Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 29, 1880, p. 2

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mm- i zie j h- i ite liiirtwttroiroirtotorjr nrtroiiw ruveca or canada xsavav milttlcvi prvaelitue- lujo tu tn iutf tap jvm claat aturmomlatm aabivhuiajeunlial8tioi mlitmld mtmovftl t- wnyernijliiba uera- vaudiiior tvonlwt mb vouii people slarai ewilhi 3 iitt uiw g friday nluttm ilkv lutlewni laslor i j rbtarririaic ancmiinri ttwr in t u m utdtpth- ciahfltemoulramc4tailv alter c uwiav momtmeevtca sabbattteieucaiat imhiuj n vittkyd a camaok castor kimttvunasiu hjltuko runds- rnmclicfat sj6 rm hibmlvw ueool at fci am imyer itowup 6u vedtcktayevemnjatapm f i lucrcuaf emlaku j suvtoeyutiuy ririiia itsip 8abbul sehuot at i- p m jrcv k lkktbcaub3t j jujmst ihsvictssdyltcmasaitiaitia 4nm iwwiui tkuoot nlmupw itcr lstuemxittetar andthurway evwilot lufm titscmit 8rvtcssejanday crracuinf at 11 a m and spm prater meunrkiluara 8 pui mmiqictt ulkvjtau oke wife srtoatgiowftifina at xaitt ft kcrvtc xuudar preaching at 10sj tn aatmlhsclool nllmo a nx j ctriuuo skkvittntrfontlti tonrfr lu each moutu at toata taoltr ereonanlav rrvfraruaa licifaarisrc ftule actolv ckle puek pallulied eeery rtiurfcdiy horuinp 1 f6raantim w idtsnoe wr iq ja 5ss irsfc um lip hi- s-t- troum tit th morthwtt- are o huve irouue iu oar indian in tiic northwostf capttia yoanj of uie customs dtpartmcat wfanipfg wno tiasitut returned from in cleail jtfit lodisdnt posts ba the ioaadjirj rejiarfs that cattle- belonging to elrs kiwbsen tilled by buct- teet between fqrt itcieod and fort valsli tlionsh tlie indians are acta- illy tumnf llajwe tco prral to fcli ia tie utes aad ponds wbicti are liud tabe leeining ith fisit bat iter are not too proud to steil the cuttle of seufctl tuer can commit tbese tiiofts oa iiorsabaek and thy consider it fcgitioato apart bat anything that ctquircs tie least manual labor jour tru buct feet disdain aad would woner jitarve ttiau kill anything on foot it these deiredtioa are allow ed toeoctinue ce uiall not be at all tarprued to hear that the settlers have tafcm uie law into their own hands and have btmied tnf tiler for niutiiil protection khoold such a continencj arise a sanguinary warfare would be the ret alrmjd where itwoald end it a iwjiosrfofe to foretell for were the oslehet loqcennbarifd all the savage instincta of thaindua would be arotutd- and it wonld tnke uionlhs are perhips jears before thess ia- stinctk coold be jaia snuiued our forh ttiittmbcr uuiita of canadit ire day by day being destroyed with lavish ex iraragaucc 8pm aattonkies belieye t at in fifteea or twenty ynrt the beat of our liiulwr umllf will hire dilappetr- cd british ouluujbia may- iudeedi furnish limber for a long time to come lutt for mailable purposes her limber limits cftntiqt be of as much service as those ia cur imnudintii aighborhood cvase destitute of tinihcr woild be oxnajit ruined and yet this contiu- gener surea us in be face and no vigorous vffurt has koa made to chick the waste uwlcrwliteliottr fureats u passing away thu tarmers cut down but they ia ol pwil evta fur ort mcutattou thy tegard tret a in erery ahitpe as barriers to their success and they often uanecesnly clear patches that might with benefit be left jtaa ling tbo luiulieriuiu do s they pkaac when in the woods fur supervinioa or punish ment for tvckluxs waste or curekasness thote is none thf iitotbertuen thcui- selves will be the 6rst suffcrcrt from ttte scarcity of uraber and unless pirliaatnt ukes measure to protect tho timber limits from talal destruction we may expect in a few years lo hear that the end is approaching before twenty years other