rellsfsnd ellret a speedy care wilson wlldcherry never falls tt s pheasant to take and lseodallyemeaelnasor clijdrrn or adalu tn oflerat debility cbtoole brocebxtbof wesfclaocstlietonle etoprrtlraoftb vvimcherry barfc ere fallr roost lnapajraadlueoatlaod nue will befoaod xn tnereas tie appetite improve tbe duesttoo and tire wne ana vlforto lbs wboto tfitam- tc laiertised bottles bcid mors ta propnloo lbs a tb small and tnose icy esxmnmy will pareaaf eltbcr the esxmnmy will poreaaf eltbcr the ortslte bold byaltdratxlvta a moxttt toarani fit a day at boms mads hy lie indastrloaa captial not re- irsd ws will start yon an wnmea bars aad flrls rast money faster at work for as tbsn at anytbtac stfs tbe work is tit sad pleasaqtandiaeosaaaroae eaa co rlchtat thae who sis wile veoiee this notice will lead ox thelraddresat oces and see for themselves cottir cthk and ttrma free sow it tbe time inom already a work ar layinr ap ane sums of money address tsdr co antxsta malre on the verge of tlie grace suctz as tho condition of hoses a walker of deny k e- wilheongestipn 0 the lungs and chronic catarrh twv bottles of tbe coniututiooal catarrh remedy entirely restored him to health and to use uis own words bnilt up my wnole system tbe remedy is for sale by all druggists rtkbtobs notice all parties indebted ta the late fired of fyfo t mckab are nqnestedo call and settle the ssme imnudiaieiy j fyff- j country produce taken in xcuanse jtemesuber the hew stosi mill st eat aton behmlett acton deebmls ekcelsior b fc e n1cklin take this opportunity of thanking tlieir friends aad patrons for their very lib- leral support in the pst and trust that they will eontlnoe it wa bare always on band fall aapply of bwad oai buifl oonfeotionbrt fruits canned fish oatmeal ooromeaj qraaam and buclc- wheat flour sc c allofwhlchwe are prepared to sell at bottom p for oa8h in eonneeuoa with ths bakery we naw inst opened aa oyster parlor and will aetreotstari in tjery style we hive also constantly on band a stock of byslert in both can and buifc 1 8btrtrswss nralit it aiortjit aoue ao woidiaj oik suds t ordtr j b e nicklin complete fr cents l -at- sattfmliag at j fyfhs sba7t 07b- v suitings trouserings in great variety at j pyfes to d has isvt bates for cash beixc desiroas wf ritantns ttif mock low he kbotc 6j irhl errerelaketavwetrmlbe rrteea u caa myers i i j ri-it-t- k call at hi east end wothing store- j tyfe furniture furniture w williams nodld respect- futfv lotlmsto to tu people of aeaoa and etelnllv that re hss orned boos hone bhop la the oal tiles opposite v htuanjt qiors wcrtson kin ttruist acyonslewantofasabstantlal aad food auina boot or ihoe shoe id not fail to leave then- omer st his stand tuad4 to acton sept ut s t1te tuibeb wakteb the undersigned are prepared to pay cash for a quantity of sound wellsplit soft elin- stave bolts and blacsjash and basrwcod headias timber in the lofc delirertd at tha fsctory in the villare of actoo shinxle timber will also be purchased ia the log first and aeeobd class shingles alwsye on hand s mooeeilco actoo jan 6 282t rut coiblc in acton on the uth fast ths wife of mr jnd b coat as of a daughter increwsona corners on the irlhinst the wife ef jlrv morgan crewsos of a danghter b theattiit sjtttk mocnit at christ chnrclt bnunp- too jan h by rev c c johnitdo in- f suntbent of the church assisted hv rev cr lee of acton william thornton smyth keq df acton to taroline i princes secgodoinhter of mr jsraes meore of jbracnptdb i wslte wittti si 20 to i treadwelv dd spritigwheat glasgow fledclaff late peas ijitley bijg per oz butter dairy packed batter roll potatoes perbag applee per bag sheepskins hides per cwt wood per load hay per ton straw per lead wool dressed hogs float white wheat ireadwell spring wheat glasgow redciiaff osts pew 1 barley ekks per doa batter dairy packed batfr roiu- potatoes per bsg sheepskins hides oer cwt hsy per fon apples per bag wool dressed hogs i 20 to i 22 1 18 to 1 22 i 10 to i 12 0 so to 0 s3 0 ca to 0 65 0 60 to 