luduttries may arise which may in some measure replace the lumber trade and provide for those who would be ruined by the collapse of their business source but if it ever comes to that canadian industry will receive a severe blow and parliament could not be bitter ocenpied than guarding agaiuat it j l russia 4ad ifa jury the anoijtios or trial sr jcet is eoatewpfated in bassis at present it has beettuni impoasihle to pro cure a verdict against the most notdri- gok thiol if any palliation cireamstan ce can iheiaddacei ia his favor a st petersburg cbrrrspondent aara that the inclinttioa to aeqaiit has grown to be k perfect maali boys and women are declared inhoceat for no other reason thin that they are not men and nj ire scrpiitted because they stoid in need of whit tiey stele one tnsian jis given jnt which a man- stole sare coins frnai t vulaabltnumisaittic cwilitiuo aotl rhea irrested enn- frsedlitniclt gui ty sutttr whete the stolen property was concawd at his triaf he plesde natgailty and la fpiteof fee nkye facts he wis acquit- tedhy a jury itiiej efficacy of trial by- jury fite all cher institutioiia defietid fntiiely upon the people by whom it is adxninttf ered t m tin w naasasaweya coancll th jtnnicip it graricitelect for tbe townthip of ifastegaweya met it the caaocif chamber oojionday theisth day of january in accordance with the statuteai the clerk presented the certieqttes of thetr election and all the elected being present signed their de- curatons and iqaalifiottions of office anikfxik f seirseir viz john em- ky eve jataes ifenries deputy jteert jfartd wwlihan david hut- cheon and wml watson councillors tim kcere ia the chair lbjli was iatrodacecl and paraed for the appointment of certain totnshipqfficcrefor tfa earreat year viz james htraag and jaates stsn- cooibe aaditors 5l ilcjlillaa assesijr and wnxogie collector itri hutcbeoa llored seconded oy icktienaea that the suui of 1500 1 a paid to t j starrett for prtnting300 copies of minutes uyljws and ac counts and a further sum of 359 for kktera for fhevominatipa aad election of the municipal coaacil carried it was ordered that the collector of this towhihip be paid a salary of one hundred dollars per annum for he collection of all tazes school tares iucludedifiy inw no 2 for 1877 being aineaded aecocdiogly it was ordered that the sum ef oiie dollar be refunded to each of the following named persons being errors in asscsktngdogs viz john mcclibbon james ifoaaglian joseph hiitnes and tcej sioriy mr jlehzies moved seconded by mrf wlieclilian lhat mrs allcock a kwr and icdigpflt person be paid the sum of three dollars per moathfn- stesd of two at formerly on motioa tjife board sdjoarned o meet onjonday tve 9th day of feb ruary next wreteive tha auditors reuort nd w pix a bylaw for the appoiutaieirt of overseers cf highways etc r jo vrt clerk for authorized correspondence the mitor irhlle wllllnx woma uti col uratlk frir lite lice dlcuisiauof all matters ac pabuelnlrrpldcec not hold ulmiellln anj carrexjnuhicrirui opinions ot rii eor rrondentk oorreiiaodent are reqaetied lobebrteio wrltlnrlble ftotl on cue fide ofthclrpiner enlf all letur mud iw rc eomrruabylhnarae aud addrk or lli writer not neceiaarltr for pubucallcu bu tr aaendesce qlaood aikli ttmius t3o du wish logalhoi leih to aoqulta an appetite to enjoy a rogu- lar habit of body ho obtain refreshing sleep lo feel and fcoow tha t every fibre and lliiut of vow ajilsm la being b raced and tenotoledfilf o commence al ones arid u laequlame wine prepared by norlhtp ft tyaau of toronto and ln a short time you will fool the whole system fovlfoiatiaov and itrengthtaed it i a hellknown faot that quinine has been acknowledged by the median faculty for many years as the bel appe- llierand oqlo known andforgenaral debility this eomblnttlon will be found superior lo ail oilier prepuralloai and combined u it is with fine thtrry wine an 1 choice aroautlcs it la mad an agraeau- and plaiaant int igoraior lo the whole lyileni- the propertlea of quinine are a labrifuge toriio and anil periodic small doaea fwcjuently re pasted tlrenglhen the pulse increase mutoular force and invigorate the lone ol the nerve iritetn the peoullar operalioi of his medlolue inj general debility acd as an appetiser has under gone long and dote observation and it is heliered it will never fall if pioperly and judiciously sdmintilered unleu olher dueaies predominate of a dflerent chancter persons of weak constitu tion may lake it without lue itau diffi culty ot it strengthens the stomach aad digestive organs and seldom require more than one or two battles to edeat s decided bauefit as it contains nothing injurious lo the most delicate conitltu- lion rememoer to ask for the quinlae wine prepared by northrop lyman toronto and weace sure you will be jatiseed hat you have full value for jourmony sold by a js morrow actio aad all medicine dexlers r floxtil feed stoejfflji lawson bros li ijie peopla fu dr me tuehior bwwifw to lie rluar qc ke frte prru deae sta in your issue of hut week aripeaad a letter rom s young lady who ssyuhe caught a bachelor and advising them to beware of the fair cex during this eventful year leap i year well mr editor during us week i happened to overhear a certain conversation and accidentia found o t how one of the fair sex made good m e of leap year in catching a bachelor ai d i at the same time raids up my mind that this bachelor would not bo might this year everybody kniws at least every young lady knows that this is leap year it was established for the express purpose of giving every nnaiar ried lady in the land the opportunity of chanting fcer condition in life by proposing wedlock with the bashful young man of be r choice we shall not describe the exact locality or citua rion of the rooms but we may fay in cidcntally that the irtition was not 60 thick or so close fitting as partitions should be ia such cases she sat hy the stove he aat by tho stove 8 he on nae side he oa the other it wis cold and dreary on her side the car rrnt of air circulating amongst her drooping curia adisoauhed hr to tefc shelter beside his manly form thus it came to pass that they cere chatting pleasantly side by side this is a dreary world says fhe especially whra one is not blessed with agreeable- companions yea says be how do yoa hfce living in acton f says she oh prettyarell says he line ia rather lonesome sometimes well yoa shaold go oat more and get better acquainted says she youve led a bichelori life long enough i know 1its of giruwho would be glad to have you is that so v says he ytt i wouldnt mind taking yoa myself says the why jennie 1 says he then the two chair mytterioutly mov ed closer together and the conversation grew more affectionate byandbye there was s qneer sound ia the room resembling the meetipg of tiilipsl fact ilr editor but plaise dont ask me for farther particulars lam yopre truly a bickeivoa who wokt be caught tttt ctudle raksmw ra actnu oo the 22nd inl the wife of mr tha rnuhsw of saoa ifcdoxatn in equtiinia the 19th imt the wife af r a mcdonald of a ion stoiicvsos in turonto 7 king st liist the wife of ifr win stephenson formerly of acton of a ion the attai ilasalasjstronixrox in acton at the melhuditt pirfooxce on the 2sth iwt by tho rev g uubbi ilr jamci hyron masalas to tfary danshter o