0 55 0 15 to 0 18 0 15 to 0 16 0m to 0ig 0 a to- 0 50 a 60 to 0 so 0 50 to 0 75 fl 50 to 7d0 860 to i ool 700 to 8 00 3 00 to ioo 0 i8to0 20 4 75 to 5 25 gtelptt hiecets 1 75 to j 00 i ss to i 28 1 25 to i 28 i 23 to i 27 i 15 to 1 20 0 31 to 0 35 0 62 to 0 cg 045 tou 57 0 15 to 0 is 0 16 to 0 18 0 is to 0 20 0 45 to 0 50 0 50 to 0 75 8 oo to 8 00 eootoibo o to 0 ja alds to 020 rvlssolctloxjaf partnenlitp sotlce is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore cyisting between the under sieued parties baa this day been dissolved hv mutual consent tie business will ia future be carried on by josepnfyfe to whom all notes and book aooonnts are to be witness joseph fyfe rt p kooks j peter mcnab acton jan 1st 1880 dissolution or 00partmer8hip notice is hereby given that tbe partner ship heretofore subsisting between tbe on denized as lime manufacturers under tha style of megarvin t smith has this day lieen dissolved by mntnal- consent- all debts eitherby noteorjboofc accounts will he paid to ci s- smith who will abwj dis- diarve- all liabilitiea- coonected with the said firm signed sealed and eiecntei in the pres ence of ttr ir cm jkelsoxmcoaevik w hsroecr j a s s dated jat actoo this 1st day of january 18s0 irotioe with reference to ths above the nuder- sipied begs to inform the customers of the late firm of megarvin fc- soiithsand the public generally that he will continieto carry oft the said business on huowaac- count add solicits a continuance of their patronage i c s smite vioxa illustrated floral outdf a beantiml work of ioo pae one oolorei flower plateand 80 lllnrtratlocs with dj so ri pllons of tue best f lowers and vegetables witti price of seeds and how in crow them alt iqr a five cent stamp in knflish or 7erran vicksseeus are the best in the world frvkcevrelnf post see will tmylhe floaar cicms ulllrc howitcmsnt tbem the flower and vegoubte ciardeu m pasri colored plot e and many hundred ensraviogw- kor 60 cents in paper coves glou in ejwent alert inqprmairorntlsb vloka illostraled monthly maxaslne 83 face aolored plate in every number and many fine engrav tries frlee 126 a year five cartes ibr 15 s 8 peel men numbers asetfor loosnti tuiaiealesor2seta a4rsa attn vtoeaofhi0cr xt catarrh cslartb of 35 rears standmf enred by oonstitotlonal catarrh remsur dropptnn inthron almost to eftoktnf eada4nfrpainalntjboalderstiaek aud kidneys end entire breastnt rwwn or ths kyitam carwl ty coasil lotto nmi catarro beiaedy aooochotksjearsstandinieated by conssltauooal caiarrti remedy catarrh wub droppton in throaty eaostrurfeellnss of nrancflntdlsxl acts fains tneidd weakness of bdneya immedlajelynlietedhrstrmreebilnsit- mad- kew br rue of one bottle or oon- utottaat casatvta k m edr a rain caod ofcaurrn of to yrars itaodlm by roe ot conatlt suona i catan h remedy so bad that it impaired hls eyeslstit- madehlm almost dear tronbled wltu droppings in throat ktransinur bnxslng in bead and fetid ureaid cured by constitutional catarrh bmedy caurrnwithallturcnilarstniriforht for en vears tnst vergtns on consnmp- ttm ennd hr less than fonr bottles con stitutional catarrh remedy bones intha nose eatn out mamory fnoe mind impairpd enrtd by constlvn- tlonal cnuwiremedr catarrh wtibi an it lnthlome attend ants cured by fourrottltsoflhcconm totlonal catarrh remedy for sale by j e ucjanln drugjln aclott i i a oktaejo busiitess college belleville ontario r ottlhto bu8ime8b coueol s bellevilie oroosifn n 8s is noted for lie oioronghnees oi its work and toe practical benefits ot us teaching if piinfjpais are aecoahtanla of practical expert en eeahdaulbor8 of ihe best corka oneookkeepinc and anmaoaitn pubushed iti gitiidejitg snaecrangtarougn ihsoourse are eompoleat to ail good posttkns orcondnct business litemlvesj i fcrents anel young men are nvticdtosendlbrthcnuego circular witloh with reel- mens ofperrmaushlpla mail ed free address roblkeosj 4 johkbos ontario hiudness college belleville tram mark erne beoici i tadi tae great en g- llik bemedv jannnraililog