thomas middlcton eaq all of llrin actot lsaikltk rajole to the woather always rejoice in the weathet if it tains consider how tbe rain fiills up the springs and the rivers and makes wir power for the manufactories and work snd wages for those employed in them and how niueh ait ample supply of water addee to the comfort of all if it is warm in mid winter bear ia miad how much saffcring it sxret to those who have little orno fuel if it is cold be grateful for the btaeng to your nerves and the sharp ening of your faculties which aredeiv ival from a cleat air and low tempera ture dj not grumble shout tbe westher aehroaie fanltfindar about anything makes himself a bore and a nuisance rjoice in the weather even ia tha beautiful snow though yoa are aick of the controversy relative to its authorship be glad of the weather whatever it is god orders it and he ordereth all tilings anglt thougftf ha had a sura thing- the clerk who confessed a week or two since that he was a defaulter to his employer in th sum of eighteen hundred dollars told just how he had bean led astray he had t peculated in stocks on the suggestion of a- friend whom he thoaght reliable in wall street mattaa here is a warning to the young men of the day who are iacfinedito operate ia stocksevea withtheir own money in almost all casoe there is a friend on- whom relunce is piaeed aud this friend geaerally tuinsout a snare and a delusion as in the instance of this ynuug uerk whose p-xspecta- foe life are destroyed white vheat treadwcil f i 1 sprinr wheat glujw i kedcuiit 1 oats 0 teas 0 barley 0 esgt perdaz 0 hatter dairy packed 0 batter rallt u potstoct per lug 0 applee par bag 0 sneepakias p hide per cwt c wood per load i kay per ton 7 straw per load i wool 0 urexed hogs 4 cicltk wabkct floar f- white wheat t ireadrrll i spring wheat olxijow redchiffi 1 1 oita 0 pcaa 0 barley 0 kffl per dot 0 batter daily packed 0 rattr rolu 0 potitoea per fiag 0 sheepskins 0 idea ner cwt 7 eiav per ton 6 applet per hag 0 wool q ufeaaed kopa s 12 to t is 10 to 1 15 05 to i 10 os to i os 30 too 34 55 too co 50 to 0 si 12 to 0 15 u to 0 is is to 0 18 5 to 0 50 co too 80 50 to 0 75 50 to j 00 50 lo i 00 00 to 8 00 00 to 00 is lo o ai 75 ut 5 25 75 to x 00 15 to t is 16 to 1 is 10 to 1 is 11 o i ic u to 0 35 mtogh s to 0 55 is to 0 c ig too is iff too 20 to 0 60 80 to t 75 00 to 7 50 oo to 7 fin so to o o ik to 0 so 50 to 5 75 would rtrelfollr inlbnn aemusaa vicinity inalllv 1 in lue nrenha orpomi oarvlnl rtildn flour ahd feep store alwlllapeonsuhtiionhanda ulliuiekon ftolk f alt lin dsriiolading failly flour buck wheal hoar jrahani flour kellft corn ileal oat ideal cracked wheal bran coarse fehorli tine shorts chopped peas chopped oau utxed chops oats and ptai and all tcindi olj fetd usually kept in a hniclmi itora fstml quodz icliixrtjj lo any pari af me allaye at iooii us ordertd s5sx cull it rctptclfully sorwtef lawmn ir0s acton jan is180ii attention r attention 1 1 pennine harpers bazaar pat- term full aitlu only ks cenh straw axn felt hats axoposxrth doss qytts ix all tux latest stvlzh mrs e k pass rtishes to is- coltu the ttlleaof aelonkudtlelullr mat iliehaa tatelr learnt the ft en mule or cudlnff and flttiug aad it now pnnarel to tte even oreiter sttiuctloa uua rormatfr vedalor and funeral howe i emmimej dreuec and jaekctx cut and a perfect fit pwranieyd it a reasonable prfee korktrliah andcbean oati and bonnet go tu j hrfkipati il ttcaeortftkdaaareanetpb kassaoawjeta ilttlslb33r fc shinclejvfllls peter laflri woold intimate last b uaa on nand at ills mint la kaiwrawtfa formerly known ai cartlut mill a larse stock of lumber lath and shi holes of all klodc and qoalitlet oheap so i shingles 9130 per square bill stuff cut to qruer teemsoash petek savers acton dee b tv i flew boot shoe shop on lie verge af ike grace- such was the condition of jxoset a walker ofderry n h with congestion ol the lungs and chroaic catarrh two bottles ol the constitutional catarrh remedy entirely restored mi to health and to use his own words built up my whole system the remedy is for sale by all druggists llagyards yellow oil combines- la such an eminent degree all the hraling curatire and cxtscticg qualities known to medical science that it is rulya family medicine thai cannot be dispens ed with when applied to any swelling sore burn chilblain frostbites skin eruption etc its effects are magical it is highly esleemed wherever lnoivn and itt enormous sale anqually is the best certificate of its merits wwtluasis would respect- kuldv intimate lo th peoile of acton and vlclnftr thai lie his opened a bii a khoe ktop in the bnl tains opue v kktoreiaglova vorkaqtt hcla tttaxxr actox i anyone in wantofa tcbttantlai snd loodttltinj i boot or shoe hoait nocfiiltolttlhirorncrtliii tuad 4tt4hd4 to i w williams actoosjt j ict j to a r r f t mo n dty 1 b year arn loetlur xa ritic vomen do tt trll tec men msny make more tban tiie flmooct of- fcrcti above na one can tm to make make modej- fat anr od can dotteirarfc yoamafcefromjcutajj n hoar by tfevouocyoar erenlaje m ipare ume to the baslnea it cnsu nothlnr to it theburinem kcrthitijcairetcfiirmoaejnik- luc ever offered before baniat pleafaat and mcil faoaoiahte ita4erir roa antto fc o all aixmt tha beitpjijicc brnlnt leq thepahilc and ve will ben joa full partfljar and prlrflt terms free tampic ori also free yaa eta then mitfce uo roarmind far yatmelf ad- drwaueottiesrinsok co tortjand maine brutal outrage- a eawhucameurderoarnotteifhereth6 aliaman father of most prmfslnc cfiiw auflertnf fromatloleiit at laclcdf croup whlcli threateued every moment to tarmlaai fa iaur actaallt- refused wrpend zse utoa a boliltt of wawnt compoadd brrap of wild cherry nllhoajh ttmttd by a neighbor that nhn fcnw it woatd itvmhe uttle gaaferer im medlale rellefand cflecta speedy care wilton wild cherry never fall it is pl eaan t co take nd la equally efficadona far children or adnua in aenerat debility chronic uronchhiinr wcafclnnca the tome eraoetifrs afthe wild cherry baric era fully roaehtlntopayandtaeontlaned axe will befoand to increase the appetite improve the dffcttion and glr tone and vicar to the whole xyctem ttie larjeriltedbottlethcld more in riropcirtioa thna the smaunnd those who biady economy will oarchare either the mcorlliiw hold byaudmntiu it a hosts nwrantaed li adayathome made by the ndairtrioua cspluv not re- oalred we will itart yoa ilea women txiyi and priir majco money faater it work far us thin atnytblac etie the wort is ugh tand pleasant andiaehai hdyooe can go rlehtat thcaewlto aiewlse who fee tlili notice will scad us tbelraddrerv at oce and ceefarthemielvea cuy cauu and lena free kot it the time thce already at- work art laying aplargeams of moaeys address true tfc co aufimta ifalne vrok ufutfrafed floral oufdt abeaatlftil work of 100ipee one colored flower plate and 600 luajlratloi wlthtfe scrfpuonaofthebestplowfnandvexetahre with price ofieedf aad how in prw theiu alt lor a fivecent stamp la enjllsh o flermti ticks 8eed3 artf the bwt in the world five cksw lor poitvsc will bay the feooal gvjidc tflllur how to ixc them the klovrer and vegetable uarden 175 faceffrscolored ptatef and many hundred engravtntx kor 60 cent la paper eoreni jlooln eleeantcloch ia3rmaoorengib vok illoatrated monthly maaalioo33 faces aoiiored plata