eurerdrbemlna weakness boer malorrbca im- roteney and all diseases that tv mi ct tollow as a e- 7e swn taldmqaenee ofreirlft abuse ns losstrr of memory uoiveraallasslludvralnlntae baefc llmnessol vision premature pld age an man other dl leases lhatiead toxnsanity oronnsumctlonand a premature grave full particnlars in our rajnpnjet whlahwedelretoiendrr bymail toevery one sathebpeweedlelnelsolrjyall druselsuat it ppaokjaora a paoksgei for m r will haunt free by mauonreceipt ottho money bysditresslor i thrjathichk cej rtri pft ca sold in aeton by all drugtisu and ftary wherein canada and tkejnltedsutes by all wholesale and w4tbiau fas -fqk- groceries hardware ftffeijmatism r i n i ii r u haoyafttds h w o m t 9 o ioms iw trst o ld 0 kow niva rare or tirw eabgest asd 8t cokpuste stocks ihlthe province v if job tmu good stliaue ooods call m aem ii rill pa yosv sfcrorthe mij talelcfebi pperyrrndhamstrewt crchien letofebh p stoves r stoves at i hills fo r avhernai tt external ns qteast qojte in the world fffwiit ftii tf- tm ow woriacf tha toieiirfftmedies in ihawovid tor the cure r5heamat- kmjleaialju lcrabajo spinal and urvmaatcnmputlntslearaes7ytiead- aclecrampsprain4tt stviweli hinds 8oa lp- nleiu miff fea dulbaint teeter snottrjesaor breath ot any diseases thatare nlul or sore itll th only article evrirojht be fore the pub he that wllmo tta work perteetlfivnd has been as hj thoas andsfcnavpeaaoirieed to be the best remidy ah reilevtac patoever dls- 7 eoveied fcmili cmd trtmmm aw beaaa forfiafcoyalldeoerj fc per bottle htlbam beauey a reaisea rrafa jabcorjo darijaliifg siat 0ing to achknge in the management of the basineaa aboijt tovkpr 0xauio soa hm deolded lo rnsli of iw itoolfof i bbdts aad shoes for the next month of loat oast prioe anslunde comat oooe and awufe baigaina mt bartiea indebted to the abotetnn will kindly call jpr np thewiflponhu as a chanilrul iwke plaoe about tbe lit of ootobe aid we must hare all acoounta settled bj that dste sir okainedtso alesiocicyoilkaaa of sto tes jut rteavednaetaridiftheiut quality of iron tie finest faiti and lie vk1 handsovksiovt in tm ssarfrt coob toyes c all suet al tiexiy kvett price avtdtctt4tioiof always ox kaxd j aaa reaoialtias and tdvioer earevtok on the ihorteit notice affkivtt ifivpariiit owjify ekiap oojceis ses jot totjaseltes j a mit- septemberhlhrf xy etwurtritmmi fus that aao aalaction of furniture wis keptintown and that it is always reqnired ihavepurchaed a stock of the various lines required- and em prepared to sell at the most reason able prices parties wanting anything a thattline glte him a call andlb vinoed that they can purchase furniture as cheap iuacton as osn be procured in qutlphbr georgetown 1 vstikia while you liyswbli teeatols bajkejr mmm iwotild respeotfully thank my nnmer oris eoalobiers in acton and tbe snr- rounding country and sjllagesfor the bountiful patronage thay base bestowed j on me since 1 started my bakery baisear in tbe well known stand almost oy posit hills grocery atorc and besides orhriaj my thanks 1 would solicit a continuant ai thraaimu3iari7jattortaaft r- r in the future aa io the pajt rvjlbbbi v secqxq ioxomfc ti while my sapf ly ot bcss aad cakes i i are nneqoautd bailaoab oaze jl eps01alct brtetvcor picnics muiictubn- or social eathtrtnss proutttly t and cheaply eiente4 hort nauce l ail requirements in loll department eon- starnlj an hand and a nrst oiass hearse zjturnlkried wtiea reijulred note all parties indebted tn meby either note orbcot socooht will please ekall and settle stohee a i intend t4 close my booksootheslsruee i r john fcpeigaat cim tbulow a asa bu aito ont invert sale board stables mllu street i aotoh i ii arhwie touhrjan get l pirstcloss higs ivtheaseilable rates ctebv commercial bigs an xprea delivery wagon will meet each jxpresa train and deliter gooda to any part of te town j j auwtic indebted to thl es- tewlshment are tthueeted to pay up without further delay and save costs t

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