ineverynaraberood many floe eoeravfoaff iprce ft2s a year five copec for l50q specimen nuraberi ntrctlenuirfirtole for seta addrew jjue8 vfcgeoe better wy j x- m rw 1 am mul school books of i all kindsj slates catar11h catarrh of s yea f standi nr cared by caqitltattonal catarrh remedy oropplngc intb runt almost to choklnfr eadaebe palnalnflboalders baefc atul rudneyiaad entlra brtskinff ivtvq of to krum eared by coanitalfanal caurra beuedy 1 a coaga ojsjeaiviuodliiif eared by coaitltauooal ctturrh remedy caiarrtt with ofoppiogafla throat eaaitnjr feelings of ivrongllntf dlxzlncw taln- in hide and waktxa of kldnaya mmcdaletyreuetedhutbi4mlnir mdxw bf aae of fine ooule of con- lutatlonal catarrh kemrdys a man cartd of caburn of q yean standing by ate of coaautatloaal catan h beraedy i sobndlhatjc mtatred h eyptfrht- kadehlmalmoetdeaf i troa wed with droppni in throat etrasgdnr btizzlng in head and fedd h real ff cared by coaflliutional catarrh rraedy caarfhwtlhaniureuirrtmpom forieavearft verging ah ocmnrni p- tma cared by leaa than jbar botllei con l utipni catarrh remedy danh in the note eaten oat memory gone mind impaired cared by oowtutt- uonnl catarrh brmedx catarrh with all it lotblomt xtted antaearfd by rourbottuioflh cotuu- lallonal catarrh remedy i for tale by j e mcoarvtn dnigtftt acton i b ha8lett ouldaknouscktothk citr kknk of an and rlelnllw thai be s jul opened 10 bit nw ptamltc a felt ketetlett ttitk f oryccods cr0cerie8 crockery i cla88ware and hat he is prepared o sell aj the most reasonable prices for oband would respecifully lollcltasbareof tnelr patronage country produce taken ix i kxciungu eemeniber ue lrisw store mill st east acton j b ha8lett acton ufcolhuf excelsior b l etnickhn take this opportunify of thanking their friendt aad patrons for their very lib eral support fa the past od trust ihit they will continue ic v7 i hate aliuya on band a fall f jopply of bread cakes subs pasxav c 0 n p e otio nert fruits canned fist dattneej cornmeaj qraham and baclc- jwheat flour c ovc all of which we are prepared to fell at bottom pbioes for oa8h id eonneeuon wllh the bakery we nav oat opened an oyster parlor and will serve orstera in everysiyle we bare also coartantly da hand at lock of oysters in both can sod bulk cheap is atrt 6ttpprf nrtiisd t liortcstaatlca ut weidlig otiti msdataordar b e nicklin complete -at- heatrrpivesicbirr jbeaveb ovss- f- ooatiira at d fstobtes f0r grooeries hardware n ontario business college belleville ontaeio ottakio bu8ihe88 couecl belletille twujrnsti tic iaej ta noted for tbe i thorooyhnesa o t tla work and he practical benefits ot lit leacbln lis itlneipaja ar aeconnuntc of practical xperienceadanthors of lb bettworti on bookkeeping andpenmansbtppnbllsbed iu student after tomtbrbogh thecocrse jro compeiant to an rood posiik n or coaddct bnsfness inamselvea rarenltand younsmenar invited to send for th- colleca eltcoiar wblcb wiih bpecl- mt- n ofpenmanintnis mall- eofree addrcat aoatkeox 4 johm80n xlntarlo badness caaen bellerllle griri fpecicic medici trade mask tradf x tie great ear- lisk kemcdr an nnfalllna cnrflfor8emlnr weakneta gner matorrnea fjn- potaney and all diseases tbat abuse at lost ofmemory tjnlvaruirjultndefatnlntli baos ulmneaaol vuloopremtlnreold an andmanyofaeruaejcstbatiadtoinianuy orconsnmpuonand spremalareorave jarfull partlonlart in onr pamphlet whleh wr desire lo tend free by mall to every one sstthe speilor medicine it sold by all droniiuat 1 pepaouse or hi paoktet for ia orwtkb sent free by nxall on rtoaipt oftbe money byaavretalnr tbk gstat medkte tfwtllo0l hold in acton by all drbtrtnt and every wherein canada and thetunlkd states by all wboieaala sad rati drealaiuail i y pencils jpapeiy o q m w 0 k o hag yards peotolftal j j for tbe tpeedr permanentcareof ckt raids and all dikwi or use tkreat aad lanaa it it formed from lb best known and moat reliable knlsama unmi anit r- etabl1vniesln ehemleal unkrt with tbeatraci of wild cberrr baft and llqdorlcetuthelrfretbandvsndaller aledfnrmt and m tae moatpleasant sid efleetlve combtnatloslast can be secured- wllh a view to perssanent i lelmorcureot j itoartaum- cougki cbw uuy tijlitetiia iflioopintt coyhoaiarrh atma acute aad chrvwe braa- cldtu acute and chvuic puur- iey spilling of stood and all duvait of hi tmgt for tale by all dealers fusc per bottle hllbarn be alley 4 reanoa lrp toronto 5000 customers wanted this week j t ths cestual boot shoe store too cajt bov ssttxs boots xo sbobs assaxtbrttssbasoativs in actoa than to so away from bome to make your purehata call at craine 301ts jtjiibtobs notice all parties indebted to the lata firm ol fyfe t mcxab are requested to eau and settle the tame immediately i j fyfe pens and inks suitin ji hers a act beiq call fu 0 o k ao cents v- s at j fyfes i js trojiserfngsin great llltovfttiillirlow rats for cask variety at j fyfes deslronj efrtmnlnglh stock law the aiove goods wtll be a acalk lwet1vriaitfvvt caalt atayerv it the eatt end clothing sore j fyfe rnitufte rurfiture ejoihif worsepld co qn kow have axr oy rhi largest usd host complete stocks of e ist i t tj b m ik the pkovince if you aant oocd rdiablexlvxu call on them f vm pay yo be ciiatk hailelnn bk ct dpper wyniniam street trtlpb ojt stoves stoves vvjme you live civewell t eastok i bikee acrpiy y at jtaiidnnt stwxithi ofavw o0 asd 00 he tfepiember 1 wond respectfully thank my nanier c j i iq oascusjoniers in aptou and tbe sor- founding country and villages for the tiounliful patronage tbey have besiowed on me tine i started mr bakery business in the well known stand almostopposito hillvjrbcery store and besides cflering my thanks i would solicit a coalinaanc of their esteemed patronage ofilliidi of sto ves just a kactvrtd of lie ieit quality e jmeji finish ad the most coqk stoyes of allut al he qr tovttt- prkt icitf ttlctf dock hf atwaison kayb eats rs tjganfa av q roas itriv spejliltles naot trill be extend x uurxttl hoticr a l jp i zi- of fperior itiality cheap sssfoitonasaistss a cbill fwllnfe tha aano iteilow of furnilu e wasj kept in town and that it is slwsyi requffed hare purchased a slockof th j various lines required and am prepared to sell at the boost reason able prices paities wanting anything that lice give hima call and be coo- rineed bal theyleanjiurcaase furnjlure lis cheap in aoloji as dan be proeurett in quelph or3eorgelbwn uliderfakikg a11 reontretaestt ttnliy aa band fnrnitbu note liber note r andaettlea books on tbi ks ir boi once list job gtitlcht oorr wllloi r a anas sta iclon ont go to in thlsdeparuneat cob and a ont claaa bears whea rtqulred i trbas indebted tn ma by aeoonnt will plea mll i aa i intend to dote my j k me in thefalore u is the pw nj btrea wlti be sbgqjf to wvtwvs j while mr supply of btns andcajt ra nneqnalled bauasad loazz a tpaolaxtt ordert for ptaiies tcabneeilnsrs or sodril entherinfs frotnpuy nn cheaply execnted i short notice it easton t ma i i 41 i iti rl saile board fttabl mill street aotom jawhexe yoa can get firstclass eigs atmpjljbate8a hod commercial eige i t- f anjxpreb dejlrery wagon will meet each express train and deliver goods to any psirt6ftne town aupnrues indebted to this e- tabllsfimrtrt are reonted lo pay up wiliout urther delay aqd save coats bavkattfcevs gavins jc i r

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